t - trtti- Mt( vc jd.tk.ayr .. ( (LUZf-AUJL Li The New Age VOL. IX. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1095. :no. 50. LADD & TILTON, KutntilUhril In IR.W. Triinsnrt n (Iciicrnl ikihHi". (.'iillo.tlons mmln nt nil jHiltitn cm fnvornblo terms tatter of I'rcitit lsued nviilluMo In KnriiiK) mill tho Kiintern BUtci. Hllit KxclmtiRo mill Telegraphic Transfers sold mi Now York, WmthltiRtmi, UhluHKi Ht UmlKt Ihiiivcr.Oiniihn, Hmi Krimclnriiiiiiil varliiiiH points In Oicr-oii, Wnshliifttoii, Idaho, Mimtniiti and Hrltlsh Columbia. Kxctmuuc sold mi I-otnltm, Paris, Ilerlln, Frankfort nml Hour Koiitf. UNITED STATES OF PORTLAND, OREGON. .1. 0. A1N8W0HTH, President. W. II. AYKIt, Vice-President. A. M. wiuuiit, Assistant URnnior. Transacts a Reno ml ImnkltiK btmliicnu. Drafts Issiiod, nvnlUble In nit cities of the United .Slates ami Kuroo, Hon Kong nml Manila. Collections made on favoraolo term. NORTHWEST DORMER THIRD AMD OAK STREETS. FIRST NATIONAL BANKlof North Yakima, Wash, Capital and Surplua $130,000,00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY W. M. LADD Pnsldcnt CUA8. CAIU'KNTKIl Vice l'rciililent BAINK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. OPKIOKHHi M. K. OMIKN, President! M. AI.KXANDEIt, Vlro President! II. N. COP- TIN. Cashier; J. M. IIAINKH, Assistant Cashier. DlltKOt OltSi - Itoht. Noblo, Tho. Ilavls. II. K. Olden, J. M. Hnlm-a, J. K. Yates, J. II. Morrow, T. IWaii, M. Alexander, K. it. Collin, -Aooounta of t mnm, Flrmm, Corporation mntt IndMduala Rooolvmd on thm Momt Liberal Tormm Oonmlatonl Wllh Sound Banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wulln Walla, Washington. (First National llnnk In tho Mate.) Transacts a General Banking: Business. CAPITAL ItOU.UOJ. HUltl'I.Uri flW.lsW. I.KV1 ANKK.NY, i'rcililvnt. A. II. KKYNOI.tiS. Vlcu President. A. II. IIUItKOItl), Cnshlor GEO. D. ELLIS. Prom J. O. PENUE, Vlom Prmm. . CAPITAL STATE Llmltmd Banking In alt lit branch. Your buslnro solicited. BOISE, ......... IDAHO THE PUBET SOUND NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE JACOII FUIITII, President. J. H. HOUWMITII, Vlcu Prosldcnt. It. V. ANKKNY, Cannier. Capital Paid Up, 0300,000. Correspondent In all thu principal cities o( thu Unltud Slates and Kurope. Hold dust bouiihi. Iiralia Issued on Alaska and Yukon Territory. -JOHN 1). ItYAN, Pre. D.J. IIKNNK8MKY, Vlco Pre. JOHN (I. MOItONY, CathUr K. J. JIOWMAN, Asst. Cnshlor. MAItK HKINNKII, Asst. Cashier. THE PIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GREAT PALLS, MONTANA Capital, $200,000. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Deposits $1,200,000 AHMOC'IATK IIANKH: Daly Hank A Trust Co, lluttc; Daly llank A Trust Co., Anaconda JNO. 0. AINHWOHTH. 1'rcs. JN0. R IIAKF.lt, Vlco Pres. 1'. it. KAUFK.MAN.5d Vlco Pre. A. (I. I'lllCIIAItl), C-uhler. F. 1. IIAHKKI.I., J II., AmIiIhiU Cashier. THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY BANK General Banklnc CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350,000 Safe Deposit VauHa "SAVINGS DEPARTMENT: Intornst at thn Kate of 3 or cunt per Aiiiuim, Credited Heinl-Annually TACOMA, VAHHINOTON AI.FIIF.I) COOi.llKlK. 1'rea. A. F. McCI.AINi:, Vlco I'res. AAHON KUIIN, Vlco l'res. CI! AH. K. UCttlllF.lt, Cashier. I). C. WOOINVAM), Asst. Cashier. THE COLFAX NATIONAL BANK of Golf ax Wash. Oapltal, $120,000.00 Transacts n general bunking business. Special facilities for bundling F.ustoru Washington nml lilulio itcniR. fcrTAHl.lrtllKli 18.11. AL.LEIN & LEWIS. Shipping- & Commission Merchants WMOLUSALU GROCERS. 