""JlTf"- tH' r-p 1 ;:.fcvt I Mi" THE NEW AGE. PO'liTliAND, OKEGON. 4 -C .1 w . U ' If , lu ,w j I r.v r THE NEW AGE A. D. CJRIPRlN. Mnnrntcc Offlc 4&14 Second St., cor. Ah, Rooms I and 2 Portland! Oregon. Entered nttliopotnfT1coat Portland, Oregon, MMCOtlll'CIMI niAitcr. SUIISCRIPTION. One Yer, payable In advance $2.00 EDITORIAL I THE HOLIDAY SEASON. Thoro Is probably no period of the year around which cluster so many pleasant and Joyful memories ns thai of tho holiday season. A spaco of time fraught with pleasure, surprises, proofs and perpetuations of friend ship, hearty Rood wishes to nil and of now resolves. It Is n tlmo when old ngo leaps back Into youth, youth Into childhood, and childhood reaches tho tiltlmatum of happiness. It Is during this brief, merry tlmo that tho mer chant and tho professional man lay nsldo tho pcrploxltlcs of business Hfo; tho laboring man and tlio mechanic talo a much needed rcsplto; and all join In tho holiday festivities with the vivacity of youth and tho dominant wish of "flood will towards man.' And, as tho years creep on apace, hol iday oftor holiday Is anticipated, on Joyed and passed; nB childhood creeps Into youth, youth leaps Into manhood, manhood walks Into old ago and old ago totters townds tho gravo, then docs tho oyo turn from tho fleeting, transitory Joys of earth to that Etor nal I.lfo of Holidays awaiting Just bo yond. What a wealth of Joy tho moro word Christmas suggests. How fruitful II Is of pleasures for us and surprises for others. It brings to us Intuitively the happy days of youth; tho Inoxprossl. bio idea of the Jolly, laughing, beauti ful Santa Clans; of his dalty, sleek team; of tho heavily laden Hlolgh; of tho many gifts wo longed for; of the many ho loft us; and In our ChrlHtmne , dreams, ns ho rushed down tho chlm noy and filled each stocking with ap propriate gifts, wo would hc6 tho mer ry twlnkla of his oyo and hoar IiIh volco In, "A Morry ChrlstmaB to nil, and to all a good night." Then would como to us tho snap of tho whip, the Jlnglo of tho bolls, tho clattor of the hoofs, and ho was gono. Yet it was only a dream, and as wo grow on In years and thin day dream was shat tered and our Santa Clans took tho moro tauglblo shapo of parents or friends, thoro Instinctively camo to us tho wish for tho dayB of our youth, that wo might continue to llvo tinilor tho happiness of lis goldon dreams In stead of tho continual Htrugglo with mattor of fact realities. Now Year la tho narrow Isthmus botweeu tho 'past and tho future A day commomorntivo of tho death of tho old nnd tho birth of tho now, A vorgo upon which ono stands for u brief moment, norclinnco, and cnstB a retrospective glanco; rejoices In tho iuiccohh of tho past, nnd mourns over Its failures; Is happy again In Ite pleasuroB, broods ovor Its Borrows, ro iiowb old friendships, forgives old on omlos, and gathers from all tho Invnl uablo but ofton very blttor essence, experience. Doop In tho rovcrlo of tho past wo aro' brought back to tho pres ent; ns thoro cornea wafted to ub In tho sttllnoss of tho night, tho merry music of tho chimes, ringing out the old, ringing In tho new, tho Bweet mel ody of tho carols, as wo stand on the threshold of another yeor, with all of Its possibilities and uncertainties screenod by tho veil of tho unknown, lock, nnd tho many llttlo deceits which aro practiced to ascertain tho various wants of llttlo folks. And after a weary day nt business, what man Is there that will not put In hours of Christmas shopping nt nlght7 Ho and his wlfo will lnvado oven tho most crowded stores, will cheerfully submit to having their ribs