-yw$ The e w Age. ! '5 . rf .nvteaL S; VOL. IX. POIITL.AND, OKEGON, SATURDAY, DECHMJJHU 24, 1904. , NO. .'14. TW k6$ Lxlf N 'Xjt y u m 'r' f k PORTLAND OHCQON..H LADD TILTOIM, BANKERS EiUbllihad la 1SS0. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on tlmn deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued twallablo in Europo nrnl the Eastern states. Sight exchange unil Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, 'Chicago, St. Louie, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore- gon, Washington, Iduho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. BANK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. LIMITED. OiM'iCKltSi II. V. 0M1KN, rcalileiitt M.AI.KXANIKIl, Vlco President! II. N. COF. FIN, CuMilcr: ! M. IIAIN1N. Aslnlnnt Cftxhlrr. IHHKUIOHSt Holit. Noble, Tlio. IMvli, II. F. Olden, J. M. Unities, J. K. Yntca, J. II. Murrow, T IteKRti, M Ah'xnmlor, F. it. Collin. Aocountm of Bnnkm. Flrmm, Corporation mntl Indlvldunlm Raaalvad on I ho Moml Liberal Tar mm Conulmtont With Sound Bnnklno. FIRST NATIONAL, BANK Wallft Wnlla, Wmdilrujton. (First National Ilnnlc In tlia Stiitc.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL $100,001. BUIU'LUS IIOO.IWO. I.KVI ANKKNY, I'realdont. A. II. UUYKOLDS. Vlco President. A. It. IIUIIKOIII), Cashier CEO. D. ELLIS, Prom J. O. PEMOE, Viae Pro: II. E. MEAL, Ommhlof FAY D. YOUNO, AmatOamh'r CAPITAL STATE BANK OF IDAHO BOISE, Limited Banking In all its branches. Your business solicited. mmmmmmmmr IDAHO THE PUGLT SOUND NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE JAC0I1 FUUTH, I'rcnldoilt. J. 8. OOI.IWMITH, Vlco PrcMdont. It. V. ANKF.NY. Ciuhtor. Capital Paid Up, $30O-,000. FIFTEEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD STOP AT THE WASHINGTON. Corruwitn1ciilR In nil tlio principal cltlcn of tho t'nltod Htntos nnd Kuropo, : unMKiit. unit it imiiou on AlnnWn nnd Yukon Territory. Hold dust I UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK It. V. BCIIJIKKlt, Cashier OF PORTLAND. OREGON, J. C. AINBWOItTlt, I'rofldcnt. W. II. AYKIt, Vloo-Prosldcnt. A. M. WltKllIT, AsslMnnl Cashlor. Tnuiarti n Kcnornl hntikltur business. Drafts Issued, nvnllnblo In nil cltlon o( tho Unltod titntoi nnd i:uroH), Hoiik Kong unit Moulin. Collections inndo on (nvornl)lo terms. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AMD OAK STREETS. Fidelity Trust Company Bank raid Up Capltnl Jjoo.oio. Doc Ornerat Hanking !!ulnct. Barlngi Department, lutcrnt Credited tieml-Amuially. JOHN C. AINSWOKTII, Prmldciit A. O. I'KICIUKI), Cashlfr OIIN H. 1IAKKK. Vice President 1'. I'. HASKItl.I.. IK., Asit. Cashier '. C. KAUI'FMAN, ad Vice President OUOKOK IIUOWNK, Secretary DIRHCTOKS Jolm C. Alnswortli.T. II Wsllace, John S, Baker, Henry Hewitt, P. C. KaufTman and Georjje llrowuc. First National Bank of Seattle SKATTI.K AND SrKCIAL ATTKNTION GIVKN TO COI.I.KCTIONS ON POINTS IN l'ACIl'IC NOKTHWI5ST LItATKK TltKNHK, Prrsldrnt . CIIA8. V. M8THRSON. Cashier M Mc.MICKKN, Vice President ", R. P. PAKKIIUKbT, At. Cu.liler DIRECTORS-Letter Turner, M. McMltc'en. fl. G. Slmpsou, W. D. Iloflui, J. II. McGraw, .iiaii, r.Hiniwii MkM I-M ' Atlc Your Dculur for OOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS thu lUHt that cun ho nuiilu of rubbor Goodyear Rubber Company P. II. I'UASli. President. 61 63 65 67 I'ourlh Street. I'ORTl.A.SU, OKI200N. 1st It is tho best hotel on tho Coast. 2d It costs no moro than poorer hotels, its shown by rates below. 3d- Now hotel, now furniture. 4th Excellent Bcrvlcc. Cth Tho Washington, while rlb In tho center of tho city, Is on nn eic vatlon of 200 feet, which lifts you nljovo tho hoIbo, dust nnd smoko of tho street hotels. Cth Tho hotel Is situnted In tho center of 4& ncrcs of bcnutlful grounds, with thousnnds of roses nnd othor fragrant flowers to benutlfy tho surroundings. 7th Eight hundred feet of wldo vor niidns surround tho hotel, giving to tho guest opportunities for rest and promenndo not found elsewhere. Sth Tho vlow from theso spnclous vernndas ennnot bo described. Moun tains, lakes, tho Sound nnd tho city itself form ono mngnlflcont pnnnrnma not found anywhero clso on earth. 9th Tho hotel lohby, parlors, Turk ish room, etc., nro exquisite, and form a continuation of comfort nnu luxury not often found in hotels. 