'Jo save time address alt communications to the company, No. 6 to 84 Prom St. North, POKTt.ANI), OKL!UON. W. V. KllTI-ltNliAi.il. Hi.uleut J. AI.I'.XANUItK, Vice I'les. CIlAft. II. KIWT1IK, Cashier LEWISTOiy NATIONAL BANK Capitol nud Surplus, $135,000 I.EWISTON, IDAHO UIRKCTORft-W. I'. Kctlenuath. Orace B. Pfamin, R. C. lleach, J. Alexander, C. C, llunnell J. II. Morris, (ieo. II. Kesler. " Send Your Washington, Idaho and TVlontana Business to the OLD INATIOINAU BAINK Spokane Wtishington J. S. ALMAS, Promldcnt ROBER1 T. F. SMITH. Oaahlor THE SECURITY Of Havre, Montana We Hollrlt your account and extend accommodations to our customer In keeping with heir hnlaui'ra. FIRST NA TiONAL BANK BI8MARK, MORTH DAKOTA Emlabllahmd In 1S7B. Capital, $100,000. Informal Paid on Tim a tlopoaMm C. II, I.ITTI.1:. President. V. I. KKNDIIIt'K, Vlco President. H. M, I'VK, Cashier. J. I.. 1IKI.I., Asst. Cashier. OEMERAL BAMKIMO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Red River Valley National Bank: PAROO, NORTH DAKOTA. K. S. LEWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vice President. ' J. W. VON M13UA, Cashier FKGO A IKISII, Assistant Cashier. Cupltul and Surplus $150,000 THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collectiotu made on all points in North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bough and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. THE FIRST INATIOINAU BAINK OR DUL.UTH, .MINNESOTA. CAPITAL. tiKOO.OOO SURPLUS 73B.OOO (J. S. Government Depositary. THE CONRAD NATIONAL BANK "mte&JJEH- OmpHal and SmeurHImm, $250,000.00 W. (S. CONRAD President J. II. KIiWAHDS Vice President ALSO KAUSPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY OHoIob Lota In KaHsaoll, tho Oounty Seat of thm Famous Flathead Oounty. maLfi jfo" mi. 1. ...ii.i..iii,ii.in.r jspmsm mi 1 1 " ' sm sswm fjssg t i' BWnV3mmmfrf'rrmimtrmmwm'.il iyi '.wrysrwsis) 1 111. ' w "si n 1 Portland, Oregon Dunking HiisIiicim tntorrit ultnued mi limn itn NATIONAL BANK It. W. BCIIMKF.lt, Ciwhlor W. IBTl'.IMVi:o. Cashier a. n. clink Assistant Cashier LIMITED. II. E. HEAL, Camhlmr FAY O. TOUMO, Amal Vaah'r BANK OF IDAHO INUOIirOUATKI 1HU7. WALLACE E. CHASE. Vlco PrcalJcnf a. tf uhmsl, Amu. uamnior STATE BANK II, W. DICKKY Cashier A.N.TOWK Astt Cashier ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Brings comfort and cheerful ness during (he long winter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive, for you are a long time dead. 0 . J J J PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ft Mt. Hood Shirts Made "A Little Better Than Seems Necessary" by The Best Workmen KKOM The Best Material WITH The Best Machinery NONE CAN BE BETTER I FLEISCHHER. MAYER & CO. MAKERS That Easter Hat You so much admired in our show window will be gone unless you hurry ! THE LADIES LOVE To have their bonnets to trimmed and fashioned as to elicit the admiration of their friends and acquaint ances, a The Subject of the Hour Among the ladies is to find just what they want in the shape of'headwear. Of course there are "many stores but only one place in Portland where every article is specially designed to giye the customer the best in workmanship, ma terial and style that money can buy. HEILERS 380 Washington Street Corner West Park PORTLAND OREGON rfy5'cr NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. HA1TENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Returns of tho Leas Important but Not Lees Interesting Events of the Past Week. Cndcr Powell lias iiHHiuiit'il oflku nit innrflhnl ut X01110, Alaska, ponding in vestigation. Jnjmn Iiiih been called upon to pun. lull KorinoKittiH who murdered eight American miiloru. Four beef truat olllelala have been indicted bv thu Federal ernnil iurv nt Chicago for spiriting a witness nwny.' Both parties in the Chicago strike refupn to ennfnr nml llio nmiilnvi'rs bnvo adopted a plan by which they hopu to win. President IttMisovult lina left Okla homa for Colorado. Ha tuny bu in duced to ctno on to Portlaiul nud at tend tho fair. It in en id tho Interned UtiHsian ships are preparing for a dash from Bhnnghni and China will bu unablo to prevent it, an she hna no war vessels near. Tho two hostile tleeta in Asiatic wa ters havo not yet coino together, but tlioy nro fast approaching each other and a battle is expected