r'.-av :V- (i "Hi 1 1 i"li " THE OTNT AGE, POBTIaAND, OREGON iiS, sr a" .v '1 It 5f i'i . t m ( IW I: Catarrh v Invites Consumption It weakens the delicate Jung: tl deranges the digestive organs, and breaks down the general health. It often causes headache and dlzd nets, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, and affects tlio voice. Being a constitutional dlscaso it re quires a constitutional remedy. Hood's Sarsaparllla Radically and permanently ctncfl ca tarrh of tlio nose, throat, stomach, bowels, and mora dclicato organs. Itcad tlio testimonials. No substltuto for Hood's acts like Hood's. Bo suro to get Hood's. "I was troubled with catarrh 20 years. Beelng statements of cures by Hood's Bar ispnrllla resolved to trr It. Four bottles entirely cured me." William Biixbm, 1030 0th St.. Milwaukee. Wis. Hood's Sarsaparllla promises ts eur and keeps the promise. The lios; Onhln. O'er the rtslon like n mirage falls The old lot; cabin, with tn dlnsy wall), And crippled chimney with crutch-HUe prop Deneath a nngdnK shoulder at the top. The coonsldn battened fast ou either side The wisps of leaf tobacco "cut and dried" The yellow strands of quartered apples strunir In rich festoons that tangle In among The morning glory Tines that clamber o'er The little clapboard roof above the door; The old well sweep that drops a cour tesy To every thirsty soul so graciously, The stranger, as he drains the dripping gourd, Intuitively murmurs, ''Thank the Lord." Again thro' mlsti of Vucmory arise The simple scenes of horns before the eyes; The happy mother, humming with her wheel, The dear old melodies that used to steal Ho drowsily upon the summer air, The house dog hid bis boue, forgot his care, And nestled at her feet to dream, per chance, Borne cooling dream of winter time ro mance. The squaro of sunshine through the open door That notched Its edge acros the pun cheon Door, And mado a golden coverlet, whereon The god of slumber had a plcturo drawn Of babyhood, In all the loveliness Of dimpled cheek, aud limb, and lluscy dress; The botiKh-flllcd fireplace and the mantel wide, Its flro-Ncurched ankles stretched on eith er side, Where, perched upon Its shoulders 'neath the Joist, The old clock hiccoughed, harsh and husky-voiced, And snarled the premonition dire and dread, When It should hammor Time upon the head; Tomatoes, red and yrilow, In a row, Preserved not then for diet, but for show, 'Like rare aud precious jewels In the rough, Whose worth was not appraised at half enough; The Jars of Jelly, with their dusty tops; The bunch of pennyroyal and the cordial drops; The flask of camphor and the phial of squills; The box of buttons, garden seeds and Pills; And ending all the mantel's brlc-a-brac The old, time-honored "family alma nack." Janice Whltcomb Hlley. Primitive 'pnr-Mnktns'. In Madagascar a kind of writing paper used by soino of tho native nota ble and the fetish priests Is muilo from tho bark of n shrub named liu liova. Tho bark Ilbre Is bollod nnd macerated until a thin paste Is obtain ed. Then n leaf of the plant called ravlnla, or tru voter's ton, U coated with pulp formed from a particular kind of rice, nnd over this Is spread tho hnhovu paste, on both sides of tlio leaf. After tlio coating lias tuorouKU ly dried and adhered, It Is polished with a smooth shell, and the paper Is ready for use. The manufacture of the Ink employed, like that of tho pa per Itsolf. Is a monopoly of the nota bles and priests who uso It. ThU pa per may be bought by Kuropeiiu trnv clers at loss than u penny u sheet, but only a few hundred sheets are pro duced In a mouth. Altoona, Pa., June so, 1903. I was afflicted with Tetter in bad shape. It would appear in blotches as large as niy hand, a jeilowlah color, and scale oft. You can imagine how offensive it was. Tor twelve years I was afflicted with this trouble. At night it was a case of acratcu aud many times no rest at all, Sccluftlie good the medicine was doing a friend who was taking it for Itezetua, I com menced it, and as a result tho eruption be fan to dry up aud disappear, and to-day am practically a well man. Only two tiny spots are left on the elbow and shin, where ouce the whole body was affected. I have every confidence in the mediciue, and feel sure that in a abort time theso two remaining spots will disappear, 8. 