THJP NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OBKGOS etA6fl ' ' s ST. PAUL MIKW. s Tho Beat Hiita The UuL l-urniMhlnjiM Tho UuHt 'IVuiitmunt MACNIDER Sixth nnii WaliiHlin ST. PAUL, Minn. Tor Alcn Only J. C HORR1GAN I'llio ll'l)t llvorjr oiUtIhtm. licnm a, etc ll-llrt Wniintn ftrect. N V. Tel. Mnlii 101. Twill City (Ml. St. Pmil, IVIInnoMotn ST. PAUL HAT WORKS (). I.. t'rnnfoil, l'ri. l!Hcrl Koinmlolorof lint. I'nnntnm nxp'C' tally. IIhim to urilur. tin m nt fvinll Ml Mill neiU H rt-ot Ta.oihona, ft. W. Main IW.I-Jt. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STEAM LAUNDRY IJOTII lMONI2H Nn. 171 .iH Minnesota Street, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA I "or Ilmt-rliiM Work mi Hhuit TJino try tliu Oriental Laundry mi-. a3. rt2-S-t V. Tenth St. ST. PAUL, MINiN. WILL F. MATHEIS CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS With ami Cedar M recti ST. PAUL, MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Hill cci nor to HCIINItl.l. A KIIANK.) , MSAI.IIKS IN Al.l. KINDS Ut BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES PINE CUTLERY MAOK WOKK A SI'UCIAI.'IY. Hi II. Sixth St., ()ii. K)u llotrt. St. Paul, Minnesota P. N. Peterson Granite Co. Mniiiifaitiircr or Fine Monuments and Artistic Memorials or V.wty )i'vrltlon (iniio mill Vuicrciini,air,'j y i-(tli nt. ST. PAUL MINNESOTA IIUANCIIKM AT Stillwater Maionlc Temple Bide. Minnesota Dululli, Minnesota Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co. WIihUmkIo Dcnlcra Butter, Eggs, Veal & Poultry ST. PAUL MINNESOTA The Judge Demiiutl the Best" LA TOCO Key West Cijar EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King ol 1'ive-Cent Cigar II. S. Cotmul, MlmiotipwIlH Distributor ill. I'lllll r.lalilUhl'il IS7D CORSE!) TOTIfiT CO. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Special Attention Given to Care and Manage ment of Non-Kesldent Estates New York Life litilldluir Minneapolis, Minn. Fin mill S Cor.rr. Prc , lnter 11 Klunod.'VIre I'll'"., William I), TullUi. lir, Kihnl 11, MclioU.rH'i), The House That Keeps the Prices Down Kvery article sold by this house is fully guaranteed You take no chances buying goods of us. Wo noil you for CASH or TKUST. National Direct Action (las ltiuige f 1.00 down uiul fl.00 u week. SMITH & FARRELL CO. vlim ' Sixth and Minnesota Sts. ST. PAUL, MINN. O) ? : ST. PAUL MINN. .: o V044O64 H" v-j.ui uiIikuUM- u b&UiMUMUW " HAGEL UNDERTAKING GO. VM. i: NAiH:U Mikiiigor t.mly Amlitnnt on nil rci whore one lit tuijultvil i3 V. Third ft nt. I'ft'il, Minn. ajascraargic: .': iAj"XiS-tfiznKisRXT i Krtmcih ("lnr. !'' (MI. Illiclnw, V. I'ri'4 f co. II I'rliiw. f'nh 11. . I'nrkur, II. Vbii Vleck, At I'mlin. The Merchants National Bank OF SilNT P.'JL, MINNESOTA United Stntes Depositary Cnpltnl: ONE MILLION DOLLARS Tclulihono SH73-JI. Kp.Melicu Dale W.1 U John Grove Land I Loan Go. GENERAL LAND AGENTS Great Northern Railroad Lands F(!on lo$IS ti;r ncro Ik Iiu iirlco. with raven Minimi pnymunti nt tt lorn-n'. Ititi-r. t 'I ho lutiil oi No 1 llnnl Whunl In tliu (miiuua Had lilvur Valley ol .Mliinciiola. main ornti: 183 E. Third Sleet, SI. Pail, Minn. tlrnnoli Oilk-tMi l.'rooknliii, Attn, Httiphan, Warron, llallock, Minn. Fninplo Work and Itntialrlnir n Kpcclnlty Dialer In tauthur (IuimIii itml Notion. F. V. GARLAND Miktnifnctiirur nt TRUNKS Hotul for I'nlaluiruo Di'i't. I'. STH ItuU'rl Ntll-Vt. St. Paul, Minn. Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAIvlERS ST, PAUL - - MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry Itlcol'lillllin Ulry Co., Proprietor). Office I56 11. 7lli Street. Lnttndry, cor. Sixth nnd John sts. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ELK LAUNDRY CO. Toilet Hupiily Tini'l, t'omlii mill IlrimtKn (iirniilu'cl mil osivtliiw rKloi h7 to tva n nrmlH trtot. I'IoIioiiii Ji'.s. Henry driin lioKeii, MuniiKt'r ST. PAUL, MINN. P.J.I LIQUOR GO. Wholesale Dealers in Imported and Domestic Wines and ors 381 and 383 Jackson St. St. Paul Minnesota. i. iv eVTrm ifc- tim Liqu rrJtfm 1880 "TM' 'WHISKER: A Little Lesson In Patriotism I "Lot our object bo our country, our whole country, nnd nothing but our country." IJnnicl Wcbutcr, Alcxnndcr II. Stoplicns hnd bcon a monibcr of tho nntlonnl Houso of Hot) rcscntntlvoH from 184.'t till ho volun tarily Hovered his connections with It hi 1S30. After his retirement from Washington ho hnd determined not to Bgnln be drawn ln to the conflict that wan ngltatlng tho country. Ho w opposed to violent measures of dis union. From his retire ment ho constantly a. it. stkphejib. ndvlsed moderation and overtures of pence. Hut when these wero of no nrnll and tho war had come, there wns no man In Georgia moro ready than Stephens to do his full duty toward the State in which ho I I 1 .. !..... .....I ll.n I A...1. ..-... I.. I iiuu Mi'uii win ii nun uii; vrmi'iii'ini; tu whose principles he believed. "I opposed secession," was his state ment, "as a (tuestlon of policy, and not one of right. When the Statu se ceded against my Judgment, I thought my ultimate allegiance wn.i duo to her, and I proforord to cast my fortunei nnd destiny with her nnd her peopla rather than take any other course, even though It may lend to my self sacrifice mid her ruin. In accepting n position under tho new order of things" Stephens had been appointed tho VIco President of the Confederacy "my sole object wns to do nil tho good I could In preserving nnd perpot tinting tho principles of liberty as us tnbllshed under tho constitution of tho United States." No one enn dojibt the sincerity of tho man who gavo all that Alexander Ste phens did for the cause that he had espoused. WORK IN HARDOn BUILDINO. Construction of a Ills Deep Ocenn llrcok water at Han I oilro, Oil. Kan Pedro, Cnl., Is about ICO mllei north of tho Mexican boundary and few tulles south of Los Angeles. When California hnd to hnve a now hnrhor somewhere a hoard of government on-glneu-s, in 1W)7, decided that San Peilro hnd tho best natural aiivantagru for constructing one. The result of their work shows Mint n harbor enn bu built almost anywhere If enough mon ey Is expended. Congress appropriated SXDOO.OOO for tho San Ptslro break water, extending 8vo(H) fiot In length In tho ocean, and for dredging behind It. 'Hio breakwater is n sort of continu ation of Point Kcrmlu, to the east ward. It wan planned to coinprlso two Mrnlght arms, connects! by a eurvo, 1,800 feet long, of 1,010 feet radius, tho westerly arm to bo 11,000 feet long nnd tho easterly nrm 11,700 feet long. A gap of L',000 feet was left between It nnd tho shore, but this gnp was crossed by n railway of tremendous Ktrongth, to enable the eonirarinr-. to dump roeks for the breakwater. Tho total amount of rock ivinlivil, neconlliig to tho government spivlilrii- lions, Is 'J.'.MXV.iSI tons, of which It U etlinated 770,000 are yet to be put In place. For some time tho emitmciori liavo been dropping the rok nt tho rato of -I.I.OiK) tons a mouth, or four imn a minute, nt a cost of SO.SII n t in. At the beginning the iliiinplng took place In twenty-feet of water; to-day tho contractors are making bigger splish i In llfty-two feet of water. The nnkt aro often so largo that only two of them enn bo put on one ear. There N a year nnd n half of dumping ahead, but nlrendy n harbor of refuge Is formed, whero vemols enn lie In xiifo ty In nil sorts of weather, behind a rock lino nbovo high wnter. In Hoir-Dofi'iiNO. mm ibohi iianuii m O'lloollgnn He yes th' glntleman thot advertised In th' pajicr tor a por ter, nor? Hotel Proprietor Yes; but I stated that nil applicants must bo made by mall. O'lloollgnn llegorry. nn do yes think It do bo a female Ol'tu afther looWn lolkT The Rent Thin. "Say, pa," querlett little Johnny Hum pernlckle, "what Is a hero?" "A hero, my son," replied his fath er, "Is a man who does his duty und doesn't stand around waiting for peo ple to pat him on tho hack." Wo an disposed to admit that ev ery man has a right to huvo worth It day. Pis m mrWk 4 : HELENA MONTANA : R. C. WALLACE CO. di:ai.kich in FINE OROCERIES HIEUIHNA MONTANA THOS. MALONE BAKERY GROCERY FrtiHm, Contact lonm, Ctpnrm and Tohaooo, Lunchom, Ico Cremm Opposite L'nlon Depot UKI.llNA MONTANA W1M.1AM KTOKWK WILLIAM IIOt.llltOOK I'runldont Vlcal'rclilent J. K. SCOTT, Secretary Helena Cab Company (INl'OKI'OIIATr.T)) Complete