poked and their feet trodden upon, will pull tho necks of groaning cows and saueezo tho Innards of Bnucaklng dollies, and will return homo nt .midnight In a Jos tling throng, and hang for two miles to a enr strap with ono hand, nnd with tho other try to Jtigglo n boy's Bled and pay car faro at tho same tlmo. Tho democracy of man comes out nt such a tlmo as this. A man who nt other times would send his ofllco bo tip tho Btrcot with a llttlo packago of laundry, would not hesitate to carry homo a voloclpcdo and n toy baby car riage at Christmas time. Oh, tho fun that there Is In ltl Wo enn say that wo do It for tho sako of tho children. I'crhnps wo do. Hut wo get a whole lot of sport out of It our selves. Sotno day wo will not bo around to play Santa Claim. Thoro will bo for us no moro visiting tho brilliant stores; no moro buying of toys; no moro llttlo deceptions nt homo; no mora filling of tho stockings, and nc moro Chrlstmns mornings. This thought need not mnko us snd. Indeed, thoro should bo nothing which would In nnywlso Interfere with tho Joys of Christmas season. Instead, wc should endeavor to mako ovory Chrlst maB tho merriest nnd brightest possi ble I3ut wo should nlso look ahead tc tho days when Christmas celebration will bo observed without us. Wo may not bo thoro In body. Wo may not bo ablo to liolp in tho buylnp, and In tho decorating. Wo may not play Santa Claim nround tho Christ mas trco. Hut wo can nrrongo to hnvc theso things dnno by proxy. Wo enn so provldo that thoro will bo no rob bing tho children of tho Joys at Christ mastldo because of our death. THUS 8AITH THE ORACLE. Ih thoro n innu who does not delight to play Snuta Clans? If there Is such n one, his heart must bo of tho size nnd Bubstnnco of a diiod pea. Thoro may bo such Bhrlvelled, selfish and bouIIcbb Individuals, but thoy aro in tho groat minority at this season of tho year. Tho uverago man Is revelling in the Joys of playing Suntn Claim for his oi sonio otnor mail's children, in ins homo ho is keeping nltvo tho old yet ever now tradition of tho galloping reindeers, Bcuddlug ovor tho house tops and halting bcsldo tho chlnmoyo of tho homos where good llttlo chil dren live, whllo that most dollghtful character of all legend, Santa Clans, fills tho ravorouB Htockings hanging by tho flreplaco, Tho nvorago man tolls this story so often that ho almost believes it hlniBolf, Thon thoro aro mysterious whlspor inga when tho children arc nsloop, and closet doors and bureau drawors TARIFF REFORM. Tho republican pnrty does not deny thnt tariff reform Is desirable. It has never contended that tho schedules nro perfection. Opposed to frco trade, tho party has not held thnt nniend montB to the tariff schodules would bo unnecessary. Exporlcuco, chnuges In tho balnnco of trndo, oxccbb of ox- ports ovor Imports, theso may, nnd, In deed, do from tlmo to tlmo suggest changes In tho tariff. Infant protect ed Industries under tho protectlvo tar iff como to n state In tlmo whoro pro tection Is no longer needed; great In dustries proflttng by tho protection given fcobln ones, liuvo tnkon advan tage of tho tnrlff amounting to unfair iiohii and thoso mutters necessarily must be ndjusfed to do Jtrntlce. So whllo democratic leadership Is frnin Ing n tariff revision battlo cry under the belief thnt with thnt alngan tho party can gain control of tho govern ment, It will find that tho republican party does not tnko Issuo with tho nb Htrnct statement that tariff revision It nocessnry. On ho contrary It has re vised tho tariff schedules; It Is con stantly engaged In tho study of them with a vlow to