The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 17, 1904, Image 4

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A. D. ORIPPIN. Mntinsrei
Otste 43 Second St., cor. Ath. Room I and t
Portland, Oregon.
Entered at the potnfllco at Portland, Oregon,
m Mcond-ciMi matter.
One Year, payable In advance. $2.00
In reality, this sccma to bo ono of
thoso peculiar periods of ofllclnl ocan
ilnl or, rather, tho development and
exposure of omclal turpitude
that delight tho rcformor who Is gen
erally busy with his cry of "Stop,
thief!" But in this caso there ap
pears to bo tho coveted opportunity
for him to proclaim from tho houao
tops: "I told you sol"
Tho Now Ago ban no more tiso for
tho "profcsBlonal" roformor than It
has for tho "professional" politician
or tho "professional" pulpiteer, or tho
"professional" roguo or tho "profes
sional" tramp In his Imbecile Inno
cence or nny othor "professional"
humbug; but In recent local cases It
Is apparent that tho "professional"
reformer enjoys on unusual occasion
for glco over his discovery.
Tho scandal connected with tho re
construction of tho Tanner crook sow
cr quickly directed public attention to
tho fact that thcro might bo some
thing wrong with an Important bridge
contract or two on which work Is now
in progress. A llttlo ofllclal-invostl-gallon
dono In a semi-official wny at
first has apparently dovolopcd tho
noccBslty of a thorough and open In
quiry by tho powers that ho. That
Important work will soon bo under
way and a man from Tucoma will
conduct tho Inquisition. What tho ro
milt will bo Is, to bo Biiro, yet pioblo
, matlcalj but tho public Is fully
aroused to tho necessity of watching
moro closely tho conduct of their
chosen servants in public contrnctB
Involving largo expenditure of money.
Thoro is no doubt that contractors
will, as a rule, obtain all of tho pro(U
poBslblo out of Important work, such
as thnt now being dono In tho con
struction of big brldgoH In tho city of
Portland, oven though tho "assist
ance" of trusted public sorvants,
whoso sworn duty It Is to protect tho
intercuts of tho peoplo must bo ac
quired In Homo wny. Thoro scomfl to
bo renBon to suspect that such "as
Hlstnnco" has boon given In somo of
tho largo brldgo contracts now In pro
cohb of completion but so far It Is
only a suspicion, Lot tho good work
of Investigation by disinterested
ugontH bo comploto, no matter what
tho result may bo to somo of our
trusted local agents. High olllclnls In
tho conduct of our municipal business,
whoso rccordB aro tinlmpoachablo,
should bo among tho first to Insist on
such nn Investigation as Is now pro
posed, If tho taxpayors of tho city of Po it
land and tho county of Multnomah
nro being robbed by conscienceless
contractors, thoy ought to havo cour
age enough to purbiio tqo mnttor to n
satisfactory conclusion nnd that con
clusion can bo reached only through
official Investigation, Indictment and
summary prosecution of thoso guilty
of purposely Ignoring their uworn ob
ligations, Tho Now Ago can boo no othor lion
orablo way out of tho mess.
Lot tho Inquiry bo completo In ovory
detail; and thon, if rogues bo found
feeding on tho fat of tho public trens-
ury, let thorn bo punUhed to maximum
Tho mannor In which tho peoplo of
tho Groat East will bo attracted to
tho Great West during tho Lewis aud
Clark Exposition and Oriental Fair
noxt year will, according to estimates
carefully made and figures compiled
thereon, exceed anything ovor record
ed in tho way of nttondanco nt an
International show so far away from
tho great centers of population. Secre
tary Henry E. Rood of tho Fair Com
mission himself concludes that moro
than u million pcoplo from distant
pnits of tho country will came; nnd
bo arrives at this conclusion through
a caroful study of his correspondence
nnd tho gcnoial demand for hotol ac
commodations so far In advance.
Thoro can bo llttlo reason for doubt
that tho nttondnnco, especially from
tho states of tho cast and middle wost,
will bo enormous, Tens of thousands
of pcoplo who nro anxious to find
homes in tho west will bo nttrncted by
that fact nlono, whllo many moro,
who havo lclsuro and means, will
como on their annual vacation to sco
tho big show and to onjoy tho admir
able climatic conditions prevalent at
tho time of tho exposition, Many of
tho latter class havo been hero be
foro nnd know that, barring untoward
accident, their vacation ought to bo
ono continual round of pleasure
Then others will como puroly on mat
ters of ovcry-dny business, on account
of tho low rntes of transportation, en
Joying tho great centennial sights nnd
ceremonies merely as nn Incident of
the trip.
