HHHHpHMHBaHHHHIII ?-TflW1YwW 25fflSS22552S g9W!S.'.!!.lJ-;lWlWWg t-T, fr mT i1f-Wr'jmilMV WfT3 "rW'i'i? tf? "ijarv ,r Tnty' y,i , -''t.-- " v- TH3P STEW AGI PORTLAND, OBJEGOlf - .-sir - .- wv wwfqwiwt-n wmr'iivTFqipifris(.?vwrqy w 'i i i . u t: 1 JM t li u J w 7 f A I M. PAUL MINN. ! The Bast Hata The Best FurnlhlnB The Beat Treatment MACRUDER Sixth and Wabasha ST. PAUL, Minn. For Men Only J. C. HORRIClAiN Flue light livery carriages, hearses, etc. 4II-4M Wacouta Streot. N. W. Tol. Main 691. Twin CUT W. St. Paul, Minnesota ST. PAUL HAT WORKS 0. L. Crawfod, Prop. Kxpert Remoclclor ot llnti, Panama a ine Isltjr. Hutu to order. Had at letall. 8SJ llln nvrota 8 rcct. Tmlmthanm, H. W. Mmln HBS-JI. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NAGEL UNDERTAKING GO. WM.K.NAUKL, Manager Lad Aailitant on all cases where on li required 203 W. Third Bt. at. Paul, Minn. WILL F. MATHEIS CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Slit hand Cedar Streets ST. PAUL, MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Bucconsor to BUHNKI.I, b KltANK.) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP BARBER FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A BPHCIALTY. 142 I. SUth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota P. N. Peterson Granite Co. . Manufacturers ef Fine Monuments and Artistic Memorials 01 Krarr Description Office and Wamoorai.W-M K. Filth Bt. ST. PAUL MINNESOTA BRANCH IW AT Stfflwater Masonic Temple Btdr. MJnossoU Duiulfa, Minnesota Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co. Wholesale Dealers Butter, Eggs, Val & Poultry ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry Rlo-Phillips Ldrr Co., froprtetors. . Office 156 E. 7th Street. Laundry, cor. Sixth and John eta. ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA ELK LAUNDRY CO. Toilet Supply Towels, Combs and Brushes finished osW at low rates. J7 to 4W Mln- Eesota street. Telephone 3M. Henry Uruu oten, Mauager. ST. PAUL, MINN. rrrrzrzr I I ST. PAUL MINN. ! MINNESOTA STEAM LAUNDRY BOTH PHONES No. 171 314 Minnesota Street, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA For l'lrt-Clui Work an Htiort Tlmo try the Oriental Laundry T12U. 292. 62-S4 XV. Tontli St. ST. PAUL,, MINN. The Judge Dcmnitds the Best" LA TOCO Key West Car EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIGHT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars Li. S. Conrad, t."i?tuY0,,M Distributor Kenneth Clark, I'rci. C, II. HlfielotT, V, Pre . Coo, II, Prince, Cnh. II, V. Parker, II. Van Vleclc, Ant. Caihrs. The Merchants. National Bank OF SAINT PiUL,' MINNESOTA United States Depositary Capital: ONE MILLION DOLLARS Teloplidiio W7.1-J1. Residence Dale SC3-.I1 John Grove Land S Loan Go. GENERAL LAND AGENTS Great Northern Railroad Lands Hevcn In IA per aero Ik tho price, with neven anniinl pnyinunti it t n tor cent. In to rent. Tho Iniid of No I llnr.l U'nunt In tli famoti) Itoil Klvvr Valloyul Mlnnenoia. MAIS OFI'll'K 183 E. Third Stesl, St. rail,-Minn. nranoh ()i!lco! Crookitjii, Ada, Htephen, U'arrun, llallock, Minn. r-ntiiplo Work and Repairing a Hpccliltjr IW'.lcr In U'ather (looila and Nullum. F. V. GARLAND Manuracturor u( TRUNKS Pfiid (or Catalugue Dept,K. 374 llobort Blreot. St. Paul, Minn. Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles &. Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA Kitaullihctt ID70 CORSER INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Special Attention Given to Care and Manage mcnl of Non-Resident Estates Now York Life Building Minneapolis, Minn. Klwooil B. (?orer. Vter., Utter II Klwoml, Vice I'rea., William II. Tnttle, Trvan., Kiluanl II. Nk'liuln.Hocy, P.J.BOWLIH LIQUOR GO. Wholesale Dealers In Imported and Domestic Wines and i 311 iri 913 Jiiksia St. St. Piul R. C. WALLACE CO. KKAI.KItS IN FINE aROCHRIRS MI2UKNA - MONTANA DH1NK Storz Blue Ribbon A Beer of Superior Excellence Brewed and Bottled only by Storz Brewing Cp. PHONE I20 OMAHA, NEBRASKA B.BHIllllTrA,T B Liquors X MINNEAPOLIS MINN. : Yerxa Bros. &, Co. Wholesale and Retail . Grocers 423, 427, 429 Nicollet ATS. Minneapolis, Minn. A. Backdarl 0. A. Uackdahi A. Backdahl & Co. DRUQOI8TS. Oppotlta Milwaukee Depot. Pieierlptlont are lully