The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, April 29, 1905, Image 4

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A. D. ORII'I'IN. Alniiuirux
Office Aii Second St., cor.
I'ortUnJ, )
Rnlrwl ntthepotnfllci
initccotid'ClKus )n utlt-r.
One Year, payable In nd
' nnti 2
nlm for and desire only a common nnd as their present position 1b not only
not n higher education, nnd especially humiliating to them hut an injury to
one along Industrial lines, one that the state, which neodB thorn or some
will ho practical. Hut the same rule successor In Congress next fall.
app'lo3 to white people for that mat I They may not resign If convicted,
tor. The- .masses of them do ont need for they would still have the right
and cannot profitably use a profession- of appeal, which they would douhtlcss
nl or even n lilrhcr education. There exorcise, hut If tho evidence Is stiffi-
f nro many exceptions nmong tho whites dent to convlnco tho Jurors of their
and not so ninny among tho Negroes, guilt, oven though tho degree or quan-
hut the latter have only had a little tlty of guilt may not nppenr very great
over a generation In which to gain or to most people, yet It would he their
many people In tho aggregate over
tho mental precipice at whoso hnse
lies the dark and terrible gulf of In
sanity. We cannot bollcvo that truo relig
ion requires, or that tho Almighty de
sires or even purposed or approves,
that method of teaching or portraying
religion that make somo people crazy,
should he employed.
It Is well for preachers and their
religious tenchers to ho earnest, oven
w&SGfovSi&iy?1' s?vrt
PLE. A Inrgo number of educators and
philanthropists havo been In sosHon
during tho week In Columbus, South
Cnrollnn, In tho eighth ninul conven
tion of the Southern Educational So
ciety, whoso object Is larro'y lb for
warding of tho work of education
nmong tho colored pcoplo rf tho south
ern states. Reports tnnclc of t'io work
nro encouraging, and great f lib Is
felt that tho condition rf the Negro
rnco In the south will In grndunlly
much Improved by o Micntlon.
There Is yet n largo nnd probnbly
n predominating portion of the well-to-do
nnd Influential white people of
tho south who do not believe In and
will not encourngo tho education of
mni!lf"st attainments, while tho whlto duty to resign before Congress meets enthusiastic, and for religion to bo n
rnco has hail ccntuilcs In which to ngaln, for their usefulness as members
evolve. We do not say that thoro nro of Congress would bo destroyed, nnd,
no rrclal differences, but do maintain as stated, It would bo injurious to
thnt neither theso differences, such as Oregon to bo represented In tho next
they may bo, nnd still loss tho color Congress by only ono man.
of Iho Ncroes, should not provent i On this account, nnd also becauso of
them from encouragement and aid In the good they have done for Oregon,
giadunl evolvomcnt and advancement and tho Btrong nnd numerous friend-
tli rnu h the process of education, and ships they havo made In tho state, It
also throrgh n roasonnblo degree of Is to ho sincerely hoped thnt tho cvl-
common contact with tho nt present denco will not bo sufficient to warrant
admittedly superior raco In nttnln- conviction. Even then tho defendants
ments. might not havo tho Influence they
Tho Negro Is a citizen, a man or would havo had they not been nccuscd
woman, a taxpayer, almost Invariably and Indicted nnd It Is Improbable that
warm, living, nctlng sentiment, but
under the frantic and theatrical ap
peals of professional revivalists re
ligion In weak or 111 balanced brains
becomes a destroying flnme, consum
ing reason and driving many annual
ly to asylums.