10th A Dutch grill has recently hcon added, whero sorvlco may bo had nt all hours. 11th Tho dining room cannot bo excelled, lircalcfast anil lunclt nro served a la carte, at most reasonable prices, nnd n tnblo d hoto dinner for $1.00 is pronounced by till to bo nbovo criticism. 12th Rates Extremely reasonable. European plan 'Room, without bath, $1.00 per day and upward. Room, with bnth, $2.00 per day nnd upward. 'Hits service to nnd from till trains and boats, 2G cents. Trunks, each way, 25 conts. Carringo fnro (prlvnto), CO cents, Spoclal rates inado to parties for ono month or moro. 13th Being nhovo tho street nnd nway from tho nolso, you will enjoy a night's rest better nt tho Washing ton than any othor hotel In tho city. lith Go to tho Washington and If you nro not sntlsflcd that It surpasses all other hotoln on tho Paclfla Coast for excellent sorvlco nnd rcnsonnblo prices, your bill will bo nothing. 15th Do not bo dccolvcd by bailor Ing that no mo other hotel In tho city Is as good as tho Washington, for such In not tho case. Tho Washington stands nlono ns tho most charming and nttractivo hotel west of Now York. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed; Form for Busy Readers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resumo of trio Loss Important but Not Loss Interesting; Events ft of tho Past Wook. BLUFF IS CALLED. .STAIII,Islli:i IH.11. I.NUOUPOUATUIl IHU7. ALJLEIN 4& LEWIS. Shipping: Sz Commission Merchants WHOLESALE (1ROCURS. To save time nddrv nil coiiimuntintloin to tho company. No. 46 to 54 1'roni St. North, I'OKIl.ANI), OktiflON. W. V. KMTTK.NIIACII, I'lealileut J. ALIJXANOKR, Vice I'rea. CIIArt. II. KISSTUR, Caihler LEWISTON NATIONAL BANK Capital atid Surplus, 135,000 LEWISTON, IDAHO 'rjIRUCTORS-W. l. Kettenbach. Grace U. FTamin. R. C. neach, J. Alexander, C. C. Ihinncll, ja uim uiw, nl(l) Send Your Washington, Idaho and Montana Business to the OLD NATIONAL, BANK Spokane Washington WALLACE E. CHASE. Vlco Prcmldmnl A. S CHASE, A mil. Qauhler J. S. ALMAS, Pemlnmnt ROBERT T.F. SMITH, Ommhlor THE SECURITY STATE BANK Of Havre, Montana Wo lollrlt your account and extend accommudatlont to our cuatomem In keoplng with heir balance. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BISMARK, MORTH DAKOTA Eotmbllthod In 187B. Capital, 9100,000. Intaremt Paid on Tim a OmpomMm C. 11.I.ITTI.K. I'realiient. K. H. KlISIHtKK, Ice I'reildeut. S. M. I'YK, C'aahler. J. I . IIKI.I., Ami. ( aahler. GENERAL BAKKIKB BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Tho following peoplo havo stopped at tho Washington during tho past year i.nd havo given unstinted nrnlao and declared that In many rospects It oxcols any othor hotol on tho conti nents - "..- President Theodoro Roosovelt, Wm. II. Moody, Socrctnry of tho Navy; Gov. Odoll, of Now York: IJaron Rothschild. Mr. Smith, of tho DoDcors Diamond Minos. South Africa: Hon. Cornelius N. Ullss, Ex-Secrotnry of Intorior: Hon. C. 8. Mellon, President N. Y. & II. R. Ry.; "Mrs. J. J. Hill, Louis Hill nnd J. N. Hill, or tho Croat Northern Ry.: Hon. Howard Elliott President N. P. Ry.; Atlollnn Pnttl. E. II. Sothorn, Gov. llrntly, of Alaska; Mmo. Nordlcn, Maud Adams, Nat Goodwin, Mrs. Flslo, nil Raymond & Whltcomh tourists, Richard Monstlold nnd other colcbrltles of tho commor clnl and profcsBlounl world, CHEAP SUNDAY RATES, lletwcon Portland nnd Wlllnmotto Vnlloy points. Low round-trip rntos hnvo heon placed In offect botweon Portland and Wlllametto Valley points in cither direction. Tickets will bo sold Saturdays and Sundays and limited to return on or beforo tho following Monday. Call on Southorn Pacific Company's agent for partic Nino miners were smothered in n coal mine at Oiirihjlt), Pa. Many JapimeHU m'ldlors commit sui cide when defeat seoins at hand. Chlnuxo havo i-epqrted to Kurojmtkln that the Jamnesu havo lo.it 120.')