.. v. . . iW . . l 4, W THE NEW A. POltl-LAJSD, OBEUOJS. jnr, - fftv w. B ' n . 1 Ifo it I ! ST. PAUL MINN. The Beat Hats The Best Furnlsl-ilntf The Beat Treatment MACRUDER Sixth and Wabasha ST. PAUL, Minn. For Men Only J. C. HORRIOAN Fine light llvorr carriage, hearses, etc. 4IMI6 Waconta Btreot. N. W. Tel. Mala Ml. Twin Cltjr two. St. Paul, Minnesota ST. PAUL HAT WORKS 0. I,. Or aw foil, Prop. Export Koincxlclar of Hat. Panamas a r pec laity, Hutu to order. Halt nt retail !-8t Jtln t)Liitn B root. Tc.oitiono, H. W. Mntn 1133-J1. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA h'AGEL UNDERTAKING CO. WM. K. NAtllX, MatHKor I.ady Asihtnnt on nil cn.cn where ono la roiiulrcd S0.1 W. 1 htrd Bt. 8t. I'aul, Minn. WILL F. MATHEIS CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Sixth and Cedar Street ST. PAUL, MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Buccotaor to BOHNKLL A KHANK.) DIMI.RRS IN AM. KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY RAZOR WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 a. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Hotel. St. Paul, Minnesota P. N. Peterson Granite Co. Manufacturers ol Fine Monuments and Artistic Memorials 01 Ktory Description Office and Warcrooins,00-fl? K. Filth flt. ST. PAUL MINNESOTA BIIANOIIKH AT Stillwater Minnesota Masonic Temple Bid Dululh, Minnesota Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co. Wholesale Dealers Butter, Eggs, Veal & Poultry ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry Rlo.-l'Mlllj Ldry Co., Proprietors. Offlc 1S6 0. 7th Street. Laundry, cor. Sixth and John its. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ELK LAUNDRY CO. Toilet Supply Towels, Combs and Brushes furnished offlies at low rates. 487 to Min nesota street. Telsuhoue 3M. Henry Orun hoiren, Manager. ST. PAUL, MINN. ISrfSaMl be out 1 2J8oFkhe I JftOJ world 1 ' Mk out of I Wto WM LI Everybody yJ Beer ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MINNESOTA STEAM LAUNDRY BOTH PMONBS No. 171 314 Minnesota Street, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA For First-Class Work on Shott'Tlmo try the Oriental Laundry TKL. 393. S2-S4 W. Tenth St. ST. PAUL,, MINN. The Judge Demands the Best" LA TOCO Key West. Clear EL PATERNO Ten-Cent Leader SIO.HT DRAFT King of Five-Cent Cigars li. S. Conrad, st.nJli?"M Distributor K'piiiiclli Clark. Pre. II. lllftolow, V. Pre., tloo. It. I'rlncc, ('null. It. W l'nrkcr, II. Van Vleck, Ant. I'nshr. The Merchants National Bank OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA United States Depositary Capital: ONE MILLION DOLLARS Tolopliiitio W7.I-JI. Ilcildonco Italo M3.JU John Grove Land & Loan Go. GENERAL LAND AGENTS Great Northern Railroad Lands Heron tnflSpor aero la tho price, with aoron nntitinl pnjinoiit nt li percent. Intercut. TI10 land or S(t I Hard WntMt In tliu faniuiia Itod Itlver Valloyol .Mluncaota. MAIN OITIOH (83 E. Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. Ilrauoh Oillccai Crookatin, Ada, Htaphen, Warren, Ilallock, Minn. Hatnplo Work ami Hopalrlnir a Hpwlalty Dealer In leather (luoda and Notlona. F. V. GARLAND Manufacturer ol TRUNKS Komi for CataloKtio Kept. V. 378 Hohort Htreot. St. Paul, Minn. Aguilas and . Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles 6t Stock Co. MAK12RS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA Kalatdlshcd 1870 CORSER INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Special Attention Given to Care and Manage, mtnt of Non-Resident Estates New York Life Building Minneapolis Minn. W. A. Paxtoti. I'res, V. A, Hharp, Vice Pres . . Harry Hharp. Heo'y and Treaa. J.C. Hharp, tleii.Mgr. L.W.I.hyou ler.tleu.Hupt. p.j.bowlih liquor go; Wholesale Dealers In Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors ill sad 913 Jitksii St. St. Paul Minnesota. R. C. WALLACE CO. DKAI.KItti IN FINE GROCERIES HELENA MONTANA imiNK Storz Blue Ribbon A Beer of Superior Excellence Brewed and Bottled only by Storz Brewing Co. PHONE 120 OMAHA, NEBRASKA JHMiif l MINNEAPOLIS MINN. J Yerxa Bros. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 423, 427, 42 Nicollet Are. Minneapolis, Minn. A. Bacxdarl 0. A. Uacxoahi A. Backdahl & Co. ORUOQIST8. Opposite Milwaukee are (utly oompoundod. nusEouth. Depot. Pietorlpttont SU Washington are Allnnanpolln, AllnnoMOtn MINNEAPOLIS Omnibus and Transfer Line Offlco: 11 Nicollet Houbo Block Telephone 78 Mlnneapolia Minnesota Wear CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ol Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis; Minn. Pillsbury's FLOUR Leads the World Made In MINNEAPOLIS COUNCIL BLUFFS i a- L. Rosenfeld Co. i Wholesale dealers (or the famous BUDWEISER BEER Bold on .T.ry buffet and dining ear AND Imported Wines & Liquors 819431 Main street Council Bluffs Iowa BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY High grade work. If our work Biilta you. tell your friends, if not, tell in. We appreciate your work. Phone 314. 22-24 N. Mala St S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats j Suppliei for Dining1 and Private1 Cars Given Special Attention J J 230 32 Main St. 2291 Pearl St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa Evans Laundry Co. Finest Equipped Plant In the West. Short Time Worka Specialty Phoae 190 111 Petri Street COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA REAL VALENCIENNES LACE Was OrlaHnally nereloped In 1040 bj Mile. Fruncolae lladar. Durfof tlio rcljni of Louis XIV. ol Prance, when the gorgeous dressing of both men nnd women was nt Its height, the nrt of rnro lncemnklng wnn nt Its best In trnnce. The Ucau Ilnnn tuels of the French court spent enor mous sums on slccvo rufllcs and jubota, and tt was not unusual for comparatively narrow ruffles of vnleti- clennes lace to sell for nine gutncai nn ell. Madame du Bnrry Is said to hnvo spent a smnll fortune on thU Inco, which was popular not only for IU beauty, but for 1U washing quali ties. Valenciennes lace wan originally de veloped from tho lace factory nt I.o Quesnoy, which In turn hntl learned tho art from a certain Mile. Frnncolsa Ilitdnr, In 1G1U, who hnd it class of young girls In Antwerp at that tlmo nnd later estahllfhed several centers In France, where It became n national Industry. Valenciennes Inco shows Its Flemish r.ncestry, especially In Its curlier do signs, by tho frequent tiso of tullprt, nnemones and carnations, which itru also mot with In other so-called "pil low Inces" In that tho groundwork threads nro drawn from tho pattern mm ngniti back into tito pattern nn suits tho worker. This makes tho work very complicated and very tedi ous. Hut during the French revolution the nrt of vnleiicleiities lncemnklng came near being permanently lost. The disappearance of slcovo ruffles hnd a great deal to do with this, nnd, besides, tho nobility of Franco were in no position to purchase such expensive Incc; from Valenciennes they turned to cheaper laces from I.llle nnd Arms. Tho Lille makers could produce threo or four 'ells a day from enoh worker, whereas a Valenciennes worker could never do more than an Inch and a halt a day. Naturally the Llllo Inco wau loss effective, but so much ntoro rea sonable that for ordinary occasions, nt least, it quite superseded vnlnnclcnnes. Then, during the upheaval In lCrench politics, tho Valenciennes workers fled to Uelglum, where they nettled hi Ghent, Ypres, llniRct nnd neighboring cities, each of which, In the course of tlmo, began to show little varieties In their work, although Ypres produces tho best quality. This hnx tho diamond-shaped mcih so familiar to lov ers of lace. Napoleon I. and Napoleon III. both nttempted to rtstoro the ancient In dutry to France, but without success. In 1800 there wero barely 200 Inco makers loft In the town, although tho Mallnne and Alencon Industries wero restored. By IBM ouly two ancient laceworkers remained nt work In Valenciennes, and now tho original vnlonclennos laco Is only seen In mu seums or In tho collection of somo stoker of antiquities. Philadelphia Public Lodger. WEAR TWO PAIRS OF -SOCKa Advice -of a Shoe Raleansan on Winter Protection of Feet. "I see you wear two pnlrs of socks," said the shoe salesman to the cus tomer. "You are wise. A good many people are beginning to do It, especial ly between seasons. "People ought to do It nil through the winter. Thore la more warmth in two pairs of summer socks than there Is in the heaviest pair of woolens that ever was manufactured. "If you uro troubled with cold feet, you will And Hint tho combination of n pair of woolens and n pair of light weight socks bnlbrlggnu or llslo thread will ilx you up comfortably tho coldest dny that comes. If your foot are tender, you can wear tho thread ouen Inside and tho wool with out. If you aro extra cold, reverse tho