relaxing, stiffening, cor recting and gonornlly rovlslng thorn, but nlwnyB with an oyo sluglo to main tonnnco of tho protectlvo principle. On tho tjuoHtlon of tnrlff rovlslon with out freo trndo, wo do not bollevo tho democracy will bo nblo to drum up nn Issuo upon which to go before- tho peo ple In a presidential campaign nt nn tlmo, Germans aro not deeply In lovo with tho now Idea themselves. There would bo no profit In retaliation, bo causo wo do not desire to increaso the cost of thoso imports wo receive from Germany and tho eight leading lines of which nro raw sugar, certain spec ified part silk textures, hosiery and knit goods, gloves, crockery, nnlllno nnd other dyes and toys. Lcavo tho matter alone. Germans need cheap food for a largo body of tho people. Thoy mtiBt get It from America. Schedules that put high duties upon foods, especially agricultural staples, will handicap 'tho industrial classes nnd crlpplo Germnn commercial ability. 'HE V1CT0IUA. A. W, Glutsch. Chin. Clcincm. N. K. Corner Seventh and Ollnan Htroeti. NcwlyKurntahed Itoomt. Hitam Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. First class liar Itoom In connection, roMxAND, oiu:oon. BILLIONAIRE8 ONCE COMMON. Joaeph nnd Bolotnon Mnke Modern Mil llonnlre Look Like Paupers. A writer in a JowIbIi magazine linn been looking Into the Agndlc history of tho Talmud, nnd believes thnt there wcro richer men before tho Christian era than thcro aro now. Wo know thnt Croesus was rich, and that thcro wcro hugo Roman fortunes In tlio times of tho empire. Tho Talmud stories go back further still. The great -corner In corn thnt Jo soph mnnnged was fabulously profit nblo. Tradition says thnt Joseph, not ing for Pharaoh, got his bands on pretty much all tho rendy money thero wns In bis day, nnd burled three enor mous treasures, ono of which win found by Kornh, whoso fortune, esti mated according to tho modern stand ards of value, Is rated by tho initgn tlno nt ?3,000,000.00). Solomon's stnblo, with Its horses, chnrlots, nnd horsemen, Is said to have represented n sum tho modern equiva lent of which would bo J3OO.OOO.0O0 or $400,000,000, nnd he spout ?JW), 000,000 on his temple. Herod's temple cost more still. In Jerusalem In Roman times there wcro threw Jowb who between them felt nblo to fncu nn exponilltnre of $100,000,000 a yir for twenty-ona years. They offcrwl to reed the mil lion inhabitant of Jerusalem for that length of time rather than surrender tho city. Ono of these Jews, N'lkode mon, gave bis daughter n dowry of flUTj.OOO.OOO. Thero went other Jews of whoso enormous wealth the Agndlc history makes record. Hurpor'i Weekly. Notice Ib hereby given thnt tho nn mini meeting of stockholders of tho Portland Toilet Soap Company will bo held nt 13 i First street on Mon day, November 21, 1901, at 1:30 P. M for tho purposo of electing a board of dlroctors and transacting such other business ns mny properly como before tho mooting. W. F. KEADY, Sec. F. K. REACH A CO., Tho Pioneer Paint Company, mako a specialty of selling the best things made in pnluts. HoiiHo Paint, Floor Paint, Ilarn Paint, Fence Paint nnd Roof Paint; Enamel. VarnMics. Colors. Stains. Ceiueutico Knlt-omlno ami general build ing iimtorliil. 135 Firm St., N. W. cor Alder, Portland, Oregon. u KITED BTATKS LAUNDllY . It. Itasrard, ManaKcr. IllRh-gradehand work aanoclalty. Corner Grand avenue and East Hslmim street, A request by mall or phone East C:) Is all that Is necessary. I'ORTIjAKD, OIlEOON. Try ROSS' NEW GROCERY 105J N. Sixth Street Everything Fresh and New Phone Main J436 THF TAP P. H. KRAMER I lie. Olrtt Proprietor- Wines, Liquors and Cigars KRAMER'S HOUSE First-Class Furnished l'.ooms from 2.