Wgymwwiw wfu. ,, flfi Wf - TBI HXW AGE, PORTLAND, ORJTOOH. s ' v. r. Si. II ! LEADING HOTELS Lbbbbbbbb. mb .KHHa MnMMflWTu I iTj QIKhcAiH bbbbbbbbbbbbb3Ibbbb ! BB bLbHHBR EByM JbPB? lY uHKvRh HOTEL PORTLAND. COST $1,000,000. The Portland M. 0. BOWERS, Mmnmwmr. American Plan, $3 Par Day and Upward. HEADOUARTERS FOH TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Orogon. Telephone. W-ll I'. O. Hoi Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAb. A. HCKitAOK, l'roprletor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Higglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. The Raymond Lewiston, Idaho It being Improved in every way possible. The leading: hotel in the city. Commercial trade our spe cialty. BURDICK BROS. rroprtctors HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. J J J EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Free Hub and l'reo Faniplu Rooijib. 209-13 Riverside Ave, SPOKANE Rainier Grand Hotel Refitted Refurnished Under New Management Strictly First-Class European Plan Cafe in Connection WILSON & WHITE CO., Props. CtlAS. PERRY, Manager Seattle Wash. mMMMMWmMMMMMMMMMlSmWaMBamiSmU LEADING HOTELS 1 Best furnished houso in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. rilACHT, Propriotor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON V 2i3KSfflai?72?r The Tacoma W. B. BLACKWKLL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. THE HELENA HKNKY A. MEYIUI A 1'AUI. B. I'KTKIIHON The Leading Hotel in Helena Rates, $3.00 to $5.00 HELENA MONT. The New Bannock Hotel KOIIMAK A. AKMSTHOKG, l'ropi. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Pocutello Idaho The Victoria Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. First-Class in All Its Depart ments. Tourists Travelers Headquarters for and Commercial When in Spokane Don't Fail to Stop at the Victoria St " 'Ti5aR!OTlSfeC 1 t 1 LEADING HOTELS : l?WINDSORl V. I. HAYES, Manaokii. European plan, 1 pur day nml up a ino r lean jiuhii 2.60 ior day and plan, up. Restaur nut ami cafo nt reason alilo prices. St. Paul, Minnesota Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, $2.50 and Up Kuropuan Plan $1.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN ' TACOMA'S LEADING RESTAURANT CARLYLJ1S r. J. CAHLYLC; Prop. Your Patronage Is Very Respectfully Solicited. 1 01 1 Pacific Avenue TACOMA. WASHINGTON HOTEL EATON Portland, Orciioii Tourists' and Commercial Mens Headquarters STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hot and Cold Water. Private Baths. Phone in Each Room. - AH Outside Rooms. Cor. West Park and Morrison Streets PNONCSt Hotel, M 2077 Bar. M 115 Golden West Hotel -- AND BAR. M. PCTCRSCN, Proprietor. Everything New and Up-to-Datc Cor. Washington St. and Tirst Ave. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON First NatianahBank of Rook Springs HOOK HI'ltlMiS, WYOMING CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 EVERY ATTENTION GIVEN TO IIUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US EASTERN AND WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Car and Cargo Shippers Office and Mills, North Front St. PORTLAND, OREGON Telephone Main 1386 DAVIS BELTING CO. Belting, Roofing and MM Supplies. Selling Agents Nott's Celebrated Leather Belting! Carey Magnesia FlaxibU Cement Roofing; Chicago Lace Leather) Rubber Belting. Belts Repaired. 49 first Street, PORTLAND, OREGON , PHONG MAIN 1447 Pacific Blue Points OVSTERVILLE OYSTER COMPANY (irowcrn and Shippers of Eastern Transplanted mi Nativi Shaalwatir lay Oystirs WHOLESANE ONLY Orders Hill o promptly filled at Yamhill Street 253 PORTLAND, OREQON RAM'S HUKN BLA8TS. Wan.ta Notes Callltiuc tht Wick U Mepentance. .1 . vcxj O service with out sncrlllce. Scolding the boy niny sour the man. God's graco Is Ills latest glory. There are no leaseholds In heaven. A child lfl God's agent In the home. The emptiest life la the one that Is full of self. Self throws sand Into the flue wheels of life. The poorest life Is Uie one without friends. The more law In the land the fewer the laws. Ho who gives happiness helps others to heuven. Fostering passion Is feeding thu soul on poison. The labor of love never advertises for