process. Whlchovcr you do, you will find tho thin pair easily doubles tho value of tho thick one. "There Is, generally speaking, 1111 altogother wrong notion ns to tho best way to keep the feet warm. I'eoplo ask for heavy soles nnd cork soles and Insoles and fleece soles, and think they aro protecting their feet. It Is all a mistake. Tho soles of tho feet are not sensitive to cold. It Is not through the soles that you cntch cold or feel cold. Any ordinary shoo af fords tho feet nil the protection neces sary, so far as temperature Is con corned. To avoid cold feet, tho ankles and Instep should be protected. That's where your second pair of socks does Its work. Hut, as a matter of fact, In very cold weather every ono should wear cloth tops covering the wholo upper part of tho shoo. "With spats nnd doubled socks nnd medium weight shoes you can walk on lco In rem weuthor nnd not know It's cold so far as your feet are con cerned. Of course you feel tho cold moat In your toes, but tho protection of the upper part of the foot whero larger blood vessels run down Is tho main thing. Your toea won't feel cold If the rest of your foot Is warm. "I'd like to sell you a pair of tops. These black ones would Just go with your hew shoes. They're only no, not this tlmo? Well, call again." New York Bun. An UHisaattsas. "No," said the fair maid In the par lor scene, "I'll not alt on the sofa with you miles you promise not to try to klse me." "Well," answered the .young mnti, "I'll promise If you Insist, but !efqr allowing you to present yourself with a gold brick I wish to cull your atten tion to the fact that I am ono of tlioo Individuals who never break a prom ise." Knew theOnMie. Friend You didn't seem at nil flat tered when Mrs. Blarney compliment od yot on your beautiful child. Young Mother No, 1 can remember the way I umM to tell my friends how pretty their children were, when they were Just tis ugly as they could be, bo that now when they tell me how won derful my bnby Is, I don't Ivellcve them at all. Detroit Free Tress. Did It ever occur to you that most of tho nteu who drink to excess nro married? Matrlmoulally speaking, eternal vig ilance la the price of domestic peace. BU1TE MONTANA ! J JENSON BAKERY All Kinds of Bread and Cakes Bread at Wholesale Prices Free Delivery to All Parts of the City 315 South Main Street BUTTE MONTANA CTATE BAVIXOS DANK Under stato supcrrlMon and Jurisdiction, In torcut ald on d poslti. Bolls oxchango avail able In all the principal cities ol tho United tjtatei nml kuropo. collcc ions promply at tended to. BUTTE, MONTANA. Atwaya Open. Wo Never Bloep. Tclophono and tcluKraph nrdors promptly answered f-ecretary .Mnunt.Morlah Cotnrtory As sociation. Notary i'uhlic. JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB HUTTB UNDERTAKER Practical llnihalincrs and l'uncral Directors. 140 Won Park 8t. Tolophouo i7. Itclilonco 409 t-ontn Moutatin Htrcot, Tclophono TOS-M. Burrn, Montana. WORLD I'ncknco Kxprcss Messenger Ucrvlco. phono '.j0. BUTTIi, MONTANA. Tele- SMOKERS' ARTICLES, CIGARS TELEPHONE 491 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes and Tobaccos 33 East Broadway BUTTE, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. THOS. I.AVULM), Proprietor. Baggage and Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE OITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Tlmo Freo of Charge. Phono No. -10.1. OPES ALL NIGHT TROY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that laun dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry, Telephone a. 33a South Main Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. NORTH YAKIMA 4 MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY II. Q. WKINSTKIN COMPANY. Maimfacturrni ol Fancv Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. SUA.) Capital Stock. $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $51,569.17 statement at Clone ol lluilnens, Bept. 15, 1903 W, M. I.ADI), l'rntdent. CIIAS. I'Altl'KNTKIl. Vice I'res. W, U HTKINWKtl, Cashier. A. 11. C'UNi:, Asst Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned saino day. Domestic tinlsh or gloss. No saw edges on collars or culTs. Get acquainted with our methods. Iir La-wiry Work is tki Btnftrtatrt Fitablt, WiviicKlRri. LAUNDRY AND OFFICE FIRST AND A STREETS, 'Phone 96. North Yakima, Wash )). ! M I HMVUI IUIZ EM.LKN8HUKU STKAM IUKKY, HIIAT8WKI.I. IIAVKN. Patronise a