&0to fS.OU per week S. W. Cor. Fifth and Buruldc Sis. PORTLAND, OR 1'hone Hood 1913 lloomsSOc, 76c, $1 THE ELDORA C. W. 1IES3, 1'r.ort. New House. New Furniture. Strictly Modern Itooms oy the day, week or month. IS2J4 North Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORB. BARETTE & JOHNSON Successor to MARX & CO. Up-to-Date Tailoring at Pop ular Prices lMl rf?v &S53S1$$!W Z i Jl n T bW WmMZ&MWB. -a. CAIN &, McKUNE Dualors In ALL KINDS OF CORDWOOD & COAL Your (irders nro rr-rthilly eollcllcd, which will be II II id nt lowest ma let iirlces. If not initialled pleaso report nt oilier Ordora for wood mw will iiavo prompt attention. J'lionc Mnlti 4875. 1)5 N. Sixth Street, l'ortlnud, Oregon, OWEN MANUFACTURING GO. Manufacture! of the Gold Standard Logging Jack OFFICE AND FACTORY 435 IRVING STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 268 Alder St. Phone flood 1665 MEUSSDORFFER & SON Exclusive Hatters ARE NOW LOCATED AT 349 Washington Street Latent Ht.vioH of nil standard innkea Hittn Hindu loonlur. Blazier's... No, 248 Burnside Street, Hot. Second nnd Third, I'ORTLAND, OREOON Tiip Host of WIrit'S, Liquors nnd Cigim Tiio nott Bchedulea hit Aua trla and Hubula qnlto rh lined ne thoy do (ho United 8tntos. In fact, wblcfc re kept closely guarded under UoruuH expreeeloa Indicates that the Moat cloctrlo rnllwnyH linvo n rulo rorblddiiifr imBHOHKora ridliiK on tlio front jilntfonn of u enr oxcopt nt tlioli own risk, Bnvo whoro senta nro pro vided on Biieli ntntforniH, nnd In those ciihob pnBfeoiiKora iniiBt not stand while tho euro nro In motion. Tho courts linvo held that rulo or regulation to be rcnsounblo. Hut tho rulo has recent ly been hold In n Massachusetts case to be waived when tho railway com pany pennlta passengers to stand upon tho front platform nud collects tho fnro without requiring tho partj to bo seated or to como within th car; and so, too, whoro it is tho cub torn to rldo on tho front platform nnd tho company doos not break It up, it la held that tho corporation la llnbk for dauuiKos In enso of accident due to Ita neglect. SUMMONS. In llm Circuit Cmirt ofMlin Htnto of Oio Kim for tint County of Multnomah. Tho AliiNwnilli Nntlmuil Hunk of Port land. Ori'Kou. n rorpomtlon, idalntirr, vn. Uooikd W. llulm, (leitnidii lliilm, l. II. Tiumnn, Homy JcimlriK nnd Kreil Jeunlntr. partnciH iloliur IiiihIiichk uiuliir tho llrm imtiu- of Jenulut; Hi ok., lutnuu, I'ouImoii Co.. a corporation, (IcorKO 11. WlllliimH, C. K. 8. Wo(Kl. H. II. l.lutlilcuin and J. C, KlanderN, partnerK nailer tho niimo of WIIIIiiiiih. Wood & l.lutlilcuin, Clam Kaufiuan, (I. M. Kilt & Co,, a corpoiatlon, and Otto J. Kraomer, ilofi-udaulH. To UcuiKo W. llulm, Oortrudo Halm, )i. II. Tlcnmn nud (I. M. Kutr ,c Co.. a corpiiiatloii. (IcfundaiitH nbuvo uauieil: In Ilia iiuiiio of tlio Htnto of Oiokoii: Von nro hi'icliv ii'iiulud in aimoiir anil aiiHWor ilia complaint lllml iiKaliiMt you in llm ulmvo cntltlid milt on or licfoio Mini day. tho liuii diy of Decouilifr, 1'JOI. nnd If you fall to ho apiicat- and answer, for want Ihuii-of plalullff will upiily to H.ild rout I for tho lellcf prayed for In hjiIM fiunplalnt. towlt: Kor a tlccrco that plaintiff Iiavo nud lecovnr of nud fimn tho ili'ftMiilanl, (K'oiko V. llnhn. tho huiii of ;iooo.uu. with intort'Ht thuicon fioin tho H'Jtli ilav of Mav. 189 1, nt tho rnto of 10 hi- cunt per unituiii, and tho fur- incr Mtiui or r:m.::v, witn nuoiost tiicroou from tlio 2Ttli day of May. 1891. at tho into of 10 per cunt nor annum, and tlio further huiii of JlllS.Hl, with Inti'iost