uaav-T r.,,7. rmnf . iiuTiilh" ! fi r n' ' mummk ir "Tins : nii.iM'" wygsjf: g. .w "'. '" $. . 1 Bltiw;Hff;iawMuifflCTi ""'"""" miiiimii.w --trnm - Mm ' uii iiioiiiM'rirn-TitiTTrTr - ' : v V TH OTW AGE, POBTLAND. OREGON. "l . 'IJ '. JMto WM"lM I JTifl iV I i J10TKL cost i,aoa,ooa. The Portland! It. O. EOWCR3, Manager. American Plan, $3 Pmr Day and Up war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland. Orogon. Rates (2.60 For Day nntl Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKltlCAN) GKISKU, Proprlotor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Motel. IMKKtt CITY, OREGON The Victoria Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. First-Class in All Its Depart ments. Headquarters 'for Tourists and Commercial Travelers When in Spokane Don't Fail to Stop at the Victoria t'kiflmWmmmLWmi pSV''9sBBBl ftfij rfJMMHHB'aML MaHa&li I . "mWykaaamaaVmrTr'mKWIa THE VICTORIA HOTEL THE HELENA IIENRY A. MEYKU 4 PAUL 8. rETKUSON The Leading Hotel in Helena Rates, $3.00 to S5.00 HELENA MONT. THE GRANDON JOS. DAVIS, Pro. Superior to Any Hotel in the Qty and Equal to the We Use Mauntain Spring Water Rooms the Finest Up-to-Date Service HELENA MONTANA f-iff Ty'Z THE HOTEL GBANDON PORTLAND. The Alturas House Well FurnUlted and Kerythln; New Be jo Cent! and Up. lud. rhone 371 511 Main St. Boise, IdaflO Hotel Florence h! L C-IANEY. Proprietor. Headquarters for Commercial Men missoulaTmontana. Rainier Grand Hotel Refitted Refurnished Under New Management Strictly First-Class European Plan Cafe in Connection WILSON & WHITE CO., Props. CHAS. PERRY, Manager Seattle Wash. THE MITCHELL C. A. KKItltlBS A raott perfectly appointed and well kept ho tel, offering every comfort and attraction to the travellur public. Euroan or American. mWCRETT, WASH. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 127 first Streot The Finest," Best and Fattest Meats of All Kinds. Direct from Cattlo nntl Sheep Itaisere to Consumers, PHONE MAIN 3277 PORTLAND, OREQON A. SWAINSOIN TAILOR Full Dress and Business Suits to 0rden cleaning and Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed 366 Russell St. PORTLAND w I R. M. KRAMER Proprietor Wines, Liquors and Cigars KRAMER'S HOUSE Urtt-CU's Kurnlsrcd tloomt from f . f0 to $S IW jor tcck S. W. Cor. Fifth ini BorniU S'l. PORTLAND, OR A. H. WHITE Bnrcenfor to Aim. l'utiiblom Phono Jnmo8 1041 Wood, Coil. Hav, Grain and Feed Coal Oil. . C olee f ctatow. Furniture Moved. Furnl ute Slored 1694 Seventh S.reet. Oakland, Cat. CAIN & McKUNE DphIam In ALL KINDS OF CORD WCOD & COAL Yniir (inter nro rt Bfertfulty colli lied, wt.lch will b'fllltil ntli w at inn ket mlio. If m t latliillMl iiIchfu rctnirlnttltlcp. Ortlorafnr wool v v 11 1 nve tmunni atientlon. I'l one Main Is76. M N. HUth Sinct, I'orilaud, Oregon. ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOQIST Cor. 2U and Thurman 8t. I'hono Main 1C.10 PORTLAND, OREQON Portland Gksk & Suit Ntan'g Co. M. U. ZEITFUCHS Tailors and Dressmakers Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Made to Order. Raincoats a Specialty 80 Washington Btrtct I'hono Main MO I bi:i,i,in(!.iiii:bch I PORTLAND OREGON OWEN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacture. i of the Gold Standard logging Jack OFFICE AND FACTORY 435 IRVING STREET PORTLAND, OREGON WHEN YOU GET DISGUSTED WITH POOR WORK, RING UP SACRAMENTO LAUNDRY BOTH PHONES "134" Promptness Is the en:nce of all good business; lack of it the cause of many fal'ures. W. H. BROTT, Mer. Sacramento, Cal, Always Ask for VIOLET OATS Sold by All Dealers PHONE MAIN 6374. LEWIS AND CLARK MESSENGER AND DELIVERY COMPANY Prompt Answers to AH Calls. Wagons furnished on shcrt notice. Trunks and Baggage a specialty. 