'Vr ajaOTaTl THE lOCW A(E, POKTIiAND, OIUEGOK. Or fi ft ' s: J i M l? f r t 1 9 li m I y ;- Topics of the Times Aboro nil, don't treat the grip ns a Joke. Tho wife neuters think the whipping post Ih nn outcropping of "that course ml brutal Btrnln." Emperor Wllllniii knows how to pre f efvo strict neutrality. Ho hns deco rated both Stoessol nml Nogl. King Leopold of ltclglutn hns been acting recently ns If he considered litin elf old enough to begin to bo good. Trcmlcr Dnlfour snys thnt Englnnd in too grcnt. DouMIchb ho Intended to eny too big, for no country can be too great John D. Itockcfcllcr snys ho weighs 200 poumlfl. It niny be thnt the Idn' Tnrbell treatment wnH exactly what ho needed. Tho PnrlB doctor who hns discovered that kissing promotes digestion needn't expect any rake-off from the plll-uiak-ers after this. Spanking Ib now prohibited In the Kow York public hcIiooIb. TIiIb decis ion meets with the hearty Indorsement of the tuna 1 1 boy. Croker lmn decided to quit being an English squire and move over to Ire laud. Poor old Ireland! Will Us trou bles never cease? A Frenchman who hod fought 70 duels died thu other day from natural causes. Is It necessary to add that they were French iIuuIb? Tho coiibum shows that thcro nro 18, 187,018 students at school In the United States. Yet there nro peoplo who don't know enough to come In when It ruins. In tho woman suffrngo states tho habit of kissing tho babies Is spread ing. Tho fact Is cited In proof that tho ballot doesn't separato the women from the lore of homo. That orator who advises woiricn not to marry until they can support n hus band, Is evidently n rude, mean man, iwho thlukB Cupid carries u typewriter In ouo hand and n frylug-puu In the other. Secretary liny says' thero la no way to guard against tho malady of old nge except to associate with young people. Yet women llud fault when their hus bands nro "out with tho boya" a few night lu tho week. - Ilussta threatens to do awful things to Oulnn If the latter country doesn't bcglu right .away to bo more curcful bout preserving neutrality. Perhaps Russia expects, In cuso China doesn't heed, that the Japs will si still and salt while aho runs over to administer the lapping. - It ia said that tho stroko of a lion's paw Is tho third strongest force In tho animal world. Tho first la tho blow of a whale's tail and Uio second tho kick of a giraffe People who can speak from experience will bo likely, how ever, to cling to tho old belief concern ing tho power appertaining to the hind legs of n mule. Tho Cleveland board of public ser vice hns been called upon to decide whether a womuii may bo arrested for washing dishes so early In the morn ing that the rattling of them disturbs tho neighbors. Tho question need on ii ho no general alarm. Tho matter conn to bo lu competent hands, uiul doubtless stern measures of repression or warning will be taken In time to check tho spread of tho evil, Ouo ncro lu live of a wonderfully rich agricultural valley was sold under foreclosure of mortgage during n year of stringency uud low prices. Today tho occupunU of tho mi mo land aro prosperous and happy, and all because of the larger reward which now fol lows their husbandry. The Impotus which recent prices of cotton huvo giv en tho South can hardly bo overesti mated. Tho factory operative of thu cities should remembor, a a ho pays a llttlo more for his barrel of tlour or for his cotton shirt, what this addi tional prlco melius to those who raise tho greut staples of life. Live and let livol A boy went up to the desk In a pub lic library not long ngo with tho re quest, "1 want u story lu rime culled 'Hohrab and Itustum.' Can you tell mo where I'll llud It?'' After the boy had secured tho book tho librarian re