-Muter hill, but tho latter cliaiu not. It is ullii'lnliy reported in Paris that the attorney general has recommended a retrial of thu Dreyfus rano. The Japanese nro( reported to havo captured another fort at' Port Arthur, willt heavy Iocs to the Russians. ft A gang of belli, boys, organized to fteal tliu property of gucntH lias been dlneoveied lit tlioChicago downtown lioteli by tho policejii Four Denver tnciiThavo been found guilty of repenting? nt tho November el'Ttiou and sentenced to six months in jail and to pay a $100 line. Robert S. MoCormlok, American am hiVHfador to RitHsIa, jvlio has been on a two montliH' vacation in tho United Stilton, has retiirnetlito his (Writ. , nn- Red River Valley National Bank: PARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. R. S. LEWIS, I're.ldent. JOHN S. WATSON Vice Prea'dent. J. W, VON MGIM, Caihler FKEU A IRISH, A.iUnt Caabler. -Capital and Surplus 41100,000 THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collections nude on all points In North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. IF YOU ARE NOT PARTICULAR don't travel over tho Illinois Contrnl, as any old road will do you and wo don't want your patronago; but If you aro particular and want tho hest nnd moan to hnvo It, nsk tho ticket ngont to routo you via tho Illinois Central, tho toad that runs through solid ves tlhulo trains botweon St. Paul, Oma ha, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and Now Orleans. No additional chnrgo is mndo for n scat In our reclining chair enrs which nro fitted with lavatories und smoking rooms, and havo n porter in attorn!- unco. Rates via tho Illinois Contrnl nro tho lowest and wo will bo glad to quote thorn in connection with any transcontinental lino. II. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY. T. F. and P. A., 142 Third Street, Portland. Oregon. PAUL R. THOMPSON, Frt. and Pass. Agent, Colman Rldg., Seattle, Wash. 8UMMON8. of THE FIRST INATIOINAL, BANK OF DULUTH, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL, $BOO.OOO SUIil'LUS 73H.OOO Um S. Government Depositary. THE CONRAD NATIONAL BANK Capital and Securltlm, $250,000.00 ii, w "W. G. CONRAD i'reildeut j, ii. F.nwAitns Vice 1'reildent , DICKF.V Caihler Ol KALISI ELL MONTANA A..N.TOWK Ant Caihler ALSO KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY Omotoa Lotm In KaJtottall, the Oounty Seat ol the Famoum Flathead Oounty. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato Oregon for Multnomah County. Edward Schmeer, Plaintiff. vs. Maud Schmeer. Defendant. To Maud Schmeer, tho abovo namod defendant: In tho nama of tho Stato of Oregon: You aro heroby requlrod to nppear nnd nnswor tho complaint filed against you in tho abovo entitled Court nnd suit within six weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear nnd answer said complain tho abovo named plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded therein, to-wit: For a decree forovor dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing bo tweon said plaintiff and you, This summons Is published In pursuance of an order of Hon, M. C. Georgo, Judgo of said Court, made on tho 17th of November, 1904. Tho tlmo prescribed in said ordor for tho publication of this summons is six consecutive weeks, and tho dato of tho first pub lication thereof is tho 10th dny of No vember, 1904, CHA8. F. LORD. Attorney for Plaintiff. Two of the largestjplautH of the I noil Steel compnuy'in South Chicago aro to resumo operations tho first of tho year. Their ripening will mean employment to at IcunI 11,000 men. The Miltiui of MorQeeo has issued an order expelling all Jnruign nilwdnnH, dolopitcH and employes at present at tached to Ills court -"at Fez. lie is afraid Ills brother will he mndo sultan. It is probable thaitt virt ' tbo new RtiHslan loan will boVplnced in Nuw York. jj? Tho present war in tho Far Hast has proved interesting relative to tho value of thu balloon In tliiio of war. All erak in thoJ'iijjflo coast Btigar pool is looked fo"r7!jthc5largii' flrniH of San FrauclFcn havu withdrawn. Tho cotton mauufa'ettirerH of Fall River, Mans., havo refused thu offer of thu union to arbitrate the difTcictu'cs between tho two organizations. Tho poHtmaHtor general him removed two rural mail curriers charged witli efforts to iulliu'iuu legislation. Ono uas from Colonuloaud tho other Ohio. Rut one bid on thu govreumeut eon tract for moio than L',000,000 feet nf lumber to be lined at Manila, was found when the hid wore opened at Tacouia. It was fiom a Tacouia