X TJUC NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. u ' I ,1j t 4. w V TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRKTII, Pres. "Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome illustrated booklet on Tacoma, just Issued. f L,. R. MAtNINIlNa, Pros. C R. MAININIINa & CO., Inc. Real Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BU1L.DINQ TACOMA, WASH. Homo Made r-astry Ftno Coffee Orders and Game In Season VIENNA CAFE ltOUKUT BICKfett, ITop. 1311 I'aclilo Avenue, Everything First Clan - anil Up-to-l)to TACOMA, WASH -M ONTY'8 TH1UST BTOHK Berlin llullditiR. 113 outh 11th St. Telctihuno, Main 1,9 1. TACOMA, WASHINGTON SUNRISE BAKERY. D.McrHEHSON, l'roiirlolor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE KKD 1J09. J 107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesnlo Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 043 Tncoma Avenue, Tacoma - Washington FULTON MARKET Doalcn In IButter. Eggs and Cliccsc, Fresh and Salted Smoked Meats. All Kind of Poultry and Game In Season . .lushest Market 1'rlca Paid for all Klnilt of 1'uultry, Veal, Etc, IMS JttTorion At. Tolophone Main 2t3 RAINIER MARKET I'aclflo Are. Tolophons 277 TACOMA WASH. THE HORSE SHOE CLUB 111A J. 1'EAKtAIX,. Proprietor. THE TIGER WILL BE TURNED LOOSE IN TWO WEEKS Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND Billiard and Pool Room in Connection 1115 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $3 00 Hat Monarch and duett Shirts. 1119K Pacific Ave. TACOMA Tacoma Marble S Granite Wks. BIZEll ii 03TMJND, I'joprletori. ESTIMATES IIVEN IY US ON CUT STONE Yard Cor. 24th and East I St. Office 738 St. Helen's Avenue Telephone Black 1876 Tacoma, Washington Remember Jones 1 Sells Pure Drugs Successor to Stewart & Holmes Drug Co. Drue, Toilet Article, Etc 912 Pacific Ave. O. A. BLAKE J.B. SMITH EAT T. B. C. BREAD MADE BY Tacoma Baking, Company 913 Tacoma At. Telephone Jamei SCI TACOMA WASH. V5WTl5LfJS!w3b Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and Oh ef taw Best LauadriM la tfca Northwest. 1309-11 O Street 1810-12 Commercial Street TcJwheae Mala 330 TtcwM, WaaHaftaa JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. an I Troas. A. T. H08MBR. Sto'y s ayiie Ditua CO. Ths most reliable plaeo to buy druw and patent medicines, etc. This store I noted for Its carefulness In filling prescription, and for fair prices. 1100 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash. mllK rAClFIO LIQUOIt AND WINK HOUSE. N. IlEUTEIt, Proprietor. The bjstof Wines, Liquors and Clears. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. lted 1731. iroo Paclflo Ave. 1603 Commerce St. Tncnmn, Washington Telephone Main 05. Oppostto Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CUEAM AND ICE CUEAM. No. 012 A Street. Tacoma, Wash Telephone CI 9X 0 Street Jm L.r Robert A Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs. M. J. Finn, Assistant Tacoma, Wash Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Hcnting, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, .Wash, UNION MARKET 8. H. McKEE, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN S17. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wash MENZIES The Men' Furnlailier UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MEN WAITERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY lOOl Paclflo Avanua Tucomu, Wnah. Muehlenbruchcit k Manufacturer of the Finett Grade Chocolate and Bonbons Ice Craam and Sherbet PARLORS MM TACOMA AVENUE Tolaphontt Main 730 Puget Sound Electric Railway Intraurban Loavo Tacoma :00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) 10:10, 11 :10 a in, 12:10, 1:10.2:10,8:10,4:15 (Ltd., no stops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11 :15 p m. Leave Seattle 0:80,8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops). 10:00, 11 :00 n in, 12 in, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no Htops). 6:00, 0:00, 7 ;00, 8:00, 0:09, 10:00, 11:15 p m. PUYALLUr DIVISION Leave Puynllup 5 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 ;00, 11:00am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15 pin. Leave 0th and Commerce Sts. 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00.12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00, 6:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:16, 11:16 pin. (5 :30 a m omitted Sundays) FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard About STHNBL0CK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1130-22 Pacific Ave, TACOMA WASH I SPOKANE' I $ H OTEL ALBERT John B. OlmMe, Proprietor. 