7 NORTH FIFTH STRGET COR. ANKENY Muck Hardware Co Second and Morrison Streets Majestic Malleable Ranges Mesaba and Grown Steel Ranges Mechanics' Tools and General Hardware THEME POINTOYSTER CO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Toluphono MAIN 69d Sols Growers of the Celebrated Toke Point Oysters An Eaitern Ojiter Transplanted aud grown on ou r beds at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNKQUAI.EP IN FI.AVOK AND KitKSHNEfafl" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers in All Varieties of Nuthe Oyttera. Do You I Know the News ? You can bare It all lor Per Month 50c r cr Month InTlieEventnaTelemm, ot PortUnrU Orf-foii. It It tlu lariteii eteiilnx lU'w 9 I vr iiubll.liirt m (rc.n: u coin.iiiu til tlie neu iul lliuitatuuiul u( llie nn Itun. Try it lor a iiiniuti. A nmtuio coi'wlllU) inalleU to )ou Jrte, Ad dm THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. THE STAR 1""H-t"l-4H'4"?"HH"M"i'H-- OLD-- ) FAVORITES Her llrlRht Smile ltnunta Me Btlll. Tl. n junr since last we met, And c mny not meet again j I have struggled to forget, Hut tlint struggle wn. In vain For her voice lives on tlio breeze, And Iter spirit come, nt will; In tho midnight on tho scat, Ilcr bright smllu haunts mo still. At the flr.t nect dawn of light, When I gaze upon tho deep, Her form still grout, my sight, While tho stiirn their vigils keep. When I close mine nchlng eyes, Sweet drenms my teiios fill; And from sleep when I arise, Her bright smile haunts mo still, I hnve snlled 'nenth nllen skies, I hnve trod the desert pnth; I hnvo seen tic storm arlio Like n giant In his writthj Every danger I hnVe known That n reckless life can fill: Yet her presence" Is not Down, llcr bright smile hnunts mo still. Why to Talc and Wan? Why sn pnlo nnd wan, fond lover? I'rithee, why so pale? Will, when looking well can't movo her, Looking III prevail? I'rithee, why bo pale? Why so dull nnd mute, young sinner? I'rithee, why 'so mute? Will, when speaking well can't win her, Haying nothing do't? Prithee, why bo mute? ' f Quit, quit, for ihamc; this will not move; This cannot take her. If of herself rIiu will not love, Nothing can mnko her; The del II tako her! Sir John Suckling. VALUE -F POHCHE3. Month'n I.onflnu on tho VUvr.n Will Do Wondcra for tlio Overworked. There's nn old doctor In New York who Is famous for repairing people with n rather odd prescription. Over worked men and nerve-wrecked wom en, all out of Korts with life, come to him In an ever-lengthening Hue, ami beg to lie net aright. Ho looks them very closely In the eye for perhaps a minute, and then unyn, leisurely, with gieat, genial hourtlucxs that In Itself Is almost a euro on the npot: "Well well I wouldn't llo mvnko night worrying very much about It, If I were you. You're all right, every bit, only you've gone a trlllc 'Btnlo' as the boys say In college athletics. What you need more than anything clso Is to do a little Judicious lonllug. Home tiling In the way of a sun Imth dally. In fact, the very beat thing I can rec ommend for you Is a piazza In tho Iterkslilre. JtiHt sit there for a month or two and watch tho world go by. Head u little, dream a little and listen to tlio' birds, but don't you daro do a single useful thing. And tho longer you sit there the surer tho cure." ' A piazza In tho Uersblres. Tho old doctor knew what ho was talking about. Only, of course, It doesn't lit erally have to be In the Hcrkshlrcs. A piazza anywhere will do, oven yours or mine, and tho bigger and sunnier and more enticing It Is tho better. And If, by any unpardonable oversight of fate, or tlio architect's, ydu haven't a plnzza, build one at once, I beg of you. llulld a new one, change tho old one, make n lino one liner. Ilut a piazza of homo tiort you must have, for that way oy Ilea. It's rather a pity wo don't make more of our piazzas. They beat us badly at this sort of thing nvor In southern Kin-ope, along tho shores of the bluo Mediterranean. Even tho poorest Italian and Spanish peasant there knows enough to havo his llttlo vino arbor, nnd to bask In It when tho sun Is high in tho summer skies. If wo could only, hero In strenuous America, do a little of tho samo sort. We're such nwful gruba, "with our noses forever In the dirt nftor thn ilnl. urs. And tho onger wo burv our. selves In tho commercial tombs of the slaving cities, the worse wo got. Nerves eomo. and digestion iroes. until nrosont. ly wo llud ourselves