ti' W ...-,--.-T.t fe. I MliBwJ? iHPl!iL Fl A llk J4i& -MiirtiWk.i I t. '-t iW4r Hss-!lsBsnttgiiiDMaifl Biu?Hj Jy lBrm aH8S38WBITrfTrnB VaSM(! i ' lbbmtoIiiii i" i i i w miii HOTEL PORTLAND. oor 0i,ooo,aoo. The Portland H. O. BO WCKS, Mmnmwmr. Ammrloan Plan, $3 Par Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS ARO OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS Portland, Oregon THE MITCHELL 0. A. KKUKIKS A moit perfectly appointed and well kept ho. to), oirerlng ever)' comfort and attraction to the traveling public. European or American, EVERETT, WAMH. The Alturas House Well I'urtilshedand KTerythltig New Beds jo Ctntt oud Up. I ml. Phone 375 511 Main St. Boise, Idaho Rates $2.50 For Day nnd Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKIIICAN) A. GKI6KR, Proprietor. Commercial, . Family and Tourist Hotel. RAKISH CITY, OREGON HOTEL FLORENCE H. E. OIANEY, Propr!ct(f. Headquarters for Commercial Men wssoulXIhontana. The Victoria Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. First-Class in All Its Depart ments. Headquarters for Tourists and Commercial Travelers When in Spokane Don't Fail to Stop at the Victoria RHONE MAIN 1447 Pacific Blue Points OYSTERVILLE OYSTER COMPANY Growers and Shippers of Easten Trasiliitwl iiri Nitivi Skoilwatir lay Oystin WHOLESANE ONLY Orders will be promptly filled at 253 Yamhill Street PORTLAND, OREOON INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 127 First Etreet " The Finest, Best and Fattest Meats of All Kinds. Direct from Cattle nnd .Sheep Kaisers , to Consumers. PHONE MAIN 3277 PORTLAND, OREQON fmmk KT 'if,!frHn WSmmmWM WaLammmmmW'ASjr TRY US ! F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger In town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY GO. 106 SIXTH ST. Opp.MERRILL'SCYCLE EMPORIUM BUY FROM YOUR DEALER Standard Steam Carpet and Gleaning Co. Carpets Cleaned Refitted, Rebordered and Relayed. First Class Work Guaranteed. All Work Done Promptly, Called for and Delivered Cor. E. Third N. and Pacific Sis. Phone East 280 PORTLAND OKDKH8 I'ROMI'TLY FILLED. FAMILY TilAliK MY 8PKC1AI.TY. FUKE DELIVEUY. A. NEUBERGERS FULL MEASURE HOUSE 108 SIXTH STREET Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars PORTLAND, OREQON. TUB COURT 101 Btate 8t BALF.M OUK TUB HAMILTON MBUthHt FOUTLAND OHK MEU MAiVHUrTOIN Leadlug Brands LIQUORS AND CIGARS I'hone, Main SOW PORTLAND OREGON hJ wr! St. 2 $2 THE UTTLE WONDER" The Best Hydraulic Beer Pump and Air Compressor BILDERBACK & CRANE PORTLAND OREGON Agents forBUhop & Bafccock Co.'s ctU rated txrr drawing: apparatus. Physicians air compressors, etc WriU for catalogue and information. IHVflflflsHBHHUstJrv L tM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaLiH. M n SjJWiBrMK LTLyI. 'BJPbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPBBBM iBYbBBH aaam VsBKSH. SBBBBBpkV t sch TJOD XmVT ! I I IVINfTQTr.N ONK OE T1IR BEST' BALOONB IN U.V1NQ. BTON. Wll. GKABOW. Fine brahds of all klndl o! liquors, Wholesale dealer In Joi. Senilis Brewing Oo't Milwaukee Lager Beer. Livingston, Montana UNION MEAT MARKET. A O.HASELER, Prop CHOICEST FRESH AND SILT MEATS Oame and Fish In ScMon. Livingston, - - - - Montana. Employment Agency MALB AND FBMALO. Can furnish employment to all classes of labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0, KROHNE, Agent, Oflloe Opposite I'ostofflce, Livingston, Montana Fa Ba TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. CARRIER BROS. VIENNA BAKERY A full line of lino bakery and confoo t'onnry goods always; on hand, alao iro cream nnd icc. Private cars and spec ial orders given prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 114 8. Mntn Street. Toluptiono 33 a. LIVINGSTON. MONTANA. UVINQSTON STEAM LAUNDRY Traveling mens work a specialty. Dc mostic or high gloss finish. Work dono on short notice 1 15 U Park St., oppoiito the N. P. Dopot. TELEPHONE 9 F. UVINQSTON MONTANA GEO. W. HUSTED Prescriptions, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ci gars, Toilet Articles, Finest Soda Fountain on the N. P. Railway. Opposite the Depot B 0ZEMAN REWING COS PURE BEER Brewed from the famous Gallatin Valloy Bar ley and choicest Hops. PARK BOTTLING WORKS