compounded, tu Washington are nue South. Minneapolis Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS Omnibus and Transfer Line Offlcet U Nicollet Houm Block Telephone 78 Minneapolis Minnesota Wmmr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis Minn. Pi I Is bury 's FLOUR Leads the World Made In MINNEAPOLIS ! milium riiiffc . ....:;.;:;...v.:..4 L. Rosenfeld Co. Wholeial dealers (or the (amaus BUDWEISER BEER UulJ on orery butTet and dlntny car AND Imported Wines & Liquors t9-m Jlaln Btrest Council Bluffs Iowa BLUFF CIH LAUNDRY High grade work. If our work BtiltB you. tell your (rivnls, Knot, toll tu. W pjircclato your work. Mwne 3U. 22-24 N. Main St S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats j Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention J j 230 32 Main St. 229-31 P.orl St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa Evans Laundry Go, Finest Equipped Plant in the West. Short Time Worka Specialty Psiom m Sit Peart Street COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA tTissi aYaNLv A chrysanthemum plant with green blosRoma was exhibited nt n horticul tural Bhow In Kiitflnuil recently. If plants are fro7.cn It Is nKood plnn to put them lit the cellar and cover from even n ray of light for some days. A farmer HvIiib near Marseilles has discovered that by "watering" his mel ons with milk they will grow to twice their ordinary size. Hu carries off all the melon prizes at local agricultural shows. It has been discovered thnt the wild silkworm produces n silk with moro luster thnn does the pampered worm of captivity. Those wtio aro up on silk culture claim that the tame worm has( lost most of Its power because It Is' taken care of so well. Use water liberally on tho follago of your plants. Ily washing off the dust It keeps open the pores of the leaves and It tempers the hot, dry atmosphere usually prevailing In tho living room. The only wny to modify this condition Is to keep wnter constantly evaporat ing on the stove or register and make frequent use of the sprayer. Small ferns of the varieties having Arm follago arc always admired, but tho adlantums, unfortunately, cannot be grown well in the living room. The Hoston ffrn can, nnd a young plant of It, elevated somewhat above the ta ble, Is an ornament vastly moro desir able than many arrangements of ex pensive cut flowers. There are now two now varieties sports from tho Ilstou fern on tho market which bid fair to become tnblo decorations of great merit nnd they can bo grown wherever tho Hoston sort flourishes. Ono Is sent out under tho name of Anna Foster and the other Is dubbed I'lcrsonnl. This will bo simplified Into the Plorson fern lit due time. Iloth kinds Imvo the leaflets of tho frond divided Into mlnnturo fronds. Those Interested In plant life will bo pleased to know, says tho San Fran cisco correspondent of tho Chicago Chronicle, that I.uther Isurbunk, tho wizard botanist, has sttcceedt'd In pro ducing nn "everlasting" flower of beau tiful perfume nnd color, which retains Its beauty and fragrance for mouths after It Is picked. There Is n bouquet of these flowers In Luther Ilurbauk's library nt Santa Ilosa, The flowers wcro plucked In the llurbnnk conserv atory a year ngo, and their blossoms wcro kept ns bright nnd fresh as If they had Just been nipped from tho plant. llurbnnk has evolved this flow er after careful crossing, ro-crosslng and selection from a hnlf-hardy ntinual which was discovered In West Central Australia. Ho has named it tho "Aus tralian Star." This flower grows rcndlly In any soil, but docs best In sandy loam. It blooms early nnd long. Tho blossoms, which aro very fra grant, aro of a beautiful crimson color, nnd grow In largo clusters. The stems dry up somewhat after tho blossom Is picked, but tho flowers retain their form and color. No water Is used to keep them. (living Initial Name. The fact that two of tho most In tercstlni; nntivo'ruces of tho world aro not decreasing was uroiiRht out nt tho meeting of tho Twentieth Cen tury Club by Dr. Charles II. East' man, of Amherst, n Sioux Itidlnnu, and Miss Wllhelinlnu H. Haiti, who gnvo nn account of tho Mnorls of Now Zea land. Dr. Eitstumn told nliout tho work ho is doing