The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, April 29, 1905, Image 1

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I f
The New Age
NO. 52.
On the Republican Ticket at the
Primary Election
Mr. Cooper's Platform
I tun In fnvor of equal rlghti in conform
itv with law and special privileges to none.
Tills citv aliuulil bo run on a thoroughly
hiHiiR'cs basin and tlio occupation tax ord
iiuuicu hIiuiiIcI 1)0 at onco repealed uh pro
SPENll.. ... v-OOPCR Jii ituai to tnu gruwin aim woitaro oi ino
Eor 25 Years a Tax Payer of Portland I city.
A UiiRlncHB Sinn for a Dualncss City
Thu Pcoplo's Cliolco for Mnyor
of Portland.
In thu hurry and Hurry of municipal
onmpalgtiB many Important Ibhucs arc
frequently overlooked in llio half
mad denlro on the part of cnreloBB
votera and their nnmo Ib legion to
, extend to some pcraonnl friend n "po
litical compliment." The spirit that
prompts one to assist n friend Ih by
no tueanu to bo despised, If the friend
In worthy. Hut In a political contest
there are mnuy things to bo consider
od Issues that far outweigh the whim
that HUggeRtH thu folly of a wasted
Thn election of municipal sorvnntBof
the peoplo Ib an Important event In
l ho history of any, city; but In the- caso
or Portland at the present tlmo It Is n
matter of supremo consc(ucnoo.
Leaving out of thl discussion the
question of the celebration of thu Low
la and Clark centennial, and consider
ing only tho prosent phonomenal
growth and future destiny of tho, mo
tropollH of tho great northwest, it may
clearly b hcch that novor boforo in
tiio history of this city havo such mo
mcntoiw conditions challenged tho
euro and consideration of tho common
doctors. Particularly Is tlila truo In
tho matter of tho election of tho may
or. The now chartor gives to that of
ficial great power. For proof of this
Htaterocnt witness tho arbitrary man
ner in which the chief executivo of our
present administration has conducted
tho nffalrnof his offlco.
Thn nocd for stalwart Indopondonco
at the polls in tho primary election to
bo held a few days hence la npparont,
urgently go. Under tho now law tho
people may nonilnato whom thoy
of the Import of the maxim Hint "noth
ing succeeds Ilka success" he has made
enviable progress where others would
havo lost their footing. It Is this
characteristic that has popularized Mr.
Cooper among his buslucss and politic
al acquaintances; and it is that fact
that prompted many of his Inlluontlnl
friends to urge him to become a candi
date for the nomination for mayor of
Greater Portland.
Mr. Cooper's platform Is brief, but
broad and liberal. In It ha says: "I
am In favor of equal rights In conform
ity with law and Bpeclnl privileges to
none. This city should bo run on a
thoroughly business basis and tho oc
cupation tnx ordinance should be at
onco repealed as prejudicial to tho
plenso. Conventions havo happily growth and welfare of tho city."
been dispensed with, and tho popular With one bwcop of tho pen that
masses may choose for themselves platform was made to cover tho entire
without reference to tho slato of a situation a business administration;
.machine. It now remains to bo seen no favoritism; Immediate repeal of tho
whether or not tho peoplo nro "capablo occupation tax ordinance. That is tho
less expenditures of public money or
for tho ptuposo of enjoying the emol
uments of a synocure at tho expense
of tho public without returning valu
able Borvlco therefor. That Is tno bus
Iricss view of tho situation as seen
through Mr. Coopcr'a platform.
Mr. Cooper, who has for 25 years
been n taxpayer of Portland, Is a very
popular man socially, as well as among
those with whom he deals In his buBl
neBB pursuits. Not a word has ever
been uttoied ngalnBt his good tut tno In
any way. Ab a republican ho has done
vnliant service for the success of his
party; but not an unclean or unfair
act lui3 over been chnrged against him
poljtlcally. Ho Is in the very prime
of Fife, vigorous and progressive. It is
boldotn that tho masses have an oppor
tuuity to voto for such a man as n
cnndldote for n responsible public po
sition. Mr. Spcncor II. Cooper would tnnko
aniyideal mayor, a fact which tho vol
eraTshould kccpln mind1 on tho 6th of
Ma)r. Tho honest nnd conscientious
doctors who havo been hoard to mnkc
much complaint nbout graft in public
places nnd corruption In ofllco now
hnvo'Sin opportunity to voto for a
dlcan,1 honest, enrnoBt and progressive
man for tho chief exccutlvcshlp of
thlsjkcltir. Whether or not their fro
quont outcries havo been slnccio mny
bo rcen by tho way they voto next
Republican Candidate for Nomination for Councilman, Third
of Holf.government."