thereon from tlio 2nd day of May. IK'Jt. r.t tho rate of 10 nor cent nor annum. and tho further huiii of 1760.00, attorney's fr, and tho costa nnd dlHlmrncmoutti of this suit, and that tho innrtuaco oxtrutt-d nnd dcllvviod hy tho nald dofondnutH, (Icoiro V. Ilaliu nud flcrtiudo llulm, on tho followlliK dcicilhod I en 1 property. Hlt untcil In tlio County of Multnomah, fitnto of OroKon, to-wit: llcKlunlnir ISO iixIh rant of tho nuartor noctlon corner In tho wont nldo lino of Hcotlon Hovuntoen (171. township ono (1) Kouth. imiiKo ono (I) ICaat of tho Wlllnm otto inorldlun; thouco iiiiiiiIhk enst "0 rixlH; thouco north 40 rods; thenco went 20 i-o1h; thouco houHi 10 rods, to tho place of bcKlnnliiK', containing llvo iicich. AIho tho followlnt; described real prop eity: IlfKlnnliiK nt tho iiuaitcr aectlon corner liotween hcciiouh nlxtecn (1C) and Moventcen (17) In toynshli nnu (1) houUi, raiiKo ono (1) ennt of thu W'lllninetto mo rldlan; thenco riinnlm; went on a direct lino tnwaid tlio qunrtrr Hectlou coiner between Hectlonn Hoventeen (17) and olKh toen (IS) In Ha Id townshln nnd inniro. 30 chain!) nnd to llnlis to tlio hoKinnlnt; comer of tho land herein tUHri UmhI : thenco nun iik went u cnains nnd co llnKs tn the center of raid noctlon Heventeon (17): Iheiico ruuuliiK: soutli 1! rhalna nnd S Mulls: thenco lunnlm: south 76 degrees M minutes, east G chains and ih links; ineneo running uorin a neirro n ec I'llHllI Star Brewery Company lirwiri nnd llotlleri of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Always Ask for VIOLET OATS V Sold by All Dealers C. 0. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY Safes. Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Fire proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON: PHONE MAIN 6374. LEWIS AND CLARK MESSENGER AND DELIVERY COMPANY Prompt Answers to All Calls, Wagons furnished on short notice. Trunks and Baggage a specialty. 7 NORTH FIFTH STRUUT COR. ANKUNY Unjon Transfer Co. HiiKgnKO Ltoriil Fivu Pays Krou I!nifKc, Frolglit ami Furniture. Moving J'rompt Attention to All Orders Plionu Main 211 131 N. Sixth St. PORTLAND, ORE. Oakland advertising Great Falls Iron Works Engineers, Machinists and Founders Special appliances nintluin Steel, Brans and Special Mixtures of Cast iron. Heavy ami i.luht 1'orgliiK.i niaile to order. vorkinaimlilp guaranteed. Arc Mantifactnrers' AroiiIh for Alnclilnurv, Hollers, hngines anil Water Wheels. Mako a Hpcclnltv of Stamp Slioew, Dies and Koll SliellH, wlrifli are superior in point of strength and resistance to abrasion. Ore Treating Devices Given Special Attention Mnln Office nnil Works, 8th Ave. N., 13th to 14th Sts. GREAT FALLS MONTANA a iLJJk Oast Third nnd Hurnslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. r Do You Know the News ? You can hve It nil (or c AIM: ANN IIAKKKY. Tlohono 128 IIUCIJI HAMILTON. Illrtlulay nnd WviMlnir Cnkoi nrtUtlrnlly oriiuniciitoil, GUI) to 577 Twelfth Street. Ilet. Joirvrtua tul CUy 8t. Oakland, Cal, PEOPLES EXPRESS CO. 412-418 Ninth Street Oakland. Cal. Phone Main 325. Per Month 50c Month In The Kvenlnz Telegram, of Portland, OrrKoli. It U tlie largeit avoning newa paner I'libllilit'dlnOreiioni It cunUlm all the new lot tlio ftatu ami o( tho na. tlon. Try It lor a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you (reo. Ad. dreaa THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. No extra charge for checking baggage at hotels and residences. Our agents are on the trains, also an agent at Sixteenth St. Station. AH baggage delivered promptly. Mesmer Smith Co. 1118.26 Washington St., Oakland. M M aB) BBBD l