e . v ' w, tf"7 M ' stag 1 II '''jM -iii'iiii lWmttWW ..il Mk " 1...MK tMWi v iVrHfif f yMmfiwoi - 'pii ' -C '; ., vl THB 2TJBW AGS. PORTLAND, OREGON. i m K 1 i N TACQMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. JIEK11Y LONGSTRETII, Pros. JOHN R. AUKLKY, Sec. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome Illustrated looklot on Tncomn, jttnt Issued. !!-. R. MANNING. Pren. A. T. HOSMI3R, Seo'y L. R. MAININIINCI & CO., Inc. IRcal Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIL.DINQ TACOMA, WASH. WHEN IN TACOMA Coll at the OXFORD CLUB Tor a nice cool glass of beer or a drink of whisky direct from the distillery I HANS O. QUAM, Mgr. 1113 Pacific Ave. Homo Mwle Pastry Flno Co (Tee Oysters and Game In Season VIENNA CAFE KOIJKUT HICK Kit, 1'rup. 1311 I'aclllo Avenue, KrerTthlnK First Class anil up-to-llate TACOMA, WASH .M ONTY'8 T111U8T 8T0HK Berlin RulldliiK. 113 South 11th Bt. Telephone, Main 194. 'TACOMA, WA8IIIN0T0N THE ABBEY K. J. MOONEY. Proprietor Telephnne James 2121 Wines, Liquors t Cigars Koorii In Connection TACOMA WASHINGTON mllK PACIFIC LIQUOR ANI) WINK H0U8K. N. RKUTKH, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Mquor and Clftar. Kamlly Trade a Bjicclalty. Tel. llctl 17.11. Vrtl I'acinc Ave. ... ,, . lft& Coinmcrco Ht. Tacoma, Washington THE DAMFINO r.T.Mc(ll.OIN, Proprietor Telephono Main 1M USTAHLISHUO IIUI'OKH TIIU WAK Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars ISM JelTorion Avnnuv, Corner I'aclllo TACOMA WASHINGTON 1. A. IILAKK j,i). smith EAT T. B.- C BREAD MADE I1Y Tacoma Baking Company 913 Tacoma Ave. Telephone Jamei Ml TACOMA WASH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $3 00 Hat Monarch and duett Shirts. IMOyi Pacific Ave. TACOMA McLean. McMillan & Co. Proprietors Laurel Brand Butter. Flour, Catsup, Spices, Etc. Wholesale & Retail Grocers Three Telephone! 763 C Street 7G2-41 Commerce 8treet TACOMA WASHINGTON North Pacific Oyster Co. We are the largest producers of the Puget Sound Oyster in the state and it is our aim to furn ish them to the local as well as the foreign trade in the test possible condition. We are also prepared to supply the retail trade with all kinds of Fish, Crabs, Lobsters, Frogs Legs, etc 760 So. C Street Phone James 3141 TACOMA WASHINGTON Office Phone Black 12M. Residence I'hone Red 8081 F. J. LEE PHOTOGRAPHER AvareWd a Diploma for the Excellency of Photographs at St. Paul, Minn., 1900 1535 Commerce St. Cor. Jefferson Ave. TACOMA, WASH. - 4"" Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Beat Laundries in the Northwest. 13CO-11 C Street 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephone Main 330 fiAaMa Ur'auldlMAAAal MElZIES Tho Men's Furnisher UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MSN WAITERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY lOOl Pacific Avenue Tncomn, Wash. Muehlen br uch & Manufacturer of the Finest Grade Chocolate and Bonbons Ice Cream and Sherbets PARLORS 111! TACOMA AVENUB Talphon Mnln 730 Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Lciivo Tneotna 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11:10 n m, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10. .'1:10, 4:15 (Ltd., no utops), G:l(, (1:10, 7:10. 8:10. 11:10, 11 :15 p in. Leuvo Seattle (::i0,B:00, 11:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 n in, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, :i:00, -1:00 (Ltd., no HtopH). 5:00, 0:00, 7 j00, 8:00, 0:0J, 10:00, 11:15 p in. 1'UYALLUP DIVISION LeavoPuyallup 5:30, 7:00,8:00, 0:00, 11:00 nin, 1:00, 2:00, :00, -1:00, 5:00, 0115,7:15,8:15,0:151)111. LeiivolHh nnd Coinmcrco Stc 5:40, 7:00,8:00, 10:00, 12:00 n in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,1:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 3:15, 11:15 p in. (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) J, B. TERNE8, Pres. and Mgr. Tel. 4? Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH ST. Oirrligts and liRapWaioiisit.ill Hurt Priviti Aikiluci Pirfict li Enry DitDI FIRST CLASS LIVERY Hand your Checks for Ilagcace tc our Mm srnsers, who will meet you on all Incoming trafua. TACOMA, WASH. A . ! BUTTE MONTANA ! U Alwayi Open. We Never Bleep. Telephone and telegraph orderi promptly answered (Secretary Mount Morlah Coiiirtory As. loclatlou. Notary Public. JOSEPH RICHARDS THE BUTTE UNDEKTAKBR Practical Embaltntrs and Funeral Directors. 140 West ParkBt. Telephone :W7. Residence Wi Houtn Montana btreet, Telephone T0-M. BUTTE, MONTANA. Butte Transfer Co. THOB. I.AVKI.I.K, l'rorletor. Baggage nd Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Time Free of Charge. Phone No. 403. OI'KN ALL NIGHT I ELLENSBURG : lni.LENHBUHG HTKAM SUNDRY. 6IIATBWKLI, HAVEN. Patronise a Home Induitry. Goodi Called (or and Delivered TELEPHONE ItKD 151. J. II. 8MITII80.N', President. C. II. STEWART. Vice Pwtident. C. V. JOHNSONK, Cashier WASHINGTON STATE BANK. ELLENSIURI, WASH. DIRECTORS Jacob rurth. C. J, Lord. J. II. femtthson. C. II. Btewart Jot. bterenson, C. W. Johnson. OLYMPIACAFE Mne wlnei, liquors and domestle cigars and Key West cigars always on hand. WULF MOHLERS aMMkaadIrrhflBtMt. , : SEAHLE WASH : SEAHLE TRUNK FACTORY Manufacturers and dealers In Trunks, Suit Cases and Satchels Trunks Made to Order and Repaired 817 Second Ave. SEATTLE WAS! Third and Columbia Thome Main IS BONNY & WATSON CO ( BUCCKOftOM TO ) BONNY & STEWART TVHZHAL DIRCCTOM AND IMBALMKRR Lady Assistant AH. CffU 'Wacfl ways In AttendarKe. OCaiUCWaSII. Claussen . Brewing Ass'n Brewers mid Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SKATTLB, U. 3. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Waih. Insurance Loam Rentals ! EVERETT WASH f Htatu Licence No. .1. Lady Assistant JOHN F. JERREAD Undertaker and Embalmer I'ay and Night Porvlco 3939 Broadway Telephone Main 3.10 M. R. HOOK REAL ESTATE Red Bluff, Cal. TEHAMA Choice Ranches and Vineyards for sale on easy terms. Absolutely safe First Mortgage Loans nego tiated. Correspondence solicited. Blazier's... No, 248 Burnside Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tlio Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigarc Star Brewery Company Iirewers and Bottlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Cast Third and Uurnslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. Union Transfer Co. lliiggago Ltorod Five Duys Free Pagage, Fruight and Fiirnituro Moving Prompt Attention to All Orders Phono Main 241 131 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORE. West Oakland Bank AND TRUST COMPANY omcEiwi CIIA8. M. WIM.AKI). President. M. K. IMUHHKIITY, 1st Vice I'res. K. C. IIAIIN. Vnd Vice I'rt-s. C, L, WINE?, Ca.hler. No. 1788 Seventh Street, OAKLAND, CAL. Loewenberg & Going Co. Manufacturers of and dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all First-Class Dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest hi the Market. 229 to 235 Taylor Street, 188 to 1U4 Second Street, Portlaad. Orcgoa f IfH H t ItHHWH I GOOD :: ShOft g tories flfrtWII h..h I'I CongrosHnmn Cooper of Texas tells nbotit n distinguished nrmy olllcer who, on one occasion, offered prnyer before a regiment. He Hummed up the cntmes nnd objects of the war the war with Mexico and asserted thnt It was no war of conquest, but annexation only, concluding bis sup plication to tho throne of grace with: "I refer you, good Lord, to Polk's mes sage on this subject." The following notice was posted up recently In an art exhibition In Toklo, Japan: "No visitor who Is mad or In toxicated Is nllowed to enter In, If any person found In shall be claimed to re tire. No visitor Is allowed to carry in with himself any parcel, umbrella, stick, and the like kind, cxvept lily purse, and Is strictly forbidden to take within himself dog, or the Bitme kind of beasts. Visitor Is requested to take care of himself from thlcvely." The English lnuguagc Is