THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. AG0O6S)$XS'9(&&XS)99 i Topics of (i) .4 Tf, tne limes g l' liiinnlli1o fn Imv n rnnn off If bo li on the squnri). Still It mlRlit be well to suggest that Nlcholns inny have a little money put away In a stocking. A lobster trust hns been organized. Bet tho Florodora glrln are among the heavy stockholders. Civilized humanity In coming rapid ly to tho corfvlctlon that Gen. 8ner man understated the case. When two persons tacklo a duet It looks its If they ouht to sing it In half tho tlmo ono could but they ai n't Tho vermiform appendix has been found to bo useful. Hut the discovery comes too late for the expendixed gtn ration. If a young man lets a girl have her own way during the courtship he will Bnd It dinicult to break hor of the babtt after murrlnge. According to a girl essayist In a Philadelphia school, "Roys wear out everything but soap." She must have sad some brothers, else sue could not have been so familiar with her sub ject "Dr. Osier," remarks the Charles ton News and Courier, "has aged rap Idly In tho last few days." Dr. Oslor may not bo as young and handsome as ho was, but he knows mora than bo did. A Ilerllu physician says no girl un dor 1(1 should practice dally on the piano, and that no girl over 10 should dovoto inoro than two hours a day to such practice. I'upers evcrywhorn please copy, "In the streets of St. Petersburg very third person wears crepe," says the Associated Press correspondent And all because of their ruler's desire for more of a frozen laud ou the other Ide of the world. To write the first draft on a slate, that erasures might easily be made, to copy In pencil on soft paper, and make more changes, and finally after snany days and alterations to arrive at a neat and flawless manuscript this was the painstaking method of the late Gen. Lew Wallace. Hut "Hen llur" was worth tho trouble. A writer in one of tho magazines ays: "Children already born may walk dry shod from the mainland of tne New York reservation to Goat If I and across the present bed of tho Ni agara river." There stents to be no ref son to doubt that this country will in the not far distant future have tho ruins of what was once the greatest cataract In the world. Paraguay would seem to present tho smallest chance for woman's rights progress to be found on tho earth. In that country there are seven women to one man. Consequently tho men are petted and taken tho greatest care of. Everything that Is unpleusant or risky U dono by the women. Tho streets aro cleaned, ships loaded and tho oxen driven' by them and they even go to war as substitutes for the men. It Is only an application of the law of sup ply and demand and some lasy men will probably think It a beneficent one. The stomach proper has ceased to be a serious problem to the surgeou. lie can Invade and explore It with Im punity. He can even, if circumstances demand, relieve the owner of It en tirely, and so arrange the loose ends that tho functions of nutrition are suc cessfully maintained. To be sure, the patient can never thereafter derive much pleasure from his meals; he must restrict himself to a rigid diet, but for all tho other affairs of life be tuny be as competent as before. There are to day several atomachless men who are earning their dully predlgested ration In occupations varying from clerk to expressumn, Experiments with automobiles, mo tor boat and flying muchlues will nourish lu summer time, but since any winter is liable to "tlo up" any vehicle, perhaps we should employ a part of the open season lu planning roads over which it is poMlblu always to trarel. We pride ourselves, and with reason, on our systems of transportation. Yet an ordinary billiard stops trains, wrecks ships, leaves travelers strand ed auywhero short of the places to which they wish to go. Street cars bocome'as powirless as the rest. Only iu cities which, like Now York and lloston, are provided with subways, cuu loon I lines of communication lo kept open. The underground routes are the only ones that never fall us. Subways under the seu muy appear more desirable than feasible, but a tunnel across the English Channel seems a smaller undertaking than It would have been twenty years ago, and a hundred years hence projects for sending trains beneath the oceans may not bo laughed to scorn. Although It -is now Impossible to do uwny with tho discomfort and danger attending aea voyages iu winter, money and unoyauce may be saved by methodi cal burrowing on land. In large cities tunnels might extend from the railroad stations to the