337 Riverside Ave. Furnished rooms, bar am! billiard room In connection. Hotel phone Main 1121. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON D. A. CARMEL Dealer Ih Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 467 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SPOKANE CAFE Tito Lending Cafe of La Grande Avenue. One block from tho Depot. Meals at nil hours Everything first-class. J. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor rjUFUESBE UUFFET 215 Howard Street. Phono Main 69. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The most complete stock of Drues and Patent Medicine to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 401 Riverside Ave. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Slato Hank) BPOKANK, WASHINGTON A SUto Bank. Transacts a General Banking Business. Capital 110,000.00. Individual worth of stockholders vxcenla CI.iKW.Ouo.oo. OKHCKHH AND DIltKCTOHH: Donald Urquliarl, l'rmldcnt. Robert htitffrls, Vice President. A. It. Hwanson, Vice I'rosldtnt. J. II. Clancy, Oalr. (I. W. Thomas. Ttiomas llystop, William (Irmmlll, Robert llrslon, Oln Olson, Paul l'rlrst, llulxirt (lunnlnif. Liberal Interest paid on Tlmo Deposits Cascade Steamlaundry Goods Called for and Dellv rwl to Any Fart fit til City Phom Main 286. 911 Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. -vwv-w' Wholesale and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENOFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. 11 Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 213 Washington Street Phone Main 306 We ship everywhere and anywhere Smokantt alakmry Oo '' B. L. GORDON & COMPANY WHOLESALE QROCERS SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNER MILL AND R. It. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. THE SLOaNE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Greatt Grocery OK THK Northwest Importers of Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries We make a specialty of supplying pri vate car. Bend lor catalogue, Mail orders solicited. !,! SPUME AVEIK Tho secrets of tho Mormon endow ment house may be revealed when tho hearings In the case of Senator Reed Stnoot nre resumed by the Senate Com. mlttco on Privileges and Elections. The opposition to Senator Smoot will at tempt to show that the Mormon people In this ceremony renounce allegiance to tho United States. The robes worn will bo exhibited, and mo far as possl bio thcro will be a reproduction of tho ceremony Itself. During tho previous hearings all of the Mormon witnesses, Including tho npostles, refused to re veal the endowment house secrets, in sisting thnt they were bound by secret oath, but ndmltted thcro had been no change in the oath and ceremony slnco tho foundation of the church. Now tho opposition will produce witnesses who were onco Mormons, but hnvo re nounced tho church, thrco of whom hnvo been through the endowment house ceremony, one as late as 1808. -: : Notice has been sent out announc ing that it has been decided to abolish cabinet dinners this winter. This is the result of consideration on the Pres ident's part and of Mrs. Itooscvelt, to gether with tho cabinet hostesses. Hereafter each member of the cabinet will entertain the chief executive and his wlfo on nny date which may bo acceptable to tho President, but tho company invited to meet thctu will bo entirely optional with the ltost. It no longvr will bo obligatory to invite all tho cabinet olllclals and their families or any portion of them. The guest list, however, must be submitted to the President for npprovnl, lint outside of tills restriction, ttic list is open for all personal and political friends of tho host -: : Thcro Is n determined niovo among Republican leaders now in Washing ton to suppress and discourage nil talk of tariff revision ut this time. Only tho most guarded statements arc bo lng mado by men known to be In fa vor of revising some of tho tariff schedules. It is believed that tho Re publican House leaders will tnko up tho question on tho quiet soon after Congress convenes, however, and thnt If a feasible plan for revision can ho devised and an agreement reached among themselves as to what Is neces sary and iiow it shall bo done, Presi dent Roosevelt may then bo ndvlscd and n special session of Congress cull ed to carry out tho program. : : Second Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Bhallcnger and his assistants nro cleared of any suspicion of wrongdo ing in connection, wth tho ,awnrd of railway mall contracts as n result of the Investigation of his ofilco recently completed. No