marked, "Thero Is a compliment to Matthew Arnold. That boy's desire for tho book Is proof more posltlvo than all tho criticisms, that 'Hohrab ud Kustum' has life lu It, has blood and tears lu It." This sniuo librarian aid, also, that tho children of the poor read the classics much nioro eagerly than the children of the well-to-do. It Is from tho children who aro devour ing tho classics with tho eagerness of hungry souls that tho producers of tho classics of the future will come. Lord Ourxou'a return to India ns tlcoroy for an additional term beyond that for which he was originally up pointed, calls attention to tho success Df the Ilrltlsh lu dndlug the right men for administering tho affairs of gov ernment lu their colonies, and their wisdom In keeping tho successful pub ,11c servant lu office Tho case of Lord Cromer, as tho Ilrltlsh rcprescutntlvo In Egypt, Is uuother Illustration of the point, and Lord Mlluer Is regarded, even by those who disapprove his pol icy In South Africa, as u brilliant ad ministrator, Tho Americans did not fall much, If at ull, behind the Ilrltlsh when they were called upon to solve similar problems. Judge Tuft proved, In the Philippines, thut he was nn ad ministrator of tho tlrst rank, and Gov. Wright, his auccessor, belonga in tho awe daaa. SSSHESSE3SBE3 The fwaotiee of educating boya for the ffofeuloaa, whlck are already overstocked, r for tho mercantile busi ness, In which nincty-flvo in n hundred fall of success, Is fearfully on tho In crease in this country. Americans aro annually becoming moro and more averse to mnnual labor, and to get n living by one's wit's, even at the cost of Independence and self-respect, nnd a fearful wear und tear of conscience, Is tho ambition of a portion of our young men. The result Is the meclinn- leal professions are becoming a mo nopoly for foreigners, nnd the owner ship of some of tho finest farms, oven In New Englnnd, Is pnsslng from Americans to Irishmen nnd GcrmntiH. Fifty years ngo n father was not ashamed to put his children to the plow or to n mechanical trade; but now they nro "loo fooblo" for bodily labor; ono has a pain In his side, another a slight cough, nuother "a very delicate consti tution;" another Is nervous; and so poor Hobby or Hilly or Tommy Is sent off to the city to measure tape, weigh coffee or draw molasses. It seems nev er occur to their foolish parents that moderate manual labor In the pure nnd bracing air of the country Is Just what these puny, wusp-wnlstcd luds need, and that to bpikI them to tho crowded, unhappy city Is to scud them to their graves. Let them follow tho plow, swing the sledge, or shovo the fore plane, and their pinched chests will bo expanded, their sunken cheeks plump ed out, and their lungs now "cabined, cribbed and conllned," will have room to play. Their nerves will bo Invig orated with their muscles; nnd when they shall have cast off their Jackets, Instead of being thin, pale, vapid cox combs, they shall have spread out to tho hIzo and coullguriitlon of men. A lawyer's olllce, u counting room, or grocery sjoro Is about tho last plnco to which n sickly youth should be scut, The ruin of health Is as sure thero as In the mines of England. Even of those men lu the city who have con stitutions of Iron only live per cent suc ceed, mid they only by "living like hermits and working like horses;" tho rest, nfter years of toll and anxiety, become bankrupt or retire; and having meanwhile acquired a thorough dis gust and unfitness for manual labor, bitterly bemoan tho day when they forsook tho poaccful pursuits of the country for tho excitement, enro and sharp competition of city 'life. TRICK8 TO QET DEER. Bometlniea Htop 'When You Call, and Ketl Attract Tliciu. Thero nro some tricks In woods