supposed to be very simple In the matter of gen ders. Hut foreigners who triumphant ly handle questions of gender of In animate things In their own languages often have their dtdlcultles with the English. A Frenchman recently came to grief over his English. "1 fear I cockroach too much upon your time, madam," lie remarked politely to his hostess. "En-crouch, monsieur," she smilingly corrected hltn. He threw up his hands In despair. "Ah, your Eng lish genders!" ha sighed. The originality of some of your ex pressions Is very, very refreshing," said John Morley, the vIAItlng Eng lish statesman, In speaking of tits ob servations. "As I was standing at one of the entrances to your new subway In New York, n man passed mo who apparently had gone through the de moralizing experience ot being part of a Jostllm;, energetic crowd. Ills com panion asked him, 'Well, how do you feel now, after going through the tun nel '' 'I feel n if tho, porker must feel,' answered the man, pushing a few dents out of his hat, 'who has Just been forced through it snuHiigu sklu.' " 1'nul du Clmlllu, the one-time Afri can explorer, performed a (inod Samari tan net one nighty In assisting along tho street a very Intoxicated stranger. The man told him where his homo was, and after considerable dllllcttlly l)u Clmlllu got him to his door. The bibu lous ono was very grateful, and wanted to know his helper's name. As the ex plorer did not particularly care to give Ills mime In full, ho merely replied that It was Paul. "So lt'sh hie Paul, Ish It)" hiccoughed the man, and then, after some moments of apparent thought, Inquired, solicitously: ".Shay, ol' man, did y'ever get anyhie any anshcr to those loong lettcrsh y' wrote to til' EpheshinsV" Emperor William oecnslonally hears roiuaiks not Intended for his ears. Years ago he used (o sound alarms at odd hours, and turn up all avallahlo army corps to march past or matieti ver when they least expected It at night, or In the gray of a winter morn Ing. On ono such occasion tho garrl son Included a detachment of submit rlno crows, and thu Emperor caino along Just before dawn itccoutercd as an admiral. He was standing among n group of Bhlverlng olllccrs, when ono veteran, approaching him from tho rear, took hlin for some other worthy sailor. He shipped hltn vehemently on tho back. "I see that (londola Willy has llshed up the aquarium this morn ing," ho observed, pleasantly.' 'Iney attribute the cessation of sudden alarms to that Incident In the army, and have all hut canonized that duzed veteran. " In Tho Vnotwic Lot. t 'The vncnnt lot is not a thing of benuty or a Joy To any sense aesthetic, but it seems to stdt the hoy. It's overgrown with burdock where It Ixu't trampled hare; It's littered up with rubbish hut the Imy, he doexii't care. Ho docxii't iiilinl the heaping of dixcimled can and crock, The refuxo from the alleys doesn't give his nose a, shock, He seen a heap of uses In that disre garded plot, So there's nothing salts lilm better than thu awful vacant lot, He flndMlmt It's n bully place for mar bles hi the siirlng; Its eater-cornered pnih has Juxt the Hiirfil'tt for a ring. It yields him "wuinx fer fishln'" when the perch hi-glu to bite. , Affords him sweet seclusion for the pur pose of a liuht; There's space within its limits for the summer game of ball; In whiter when it's freezing it's a inli;hty lively spot, There's always dandy skating on the Hooded vacant lot. And sometimes there's a whirligig that goes around by steam, With music and with mirrors, a kaleido scopic dream; And now and then a circus la the lot will pitch Its tent And boys can wriggle under If the cop per don't prevent. A park is mighty pretty, but It's In an other class, They're apt to pinch n feller if lie don't keep off the grass. You dnssent climb a tree there. Yes, it's pretty, but it's not A placo of Joy and freedom like the good old vacant lot Chicago News. Hoil-Colirenxecl. Eavesdropping