Vi """'Jl' .l . I. I ''. tji.J-, '"- - " " r . v.:- r?! y yWwkimFi THE OTfiTV AWE, fORTLATJO), OREGON. fi ; 'i , TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. SEAHLE WASH ! GREAT FALLS aruKANt I LIVIINUSIUIN WWBwBPftii iiHwwfn J ., i. u k fci' Wl.r, & ' $ 5 A v-. X &," ' ' v ', Ji ! HENHY LOKOBTIIHTII, Pros. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome illustrated booklet on Tncotna, juat issued. U. H. MANNINO, Pros. A. T. HOSMBR. Soy U. R. MAININIINa & CO., Inc. Real Gstate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUIL.D1NC1 TACOMA, WASH. WHEN IN TACOMA Call at the OXFORD CLUB For a nice cool glass of beer or a drink of whisky direct from the distillery HANS O. QUAM, Mgr. 1113 Pacific Ave. Home Made Pastry Fin Coffee Oysters and Oim In Season VIENNA CAFE KOllEUT HICKKIt, I'rop. 1.111 Pacific Avenue, KTervlhlnir Flnt CUn nil Up-to-hate TACOMA, WABH JtJJONTY'S TMRST OTOKK Berlin Hulldlng. llJKouth 11th t. Telephone, Mlti 1M. TACOMA, .... WASHINGTON THE ABBEY K. J. MOONF.Y. Proprietor Telephone James 3121 Wines, Liquors X Cigars Room In Connection TACOMA WASHINOTON milK PACIFIC UQUOR AND WINE HOUBK. N. ItEUTEIl, Proprietor. the belt of Wlnee, Liquors and Clirar. Family Trade a Bpeclalty. Tel. Hed 1731. ison raeine Ate. , . , . 1MM Commerce Ht. Tacorna. Washlnston THE DAMFINO P. T.McOLOlN, Proprietor Telephonu Main 1M ESTAtlLISHBD DEPORB TUB WAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1802 Jeflarson Avnnue, Corner 1'aclflo TACOMA WASHINOTON (I. A. 1ILAKK J.U. BMITII EAT T. B. C BREAD made ny Tacoma Baking Company M3 Taooraa At. Telephone James Ml TACOMA WASH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $3 00 Hat Monarch and duett Shirts. 1119K Pacific Ave. TACOMA McLean. McMillan & Co. Proprkterc Laurel, Brand Butter, Flour, Catsup, tykes, Etc Wholesale & Retail Grocers Three Telephone! 768 C Street 7M-SI Commerce Street TAC6MA WASHINGTON North Pacific Oyster Co. We are the largest producers of the Puget Sound Oyster in the state and it is our aim to furn ish them to the local as well as the foreign trade in the best possible condition. We are also prepared to supply the retail trade with all kinds of Fish, Crabs, Lobsters,-Frogs Legs, etc 760 So. C Strut Phone James 3141 TACOMA WASHINGTON Office Phone Black 172. Residence Phone Ited KW1 F. J. LEE PMOTOORAPMER Avarded a Diploma for the Excellency of Photographs at St. Paul, Minn., 1900 1535 Commerce St. Cor. Jefferson Ave TACOMA, WASH. G'ssssssWsesVakMkVgsPV Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted an Oae of Um Brt Lauadrics la the Nortliwasrt. 1300-11 O Street 1310-12 Commercial Street ' Telephone Main 320 Tacoma, Wsihlagtoa JOHN tt. ARKLEY, Sec. and Treaa. MBNZIES The Men's Furnisher UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MN WAITERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY lOOI Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash. Mueh.enbrucht4t.jft Manufacturer of the Finest Grade Chocolate and Bonbons Ice Cream and Sherbets PARLORS III! TACOMA AVENUB Telephone) Main 73 O Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Leavo Tacoma (1:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11:10 n m, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 1): 10, 11 :15 p m. Lcavo Seattle 0:80, 8:00, -0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 n in, 12 m, 1 :00, 2:00, 11:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 jOO, 8:00, 9:00,10:00, 11:15 pin. PUYALLUP DIVISION Leavo Puynllup 5:30, 7:00,8:00, 0:00, 11:00 a in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15 pm. Lcavo 0th and Commerce Bts. 