WmjmtWMyn m tmrnttmu mt&frrib.tmwm SSeWP whdiiLiwSBWii mm mm mw&fIEim jtix m-m,miii"miTi is7i iiiWiwnwwsiiSiwinl " J Tlim MTW ACME. JPOMTL.A1TD, OBBGOlf. s ' .. y I ( M TACOMA; WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING, 1IENHY LONGSTRETH, Pres. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Soc. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINQTON. Write for copy of handsome Ulnstrated twoklet on Tacoma, Just Issued. rt. R. MANNINOt Prcs. A. T. HOSMBR, Sco'y U. R. MAINN11NO A CO., Inc. Real nutate Loans and Investment. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIL.DINQ TACOMA, WASH. WHEN IN TACOMA Call at the OXfORD CLUB For a nice cool glass of beer or a drink of whisky direct from the distiMcry ' HANS O. QUAM, Mgr. 1113 Pacific Ave. I I I. .... I.-... Ill , ! II I ,- Home Made Pastry Fine Coffee Oysters and Game In Beaton VIENNA CAFE KOUKHT 8ICKKK, ITop. 1311 Pacific Avenue, ETerrthlnr First Class ' and utto-l)ate TACOMA, WASH TyTONTV'fl TIIM8T BTOKK Berlin Bulldlnr. 1" South 11th St. Telephone, Main 1M. TACOMA, WA8UINOTOM THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephone James 2131 Wines, Liquors & Cigars Rooms In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON fPHK PACIFIC MQUOR AND WINE HOUSE. N. REUTEK, 1'roprletor. The beitol Wlnei, Liquors and Clxari. Family Trade a Bpeclalty. Tel. lied 1731. VM Pacific Ave. 1804 Commerco Ut. Tacoma, Washington THE DAMFINO I'.T.McOLOIN, Proprietor Telephone Main 1M ESTABLISHED DGPOKB TUB WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, , Liquors and Cigars 1502 Jefferson Afonue, Corner l'aeino TACOMA WASHINQTON 0. A. DLAKU J.D. SMITH EAT T. B. C. BREAD MADE BY Tacoma Baking Company all Tacoma Ate. Telephone James 261 TACOMA WASH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $300 Hat Monarch and duett Shirts. 1119K Pacific Ave. TACOMA McLean. McMillan & Co. e Proprietors Laurel Brand Butter, Flour, Catsup, Spices, Etc. Wholesale & Retail Grocers Three Telephones 73 0 Street 76241 Commerce Street TACOMA WASHINGTON Worth Pacific Oyster Co. We are the largest producers of the Puget Sound Oyster in the state and it is our aim to furn ish them to the local as well as the foreign trade in the best possible condition. We are also prepared to supply the retail trade with all kinds of Fish, Crabs, Lobsters, Frogs Legs, etc 760 So. C Street Phone James 3141 TACOMA WASHINGTON Office Phone Black 1292. Residence Phone Red 6061 F. J. LEE PHOTOGRAPHER A varied a Diploma for the Excellency of Photographs at St. PauL Minn., 1900 153? Cosanssrce St. Cor. Jefferson Ave. TACOMA, WASH. v-XtKysBiiawsiBxSrfS1 v Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One ef Use Bast Laundries a taa Northwest. 1309-11 O Street 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephone Main 330 Taceena, Waata MENZIES The MtttVas Furnlislier UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MEN WAITERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY lOOl Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash. Muehlen bruch , a Manufacturer of the Finest Grade Chocolate and Bonbon lev Cream and Shrbs)t PARLORS fill TACOMA AVENUE Tolophuno Main 730 Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leave Tacoma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no Htopfi) 10:10. 11:10a in, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, .1:10,4:16 (Ltd.,-no stops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:16 p m. Lcavo Scuttle 0:30,8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., noHtops), 10:00, 11 :00 a in, 12 in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no Htops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 ',00, 8:00, 0:09, 10:00, 11:15 pm. PUYALM7P DIVISION lavoPnyallui 5:30, 7:00,8:00, 0:00, ll:00(im,l:00, 2:00, .1:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15 pm. Leave 0th nnd Cointnerco fits. 