hunting that lire common property. For Instance, most, hunters who pot partridges vrlillo tho covey nro sitting on n pine or spruce trco know thut Uie lowest bird should bo shot first. If this Is done, nenrly all of tho covey will alt still to bo butchered, but If the highest bird bo shot tho survivors will fly instantly. They aro disturbed not only by tho uolso of the deud bird coining down through the branches, but they sco It full and tuko warning. Not many hunters know, howover, that a deer under full headway, speed ing down a runway as If a legion of hounds wero nfter It, will often stop still and Instantly If It hears a shrill whistle. The whistle Is tho deer's sig nal of warning, of challenge, and of so ciability, and It always attracts atten tion from them. Similarly a running deer will often stop If It hears an unusual, but not ter rifying, uolso. A half-breed Chippewa of the Flambeau Itesorvntloti mimed Hani Pogon asserts thnt deer under stand tho meaning of tho English word "Htopl" nnd ulways obey It. Whether this Is truo or not. and It Isn't, .Sam says always says ".Stop!" In a clear, mild touo Instead of using tho whistle, and his deer generally stop. Ho does a good deal of guiding, uud It gives his pntrou rather an eerlo feeling to lie hidden by n runway with him uud hear him give his brief com mand. The brown deor of the woods Is ns much nttrncted by a red handkerchief or any other bit of scarlet cloth as Is the antelope. Itcd sometimes angers animals and sometimes arouses their curiosity, but It never terrltles them. Thut Is one of tho reasons why most Indian hunters wear rod cloth bound around their foreheads; tho other rea son Is that It Is n distinguishing mark of a human being and brother Indians or amateurs nro less npt to mistake them for gnmo and pot them us they movo slowly through tho trees. It Is a fact nut commonly within tho knowledge of sportsmen that a wounded deer, shot while speeding by a stand, will always come back to that stand If it has strength oiiough, Moro deer nro finally bugged by men, who simply Inspect the bloodmurks und sit down und wait than by men who tuko up the blood trull, Of course, It is wlso to follow tho blood for a liulf-mlle on a chance that tho deer bus gono down, but If It goes beyond thnt dlstuuco It Is pretty much of a certainty that It will continue for some time longer, and lu thut cuso the best place fur uuother shot Is at the old stand. Why the deer does this Is not positively known, but It Is prob nbly becnuse It Is best acquainted with thnt runway ami In Its hurt condition likes to be near Its haunts. Koine men In tho woods will not shoot n doe at any time of year, no mutter how tempting tho shot, and they earn credit ns self-restrained sportsmen. Others aro not so con scleuceful and take deer of either sex as they come. A few of theso men aro wlso enough to know that In cuso a buck and doe are together and It It wished to bug both, the one to shoot tlrst Is tho doe. If the buck bo shot, tho doo will tlush nwny, never to return; If tho doo Is shot, the buck will probably mnko half a dozen Jumps going out of sight, but If no nolso bo mudo will always return to sniff at the body of his companion. This inuy bo because tho mule has moro direction than tho female, or merely becuuso his courage Is higher and he bus less caution. Now York Sun. In lli'UIUiit Hooloty, "Aro Mrs. West's entertuliiments very oxcluslvo?" "Well, 1 should say so; she Intends to make application to huvo tho conver sation of her guests copyrighted." At least tho ossified man has all the bmckboue bo needs lu bis buiueaa, f'jAMESTOWN, N. D. : HARD WHEAT FLOUR RUSSELL - MILLER MILLING CO. Jamestown, N. Dak. THE SEILER.CO. riii ur cxriTAL ftt.ooo. Abstracts, Collections, Insurance, Loans and Real Estate. Investments inndo and nit business oi nonresidents given most careful atten tion. References chcerlully furnished. JAMESTOWN, N. D. ill, Webster & Bolinger Dealers in Fanoy Groceriis, Fresh Fruits, Drugs and Toilet Articles AGENTS FOR CHASE a SANBORN COFFEE Jamestown, N. D. Chase & Grant Co FINE GROCERIES HARDWARE DRY GOODS Jamestown N. Dak, Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty Korti Dakota StaULkcate. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA E FARGO, N. D. I MARSH & BAL,L, Livery Sale and Hoarding; Heavy Draft and Finu Driving Horses for Halo. Hearses, Hacks and Carriages Opp. I'ostnlllco. Telephone Cull 137. PARQO, N. D. FARGO MARBLE S GRANITE WORKS OKI), UAHUfrX, 1'rop, MANUFACTUKKKS OF ArtlMtlc MemorlctlM Wholesale anil Retail Monuments FARGO NOKT1I DAKOTA JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER Famnla Trunks and Cases mudo to or. dor. lUmiriiiK dono promptly. Old Trunks Taken in Kxcliano. Il'uy your trunks whuro tlioy makti them und suvc your money. TrUphont 774, 614 front Street. FARGO, N. D. T. E. YERX FARGO, N. D. Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. OppoMlte N. P. Depot. Green & Eggerl First-Class Butchers i Packers Tht list Market In the City HighcHt Prices Paid for All Kinds of l.lvo Stock FARGO NORTH DAKOTA t ft ! SALT LAKE CITY use; Salt Air Extracts, Baking Powder, Spices and Coffeca ARB TUB BEST OR MONEY BACK Smttlaka Coffee A Smiom MiH SALT LAKE, UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO. Prescription Druggist! Cor. Third Vt'Mt and BoutU Tanpla, Tl phouo mx Salt Lk City, Utah. BUY gSHQf FROM YOUR DEALER TRY US ! IP YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger in town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY CO. 106 SIXTH ST. Opp. AUIRRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM A Pleasant Way to Travel a Tho ubovois tho usual vordict"of,tho traveler using the Missouri Facile ItaiU way between tho Pacific Coast nnd tho Kant, and wo believe that tho service and accommodations given merit this statement. From Denver, Colorado Springs nnd Pueblo thero nro two through trains daily to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric lighted sleeping cars, chair cars nnd up-to-duto dining cars. Tho sumo excellent service- is operated from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot Springs. If you nro going Kust or South write for rates nnd full informa tion. W. O.-MclllUDK, Gen. Agt., 124 Third St., Portland, Or. &7 jtiBaVKaa 9 w w i C"J flBnMjlvBt fi ram iii-i giEr8 w aWaBaBBBBBBaam 1st SLMijIJaSK BBBBBBBa BBBBT tmWtFAAWkWkM m TELL YOUR FRIENDS To Use the YELLOWSTONEjjPARK LINE To the LEWIS AND CLARK 'Br i? . THE i Will Make Very Low Rates fT K, The Traveler Will Tell You That the NORTH COAST LIMITED Is the Crack Train of Them All For Comfort and Elegance Information Gladly Furnished on Application A. D, CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison St., Cornor Third PORTLAND OREGON VioMf&o JI io B V;3' . OREGON Srcoigr Line and union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman itnmUrd and toiirlitli-ep. Ingcars dally to Omaha, Chicago, HpoVnhei tour M fllccpinK curs dully to Kinimii City: through Pullman tour In t alccplngcara (person filly conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kama City; reclining chnlr enrs (sent free) to Kmt HOURS PORTLAND I O CHICAGO Xochangoof cars 70 "llKl'AUT KOIt Chicago Portland Special 9:15am via TlMKHCirKliUI.KH from I'ortlatid, Oro. ".ttttiiUi' N FROM Halt Lake. Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kannas Clijr, Ht. txtula, Chicago 5:25 pm U'ntlngfii aim ino i-.au Atlantic (halt Lake, Denver, Ft. r.xprcn 8:l'.pmvla ll'ntlngt'n Worth, Oitiahn, Kaunas City, St. IHila, Chicago 7:rnm ami ino r.aai HtTTaul W alia Walla, I vriiitnn, Fait Mall Hpokanc. Wallace, Full. O'lfipin man, Mlnncaixilli, Ht. via I'niil. Dilltlth, Mllwuu- 8H)kano keo, Chicago anil Kant 8:po am River Schedule For Aitorla, Way l'olnt and North lleach Daily (oxeppt Humlny) at 8 pin; Katunlny nf 10 pin. Dally ncrvlro (wnlcr eriiilttlng) an tho Willamette nml Ynmhlll rhorn. For lurther Information, ask or write your nearest tlrket agent or , A. L. ORAIO Oencral I'sMrimcr Agent, Tho Oregon Railroad iV Navigation Co., Port land, Oregon, Is The Only Double-Track Railway betweca the Missouri River and Chicago The Chlcaco-Portland Spec'nl, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago arc operated daily via tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Oregon Short Line Hall road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Wcstcni Railway to Chicago from Portland and points it. Oregon. Dally and personally conducted ex .utilom In I'ullnmn tourlit ileeplnir arsfiom l'ottlnnd.I-oi Ani:rlr ana ban Francisco, tliromjli to Chicago without cliatik'o R.R.niTCllllt. Gn'IAi(t..6i;Mik't!lt, bAH I'KANCIKO.CAI. a.o. lunKt'R. On'l Ai'l ,1J1 Ihll.lSU. I'0 111 LAND, OKK. Chicago & North-Western Ry. EXPOSITION IYItAIr AND WATKK A ST0RI& & COLUMBIA R VER RAILR01D CO. if WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS MCTWKEN Portland, Astoria i Seaside Leaves ONION DKKW Arrives. !.. Ilia....... 11. Ih Diir itoo. m. li-r, Ulntaknn Ic Dally. llilJ a. m fi1ori, i;intnn, Aitorla, Warren Ion, Flarel, (lenr Imrt Park mid be. Ide. Antorlft A PcMhore hxpreni Dally. A'torla Kxpreu Dally. 7:00 p.m. 9 M0 p.m. C. A. 8TKWAKT. J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Agt.. 2M Alder Pt O. r.&l". A. Tclophono Main 906. Ask the Agent for T I G K B T S VIA To bpokanc,' St. Pau , Minneapolis, Duluth, ' Cli cago, St. Louis and All Points Enst and Srfuth. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY The l-lycr und the Past Mall AW Splfiitild Servlco i'p.to-ilntc Kqulpmcnt Coiirtuo u Kinployt'8 Dnyllght trip ncnisi the Cimnulu und Hncky MnnnttiliiH. For Ticket. rutrs, folders and full Infor mation rail on or address H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 Ihlrd Street, PORTLAND S. O. YLJRKliS, a. V. P. A. 612 Pint Avenue, SUATn.ll. WASH. tnT?5v DEflTTT ATHP C&2iZ AV1-VJ U J-IX 1V 'o ir LUNh rORTUBD AltD THE DALLE5 ROUTE All Wir UaJUf. ST0AMUR5 "SAH.KY (IAT7.KKT" "DAM.K8 CITY" "REOU1.ATOK" "MKTI.AKO" Conntctlng at I.yle. Wuh with Columbia River & Northern Railway Co roii Wahklacm. Daly, Centervllle, Ooldendala and II Klickitat Valley point. Steamer leavei I'ortlanJ dally (except Bun day) 7 a. m., connecting with C. It, dt N, tralni tLylaStia p. in. for tloldemlalo. Train ar rlvei Oelitrmlalc, 7:33 p. in. Hieamor arrival The Pallet :.1U p. m. Hteamar leavei Tbt Dallti dally (except 8un day) 7:0O a. m, U. K. diN. tralni learlno- (loldemlala 6:1S a. m.eonnecti with thliiteamer for rorlland, ar riving I'ortlatid fl p. in. Kxcellent ineali aerved nn all iteamen. Flna accommodation for tram and wagon. For detailed Information of rate, berth re rvatlop. connection, en., wrlla or call on Dearet arent. II. C. Campbell, Ueu, untie, I'ortlaud, Or, Mauager. 0 TnJiiaPrTB aaaL!LaBBMiVi9Ti!dl w H UaH' fALSawdfl SBBBBBBsl. SaMegfcUiiBE3i'BH A City in Itself Have you ever stopped to consider that a modern express train, like the St. Louis Special, is practically a city in itself a place where you can sleep, chat, smoke, read, dine and go a-visiting, just about as you would at your own home? ' It makes little difference what you want, you have only to summon a porter and he will swiftly and smilingly get it for you. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and points beyond. Write for folder giving full Information, or call at nearcit Northern Pacific Ticket Oillctj, R. W. FOSTER, Ticket Agt. 100 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREQON THE TRAIL OF LEWIS AND GLARK Waa the pioneer American trull weat of the Missouri river and the results of that exploration of 1804-6 were of tremendous Importance to the United States and they were never more apparent than now, A publication relating to the Lewis and Clark expedition, Just issued by Q. P. Putnam's 'Sons, New York, stands peculiarly alone. This edition Is a two vol ume, 8 vo one called "The Trail of Lewis and Clark, 1S0M901". Th,o author, Mr. Olln D. Wheeler. Is the well known wrltr of the popular Wonderland series or the Northern Pacific Railway, In connection with which he made his studies and researches for this work, Mr. Wheeler has truveled several thousand miles over the route of Lewis and Clark. He has camped out. climbed mountains, followed old Indian trails, and visited remote points made memorable by those explorers. Their route across the Oltterroot mountains has been followed, Identified and mapped. "The Trail of Lewis and Clark" is Illustrated In color and half tone from paintings, drawings and maps, by Paxson, DeCamp..and Russell, made under Mr. Wheeler's direction, and from photographs taken specially for the purpose. The. writer tells his own Btory and supplements It with pertinent extracts from Lewis and Clark, and a host of other historical and narrative writers that connect the past with the present. Exact excerpts and photographic reproductions In half tone, from the Original Manuscript Journals of Lewis and Clark are given, -JL chapter Is devoted to the Louisiana Purchase, another to the preparatory rneas urea for tho exploration, and another to the history of each man of tho expedi tion so far as known. Including a discussion of the death of Captain Lewis. The Louisiana Purcbaso Exposition at St Louis, and the Lewis and Clark Centennial to be held at Portland. Oregon, In 1906, make this work peculiarly timely because written from the standpoint of actual knowledge of past and pres ent conditions of the old trail and country. The Trail of Lewis and Clark" ihould be found In every public and private library in the land and the general reader will And In reading through lu nam of large, clear type that truth U, Indeed, The book can be ordered through uny Ua publishers. ItV It All. ANItTTATKR. "As the Crov Flies' ' Tho shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. 1'iitil and Chicago is the route of the famous North western Limited "Tho Train for Comfort" Every night In tho year Hofori; MnrtliiK on a trlnno matter where wtlto lor IntcrrMltiir Informa tion abont cum'urtatilo traveling. It. li.HtHI,KK, ncn'l ARent, IttThlnl Htruct, i'lirtlnnd, Oregon. T. W.TKAHDAI.K. Mcnerat i'arunirer Agent, Ht. rain, .Minn. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED! With Your Journey If your tlrknt read oqcr tho Denver and llln (Iraiidcltallrnad, the "Been Ic Line of tho World " BECAUSE There arc mi many renlc attractions and point of Intorot along the lino Ix'twccn Ogdcn and Denver that the trip never become tlrciome. if you are going Kail, wrlto for Information and got h pretty boo' that nlll tail you alt', alxiutlt. V. C. A.cURIDE, General Agent. 121 Third Street PORTLAND, ORIiQON SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, font nl Waihlngton Ht., 8umlay,1ucday and 1hurdar evening at .V o'clock, for tanvle laland, ht. Ilelcii, Oanlev Deer liiand, Martin. Kalama, Neer City, Hauler, Ml. Coflln. Mayger, Htrlla, Oak Point, Krt email, MauiaiilUo,Clatkaiile and all way landing. stranger than fiction. bookseller or news stand or direct from,