- 7,' - MWPM lililW)ITIillmMiwiiniW in. '.n.i. ,1, I Jfc" lTp SKST..! -jj.V H1rtI.Mi .. , . r - f - -4-s jw(wpiW)iBPH)ppwwwfl"W"PWMJwW''Bk - r U i 'ii,y)y.iS"'iti.t; "'h v", " - THE NEW AB, JPORTLAND, OREGON. r- tmrfiiffiKfi'tr; tt ,, f ; "Tvs-r v,-;yvv?"V7Tf"' K r 'J: a ir a M 1 i'jj V t"-'. if V 'Jr OH ,v," Sk? 1 IS THE NEW AGE Established 189(1 A. D. Oilffln MnMr Oflloe, 48 Second 8t., cor. Ash, Hunini laud? Portland, Oregon. A0KNT8 J.W.Duncan Bu'tc, Mont n.C. blmmons Helena, Mont 0o.A. Hsyes....... 8ttie,Wuh To Intuw publication, all local newi muit wadi us not fitter than 'Ihttrtday unrulng of aaoh week. Subscription prloe, on year, parable In ad xmf9imM&&&& PORTLAND LOCALS lSmG.&&m&&l Mr. Black la nt tho Kccblo. Mrs. J, W. Pnyno's oycs aro Improving. Mra. M. W. Cnrr Is tack of tho grip. Ill with" an nt- Mr. Win. Duncnn haa gono to Spok ane for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Truo rooms at tho parsonage have taken Mrs. Klngborry has boon 111 this week with tho la grippe Mr. nntl Mrs. Shoppcnl havo tnken rooms nt Mrs. NowBomo's. Mrs. Herman Hill Is Improving after an operation on her shoulder. Mr. W. T. Ewlng pnssed through tho rlty Tuesday to Tacoma on route to Alaska, Tho ladles of Bethel church will glvo a Gcorgo Washington party on tho 22d of tho month. A. D. Griffin returned from Lewis ton, Idaho, and Spoknno, whero ho spent about ten days on business. When going to Helena, Mont, don't forget to glvo your baggago to tho Helena Cab Co. Agent on all trains. THE FASHION TAILORS.. P. Lorcts & Co.. proprietors, tho tending popular priced tailors. Don't wear shabby clothes llko those, but havo your clothes mado by your old friends, Tho Fashion Tailors. Suit Club No. 4. Contract I hereby ngrco to pay to tho rentcscntatlvo of tho Fashion Tho Wllllna Workers of tho church ' Tn,Ior8 no dollnr Por wook 'or thirty will hold tholr next romilnr meeting consecutive weeks. If I should draw nt Sister Palmer's residence, 340, BV l "(clothes before the expiration Cntirh ntroot. It Is honed Hint thorn,0' 1 10 thirty wcoks, thon Bald pay- 1 munis mo iu lerminuiu. riiuuu mum Two light rooms, sultablo for houBckocpIni: or dining room and kltrhon. Enqulro nt 380 Everett strcot. Tho lntlM of tho church gnvo their pastor a "Shower Partv" lrmt Satur day nlfht, which was very highly appreciated. Alnke or Hnoterrago. Tho foreman printer rushed Into tha editor' sanctum with a scared look on his face. "I've Just got a letter from the paper manufacturers," he said, "and Ihey re fuse to supply us with any more till tho account Is paid. What ahall wo do? I haven't a scrap In tho place." "Just think," said the editor, sadly contemplating tho cash box. "Haven't you any other sort of paper In tho place?" "Not n bit, except a few reams of brown paper that wo got In to pack parcels." "That'll do; use that. But keon the machine back for a large-typo editorial. Now get along." Then the editor drew out a sheet of paper and wrote the editorial. "Onco more," It ran, "the' Mudbor- ough Gazette' scores for enterprise. Wo nro tho only paper to give n correct portrait of his Gracious Majesty the Alake of Abcoukuta. The cut haa been very carefully prepared, and In order to show his complexion and col or, about which there have been so many disputes, accurately, we havo gone to the expense of printing the en tire edition on paper which shows these accurately. Extra copies can be had by applying to the publisher." Don't fall to nsk for tho Holona beer, mado by Rosier Browing Co., Helena, Mont It has no equal. Always ask lor tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Tho Anplteon Cafe. First-class In every ropert. Southwest corner Sixth and Everett Streets, Portland Oreogn.' will be a largo nttoniiaino, bocauso wo nro to elect tho president At tho Mt. Olivet Bnntlst church, Seventh and Everett Btrcots. north walk. Slter Maya will conduct tho service Sundnv mgrnlng and evonlng. Coino out and honr her; It will do thco pood. Sho rntne3 across tho sen from tho Enst India