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 pm. (6:30 a m omitted Sundays) J, B. TEIIXES, Pre a and Mgr. Tel. Tacoma Carriage and Baggago Transfer Company OFFICE 101 TENTH STt Oirrltfii Mi Isflm Wapiti it 111 Hurt ffllltl ASJillttM PtKt In Eviry WUI FIRST CLASS LIVERY Haad your Checks for Bags age tc our Mm sengeri, who will meet you on all Incoming trains. TACOMA, WASH. I BUHE MONTANA ! t Always Open. We Never Bleep. Telephone and telegraph orders promptly annwered Heoretarr Mount Morlah Cemetery As sociation. Notary lubllu. JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB BUTTE UNDERTAKER Practical Kmbalmers and Funeral Directors. 140 V est I'arlcBt. Telephone 'M. lleMtlenco Wi South Montana Htreot, Telephone TW-.M. BUTTE, MONTANA. Butte Transfer Co. THOU. IJVVKI.I.K, Proprietor. Baggage Passengers Checked Tl ALL PARTS IF THE CITY. llaggnge Stored Any Length of Time Free of Charge. l'lione No. 403. OPKN ALL NIGHT I ELLENSBURG Tnl.l.KN8BUUO UTKAM I.AUNUHV. PHATBWKU. HAVEN. Patronise a Home Industry. floods Called for and Delivered TEI.EPIIONK KKD 1M. 1, U. BMlTllbON, President. C. II. bTfcWAKT, Vice President. C. W. JOI1N80NE, Cashier WASHINGTON STATE BANK. ELLEHSBUH6, WASH. D! HECTORS. Jacob Furth. C. J. Lord. ), II. hmtthson. C. II. Btewart. Jos. Hterennon. C. W, Johnson. OLYMPIACAFE Fin wines, liquors and domestic cigars aad Key West cigar always on haad. r WULF A. MOHLERS aW U asd Inlog Sua. SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY Manufacturers and dealer In Trunks, Salt Cases ami Satchels Trsnlu Ms U fenkr as1 HtsstrMl 817 Steeas Aw. SEATTLE WASI Third aho Columbia Thoms Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( HUCCKKROM TO ) BONNY & STEWART rilNSML DtRKCTORH AND BMDALMRR Udy AsslsUnt Al- attp TVacfl. way In Attendance. OCaiUC, Wasn Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SKATTUt, U. S. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 'Second Avenue Seattle, Wash Insurance Loans Rentals ! EVERETT WASH I dtate I.lcenre No. 3. I.ady Asitstant JOHN F. JERREAD Undertaker and Embalmer Hay and Night He-vice 3919 Broadway Telephone Main 230 ' M. R. HOOK REAL. ESTATE Red Bluff, Cal. TEHAMA Choice Ranches and Vineyards for sale on easy terms. Absolutely safe First Mortgage Loans nego tiated. Correspondence solicited. Blazier's... No. 248 Burnside Street, Bot. Second ami Third, PORTLAND, OREGON The Pest of Wines. Liquors and Cigan Star Brewery Company Iir.wers and Bottler ol Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnside SU., Port land, Oregon. Union Transfer Co. UiiKKape I.torcd Five Days Free Pavpngc, Froiijlit and Furniture Moving Prompt Attention to All Orders l'lione Main 241 131 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORE. West Oakland Bank AND TRUST COMPANY ornoKHHi CHA8. M. W I I.I, A HI). 1'reMdent. l. K. DAUUIIKItTY, lit Vic I'rcs. v K. V, II AHN. Vnd Vice I'res. v C. UWIKKK, Ca.hler. No. 1788 Seventh Street, OAKLAND, CAL. Loewenbergi Going Co. Manufacturers u( and dealers la Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all Hrsi-t'lau Uealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best aad Cheapest ia the Market. 229 to 235 Taylor Street, 183 to 1U4 Second Htreot, Portlaad, Oregoa This Is a world In which there l always somethina; going on nnd eome thing coming off. Dallas (Texas) News. It Is to be hoped that the govern ment assault on tho paper trust will not be a mere fight on paper. Phila delphia Ledger. Tho discontent due to tho Asiatic war compels tho Czar to rcalbo that nothing fails like failure. Washing ton Evening Star. Mrs. Dodge-Morse hns reversed the Mormon plan and Is struggling with a few surplus husbands. Newport News Times-Herald. Young Tiffany says he can't live on 118,000 a year. Well, why doesn't ho shuffle off and give some ono else a chunco to try? Memphis News. When Bathhouso John Is elected Mayor of Chicago we presume that Dead Florae Jake will become Chief of