' . U- . -V 7. THB NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON 'il. "ij'ff1; W , V r ii , ;, K f : t f . I are M THE NEW AGE Kitubtlshed 189 A. D. Qfimn Manager Offlw, 43 Second St., cor. Aih, Roomi ltnd2 Portland, Oregon. A0ENT8 J.W.Duncan Butte, Mont It. C. eimmotn Helena, Mont Ooo. A. ltajro Seattle, Wmh To ininr bubllctlon, all local newi tuuat ' ui not later than ThoTMlar morning ( I WIH, Bubtcrl ibtcrltitlon prloa, on, rear, payabla In ad e,W.to. van )S) PORTLAND LOCALS Sxgi Mr. A. Cotton was In our city this week. A letter at this offlco for Mr. C, A. Rittor. Mrs. Lucas and daughter Is expect cd back soon. Mrs. A. D. 0 rlfTl n and son returned from Tacoma Friday. Mr. Ed. Hawkins will be In our cltj sonio tlmo next month. . "Wo wish you n Merry Christmas nnd a Happy Now Year. Mr. Ward, of St. Paul, mado a flying trip to Portland this week. Mr. B. A. Johnson, P. N. P., of Sac ramento, Cal., Is In tho city this week. Who will bo tho next ono? Now let us work to break tho Ico in th'o city hall. MIhh Ida Forcom, tho charming lit tlo dancer with Black Pattl, Is stop ping at tho Kccblc. Wo would llko to hco a colored man liavo a placo at tho legislature In Jan uiiry. Who will It bo? The Mistletoe Dancing school will glvo 11 benoflt Thursday evening In honor of Mr. Wilson, 'who has been olck for some tlmo. Tho E. W. H. nnd J. club will nt tend Dlnck Pattl In n body Thursday evening nbout 30 In numbor nnd they will nlso entertain In her honot Friday evening at their hall, Tho ball given by tho Odd Follows nt tho Knglo's hnll, Tuesday evening, In honor of their 20th nnnlvorsnry, was a grand success. It wns well at tended, and tho program was well ren dered. Mr. 13. A, Johnson, of Sacra mento, Cal., delivered an address to tho order nlso. Tho glnnt colored comedians, Wll Hnms nnd Wnlkor, will arrlvo In the city nbout tho 3d of January with their show which has mado such a hit nil through Europo nnd tho United States. Tho King of Englnnd enjoy ed their performances so woll that ho attended thorn thrco nights In succes sion. Mr. Bllloy Wad ford, ono of Port land's leading Afro-Amorlcnns nnd old-tlmo residents, has nccopted n placo at tho court Iioubo as assistant Janitor, which placo pays $70 per month. Wo arc glad to boo Mr. Wad ford liavo tho placo. Ho Is entitled to n much hotter plnco. Wo shall work for another placo. Rev. S. S. Freomnn, woll known In this city, Is In Scnttlo, and hns been nsked to keep his monoy away from tho church's monoy. It hns been very badly mixed, so say thoy. Shopard S. Freeman, pastor of the First African Methodist Episcopal church, has taken such Intorost in the worldly affairs connoctcd with the church that tho trustees woro com pelled Saturday to liavo Judgo Boll Is sue an ordor notifying tho clorgyman to nttend sololy to his religious dutlos until tho court straightens out tho quarrel. Tho trustees, In tholr application for n restraining order, allcgo that Pastor Freoman Is engaged simply to prench tho gospel and look out for tho relig ious duties of tho flock, but Instead of doing this ho started n nowspnper in "tho bnsoment of tho church without tho consent of tho trustees nnd Is soil ing It from tho pulpit on Sunday, Judgo Bell bus ordered him to ro fraln from selling tho Seattlo Search light from tho pulpit until ho decides on the propriety of such conduct. It Is further nlleged thnt a subscription was stnrted with which to build a now church. Tho monoy was to bo paid to tho trustees, but It Is averred tho pas tor has been collecting tho monoy and appropriating It to his own use. It Is also asserted that in Soptombor ho npproprlatcd 1100 of tho church funds to his own uso. Tho order restrains tho colored man from further interfer ing In tho financial affairs of tho church. REGRET. I found a flower of rarest hue, Fragile and wondrously sweet, Tlmld, alone and graceful, It grew, A dainty bud, at my feet. I watched to see its petals ylold To tho warm, bright rays of the sun, As tenderly bathed In U10 mellow flood, They opened, ono by ono. I plucked tho rare and lovely thing, And lo, a change was wrought, A sickly odor tho flower gave forth That with fragrance late was fraught. The petals folded themselves once more Back in a closo embrace, And the little flower In grief and shame, Forever