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:0011111, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 pm. (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) J, B. TEKNES, Pres. and Mgr. Tel. Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Oirriacit ui BtcpgiWacm it ill Nttn Prhfiti UbiluM PtrfKt la Efiry NUII FIRST CLASS LIVERY ffeafSil Wtltlt ihlrsi frtP fl .& ail Ua Mngers, who will neat you on All Incoming esas.ua. TACOMA, WASH. r BUTTE MONTANA ! ; Always Open. We Never Bleep. Telephone ana leiegrapn oruers promptly answerea Secretary Mount Morlah Cemetery. As sociation. Notary Public JOSEPH RICHARDS THD BUTTB UNDERTAKER Practical Kmbalmers and Funeral Directors. 1W Wast Park HI. Telephone :u7. lletldsnce 4(M South Montana Street, Telephone T0S-M. BUTTB, MONTANA. Butte Transfer Co. TH09. I.AVKU.K, Proprietor. Baggage "Passengers Checked Tl ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Time Free of Charge. Phono No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT I ! ELtENSBURG : TnlXUNSBURQ BTKAM LAUNDRY. 6HATBWKLI, HAVEN. Patronise a Home Industry, Goods Called (or and Dellrered TELEPHONE RED 131. J. II. 8MITHBON, President. C. H. STEWAHT. Vice Preildent. C, W. J01IN80NE, Cashier WASHINGTOH STATE BANK. ELLEHSIUIC, WASH. DIRECTORS Jacob rurth. C.J. Lord. J. H. tmilthson. C. II. Gtewart. Jos. btercnton. C. W, Johnson. OLYMPIACAFE I Fine wines, liquors and domestic cliarsaad Key West cigars always on fcaad. WULF L MOHLERS 1M Mk a4 IrrlBf StM. SEATTLE WASH 4 SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY ' Manufacturers and dealers In Trunks, Salt Cues mJ Satchels Trasks Nate te freer ud ttsarrte' 17 Sccsaa Ave. SEATTLE WASI TKISO AMD Columsu. Tmonm Main IS BONNY & WATSON CO ( SUCCCRSORS TO ) BONNY & STEWART ftlNSRAL CtHXCTOM AND IMB1LM1M Udy Assistant Al AUU Wacft ways In Attendance. OvlUe( TT i5U. Glaussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SBATTLK, U. S. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 209 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals ! EVEREH WASH : dtate Licence No. S. Lady Asslatant JOHN F. JERREAD Undertaker and Embalmer L'ay and Night Bervlce 29S9 Ilroadway Telephone Main 230 M. R. HOOK REAL ESTATE Red Bluff, Oil. TEHAMA Choice Ranches and Vineyards for sale on easy terms. Absolutely safe First Mortgage Loans nego tiated. Correspondence solicited. Blazier's... No. 248 Burnside Street, Bot. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Star -Brewery Company Drewers and Bottlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Oast Third and Burnside Sts., Port land, Oregon. Union Transfer Co. JliiKgaKG Ltored Flvo Days Free Da-jgage, Freight and Furniture Moving Prompt Attention to All Orders Phone Main 211 131 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORE. West Oakland Bank AND TRUST COMPANY OKFICER8: CHAS. M. WILLAHD. President. U. K. IMUQIIKKTY, lit Vice Pres. K. C. IIAHN, 2nd Vice Pres. C. U WINEH, Cashier. No. 1788 Seventh Street, OAKLAND, CAL. Loewenbergi Going Co. Manslacturers ol and dealers la- Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all rirst-Clasa Dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Beet and Chcaneet hi the Market. 229 to 235 Taylor Street, isb to ih Heonu Htreet, PwrtUussJ, Ortc)sjj f H H 1 1 1 1 H-H-M-M- : OLD ;j FAVORITES HltmrfHfl"H The Bons of the Camp. "Giro us a song!" the soldiers cried, The outer trenches gunrdlnK, When the heated guns of the camps allied Grow weary of bombarding. The dark Rednn, in silent scoff, Liny grim nnu iiiri-nii'imiK uiiuui. And the tnwny mound of the Malakotf No longer bclohM Its thunder. There was a pause. A gunnlsmnn said: "Wo storm the forts to-morrow; Sing whllo we may, nnothcr dny Will bring enough of sorrow." Xhcy lay along the battery's side, Below tho smoking cannon; Brave hearts from Severn nnd from Clyde And from the banks of Shannon. T,hey sang of lore and not of fame; Forget was Britain's glory; Each heart recalled a different