HBaaTjBaaBBJJSaiira yTwWff?P3BwBIBPBw8MjjlMMM HiL's- . vv
his wife, "A llttlo better than his dog, bo otherwise If the ovldcnco wnB film-
a Utile lower than his horse
It Is only a week now till tho prl-
tho Negroes; who believe nnd tench mnrles, and naturally the cnmpalgn
that education Is not brnollrlnl but of tho candidates, especially for may-
on the contrary Injurious lo tho black or, Is warming up, nnd Indications nro
pcoplo; that they thereby got fnlso that It will bo at summer bent the lat-
Ideas of their Importance nnd vainly tor part of noxt week. Each ropubll-
nnd dlsnstcrously seek to get out of can candidate for mayor Is now "put-
their proper sphere, and thnt cduca- ting In his best licks,' or his friends
tlon of the colored people only ciiiiscb are for him, and the result Is In doubt,
trouble between tho races. Theso Mayor WillaniH tins no club, but ho
whlto pcoplo nro thoso who think thnt needs nono, an tho other cnndldntcs
Negroes, merely on ncrount of their do, for not only does everybody know
racu and color, cannot rlso and should nil about him, but nearly everybody .... ... .....
' Ject than It has yet obtained.
not no oncourngeu or perrvitio i to rise irony Knows mm personally, arm no
nbovo tho status of rncnlnl servlcp. hns a Binnll army of men, moro effee-
or to becomo to nny extent Indopcn- live perhaps than any club, practically
dent and responsible clllronn. On tho In his ofllclnl employ. IIo Is their uu-
By or tho offonscB trifling In tho pub
lics Judgment, nnd If In popular esti
mation, they nro tho victims, ns they
or their defenders Insinuate of persecution.
At nny rnto, It Is well that tho cases
will Boon proceed to trial, nnd that
tho public ns well no Jurors carofully
delected will read or hear nil tho ovl
dcnco and bo better ablo thorcfrom to
form an opinion respecting tho charg
es against tho distinguished defend
ants. There mny bo two or moro
opinions even thon, but tho evidence
nn produced fully In court ought to
give the public moro light on tho sub-
Tho poplntlon of Oregon Is rapidly
Incrcnslng now nnd will Increnso still
more rapidly in the near future, nnd
i wo would like to see, nmong tho many
tens of thousands of Immigrants, a
I rnnrl anrlnb tlno- nt In.lnetf Iah.
an Intelligent worker In somo way, nny of thorn oven If ncqultted would ....
, , , , , . ,. . ... I colored people. A considerable number
and can no longer bo considered as bo returned to his present position , . . .
. .. ,, .. . . . ,.i. . ,.. . .. .... i.. of such could find omploymcnC hero In
a poot snld nn Eng'lshmnn considered at tho end of his term, though It might
ui.u taiNitu; ur iwiuuiur iney arriv
ed with little or no monns, though
there Is no urgent demand hero for
a largo additional amount of colored
Inbor. But na tho city, and other Ore-
gon cities grow, a larger number of
colored workors In various capacities
for which they nro especially adapted,
can nnd employment or occupation,
nnd thoro Is no good reason why tho
nurnbor of urban colored rosldontn In
Oregon should not grndunlly Incronso,
along with tho great lncrcaso of whlto
Thoro Is nlso room nnd opportunity
In tho country, romotc from townn or
ovon nenr them, for colored families
with monns enough to buy a llttlo
land nnd mako a Btart thereon, nnd
who nro willing to work In -raising
grain, Btock, garden truck, fruit anil
A Scattlo man became- violently nnd poultry. Prices of such products nro
other hand, however, thoro Ib an In- porlor, nnd n word from him would hopelessly Insnno on account of at- high horo. Tho climate is mild, tho
creasing number of Influential nouth- retain or discharge thorn, henco ho tending tho Chapmnn rovlvnl meet- pcoplo nro goncrnlly fair nnd liberal,
orn whites who aro disposed to on- needs to rent no hnll nor distribute ,nRH. thoro, nnd very likely many nnd colored men who dcslro nnd nro
courage Negro education, nt lenHt to any lltornture, casea, most of them leas aggravated, ablo to engngo in nn agricultural oc-
n limited extent nnd ospoclhlly along Tho Olafko nnd Alheo booms nro mtl' ,)0 found In every city visited by cupntlon could find no better North-
IndUBtrlnl lines, nnd wo think It mny growing; Mr. Rowo, who roturned lll rovlvallBtH. Religion Is n good orn Btnto, nt lonst, than Orogon.