Islands. Tho pnstor. Rev. Laws, rocolvod n letter from a party In Illinois who will nttend tho Fnlr In Portlnnd, and locate hero permanently. Thoro should bo n standl'ic or n reception commlttoo to ircolvo strangers romlne to Portland. Slrnngors nro coming In tho city ovory dnv. and will continue to como for a whllo. Eastor Sunday Is fixed for grand rallv day, at Mt. Ollvot for tho church odlflro fund. Let ovcrvbody lay aside $10 for that day. Pastor Laws and tho members hopo to make It n day of success. A. M. E. Zlon church Sunday night, February 19, a special sermon will bo delivered by tho nastor. Geo. E. Jack son. Subject, "Tho Power of tho Sllont Force"; text, 1st Kings. 19th chapter, 12th vorso. Special solo for tho occasion, nnd choruses by tho chplr. All respectfully Invited. Hov. Jackson wIsIicb to express his gratltudo on behalf of tho ladles of tho Industrial Club, trustees and mem bers of Zlon church nnd to tho -many friends who so very generously at tended tho fair nnd contributed to Its success nmong Its patrons qulto a dolcgutlon from tho club. DO YOU WANT TIMBER? Tho big trees nro rapidly disappear ng. If you deBlro to acqulro posses sion of tlmbor landB of tho best qual ity and Iu tho most accessible locali ties, you should apply at onco to Mr. M. B. Rankin, 309 Chamber of Com .mnrrn biilMlng. Mr. Rankin Is nn In vestor, not a locator, and has had twenty years of oxperlonco In thnt lino of business, Involv ing hundrodB of thousands of dol lars In tho Interests of tho largest timber denlors of tho continent and not ono word of complaint has over boon heard about transactions In which ho has boen concorned. Ho will refer you to any bank In tho city. In addition to that, ho, you will ob serve, Is not In nny wny entangled In these land-fraud cases. Ho has noth ing to do with that kind of business. Ho Is n man of high honor and strict est Integrity. When you deal with him you deal with a man who does busi ness on business principles and only thnt. As nn Investor In timber lands ho has no equal In tho Northwest. Ho knows whero tho good timber districts aro nnd how to reach them. Rankin Is tho man, If you want timber. NEGROES CONTROL THE BEST MAGAZINE SOUTH OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE. "It Is generally thought that the Volco of tho Negro, so far as tho bus iness side of It Is concerned, 1b owned and operated by a white firm. Wo are in position to know that the Arm of Hortel. Jenkins & Co. Is composed of two white men and two Negroes. Dr. Bowen and Editor Barber are stock holders In that company and share, each one a part of tho business obliga tion of the firm. In eveTy detail of business they are interested. While editors, tbey aro also a part of the business concern and havo an eye to all of tho business connected with the publication, sharing its successes or its losses. Every Negro in tho country should stand nobly bv this maeazlne. Wo bellove that with tho continued and increased support of our people tho Voice will be within a few yeirs, second to no nwazinn In tho coun try." South Carollno Standard. Wo thank tho Standard for the nbovo statement The editor of that up-to-dato weekly has given the farts aa they are no moro, no less. We send this clipping to tho newspapers of tho country for their Information. Kdltnrs Bowen and Barber aro in reality tho controlling factors In tno Voice of tbe Negro, Many of tho brethren of tho profession could have find this Information long ago If they li&d token the nilns to find out from Proper authorities the truth of the matter, instead of irnMnir Rtntpme-Ua at random. THE EDITORS. 877. 