name. Hut all sang "Annie Lnurte." Voice after voice caught up tho song, Until Its tender passion Hose like an anthem, rich and strong Their buttle-cre confession. Dear girl, her name he dared not speak, 11 ut as the song grew louder, Something upon the soldier's cheek Washed off the stains of powder. Beyond, the darkening ocean burned The bloody sunset's embers, While the Crimean valleys icarn'd How English, love remembers. And once again a Are of hell Italn'd on the Russian quarters, With scream of shot and burst of shell, And bellowing of the mortars t An Irish Nora's eyes arc dim For a singer dumb and gory; And English Mary mourns for htm Who sang of "Annie Laurie." Sleep, soldiers! still In honor'd rest Your truth and valor wenrlug; The bravest nre tho tenderest The loving nro tho dnrlug. Bayard Tnylor. .. BABY WOODCHUCK8. Wlmt u Kumlljror Klvc I.cnrnetl from Their Mother In One Hummer. Tho woodchuck family bust known to mo wuh tho ouo thut lived by tho old rail funco Juat back of tho orchard on my father's farm. Tho mother In troduced herself ouo uiornlnir In the latter part of May, Just us old Rover nnd I had started out for n duy'a Mslilng. Aa alio tied at our npprouch, Rover followed nnd disclosed to mo the burrow Into which hIi'o had lied. Moro than ono dny'a sport I sot out of that burrow. I took caro that Rover didn't go with mo when I inndo my visits, and, instead of digging out the lumntcH, boy-fashion, I waited for them to come but of their own ac cord. Several tlnrea tho old xvood chuck appeared; but, feeling auro that there were "moro to follow," I patiently watched and waited. Fin ally my patlonco waa rewarded, for, ono Hue morning, tiro lltlo cubs caiuo tumbling along tho narrow passago after their mother to tho entrnnco of the burrow, nnd looked with their great, beautiful brown eyes upon tho outside world. What a marvelous sur prise it must havu been to thorn to vlow tho green grass mid tho beauti ful (lowers! When satisfied thnt thero was no danger lurking In tho Imiuedlato vicin ity, the mother led tho way Into the grass, followed by tho cubs, which tumbled nloug in hnsto to keep close to her. They tried to linltato her In ovcrytliliiR; and when alio nibbled a clover leaf they followed her exam ple, mid soon tho sharp little teeth had learned lo cut the Juicy leuvca. The real object of their, llrst outing was soon accomplished that of tilling their stomach and then they began playing about In tho grass, very much like puppies, but tho mother waa care ful lint to let them wander far from tho entrnnco of their home, for if her trained ear caught tho houiiiI of aoino thttig approaching sho would hustle tliu llttlo ones Into tho burrow. Oucu tho cubs had traveled only a part of tho passage before they heard tho deep breathing of the dog at tho mouth of thu tunnel, Tho exertion nnd ex citement must havo made their lit tle hearts heat fast, nnd for thu llrst time In their lives they learned what It wiih to he frightened. This was only tho beginning of their education; for day nf tor dny they came out of the burrow, and when they scrambled back something had been added to their llttlo stock of woodchuck knowledge. A part of this knowledge was obtained by rimy. Ing their mother, hut by far tho great er part came through Instinct and ex periences of their own. Some attention was given to tho art of climbing trees and fences, for from elevated positions they could command a much moro extended view of meadow and woodland. Yes, wood chucks really climb fences and small trees, though their llrst attempts are very clumsy. Never a day passed that tho little woodehuehH did not ro celvo a lesson In danger signals. They soon learned to distinguish among tho many sounds thnt caino to their eara those that threatened harm from thorio that meant no harm at all. They learned that a dog Is not a dan gerous foe, as his presence Is usually made known while ho Is some distance off; but they