Police Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Dr. Chadwlck now threatens to wrlto a book. He had better begin on a check book and keep his family together. Newport News Times-Herald. The Mormon idea of marrying a man to a dead woman would certainly seem to Indicate that the Mormons take matrimony gravely. Richmond News-Leader. The political grafter is nlways on the lookout for new worlds to conquer, so It Is not surprising that ho is now after the Irrigation system. Colorado Springs Gazette. A distinguished contributor to the Medical Record announces that gout Is getting less common. The boarding habit must be getting more common. Columbia (S. C.) State. A New Jersey preacher advises young women never to marry a man until they know his past What most concerns young women who marry Is the young man's future. New York Press. It turns out that the people of Fort Gaines burned only ono bulo of cot ton. Which Isn't such n very expen- fslvo Christmas Jag, after all, with cotton at 0 cents a pound. Augusta Chronicle. Ono Mormon has been discovered who has been sealed for otcrnlty to forty wives. If ho gotB all that ho Is scaled for, there will bo no need after his death to ask where lie went. At luntu Journal. Tho man who wishes to evolve a coreless applo will destroy all the pleasures of childhood If ho succeeds. For then there will bo nothing for the small boy to glvo to his smuller sister. Atlanta Journal. The Russian reformers are not mak ing conspicuous progress, but they have allies In far-away Japan who may help to persuade the Czar that tho freer a people are the oetter they will tight Pittsburg Times. It Is simply astonishing what Im provements have been mado In both Kngllsh and American navies since the first universal peace confeieuce was held In London about the year 1851. Dutto Inter-Mountaln. Apropos to the Ulshop Talbot scrap, when the gentlemen of the cloth get their fingers In each other's locks they -tometlmcs resort to tactics that would aot be tolerated In any prize ring In the world. Wheeling (W. Va.) Regis ter. The Incroaso In tho number of deaths of passengers on trains In 10O4 was QiYi per cent over 1003. Tho rail mad presidents who say Unit they alono can run tho American minis will sco In thefco figures a trlhulii to (hell Increasing ctUclcncy. Sail Fruuclsct Examiner. Cotton Is now 60 per cent cheaper than this tlnio a yenr ago, liccntiso of a supposed production incrcauo of 20 per cent If you are good In the equa tions of commercial economy, find the logical basis for tilts price-fixing. It's too hard for us down hen1. Atlanta Constitution. Admiral Dewey could give Admiral Togo some valuable t'oiiiiKcl at tills period of his triumphant hoiii'M-onilng, and ho would probably warn hint ngalust accepting the gift of a Iiouka nnd of offering himself ax u raudldato for the olllce of Mlknilo. Charleston (8. C.) Post. . Don G. Q. X. Y. Z. Qiicxuda. Cuban minister, rt'henlH the ehargo that the Cubans are neglecting their sanllnry duties. HUM the fact remains that tho average Cuban's Idea of baulta tlon Is to shine Ills hoots, March h's Panama hat ami put on a diamond finger ring. Macon Telegraph, According to all the nilis of war, Russia ought to plead for peace, hav ing been whipped on laud and sea, but the trouble with Russia Is that she is M) big and so douse that It takes her a long time to find out sho Is whipped, nnd a still longer time to acknowledge it Louisville Post. The elaltorute preparation the .laps aro making to rebuild Port Arthur In dicates a come-tO'Stuy attitude which Is not going to yield easily to the Mud of diplomacy that was handed nut to them ten years ago. Indianapolis News. The Moscow peasants who Kiy that they would rather he shot at home for resisting niohlllziit.'ou orders than flatightered