manufacturing and wholesale districts, and shipments wight pats between shops aud cars without getting in the way of persona who havo no Interest In them. To All busy streets with drays and crowded sidewalks with packlng-boxea, as at present is to make a senseless misuse of common conveniences. Chicago al ready has a freighting subway that will relieve much of the street conpes tlon. As to building local subways for pnsengcr transportation, New York and other cities that have passed thu half-million mark In population ncod little prompting. Hut It Is conceivable tiiat subways will yet be carried far beyond the limits of one city, and the railway company that tunnels somo cold and tempestuous region will bo safe In announcing itself as "the popu lar winter route." Rubbish of all kinds Is being written about the awful strain of modern life and Its disastrous effects upon those who arc forced to dwell within the lim its of a busy civilization, Instead of fly ing to a lodge In some vast wilderness. In fact, thero has been so much snld by one person and another about the degeneracy that is certain to follow life lived In the thick of things that any number of men and women are begin ning to feel sorry for themselves. Feel ing sorry for yourself, It Is worth while saying, can Invest more time and sympathy with less profit than any othjr occupation a man can take up. If a man drinks cocktails before each meal, highballs between meals, tea and coffee at regular intervals, smokes nu merous strong cigars, eats too much, Is out In the open air not at all, and ends his day with a bottle of wine and a midnight supper, something disagree able Is coming to him If he will only keep It up long enough. Hut he need not lay the result of his own glut tony and abitso of alcohol and tobacco and other habits of the sort to civiliza tion or to the awful strain of life In the twentieth century. The proof of It lies In a decreasing death rate all over America and Europe. A really degen erate race begins to die out u does not go on living longer and longer. It may be true that there are more men and women In rest cures than there used to be but as thero used to be no rest cures for them to go to, it Is rea sonably clear that thore are lives be ing saved now that had to be given up heretofore. It Is also said that thore are moro Insane persons than for merly. Insane persons used to die in a comparatively short time, and com paratively few of them were ever re stored to health and usefulness. Many more used to die before Insanity showed Itself who are now preserved. Statistics of that kind are generally misleading, since they take only one aspect of the case into account Men who do not cat and drink to excess, who make play a part of their work and who stick to llfo In the open when ever they get a chance, need not worry about stress and strain in modern or any other life. Npliulnir Twine. It has beeu said that Henry Clay achieved success so easily that hu quite misunderstood others and over estimated himself. But he was eager to learn the best way to do whatever he had to do. In "The True Henry Clay," tho author gives an Instance of this: At fourteen Henry became cleric In a store in Richmond, whither the fam ily had removed. Stories are told of his willingness' to do bts duty, al though Uie work was distasteful to him. Once he was reproved by the store keeper for wasting too much twine. Thereafter ho saved every scrap ho could got and tied tho pieces together. Again It wus explained that using this sort of twine might bo offensive to cus tomers, as It made tho packages look untidy by reason of so many knots. So he consulted with a tailor at Rich mond, who showed him how to splice string with a smooth joint Prom that time ho spent his leisure hours making short pieces of twine of the same else Into a continuous cord. When bis employer discovered this he was so much pleased that he had all twine 'saved, and turned the task of splicing It over to young Henry, with the result that the young mail's enthu siasm rapidly abated, Odd Names for Newspapers. The names of American newspapers are a study In nomenclature. In Ar kansas are tho Buzz Saw and the Back Log; California, tho Condor, tho Wasp and the Tomahawk; Colorado, tho Battler and Yeatorday and To-Day; Iowa, the I'ostAl Card, the Unit, the Nucleus and the Firebrand; Kentucky, the Salt Hlver Tiger, the Push, the Boomer; Missouri, the Missing I.tnk and the Cyclone; Nevada, the Hustler. Oklahoma rejoices In the Dinner Bell and tho Plain People. South Dakota has a Plain Talker. In West