Agents At uviaasrma, ttrnmr. ! MONTANA f Kalispell Malting X Brewing Co. Brewers and Bottlers of Best Beer and Best Cream of Malt Made from tho Famous Western Barloy and Bohemian Hops Guaranteed Absolutely Pure KALISPELL MONTANA Havre Commercial Co. 11. W. fcTHlNaFELLOW, Tres. A Mr. A Large Department Store We Buy and Sell for Cash, There by Getting the Best Prices Our Clothing', Shoe, Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are the Largest in North Montana Mall Orders Promptly Attended To HAVRE MONTANA National Laundry UZ-U5 Second Street South Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON St CABBY. Frrittors Work Done on Short Notice. The Only First Clau Steam Laundry in Great Fall. Telephone0?. AGE, ppRTLANT), QftEGOST. FISH GROW OLD IN AQUARIUM., Btrlped Bat Alive After Ten Tear, Bourn Welfchln Thirty I'oandi. In a recent bulletin of tho New York Zoological society soma facts are given In regard to the longevity of fishes In tho Now York: aquarium. The oldest .Inhabitants aro the strip ed bass, which have been thoro for ten years, having been placed In otw of tbo floor pools before the building was opened to tho public. In May, 1801, flfty-flve specimens, weighing from u quarter of a pound to four pounds, were secured, twenty-seven of which havo survived. Most of thoso that were lost died In the first year, nnd In the last four years not one has tiled. Their food has been chiefly live min nows, supplemented by llvo shrimp, small crabs, uinrino worms and occu Blonally whqn other food was scarce, herring cut in strips and a fow claiuB. The largest specimen now weighs about thirty pounds. Their actual weights are not known, but the lengths of sonic of them arc, and the weight estimated accordingly. Ono bnss, received In 180(1 when It weighed n quarter of a pound, and had a length of seven Inches, died seven ycaro later, by which tlmo It had nttalncd n length of twenty-six Inches nnd a weight of nine pounds. Thoro aro sen Ashes which enter fresh waters t6 spawn and aro very active and' gamy. It Is remarkable that such large fishes have done so well. Other species In tho ncquarlum which may bo considered old resb dents are tho bony gar, mudllsh, com mon eel, giny snapper, sK)t snapper, red grouper ami Nassau grouper. Sev eral Individuals of ench havo been no.veu years In tho neqiinrliiin. They arc supposed to require pure sen water and havo endured New York bay water Just as It has been pumped from the bay in varying conditions. Many other fishes havo been In cap tlvlty there for from thrco to five years. The growth of somo of these has been steady. Tho Bermuda gray snappers, received tliero six Inches long, havo mora than doubled their sl&o in seven years, whllo tho stot snappers have fnlly trebled their slzo in tho same time. Although tho green morays have fed Intermittently, refusing food for months at a lime, they have grown perceptibly. Tho growth of nuukol lungo and plko lias been marked, both species having more than doubled their weight Tho wenkflsu havo trebled their size In four years. The collection of tropical AhIics from .Jlermuda has been Increased every summer. These beautifully colored strangers, which are viewed with great Interest during the summer nnd autumn months, begin to dlo off with tho approach of winter weather. Wisdom ot the Klophant. Tho process of elephant catching In India ns well aa In Slam tends to rather undermine oiiu'h settled nottotiH of elephant sagacity nnd to create In stead thu feeling that a lot of senti mental tommyrot nnd misleading, lg norantly conceived anlinnl stories havu been put forth about my lord, tho elo phunt. The literal truth is that tho ele phant, for all ilts reputed intelligence, is driven into places that no other wild animal could possibly bo induced to enter, Is In Its native Juuglu held cup the wlthtu a circle through which It could pass without an effort nnd bul lied Into uncomplalutng obedience by a force the smallest fraction of Its own numbers. Purt of this is, no doubt, duo to Its exceedingly sus picious uuturo; tho other part to Its luck of originality, to which latter de fect, however, its notable, amenability to discipline Is