" " """' ' '' -JK '- ,-Tiirli-.,. "WWWMWslMWMWIHMW&iMS'.pilflKMft nrifMLiyiiviiMimi ii.i i n 1 t i. IV', THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND. OREGON. 1 '4 " 3'tl aaaaiiiliAaa4aiiiiii : n' "" man;. ,.,. -" 13 I H '-inv: . sssssssssssssssssvsY"EniasssW fLMTMlf I.Jjityt RJful It II lUiiw Wfji'ii TiTTv1 aasssssa HOTEL PORTLAND. COST $1,OOOtOOB. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmnmgmr. American Plan, $3 Par Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL . TRAVELERS, Portland, Oregon, RntcH 2.60 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AM KU1C AN) A. GEISKK, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. IUKEtt CITY, OREGON The Victoria Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. First-Class in AH Its Depart ments. Headquarters for Tourists and Commercial Travelers ) When in Spokane Don't Fail to Stop at the Victoria mWSBSLaaaaaaffa It Nw.'vif'BBaaiBlHBB-BBBBBBBB. VvlU rfll0BaapP'BVillllllHktiwl :";iiWC:)flOillW'?( yM t vaBHvtf s.ijHaavBaaaaaaaaA v"4av v-r-r&M&JvBmmaWmaW:-'ln THE VICTORIA HOTEL THE HELENA HENRY A. MEYKIt A PAUL 8. PETERSON The Leading Hotel in Helena Rates, $3.00 to $5.00 HELENA MONT. THE ORANDON J OS, DAVIS, Prom, Superior to Any Hotel in , the City and Equal to the Best in the State We Use Mountain Spring Water Rooms the Finest Up-to-Date Service HELENA MONTANA ka&aBBBBBBBBBHHLaBBBkllH Tm. anHBBBBBBBKPlBBBBBkllS i' "fWtmamWmamammWBCammamawmm wE. i'-'SoaaaaVaWaTaWSXSBaaaaaam kV ZaWLaawaaaamaaVLaaaaaaaaaam BM'''4 tZt!Elmmm?&1mlaWfmwmmmamamam WP&i--' ''Viir VW 'tfaaVaaaaaWEs&Z'm tQXaaaaawAaaaalHaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaam BlgaJaT -'WSS&AaaaaaaWaWaWaaaaam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau IYIibbbbbbbbbbbBbV THE HOTEL GKANDON The Alturas House Well Purnlihed and Krerythlnf New , 4 50 Ctali and Up. Ind. rhone 37.1 5II Main St. Boise, Idaho aWMSPwrnSm few TglAmiaf!l f HUflpJ Jew Hotel Florence H. L CHANEY, Proprietor. Headquarters for Commercial Men hissoulaThontana. Rainier Grand Hotel Refitted Refurnished Under New Management Strictly First-Claw European Plan Cafe in Connection WILSON & WHITE CO., Props. CMAS. PERRY, MwMgcr Seattle Wash. THE MITCHELL C. A. FKRRIBa A noit perfectly appointed and well kept ho tel, ofTerlnf every comfort and attraction to the traveling public. European or American, EVERETT, WASH. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 137 Yltit Street The Finest, Best and Fattest Meats of All Kinds. - Direct from Cattle and Sheep Raisers to Consumers. PHONE MAIN 3277 PORTLAND, OREGON A. SWA1NSOIN TAILOR Full Dress and Business Suits to Order. Cleaning and Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed 366 RimmM St. PORTLAND 0 I IDAHO ADVERTISING Thoi. Blyth, Prorf Lyman Fargo, Vice Tret The Blyth & Fargo Co. I'ooatello, Idaho Ocneral Merchandise STOKES AT Evnnston, Wyo. Pocatello, Idaho Calls Anawered Day or Night rhone 371 White Front Livery AND CAB STABLES Blnnard, Fountain & Randall, rropra. LEWISTON, IDAHO Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage Phones;) eo5 Main St 10ISB, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 2041 C. II. Schrocdcr, Manager. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day when ordered. The Raymond Lewiston, Idaho b being improved in every way possible. The leading hotel in the city. Commercial trade our spe cialty. BURDICK BROS. Proprietors BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Established 1199. Dewey Palace Hotel Bld'g. FRKD 0. MOCK, Prealdent r. J. CON ItO Y, Vlce-Preildant C. K. HICKKY, Caahler FRANK JKNK1NBON, Aaa'tCashlar NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer t. Storage Go. R. M. Bell Fhono A-10 Ind. Phono 10 LJf hi and heavy fuuliaf . Con aignmcaU of freight left la our charf e will receive prompt attea tioa. Storage at reasonable rata. Sec that you five your bagfaf c to ise Transfer I Storage Go, South Tenth Street, J.KOSENliUIia AUUIIURA.COIIN Pocatello Mercantile Company , WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants..' Pocatello, Idaho Brink Old Fort Halt Whltioy Smoke Senator Shoup Clgari J. A. Murray. PretfJcnt. D. W. StinJrod, Vic. frtdJent Wn, A. Anlhes, Caihler I.N. Anthe. Aist, Caahler THR FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pociitollo, Iduho. POCATELLO, IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Watches, Diamonds. Silverware and Novelties. Watchmaker and Jowelor. Watch Inspector O. S. L. It. It., Poca tello, Idaho. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Eyes Tested Free. POCATELLO, IDAHO The New Bannock Hotel NOKMAN & AIIMSTKONO, Proj. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 lo $4 00 PER DAY Pocutello Idaho Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. Telephone 821. L O. O. F. Building E. Main St LEWISTON, IDAHO Tlio postal scrvlco of the United States employs more persons tlinn that of any other government In the world. The chief clerk of the Postolllco De partment has prepared a list showing that 'J07,r02 nci-hona are tinder the or ders of the Postmaster General. Tlio army and navy comhlnod does not ng gregate more than half of this num ber. The postal employes nru divided as follows: Postmasters, (ill.lSd; rural free delivery carriers, :i0,001: city let ter carriers, IM.fiCH; star routes and railway mall service, '12,7:11, of which iL'JM are In the railway mall service; clerks, second class olllces 1! 1,7 III; as sistant postmasters In ilrst and second class postolllces, 1,534; estimated mini her of clerks In third and fourth class olllces, 11,000; estimated number of clerks paid by postmasters, (U.ooo. In the Postotllce Department there nro 1,1 fill clerks and other employes and 100 Inspectors. The figures of Chief Clerk Chance do not include .'10,000 substitute rural free delivery carriers nnd about 3,000 substitute city letter carriers, which would swell the figures to 302,301! employe's. It Is estimated that the postal employes draw about ? 10,000,000 a year In salaries. l!y the Paunma Canal the distance by water from Han Francisco to New i'ork will be reduced from 13,700 to fi.300, and the distance fiom New York to Yokohoma or to Sydney will be re duced from about 13,000 to less than 10,000. On the other hand, the Panama Canal will make It no easier to run over from New York to Hong Kong for a day's llshlng than It Is now to go by the Suez; the routes east and west arc each more than 11,000 miles long, nnd the route by way of Suez Is 100 miles shorter. Interest In tho Department of Agri culture's water sterilizer has been re newed by tho success attained In a city of the Mlddlo West. The water supply had become Infected with ly-phold-fcver germs. Dr. Moore of tho department sterilized the reservoir with copper sulphate so successfully that although tho germs were wholly eradicated and tho cildeiulc checked, no trnee of tho disinfectant could bo detected In tho water by sight, smell or tnstc. Tho amount was on pjirt of copper sulphate to one hundred thou sand parts of wnter. Prof. Wiley, of tho Ilurrau of Chem istry nt Washington, who Is conduct ing tho ndulterated food experiments, complains that ho is utterly uunblo to procure for his purpose any uncolored butter. Ho also denounced the use of tho coal tar dyes with which butter is colored, saying ,tbut they "overbur den the kidneys." This Is nn Instruct lvo comment on the United States laws which prohibit tho coloring of artltl clnl butter, oven with palm oil, which Is perfectly wholesome, but permit the coloring of genuine bntter with coal tar dyes or anything el so. It is expected that a constitutional nmendtneut will he offered during tho present session of Congress prohibiting polygamy In any Stnto or Territory of tho Union. It Is now agreed that this Is tho only method by which tho con dltlou of affairs In Utah can be rem cdlcd. It Is Imposhlhlo to revoke tho enabling act by .which Utah gained Statehood, and tho general opinion seems to he that 11 constitutional amendment Is necessary to give the government sulllelent authority over a State In which polygamy Is prac ticed to eradicate the evil. ; ; Once more the proposition has been mudo to ralso the salary of the Presi dent to $100,000 n year. It will con tinue to bo made till it Is Dually np proved by Congress. Then tho i'resl dent can maintain the White Houso In proper stylo during