8. 8, is certainly a great blood purl ficr, and has done me a world of good. I am grateful for what it has accom plished, and trust that what I have raid will lead others who are similarly aflllct ed to take the remedy and obtain tho tame good results that I have, 135 Hast Fifth Ave. John V, I.RAR. While washes, soaps, salves and powders relieve temporarily, they do not reach the real cause of the disease. The blood must be purified before the cure is permanent, 8.8.8. contalna no potash, arsenic or min eral of any description, but is guaranteed SSS purely vegeiauie Bend for our book ou the skin and its diseases, which is mailed free. Our physlciaaawill cheerfully advise without charge auy who write u about their case. Leases IN Wm twJM GMVtay, Atluta. fit Humorous j !iJI,lMl....M.rn-n! At a Party Rudolph, enn you cut your own meat?" "Humphl" sold Ru dolph, who was sawing away. "Can't I? I've cut a great deal tougher meat than this at home." Doctor Ah! out for n constitution nl? she Yes; I walk two mllei be fore breakfast every morning for my complexion. Doctor Is tho dnij; storo so far ns that? Kxchnnge. Mr. A. Chromo7 Mrs. Nowricho And who Is this by? Picture Dealer That Is n chromo, madam. Mrs. Nowricho Oh, yes, of coiirso It is. Now that you mention it, I recognize his style. Boftlclgh When I nw nwsked her foh her hand In mawrlogo her bwutnl father thwentcned to nw liwulii me, (lonelier know. Miss Cutting Tlmt's Just llko her father. He ulwnys was fond of n Joke. Chicago Dally News. Usual Invitation A lady wiih asked by another where bIio nnd her hus band had taken up their nhodc. "Oh," sho replied, "wo are living by the cnnnl nt present. We should uo de lighted If you would drop In some oven Ing." A Proper Study. Wall Htreot So your son Is studying law. Do you ex pect that ho will stick to It? Specu latorOh, no; I Just want him to know enough nbout It so that ho will be nblo to cvndo It successfully. Detroit Pros Press. A Fight In It. "As Shakespeare says," remarked Cassldy, who was fond of airing his "book larnln'" oc casionally, "what's in a nnmo?" "Well," replied Casey, "call mo wan that 01 don't like an' 0111 show ye." Philadelphia Press. Ilcaritt Things were awfully dull on 'Chango to-day. Absolutely noth ing doing In stocks. Tho buyers nnd sellers failed to get togothcr. Mrs. Hearltt Why don't you mark souio of tho stock down and advertise a bar gain salo? Chicago News. "Maudo graduated from your cook ing school Inst spring, didn't sho?" "yes; but she's going lo tnke n post gruduiito course this fit 11." "Then she's really going bark to tho school?" "Oh, no; she's to bo married to a poor young mnn." Catholic Standard-Times. A Heal Curiosity. That Is a curious looking cane, major," said tho visitor. "A memento of the war of the rebel lion, I suppose?" "Ych, a Christmas present," replied the old veteran. "It was madn from tho hollow log I occu pied nt tho famous battle of Hull Hun." Lylcs Did you ever como across n moro conceited fellow than Hulger? They sny ho Is nn nthi'lst; nnd I be hove ho In. Honter I wouldn't llko to go so far ns that; but I do know that ho doesn't rccogulzo tho exist ence of a superior being. Town and Country. Tho Htrnngo Hen You'd hnnlly ho llovo It, ladles, but In that part of tho country from which I camo In cubators nro unknown. Tho Modern lion Goodness gracious! 