ut any time. General Drngomlrofl urgen tho czar to contlnuo tho war, saying that In four ycaiH Japan's resouicea will bo ex haunted and alio will then bo nt tho morcy of Haaala. Kopresentativo Jones, of Washing ton, expreesi'H tho opinion that Santo Domlnog is not capnblo of governing hcreoll and Internul strlfo will contlnuo until Bomo government takes charge. -Tho Japancao nro Bending largo forces against Vladivostok. Edwin H. Morgan, of Aurora, N. Y., has been appointed United States min ister to Coiea. Admiral Sigsbec, commanding tho Carribean squadron, reorts all quiet in bnnto Domingo. Two miners were killed and a num ber Horiosuly injured in a strike riot at Illbbing, Minnesota. Tho houses of two nonunion minors nt DloHnburg, Alabama, were blown up by dynamite and n child killed. Tho Chicago teamsters' strike con tinues without any material change, Itlots are of frequent occurrence. Tho Franklin cotinty, Kentucky, grand jury has returned about 400 in dictments against tho Standard Oil company for failuru to take out pod dlars' license. Tho question of the government uc cepting railroad rebates on material used in connection with the itrigntlon reclamation service lias been reforml to thu attorney general fur un opinion. Dutch warships havo reported to their government tho commencement of a naval battle between tho Japanese and ltussian t-quadrous near tho Aiiam has islands, east of the Malay penin sula. Jnpaneso cruisers havo In-en seen headed for Hiugaporu The Japanese have completo plans of tho Vladivostok fortifications. Commissioner Garfield has started his investigation into the doings of tho Standard Oil In Kansas. A Little Hock, Ark., lodge of Knights of Pythias accidentally killed a man who was being iuitiiated. Tho third trial of Nan Patterson for the murder of Cuodur Young has been K)stpoued a week in order to get new witnesss. Russiun school lioys placed a quuif tity of explosive behind a picture of tho czar, blowing it into fragments and injuring four pupils. Tho teamsters strike in Chicago is tho cause of many riots. Streets ure barricaded and serious conflicts have occurred between police and strikeis. The Russian fleet can't get into Sui- gon and may koI.o a Dutcli island. The Dutch Host Indies Hpiadron bus gono north to preserve neutrality. Always ask for tbr famniu Genrsl Arthur cigar. Esborg Gtinst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Great Western Coal Company are putting out a nrst-class washed soot less coal for 5 per ton dollvored. Their washed lump coal for $ deliv ered Is tho cheapest fuel on this mar ket. Thoy guarantee all their coals to bo freo from rock, slate and screen ings. Full weights guaranteed. Give them a trial order. Phono Main 948. ADVANCE IN ALL BIG MARKETS. Packors Raise Prlco and Lay Blamo on Cattlo Growers. Chicago, April 14. Prices of beef havo advanced In every important mar ket of tho United States. Tho con sumer is paying tho advanced price, which to him represents several cents per pound over what ho paid up to ten days ago. Swift & Co., Armour nml Kelson Morris state that no beef has been sup plied to the retail markets of Chicago or to any other maikot in thu country during tho last month and a half ex cept nt a loss. Tills, it is declared, has been partially duo to tho fact that breeders of stock and tho handlors of range cattle hnvo been holding back on supply until the grass of tho range be comes nourishing. Swift & Co., speak ing for the packing Interests, this after noon, issued tho following statement: "During the last six weeks tho pro ducers of beef cattle havo been receiv ing about $1 advance over past prices for choice cattle. This simply means that thu advance to the consumer in prices would bo about f 2 on tho one half of choice cattlu that can bu used for food purposes. Tho rnngo cattle producer is the master of tho situa tion." ATTEMPT TO WRECK WARSHIP. Caution Saves Connoctlcut from Doing