bo safely predicted thnt this sontlmont homo only n fow days ago, has many ,lllnB. nt l'n8t It " regarded by a
will grow In tho Bounth until, pcrhnps, adhoronts; Mr. Cooper promises to cut Srent number of very Intelligent nnd
In the somewhat distant futuro, It will no Binnll figure In tho fight, nnd It conscientious pcoplo, but It la only n
lio gonornlly acknowledged that tho would not bo snfo to leavo Mr. Mor- i:o! thing when ontcrtnlncd nnd net-
oducntoln of Neuroes to a consldornblo rill out of tliu calculation. led rensonnhly, practically nnd In moil.
extent will bo benllclnl not only to While a pretty anfo guess might bo "ration. It la not good for n steady rn months ago of hln removal, has
them but to tho whites. Intelligent .mndo as to tho outcome, wo might be ol ,llot fr t" mind, for In this very "Cl'l o '! appeara to have given on
labor Ih alwiiya the best nnd chenpoHt mlstnken, nnd It Is Ib beat to make no Practical world mnny other things nro tiro antlafnctlon to tho government at
Safes, Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Fire
proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled.
Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972
BaaaWaaaVt "am 9' 'VTBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY faBBaaaaal
1 ' fck i,i f f w WBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal iBBaa1
HIBaaaWa i BaaaaaaaaaaaaTfn aa
BaaaaV itiaaaaaaaaaaaaaar'JrS
Alf.'ii 'r'Zw;KR' cnBrftBBH
SWIFT &. COMPANY So. Omal a, Nebraska,
An J All Fresh Cuts for Hotels
Ono of tho federal ofTlclnla of Ore
gon who, notwithstanding aomo rum-
Washington. Is United StntoB Marshal
W. F. MatthowB. Mr. Mntthows has
boon a political leader hero, and gen
erally n very successful one, for a long
labor, oven If hlghor wugoH havo to bo predictions, except that each cnndl- "Imolutoly neceaiinry to think about,
paid for It, and there Ih no reason to ditto will receive quite a largo coinpll- ,ll,l nuolt nl net P-
iihsuiiio that colored people furniah nn mentary vote, and tho nomlnoo will ' Emotion Ib not religion, nor any pnrt
exception to this rule, and If a far become tho candidate only by n flinnll lreof, though It mny bo a symptom
larger proportion of Houthern NegrooH plurality, unleim somo withdrawals nl n oulwnrd exproshlon of genulno tlmo, and In tho rtorco factional figths
Hhould becomo workers In many wnyu taku jdaco. well hb fancied rollglous conviction (tlmt havo occurred ho of courso made
for theniHclves, Independent of orn-1 Tho most numerous list of cnndl- ("1 conversion. A little occnalonnl , somo temporarily bitter enemies, who
ployorn, ami housoholdorH and busl- dates for any other olllco Ih thnt for emotion doea no harm elthor to tho strove mightily to dlslodgo him or
noHB men, miroly that would be no dot- municipal Judgo, but in this coso tho mental or phyalcnl ayatem, rather "ring him Into disfavor; but without
rlment to tho people of either race lit reault appears less doubtful, though ' Rood, perhapa; but too .much emotion nvall. Closo investigation evidently
that acctlon of tho country. ithrce or four candidates will receive i t"; ono must uo carorui not to let conv.nceu mo governmeni tnni "jock-
Somo wrltera, nmong them W. E. n large number of votes each. The emotion mnko reason cnptlve.