1 suppose tho simple-minded folk out that way still hellovo that a hen's spheru Is her nest. Town Topics. . Directions for Use. Tho Inventor of a .new feeding hottln for Infants sent out tho following among his direc tions for using: "When tho baby Is done drinking It must bo unscrewed and laid In n cool place under tho hydrant. If tho bnby docs not thrive 011 fresh milk It should bo boiled." Deacon flood Don't you think It cruel for you to druw n llsh out of his initlvw element by a sharp Iron hook? Fisher Hoy It's no fault of mliio. When I'm Just giving 11 worm n salt water bath, what does a IIhIi want to honk himself onto my lino for? It's uo business of his. Huston Transcript. Honest Policy. An Irishman soino years ago entered Mr. Htiinm's olllee, took off his hat politely and niiIiI: "Tho top of tho inornln' to ye, MUthor Man na. I've been told yo'10 wantln' o' help." "I have very little to do," re plied Mr. Iluuna, with 11 tult smile of humor. "Then," said tho Irishman, "I'm the boy for yex. It's little I euro nbout doln', sure; it's tho money I'm nfter." Kxclamalory Rheumatism. Martha, the colored washerwoman, was com plaining of her husband's health to 0110 of her patrons, "lie's ve'y po'ly, ma'nm; vo'y po'ly. He's got dut ex clamatory rheumatism." "You mean Inflammatory, Martha. Kxehimatory Is from exclaim, which menus to cry out." "Yes, miss," answered Martha, with conviction, "dat's what It Is. Uo hollers all do time." At a public school one of tho boys In a class had committed some grave Infraction of discipline, The teacher announced that ho would thrush tho wholo class If some 0110 did not tell him who had committed tho olTeiiso. All were silent, mid ho began with the tlrst boy and thrashed everyone In tho class until he Dually reached the lust one. Then he said: "Now, If you will tell 1110 who did this, I won't punish you." "All right, sir, I did It." Scissors. An KnoriiioiiN Umbrella, An umbrella big enough to cover n dozen persons belongs to tho Church of St. Peter Maneroft, Norwich, Kng. laud. It Is used ou wet days for wed ding parties, so that tho bride, ami bridegroom, tho bridesmaids and guests may not get their smart dresses spoiled when walking from tho church door to tho carriages. It Is also used by tho clergy at funerals, when tho service has to be held by the graveside In pouring ruin. That It 1 uxeful is obvious, and It Is rather remarkable that many other churches do not pos. hoss such nn article as a part of the ordinary church furniture, Soiuoitititi: Wrniitr. Ho (musical, to hostess) I hope you will excuse me gllug n humorous sketch to-night. I'm sorry to disap point you, but I I feel to so funny! Punch. When a woman recommends her physician to foiiio other woman uud he falls to effect a cure she never forgives tho other woman. What would a woman do with u se cret If she couldn't tell It? Ajers Feed your hair; nourish It; give it something- to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only Hair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " Mr linlr tiirri In hn yetj ulinrt. lint ftr uiImk Ajnt't llnlr VU-nr .hurt tlmi It Ih-ic.iii In crow, nnd iimw II I. fourteen Incliei lung. TliUacin a plmirihlr e.ult to m. nft.rbtli g altnntt wlllmui miit lulr." .. . Mil. J, II. Firuu, Colorado Hprlngi, Colo. ft 00 ft bottle. All ilruirylU. j.c. AVitnro., IjiwHI. Mm., for Short Hair Ills Dyspepsia Hotter. Ilutts I got n wire from ShIrrs to ilny stiyliif; his dyspepsia was much hotter. Cntts You don't inenn to sny bo telegraphed tho news. What did ha say? Hutts lie snld there vns n strong rally In the wheat pit. ClucluuuU Commercial Tribune. Hotheri will nnd Mrs. Winston's Soothing Byrup tlio heat remedy to use for their children during the teething period. A Wlso Yountr Woman. Up It Is true, darlliiir, that I haven't a penny that I can