firm. Tho lt)0.r) fair will contain 2,nt)0 in dividual exhibits. There will bo '.T exhibit buildings. Thu fair silo covers 182 acres of laud and L'L'O aeies of uater. Thu project of the exposition will involve an outlay of about $!), 000,000. Dispatches from Western Pennsyl vania aro to thu effect that iiidiiHtrial activity in many centers is threatened on account of thu protracted drouth. Unless condition change soon it is pos siblo thousands of men may bo thrown out of employment in tho mills, mines and coke fields. Claims against the Russian govern ment on account of tho North sea affair aggregate $000,000. Tho Minnesota statu board of pardons lias rcloixcd the brother of ex-Mayor Ames of Minneapolis, Governor Rates, of .MasHitchuHetts, lias tendered ins good outceis ami uigcs n termination of the Fall River stiiku. Ono of tho-o lUTuned of Illegal voting nt tho recent elccitoii in Denver was a girl who is said not to have been of agu. Mukden lias recovered from from its panic caused by thu letreiUof the Rus sian army and thu Maueliuriaii town iias resumed its wonted uspcut. Many witnesses wanted in tho Smoot investigation hnvo lied to Canada and cannot ho reached. Those who havo testified my that polygamy is openly practiced by the Mormons and many jilural marriages havo occurred since thu manifesto was issued, Thu Chicago university has just re calved gifst amounting to H')7,:J"0. Eight persons were killed in the wreck of tho Crocker hotel in Minne apolis. Tlio sultan of Morocco has removed foreigners and will tako charge of his own army. There has been a great increase in tho number of accidents on luilroads during thu past year. Tho Federal grand jury is now in ses siou nt Portland behind closed doois, investigating various land frauds. Tho Smoot investigation continues beforo thu senate committee on privil eges and elections, but nothing new is being developed. Many hundred Chinese youths ar in Japan taking instructions in thu art of war. .Many are also at the front whore a practical view can bo had. It is probable that tho North sea in cident will h put down us an unfortu nate blunder, whereby tho Russian coininundtr 'Mistook two of his own vessels for an unumy. England Can Havo War Quickly, Says Kaiser Wllholm. llerlin, Dee. 24. Sensational corre spondence has passed between tho Ger man nnd British governments during tho last four weeks with referenco to tho warlike and provacativo attitude adopted toward Germany by tho seini olllcial Rritisli press, especially tho Army and Navy Gazette. Tho kaiser took a hand in the negotiations and made his vigorous peisotiallly felt in a positive way. llo instructed that tho British cabinet should be informed in effect that if Knglaud wanted war it could have It immediately, if it was not desirous of such an event thu talk which Germany conslileied an affront must stop. Roth fount Wolff-Motternleh, Ger man ambassador in London, and Sir F. 0. LiiHenlleH, Itritlsh ambassador at llerlin, weru called homo by their re spective governments to discuss the situation. Thu publications which induced the Gorman government to assumu Its strong attitude were a series of articles in tho Army and Navy Gazette, culmi nating In thu declaration that tho kais er's navy was so lapidly becoming a inenaco to Gicat Rrltain thai war would better lie declared now in order that thu Gorman licet might hu de stroyed beforo it should become a still greater danger. Ilotli Premier Italiotiruml Lord 1-uiih- dowiio havo been told that Germany is impatient of tills distrust of its naval policy, which it accuses -the National Review, thu Army and Navy Gazette and other papers of generating among thu British people. Tho Fatherland wishes Britain to understand oucu for all that it has not tho slightest Inten tion of abandoning the development of its navy and its merchant murine at British holiest, no matter how muci of a bogey they constitute. ENVELOPED IN A FOG Business Is Very Generally Sus pended In England, THAMES IS JAMMED WITH SHIPS Link Boys .With Torchos Furnish tho Only Useful Lights In London No Sign of Pall Lifting. MOROS AT PEACE. LONDON IN A BLACK FOQ. Traffic Almost at Standstill Through out tho Motropolis. Loudon, Dec. 21. Imdon