spectators. Sometimes one sandwich Is worth many a sermon. Uklng Is the effect and not the causo of loving. Nothing enters the mind without leaving its mark. Some people never feel pious until they get pinched. It takes tho living Christ to make the live Christian. No man was ever pulled down by lifting another up. Men will never think alike as long as they think at all. A man's position In tho world de pends on his purpose. Hotter tho noshing pessimist than the dreaming optimist. Tho active saint is never satisfied with the nimble nickel, A good many sins walk under tho name of "Circumstance n." Tho man without reverence should not be trusted with power. A man attract by what is In him more than by what he has on. A nickel's worth of religion Is likely to bo all used up before you got to tho church door. Judged by some families the world would not be much better If nil men wero brothers. QUEER CHINESE BURIAL CUSTOM lionet of Dead Men Dug Up. I'olUhed and 1'nt In Jura. Tho new totnh of tho Kooii-ou-Tomr npoclntion in tho flrciiipn'it ciMiietcry In complete, nj'8 tho New Orleans Tlnion Democrat. The tlnlsliIiiK toiiehi'M huvo heen put to it, tho memberx of Uui ns Mclntlon have nswembled within It and blessed It, mid incidentally Jive Iiiruo cnrtlicn Jura, reprvhentliiK ' do parted Clilnamen, hnvo been deposited there. Of courfco, Uie Jars do not con tain whole Chlnumen. Kncli vessel is only a trlflo over a foot in heJirht and nlwut elKht Indies In dliuneler. Con sequcntly up uecoinmodntlon for a real llvo Chlmiman Is contained in each of tile Jar, which closely resembles a larRo proaervo Jar. Tho llvo vcmcIs contalnliiK tho lonea of tiio live Clilnamen wero plnced In tho tomb on Thursday. On that day tho members of the .Soon-on-Tong asflodntlon ussemliUsI, nml. after salaaming, iiniylng and hIiiuIiik for linlf nn hour, during which they nWo mamiRed to consume a biw iuautlty of incenso and sacred colored paper, dedicated Uie new tomb and dcpiwlled tho rcmalim of live departed brethivn. l-'ow persons would believe Uie jars represent coillns but they do In a sense. The live Chinamen whose re mains aro contained In these csoN have been dead for yean:. Hccontly theli lenialiiH wero ilMu- tcrred, tho (.liniuds In which they wero burled wero binned and the Iioihm wero tiihen out and placed In the Jan. Itefore being placed In the Jars bow. nvur. ilin imnes were hea'liil over a llro until very dry. and were thou scraped and sandpapered until as smooth as kulfo blades Ne.t they were placed In the Jars, After Unit tho vessels were sealed up nnd labeled, and Thursday they wero placed In tho now tomb. The services held at the tomb wero not'seen by outsiders. When a stniu ger approached the ceremonies were stopped and the Clilnamen Mood silld ly by awaiting the departure of thu trespasser. The Koon-on-Tongers wero busy holding court In memory of their departed brethren, and wanted no in terrupUon on the part of outsiders. The new tomb is of brick, covered with plaster, and It facade resembles somewhat a Chinese lonndry ticket. Forty ordinary vaults for colllns and eight vaults for the Jars are cont lined In It There are also two fireplaces One of these, the larger. Is used t lmrn the clothes and effects of de ceased Chinamen, and the other is for Incense and tho sacred colore 1 paper. It Is a large affair, and suld to be un like any tomb In the mited States. When a member of the assor-lntlo-i dies tho casket containing him will be. placed In one of the eollln vaults. Af ter he has lain there a number of years his remains will be disinterred, 'his lionwi will bo jwllshed and then he'll be bottled up and labeled and placed in one of the Jars. Ah Dellntil. Jack Miss Heavlun, Uie ikiiiU'-t's daughter, Is a H. A. Tom Bachelor of arts, eh? Jack No; big attraction. There are but a fow sensible people In the world ytt they nil agree with you. r.......................j......................... LEADING HOTELS ww list; t illiwfi!' 1KammmmmammmmmSSammmmaWSmammm THE HOTEL GRAMJON THE GRANDON JOS. DAVIS, Prop. Superior to Any Hotel in the City and Equal to the Best in the State We Use Mountain Spring Water Rooms the Finest Date Service Up-to- HELENA MONTANA s AWll.K HOCK IlKHTAUItANT. 