By far tho greatest and most per
manent ndvantago to bo derived by
tho northwest from these distant vis
itors will bo from those who como on
business thnt Is, tho business of Boe
ing tho country for tho purpose of
Investment If they find tho proper In
ducement. Few of this class will re
turn In disappointment.
Saying nothing of the numbor of
pcoplo who will visit tho fair, tho mil
lions of dollars thnt will be carried
hero for pormanent Investment (nnd
will find tho nttractlvo chanco to re
main hero) will bo a great factor, as
ono Important result of tho exposi
tion, In tho moro rapid and substan
tial growth and development of tho
vast resources of tho great north
west. Dlrcetor-Ocncrnl doodo and other
prominent ofllclnls of tho fair manage
ment discover nt this tlmo reason to
bollevo thnt tho Lewis and Clark Con
tonnlnl will bo tho greatest Interna
tional exposition over held especial
ly so In tho mnttor of permanent re
sult for tho promotion of the best In
terests of tho country nt largo and
tho vast northwestern omplro In par
Tho antl-grnft element of buslnosa
men to meet tomorrow nt 3 o'clock at
tho Marqunm Ornnd opera Iioubo havo
a most excellent opportunity to ac
complish much desired results If
thoso who conduct tho organization bo
Hlncero nnd Bubstantlnlly Interested
In tho outcomo of their work. Tho
purpouo of tho meeting Is said to bo
to ondorso and encourage tho move
ment now on foot looking to a bettor
enforcement or tho law, tho elimina
tion of graft from our public affairs
and tho betterment of tho general
moral tono of tho community. It Is
tho Intention to extend encourage
ment to nil thoso Who nro now en
gaged lu this groat light, rcgnnlloHB
of politics or rollgloiiB iilllllatlous, mid
to meet together oji tho common piano
of tho public welfare.
Henlly prominent buslnesn men of
tho city nro onrnestly engnged In tho
promotion of this movement and there
Is good renson to antlclpato an Inter
esting discussion of public affairs, es
pecially In connection with recent dis
closures of apparent nlllclnl mistiness,
To obtnln access to tho star-chamber
council of dishonest officials Is,
howover, frequently difficult, for tho
reason that rogues who nro brae
enough to attempt to rob tho public
nro gonornlly ahrowil enough to op
ganlzo ngaliiHt popular invasion, such
as that proposed; but It has boon
shown that tho task Is not an impos
slblo ono. Homo progress has recent
ly been mndo in this city In that ro
spoct enough to encourngo tho now
anti-graft sentiment among our bus
iness men to mnko u determined ef
fort to succeed bettor than somo of
their predecessors havo. Thoro is
somo dogrco of excuse to hopa that
they may. It Is a worthy causo and
ought to bo encouraged, at least, by
a largo attendance
Assistant General Passenger Agent A,
1). Charlton, of the Northern
Tho building nnd successful man
agement of railroads havo become ono
of tho greatest Industries of tho ago.
Thorefore, to becomo great In tho
matter of tho development of railroad
business is to ncqulro a notablo dis
tinction In tho Important affairs of
tho world.
Such has boon tho success of tho
career of Assistant ueuerai niBson
gor Agent A. D. Charlton, of tho
Northern Pacific Railroad Company,
who lias for twenty years been ono
of tho prominent spirits In promoting
tho growth of tho passonger business
of that gieat transcontinental lino, In
tho sovornl capacities In which ho has
Borved that company ho hns given em
inent proof of tho fact that ho Is nat
urally n railroad man, an ability which
ho Inhorlted, his father having years
ago achieved distinction as n railroad
Asldo from having oxtondod great
services for bo many years to tho
lnterestti of tho Northern Paclfio lu
tholr growth, Mr. Charlton Is ono of
tho most popular railroad men on the
continent, not only in railroad circles,
but with everybody who may have
enjoyed tho good fortune to havo be
come acquainted with htm. He' is
eminently n man of modern business
Ideas and methods, tho noul of honor
In every walk of life and a most gen
ial man to .meet.
Tho land-fraud cases in the federal
court havo been postponed until next
year. Whllo tho purpose of tho public
prosecutors seem a llttlo bit myster
ious to tho average layman, who isn't
supposed to understand tho enso as
well as thoBO who ought to know all
about it, it may be that it is tho pur
pose of tho government to mako nn
attractive exhibit of tho wholo mnttor
at tho Lewis and Clark exposition. In
that event tho moral of tho result
would, of courso, havo a much wider
circulation than through nny othor
existing medium.