needlessly In Manchuria have a proper sense of economy. They expect to save tho government their traveling expenses. Itostou Globe. A Roston paper says: "We were eating better bread because of tho Philadelphia fair In 1870." .Maybe; hut Chicago associates Its World's Fair with cold-storage turkeys and lien fruit handed down from those liulcjon days. Milwaukee Sentinel. It Is said that the number of wom en who are doing "men's work" lias been 40 per cent In the last ten years. From which tho inference follows that a good many women are fitting them selves for the practical rcspons bill- ties of matrimony. Atlanta Constitu tion. , OTEIi AL11RHT John 8. Olmhle, Proprietor. 2.T7 Ktverslde Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room in connection. HoUl phoue Main 1W4. 8POKANK, WASHINOTON D. A. CARMEL Dealer 111 Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 467 212 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SPOKANE CAFE Tho Leading Ca'o oi La Grande Avenue. One block from the Depot. Meals at all hours. Evcr thing first-class. J. P. JOHNSON, Proprietor D UFRKNBE BUFFET 215 Howard Street. I'bon Main 69. BrOKANK, WABniNQlON Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Ratall The most complete stock of Drugs and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department meri.s your confidence. 401 Riveraida Ava. Granite Block . i Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Htate Hank) HTOKANK, WASHINOTON A State Bank. Transacts a General Banking Business. Cuiillot 1)0,000.00. Individual worth of stock hnldfrs rimilti l,ol,ouo uu. OFI'ICKHH AM) DlltlXTOItHl Doimld l!niiliRtl, I'rrtUlen!. Ilolwrt Hhprf. U, Vlr I'rrtlilr nt. A. It. hWHnitoii, Vlcv I'rruMtni. J. II. I lancy, I'aMilrr. O. W. TIioiiiiui, Thninn Iltnlop, William (Irmmlll, llotirrt llynloii, ()l Olmin, 1'aul l'rint, Hubert (lumiliiK. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Cillii fir and IiIIt iridtiaiy PirtiftliOlty Ph'om Main 216. 911 lri.i Avi. SPOKANE WASNIN6T0N Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANB, WASH. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANB, WASHINOTON OruntuHt Grocery OK TIIK Northweat Importers ol Wines, Liquors Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries W.i i.iiiirn n u,iii.tii1 v nf allnnlvlnt; nrl. vute cars. Semi for cutulogue. Mail orders solicited. 521-523 SPRAGUE AVENUE : NORTH YAKIMA : ; MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY il, Q. WKINHTK1N COMPANY. Msnulscturrrs of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. -M'A.) Capital Stock. $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $51,569.17 fctateniflil at 'loe ol llWflntm, fopt. IS, 190; YV.M I.AIIM'rrileiil CHAb. I Altl'KNI Kit, Vice Ties. W,UblKINVKll.t-shler. A. II. CI.lN,Atst Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned same day, Domtstio finish or eloss. No saw edges on collars or cuffs. Get acquainted with our methods. Iir Usiiry Wwk li tli trtrtaWiFltilrf.WNriKliil. LAUNOKV AND OITICB FIRST AND A STREETS, bobM. North Yakima Was H X . 0NK OB THE BEST BALOONS IN UV1MO. 8TON. WM. GRAB0W. Una brand of all kind of llqaors. , Wholesale dealer In Jo. Bchllls Brawtaf Oa' MIlwaukM Later Ber. UrlnfttoB, Hamlaaa UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELOt, Prom. CHOICEST IHD SILT MEATS Oam and Fish In Beaaoa. Llvlnfston, Montana. Empfoymmnt Mgmnoy MALB AND PBMAL8. Can fnrntsh nplormnt to all la I labor. Trsa rtasonabl. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C. 0. KR0HNE, Agent. OBe Oppottta FostoOe. UTlncston, Mntaaa F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. CARRIER BROi VIENNA BAKERY A foil line of fine bakery and confee t'onary eoods always on hand, aldo ice cream and ices. Private care and spec ial orders given prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 114 S. M.Id BlrMt. Tt.phoa. S3 .. UVING5T0N, MONTANA. LIVINGSTON STEAM LAUNDRY TravellDB aaaas' work a iwelaltr. De aeetle or hlh gloss finUh. Work done on short notice. 