call my owu Just now, hut my father Is worth a million, and KI10 (liitcrriiptlnp) ICxcuse mo, but is your mother living? He No. Shi" Oh, my denr boyl Will you do me a favor? Hi Mure. Wlint Is It? She Introiluco me to your father. For forty year's lMso's Curs for Con sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price .'5conts. Other Hhlo or It. Sho (at tho depot) It must bo awfully trying on those poor foreigners who como to this country and Hud themselves strangers In a strange Intnl. Hi Oil they nro Used to It, having been horn nnd raised In foreign lauds, you know. She hy, of course, I nover thought of that. A OUARANTI3I-D CURH POR PILGS HcIiIik I til nil. IIIpnIIik or rrotnullti? I'IIm Yinirilruiit(lt will ri-rviml iiidiipy If l'A.O OINT tIKNl' litlla to lut you III to II U)ft M10. Mngnallo HuiiiIh. Ill tho district of .Stnviingcr, In tho southwestern part of Norway, thcro Is u place called Jnedcren, n Hat strip of coast less than n mile long, which Is notorious for shipwrecks. Now n Nor wegian physicist has discovered that tho sand of Jaeilcrcn Is strongly mag netic, owing to 1111 admixture of mag netic Iron ore. Ho found also that lit a distance of three miles from tho shore n ship's compass showed a devia tion of a wholo ilegrco from Its trtio position. Tho cause of, tho numerous shipwrecks, therefore, Is obvious. Knrlleat flrern Onions. Tho John A. Knlzcr Seed Co,, La Crosse, Wis,, always have something now, some thing valuable. This year they olTcr among their new money making vege tables, an Karliest (Ireeu Haling Onion. It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! JUST NK.MI this .notici: AM) ltio. nnd they will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with ciiouuh seed to grow 1,000 line, solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Tut nips, 2,000 blanching, nutty Celery, 2,(KK) rich, buttery l.ottueo, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rale, lucimin Itndixhr, 1.000 Klorioiwly hnlliuut Flowers. In all over 10,000 plants this great offer Is iimilo to get you to test their warranted egetable seeds and AM. 11)11 HUT ICO roSTAIIK, providing you will return this notice, and if you will send them 20c in postnuc, they will add to tho above a big pai-Knge of Salter's Fourth of duly Sweet Corn tho cnrlicxt on earth 10 days earlier than Cory.l'cep o' Day, First of All.otc. lC.l.. Quaint Hootch Custom. Natives of tho northeast coast of Scotland oliscrvo it curious custom nt fuiiernls. After tho burial service tho colli n is carried outside tho house and placed upon tho two chairs 011 which It hud rested within doors. As soon ns tho pallbearers lift up their burden mid begin their Journey to tho gruvo yard theso choirs nro at onco thrown sharply on their backs. In this posi tion they nro kept until tho Interment has taken place, when they nro taken Indoors again. Any attempt to place tho chairs on their legs or to take them In before the proper tlmo Is nt onco frustrated hy the relatives of tho dead. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS l'a.tt, lUlilwt ftud Irunwtt Hliimp Tailor on IIih uiftrkrU llv Hum powrr on tli (i Willi tu lionM. Willi) lur ilmrlUM caulutt nil tli-. .. , ,, " KIIIHKSON MACMINl'RV CO, foot of AlorrlMn Slice! rortlaml, Oregon ItflUTCn HAI.KSMK.N locaiivsitamonfttthe IfRNICU tanner and 0atr sellliiK fire, Watr and llurKlar I'roil Sate. I'rleet are wltlilii reach oteveryouii. (IimhI money mak er, llaveaneiiuiiow- maktiif fio.oo per day, Addreu SPtCIAUYStUINGCO. Portland Oregon I u LI lid ara known bv wht thv haw growu. Kor half a cvntur lhy ba tMfn lb taoilard liavvu't reueaouco 10 wvaup buiter. tu tor cropa than any olhure. Sold by all dMltim. I 03 Heed An. Ml tm to kit appi leant. O. M. rCRRY A CO., Detroit, Mloh. I CuSitt fimp, TaaUaUoud. baa lottnia. aoljbr JrinyUU. tiff wm. l,ovb