Over ono million dollnra will bo re
quired to meet tho public expenses of
Oregon noxt year. That sum Is so
enormous nB to prompt tho secretary
of state to urgo officially that expend
itures must bo reduced. Thoro is no
doubt that tho secretary is eminently
right; but who will submit tho plan
on which tho reduction may bo mndo?
Not tho secretary, nor tho grcnt co
torlo of officials who nro enjoying tho
graft, nor nnyono else, so fnr as heard
from at this writing.
Cnnnda does not tako kindly to the
proposition to establish a navy from
which Great Britain could recruit her
own. Somehow or othor, tho colonics
nro beginning to grow rcstlvo under
tho complimentary Insinuation that
tho children of tho emplro nro too du
tiful to lot their old mother work, and
that tho latter will fondly allow thoro
to assumo as much of lior burden as
aha can get thorn to accept.
Port Arthur Is about to fall again.
Tho last of tho Russians' grcnt war
ships, Sevastopol, has been Bunk. Tho
Japanese forces now havo much less
to fear In their siege of tho grcnt Man
churlnn stronghold. But Stoossol is
still thoro nnd as long as ho romalns
wo will henr no Japanese firo crack
ers. Tho grand Jury, which has recently
dono much Important work, is anx
Ioub to adjourn. Just what It hns
really dono Is not fully known to tho
public nnd mny not bo for Bomo tlmo
yet; but It hns been n busy body nnd
hnB succeeded in frightening n good
many bad people
An English writer snys that Ameri
can wealth Is vulgar, and thnt our
millionaires aro uninteresting. Per
haps that 1b why they show auch
respect for our millionaires over
there, and display such strong dcsliu
to annex our wcnlth.
Professor Jacques Loob of tho Uni
versity of Chicago Ib said to bo nble
to mako tho dead soamlngly nllvo.
Professor Jacques Loch will plenso
atop tho practice Thoro nro enough
of thoso seomlngly allvo ones walking
around now.
A Northwestern university profes
sor has decided that "heavens" Is a
cuss word, but ho Is kind enough to
lenvo "bah Jovo" off tho index ox
purgatorlus. Tho north Missouri Father who has
an elghteon-ounco pear In Ills orchnid
and a twolvo-pound boy In tho mir
sory Ib glad that tho boy Isn't n pair.
Thoro Is talk of putting a heavy tax
on boor In Gormnny. Apparently they
mnko no exceptions over thoro In
favor of tho necessities of life.
Columbus had another funeral the
othor day. If Gabriel finds Christo
pher when o tlmo comes bo will
havo to look sharp.
A Minneapolis woman fasted for
thtrty-nlno days to get -rid of apo
plexy. Sho'll nover havo it again,
MaruiworatB va. uoin0rau
Darwin concluded that the earth
worm in At year brings up soil
enough to cover the ground one inch
thick, and that, therefore, the result
of Its labor ! of vast importance. I
reckon that tho pocket gopher does
tbla in five mouths. It does not do it
in tbe aame way or so effectively, be
cause the earthworm actually digests
the substance of its castings; but it it
evident that the pocket gopher's meth
od auawers the purpose of fully die
Integrating and mixing the dead vege
tation with the soil to produce a rich
aud fertile black loam. Century,
A Good Itule.
Look for goodness, look for gladucta,
You will meet thtm all the while.
If you bring a smiling visage
To the glass, you uistt a smile.
Alice Oary,
It ia easy to see what should be
dose; but ooly a few are able to do It
' ' tt-fH 1 1 M-4
Blnsan on the Hhlna.
A. soldier of .the Legion lay dying in At
ferlaj There was lack of woman's nursing,
there was denrth of woman's
But a comrade stood beside him, while
his life-blood ebbed away,
And beut with pitying glnnce to hear
whnt he might iay,
Tbe dying soldier faltered as he took that
comrade's hand,
And he said: "I never more shall aee my
own, my native land.
Take n mssnge and a token to some dis
tant friends of mine;
For I was born at Blngeu at Blngen ou
tho Rhine!
"Tell my brothers and companions, whon
they meet and crowd around
To henr my mournful story, In the pleas
ant vineyard ground,
That we fought tho battle bravely; and
vi hen the day wns done
Fall many a corpse lay ghastly pale be
neath the setting sun.