Cab, Trans fer, Livery Equipment Agents on All Trains Office J31 N. Main St. Phone 125 HELENA MONTANA San Francisco Bakery JOHN WI.NIIKt,, l'roprletor A Full Assortment of Pine Goods Always on Hand Our Bread is on Sale in Nelshboring Towns Ask Your Grocer for Wendel's Bread Orders by Mali Receive Prompt Attention 61 i First Street 9 State Street Phone 3-F Phone 260-M HELENA, MONT. Capitat Brewing Co HELENA, MONTANA Laundry You want. We want Your Laundry. Mending done and Buttons Sewed on Free Union Laundry Co. PHO.NI2 1.1 n6 Itrnndwny Helena, iMontann GREAT FALLS Ur il iii:oiiuK. , iMicctwor to (Ion HvrlluM) L'i)i:iM'.Ki:i; i:miiai..mi:k. ()H'll tiny nml nielli Ti'KiiOIO V (IrmloilliMif I liiliiiill SrlKHiliit r.inliHllilllIK l.k'iiiM'd (roin ('liiriulo uiul Mummm. HH) (Viilrnl Avimhio, limil 1'nlln. Mnntniin ClotliH Man, Woman, Boy in Modern I'p-to-Dato I'liMliiouiihlo nothing at Popular Priced. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men und Women. Great Falls, Montana. K, A IIKll'liri., I'reM.loiit KfcKMlIll si II, Vice I'roliU'lit. II. W tiltl'NWAUl'..Sie. A rrca THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Hrevers and Ilottlers of extra nuallty lager heer. "American luinily" bottled beer a specialty. Ollice: 10!) Central Avenue. P. O. Pox 80. Great Rills, Auntana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. rattt up Cupital....- Iiullvliiunl l(cK)iulblltty. ..I 100,a ... i.WijM) f .OWifD 11 K CAPITAL BRCWINO CO. U K Q.CO.N'UAO.l'rejMont. JAMKST.STASr'OUn. VIco l'rvi. ami Manager. i'. KtLLV, Caihler i MiNNtAFULb mm. i : Wear CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Mnntifacttircrs ol Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn Pillsbury's FLOUR Leads the World Made In MINNEAPOLIS RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO. Merchant and Kxport MillerH of North Dakota. Capacity '-',000 Parrels Dally Inmctdown, Valley City and Grand 1'orkH, N. Dak, GENERAL OFFICE, : MISSOULA MONT : j.............. ......: I. M. LUCY Trunks, Carpets, Picture Moldin I.nrci'kt Itctnll I'lirnltiiro Kloro In tho NortliucKt. L'ailurlukliiK in Coiiuoctlon lirooks lilock. iMissotiln, Atont. FltKDKItirK I. WIUSI.KU 1)11. OKI.8. MIfiICK I'nulilcnt Vice I'rcnlilviil -.;iN W. IIICKI.IN fK.hlor Missoula Tmst & security Bank General Banking Business Money neat to nil pnrtxot the worM nt lmrcit rmoH. i-iivliii;. arcountit nollcitol. Tliree 'r cvulliitt'rvit piil'l on tnvliiKniiilllmoilupolt A lloinn Hnvlnvi Unnk Iron to nny pern ii om-iiIiik n hvIiik ( count ol II uo nml iiiaril. MISSOULA MONTANA 1 GRID PACIFIC SM.GfJH MLmmouIm, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. I MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "Wc Ssll Everything and Everything the Very Best." m : iviiiitAHULh mm. : ; E. N. YOUNG & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS A Complete Assoatment of Woolens loe Men. Fine Dress Suits a Specially. 250 Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. Yerxa Bros. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 424, 427, Nicollet Aye. Minneapolis, Minn. A. JlACKDAIIL C. A. llACKtUIIL A. Backdahl &. Co. uiiUuaisTS. Opposite MIIWAiikeo I'opot. Pn-'pcrlptloni nre fully compoumleil. '!i WsshliiBlou nve iiuu South. AlliinoiipoIlM, AllmiOHUtii MINNEAPOLIS Omnibus and Transfer Line OHlco: K Nicollet IIouho Ulock Tolcphono 78 Minneapolis Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA MONTANA I Kalispell Malting S Brewing Go. Prowers and Pottlurs of Test Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from tho Famous Western Parley and Itohumian Hops Guaranteed Absolutnly Pure KALISPHLL AlONTANA uavre Commercial Co. II. W. UTIIINMKKI.I.OW. l'icit. .V Mnr. A Large Department Store We Boy and Sell for Cash, There by Getting the Best Prices Our Clothing, Shoe, Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are the Largest in North Montana Mali Onlem rromptly Atlt'iult'il To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry 113-1(5 Second Street South Great Falls Mont. JOHNSON & CASItY, Proprietor. Work Done on Short Notice. Th Only First Class Steam Laundry in Great Falls. Telephone 99. s-K