learned to bo very wary when a fox was In tho vicinity, St. Nicholas. Unreasonable Woman. Ills wife asked him to read to her. Taking up tho paper, ho turned to tho womun's page and started with" tho first article that attracted his atten tlon. It Avas by a distinguished nied leal authority on tho subject of correct breathing and began: "Aa a means for preventing wrinkles In the faco It is certain that the prac tice of keeping the mouth shut la one of the most positive." "That will do, sir!" she snapped. "I asked to be entertained, not to be la raited." New York Pre. J ! SPOKANE I $ JJOTEL ALDKRT John 8. tumble, Proprietor 337 Riverside Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room In connection. Hotel phoue Main 1U4. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON D. A. CARMEL Dealer Ih Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 47 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SPOKANE CAFE The Leading Cafe of La Grande Avenue. Dno block from tho Depot. Meals at all hours. Everything llrst-class. J. P. JOHNSON, Proprietor IUFRKN8K BUFFET 3IS Howard Street. Phone Mala M. BPOKANK, WABIIIN010M Watson Drug Co. Who!sl nnd Rstall The most complete iteck ef Drue ane" Patent Mtdldnts to be found la the Inland Empire. Prices guarantee1 as low at the lowest. Our Prescription Department nurln your confidence. 401 Rlvrld Av. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics lank (Htato Hank) SPOKANE, WASHINQTON A State Bank. Transacts n Oeneral Banking Business. Cupllnl f.V,000.00. Individual worth of stockholders eirtciia i,u,wu.uu. OFFIOKItH AND DIKKCTOHSt Donald llniiilintl, I'rrnldent. lloburt rtlierMi, Vic President. A. II. Hwsnioii, Vic. President, J. II. Clancy, Cannier. O. W. ThomM, Thninix llrslop, Wllllsm (lemmlll, jiourri iijrsiou, tit uimin, rnui rrim, Hubert llunnluf. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Cascade Steam Laundry liodi Cilln" for im Dillf ml to Any Part if till City PhoNi Main 2t6. 911 Iridf Avt. SPOKINE WUNINITON Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINQTON Oru(itsjMt Orocary OK TIIK Northweat Importers o Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries Wo make a specialty of supplying pri vate curs. Heml for catalogue. Mall orders solicited, 511-523 SPM.UE AVENUE I NORTH YAKIMA : e) set MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY II. Q. WKINBTKIN COMPANY, Manufacturers of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wish. (No. axA.) Caoltal Stock, $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profit., $51,569.17 Btaleinenl at CIomj ol Dullness, Sept. 19, 1903 W. M I.ADD, iWldenl. CUAS. CARPF.NI Kli, Vice Pres. W, I HI KIN WF.O. Cashier. A. II. CLINK, Asst Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Hpecial orders returned same day, Domestic finish or uloss. No saw edges on collars or cuffs. Get acquainted with our methods. Ut LssisVy Wtfk I Mw lasmkartsala Fnaals Wsarias Klsi sTwf"eT TesffarPef WAWw9f WwWmnkwkwmWe LAUNOKV ANO OFPKB FIRST AND A STREETS, vkeMM. KmU Yakima Waa ! LIVINGSTON 0NR OB THE BEST BALOONi Ut UY2MQ ETON. WM. GRAB0W. Fin. brands of all kinds of liquors. ' Wholesale dealer In Jos. BohUls Brawtaf Oe'e Milwaukee Lacer Beer. liTtnestoB HdBtana UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASBLBi, Frf. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS (Jam. and Fish In Beason. Livingston, - - - - - Montana. Employment Agmmmy MAUJ ANO FBMALB. an tarnish .mplorm.nt to all elaasM t labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loan and Collections.' C, 0. KR0HNE, Agent. Ode OpsxNjtU PoatoBee, Urlnfiton, U .nUaa Fa B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. CARRIER BROi VIENNA BAKERY A roll line of fine bakery and confee ttonarr goods always on hand, also ice cream nnd Ices. Private cars and spec UI orders given prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 114 8. Main Street. T.l.plio.. S3 .. LIVINGSTON, MONTANA. UVINQSTON STEAM LAUNDRY Traveling mens' work a epeeialtj. D raeeue or high gloss flush.' Work done en short notice. UI V Park St., opposite the K. P. Depot. TUMPHONC 9 F. GEO. W. HUSTED Preecriptteae, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, TsHst Articles, rtneet Soda Fsejntssa ssiUss N. I ftsJtwajr. Opposite the Depot B OZEMAN REVVING COS PURE BEER Brnwed from the famous Gallatin Valley Barley snd choicest Hope. PARK BOTTLING WORKS Agents At uviMmTBM, mmnr. MONTANA Kalispell Malting S Brewine Go. Drawers and Bottlers ol Best Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from the Famous Western Barley and Bohemian Hope Guaranteed Absolutely Purs KALISPELL MONTANA Havre Commercial Co. II. W. BTlUNaPKLLOW, Free. A Mgr. A Lirgi Department Store We Buy and Sell for Cash, There by Getting the Best Prices Our Clothing, Shoe, Dry Goods and Millinery Departments ate the Largest in North Montana Mall Orders Promptly Attended To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry f 13-1 15 Second Street South Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON CA3KV, FrHeters Work Done on Short Notice. Tks Only First Class Steam Laundry isa Great Falls. Telephone 99. fcAA A. A A A A A A A SV AAAAAA AAAAAA WWW wwww wwwwwwvw AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ GREAT FALLS ! I WK.OKOROS, . (Btteeessat tegee. UNDERTAKER t EMBALMML Ooen dav and nieht. Teleshoa. SI. . Graduate of Champion School of Bsal Licensed from Colorado Ml Uontaaa. 09 Central Avenue, Qreat Falls, W. Tl. LKARD. Pree. II. DOTHRTH, 1st Vies Pres. and See. W. L. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice Pre, and Tress CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. II. Leard, Manajrer. Telenhone 74, Short order work a speclaltr Great Falls, . . 117 fires at, hotms MoMleaa tHnlllLi Cloths Man, Woman, Boy la Modern Up-to-Date Fashionable) Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Price Store for Men mu4 Women. Qreat' Falls, - - - AUatana. JOHN D. RYAN, President D. J. IIRNNE8SY, Vice President, JOHN O. MOIIONY, Cashier. S. J. BOWMAN. Ass't Cashier. MARK BJUNNKR.Ase'lOMhtee UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ef GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, Capital, 1900,060. DSelMSMS ASSOCIATX BANKS! Daljr Bank A Trust Co., Butte. Daly Bank a Trust Co.. Anaconda, B. A.RKICHKL. President. w. F. BBNOBUflCH. Vlee reeMent. H. w. ORUN WALDT, See. A Trees THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Bottlers of extra quality laKor boor. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Office: 109 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 80. Qraat Falls, - - - Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY. GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid un Cardial Individual Meeponelbilltr .... iVM' ex Mien ... io.ee i see aWWas"fsl O. CONRAD. Preeldent. JAMKST. STANFORD, Vice Pres. and Manager, T P. kkiayTs eshtee SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano Moving and Heavy Freightlnf Dealer In Coal and Wood Warehouse on R. It. Track, Ninth Ave. South. Phono 50 M. Office with Great Falls Ilardwaro Co., 410 Central Ave. Phones, Healdouco 60 A, Office 102 GREAT FALLS, MONT. OMAHA NEBRASKA ! OMAHA TRANSFER GO. Is the only excluslre hutiate llu. In Omaha and th. only oua recouulitxl 1r th. railroads. Commercial ami theatric! business a spe cialty. City rates the lowest. etre Ymur Whmmk tm aW Awml Oh Trmktm ev Bmmmt. 1314 Howard Slraai ASK FOR KRUG Tho Beer you like. Agencies in all Western Cities and Towns, FRED KRUG BREWERY GO. OMAHA, NEB. to arr the BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DUNK ALWAYS ORDER ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Nab PAXTON me GUU.IEI CO. Importers, Coff Roasters anri Jobbing Grocer r Oldest JofcWng Crocm la the Vest, aV UUkhcd I8O-I904. Ssecbl sMeatiea givest o null orders. Omaha, Nab. 'A j n V I 1 i sL Msfesineea.i