his administration without drawing 011 his private for tune, nnd at the same time can save enough to live In dlgullled retirement tho rest of his life. : : Grover Cloveland, tho only living ex-President, will bo 7 years old when Itoosovelt's term Is completed in jooy; yet there can he no addition to thu corps of ex-Presidents till then. Mr. Itoosovelt, who will then he but little mora than tiO years old, ought to have a long membership In tho "ex-Presidents' club," which of lato years lias sadly dwindled In numbers. Sluco tho Bureau of Plant Industry waH organized, threw yearo ago, it has been necessary to Increase Its force nearly f0 per cent, nnd it now cm ploys BOO workers, (10 per cent of whom are engaged In scientific Investi gation, aim Its application to tho furm, tho orchard and tho garden. Of ten billion dollars on deposit in tho savings banks of tho world, nearly a third is in tho hanks of tho United States. ; v Durlng tho past fifteen years tho United States government has spent u million and a half dollars on Irriga tion and geological surveys of tho Great American Desort. Ah a result, it is asserted that a largo part of this arid land can ho brought under cul tivation by irrigation and inado to sun- port a population about as great as that of tho whole country to-day. With this assurance It Is plain that wo havo not, as yet, even approached tho limit of our producing power. Fearing tho arduous work of tlio mid-winter inancuvern of tho North Atlantic gquadron of tho United States nnvy, feomo 520 men dexcrted during three moiitllH IiihI nuttiuin, u fact which hu JtiMt leaked out from ofllclul sources. Tlio following eml mato is inado of tho iiuudioru of do erter from vurloun vchhcM; Ilattlt- ships Kearsarge, W); Alabama. 75; Il llnois, ixi; lassacliusettH, 55; Maine, (M; Iowa. 72; Missouri, 100, Converted jrachts Mayflower, 10; 8coriIou, IX I LA GRANDE J. T. Williamson ABSTRACTOR. Prompt Attention. Given to All llustncss lleforo U. S. Land Ofllce. Platsand Abstracts of ltecords a Specialty. Ofllco in Loli Hullding, Opposite Sommer House. La Grande, Oregon U GRANDE CREAMERY Creamery Butter Sweet Cream And Ice Cream . Rush Ordirs for Train Tims a Specialty tcuuphonu aou La Orandc, Oregon The Bonanza JOHN A. ROGERS, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars The Famous A. B. C. Beer on Draught and in Bottle La Grande Oregon Wasco Warehouse Milling Company Merchant Millers Mnufcttireri of Flour and All Kinds of Mill Feed .Try Hack of Iti Col.braUil WHITE RIVER FllOUR Tho Great Bread Producer Pure, White and Wholesotno Undo from Selected lMucstom Wheat THE DALLKS, OREGON I WALLA WALLA WASH j LKWIB W. 1IRATOK Mi n ager Mmm VMHmklmf Pmrlmrm. Oradutta Kmbalmer and DUInfector. IJenid by llllnoli State Hoard of Health. MmUr National Aitoclatlun of Erubalm.ri. r. O. Box 7K2- I'bone, Main Hi. WAMJl W A I.I. A WASH. J. W. COOKKHLY. I Undertaker and Qeneral Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Pclalty. lubcook'i Hrlck Mock, 1)i First ei. Tolephono Mack 891. WAI.I.A WALLA, WAHII. HAS KV.V.S VVQ OW1NN The Idle Hour TIU.. MAIN 154 Fresh Crawfish Received Dally from the famous Quelle of Portland PRIVATE ROOMS 16 North Fourth Street WALLA WALLA, WASH. P wwww tlUAHUAUVLHIIbllNUJ !$ Mallory & Lydon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable C and Fourth Sts, Lewiston, Idaho DAVIDSON GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE GROCHRS AND COFFEE ROASTERS We Operate the Only Coffee Roast ing Plant in Idaho Cor. 13th and Front Sts. DOISL3 - IDAHO TUTTLE MERCANTILE CO., LTD. Wholesale Grocers GOODWIN MININQ CANDLES Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps AdKNTS FOIl THK CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER NnmpH, Idaho P. W. Church Karlo C.Whit. O.C.CblUoi CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance Poetllo IdsUlO QADDI.K ltOCK UK8TAUIUNT. lt'CKAN & CAimAOHAn, rroprlctori. ruat CIms In CTory respect. Oyitora a KSclalty 1019 Second Btrcct, Sacramento, Cal. pOUDI 1IOTEI,. T1I03. COIIDI, 1'roprlotor. Itatct ILCOandlLOUporilay. Entirely New and Modorn Centrally located, Two Mock from 8. r.deiot Ki:i)l)IN, CAI.IKOIINIA. 