In connection with tho forogolng
platform of Mr. Spencer H. Cooper,
who Is a candidate on tho republican
ticket for tho nomination for tho may
oralty. In tho first placo, Mr. Cooper
Ib a man of sterling character, a citi
zen of most excellent and unsullied
record and a business man of much
moro than ordinary acumen. Ho has
climbed well nigh to tho top of tho
ladder in commercial pursuits, begin
nig at tho bottom round. Ho has suc
cessfully mastered many difficulties
which would havo daunted tho spirit
of men of less nggresslveucss and de
termination. With a keen conception
platform which hns mado Mr. Cooper
so popular since ho concluded to bo-
Oltirrriil lnnn HHIi a V,.... I I
,... , 4JW Kp ouH.rcs iojcorno a can(da,0 on that declaration
can attention to tho character and
Republican Candidate for Nomination for Councilman, Fourt h
of principles. And It Is probable that
on that platform ho will win.
Nenrly all public official's in places
,of conscquonco havo "hobbles." It
waa so with ono membor of tho city
council when tho folly of tho occu
pation tax was conceived'. Ho talked
It, explained It as ho understood It and
diagramed It as ho saw it. Ho present
ed only ono sldo of tho caso, of course,
because that was his hobby. Finally
tho proposition became popular in that
body and was made n law. A general
protest was heard among tho business
and professional men of tho communi
ty. Thoy expressed tho conviction
that it was an extremely unjust man
nor in which to rnlso rovenuo and then
I proceeded to Illustrate that fact by rof
joronco to many cobcs in which tho
I law worked positive hardships, dls
Icouragoa business and ovllly preju
diced tho growth of the city.
As the rcquiiomenta of thu ordin
ance were moro rigidly applied, Its
ilolotorloiiB Influenco became moro and
. moro appnront. I'roBontly n .goneral
,ciy was honrd against tho Injustice
of the ordinance and appeals wcto
mudo for Its repeal. Thobo woro lg
jnoiod by tho municipal law-making
ibod and tho ordlnuuco is jot helng
) Mr. Cooper has voluntarily pludgod.
his untiring effort to havo this unjust
'law repoalod, should he bo olocted
mayor of Portland. Ho has given tho
matter much study and hns abundant
ovldonco of the luntful chniaotor" of
tho piotlslona of tho ordlnnce.
In addition to that Mr. Coopor prom
isea a thoroughly business administra
tion, in tha ovent of liU olectlon. Evory
man sufficiently Intelligent to voto
knows what tho word business moans
In this particular caso it moans Hint
Mayor Coopor would conduct tho af
fairs of tho city Just us ho bus so buc-
rosbfully conducted IiIh own private
business affahs. ft moans that ho
dees not believe thnt men nro elected
to office for the purpose of grnft, for
the purpose of raising revenue by un
just legislation In order to make up
deficits created by unwise and caro-
A.IN. Wills, who Is a cnndldato for
tho republican nomination as council-man-at-largo,
has resided in Portlnnd
and vicinity all of his llfo, being a son
of Jacob Wills, ono of Oregon'B hon
ored pioneers. Mr. Wills Is a man of
sterling worth, conspicuous ability and
nigged honesty. Ho hns been u life
long republican and this Is tho first
time ho has uvcr sought offlco, always
proforrlng to aid his friend.
It Is no moro'than right thnt tho
section of tho city from which Mr.
WHIb cornea should bo represented
In tho council nnd ns ho Is a very pop
ular nnd worthy citizen there can bo
Ilttlo doubt of hla success. Mr. Wills
hns always taken n foremost part In
every movomont calculated to further
the material Interests of tho city and
particularly that portion of the city
where ho has resided so long.