BBBB. BBTBI1 H BH lwUHaj 79VV I THAT YOU CAR DRINK lOofl "' if you KaxT to - gggNgg . - ,f ' , faBBaVBB 7 IWBBBBBBBBBBw im. BBVl LCa6..1IOf f.iB& JIBli Bv " BBBBBTB vBBVBaBKBB avrBSBKiBaUltaalafeBBBBBHHBV TurSvT HwpaF y9BBaL i Ileailnuartora for Men's Underwear, Hats, Overshlrts, Neckwear, Etc. Footwear for All. GOOD TREATMENT AND PRICE ONLY. ONE oiiiIh, rntt I and KA It ti V to the Thnso who propose retaliatory Icb iBlntlnn on account of tiio proposed flormon protectlvo nnd prohibitive tariff nro unwlso. l.eavo tlio mat ter nlono and U will adjust it self. iiIiil'o of liculnnlae. coalalnlntr 2.30 iioivh IioIiik In the northwest corner of tlio northwest quarter of tlio outlient qtmr tor of Hoctlon seventeen (171. township one (1) Hoiith, rnnire one (ti east of the Willamette meridian, nnd , helm; m part of tho Albert Kelly donation land claim. Al.io nn undivided one-nnlf Interest In nnd to the followlnt; described renl prop, ortyi HeKlnnliiK nt n iolnt 120 rodn enut of tho nunrter nost In tho west line of aeotlon seventeen (17), township one (i) south, range one (1) enst of tho Wlllnm tttn merldlnn; thence mnnlnir enst 60 rods; thence north 0 rols: thence west 60 rods: thenco south 40 tods, to tho place of bcKlnnlmr. coutnlnliiR lUteen acres, more or less: be decreed to bo a rtrst Hen upon MM renl property, nnd that tho said mortRire be foreclosed nnd the snld renl property sold ns upon execution to satisfy such decree as plaintiff mny obtain In this suit, nnd thnt the said de fendants nnd each of them be forever tmrretl nnd foreclosed of nil right, title or Interest In or to said renl property or nnv art thereof, and thnt the proceed arlstnt? from such sale shall be applied townrd tho satisfaction of plaintiff's do. cree horeln nnd that the balnnco. If nnv. shall be nppHed ns to tho above entltb d court shall seem meet nnd equitable, and that tho nlnlutllT linvo such other and further relief ns to tho court mav seem meet nnd equitable. This pummoim la published by outer of Hon. M. C Ocoriyj, Judge of tho nbove entitled court, duly rondo nnd entered on tho 3rd day of November, 1901, nnd said order directs publication of this sum mons pot less tbnn once n week fqr sx consecutive weeks, nnd that you slrjll so npncnr and answer on or before tho 19th dav of December, 1901, The ditto of the (I rat mibllcntlon of ttil-i ummon l the 5th day of November 1991. CHAMnKItrVlN AV TIIOMA8. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I THE MEIER & FRANK STORE Portland's Largest and Best Store tVa..aAvAaf 'II HES HEADQUARTERS FOR EVENING CLOTHES The Meier & Frank Store pre sent! for your choosing a com plete stock of Full Dress and 'Tuxedo Suits at very reasonable prices; also a very handsome va riety of White Vests in the very best style. MISSOULA MERCANTILE CO. MISSOULA, MONTANA I 'HIS modern establishment with its immense and varied stocks merits the patronage of all. Whether it be something: to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any thing: else, you can get it here. We want every reader of The New Age within our territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper ous customers already dealing with us. REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "Wc Sell Everything and Everything the Very Best." MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS A display second to none in the Northwest andvat a saving of 25 per cent on the exclusive clothier's prices MEIER & FRANK COMPANY PORTLAND, OREQOIN ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME . Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co H-JMa)H .4 i situ.