had hidden Us face. Alice Sweeney-Johnson. EQUITABLE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Ono of the most substantial financ ial institutions In the Northwest Is the Equitable Savings and Loan Associa tion, on tho corner of Second and Stark streets, this city. Very prominent business men, with Chas. E, Ladd as president, are at the head of this as soclatlon. It is beyond doubt one of tho safest In tho state In which to put away your money for safe keeping Begin with tho first of the new year to deposit your spare dollars with th Equitable Savings and Loan Associa tion, whero they will be properly guarded for you, and on their com pound interest plan. A little less than 25 cents saved each day and placed with them will produce about $1000,00 In eight yeare, or $1,400.00 In ten years. VWS$GI PIONEER WHOLESALE GROCERS. Ono of tho most reliable nnd extcn slvo wholesnlo grocery houses on the coast Is that of Wadhams & Kerr Bros., nt 81, 83 and 85 Front street, corner of Oak. Theirs Is tho lending mall order Iioubo of U10 Northwest. It was established In 1865 by William Wadhams, nnd hns earned a most lion orablo distinction among tho largo business Institutions of tho const, un der tho direction of William Wad hams, senior member of the firm. Its Monopole canned goods nre tho best In tho world. There Is no doubt nbout that nmong those who have used them. Tho spices nnd peppers of that brand nre popular with every housewife In tho West. So urn Its coffees, baking powders and fruits. This house has become famous for tho excellence of its goods. GOOD -FUEL THE COOK'S IfELIQHT There's not n housekeeper In tho world who doesn't Buffer from tho uso of poor fuol. Frequently sho attrib utes the trouble to n bnd stove or n defective ftuo, not knowing that tho origin of tho difficulty lies In tho fact that she was being compelled to use dofcctlvo fuol. Tho coal known as Richmond overcomes nil of those em barrassments. It Is tho best fuel on tho market. Tho housekeeper likes (t because It gives entlro satisfaction nt nil times, both In the kitchen nnd In tho heater. It costs $7.50 per ton, dollvered, and Is by far tho clienpest fuel to uso. It lasts longer nnd gives tho best satisfaction In every way. It Is a clean coal nnd there is heat In every ounce of It. Tho Pacific Coast Company. Chns. H. Qlclm ngent, nt 249 Washington street, will bo glad to have you try It, If you do not know what It Is, or, If you do. ho will supply you with It, guaranteeing full weight nnd prompt delivery nt all times. Thero enn bo no doubt about Its bo lug tho best nnd clienpest fuel on tho market. WOULD YOU MAKE A CHRISTMAS PRESENT? Of courso you will never overlook your friend at Christmas tlmo If you know ho likes n good cigar; and when you remombcT him In that respect you favor him with tho best smoke In tho ! market for ChrlBtmastldo or any other tldo. In doing thnt, tho "La In tcgrldnd" or tho "El Sldolo" cigars will bo tho first to suggest thcmsclvcb ns prlzo offers for holiday gratitude. You should remember, too, Messrs. Allen & Lowls, distributors, liavo no tified tho public that hereafter nil sizes of their popular cigars will be bnnded, Including tho "Apollo" nnd "Mnrqunm" bIzob. Mnnnger Dillon, of tho cigar department, Is always espec ially careful that tho best product of tho art of making cigars goes out from tho big houso ho represents nnd that houso haB always been noted for tho excellence of Ub goods. Allen & Low Is nro tho prcmlor.clgnr dealers of tho Northwest. Anything which benrs their namo Is tho best to bo had. And you know thnt Manngor Dillon put It out. You will find thorn In nil first class hotels, cigar storos, railroad din ing enrs and nil othor prominent cigar emporiums throughout tho country. SALT LAKE CITY NOTES. (Special to Tho Now Ago.) Mrs, Jano James Is qulto 111 at her homo on Second, East. Mrs. Greenwood, of Knoxvllle, Tcnn., is a Into arrival In tho city. Mndamo Gertrudo Reeves, J. W. Hontchon. and A. C. Cnllaway are on tho sick list. Mrs. Mary Johnson, of Leavenworth, Knns., Is In tho city tho guest or her sister, Mrs. Wnn Russell. Mrs. Emma, who Is nt the Holy Cross hospital, nnd underwent nn op oration, Is slowly improving. On December 30 Mrs. Emmn Jnck son, will servo nn opossum nnd tup key dinner for tho benoflt