was en veloped today in a black fog, mmo dense than anything witnessed during the last two ycais. in many places tho tralllc was almost completely stop ped, ami the greatest cam was neces sary to avoid accidents, a number of which liavu already been reported. As night closed down ami thu density increased, veWclu tralllc in the most crowded sections of the center of Lou don was completely suspended. Somu of thu scenes witnessed weru pitiful, some weru ridiculous, and tho whole was extiemley weird. There weru In stances in which women became hys terical, ami even tho police lost their sense of diiection, and omnibus driveis becamu confused and diovu on the side walks, until finally all tralllu was held up. At tho main crossings and on thu sheets leading thereto, long shadowy lines of ouiuihiiHHos, cabs and wagons loaded witli Chiistmas packages Hlood motionlses. The most brilliant elec tric lights only served to make the darkness visible. Toichboys weiu very busy. BRITISH DOCKING CHEAPER. London, Dec 2(1. There is as yet no sign of tho lifting of thu fog which envelop'! tho kingdom. Tho ubxonco of wind throughout Gieat Britain is al most unprecedented, and meteorologists do not expect any change in thu con ditions for another 21 hours. Consid ering thu almost insupurablo dillicul- Jles attending locomotion of any form, thu number of fatal accidents has been remarkably small. Thu congestion and suspension of business aro very general. So far as London is concurned, thu tubo railways nro thu only concerns benefitted, and their dally tralllu Is reaching record figures. A condition resembling chaoq vails In thu postal service, All way trains aru many hours latu many trains between Iomlnu and suburbs occupy a couple of hours making tho distance of eight miles. Mall boats lit all directions aro sim ilarly disorganized. Only two vessels entered thu port of London yesterday, a condition of affairs such as lias not occurred for 00 years. Tho mouth of tho river is jammed with vessels loaded with perishable foodstuffs of all de scription. Thu streets of lmdon present re markable scenes. Nothing is visible except link Isiys' torches and thu occa sional llaru of big creosote lights which thu authorities aru beginning to employ to assist tralllo. pro-rail-ami thu In HEADS OFF LANDQnABBERS. Attention or Prosldont Cnllod to Con ditions at Bremerton. Washington, Dee. 24. President Rooiovelt's attention was Invited today by Representative Humphrey, of Washington, to a telegram received by Mr. Ilumphiey from somu of Ids constituents, protesting against what is declared to hu exorbitant tonnage rates charged at thollrciucitnu naval station for thu docking and icpuir of vessels, Thu telegram calls attention to a chnrgo of 10 cents a ton for tho docking of thu steamer Shawmiit, thu owners declaring that they could liavu the work done at tho British dock at Ksiiuimalt for .'I cents at ton. The charges at thu American station result, Mr. Ilumpliiey says, in a huge amount of such work going to thu British sta tion, to the detriment of the Ameri cans. This matter will be considered by thu officials of the Navy department. Examination of tlio Nlgretta, Tokio, Dee, 2 L Tlio examination of tliu cargo, passengers and crew of tlio Britisli steamer Nlgretta, which was seized by tho .lapaucsu cruiser Tsu shima is progressing at S.iseho. Seem ingly it is uniloteriunied whether parole-breaking Russian officers aru on board the Nlgretta, Tho Japanese aro investigating this feature of tliu case because of the itiestiou of thu ability of tlio Chinese olllcials properly to con duct thu internment of Russians who seek refuge at ports in China. It is considered vitally important. Treatment of tho Wounded, .Mukden, Dee, 21, A reoprt on thu woik of thu Red Cross in thu north eastern dlsti let has been submitted by Prince Vassilitchkoff. During October 10,(101 sick weru treated. Of these K0.0H per cunt weru only slightly III, and 10.02 seriously sick. A little over 5U per cent of tho sick recovered under treatment. 