dlsgruutled old parties, with our skies always over cast, and our bones always aching. And then, when It Is too late, wo sigh for a sight of tho green things out In Hod's country. Which would never havo happened, you know, If we'd only tlono n llttlo JudleloiiH lonllng on sonio piazza, as the years woro slipping uwuy. Men nnd Women. GrowliiK Uko ni" Hpt'otuoln. "Spectueles," bald an ophthalmolo gist, according to tho Philadelphia Itecoid, "uro ns old as wngonj), 1 aup- pose, or as clotlies. Wasn't a pair found recently In a mummy case that dated back to something llko 30j yours beforo Christ ? Ilut tho spectueles of tho ancients were merely magnifying glasses, ami tho modern sorts the prismatic, tho spherical, the concave, tho convex aud tho cylindrical, which correct doublo vision, refraction, nij' oplu, hyper-metropla, astigmatism, etc. aro comparatively modern Inven tions. They uro made of rock crystal, and they havo douo more good than anything else In modern medicine, ex cept, perhaps, anesthetics. Medical records show that thcro Is now 40 perl An... I. .a fxt I.I 1 .1.1 .if.uu ,1..... .l... .. . . I :tcm lino ui ...iiiiinwnc iiiMII IIIITO ISel 'to bo In tho world, and this Improve- ment is duo cutltely to tho uso of snee liieles, which hnvo kept weak oym from huretimblng, as hrnccs keep weak llmhs from Hiieeumblug. 'i'hero Is also much leas of headache than thcro was. A great deal of that came, yon know, from tho eyes, and that sort of head ncho hpectacles havo banished en tirely." IlMKttnn uml Gnuililin;. Tho gambling propensities of tho Hussions are Indicated In tho fact that more than IJ.noo.OOO Is snunt In Jtus slu for playing cards. Tho Tsaritsa Maria chat liable Institutions have a ji.onojK)Iy of tho manufacture, mil they muko a largo ptoflt. as tho pro duction eosts only about $2.V),CO0. Home girls can suggeats oysters af ter tho show In 17 different ways with out mentioning them. 1 Am JAMESTOWN, N. D. ,1 HARD WHEAT FLOUR RUSSELL - MILLER MILLING CO. Jamestown, N. Dak. THE SEILER CO. ( TAID ur CAriTlL$U,0UO. ) Abstracts, Collections, Insurances, Loans and Real Estate. Investments inndo nnd nil business ct nonrcsiclentH tflvun most cnroful ntton tlon. Ilufurcuces clieennlly (urnished. JAMESTOWN, N. D. Churchill, Webster. S Eolinger Dealers in Fanoy Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Drugs and Toilet Artioles AGENTS FOR CHASE X SANBORN COFFEE Jamestown, N. D. Chase & Grant Co. FINE GROCERIES HARDWARE DRY GOODS t Jamestown N. Dak. Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota StiUUccnK. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA - 2 l-AKUU, N. ft MARSH & BALL Livery Salo and Boarding Heavy Draft nnd Fino Driving Horses for Sale. Hoarscs, Hacks and Carriages Opp. I'oslolllco. Telephone Cull 137. FARGO, N. D. FARGO MARBLE I GRAHITE WORKS Ul.t). CAIIUKKI,, I'rop. MANUFAOTUIIKKS OF ArtlMtlc MumorlnlH Wholesale and Retail Monuments FAUGO ' NOKT1I DAKOTA JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER Famplo Trunks and Cases nia.lo to or. dor. Uepnlrlng douo promptly. OM Trunks Taken in Exchange. H'uy your ihkh wnuro uioy iuuku mem una huvo yollr ni0llu'' T5,5CIh0l,e 7J,4' 0M "ont Mr"t' FORGO, N. D. T. E. YERXA FARflO, N. D. Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Oppowlto IV. R. Depot Green & Eggert First-Glass Butchers I Packers The Best Market in the City 0 Highest Prices Paid for Ail Kinds of Live Stock FARGO NORTH DAKOTA r SALT LAKE CITY ti USB, Suit Air Extracts, Baking Powder, Spices and Coffees ARE THE BEST OR MONEY BACK Calt Lako Oof loo & Sploo Millt SALT LAKE, UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO.' Prescription Druggists Cor. Third Weit anil South Teuitile. Tele phone Wl. I Salt Lake City, Utah. QiADDi.K IlOCk 11K8TAORAKT. IIUCKMAK A CAItnAailAR, Proprietors. rirt C1m In overt rtipoct. Oysters a oclsUy 1019 Be co nd Blrcot, Bkcramento.CAl. nontu 1IOTKU T1IO0. COItnt, Proprietor. lUtoa 1.M nd 11.00 per 1sy. Kntlroly Now and Modern Centrally Ixicstcd, Two lllocks from 8. 1. depot UUDDl.NU, CAL1FOHN1A. Th WINDSOR W. 1. 