433 Washington street, Portland, Oregon. " A PLEASANT WAY TO TRAVEL. Tho nbovo Is tho usunl verdict o( tho traveler using tho Mtssouii Pa cific Railway between tho Pacific Const and tho East, and wo believe that tho service nnd nccommodnttons glvon merit this statement. From Denver, Colorado Springs nnd Pueblo there nro two through trains dally to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's latest standard eloctrlc lighted sleeping cars, chair cars and up-to-dato dining cars. The same ex cellent sorvtco Is oporatcd from Kan sas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Llttlo Rock and Hot Springs. It you are going East or South, wrlto for rates and full Information. W. C. McBrldo, General Agent, 124 Third street, Portland, Oro. The Helena, the leading hotel In Helena, hearquarters for commercial travelers. Tho first-class hotel of Seattle, Wash., Is tho Hotel Washington, headquarters for tourists. Tho hotel of tho West Hotel Victoria, Spokane, loading ho tel. Rates, $1.00 and up. Largo sam ple rooms for commercial men. W. M. Watson, proprietor. J. T. Concannon. oysters, fish, poul try nnd groceries, 081 Johnson street, corner 21st street, Phono Main 1747, and phono Main 42G2. The GrandOn Hotel, Helena, Mont, Is ono of tho first-class up-to-date ho tels In Montana for commercial trav elers. Jos. Davis, proprietor. Try tho North Coast Limited. Tho finest train on earth. When going East sco that your ticket reads over tho Northern Pacific, and you will en Joy your trip East. Butto Tranafor Co., baggago and passonger checked to all parts of tho city. Tho only rellnblo transfer com pany In tho City of Butte. Thos. Lo voile, proprietor. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works All work done nt vory modrento prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladles' and gout's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do leau, proprietor, 455 Glisan street. Great Western Coal Company nro putting out a first-class washed Boot less coal for $5 per ton dcllvored. Their washed lump coal for $3 deliv ered Is tho cheapest fuel on this mar ket They guaranteo all (heir coals to ho freo from rock, slato and screen ings. Full weights guaranteed. Glvo them a trial order. Phono Main 948. THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p I o ncer paint es tablish m o n t of Portlnnd t thnt of F. E. B o a c h & Company, o( 135 First St., tho oldest and most ro Ilablo houso of Its ftlml In tho Northwest. It carries an Immense stock of tho best things In pnlntH and building materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Thoso who need anything In thoso llnea can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Bench & Company. Rotnembur tho number, 13G First Btrcct. Tho Tacoma Hotel, tho only up-to-dato hotel in Tacoma, headquarters for tourists and commercial travolors. American plan. $3.00 per day and up wards. W. B. Blackwell, manager. 108 Mth St., Healr Mock Tolcphono402l DEPOT DRUG STORE J. K CAV, i rnprlelor. A FULL LINE Of DRUGS AND CIGARS J'llKbUUIITIONS A SI'KCIAI.TY OGDEN..UTAH It. W.,K181tKlt F. It, MILLER VIENNA MODEL BAKERY 39J Morrlon bt. FISHER & MILLER, Props. We Make the Original Pullman Bread Choice Pastry and Fancy Cakes Wedding Cakes a Specialty. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE MAIN 1715 jtT7 Th Bureau Saloon Clvilcm Imported and Dotnmtlo WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS First and Morrison Htn. Portland, Oregon WM. L.OVB Xoaler tn Groceries and General Merchandise JOS N. Fourteenth Street PORTLAND " OKKOON JONASON BROS. Phone front 202 Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring CLEANING AND PRESSING ft 3333393393 S 8 i && U LSxVjr 8 ICE CREAM I SPOKANE PORTLAND t K3333?3&it3aK iSBBEEBE&B&E BUY FIFTEEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD STOP AT THE WASHINGTON. 1st It is tho beat hotel on tho Coast 2d It costs no moro than pooror hotels, as shown by rates below. 3d Now hotel, now furniture 4th Excellent service. Cth Tho Washington, whllo Tit, In tho center of tho city, Is on nn no vation of 200 foot, which lifts you nbovo tho nolso, dust and smoke of tho street hotels. Cth Tho hotel la situated in tha center of VA acres of beautiful grounds, with thousands of rosos and othor fragrant flowors to boautlfy tho surroundings. 7th Eight hundrod feet of wldo ver andas surround tho hotel, giving to the guest opportunities for rest and promonndo not found olsewhoro. 