'I ho others weru invalided or trausforicd to other hospitals I -own than 1 per cent died. Thu figures re lating to thu wounded aru conliictiug. ' Philippine Tariff Bill Ready. Washington, Dee, 21 Sceretary Tuft and Colonel Edwards, chief of thu in sular bureau of tho War department, today practically complete Prosldont Hays Has Cold Wator for .n.ujb o Port. Simpson, Vancouver, B. 0., Dec. 2(1. AVith tliu idea of preventing any rush to Port Simpson or ICulen island, 0. M. Hays, president of tho Grand Trunk Pacific railway, lias puliliclyanuouiiced that thu mere filing of plans witli tliu railway department at Ottawa does not signify that either of those (daces will hu selected as thu terminus of the lino. Said ho: "It simply supplies thu gov ernment witji information regarding what thu company may ultimately re ipiire." Mr. Hays has uguin declined that it may hu somu time before defi nite announcement can bo made as to where thu British Columbia end of the new transcontinental lino will hu situ ated. Hu said in an Interview: "We havo not definitely determined tho Western terminus. Wo always say t'ort niiupHou, mil wnun wu inaku tisu of that uxpiessiou wu mean any point within r0 miles of thu place. There aru three or four inlets, all of about equal merit, that wu might use, but before wu reach a decision ipiitua num ber of hydrogruphlu surveys must first bo Hindu. Nothing has been done along that lino on thu Pacific coast for a number of years." Ah for thu prairie section of tliu Hue, preparations aru well under way for commencing construction at Winnipeg, both east and west, as soon as tlio snow goes in tliu spring. Mr. Hays has stated that tlio financial ai range incuts necessary to thu successful nota tion of thu scheme havo all been iniule, and thu outlook for thu satisfactory in angulation of thu big work is very bright. Slavo Trado in Phlllpplnos Put Down by General Wood. Washington, Dec. 22. General Wood, commanding tho department of Mindanao, Philippine division, in his minimi report to tlio War department, said that tliu troops of tlio department have been in tlio field n greater portion of tlio year, quelling armed uprisings and preventing slavo trado and kindred abuses. IIu says that in nlmost every Instance actual lighting was initiated by tliu Moros. "Conditions nmong tlio Moron throughout tho department aro gener ally peaceful," says Genrcal Wood, who adds: "Thu establishment of civil govern ment and tlio extension over them of certain laws and regulations lias caused some excitement and at times serious resistance, especially tho law prohibit ing slavery. In. somu sections nctivo hostility lias been engendered by our presence, especially In tlio liko Lanno region, where almost constant murder ous attacks on worklugiuen and soldiers were tho rulu until thu effects of tho recent expeditions to thu Tarca sldo of tho lake, combined with expeditions to other sections of tho Lanno, woro folt by tliu Moros." Tlio power of tho Moros of that sec tion, lie says, has heon completely broken. Continuing, tho report says: "In .Tolo affairs aro quiet. Tho prompt crushing of tlio Hassans upris ing has inado n deep' impression on tho people, and tlio abrogation of thu Bates agreement tins duno much to bring to nit end tliu unfortunate conditions which existed under it." Dato Alls' party, tliu report adds, Is , tlio only baud of Moros now openly hostile, mid It is small ami is being followed by troops anil scouts. Guttural Wood says it is hctluvcd there will not bo any vury serlnim resistance of au thority by tliu Morns In tho future, but there will hu constant police work. FAVOR MUNICIPAL CONTROL, i Now York Citizens' Union Commlttos Adopts Resolutions. Shanghai, Deo. 22. A report ban readied hero that the captain of tho Russian torpedo boat destroyer Grozo vol, which was dismantled at Shanghai, August 2(1, hist, lias been discovered on board tho IJrltish steamur Nlgrotta, which was seized by tlio Japanosu pro tected cruiser Tsushima off (Jinan, Co reit. Charts and documents which would havo been nf lncalculalilu value to thu KusslutiH are said to hnvo la-en found on thu captain's person. Tliu report, which Is generally cred ited here, somewhat conflicts with that contained in an earlier dispatch, in which It was stated that Captain Reit- zcustclu, of tliu cruiser Askold, also disarmed in August at Shanghai, was thu olllcer who hud attempted