It was throiiHh his efforts that tho
attontion of the peoplo was called to
tho many ndvantngos offered by Sell
wood as a placo of residence, when he
organized tho Sell wood board of trade
InlOOO, and through it much was dono
to attract rosldcnts and to improve tho
condition of. tho community.
Mr. Wills wns ono of tho first to
cnll tho pcoplo's attention to tho nec
essity of reforming our modo of hold
ing conventions and started the nggi-
tatlon for honesty In our political affairs.
t ''1
Republican Candidate for Nomination for Councilman-at-Large
8. A. A P
Mr. S. A. Aratn, th wl ' o-v n d
poular buslnesB tva- ' no to
vailed upon by IiIh - '"'" I" 'o
stand for tho repub'l'n ",l,nMon
for tho ofllce of comllmnn fom tbo
Republican Candidate for Norn.
ination for Councilman,
Fifth Ward
Third ward. Mr. Arntn has rosldo ' In
this city many years, aid Is rognri'ed
as a public spirited citizen nnd a re
liable business man.
Mr. Arnta Is not a politician nnd only
consented to enter tho race upon tha
urgent solicitation of a nuwbor of his
friends and admirers, who IHlove that
he Is eminently fitted to servo tho vol
"M of tho Tlrd ward as councilman.
He 1 a largo taxpayer and has nlwnyit
taken nn uitlvo Interest In nit thlnga
rr.lmlnted to Improve tho material
rordltlon of thn ward nnd city.
Mr. Arntn Is n thoroughgoing repub
lican and hns novor boforo naked any
thing at tho lunula of tho party, nnd
7 popularity counts for anything, and
wo think It does, ho will bo numlnntod
by n hundsomo voto on primary tiny,
Mny Gth.
W. C. Senchrost, tho popular candl
ditto for tho council from tho Fifth
ward, Is gaining strength every duy
nnd It looks like ho will win without a
doubt. Mr. Senchrost Ib known as tho
r?llrad mo 'h cnndldato, nnd thn
very Important olemont of tho com
,munlty Ih doing much to further his
(Interests, .If rfldlljy. nd..vporlcnco,
court for nn thing, and wo are of tho
opinion thnt It docs, then Mr. Son
chont will bo r-hoson for this offlnt.
Don't forget him on Mny Gth.
Mr. J. P. Shnrkoy, who haa so faith
fully served tho peoplo of tho Eight
want, In. tho city council, Is n candi
date for tho republican nomination for
councllmnn-nt-lnrgo, Mr. Sharkey bun
ma'o a good city official and thoy will
give him a re-nomlnutlon on May fith.
Mr. A. K. M'Mitloy, the present coun
cilman from tho Fourth ward, has con
sented to stand for n re-nomlnutlon to
succeed hlmsolf. Mr, TJontloy baa
mado n good record and dourvoH an
other term.
Mr I). J. Qulmby, who l n candl
dnto for tho republican uoiiilnaflou foi
countllman-at-laigo, has roldod In
Poitlnnd for ovor .'If. yoim. and ha . nl
ways takon nn active part In liihalf of
tho ropublkan part, but thlw l tho
llrst time that ho ban ever aplr'l to t
ofllce hlmhelf. Mr. Qulmby In a "inn
of rlpo oxporloueo and wiund judgn n' j
and will mako an able and oltkl.-n of
flcinl. Ho bug ulWays wotkeil faithful
ly for tho auofioib of the Kpuulwun
party and tl growth and pruaii'ni)
of the city of Portland No man '
hotter (piallrled to sorve tl.o jwople a
councilman at lanjo than D. 1- U'i'"i-
by. Ho will fnltUfully ilUoliunce ih
dutlos of his olllce and will ropront
tho ctly's lntorast In u wtrltt. cuiefnl
and bublnossllko mnnuor
Mr. Qulmby Is n largo taxjayor anil
enjoys the n'putatlon yf being a good
business man anil good citizen. It
was on account of thoxe well-known
facts that ho was prevailed upon to
statu! as a candidate for this Import
ant office.
Voto for D. J. Qulmby on May Gth.
Republican Candidate for Nomination for Councilman-at-Large.
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