Ruinod in Drydock. Now York, April 11. During tho process of placing tho new battleship Connecticut in drydock nt thu navy yard here today, what might have proved a serious accident was avoided by tho olllcer in charge sending down 11 diver to make thorough examination of thu hull before the water should be pumped out and the vessel lowered into the keel blocks. Tho diver dlscovorod a heavy timber stuck fast to tho hull on the port side of tho keel, where It had adhered to tho rough plating while tho vessel was on thu ways and had not been released in launching. A failure to discover the timber, it is said, would have resulted in tho buckling or crimping of thu keel and lower frames when tho vessel set led on tho blocks. Several days previous to the launch ing of the Connecticut lust fall divers were sent down to examine tho ways nnd found a largo spike placed where it would havo pierced tho hull, had it not been found. Later, an olllclal investi gation disclosed holes bored in one of the plates. LOW GRADES FOR SANTA FE Will Spend Ten Millions on New Road Through Mountains. Chicago, April l!l. Tho Record Herald says: Olllclal announcement is made that tho Santa Fo has decided to build a (10,000,000 cut-off to the Pa cific coast witli a viuw to getting rid of the mountain grades which now are en countered in thu trans-continental travel. Orders havo been given for the purchase of all thu material necessary, and work will begin in !)0 days. Thu work will bo pushed to completion rap idly, and thu now transcontinental low- grade line will bu ready for opening within a year or 15 months. The Western end of tho cut-off will bu at Rolen, N. M., 27 miles south of Albuquerque, on thu P.I Paso line, and thu KuHteru will bo at Texlco, iifiO miles away on the Pecos valley lines of JI10 Santa Fe. Thu nuw load will cross the Sierra Nevada mountains at Alio Pass, at an elevation of 0,411 feet, but at a maximum grade east-bound of I ' j pur cent and west-bound of o-lOths of 1 per cent. Thu line Vill cross thu Santa Fe Central near Willard and thu F.I Paso fc Northwestern at I.lauo, N. M. Ready to Fight Once More. Paris. Anril 14. Cantain Rodu tele graphs to the Mutiu that ho has been the guest of KaullurH, commaudur of the K-cond Muuchurlaii army at the Russian front. Thu captain's observa tions showed that thu Russian army had been reinforced and is prepared to renew thu battle. Tho troop maneuv er daily in battlu formation. Thu Jap anese cavalry advance guard, the dis patch adds, is barely 10 miles uway, and frequent cavalry skirmishes take place, The prisoners captured have sabru cuts on then heads, showing hand-to-hand skirmishes. Mob Murders a Sheriff. Scnntohiu, Miss., April 14, Sheriff J. M. Pong, of Tutu county, was shot and instanty killed today by it mob of masked men who entered thu jail for the purposu of liberating James White, a white' prisoner who is to bo placed on trial Monday on a charge of mur der. Tho mob, consisting of only six or eight men, gained nu entrance to the jail. Tho sheriff's order to leave was ignored, whereupon the officer filed, wounding one man. Thu 1110I1 then fired on the sheriff, two bullets taking eflict. Submarines at Vladivostok, Tokio, April 14. It Is reported hero that tho Russians at Vladivostok ure conducting experiments with six sub marine vessels, nnd that theeo vessels are all of foreign manufacture, and in clude French, iiritish and American typo. SOON LET CONTRACT Plans for The Dalles-Celllo Canal Are Almost Complete. WILL BEGIN WORK AT UPPER END Enough Money Now on Hand to Build Upper Lock and Entrance to the Canal. Washington, April 13. Within two weeks, it is expected, Major Jjingfitt will bo instructed to advertise for bids for thu construction of thu first lock of The Dalles-Ce.lilo canal, thus launching a project that has been under consid eration in one shape ut another for a generation. Thu chief of engineers lias received Major