to reach Vladivostok on tho Nlgretta. In either casu it Is believed tlio Japanese will hold thu Chinese authorities strictly responsible for thu escape of thu olllcer from Shanghai. Gieat Britain is also likely to bo re quired to clear herself in tliu matter unless the rumor circulated here is cor lect that thu captain disguised himself as a Flench olllior and in that manner secuied passage on thu Nlgretta. CAPTURED AT SEA. Weakened nnd May Bu Dlssolvod. San Fiuueisco, Dee, 2(1, Purchases of the four sugar Jobbing firms which liavu seceded from the Paoitlo Tralllo mid Commeicial association, aggregated approximately 40 per cent of tlio sugar bought by thu asosclatlon from thu ru fineries, and thu dissolution of that organization seems piesaged. Thu four films aru Haas Bros., Tilliuaii A Bon del, Siissmnn, Wormser oc Co. ami tlio Jowin-.Meyor company. Whether or not thu association Is able to carry on, it will bo considerably weakened by tho loss of these firms. Big Strike In tho Kootunays. Vancouver, B. C, Dee. 20. A 100 foot ore chute, thii-o feet wido and giv ing values ranging from 100 to 210 ounces of silver, and from f 10 to 00 a ton gold, with three per cent copper, is tlio mining sensation of thu mouth in tho Kootenays. Thu big strike was made on thu I ji Franco gioup, Jji Prance creek, live miles cist of Kooto. liny lake. Americans own thu prop i rty, tliu claims belonging to Chicago capitalists. Torpedo Boat Sighted. St. Petersburg, Dee. 2(1, According to a local paper it number of English fishermen havo appeared before thu Russian consul in Loudon und havo de posed to havu seen foreign torpedo boats among tliu Hull fishing licet. Their depositions, it is added, will lio sub- thu International coiuuils- Russian Officer was Carrying Valuable Papers to Vladivostok. New York, Dee. 22. Tliu city com mittee of thu Citizens' union lias adopt ed resolutions favoring an extension of municipal control of public utilities, u municipal lighting plant, purchase of electrical conduits and tlio giant of power by tliu legislature to tliu city to build mid operate lighting plants, gas and electric. Tho committee adopted tlio report of tliu committee on franchises, which favors presenting to tliu legislature thu constitutional amendment proposed by tliu "Tihlcu commission" of lH7o, which was that thu legislature shall have no power to pass any law "for thu opening, making, paving, lighting or otherwise linpioviug or maintaining streets, avenues, parks or placet), docks, w inn ves, or for any othor Ineal work or improvements in or for such purposes shall be, by law, conferred on tliu city government." Potatoes for the Starving. Greeley, Colo., Dee. 22. Mayor II. 0. Watson issued n call today for a mass meeting Saturday next to consider a proposition to donate a large quanti ty of potatoes to thu starving poor of Irloand. Similar meetings will ho hehi at Fort Collins. It is believed the farmers nf northern Colorado will contribute several bunded carloads of potatoes if thu transportation were ar ranged for. Tlio government will bu asked to furnish a transport to carry tho potatoes fiom Galveston to Ire-laud, Admissions to the Fair. St. Louis, Deo. 22. Tliu olllclal re port of thu dlicctor of eoncessloiH und admlssioiiH of thu World's fair shows that tho total recoidcd adiiilssoius for tlio period of thu exposition from April ,'10 to December 1 Inclusive was 10, (101,855, of which 12,801,010 weru paid and 0,800,2:11) weru freu. Tho free admissions included from 20,000 to HO, 01)0 woikiuen, who weie admitted to complete the work of construction of buildings mid installations of exhibits. To Meet Baltic Fleet. London, Deo. 22. Tlio Dally MuII'h correspondent at Hong Kong says ho has, learned on trustworthy authority that a powerful Japanese squadron of battleships and armored cruisers is it mo worK of putting tliu proposed revision of tliu ' nutted to l'iillippluo tariff in shape for prcsenta- Hloii, now in Paris, thu circtiinstuncso , nroceediim south, iiccoinnauied hv 15 tion to congress In tho form of a pro- f under which they weru dtained being colliers and transports, to attack thu pared draft of a bill. I explained. Rmshin Baltio squadron. V ' & i AfriujtiV.JsW a