32 WINDSOR V. P. HAYES, Manacikii. Kuroprnn plan, 1 per day nnd up. Ainoricnn plnn, L'.50 per day nnd up. Kofltnurnnt and enfo at reason able prices. St. Paul, Minnesota The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTKLY FIREPROOP Hotel Westminster r. O. JOIINHON, Proprietor. American and European Plan. Corner Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANUKLKS, CAL. ST, CHARLES HOTEL lOHN G1BLIN, Prop. rirtt-Claoa Arromnimlatlnni and Prompt tar? Irr. larso Hmnplo Qooma for Commercial Travvlcra, Phone 7. Cor. Pint and Vathlngton Sts. Albany, Oregon. uwxxmuaa, FIRST-CLASS FIREPROO $3.00 PER DAY Tvlephnne MI P. O. lloxUI The Grand Pacific Hotel Oil AH. A. hCilllAOi:, Proprietor, Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and IIIrkIiis Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. - LmISE aamat aw JtrF&SaSamaaaaZ aWJ3SP JsHsWlssss' IsmDKBIffQfaBSSSSmSSSSmSSsX BSmVSSmvBnllisTr SSSSSSSSSBBBSSSSSBBaVl BSnBtSBrlJ ML iBBSBBBSSSBBBBBBBBSSSBmX THR WASMIXOTONwi'A'n'Ln H &iUVYWtWa&saaaaaa-cxd1GaW1 WTrljjuiawi3tDawar'jJalaaaiaam!aavaaaaaaalBaaSaa " iMaWMMjtzmmmWnKaWaaaaaaaaWm h asffKirBSSCB?BT -' "wyjWBBasssBsssssswssaM 4-immMOKSamaaaaaaaaaarK aSSSSBSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsl uSw vjaBmBmBmvmBSBBKjH j jL 'SSSBSBSSVBpSiSSaHHHHaBsSi SBm MiaaaaasSlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaTNBaaM BSSdBSSSSSiaBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSBBBSSSHL8S aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam TUG SCUNIC HOTEL OP TttU WURLO. TIiIk iiinu'iilllcent touriHt hotel la Beuttlu'n moHt protniueut urcliitectural featuro lieliii: Hitimted upon tho hiuheut nolut of hind in tho down-town dlatrict 1100 fcot above tcu level. It Ih, howuvor, eimy ol uccobjj by nrivuto truiway, by regulur hotel convoyunco, by Htreet car or by carriugo. The hcenery from Tha WuHhint;ton la thu moat miperb to bo found on tho Puclfle coast. The upitolnt inoiitH uud ItiriilshiiiKH of Tho itBliInt$toia uro entirely modern uud hlKh'Clau; tho cuIhIiiu ami uervico nro moat satisfactory. Tho rutea uro exceedingly reaaon. ablo for n fathlonabloToiirnt Hotel. The YVuuhiuuton U nltuutel in tho midst of alx aerosol beautiful grounds, which with tho broad driveways, green lawns, and a profusion of rosea and car natioiiH, make tho location an ideal one. Tho aconerv from Tiio Washington and grounda la uiiHtirpiiHsud in tho West no other point in fc'atttlo giving auch a inajf tiiliccut view ua can bo had from tlila hotel, Prealdent Itoosovelt was charmed with tho eceno that mot tho eye, from tho vorandaa uud grounda of tho hotel, and eo oxprcased himaelf. Thousands of othora. in publlo and private life, have conn, and gone since tho ojiening of this grand hoatlory. who havo ad,ded their tributa to tho many oxpreaalona of pleasure and satiafaction derived from agliinpaeoltka I'uiret Hound country from this vantntro irround. inclndlntr aa it doi a view mi nountaina, lakes, Bound, harbor and all Beat furnished houso in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PHAC11T, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREGON When in Spokane, go to DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had. SPOKANE, WASH The Colonial Hotel Blrletly Plrl CIm. New and Mont nlfffantty I'uriilnlicd Apuittuculi In the City. Blnglt 61 ldi Suite. 6team Heat. T.arce Wall Clo.cU, Trlvate and I'ntillc Halln. Kntri by the l)av. Week M Month. One Block South of r-ottofllce. A. M. Cadlen, I'ropr. P. II. Curllu, Mir. Telephone Main 913 my Pint Ave. cor. Siueca BKATTLS, WASH. Delnionico Restaurant s Uudtr Hamc Management HOTEL PEDIGORD T. J. PUDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. J o J P.URBPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 73c and $1.00 Par Day. Meals, 23 Cents. Frco Bos and Free Sutnplo Itooma, 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAFFNEY, Manager One of the Best Hotels in th Northwest. I.nrr-e Sample Rooms for Com mercinl Men. 4 EUROPEAN PLAN 'A'' The Tacoma W. II. 1ILACKWKI.L, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Cdast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. Seattle. Write for illustrated booklet. fIUw mmaWaWmk IMHBa-mSSaa I! A a 9