8th The view from these spacious verandas cannot bo described. Moun tains, lakes, tho Sound and tho city Itsoir form ono magnificent panorama not found anywhero elso on earth. 9th Tho hotel lobby, parlors, Turk ish room, etc., are exqulslto, and form a continuation of comfort and luxury not often found in hotels. 10th A Dutch grill has recently been added, whero sorvlco may be had at all hours. 11th The dining room cannot bo excelled. Breakfast and lunch are served a la carte, at most reasonable prices, and a table d' hoto dinner for 11.00 Is pronounced by all to be above criticism. 12th Rates Extremely reasonable. European plan Room, without bath, f 1.00 per day and upward. Room, with bath. $2,00 per day and upward. 'Bus service to and from all trains nnd boats, 25 cents. Trunks, each way, 25 cents. Carrlago fare (prlvato), 60 cents. Special rates mado to parties for ono month or more, 13th nelng above tho street and away from tho noise, you will enjoy a night's rest better at tho Washing ton than any other hotel In tho city. 14th Go to tho Washington and If you are not satisfied that It surpasses all other hotels on the Pacific Coast for excellent service and reasonable prices, your bill will be nothing. 15th Do not bo deceived by believ ing that come other hotel in the city Is as good as tbe Washington, for such iu not the case. The Washington stands alone as the most charming and attractive hotel west of New York. The following people have stopped at tno Washington during the past year t.nd have given unstinted praise and declared that In many respects it excels any other hotel on the conti nent: Presldeut Theodore Roosevelt. Wm. H. Moody. Secretary of tho Navy; Gov. Odell. of New York; Baron Rothschild, Mr. Smith, of the DeBeers Diamond Mines. South Africa; Hon Cornelius N. Bliss, Ex-Secretary of Interior; Hon. C. S. Mellen, President N, Y, & H. R. Ry ; Mrs. J. J. Hill. Louis Hill nnd J. N. Hill, of the Great Northern Ry.: Hon. Howard Elliott President N. P. Ry.; Adollna Pattl, E. H. Sothern. Gov. Brady, of Alaska; Mmo. Nordlca, Maud Adams, Nat Goodwin. Mrs. risk all Raymond & Whltcomb tourists. Richard Mansfield and other celebrities of the commer- M. clal and professional world. PETER JOSEPH SHIELDS' ESTATE Notlco Id horcby given thnt tho un dersigned na executor of tho estnto of Peter Joseph Shields, deceased, has filed his final nccount In the County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for Multnomah County, nnd that Mon day, Fobruary 27, 100C, at 0:30 o'clock A, M., at tho court room of mild court In tho county court houso In uald county hns bon fixed ns tho ttmo nnd plnco for tho hearing of objections tc said final account and tho settlom6nt thoro of. Dated and first published January 14th, 1905. JAMES HYLAND. Executor of tho ostato of Poter Jbsoph Shields, deceased. W. J. Makellm, nttorncy for cstato. 'Rah for tho Chicago, Mllwaukoo ft St. Paul Railway. It has advanced, nt ono leap, fifty yenrs to tho load, by putting on observation cars which havo compartments for women. Ordinarily a woman Is pretty much of nn Intrudor in nn observation enr, when sho has tho norvo to fight her way through tho tobneco smoke nnd timidly pick out a sent which Isn't oc cupied by tho foot of somo Imporlal malo bolng. Thoro Is no doubt about It, tho most olfcctlvo answer to tho mnn who clnlniB America to bo n paradlso for chivalry would bo to dross him up as a womnn nnd mnko him spend two days In nn American railway coach. Tho custom of providing 10x10 com partments for men to smolto in nnd 4x4 closets for women to dress In, thrco nt a time. Is a rogular alrbrako on tho progress of civilization. Tho Chicago, Mllwaukco & St. Paul Railway ought to ho glvon a medal. Nonpariel, Council Bluffs, la., Decem ber 9, 1904. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR don't travel over tho Illinois Central, us any old road will do you and wo don't want your patronago; but If you aro particular and want tho best and moan to havo It, nsk the ticket agent to rotito you via tho Illinois Contra), tho road that runs through solid ves tlbulo trains between St. Puul, Oma ha, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans, No additional chargo Is mado for n seat In our reclining chair cars which aro fitted with lavatories and smoking rooms, and havo a porter In attend ance. Rates via tho Illinois Central are tho lowest and we will bo glad to quoto them in connection with any transcontinental lino, B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, T, F. and P. A., 142 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON. FrL and Pass. Agent, Colnian Bldg., Seattle. Wash. THE MORMON TEMPLE. Tbe Mormon temple at Salt Lake City Is no doubt tho most substantial and well constructed religious edifice In the United States, if not in the world. Corner stone Jald April 6, 1863, cap stone April 6, 1892, and ded lcatedApr!l 6, 1893, over forty years of constant labor being consumed In Its construction. This magnificent structure 200 feet long, 100 feet wide, Is built entirely of Utah whlto granite, beautifully carved, symbolic of the Mormon faith, surmounted by six tow- crB, the highest being 230 feet from tho ground, supporting a bronzo statue of tho angel Maronl. The cost of this building Is about $6,000,000. Thoro aro many other attractions at Salt Lako City of Interest to tho traveler or tourist, where a day can bo well spent. The Rio Grando Is the only transcontinental route passing di rectly through Salt Lako City, where a stopover Is allowed on all classes of tickets. Tho servlco of tho Rfo Grando lines Is unexcelled. Thrco trains dally between Ogdcn and Den ver, carrying all classes of modern equipment. If you oto contemplating a trJp to the East, write tho under signed for Information regarding rates via the "scenic uno or uta world;" W. C. McBrldo, General Agent, I J. Roche. Traveling raasengor f&4w The Portland Machinery Co. ENGINEERS MACHINERY MERCHANTS 62-64 First St. Portland, Oregon , ROOMING HOUSE 550-552 Kearney Street, Cor. Sixteenth The St. Louis Cafe and Restaurant ' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 142 North Sixth St., Portland, Oregon The Fashion Tailors F. L0RETZ k CO., Propi. The Leading Popu lar Priced Tailors Suit Cub No. 4. roKTIlAlT-I hereby nitron In pay to the rep nnontntlvuuf the Um Ion lallum no dollar or wuuk lor tl.lrty cuuvt ti tty vreeL. li I nhuultt tin w a milt ol clothi a tia foro tut oxnlratlunof tho thirty wueki, then ald payment! aie to terminate. Ioiitwearhabb.vclothe llko tho-e, bin have )uur clotliMina e by your old friend. T1IK KABIIION TAII.OIIS. l'hone Mat n77 43.1VahlnKtonHtrct rOUTI.ANI) OHKCION flHtaHam YOUR Men's Suits $20 and up Ladies' Suits $25 and up I89 Fourth Street Btt. Yamhill and Taylor T. L WESTLAKC Bakery and Grocery General Market Produce Fresh Creamery Butter. Hanoi. Eggs BASKET LUNCHES FOR TRAVELERS Millinery Sale Great Reduction Sale of Trimmed Hats This Week Portland Millinery Company 3I3 Fifth St. Near Alder Phono Main 288. 3I5 Rlrarslrii An. Phone Main 3050. J. Frank Huffman LADIES' TAILOR The Latest Styles 4093 Morrison Street Btt. lOth and llth PORTLAND. OREGON FROM DEALER PHONE MAIN 1447 Pacific Blue Points OYSTERVILLE OYSTER COMPANY Grower and Shippers of Eastern Transplanted and Native Shoalwater Bay Oysters WHOLOSANE ONLY OrdcrH will lio jiroiiiptlv filled at 253 Yamhill Street PORTLAND, ORIidON For Timber Land Investments Call on or Writo M. B. RANKIN 309 Chamber Commtret Itcforuncu: Any Hunk in Portlnnd. lluvo hud 20 yeurn' experience in Went in timber IuiuIh. EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 240 Stark: &trtat, Portland Oregon. Your luiMncu In to mnko ihoncy. Our l)Uilnc9 1b to mnko money mnko nionjy. Havo up iillttio money for a rniny ilny to cither buy you n homo or k into biiKlnem. Look into our compound Interest plan. Securities Held by State Authorities over $3,000,000.00. OHAS. E. UDD, Pres. ' THEO. B. WILCOX, V. Pres. F. McKERCHEII, Sic'y. ON