Illegal collusion has been found between nny government official and tho railway managers, hut a recommendation tuny bo sent to Con gresa as a result of tills Inquiry to ef fect changes in the method of award ing these contracts. There Is a well grounded opinion thnt tho system of competitive bids should bo Introduced bo far as possible. In administration circles it Is denied thnt thcro is to bo a vindictive Invest! gatlon of tho Standard Oil Company, as has been published In New oiic pa pers. There Is golt'K' to ho nn Invest! gntlon of tho concern's transactions along conservative lines, and tho Standard Oil olllclals nro more disposed to open tho company's bookH to tho bureau of corporations tlinn they woro last spring when an attempt was made to Investigate tho corporation. : :- The case known as the Fnyerweath er will caso was decided by tho Su premo Court of tho United States In favor .of tho colleges. Tho caso In volves a bequest of nbout 12,500,000, mado to twenty different colleges by the late Daniel G. Fnycrwcnther, u leather merchant of New York, who died in 1800. Tho will was attacked by Mr. Fuyerwcather, widow, and two nieces, fraud being churned. !! An earnest effort will bo mado at this session of Congress to secure tho enactment of laws for tho better pro tection of tho President. Two vwira ago both the House and tho Keimto passed bills wit!) tins object In view, and tho conferees agreed upon a sub stitute, which wits adopted by tho Uouso, Tho Senate fulled, however, to act upon It. The hens of tho American farm yards now produce 1,00,00(I,0W1 doz- ens of eggs annually, nud at tho nvur aire orlce of tho present year they lay. during their busy season, enough eggs In a single mown to pay a year's in terest on tho national debt. We hnvo Hiwrernrv Wilson's report to the Provi dent as authority for these statements. All told a session of Congress brings tn Wfiuhiiitftou anywhere from .'1.000 to fi,000 transients. '1 lie 500 Henntors and Representatives bring with them sev eral thousand camp followers, who iinvi. nr hnno to lutvo government cm- ployment of some kind during the ses- inn. There may aiso do noticed n i . tlnct movement In this direction of rep resentatives or specnii interests or many kinds which need watching ut tho national capital while the legisla tors are here. An extra session of the Fifty-ninth ComrrPHS Immediately nfter tho ad journment of the Fifty-eighth In March Is now known to ie tne wish of the President. Ho will not insist unon It. but will make nn upland for it to tho leaders in Congress. Aside from tho tariff it is said that Mime trpeclal legis lation for the Panama Canal strip will be necessary which cannot be consid ered at the regular short session. On rh tariff nuestlon It Is said tho I'rcsl- dent has declared that if there is to be any change in the Dlngley act it should be aad as aeon as poMtfel. SEATTLE WASH ! Railroad Ave. foot of Conn St. Phono Main 873 NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill and Mining Machinery. Atent-MleU & Weiss Kerosene Engines. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TlltHD AND COLUMtlU TllONK Msltl 13 BONNY & WATSON CO SUCCESKOIIS TO ) BONNY & STEWART rUNKIUI. MMCC-rollS AND KMIULHEHS LnJy Assistant At Cp,tih 'Wich ways In Attendance. OCdUlC,, VYU5IU Tim Quaker Drug Co. SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Uottlcrs of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SWATTUt, U. S. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals EVERETT WASH j ritato Mesne No. 3. I.adjr Assistant JOHN F. JERREAD Undertaker and Embalmer Day and Night Hervlca S939 Ilroailway Telephone Main 330 CARBANADO COAL Absolutely the best Coal on tliu markpt No Clinkers, Rock, Done nor Soot, nothing but Pure Coal Everett Coal Company C. P. CLAKK, Prop. Phone Main 125 1905 Hewitt Ave. EVERETT BAKERY & LUNCH ROOM WEBSTER BROS., Proprietor! Fine Bakery Lunch Served We make a specialty of Home Made Bread A full Line of bakery goods al ways on hand Order work a specialty 1414 1-2 Hewitt Ave. Phone Red 1276 Loewenberg & Going Co. Manufacturers of ami dealers lu Stoves, Ranges, Hollo wware and Household Specialties Handled by all rtrst-C'laaa Vcalen Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best ad Cheapest in the Market. 2J0 to 235 Taylor Street, 188 to 104 Second Htreot, Portland, Oregon OLYMPIACAFE Fine wines, llrjuors and dumeit o cigars and Key West cigars always on hand, : WULF A, MOHLERS 1M 6tl and Irving Hlieot. A. SWANSON TAILOR Full Dress and Business Suits to Order. Cleaning and Repairing SatWfscUen Guaranteed 36 RttsaeJI St, PORTLAND GREAT FALLS I WH.OKOrtGK, . .. , (Successor to dco. nerthold) UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER. Open day and night. Telephone 69. Graduate of Champion School of Kmbalmlng; Licensed from Colorado and Montana. 