Denier In Groceries hi1 General MinhaRJisi 106 N. Fourteenth Street 1'ORTLANl) OREGON ur CREAM I SPOKANE PORTLAND 03)3933393 aBBBBBBBSBO THE BROWN Nowly-Funnlahod Flrmt'Olaau Fmmlly Hotel. Street Ctrs pass the door for all parts of the city. THE BROWN is known among the tourist travelers from New York to Portland, (Jregon. Oornoi Grand and Hawthorne Avonuou PORTLAND, OREGON Rooms With Private flath. Newly rurnlihed Sample Rooms for Commercial Men Palmerston Hotel CHAS. tHRtNBr.RG, Manager. Telephone Main 1379 European Plan. Adjoining Spokunu Theater, across tho street from 1'aclliu Hotel. Ono block from Davenport's. Turkish Hath la Connection. 104 and 106 South Post St. SPOKANE, WASH. PMONCSt Motel, M 2077 bar, M 115 Golden West Hotel AND BAR. -. - M. PETERSEN, Proprietor. Everything New nnd Up-to-Dutc Cor. Washington St. and First Ave. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON SMITH & COMPANY Funeral Directors And Furnishers Lndy Attendant Private Ambulance In Connection 117-119 Post St. SPOKANE, WASH. EASTERN AND WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Car and Cargo Shippers Office and Mills, North Front St. PORTLAND, OREGON Telephone Main 1386 DAVIS BELTING CO. Belting, Roofing and Mill Supplies. Selling Agents Nott's Celebrated Leather Belting! Carey MagnesU Flexible Cement Roofing! Chicago Lace Leather) Rubber Belting. Belts Repaired. 19 First Street, PORTLAND, OREGON 170 Iront Slrrcl IBB Morrison Mrcct A. 5. JACOBS Agricultural Implements llc.iv y Lumber Gears line Vehicles and Wagons Harness und Saddles Tckphonr Main 2246 Portland, Oregon l JonUn. 11. lto.euiwelg-. II, K. Jordan Wheat, Hay and fruit Farms IN WASHINGTON. Choice Building Lots in Spokane JORDAN & ROSENZWEIG 1 1 Washington St. SPOKANE, WASH. PIIOM! MAIN 1447 Pacific Blue Points OYSTERVILLE OYSTER COMPANY Growers mul Sliliiers of Eastern Transplants ud Nitlvi Skoilwater Bay lystirs WHOLESANE ONLY Orders will lo promptly, filled at 253 Yamhill iWt PORTLAND, OKEQON THF ST AD H. KRAMBR ,,,u 3II Proprietor Wines, Llquora and Cigars KRAMER'S HOUSE KIrttCUrs Furnished llooms from UM to $5.00 per week S. W. C. Fifth od Barnilie SU. PORTLAND, OR A, M. WHITE Buccesnor to Aug. Tomblotn Phone itamoa ItMl Wood, Coal, Hav, Grain and Feed Coal Oil. Cr.olce Potatoes. Furniture Moved. Furniture Stored 1694 Seventh Street. Oakland, Cat. CAIN & McKUNE Dealers In ALL KINDS OF CORD WOOD & COAL Your orders nro rciiccUully solicited, which will be II 11 i'd at lowcit ma kct prices. If not fstlMlcd tilciMU report at olllee. Orders for wood saw will hnvo prompt attention. I'hone Xlstn U"&. S3 X. Klxth Street, Portland, Oregon. ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOQIST Cor. 23d aud Thurman Bts. rhone Main 1010 PORTLAND, ORBOON Portland Cloak X Suit Man'g Go. M. U. ZEITFUCHS Tailors and Dressmakers Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Made to Order. Raincoats a Specialty EM Wellington Btrcct I'hone Main M91 BKI.UNll.iliKKUH IIUII.D1NO PORTLAND OREGON OWEN MANUFACTURING CO. Mantifacturoisof the Gold Standard Logging Jack OFFICE AND FACTORY 435 IRVING STREET PORTLAND, OREGON WIIEN YOU GET DISGUSTED WITH POOR WORK, RING UP SACRAMENTO LAUNDRY BOTH PHONES '"104 " Promptness is the essence of all good business; lack of it the cause of many failures. W. H. BROTT, Mgr. Sacramento, Cat, Always Ask for VIOLET OATS Sold by All Dealers PHONE MAIN 6374. LEWIS AND CLARK MESSENGER AND DELIVERY COMPANY Prompt Answers to All Calls. Wagons furnished on short notice. Trunks and Baggage a specialty. 