Langfitt's plan for be ginning construction, but, owing to thu fact that several details are not quite clear, tho papers ure to bo re turned for explanation. Whim they get back to Washington it Is thought the plans will bo approved and author ity grunted to invito proposals. Major Langfitt's plans, which hnvo been carefully worked out In great de tail and with apparent euro, contem plate beginning construction on the tipper end of tho canal and working down stream. This is donu to enable contractors to make i:su of the canal as it Is completed, section by sect Ion. Major I.ungfilt has prepared plans ' for approaches to the canal ut Its upper end, for the guard gates for thu first lock near Celllo, nnd for n cousidurnblu stretch of canal. It In impossible to ' tell how much work can be done with tho money appropriated in tho rivers and harbors law, but It Is antlclplatud there arc funds enough to completo tho Celllo lock and canal entrance, nnd to do considerable blasting and straight canal work. Near tho first lock it will be necessary to build an immense em bankment as the north wall of the ca nal. This part of tho canal, und In fact nil other parts not cut through solid rock, will bo lined with cement. All embankment will be solid of con struction und will bo faced with im mense rocks to prevent washing in sea sons of high water. ONLY ONE FARE. . Reduced Rate to Portland Fair from All Eastern Points. Chicago, April III. Thu action of tho Trunk I.lnu association meeting held ut New York yesterday was supplement ed in this city today by thu Central Passenger association meeting, which decided to concur with thu former asso ciation in granting a one-way rate plus fl from all points east to Chicago for those desiring to attend the IaiwIs anil Clark fair at Portland. Thu Trunk I.lnu association nt Itn meeting yesterday receded from its for mer demand for a rate of HO per cent of the round-trip fare, and agreed to make a one-way rate plus , I from nil points in its territory on tint Atlantic sea board west to Pittsburg and Huffaio. Tills was to bu done, provided thu Cen tral Passenger association would tako the samu rate from the two latter cities through to Chicago, whom the rates could be joined with the samu conces sions Hindu by thu transcontinental lines, giving a one-way round-trip rato from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. Tho action of the Central Passenger associ ation ratified this agreement today, which makes the one-way rato from coast to coast certain. Tills action assures a large attend ance at the Lewis and Clark exposition from all of tho territory lying east of Chicago, extending to tint Atlantic, coast, between the Canadian boundary and thu Ohio river. Thu Centiiil Pas senger association territory take" in till the cities of the east, and the rate of one faro will induce thousands of well- to-do persons to make Portland the ob jective point in their summer uml full vacations. Illinois Will Show Lincoln's Home. HnrinL'flidil. III.. Anril I .'I Tint commission which h to have charge of tho stute exhibit ut the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, (Jr., UiIh summer, elected Cyrus Thompson chairman and Reuben II Tiffany, of Freoport, as secretary. Tho commis sion will hold u meeting ut Springfield next Tuesday, I'uless objections are raised thu commission will niaku tho statu building a copy of thu Lincoln home. It was practically decided to exhibit all available Lincoln mementos jn the building during the fair, British Steamer Captured. Tokio, April 13. Thu Rrltish steam er Henry Holckow was seixed by tlm Japanese guurdshipt off tho island of Hokkaido, April 7. Thu churaetur of her cargo has not been divulged nud her destination is not stated in tho olllclal announcement. It is presumed, however, that thu vessel was bound for Vladivostok. - ,,. i'Ww 4 .iiih -i HiHi Urn 11 1 '-'""''-'- Mil -sr,riiH .iiiiSsi east ;2L"! 522?3