1IUCKMAN t CAIirtAGIIAIt, Proprietors. Kirct CIsm In every rwpect. 0)-lcr i H!cUtly 1019 Bccoiul Htrcct; Hcrftincnto,Cl. The St. Louis Cafe and Restaurant OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 142 North Sixth St., Portland, Oregon Ulltih31X FIRST-CLASS FlREPROOr $3.00 PER DAY THR WASHINOTONRATTLn i2Si .. ".X' - .T kiiti:i:n hkahons why voij should stop at tub washington. 1st It is tho best hotel on tho Coast. 2d It costs no moio than poorer hotels, uh shown by rates below. 3d Now hotel, now furniture. lib Kx'.ollent service. Mh Tho Washington, whllo rl... In the center of tho city, Is on an no vation of 200 foet. which liftH you nbovo tho noise, dust and smoko of tho stieel hotels. Cth The hotel Is Bltuntcd In the center of VA nores of beautiful grounds, with thousands of roses and other fragrant floworB to beautify tho surroundings. 7th Bight hundred feet of wldo vcr andas surround the hotel, giving to tho guest opportunities for rest nnd promenade not found elsewhere. Sth Tho vlow from tbeso spacious verandas cannot bo described. Moun tains, lakes, tho Pound and tho city itself form ono magnificent panorama not found onywhoro elbo on earth. 9th Tho hotel lobby, parlors, Turk 8h room, etc., aro oxqulslto, and form a continuation of comfort and luxury not often found in hotels. 10th A Dutch grill has recently boon added, where service may bo had at all hours. 11th Tho dining room cannot bo nrfilled. Breakfast and lunch aro served a la carlo, at most reasonablo prices, and a tnble d' hoto dinner for 11.00 Is pronounced by all to bo abovo criticism. 12th nates Extremely reasonable European plan Boom, without bath, fl.OO per day and upward. Room, with bath, $2.00 per day and ?3 1'ftJTVTTr" amm f . "aaaaaa ilj VmaarmU yW&Haaammaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaa MbbbbbVbbbbI bbbV bbbbbI bbbR ITLbbVETiMviJ aVBBBBBBBBBBBBBMtkBBBBBiBBail'BBCBBBjBBBB BBBBBBBJbBBbK BBBbV BBBBX BWV aWMr tlV 1 LBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwBkBB LEADING HOTELS The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah TOURIST HOTEL DtMI'StY & CUDIIItC. Proprietors Rotes 50c to $1.50 Per Dny , A First Class Transient Hotel EUROPEAN PUN Cor. Occidental Ave. and Main St. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON Newly fiirnlaheil lUtlm and nil conveniences DlnliiK Huuin In connection Hotel Deutsches liaus MCYtlt & WCRNtR, Propi Two mlnules walk from the Union Sta tion. Free Bus to and from every train. Phone Main 3272. 42'.j Sixth Street PORTLAND, OREGON -A Ms. 2S55S. upward. 'Him uorvlco to ami from nil traina mil boats, 23 cents, TiunltH, each way, 2! cents, Carrlngo faro (private), CO cents. Special rates mado to parties for ono month or moro. 13th Being above tho street and away from tho nolso, you will enjoy n night's rest bettor at the Washing ton than any other hotel In tho city. Hth Oo to tho Washington and If you aro not satisfied that It surpassed all other hotols on tho Pacific Coast for excellent Bervica nnd reasonablo prices, your bill will bo nothing. 16th Do not bo decolved by bollov Ing that r.omo other hotel In tho city Is as good us tho Washington, for such lu not tho caso, Tho Washington utnnds nlana as tho most charming nnd attractive hotel west of Now York. Tho following people huvo stopped at tho Washington during tho pnst year i nd hnvo glvon unstinted pralso and declared that In many respects It excels any other hotel on tho conti nent: President Theodore Roosevelt, Win, II. Moody, Secretary of tjio Navy; Oov. Odell, of Now York; Baron llothschlld. Mr. Smith, of tho DoBcorH Diamond Mines, South Africa; Hon, Cornelius N. Bliss, Bx-Secretary ot Interior; Hon. C. 8. Mellon, Prosldont N. Y. & II, n. By.; Mrs. J. J. Hill, Louis Hill and J. N. Hill, of tho Croat Northern By.: 'Hon. Howard Blllott, President N. P. By.; Adellna Pattl, B. II. Sothorn, Oov. Brady, of Alaska; Mme. Nordlca, Muud Adams, Nat Ooodwln, Mrs. Fiske, all Baymond & Whltcomb tourists, Blchard Mansfield and other celebrities of tho common, clal and professional world, aw iniiin iinirri i m i THE VICrOKIA llOTLL r - ims mmWtTrrr wwarvnr. 2Jtoaacv, "vi ggyujraM yJj4gvj.?