7 NORTH FIFTH STREET COR. ANKGNY Muck Hardware Go Second and Morrison Streets Majestic Malleable Ranges Mesaba and Grown Steel Ranges Mechanics' Tools and General Hardwari THETOKEPOINTOYSTERGO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tolwphonu MAIN 693 Soli Growirs of thi CilibnM Toke PointOysters All Kaitern Oyster Transplanted nnd grown on our beds t TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNEQUALKD IN rLAVOR A.N1 KUE8IINKS3" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers in All Variotlet of Native Oysters. t Do You Know the News? You can hr It til (or rviMMi KL 1 1 gf rCftint 50c Month Month In The KTtnlni Telegram, ot rortlinJ, Oregon, It It ins Urgett erenlng now Vler publUbed In Oregon: it contain U the newi ot ltio state and ol ibt, ua tton, Try U tor a uontb. A samplo ropTwllIM uailea to you irto. Ad. l i(T. AU A areu THE TELEGRAM, Portland Orcgoa. X RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO. Merchant and Export Millers of North Dakota. Capacity 2,000 Barrels Dally Jamestown, Vallf City and Grand Forks, N. Dnk. GENERAL OFFiOE, THE ADAMANT CO. SSSoT MANUFACTUIIK118 OF WOOD FIBER PLASTER The best Wnll I'lnstt-r In America. Mills Foot of 14th .Street Telephone Main 2119. ANUitKW :. DAVIS, President J. A. TAMIOTT, Vice President First National Bank Montana IlKHOL'ltOKS l.ons and dlsrnuiit , $1,880,939,87 ll.S80.930.S7 llonilsaml warrant , 297,800,01 United Hlalcs bonds at par 211,810.(0 Duo from bank 7UI,fi;onu Pa.li (til li.liit . Kiltt fJVI A1 2tn.soo.co Cash on hand., oU8.CC3.01 $1,193,932.44 The Brunswick - Billiard and Pool Tables' Bar Fixtures and Improved Regulation Bowling Alleys ALL GOODS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS The Union Meat Company All Dining Cars and first class Hotels and Restaurants buy the Union Meat Company's FRESH AND CURED MEATS The Best in the Market. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY PORTLAND DON'T BE FAKED! IP YOU LIKIi All first class dealers sell them without an argument. ALLEN I WmmmAWmmLmmmmmBt7aNmmr '1 I ' i'".ammmfamm. '''Iw-Bi I a9SammmTmmammammmmmm J - lil iBHTl I 1 ' I U I ' mkammammmm' uwaw awwwMjaw l.aaaaaaaaaaamr.ir , Ua1aMaaaaaaaaaaaaWmWwaWlt'r mlaaTmaaaWmlWmartaaWaWrfy WaVBA. w aaVAmarr UlwmWr I L VwatWiiVmmaaXmFSaaWtiaam V maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam- maaaam ul Jt aaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamr aaaYiwv!tUnaawwlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam r- fJaWBJ K TEST "THE NEW AQB" The boys have asked us to test the pulling: power of 'an ad in The New Age. We are complying. If you read this ad and approve of OLYMPIC Send in a picture out of the package and say you saw the ad in The Age. The Portland Flouring Mills Company Olympic Pancake Flour is used in all Dining Cars and First Class Hotels. rc9SE335ESS2ll MLflflliivlS:i!&ftiEfli ilttflpiiLSlfl amaaaaaamlaanlamBaazAaaaaaaaw WaarWtoaaaMaaaamaawwaaBaaY" maamaaajam IVIFW BKr"' tiaaaaaaaat&ESBmaaaaVam tllDI illiP aftiBmWa&ZWmaaM taaaas. . 'lawsaBBV, . iiBfl laaaamWmMjaamaaaaawaacr' - '-faaaa mwtBaaaaaaXiFaaaaaaaaBamlk.1 Wi3aaa Wsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar(rK ' . iswKaanl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM.' mj nnfla3fl aaaaaaaaaMMaaaaarajaaaaaaat aa9 mWmm 'mma m'wwA 'tamaaaSam iaamaataaimSm ST ' mmSfSi DC O Li. Manufncturd bY NEUSTADTRR BROS. Portland, Or. San Francitc. Cal. MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Also all descriptions of Cement Wall Tlaster. OIUcc 3W First street North nV... ,.... f.lt, IU 1 riUiliUlll eiaill lioi K. II. WKIIttfk', Canhler J. 8. DUTTON Arslttant Cashier LIAI Capital stock LIAHIMTIK8 Capital stock 200,000.00 Furpltn Undivided profits.... ctrrtilatlon .,, lllwl,Ai.l i...al,1 surplus 01VSI.WI , OTi'.n 6S.7W.00 Dividends unpaid... l.tV2.7ft Deposit , 2.6W.I12.S7 $3,105,9.12.44 Balke - Collender Co. OFFICE AND SALESROOMS A9 THIRD STREET OREGON "La Integridad" or "El Sidelo" Cigars Sec that you get them & LEWIS, Distributors FAMILY FLOUR PANCAKE FLOUR WHEAT HEARTS 7 11 z o o H X m PI S w (0 H O z m H X Nl A j a-4 ' 1 .ii ti iai