attributable. Apropos of amenability Sanderson records mounting and taking out of the keddah, unaccompanied by a tame elephant, a fcnmlo on tho sixth day after hor capture, nnd I saw on tho lower coast of Slain an elephant that had boon captured In n pitfall by na tives thrco weeks previously rowed out on two lashed sampans to a small coasting stcumer and successfully made to kneel that It might got through tho port door botween decks. Caspar Whitney la Outing. Dlauppeariaa; III to r. Nowhere Is to be seen a stranger freak of nature than In New Mexico. It Is a river that Is not a river. No ono has ever seen It. Tho bed of It lies lu a valloy botween tho Itlo Grande and I'ecos Ittver. It Is well defiuod, and many travelers have fol lowed Its windings to lean), If pohhI ble, what becomes of tho great vol ume of water which should be thore. It is not u dead or dr!ed-up stream. It Is simply lost. Numerous big tribu taries flow Into It from tho neighbor lug mountains. Immediately, how ever, they reach tho bed of tho main stream they disappear from sight. Thus, for some reuuou or another, n river which should bo 800 miles In longth has no exlsteuco which could bo proved. Iltiiiiurkulilo Japanese 1'uper. Tho Japanese excel lu the making of paper from the bark of trees and shrubs. Among tho remarkablo va rieties are the thin raluproof paper used lusteud of glass for windows, tho oiled papers serving for waterproof coverings uud clothing, and tho oiled tissue for wrupplng delicate articles. The bark paper employed for meal and grain sacks Is not roadily pene trated by weevils and other insocts. Most Interesting of all, perhaps, ure the tough papers from which tobac co pouches and pipe cases are made, these leather papers being almost as tough as French kid, translucent, aud as soft and pliable aa calf-skin. Kitcuuaili-K Clroumsmaoea. A Topeka Jury awarded $0 for wage! duo to a negro who filled the role of "wild man" In a circus ono week. Tho Jury took Into account that ho ate about $100 worth of raw meat during the packing-bouse strike. Kansas City Star. A good deal is aald In a woman's complaints about being a drudge; still, her husband is tho other one If be docs his sharo. Married men get a lot of wireless messages from thalr wlvea. JAMESTOWN, N. D. j HARD WHEAT FLOUR RUSSELL - MILLER MILLING CO. Jamestown, N. Dak. THE SEILER CO. l'AID UP CAi'lTAL f23,0O0. Abstracts, Collections, Insurance, Loans and Real Estate. Investments made and all bmilncsn of nonresidents given most careful atten tion, l.ofcronees cheerfully furnished. JAAiESTOWN, N. D. ill, Webster S Bolinger Dealers in Fanoy Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Drugs and Toilet Articles AGENTS FOR CHASE S SANBORN OOFFEE Jamestown, N. D. Chase & Grant Co FINE GROCERIES HARDWARE DRY GOODS Jamestown N. Dak. Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North D-fcoU State License. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA LSS0, Ni a 1 MARSH & BALL. Llvory Sale nnd Hoarding Heavy Draft and Kino Driving llorces for Sale, lloarses, HnokH and Carriages Opp, I'oftollice. Tclcphono Call 1117. I-AR(K), N. I). FARGO MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS (IKO, CAIllIj'KI,, l'rii MANUKACTU1U.KS OF ArtlMtlc Vloi-riorlfil Wholesale and Retail Monuments FAKCIO NOItTlI DAKOTA John monson TRUNK MANUPACTURUR Sample Trunks and Catu-H uiariu to or der. Repairing douo promptly. Old Trunks Taken lu Kxchauu'o. liny your trunks where they make them and favo your money. Telephone 774, CsDPfl II II 614 front Street. rAllUU, II. U. T. E. YERXA PAROO, N. 1). Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. OppOMltu N. Is. Dopot Green A Eggert First-Glass Butchers & Packers Tha Bast Market in the City Highest I'riies l'uld for All KIikIh of Live .Stock FARGO NORTH DAKOTA f SALT LAKE CITY USE Salt Air Extracts, Hakliijj Powder, Spices and Coffees ARE THE BEST OR MONEY HACK SaltLaho OoffaoA Sploo Mill SALT LAKE, UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO. Prescription Druggists Cor. Third West aud Boillti Temple, Tela, phone is.'