Virginia Is the Irrepressible. Missouri has the Crank and tho Entering Wedge. Wyo ming reads Bill Baton's Budget Phil adelpula Ledger. Tho liiinar Oceans. Dr. Volgt suggests that what aro called volcwnlc craters In tho moon may be the coral Islands or atolls of a lunar sea now dry. The Pnclflc Ocean, If evaporated, would, ho says, havo mountains resembling volcanic craters. llusaiu's Hi. A ml row Croas. Russia's Cross of, Ht. Andrew has a remarkable peculiarity attaching to It. All who are decorated with It have the right once to demand a pardon for a Russian subject condemned to death. When a girl tells her steady she Is J willing to 'give him everything she has tn the world, he should remember all she la likely to nave u a 101 or unde sirable klm Too many people are trying to makt honest dollar dWboneetly. t SPOKANE 1 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most comotete stock of Drun and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 401 Riverside Ave. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics Bank (State llanlc) 81'OKANK, WASHINGTON A State Bank. Transacts a General Hanking Business. Capital IW.OOO.OO. Individual worth of ntockhnldu I'lCfCMln SI,UM,(KjU,UO. UFFlCKItH AND DI11KCTOIISI Donald Urqulmrt, I'rildcnt. lloberl hhf IT In, VlCFl'realdrnt. A. 11. Hwnnnoii, VIoh President. J. II. Clancy, I'aMilrr. (1. W. Ttionnix, Thomaa Ilyalop, Will am (Icmuilll, llobtrt Jlynlnp, Oli Olnon, Paul l'runl, llolwrt (liiniittio. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. 1'. Jordan. II, ltonetuwolg. it, K. Jordan Wheat. Hay and Fruit Farms IN WASHINGTON. Choice Building Lots in Spokane JORDAN & ROSENZWEIG 1 1 Washington St. SPOKANE, WASH. T. E. WESTLAKE Bakery and Grocery General Market Produce Fresh Creamery Butter. Ranch Eggs BASKET LUNCHES FOR TRAVELERS Phini Main 296., 315 Rlvarsldi Ave. SMITH & COMPANY Funeral Directors And Furnishers Lady Attendant Private Ambulance in Connection 117-119 Post St. SPOKAfJE, WASH. THE WASHINGTON HOME CO. tichsw c National Bank Building Telephone Main 109S Spokane, Wash. The Waahlntnn Home Company bullit homes tor tti member on the cn-oerailve iditu, upon iniall monthly payment . 'I he Sew I'rtuecteit Contract provulei that In cae ol drain before homo U a(4 for, a dU-eil, clear n( alt encumbrance, U given, ami lu addition all payments mail. on account are returned Thl company hat already built almutTO home In Hrxikaue ami vicinity, at price ratiKlnn from ll.ww to fS.Wo, and I preparinl to erect (or lis membera from three toMx hornet eacn month during the comltiir vaon Iteferenre: Any bank or reputable biulueii home lu city. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINOTON Greateut Grocery OK Til K Northwest Importers of Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries Wo mako a specialty ol supplying pri vnto cars. Bend lor cutuloguo. Mall orders solicited, 521-523 SPR1CUE AVENUE I BUTTE MONTANA ! Butte Transfer Co. TH08. LAYKLI.K, Proprietor. Bikiec" Passengers Checked TI ILL PARTS OF THE CITY. Ilaggage Storvd Any Length of Time Krce.of Charge. lUtone No. 403. OPEN ALL N1GUT HT Rail, AND WATER, BT KA1X AND WATKK. '., - f?iSj'jtlABLiiMsTjWwMr X. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. SI EAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot ol Washington St.. &timlny,1ucfdny ami 'llinmlnr cvpulnir at S o'clock, fur haiivli'H IMnhd, M. Helen., Capita, Peer IhrikI. Marllli. Kalnlnn, Ncer (,'lly, Hauler, Ml. Collin, Ma)ger. KUlIn, Oak I'oltit, Kri'i'iimni, MnuintillloiUlalnkanle nnd all way lauding. mT7 PEiCTTT ATHD rSKBiMO AVt-VJ KJ JUn. A VAX ' a c L11NH C J? N PORTLAND ATO) THE DALLES ROUTE All Wir Uailart. STBAMURS "DAI1.KY CMTZKKT" "PAM.ES CIT" 'KKCJULAIOll" "MKTI.AKO" Connecting at t.yte, Vah., with Columbia River & Northern Railway Co. FOR Wahklacui. Paly, Centcrvllle, Ooldendale and all Klickitat yalley point. Steamer learc I'ortland dally (except Eiin dar) 7 s. m., counseling with U. H. A N. trains atl.ylnfiilA p. m. for uuldendale. Train ar rlvesOoldendale, 7:8a p. m. tneamer arrives The iJalle A :!. m. Ktratner learei The Dalles dally (except 8ua day) 7:00 a.m. C. It. SiN. trains leaving dotdendala 0:15 a. m. connect with thl te amer (or I'ortland, ar riving I'ortland 6 p. m. Kxcellcnt meal aerved on alt iteamsrs. fins accommodation (or team and wagon.' Kor detailed Information o( rate, berth res. ervatlona. connection, etc.. write or call oa nrareet aent. II. C. Campbell, (Jen. olllce, I'ortland, Or. Manager, Ask the Agent for T I C K B T S VIA To Spokane, St. Pau , Minneapolis, Duluth, Ch cago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY The Flyer and the Fast Mall A Splendid Scrvlco Up-to-dato Kqulpmont Con r too u Employes Daylight trip across tho Caucado and ltocky Mountains. For TlcketH. rates, folders anil full infor mation call ou or addrea.i ti. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 Third Street, POKTLAND s. a. yerkes, a. W. P. A. 612 Hrt Avenue, SUATTLB, WASH. A Pleasant Way to Travel Tho above is tho usual verdict of tho travoler using tho Missouri Pacflc Hall way between tho Pnclflc Coast and tho East, nnd wo believe tlmt the service nnd accommodations e;iven merit this statement. From Denver, Colorado Springs nnd Pueblo there aro two through twins dally to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard elect rlo lighted sleeping cars, chair cars nnd up-to-dato dining cars. Tho same excellent service is operated from Knnsas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Hock and Hot Springs. If you aro going Fast or South write for rates and full Informa tion, V. 0. MclHtlDK, Gen. Agt., 11M Third St., Portland, Or. Muck Hardware Co Second and Morrison Streets Majestic Malleable Ranges Mesaba and Grown Steel Ranges Mechanics' Tools and General Hardware OWEN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of the Gold Standard Logging Jack I OFFICE AND FACTORY 435 IRVING STREET 1 PORTLAND, OREGON bK KsU0PRTl l sfl YOU WILL BE SATISFIED With Your Journey If your tickets read oqcr tho Denver an(1Hlo(ramloltallr.pad,the"Hccn. to Hue of the World " BECAUSE There arenomanyncenlcattractlon. and point of Intereot along the lino between Ogdcn and Denver that tho trip nevor become tiresome If youaregolnc Knt, write for Information and got a pretty boot that will ttll you all about It. W. C. McBRIDE, acneral Agent 124 Third Btrcet PORTLAND. OREQON OREGON Shoj line and union Pacific Three Trains to the East Through l'ullmanMandardandlnurltleop Inxcara dally te Omaha, Uhlcaeo, Hpokanc; tourlt alponhiK can dally to Kanna City: through I'ulttnan tourlat kclnKcnr(pcr u ally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kan. an City; reclining chair can (cat free) to Kat 70 H O U R 4 PORTLAND IO CIIICAdO Nochanguof cars 70 TJiTi'AiiT KOIl fTiiir5crn?iTijrn!H ATtltTVK" FIIOM from I'ortland, Ore Chicago I'ortland H pedal 9:l&amvla Ifntlngt'ii Halt I-ake. Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kanraa CI y, Ht. Unil, Chicago fi:S3pm aim mo f-aii Atlantic l-alt Ukc, Denver, Ft. Kxprets Worth, Omaha, Kana til'pmvla City, St. l,ouli, Chicago H'ntlngl'n ami the Kaat Ht. I'ant alia Walla, liowltton, rait Mall Bpokane, Wallace, I'ulW I'lipm man, MfnneaiKtlli, tt. via Tan). Duluth, Mllwau. Bpokane kee, Chicago and Katt 7:11 am :00 River Schedule For Astoria, Way l'olut and North llrseh Dally (exreptHunday)at8pm; Haturday at 10 p m. ueuy ervieu twmcr penu Willamette and Yamhill riven. For further Information, ak or write your nearest tlrket agent or A. L. OltAlB VIIUIal IH'l'llluvi ft fc Vila The Ore jpon lUtlrotil A Navigation Co., Vort- IKIlUt VICUU w fflBffl TELL YOUR FRIENDS To Use the YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE To the LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION THE Will Make Very Low Rates The Traveler Will Tell You That the NORTH COAST LIMITED Is the Crack Train of Them All For Comfort and Elegance Information Gladly Furnished on Application A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison St., Corner Third PORTLAND OREGON BT ItAI. AND WATER A ST0RI& & COLUMBIA A R VER RAILROiD CO. Hi WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWKKM PortlanUstoriai Seaside Leave ukion Dsror Arrtvos. Kor Mnyger Itnl.l. Daily 8:00 a. m. ler, Clntsknli le Dally. 11:10 a. m. nrMpori, i.inuMi, AHorla, Warren ton, Flavel, Hear hart l'ark and Sea tide. AMorla A PeaOioru fcxpre! Dally. AMorl Kxpreas Dally. 7:00 p. m. 9:49 p. m. C. A.BTKWAKT, tJ . J',FiHY,?' Coratn'l Agt., in Alder Rt 0. F. it 1". A. Telephone Main 908. b The Only Double-Track Railway betweei the Missouri River and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Spec'al, the most luxurious train In the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago arc operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points ir. Oregon. Dally and personally conducted ex .union In I'ullman tourlat ilce.ilnr I .at horn rorlland,LoAncrlcaand I San Franrlico, through to Chicago viliuoui cuange. 1 H. R. tllTCHin. A.G.BARKFR. I Gn'IAEl.,irMMkrt8t, OnIA(t.,llTlilrISl, I SANl-HANCIKO.CAU roaiLANU,OHB. 1 Chicago & Nor th-Western Ry. V ww... - v ssr W-i A JA