of Cnlvary Baptist church, on East 3rd, South street. Retired Sergt. Wllllnms, of tho' 24th Infnntry, died nt his homo In Franklin nvonuo, Friday morning of cryslpolas nnd pneumonia. Ho was burled Sun day aftornoon from tho Post Chnpol at Fort Douglas. Tho chlttllng suppor given nt tho A. M. E. church on last Thursday night was well attended, and thero will bo a chlttllng Buppor given this Thursday night for tho benefit of Rev. Greenlco at tho A, M. E. church. There will be a floral show given by Mrs. L. Rcdley on tho 29th and 30th of this month, and should bo well pnt ronlzed. Tho Inst night closes with a ball and thero will be good music. It will bo given at Federation of Laboi hall. Preparations are being mado for tho Christmas concert and tree at tho A. M. E. church on Christmas Evo. The children will meet on Tuesday after noon at Mrs. W. II. Burkor's for re hearsal under tho leadership of Mrs W. W. Taylor. Mr. James Lindsay left tho city Sunday for his homo in Washington, D. C, having been called thero by the death of his brother, Joe, who left this city about two weeks ago for his home. Mr. Lindsay had been HI for several months. Mr. James Lindsay has tho sympathy of tho community in his sad hour of bereavement. The Woman's Progressive Club met In regular session on Thursday even-, ing with Mrs. Sophie Irvine at her home in So, Eighth, East street. A very pleasant meeting was enjoyed and a delightful luncheon served. The ladles of the Woman's Progressive Club wish to announce that they will give a valentine and character ball in February, on the 14tb, 1905, to try and swell their treasury, preparatory to purchasing a club building. Quantities of beautiful flowers, scores of elegantly gowned women and strains of sweet music combined to make the annual full dress ball given by the Knutsford waiters on Wednes day evening, December 14, 1904, one of the most charming events of the season. Especially striking were the decorations of tho hall, where gor geous American Beauty roses, pink and whlto carnations and palms were used in great profusion. Masses of flowers banked tho balcony. VaseB of them were everywhere about tho hall. Tho room where punch was served was artistically arranged. Tho grand march at 10 o'clock was lead by Mr, W. W. White and Mrs. Chas. McSwIne followed by twenty couples. The ball was complimentary and each lady was presented with a handsome souvenir at tho door. THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho p I o ncer paint es tablish m 0 n t of Portland le that of F. E. Bench & Company, of 135 First St., tho oldest nnd .most re llnblo houso of Its kind In tho Northwest. It carries an Immense stock of tho best things In paints nnd building materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Those who need anything In theso lines can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Bench & Company. Remember the number, 135 First street. Hotel Victoria, Spoknno, lending ho tel. Rates, $1.00 nnd up. Lnrgo sam ple rooms for commercial men. W. M. Watson, proprietor. Tho Grandon Hotel, Helena, Mont., is ono of tho first-class up-to-date ho tels In Montana for commercial trav elers. Jos. Davis, proprietor. J. T. Concnnnon. oysters, fish, poul try and groceries, C81 Johnson street, corner 21st street, Phono Main 1747, nnd phono Main 4252. Try tho North Const Limited. Tho flncBt train on earth. When going East seo that your ticket reads over tho Northern Pacific, and you will en Joy your trip East. Butto Transfer Co., baggngo and passenger checked to nil parts of tho city. Tho only rellnblo transfer com pnny In tho City of Butte. Thos. -Lo-voile, proprietor. Tho Helena, tho leading hotel In Helena, hearquartors for commercial travelers. When going to Helena, Mont., don't forget to glvo your baggngo to tho Holcnn Cnb Co. Agent on nil trains, Don't fall to nsk for tho Helena boor, mndo by Kcslor' Browing Co., Helena, Mont. It has no equal. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cigar. Ksberg-Gunst Cigar C., general agents, Portluud, Or. Tho Applteon Cafe. First-class In ovory respect. Southwest corner Sixth and Everett Btroots, Portland Oroogn. Tho only up-to-dnio hotel In Olym pin, Wash., Is tho Hotel Olympln, head quarters for commercial men. E. N. Temln, proprietor. Tho flrst-clnss hotol of Seattlo, Wash., Is tho Hotel Washington, hendquartors for tourists. Tho hotel of tho West. The best ever mndo is the Knle Brand Boneless Chicken Hot Tninnles and husks. Wholcmilo und Retail. Oflk'o nnd factory, 45 Union avenue, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, Knst, 400. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modrouto prices. Dyeing and denning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing oloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do leau, proprietor, 455 Glisan street. It has been said that "Harmon's'', on tho cornor of Third nnd Couch, Is among tho undeslrablo resorts of tho North End, but tho plain facts nro that "Harmon's" is ono of tho clean ctt places In Portland. Thero are no ladles' entrances nor nny wlno rooms; In fact It Is only a placo for men, and men only. Orent Wostorn Conl Company nro putting out a first-class washed Boot less coal for $5 por ton dollvered. Tholr washed lump conl for $1 deliv ered la tho cheapest fuol on this mnr- ket. They guarantee nil tholr conls to bo free from rock. Blato nnd screen ings. Full weights guaranteed. Glvo them n trial order. Phono Mnln 918. EQUITABLE SAVINGS 240 &tnrlc Struct, Portland, Oregon. Your Iiusintid la to rouko money. Our tiueinenH in to iniiku monoy mako money. Ravo up u llttlo monoy for n rainy tiny to cither 'buy you a home or o Into ImihIiwhh, Look Into our compound Interest plan. Securities Held by State Authorities over $2,000,000.00. CHAS. E. UDD, Pres. THEO. 6. WILCOX, V. Pras. F. McKERCHER, Stc'y. DON'T BE FAKED! "La Integridad" or "El Sidelo" Cigars IF YOU LIKti All first class stealers sell them without an argument. ALLEN H GET THE ak. Of coming to us for your Diamonds Watches and Jewelry You not alone save at from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchase, but we sell you any article in our well-stacked establishment on EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS Without yaying any more than were you to pay cash. We give you possession of any article when making first pay ment, trusting to your honesty and ability to pay the bal ance as per agreement. t. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE The Portland Loan Office DAN MARX. Proprietor. Whenever you think that the cor nor of Third nnd Couch streets Is a dend ono Just drop Into tho Alcazar and sco what a little now llfo will do for a placo. W. W. Harmon, former ly of Tacomn, has taken tho placo, and as usual he Is making It go like a three tlmo winner. ' Tho Tacoma Hotel, tho only up-to-(Into hotel In Tacoma, headquarters for tourists and commercial travolors. American plan. $3.00 per day and up wards. W. B. Blackwell, manngor. Mr. W. T. HnwklnB Invites f his mnny friends to glvo him n call at his now grocery storo, 547 Washington street, whero everybody will be treated with courtesy. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAT? Don't you know thnt tho finest nB sortment of trimmed hnts aro now be ing sold nt special salo and nt re markably low figures by tho Portland Millinery Company, nt 133 Fifth strcot? Don't you know thnt you nre received and waited on at that popu lar houso with tho most courteous treatment nt all times? Don't you know that you can't get such fine trimmed hntB anywhoro c1jo In the city nt such low prices? You ought to know these things nnd you ought to go thero today nnd get yourself n new hat. Rcmcmbor tho number, 133 Fifth street. A. H. WHITE 8tirccor to Auk. Turnblom Phono JnmiiM 1041 Wood, Coal, Hav, Grain and Fd Coil Oil. Choice Potato. Furniture Moved. Furniture Stored 1694 Seventh Street. Oakland, Cal. OllUe l'hono Illnrk ISM. Uctl'lcuco 1'honu Itcil mi F. J. ijEE PHOTOGRAPHER Avarded a Diploma for the Excellency of Photographs at St. Faul, Minn., 1900 1535 Commerce St. Cor.JeiferJonAve. TACOMA, WASH. Phono Main 3050 J. Frank Huffman LADIES' TAILOR The Latest Styles 409)u Morrison Street Bel. 10th and llth PORTLAND, OREGON J, II. TKHNKS, I'rcn. and Mir. ToM.1 Tacoma Carriage and Baggage Transfer Company OFFICE iOi TENTH ST. Carriages ind Baggage Wagons at III Hours Private Ambulance Perfect In Every Detail FIRST CLASS LIVERY lUml your Checki fur Hxkkrkii to our Mc nviiiftTN. who will uivut you un all Ini'omliiK tlltllD. TACOMA, WASH. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION See that you get them & LEWIS, Distributors HABIT" 74 THIRD STREET. 9 ffikaiA Oregon Cash Grocery 1'. WcldntRiidcl, 1'roprlctor, Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries I'honc Cla,jr lfwo a3a North Fourteenth, Cor. Marshall ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DKUaOIST Cor. 23d nnd Thuruinn Pt. r-hono Main 1010 POKTLANt), OKBdON STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES BUTTER and FRESH EGGS Prompt Delivery. 57 Washington St. Tel. Red lit. W. T. HAWKINS, fro;. WHEN YOU GET DISGUSTED WITH POOR WORK, RING UP SACRAMENTO LAUNDRY BOTH PHONES "104" Promptness is the essence of all good business; lack of it the cause of many failures. W. H. BROTT, Mgr. Sacramento, Cal, ROSENTHAL'S 149 Third St., near Morrison Carry a Complete Assortment of Men's, Ladles', Boys' and Girts' Shoes, the best for the money, all the lime. An Elegant Assortment cf FINE SLIPPERS For Xmas Gifts. Sole Ar.ents for the iustly celebrated Hanan Shoeu ROSENTHAL'S Leading; Shoe House 149 Third Street Millinery Sale Great Reduction Sale of Trimmed Hats This Week Portland Millinery Company 313 Fifth St. Near Alder Muck Hardware Go Second and Morrison Streets Majestic Malleable Ranges Mesaba and Crown Steel Ranges Meohanios' Tools and General Hardware SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES: Pocket Cutlery Table Cutlery Shears and Scissors Razors and Barber Supplies Electric Pocket Lamps SPECIAL FOR DECEMBER 24, '04: We have a Full Line of Quadruple Plate Silver Table Hollow Ware, on which we will eive a 25 per cent discount at a ClirUt- mat Gift for that day only. See our itoclc before buying' Wlien the itav Ik nlc- ami vhlny Marmr.n -t(l her HiiIp i'llii) To the Moiv lor fruli for "upper With hln burrow, I'iicI- TuppiT Cnvn him Chrliiman, I'v him running In hi Ulster MnJxe running Hut nlsa. tfeo little clnnr. Knowsi there's romrihlntr xooij for dlnnsr In hln barrow whin r turning AnJ ha known his Mxler ycirntnx Vur It, Hn ho kn'TM hi'r Tho he ffi how much It itrlevfi her Fhv'a ufrnlil Hint home unlvltig, ucr un nrr arucru uriviriK Hhu will. Cm! ihii hrnthtr Pllr Hho vwllit flml thru brother I'llny llnx tJ-huii'4 tlifi friui i lniy Now v.h m it h ahouM hurry. f'nu"lriB a. I th 1 fuN i.nl Hurry Utiy. no nurvi rt llle hi foul; Don't u ;iu tl'd MONOl'OLET For the Christmas Guest There is nothing; that adds more to his comfort than the genial warmth of a good fire made from our high grade $7.50 RICHMOND COAL. The Pacific Coast Co. 249 Washington St. CHAS. H. GLEIM, Agent. CHRISTMAS 268 Morrison Street, Portland. BiHikli mm MM mi IMk' frTZSdr.-r r? TKUmMBrnfUIM ' I ITVVMH " I mwm Pacific States Packing Co. MT. HOOD LARD AMERICAN BEAUTY HAMS AND BACON Mail Orders Given Prompt Christmas Gifts! ---- PORTLAND'S LARGEST CURIO STORE We wish to call your attention to examine our large line of JAPANESE and CHINESE ART GOODS Consisting of the very latest styles of Silver, Cloissones, New Brassware, Genuine Porcelain, Canton Chinawarc, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Handsome Embroideries, Ladies' Silk Crepe Kimonas, Robes and Jack ets. Netsuke Purses, Just the things suitable for Christmas Presents, which we are selling out at the wholesale prices. j i The Western Importing Co. i68-i7o Fifth St., Opp. Old Postoffice CMARLHS B. YOUNO, President MONOPOLE : CANNED FRUITS. VEGETABLES, FISH, SPICE aHI uvEnvTiriNo nEAnwrj thib NAME AUK TUB UE8T OUTAINAUI.U. ASK VOUll OUOCKU FOfl MONOrOkK. PO.VT ACCBIT A HUH3TITUTU. WADIiAMS & KERR BROS, WUdLCKALH OFtOCERS, CtyPPfB ROASTERS B). th. XXOVX WtVT.KV, ' I'OHTtASjO. OHEaOM. 213 SUGGESTIONS &mS$1 Useful Pur Remembrances: .CHILDREN'S SETS, COATS, MUFFS, BOAS, ETC. Women's Jackets In Seal, Mink, Beaver, Astrakhan, Russian Sable, Etc.t also Muffs, Boas and Stoles in endless variety. Things that are useful and always appreciated more than mere gewgaws that please only for a few days and are then cast aside. Men's COATS, CAPS AND GLOVES. Handsome Rugs and Robes made from the se lected skins of wild animals. Send for catalog. Store open Saturday evenings. H. Liebes & Co. EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURING FURRIERS J. P. PLAGEMANN, Manager. Attention. PORTLAND, OREGON JAMBS At. KAN, Qen. Manager m i A i 'i .- i y--