111 V Faak St., opposite the N. P. Depot. TELETHON 49 F. GEO. W. HUSTED PreecrfptletM, Drags. Patent Medkhtee, a gars, TeHet ArtklM, Piaest Seda Fewtaln en Ue N. P. Radlwajr. Opposite the Depot 6 OZEMAN REVVING COS PURE BEER Browed from the famous Gallatin Valley Barley and choicest Hops. PARK BOTTLING WORKS Agents m uvmrnBrmn, ttmiT. MONTANA Kalispell Malting Brewing Co. Brewers and Bottlers of Best Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from the Famous Western Barley ana uonemian iiopa Ouaraateed Absolutely Pur KALISPELL MONTANA Havre Commercial Co. U. W. STKINOyKIXOW, Pra. a Msr, k Largo Department Store We Buy and Sell for Cash, There by Getting the Best Prices Our Clothing, Shoe, Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are the Largest in North Montana Mall Orders Promptly Attended To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry M3-H5 Second Street Souta Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON CASKY, rrfeM Work Done osi Short Notice. The Only First Class Steam Laundry at GfcatFaUs, TekpaoasW. 4 W. (Bueeor to Oae. SrasS) UNDERTAKER A EMBALMII. Open day and night. Telephone S. Oraduata of Channlon School of Ka Licensed from Colorado and Moataaa. 40 Central Arenac, Great Fall, W. It. LRARI), Pre. II. DOT8ETH. 1st Vice Pre, and Bee. W. L. JOIINBON, 2nd Vlee Pre, aad Traea CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. If. fard. Mananr. Telenhona 74. .. ---iiT ; . .. Short order work a specialty. Great Falls, . 117 rirsi at, nana Hoataaa Cloths Man, Woman, Boy ia Modern Up-to-Date FashionaWe Clotlilng at l'opular Prices. Visit Often the Popular PHeti Store tor Men ami Womem. Qreat Palls, - - - Montana. JOHN D. RYAN, President D. J. IIENNK8HY, Vlee Preeideat. JOHN U. MOnoN Y, Cashier. K. 1. BOWMAN, Aas't CashU. , MARK BKINNKIt, AST! UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK f GREAT FALLS, MONTANA Caaltal, I Drta,MSM ABROC1ATK BANKS: Paly Rank A Trust Co., Rutt. Daly Bank a Trait Co., Aaaeoade. B. A. SSICRKL. President, W. r. BBN VIm " - u. w. uhumwaldt, ate. ) THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Bottlers of extra quality lner boor. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Office: 100 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 66. Qreat Falls, - - - Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid bd Canltal a'ast9 iBdlTlduel Reepoaalblllty, ' M I MIMMMMIM 9. CONRAn, PrMtdaak JAMES T. STANFORD. Via Pie, and Maaaejer. r. iw(Ud.s, SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano MoTkif and Heayy Frcichtinr Dealer In Cos! and Wood Warehouse oa R. R. Track, Ninth At. Booth. Phone 66 M OiHoe with Great Fall Hardware Co., 410 Central Ave. Phones, ltesldcnco 60 A, Olllce 103 GREAT FALLS, MONT. AAA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OMAHA NEBRASKA : a I OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Is the only eseluslr bsagai Hue In Omaha anS the onlr one reoflaiihml Iir the Commercial and theatrlcsl business a s. clalty. City rates the lowed. Tr Tom Ssess im Mgmmt )m TemlmB mm tl B0mt 1314 Howmrti 91rmm4 ASK FOR KRUG The Beer you llko. Agendo in all Western CitieH and Towns. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO OKT TIIK BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS ORDER ADVO Which Means the Beit Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Nsh PIXTOH AND GALLAGHER CO. Importers, Coff Roastsrs ansj Jobbing Groosra Oldest Jottteg Grocers ia Ike Vest. la. UkUsk4 1843.1904. Ssedal attaatle fivea oaaail ordan. Omaha, Nab. & 4 3il 1 1 lill I'M