at tho telephone Is much more prevalent than It over was at tho keyhole, for detection Is so much less prouamc, it is sam mat one sign of eavesdropping Is tho receding tone of n sneaker's voice. Homo one lias "cut In," Acting on this hint, n worn- nn who hail Her suspicions aroused, Mild to her friend suddenly- "Homo nnit In llxtelllllL'." Ilistlllltlv. from no- wlu.n. in nartlciilar. In a stnniL'o voleit came an Indignant exclamation 'Tin not doing any sucu tiling;'' The inn n who never says anything lie Isn't sorry for later never says uny- thlng. After a man Is knocked down by his enemies his friends kick hliu. I I SPOKANE JJOTKLj AI.UKKT John 8. fllmble, Proprietor. 3S7 Rlrerslde Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room In connection. Hot jl phone Main 1134. 8POKANK, WABHINOTON D. A. CARMEL Dcalor In Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 467 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SPOKANE CAFE Tho Leading Cafe of La Grande Avenue. One block from the Depot. Meals at all hours. Everything first-class. J. P. JOHNSON, Proprietor UK11EN8E BUFFET 315 Howard Street I'houo Main 89. BTOKAXK, WASIIINQIOM Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete stock ol Drues ansl Patent Medicines to be found In the Inland Empire. Price guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department mcri.s your confidence. , 401 Rivenide Ave. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Hlatollank) Hl'OKANK, WA8HINOTON A State Hank. Transacts a General Hanking Business. Capital t0,00n.01. Individual worth of stockholders ncecil tl,iuo,M).oo. OFI'll'IWlM AMI DIlllXTOItHl Donald t'niulinrt, I'n-iiMf nt. Jlubvit nlii-rT'h, Vleel'rfnlrt.dt. A. II. riwanaun, Vice I'reMrtfnt. J. II. Clancy, Oonhlrr. O. W, Tlininn., Tlimiiai lly.lop, William (liimnlll, llolurt llyaliie, Oln Ol.iin, l'aul 1'rlral, 11iImh dunning. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Called for mi lilli red to Any Part af the City Phom Mail 216. HI Iridft Avi. SPOKANE ' WASMINBTON Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANU, WASH. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Qruutust Grocery OF TIIF. IVortliweMt Importers of Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries Wo inako a spce-Ialty ol supplying pri vate cars. Hen 1 for cutaloguo. Mail orders solicited, . 521-523 SPRAGUE AVENUE rzzzrzzzri : inuium yakiiyia : $ MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY II. O.. WKINHTKIN COMPANY, slsmilaclurf rs of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. SIM.) Capital Stock, $50,000.00. burplus and Undivided fronts, 1,56. 17 fcSUttmint at t'loto of Iluilneis, ho fit. IS, VMfl W.ll. I.ADD, I'lclitunt. C'iiAH. CAItl'KNTKIC. Vlco Prcs. W. I-. HTKINWKd. Ca.hler. A. It. Cl.lKK.Aktt Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. h' pedal orders returned same day. Itonii-Btic finish or uloss, No saw cduefl on collars or cud's. Oct acquainted with our methods, Ivr tai&yWork It U VVWWfleafW illeVfVi WMLflsVf iIH LAUNOHY ANO OFFICII FIRST AND A STKliliTS, Vkeas M. Korth YaJaaa Wask ! LIVINGSTON 1 ONE OR TUK DE8T BALOON8 IX LTVINO BTON. WM. GRAB0W. Fine brands of all kinds of llqnors. . Wholesale dealer In Jos. BchUU Brewtag Go's UllwaukM lger Boor. Urtnftton, MoaUaa UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Pro. CHOICEST AND SILT illS Gam. and Fish In Season. Livingston, - - - - - Montana. Employment Agmncy MALB AND FEMALE. aa famish employment to all slisass 4 labo. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loan and Collections. C, 0. KR0HNE, Agent. OBee Oppoatte Postoffloe, tlTlniston, M.ntaaa F.B.TOLHURST Taxidermist tor the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Uvlnfston, Montana. CARRIER BROS. VIENNA BAKERY . A fall line ol fine bakery nnd eonfee t'onar goods always on hand, also ice cream and ices. Private cars and spec ial orders glvea prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 114 I. M.tn Stroat. Tslopho.. ,3 .. LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. LIVINGSTON STEAM LAUNDRY Travsllna snsas' work a Dc- rnteue or hlah floss flalsk. Work doae oa short notice. IIS V Fak St., op poslte the N. P. Defoi. TELEPHONE 49 F. uvmmsTOH montaha QEO.W.HUSTED PrescHptlens, Drugs, Pateat MeslklaM, a tars, Toilet Article, Finest Soda Fouatala a the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot B OZEMAN REVVING CO'S PURE BEER Brewed from the famous Gallatin Valloy Barley and choicest Hops. PARK BOTTLING WORKS Agents At Uinmron, mmHT. : J MONTANA Kalispell Kaltinj S Brewing Go. Brewers and Bottlers ol Best Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from the Famous Western Barley and Bohemian Hops Guaranteed Absolutely Pure KALISPELL MONTANA Havre Commercial Co. II. W. bTUINOKKI.LOW, Pre, a Ur. li Urge Department Store We Buy and Sell foa Cash. There by Getting the Best Prices Our Clothing:, Shoe. Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are the Largest in North Montana Mall Orders Prowptlj Attended To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry f 13-115 Second Street Soutk Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON k CASXY, Vr.prl.tera Work Done oa Short Notice Tka Only First Class Steam Laundry k Great Falls. TckfhoiMt?. if GREAT FALLS i4444: WE. aEoitoie, (Successor te Geo. BertfceM) UNDERTAKER A EMBALMEIL Open day and ntaht. Telephone M. Graduate of Champion Bchool of Emielsalagt Licensed from Colorado and Montane. 09 Central Avenue, Great Falls, Meataaa W.H.LEAnn.rres. II. DOTHKtlt. 1st Vice Pret. and See. W. L. JOHNBON, 2nd Vice Tree, and Ties CASCADE STHAM LAUNDRY, w, ii. Leard, Mananr. Teleohone 74 Short order work a specialty-. Great rails, . . . '. n irsi ats. nensi Meataaa Cloths Man, Woman, Boy la Modern Up-to-Dato Fashionaak Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Prke4 Store for Men and Women. Great Palls, - - - Moatana. JOIIN D. KYAN. President D. J. HKNNKBHY, Vice Prwldent, JOHN (I. MOttONY. Cashier. JC. J. 1IOWMAN. An't Cashier. MARK 8KiNNKK,Ase'IOaekier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK el GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, 1300,08, Depoeits, fl,9tM ABROCIATR BANKS: Pair Rank A Trust Co., llutte. Daly Hank A Trust Co.. Ansoonla. I. A.RKICHEI President. W. r. BKNOliUBCH. vice Piessojtat. u. W, UUUNWALDT, Bee. a Trees) THE AMERICAN BREWING S MALTING COMPANY Brewers nnd Bottlers of extra ntiulity lnger benr. "Ainerieaa Family" bottled beer a specialty." Ofllco: 100 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 80. Qreat Falls, Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA- Paid nn CanlUl IndlTldual Kesponslblllly , h(HHIhhwi ee ta.es1 J M)MM(MMi iflsss wtmMnnW O. CONRAD, President. JAMKHT.HTANKORD, . .n. a.. run.., Vice Pres. and Manaaer. P. KKlXYTaaaalee SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano Moving and Heavy Freighting Dealer In Coal and Wood Warehouse on It. It. Track, Ninth Ave. South. Phono 6(1 M Olllco with Great Falls Hardwnro Co., 410 Central Ave. Phonos, Itcsldcuco M A, Olllco 102 GREAT FALLS, MONT. omaha nebraskaI OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Is the only cicIiisItb btf'eo Hue In Omaha ana the only una ruootfiiliutl liv the rallroaili. Coininun'lal ami thvatrU'al builue.s a sp clalty, City rates tlio luwtst. eTtr Ymur Otfott fat Our Ammt Oh Trmktm r t.t Bnt. 131 Howard Strmmt ASK FOR KRUG Tho Beer you like. Agencies ia all Western Citlos mid Towns. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO GET THE BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS ORDER ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Nab PAXTOH IND eiLlieiEl CO. Importers, Coffee Roasters enJ Jobbing Grocers OMstt JofeWng Grocers to tfcc Wmi. Ia UWs&ai I8e3-1904. SmcUI attHttlea five a aaasl oraUis. ' Omaka, ' m Hi tl '1 Ai 4 m HI ; A! I .