Home Industry. (iooda Called toe and Delivered TELEPHONE KED lit. , II. SM1THSON, President. C. H.STKWAKT, Vice Pitdent. C. W. JOHNSONK, Cashier WASMIHBTQN STATE BANK. EILEISIUH, Will. DIRECTORS Jacob ruttfc. C. J. Lord. J, U. balthsoa. CU, Stewart. Jo, Btavaasea. C.W, Johnson. w BILLINGS MONT f i BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. Billings Land and Irrigation Company OF BILLINGS, MONT. Has35,000 acres of the finest irri gated lands in the state for sale at $35.00 per acre $10.00 per acre cash, the balance at the expiration of five years with interest at 8 per cent per annum. Wheat yields from 25 to 45 . bushels No, I Hard per aero Oats yield From 40 to 90 bushels machine measure per aero Ilarlcy yields from 40 to 60 bush els machine measure per acre Apples and other hardy fruit grown In the vicinity of Billings compare favorably with those grown in the most favored dis trict. They are highly colored, of fine tire and flavor and entirely free from pests. HELENA MONTANA THOS. MALONE BAKERY GROCERY Ffuttm, Omnfmaflonm, Otgrnrm mnd Tobmeoo, Lunehmm, tern Ormmm Opposito Union Depot HELENA MONTANA THE HELENA IIENIIY A. MKYEIt A PAUL H. PETKItSON The Loading Hotel in' Helena Rates, $3.00 to $5.00 HELENA MONT. WII.MAM HTUKWK WILLIAM IIOLIIItOOK President Vlco Preildcut J. K. 8COTT, Becretary Helena Cab Company (INC0ltP0UATK.il) Complete Cab, Trans- fer, Livery Equipment Agents on All Trains Office 131 N. Main St. Phone 125 HELENA MONTANA THE GRANDON JOS. DAVIS, Prom Superior to Any Hotel in the City and Equal to the Best in the State We Use Mountain Spring "Water Rooms the Finest Date Service Up-to- HELENA MONTANA San Francisco Bakery JOHN WENOEL, Proprietor A Full Assortment of Fine Goods Always on Hand Out Bread is on Sale in Neighboring Towns Ask Your Grocer for Wendel's Bread Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention 6 i i First Street 9 State Street Phone 3-F Phone 240-M HELENA, MONT. Camttal Drawing Co. HELENA, MONTANA Laundry YmiwmL We want Ywr Uutdry. Mending dose aai Buttons Sewed oa Free Union Laundry Co. PHONE 13 li Broadway ttotoaa, Moateaa HIGH LIFE H 90TTII0 v H H CAPITAL BREWING CO, L ftj2aWJ W i; MISSOULA MONT GARDEN CITY BAKERY W. MlLLElt, Prop. Bread, Cakes and Pies Telephone 1C7 A 110 W. Main MISSOULA MONTANA J. M. LUCY Trunks, Carpets, Picture Molding' Largest Retail Furniture Storo In tho Northwest. Undertaking in Connection Brooks Block. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. N0.210C Capital, $150,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 A. II, Hammond, President ...A. O. England, Vlco-Presldent J. M. Keith, Cashier It. A. Eddy -T. I,. (Irecnotigh G. II. Mcl.cod O. U. England DIRECTORS WALKER & ALBEE GEO. W. ALDEi:, Prop. Livery, Feed and Sale Stables j & Horses Iloardt-d by tho Day, Weak or Month. Cabs, busses and wagons to and from all trains and hotelf. Finest cushion tiro turnouts In tho city. HtgKlns Ave., opp. Kennedy Hotel. MISSOULA, MONTANA . KUEDEtllCK 1). WHIS1.EK DIt. OKLH. MIBICK Pri'sldont Vlco President JOHN W. I11CKL1N Cashlor Missoula Trust & Security Bank General Banking Business Money sent to nil parts ol tho world at lowest rates. Havings accounts solicited. Three per cent Interest paid on Savings and tlmo dcoslts A Homo gavlniis Hank Iroo to any person opening a savings account of 11.00 and upivards. MISSOULA MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON MIkhouIo, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. TEVIS & CRAWSHAW Cash Grocers and Bakers 214 Htggins Avo, MISSOULA riione 130 II MONTANA ) g : OGDEN UTAH $ TROY LAUNDRY C. W. CUKTIS, Prop. Work Turned Out on Short Order Phone 107 137i5thSt. OQDEN UTAH ALLEN TRANSFER CO. ALMEHH ALLEM, Proprietor. Cabs, Kua, Dritys, Unggago Wugons. Wo move safes, pianos, organs, otllco i :niture, etc. General transfer btibi nesa and furniture vans. HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS Telephone No. 22. Ofllco, 412 Twen-ty-Fifth Street. OGDEN, UTAH. Make a Specialty ol Fine Cakes, Pastry uttf Hetae Made Bread. Cm R. EVE. Successor to KKICKSON'3 BAKKKY Tel. Red 911 534 Broadway Council Bluffs, la. First Hitiiiil Ink if Rick Spriigs HOCK SPRINGS, WYOMING CAPITAL yd SURPLUS, $100,000 EVERY ATTENTION OIVEN TO ENTRUSTED TO US BUSINESS DRIINfC Sweetwater Beer Tito Favorite Table Beer QUARTS AND PINTS Brewed by Sweetwater Brewing Co. GREEN RIVER, WYOM1NQ I i 2