THE BEST TABLES IN THE NORTH WIST YOU WILL HHD M &WPfcl5. EATABLES J) Canned Hints and Vegetables, Syrup, Spices, Coffer, Fish, Ec. The reason it plain. People who ill c eood groceries are never satisfied with any other hnni after they try them. Get MONOPOLE from vour grocer. WADHAMS & KERR BROS. I Wholesale Grxers and Dry Ccffee Roasters. Portland, Orefon. Desirable Property FOR SALE filxty-nlno iutch mi the Sacramento lllvur, all fenced, about 20 ncrcn miltu bio for orchard or guuora) fanning;, about -0 ncroH t;ood jmHturo and plenty of wood and a perpetual flow of H milium incheH of water, Jiouhu 22 by III), 4 rooniH, pantry and a closet, porcli on two bIiIch, cellar 12 by 14, adjoining porch, barn fill by 44, fruit room KI by 20, grntinry 10 by 12, cuttin bIilhI 1(1 by 20, milphur Iiouhch and 1,400 fruit tray h and fruit Loxch go with tho place. About 2o ncren bearing orchard commit inj? of tho follow iiiR vnriotit'H of trcem 400 French prunes, 200 French prunm, 150 French priiiieM, 250 Kimball priiiieH, 025 Mulr pcaehcH, 100 Mulr peachcH, 215 Fonter penchcH, 120 Ki be rt 11 peacheH, 80 New Hall peiicheH, 80 Iliizcu yellow peach ch, 12 Karly Crawford penclicx, 12 Foster peachen. 110 iiIuioiiiIh, 4 plutna, 4 11 pearn, 12 cherrlt'H, 2 perriimmoiiH, ,8 orniiKCH, 75 oIIvch. 1'rieo 2,500, on eaHy tcnriH. M. R. HOOK, Red Bluff, Cal. abk Youn mnoocit ran our Crackers, Cakes, Biscuits rAoronr and omasa. Cast Third and East Davis Sts. TELEPHONE EAST 47 H B li S3 qs c3 ma. V a f I BmWji WmwQMwMm1mm HlsHS'smX JIiL 5 IBS WMmmmW-tl KkBStfl For the Christmas Guest There U nothing that adds more to hU comfort than the ' genial warmth of a good fire made from our high grade $7.50 RICHMOND COAL. The Pacific Coast Co. 249 Washington St. CHAS. H. GLEIM, Agent. JSftJfw "THE LITTLE WONDER" The Best Hydraulic Beer Pump and Air Compressor BILDERBACK & CRANE PORTLAND OREGON Agents forBithop & Batrock Co.'s cete ra ted beer drawing apparatus. Physicians air compressors, etc Write for catalogue and information. TRY US 1 kJa44jTTvw4lllal mmmmmmm9kALm)mm'. -S Trfsm n v, JHBHBMNLlVffnr"iaM4 aBB lK'llAsCsslaHMisitaaflaBK3afir jJU.In"B iiJMyjJUsJJiimHi 1 ndT tHEI Pacific States Packing Co. MT. HOOD LARD AMERICAN BEAUTY HAMS . AND BACON Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. PORTLAND, OREGON Ageat, 124 Third St., Portland, Or. A Pleasant Way to Travel TI10 above in tho usual verdict of the traveler using tlio MicHouri I'ucflc JluiN way between the Pacific Count and tho Kant, ami wo believe that tho service and nccommodatioiiH given merit tliiu fituti'inent. From Denver, Colorado Spring and Pueblo there aro two through trains dally to Kansas City and Ht, Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard electric lighted sleeping cars, chair cars and tip-to-duto dining cars. The same excellent tcrvico is operated from Kamas 'City and St. Louis to Memphis, Little Itock and Hot Springs. Jf you aro going K,tst or South writo for ratea and full informa tion. V. C. MollRIDKaon. Agt., VH Third 8t Portland, Or. I F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger in town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY CO. 106 SIXTH ST. Opp. MERRILL'S CYCLIJ EMPORIUM The Largest Exclusive Men's Shoe Store In the State of Oregon Is That of the PHILLIPS SHOE CO. 109 Sixth Street PORTLAND OREGON K is a new btttlncsa eataWtsluncnt and U conducted by buaiaeM men on new business lines. The PACKARD Shoe, of which it is the sole agent, is its spec ialty and it is certainly the fin- ot footwear ever made. VsSlbnW la W Wt ML'' 1 'i-1 " WL''i a3kw' 'l l2V' HBr vKi ai xL'' w nBm est m&r W JkBmmWjBwLm sac k. sanaiBiBK X99rifew BBSaSWt nBSSJfSByBSSN. iS&'OSSBSKBwBSS.k syjyi;-v life. J?X ' Maui!':: Am'y i:V st BSm&iM? t'.l sica:.'. .. :: BKSBbVi'( - 3BBW Tin Philips Shoo Co. is I 1 ving nothing mi douo to demomtnito lliu merits of tlio Pack 11 r i hhoj. M tho price of li 00 it Is tho cheape shoo of superior quality in any market, and leads all in styles. STOCK ALL ENTIRELY NEW