409 Central Avontie, Great Palls, Montana W. If. I.EAltn, I'rcs. It. HOT8ETII, 1st Vlco I'rcs. and Pee. W. I,. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice I'rcs. and Treaa CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. It. Lcard. Manager. Tclephono 74. 117 First Ave. North Hnon orucr won a specialty. Great Kails, Montana CIotliB Man, -Woman, Hoy in Moilr-rn Up-to-Dnto I'ttsiiioiinblo Clothing ut Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men anil Women. Qrcnt Falls, ? - - Aontnnn. JOHN 1). ltYAN, President. U.J. IIKNNKHSY, Vlco President, JOHN (1. MOItON'Y, Cashier. K. J. 1IOWM AN, Ass'l Cashier. MAUK 3KIN.NKH, Ass'tCashlor UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, fa,000. Deposits, tl.WO.OOO ARSOCIATK 1IANKH! Daly Hank A Trust Co., llutto. Daly Hank A Trust Co., Anaconda. K. A. It Kiriir.t., ('resident. W. K. HKNOIIUHCH, Vice I'resldont. II. W. (HtUNWAI.DT. Dec. & Treas THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY llrowcra nntl Ilottlcra of extra quality lnor boor. "American lMimily"lxttliHlbcurn specialty. Ofilco: 100 Central Avonuo. P. O. Ikix 80. Great Falls, - - - Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, I'ald tin Capital M. 100,000 Individual ltesKinilblllty ... S.uuo.uuo 0. CONIt AD, President. JAMKHT.HTANKOIin. Vlco I'res. and Manager. 1. KKM.Y, Cashier SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano Moving; and Heavy Freighting: Dealer in Coal and Wood WnrtihouRo on It. It. Track, Ninth Avo. South. Phono 50 M Ollleo with Grout I'iiIIh liurdwani Co., 410 CVntral Avo, l'lionoH, ItcHltlunco 5( A, Ollleo 102 GREAT FALLS, MONT. IV r ? OMAHA NEBRASKA i 4 OMAHA TRANSFER GO. Is the only exclusive bargaye Hue In Omaha ana tne umy one reoognueci uy ine rauroaus. Commercial and theatrical busluess a spe cialty. City rates the lowest. UNm Ymuf Ohoak 1m Our Ammmt Oh Tmkm mm t Dmmml. 13t4J Howard Sirmmt ASK FOR KRUG Tho lleor you like, AkohcIch in all Western Cities and Towns. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO OKTTHK BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS ORDER ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neb PIXTON AND GALLAGHER GO. Importers, Coffee Roasters and Jobbing Grocers Oldest Jobbing Grocers in the Vt. E Ubliihcd 18&I904. Special attention gives to mail orders. Omaha, Nab. l B0ZEMAN I B OH ART & VATE8, Dealer In Fromh ami Salt Mmatm 1 And Poultry. Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and game in season, ltotcman, Montana Statement of the Condition of the COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, Of BlZHMH, MlRttltl, At the Close of Business, Sept. 15, 190 (No. 49C8.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus ana Profits, 502,941.50. -omoKiis- J08KPH KOHNTZ, President. E. IIKUUX MAIITIN, VICO IT'S. OKOIKIK COX, Cashlor. h. KBE8K WKI.LH, Asst. Cashier BOH ART A YATES, Dcalor lu AHD salt meats and Poultry Manufacturers of Bnusngu nntl lnnl. Fiah mid gitmo in sonson. Bozcman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DGALGR IN fine Groceries 3 Main St. West, Bozcman, Mont. PdULUTH MINN. I Doth Phone 287 Troy Steam Laundry 22 East Superior St., Duluth. Call us up and the wagon comes promptly The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION ' Enlarged and Improved American Plan, 12.50 and Up European Plan 11.00 and Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HENRY FOLZ Loading grocery and mar ket. Wo norvu tho truvolinx public nt rouHoimlilo prices. 114 and 110 West Superior street. DULUTH, MINN, LAUNDRY OpponHo Union Depot. The beat equipped laundry in tlio city. H.A.BIUME, Prom DULUTH, MINN. THE BON TON BAKERY and Candy Kitchen J. O. 8CII011ER, Prop. Bnad, Cakes, Pits aid Fancy Pastry Nome Midi Chieolitu, leu Im, Cirinili, Taffies, Etc, Etc. 25 West Hurwrlor Ht, I'houe U DULUTH MINNESOTA COLFAX ADVERTISING Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE Ac CO Managcra, General Warehouse System Both 0, R, & N, and N. P. roads, All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A. M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington J. A. Perkins & Co. Itallroail I.atid Aseucy In oiiiitjcllon, REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS. Bmrgmlns In Farm Landa and City Promarty, CorraspandcHc Sallcltad. M ' 4 jj. .7 I ' I Colfax, - Washington,