11AYE9, MAtuazri. Kurop nn p'nn, fl per tiny nnd up. A merle an plan. t-'.60 per tiny nnd up. HoHtuuraut mil rnfe nt reason able pikes. St. Paul, Minnesota The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt.Lake City Utah I5ll MITT'll; mTli rT...J'lHrfM,;VT Mk tw Hotel Qreen Pnsndcnn, Cat. ...AUSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Hotel Westminster & 1. 0. JUIINhO.V, Proprietor. American and European Plan. Corner Main and Fourth Streets, I.OS ANC1EI.KS, CAL. ST. CHARLES HOTEL 10HN GIBLIN, Prop. rhil-CUM ArrnnimoiUtlnm nnd I'rnmptterv Ice. lJreKmiloQMnn lor Coummrcml '1 raveleri. Phone 7. Ccr. First and Washington Su. Albany, Oregon. UilttUL&UUIS FIRST-GLASS FIREPROOr $3.00 PER DAY Ti'k'!ionu l.l I'. (, Mux Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel ('HAS. A ftCilll.Uii:, l'rojrlulur. Ilnritlsonicly Appointed nnd Pirst Class In livery Purtlculnr. Corner Railroad St. and lllggliis Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. THII Ja . . fcrt-sWflW carav5aliminaHB -Jg" BBTluILUBauclaBBBBBBBBBBBBaH'" W A 5 l-l I V'O'I'ON t-' A'lTI -- l'k: -'. Jsjjk." A It THMfliBflBJr iiiMiiMKSi2'4BMMM9HMKBMflBTBB mwt JLiliMiKIBBMBBBBBBlBMBBBBBBlWBBIBBjBBl vilWSwiM lxXXXXXXXXXXXlxXXXXXXXXXXX HIE SCENIC HOTEL OP I HE WORLD. This mngnlllcent tourist hotel is fc'oattlo's most prominent architectural nuuiiu iit-iHK Biiiiiiiuii upon tuo iiiguesi iK)iuioi land in tliu tloxtn-town ,.v. jvwv M1.M0 rv iuvi, ii, is, nuwuvur, easy oi access ny private tram ,i" i ""- '""j"'i ur iniiii oar ur ny e.trriugo. i no hcenery in Washington s tho most sunerb to Im found nn tim l' .-mtt 'rim.. ....... lu .....I r.....I..I.I...... ..I mi... !... .i.f "'""" " mihoiiiiiko im inn nuBHiiijjuiu uro entirely inouerii nun nign-ciass; the ctilsinu uml servieo nro nnst nthfuctory, Tho rates aro exceedingly reason ablu for n fukliiomiblo Tourist Hotel, . , . M,u ." ll"lln"," sltuatwl in tho midst of six acronof iK'autlfnlgrounils, which with tho bnmd drheways, yreen luwns, uud a profusion of roses und car nations, make tho location an Ideal ono. 'J lu scenery from Tlio Washington and grounds Is uiibtirinia-ti'd in tlio West no other nolnt In Kaitthi I'lvlm' hiu-Ii h mm.. nUlccHt view ua can bo hud from this hotel. nun ino neeno inui inoi mo oye, irom tlio so expresseti inmseii. iiuu amis oi otnors, aud gone silica tho opening of this grand hostlory, who havo added their trlhuto to the many oxi ress o is of pleasure and satlsfuetim derived from aglimnsoofth I'uget f-ound country from this iliiitngo ground, Including as it does a flow oi mouutuius, lakes, Bound, harbor and all fa'oattlo. Write for illustruted bookUL Hest furnished liouso In Southcra Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. ritACHT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON When in Spokane, go to DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had SPOKANE, WAS l he Colonial Hotel Strictly T'lmt clM. New nl M(wl ItlfRnatly 1'ntnli.liiil Apatluiennln tlie City. Muglc ot Un Hulle. 61mm Ilrnt. I.nrre Will Ctoet, rrite and I'nlille Ilnllia Itntf uv the l)r. Week at Mouth. One lilock Boutti of l'otlafllce. A. M. Cadleii, rropr. V. n, Curtlaa, lift. Ttlephone Mtln f j 1119 Pint Ave. cor. Smrca BKATTLM, WASH. ' Dclnionico Restaurant Umlcr Same Mdiiccratot HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and EIe:trlc Lights in every Room. J J J EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms SOc, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cent. Frco Bus nnd Free Snmplo Boon 209-13 Riverside Ave.. SPOKANE HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAPI'NEY, Manager i One of the Northwest. Iicst Hotels In the Lnrgu Sample Rooms for Cora nicrcinl Men. EUROPEAN PLAN JX-Y The Tacoma W. II IILACKWELL, Prop. One o! the best hotels on the Pacific Coast, American Plan $3,00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. llstrict way, ny am tlio ., , . '.7 .'. President itoosuvult was charmed yorandus and grounds of tho hotol, und hi public and private life, havo c i coins mOnrM R i tiWt iULAi. -. VdJha , 'lJ'