And 'midst the dend and dying were
some grown old In war,
The dentli-wounds on their gallant
breasts the Inst of many scars;
But some were youiiK, and suddenly be
held life's morn decline;
And one had comn from Blngen fair
Blngen on tho Ithlnel
my mother thnt her other
shall comfort her old ago,
For I was still n truant bird that thought
his home n ciiko;
For my father was a soldier, nnd oven nn
n child
My heart leaped forth to henr him toll
of struggles fierce nnd wild;
And when he died, nnd left us to divide
his scanty hoard,
I let them tnko whnte'er they would
but kept my father's sword;
And with boyish love I hung It where
tho bright light tixcd to shlno
On the cottngn wall at Blngen calm
Blngen on thu Rhino!
"Tell my sister not to weep for me, nnd
sob with drooping head,
When the troops como innrchlng home
again with glnd nnd gallant tronil,
But to look upon them proudly, with a
cnlm nnd stendfnst eye,
For her brother wns a soldier, too, and
not afraid to die;
And If a comrade seek her love, I ask
her In my name
To listen to him fuuiMy, without regret
or shame,
And to hang the old sword In Its plnco,
my father's sword and mine,
For tho honor of old Illngen dear Bln
gen on tho Rhluu!
"There's nnother, not a sister; In the
happy days gone by
You'd havo known her by tho merriment
that sparkled la her eye;
Too Innocent for coquetry, too fond for
Idle scorning;
0 friend, I fear tho lightest heart makes
sometimes heaviest morning.
Tell her tho last night of my life (for or
this moon be rliru
My body will be out of pnln, my soul b
out of prison),
1 drenmed I stood with her, and saw the
yellow sunlight shine
On the vluo-clnd hills of Blngen fair
Rlucen ou tho lthluel
"1 saw the bluo Ithlne sweep along; 1
henrd, or scorned to hear,
The Gsrinan songs wo used to slug, In
chorus sweet and clear;
And down the plensnnt river, and up the
slanting hill,
The echoing chorus sounded through tin
evening cnlm and still;
And her glsd blue oyes ero on me as
we passed, with friendly talk,
Down many a path beloved of yoro, and
well-remembered walk,
And her llttlo Imiul lay lightly, confid
ingly In mine;
But we'll meet no more nt Blngen loved
Blngen on the Rhino!"
toIco crow faint nud hoars
grasp wns childish weak;
Ills eyes put on n dying look ho sighed,
and censed to speak;
Ills comrade bent to lift him, but the
spark of life had fled;
The soldier of the Legion In a foreign
land wns dead!
And the soft moon rose up slowly, and
calmly she looked down
On the. red snnd of the battlefield, with
bloody corpses strewn.
Yee, calmly on that dreadful scene her
pale light seemed to shine,
As it shone on distant Blngen fair Bln
gen on the Rhine!
Caroline E. Nortou.
Dutch Heem Ilent on the Extermina
tion of the Achillea.
With slight Intervals for refresh
ment and rest the war of tho Dutch
against tho Achlueso line been going
on for moro than a century, and,
though tho once powerful kingdom of
Achln Is now confined to the northwest
cornor of Sumatra, tho natives are still
unsubdued. Each expedition sent
against tho Achlueso, though tempor
arily successful, has been followed by
llttlo lasting benefit except that attri
tion haa gradually worn away tho an
cient kingdom.
This long war, alwaya conducted
with great ferocity on both aides, now
stems to have degenerated into a
struggle of extermination, In which
women and children share the fate of
their sons and fathers. The Dutch
regard the Achtneso as barbarians, but
little can be said for the civilisation
typified by the Dutch commander who
calmly announces as a detail of his
victory the slaughter of 381 women
ami eighty-eight children.
Btrangely enough, thla announce
ment, Instead of being suppress! by
tne goTernmont of the Netherlands, is
aent broadcast over the world, accom
panied by no adverse comments or a
hint of official action against the com
manding general of the expedition.
And tbe Dutch capital is the seat of
The Hague tribunal, the place from
which rule for the amelioration of
the conditions of war, Its avoidance
aud its final extinction are supposed
to emanate.
A Mean Slap.
MUs Oldun (coylr) When he propos
ed I kept him lu suspenss (or at least
ten mtuutea.
MUs Sharp Oh, I guess not! I sup.
poe It mereij- seemed that leag to
you. Philadelphia Ledger.
Old age can die Its whlakera. bat
old age can't look young.
Hotol Victoria, Spoknno, loading ho
tel. Rates, $1.00 and up. Largo nam
plo rooms for commercial men. W.
M. Watson, proprietor.
Tho Qrnndon Hotol, Helena, Mont.,
Is ono of the first-class up-to-date ho
tels In Montana for commercial trav
elers. Jos. Davis, proprietor.