Curtis, In the Chicago Record-Herald, other contests of most Interest will be The troublo with tho cniBndea
lnvn rnrnntlv rnnrH..ntn.l Mm Nnrrruu tn M.n offlnn nf ollv iittnrnnv mill cltv rOVlVallatB llko tllO Chapman COm- Competent and OfTlclent OfflCOr. So h0
In tho south ns a trilling or mlschev. treasurer, with tho chances, at least Pny is that thoy play almost alto- la likely to remain whero ho la during
ioiiB, If not a vicious lot of pcoplo, In tho latter enso, In favor of tho pres- gethor upon tho emotlona, upon fenra President Roosovolfa term, and Ore
whoso appreciable elevation and nd-, ent Incumbents of thoso ofllcos. nnd vaguo dealrea and longings, nnd eon could not havo a man In that po-
vnncemont. oven crndunllv. worn botb Tim nrolmblv nominees for council- suporatltlonB. Inatend of appealing to mon capauio or rilling H ueucr,
' : --
Impossible and .undesirable; but .moat man In two or threo wards, nt least, reason. Thoroby thoy mny make
of theno eBtlmatea aro made from rep- can bo easily picked out wbllo in other I many additions to tho churches of
reHontntatloiiH mndo by tho closs of wanU tho reHiilt Ih unoertnln.
w "w ""w"
was all right, nnd everybody knows
of and admits that ho la a peculiarly
whlto people flritt mentioned In this It bcciiih to be generally belloved
article, and from observation of ex- (hut Dr. Hnry Lane will be the demo-
ccptloniil cuhob rather than from a cratlc cnndldnto for mayor, nnd wboth-
Hcrutlny of tho whole raco. Of course or ho will havo any ebanco for o'octlon
lu no large a population there are many or not depends, of course, on how
worthlesH or worHu Negroes, anil too much tho republican voto Ih split up.
ofton these aro held up by southerners for thoro may bo ono or moro liulepc
and northern visitors aa tmmplcH of dont republican candidates,
the whole race. Hut It Is proved by Hut for n week to come there will bo
abundance of other testimony and nd- lively hustling nmong those who do-
mlttcd by many southern whites, that Br n Htrve the city but let us hopo
a leasonable amount of education Is f()r (be tlly's us well as their own
good for black aa well hh for white KomJ.
people, and must and docs ultimately
Nobody need go Into tho exposition
pcoplo who do not go Insane, but In- grounds dry Insldo, or remain dry
oldcntally thoy drive or lead a good long nfter coming out.
IMEVE1TWX4II , MtT Ti miff
Manufuctured bY
Portland, Ore. San Francisco, Ca..
beuelltboth races.
It being granted that education Ih
a good thing for tho common people,
for farmers mid .mechanics and work
ers of all kinds as well as for profos
bloual men, and It having been demon-
The decision of Judgo Uelllngcr on
the motions In abatement In tho land
fraud cases, as was generally antici
pated, was In tho government's favor,
stratcd In numberless lustnucoa that and nu It cannot be appealed from and
Negroes aro capable not only of ob- the demurrers will doubtless be de
taining but of using properly an edu- elded tho same way, tho defondnuls
cation, It follows that the theory that will be brought to trial at an early
the education of colored people Is date, probably early In June, nnd It
elthor impossible or undestrablo has s expected that Senator Mitchell will
nothing left to stand on. Wo think, Ui first tried on ono at least of tho In
however, with Hooker Washington dlctmentH against him, and Rcpresen
that as u rulo Negroes should only tntlvea Hermann and Williamson noxt,
BflSjBjBjBjf SjBaaasftS'MlMnaBjBjBjBJi
BaaytT .aMfsH
For Councilman First Ward
Vote for
Robt A.
For Nomination for
First Ward
on the
Primary Election, Nay 6
The Largest Exclusive
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The PACKARD Shoe, of which
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Tho Phillips Shoo Co.
is leaving nothing un
done to demonstrate
tho merits of tho Pack
ard Shoo.
At the price of 3.50 it is tho cheapeM
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and leads all in styles.