In tho naming of tho Sioux Indians and thus facilitating tho recognition of their tltlo to Inherited land. "I ntii not renaming tliom," ho explained, "but Rlmnly emphasizing their names. A llttlo over a year ugo tho Indian Commissioner sent for mo to Washington nnd tolr mo tho Pres ident wanted to boo mo. In my In terview with President Roosevelt tho dllllculty jvhk'h many of tho Indians Imvo in establishing their right to Inherited property, duo to tho fact that the Indians do not linvo family mimes, wns discussed. A great many of tho mimes, moreover, are Incom prehensible, Inconveniently long, or Improper, nil of which mnkes It dltll cult to nvear In court where an In dian belongs or who his relatives nro. "Leaving out the medkino men, tho Indians, so far ns I can found out, nro not hostile to tho American govern ment, except when undue pressure is brought to bear upon them and they nro turned out of their homes. Tho Indians like to go to tho government schools, and Imvo made great prog ress under tho Instruction of the mis sionaries' zeal, nnd I am one of them." Hoston Herald. A Tramp' Oeyeer. Everybody has heard of the famous geysers of tho Yellowstono region, and many know their peculiarities. A guide was showing ono of these geysers to a pnrty of travelers. "This," he said, "la what wo call a 'tramp' geyser." "Why 'tramp' geyser?'" asked a member of tho party. "If you should offer It a cako of soap," he rejoined, with a grim smile, "'you could llnd out." The visitor followed the guide's sug gestion, and found tho point of tho Joko lu tho violent ebullition which fol lowed. It Is a peculiarity of some of theso geysers that throwing a cako tl Map Into them causes them to buret nt once Into a M of ungovernable fury. Choose ih Lester Kvll. Illgglns Cheinlng gum again? What do you do that' for? Surely, you cannot really enjoy It? Wiggins I don't chew gum becausa I like It. but becauso It Is good for dyspepsia, Illgglns nut wouldn't It be pleas anter to havo tho dyspepsia? Hoston Transcript After a inau baa settled down to a quiet married life for four or Ave years, a rapid pace 'for a few Bights would kill him. Faying your debts 4a kiad of a sajriif Business. I Rn7FMAN ! t nOHAUT ii YATE8, Dealer In Frmmh mnd Salt Mmmtm And Poultry. Manufacturers ot tautage and lard. Flah and game in season. Boteinan, ..... Montana Statement of the Condition of the GOMMERGUL NATIONAL BINK, of Bozeman, Montana, At the Closo of Business, Sept. 15, 190a (No. 49GS.) CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $82,941.56. -omcKits- JOSEPH KOUNTZ. I'rrnldent. K. 11KOOX MAHTIN, Vice Ftt. GKOKOK COX. Cuhier. I.. 11KE8K WKI.IA AMt. Cashier BOH ART & YATES, Dealer In IHD Sill MEATS and Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard. 1'isli and gumo in season. Bozeman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES 3 Main St. West, Bozeman, Mont. : miiiiTH minim : ; .rr" :?:?: .s Iloth Phones 2S7 Troy Steam Laundry 22 Eatt Superior St., Duluth. Call us up and the wagon comes promptly The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American Plan, (2.60 and Up European Plan 91.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINIM HENRY FOLZ Lending grocery and mar ket. We servo tho traveling public at reasonable prices. J Hand 110 West Superior streot. DULUTH, MINN. PEERLESS LAUNDRY Opposito Union Dopot. The belt equipped laundry in tho city. H.A.SLUME, Prom. DULUTH, MINN. THE BON TON BAKERY and Candy Kitchen J. C. SCII011KR, l'rop. Briad, Cakes, Pits and Faiay Pastry Him Midi Chtcolitis, In hu, Ciramli, Tiffin, Etc, Etc 26 West 8uperlor St. Phone UM DULUTH MINNESOTA COLFAX WASH Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE fc CO, Managers. General Warehouse System Both 0, R. & N. and N. P. roads. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Soli. A M. SCOTT General Agent. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. It all road Land Agency In connection, IEAL ESTATE. FUI LOUS. Bmrgmlm Im Fmrm LmmH f f City Pmrty. Colfax, - WeUhtaftoa. ! BILLINGS MONT BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. Billings Land and Irrigation Company OF BILLINGS, MONT. Has 35,000 acres of the finest irri- i ated lands in the state for sale at 35.00 per acre $10.00 per acre cash, the balance at the expiration of five years with interest at 8 per cent per annum. Wheat yields from 25 to 45 bushels No. 1 Hard per acre Oats yield From 40 to 90 bushels machine measure per acre Barley yields from 40 to 60 bush els machine measure per acre Aeolc! and other hardy fruit crown In the vicinity of Billings compare favorably with those grown in the most favored dis trict. They are highly colored, of fine site and flavor and entirely free from pests. : HELENA MONTANA ! $ THOS. MALONE BAKERY GROCERY Fruttm, Conftttfonm, Olgmfm mnd Tommaco, Lunohmm, lorn Ormmm Opnonito Union DeK)t HELENA MONTANA WILLIAM RTUT.WE WILLIAM HOLMIOOK President Vlco l'reildcitt J. K. 8COTT, Secretary Helena Cab Company (I.NCOItrOItATKD) Complete Cab, Trans fer, Livery Equipment Agents on All Trains Office 131 N. Main St. Phone 125 HELENA MONTANA San Francisco Bakery JOHN WKNI1EL, Proprietor A Full Assortment of Fine Goods Always cm Hand Our Bread Is on Sale in Nclehboring Towns Ask Your Grocer for Wend el's Bread Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention 6i First Street 9 State Street Phone 3-F Phcne 260-M HELENA, MONT. Cmpltml Brmwing Co. HELENA, MONTANA Laundry YeiWML We WMt Yew Laundry. Mending doae and Buttons Sewed on Free Union Laundry Co. PHONE 13 n6 Broadway Helsaa, Moataaa Standard Steal Carpet and Cltaiitf Ce. Carpets Cleaned Refitted, Rebordered and Relayed First Class work Guaranteed. AH Tork Done Promptly, Called for and Delivered Cor. E. Third N. and Pacific St. Phone East 280 PORTLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY . FILLKP. FAMILY TRADE MY SPECIALTY. FRBK DELIVERY. A. fsEUBERGER'S FULL ME1SHRE MUSE 101 3IXTI STREET Ftss Wlsws, Uqttors a4 Cigars PORTLAND, OftBOON. HIGH LIFE K CAPITAL BmCWINOCO. M StNTttggWggB $ : MISSOULA MONT GARDEN CITY BAKERY W. M1M.KK, Prop. Bread, Cakes and Pies Telephone 107 A 110 W. Msln MISSOULA MONTANA J. M. LUCY Trunks, Carpets, Picture Molding Iargent Itctall Furniture Store In the Northwest. Undertaking In Connection Brooks Block. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. (Ko.VIM Cipltil, SI50.0Q0.N Surplus, SSO.OOI.H .. A.n, Hammond, Preeldent ....A. U. England, Vice-President ........ J, M. Keith, Cashier MeeaeeeeteMtMlv As JOOT -T. I (irwnougn ...:. C. II. Mel-eod O. O. England DIRECTORS WALKER & ALBEE GEO. W. ALBEE, Trop. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables- j j Iloues Dosrdt-d by the Day, Week or Voaih. Cabs, busws and wagons to and from all trahss and hotels. Finest cushion tiro turnouts 1st the city. Illgglns Are., opp. Kennedy Hotel. MISSOULA, MONTANA rnEDEntcKn.wiii8r.Eit rrt.0Ei,s.MiBici President Vice President JOHN W. 11ICKMN Cashier Missoula Trust & Security Bank General Banking Business Money cent to all part of the world at lowest rate. Having accounts xnllcltod. Three per cent Intercut jmldcn Savings and time deposits A Home f Avium Hank free to any xron oiviiIiir a imvlngi account ot fl.UOand Ujitvardi. MISSOULA MONTANA 1 GRAND PACIFIC SALOON Mlasaoulu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Pine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 jpinutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. TEVIS & CRAWSHAW Cash Grocers and Bakers 214 Illgirinit Ave, Phone 139 IJ MISSOULA MONTANA n nr.nFN iitah : lJZZZZZLS TROY LAUNDRY C. W. CURTIS, Prop. Work Turned Out on Short Order Phone 107 lS7 2itUEt, OODEN UTAH ALLEN TRANSFER CO. ALmam allem, FfM. Cabs, Bus, Drays, Jlnggage Wagons. We move safes, pianos, organs, office i rnlture, etc. General transfer busi ness and furniture vans. HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS Telephone No. 22. Office, 412 Twea sy.FHth Streot. OGDEN, UTAH. Make a Specialty of Floe Cakes, Pastry I noase Made Bread. c r. eve: Successor to KUICKHON'8 BAKERY Tel. Red VII 534 Broadway Couacll Bluffs, I First Mitwul Ink of RKk Spriip ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING CAPITAL iRdSIWLlJS, StlMH EVERY ATTENTION CUVEN TO BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US ORIINIC Sweetwater Beer v. The Favorite Table Beer QUARTS AND PINTS Brewed by Sweetwater Brewing: Co. OREEN RIVER, WYOMING A