. Salt Lake City, Utah. adpm: uock iikstauiiant. IIUCKMAK A CAItllAOHAll, Proprietors. First Clsss In every respect. Oysters a specialty 1019 Second Street, Bscramento.CM. pOliM llOTKt- T1I03. COItni, Proprietor. Ilstcs 1.J0 mi J 11.00 per day. Kntlroly New ami Modern Centrally Located, Two lllocks from a. P. depot lU'.DDlNd, UAL1KOUN1A. Th WINDSOR W. 1. HAYES, Manaoko. Kurop'itn plan, pur day and up. American plan, t'-.ul) per day and up. Restaurant and cafe at reason able prices. St. Paul, Minnesota The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah -&F- Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY PIREPROOP Hotel Westminster r. O. JOIINtiON, Proprietor. American nnd European Plan. Corner Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANUKLKS, CAL. ST, CHARLES HOTEL lOHN GIDLIN, Prop. Mrtt-CIsM Accommodations and Prompt serr Ire. !.rit Kamplo tjnomn (or Coiniiiurclal Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. 3itti'vmnmyt FIRST-CLASS FIREPROOF $3.00 PER DAY Tulephono 0'1I P. O. lloxAM The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IAH. A. KCIIIlAdi:, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in livery Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgclns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. s Hi "--"-i-rt ar . ir"Ti'H laai JpaW" es&Tiflir? t Wsm 1 n ijsmastr' tm h w a.sm iivrrroN A'rn rJ jj ? j- s- j - , . v5 t t'jr? fJ -o lAlmw1 '4WrfYJkl&Htfa:: WLWmWJtSSmSaSSLw JamWmaWamBm -TfBBHIPt7V,?-7u;jMMBi b THE SCENIC HOTEL OP THE WORLD. Thlu inaL'niflcent touriut hotel la Heuttlo'n inont prumlneiit archlteetural featuro lein Hituuted upon thu hluhent ixtlnt of land lu thu down-town district UOO (eet uIkjvo ne level. It Ih, however, ruKUlur liotel conveyance, iv Htreet cur or uy carriage. '1 lie tcenory from Tha WuHliiiiKtou lu tho moat mipcrh to Im) found on tho 1'ucillc eeuut. The uppoint meutH and furnlHhiiiKH of The WutthiuKtou uro entirely iiKnlern and hih-cluu ; thu cuIhIiio and Hurvlco are mottt mitinfuctory, Tlie ruteti aro cxceedinulv reasou. able for a fuHhlouahlu Totirlnt Hotel. Tho WuHhluutou Is Hituuted in tho mldHt of nIx acres of Iwautifulgroundo, which with tho broaif drlvamiya, green lawim, and n profusion of rouea and car iiutionH, mako the location an ideal one, Tho scenery from Tho Wuahlngton and grouudu Wi uusurpuuHed in tho West no other point m h'oittlo Klving auctt a mag ulllcfiit vlow uh can ho hud from this hotel. Preuiduut Uoosovult was charmed wltii the Hccuu that mot tho eye, from tho vorauduu aud grounds of tho hotel, and so uxprcBbed himself. Tliouwiula of others, in public and prlvuto life, have com and koo tinco tho oiKMiiug of this grand hostlory. who huvo udded their tribute to tho many expressions of pleaxuro uud aatiufnctiou derived from a gllmpaoof th l'uget Hound country from this vuntugu ground, including aa It docn a view of mountuliiH, lakes, Bound, hurlwr and ull Koattlo. Write lor Illustrated booklet. Dest furnished house in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PIIACHT, Proprietor. AH Trains stop.30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREGON When in Spokane, go to DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class In Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had. SPOKANE, WASH the Colonial Hotel Strictly 1'lrnt Clnn. New and Mot Tttftraatly I'lirnltlied Apnrluienlsln the City. Bloglt Of Kii Suite. Bttam tlrnt. Large Wntl Clouds, Privste and Public Unths. Halm by the I)v. Week OS Month. One Mock South of Pottotlke. A. M. Csdleu, l'ropr. V. II. Curtlss, Mgr. Telephone Main ij 1119 Pint Ave. cor. 8mea SItATTLR, WASH. Dclniouico Restaurant Under Same Management HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORO, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. j o J EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Free Hub anil l'reo Sample Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE HOTEL CECIL S1UTTL-B, U. S. A. K. P. GAIWNEY, Malinger . One of the Ik.st Hotels in th Northwest. Lnrge Sninple Rooms for Com mercial Men. KUKQI'KAN PLAN HrAry '3SJS& i Mitr ra7K?&m t.iytl'V ' -lr' ' -M-t;iui. The Tacoma W. II. III.ACKWKLL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOAtA, WASH. easy of uceoaa by private trumwuy, by t i ssi bmsisjbv -wammaKm . iii1 " iv; mi