J. T. Concannon, oysters, fish, poul
try "and groceries, 681 Johnson
street, corner 21st strcot, Phono Main
1747, and phono Mnln 4252.
Try tho North Const Limited. The
finest train on earth. When going
East sco that your ticket reads over
the Northern Pacific, and you will en
Joy your trip East.
Butto Transfer Co., baggago and
passonger checked to all parts of the
city, Tho only reliable transfor com
pany in tho City of Butte. Thos, Lo
voile, proprietor.
Tho Tncoma Hotel, tho only up-to-date
hotel in Tacoma, headquarters
for tourists and commercial travelers.
American plan. $3.00 per day and up
wards. W. B. Blackwcll, manager.
Mr. W. T. Hawkins Invites his
many friends to glvo him a call at his
now grocery Btoro, 547 Washington
strcot, whoro ovcrybody will be
treated with courtesy.
Don't you know that tho finest nB
sortmont of trimmed hats aro now be
ing sold at special snlo and nt re
markably low figures by tho Portland
Millinery Company, at 133 Fifth
street? Don't you know that you are
received and waited on nt thnt popu
lar houso with tho most courteous
treatment at all times? Don't you
know that you can't get such flno
trimmed hats nnywhero clso In the
city at such low prices? You ought
to know these things nnd you ought
to go there today and get yourself n
new hat. Rcmcmbor tho number, 133
Fifth Btrect.
Oregon Cash Grocery
1'. Welitimmlcl, 1'roprletor.
Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries
Phono Clsy ln.'fl
a3j North Fourteenth, Cor. Marshall
Cor. 23d nnd Thurnmu 8ts.
Phono Main 1010 PORTLAND, OKEUON
Prompt Delivery. 547 Washington St.
Tel. Mill. W. T. HAWKOTS. Prop.
Promptness is the essence of all
good business: lack of it the cause
of many failures.
W. H. BROTT, Mgr.
Sacramento, Cal,
149 Third St., near Morrison
Carry a Complete Auorlment of
Men's, Ladles', Boys' and Glrb' Shoes,
the best for the money, all the time.
An Elegant Auortmcnt of
For Xtmi Gifts. Sole Agents for the
juttly celebrated Hanan Shoes
Leading Shoe Mouse
149 Third Street
Millinery Sale
Great Reduction Sale
of Trimmed Hats
This Week
Portland Millinery
313 Fifth St.
Near Alder
Muck Hardware Go
Second and Morrison Streets
Mijistio Mallitkli RiRfis
Mmka aid Crowi Still Rugis
MMiuics' Tools ud
Gamut Nirdwin
Pocket Cutlery Table Cutlery
Shears and Scissors
Razors and Barber Supplies
Electric Pocket Lamps
We have a Full Line of Quadruple Plate
Silver Table Hollow Ware, on which we
will give a 25 per cent discount as a Christ
mas Gift for that day only. Sec our stock
before buying.
Mil ill I lis IB HI lissiaii Ti
Safes. Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Fire
proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled.
Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON
Great Falls
Engineers, Machinists
Special npplinnccs mndo in Steel,
UrnBH nnd Sjiccinl Mixtures of Cast
Iron. Heavy hihI Llcht ForitltiKH
made to order. Workmanship
Are Manufacturers' Agents for
Machinery, Hollers, Engines ami
Wnter Wheels. Mnko a specialty
of Stump Shoes, Dies nnd Roll
Shells, which nro superior in,polnt
of strength nud resistance to
Ore Treating Devices
Given Special Attention
Mnln Office and Works.
ssssfl .sssssssssB sBSl33H . iHB stH11
V ' JCrT ..T " SfflLisssssssssssssssssul issssM -sssfl
M, wM
irXSQsMssisi X4ssssflsssssssssft&,.
f"MW I iiiifWi sssMsWsT"" XzJwMir-' : JJssssfti
fflssssisisisisH lflrniliHS...H.H
THIS modern establishment with its immense and varied
stocks merits the "patronage of all. Whether it be
something to wear, to eat, to furnish your house, or any
thing else, you can get it here.
We want every reader of The New Age within our
territory to join the mighty ranks of pleased and prosper
ous customers already dealing with us.
REMEMBER OUR MOTTO "We Sell Everything
and Everything the Very Best."
Brings comfort and cheer
fulness during the long win
ter nights. Enjoy a few
comforts while you are alive
for you are a long time dead ,
Portland General Electric Co
Iron Works
and Founders
8th Ave. N., 13th to 14th Sts.
,- i