- 4r "WWWftfWWflBi "KH TELE idlhKr "AGft fcOfcl'laAOT, OREGON. ""Cswjjts; AV. , V.- r' - . .-. r &' rv 4v. fflgtf". - m. ?z x - ffy cT- : ', : 3'- -' C- ' A." . SPiiT. &it I53 f -7" .i1 !UC-l. Uk3kv '. -, - -" ., Sr? - TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTBETH, l'rcs. JOHN II. AltKLEY, 80c. anl Trens. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsomo illustrated booklet on Tacoma, Just Issued. L,. R.'MANNINCI, Prwss. A. T. HOflMBR, Seo'y L,. R. MAIN1NIINCI dfe CO., Inc. .Rel Estate Loans and Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. ' BQUITABI-E BUMLDINQ TACOMA, WASH. Uome Made Pastry Fine Coffee Oysters and Game In Bcsson VIENNA CAFE IIUUKHT BICKKU, i'rop. Mil I'liclOo Avenue, Erenrthlnir first Clsss and Up-to-l)Mo TACOMA, WASH JOT ONTY'S tllinST BTOllE Itorlln uulldtiig. 113 8outh 11th St. Tclephuno, Main 191. TACOMA, WASHINGTON 'SUNRISE BAKERY D. McI'UEKHOX. Proptlotor. .'All klndi of vBread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE BED 1506. J 07 South K St. TACOMA, VASH. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesalo Manufacturers of BREAD, OAKE'S, ETC. 043 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma Washington FULTON MARKET Hosiers In " . .'Butter. Hrrs and Cheese, Fresh and 1 Salted Smoked Meats. Alt Hindi of Poultry and Oamo In Seaiou .Highest Market Prlre Paid for all Kindt of Poultry, Veal, Etc, 1208 Jefferson Arc. Tolephono Main 2(3 RAINIER MARKET r'ac'lllo Avo. Tclophono 275 TACOMA WASH. THE HORSE SHOE CLUB "hia, J. 1'KARi'AU, I'ropriotor. THE TIGER V1LL BE TURNED LOOSE IN TWO WEEKS Tine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND Billiard and Pool Room in Connection -1115 Pacific Avenue TACOMI.'W.SH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $3 00 Hat Monarch and Cluett Shirts. 1U9K Pacific Avo. TACOMA Tacoma Marble I Granite Wks. BIZEB & 03TI.UNP, Piopr!ctor. ESTIMATES GIVEN IV US ON CUT STONE Yard Cor. 24th and East I Stt. Office 733 St. Helen's Avenue Telephone Black 1876 Tacoma, Washington Kememfoer Jones Sells Pure Drugs -Successor to Stewart & Holmes Drug Co. Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. 912 Pacific Ave. Q, A. BLAKE J.I). SMITH EAT T. B. C BREAD MADE BY "Tacoma Baking Company - 913 Tacoma Ave. Telephono Junes Wl TACOMA WASH. Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Lauadries in the Northwest. ISOO-ll O Street 1310-12 Commercial Street VaUfbone Main 33) Tacaaa, Waifclagtoa e ykiMaflfiaAHajflflMaVV Tt OAYBE DBUO CO. patent tncdlolnea, etc. Thin More ti notel for Ita carelulncis In nilliiR prcgcrlptloni and (or lair prlcci. llw Pacific Arenue Tadoma, ' Wash. rpHK PACIFIC MQtJOll AND WINE HOUSE. N. BEUTElt, Proprietor The best 61 Wines, Liquors and CI nut. family iraue a specialty. Tel. Bed 1731. 16W1 Pacific Ave. 1SOS Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington Tclophbno Main VS. Opposite Tacoiaa Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CBEAU AND ICE CBEAM. No. 812 A Street. Tacoma, Wash Telophone 03 V30 C street Jm LJRobmHm A Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs. M. J. Finn, AisUtant Tacoma, Wash Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water- Hcatlnff, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commcrco St. Tacoma, Wash. UINIOIN MARKET H. II, McKEE, Proprietor, Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN 317. 1104 South K St. TACOMA; WmIU MBNZIBS Tha Mon'a Furrilaitiop . UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MEN WAITERS' SUPPLIBS A SPECIALTY IOOI Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Waah. Muehlen br uch Manufacturer of tfie Finest Grade Chocolate unci Bonbons lew Craam and Shrbets PARLORS Mil TACOMA AVENUE TelopitoVio Mulii 730 Puget Sound Eectric Railway Interurban Leavo Tnooma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no HtopH) 10:10, 11 :10 a 111, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no fttons). 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11 :15 p in. U-nvo Sfnttlo 0:80,8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no Htopn), 10:00, 11:00 11 111, 12 111, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00 (Ltd., no titops). 6:00, 0:00, 7-jOO, 8:00, 0:09, 10;00, 11:15 p ju, PUVALLUP DIVISION Loavo PuynUuii 5 :S0, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 1 1 -.00 n in, 1 :00, 2 :00, 3 :00, 4 :00, 5 -.00, 0115, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15 pin. LcnvoOtli nnd Commurco Stfl. 5:40, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 urn, 1:00, 2:00, .1:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8J15, 11:15 p in, (5:30 a in omitted Sundays) FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard About STEINBLOCK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1120-22 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH ; j SPOKANE 1 H OTEL ALBEUT John 8. nimble, Proprietor. 2.17 Uivcralde Ave. Furnished looms, bar ami Millard room In connection. Hotel phone Main 1121. . BPOKANE, WASHINGTON D. A. CARMEL Dealer lh Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 467 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, VASH. WJ-- - - ... ! THE SPOKANE CAFE TI10 LcndhiR Cnfo of Ln Grnntlu Avuntic. One block from tho Dupot. Meals at nil hours. Kvur tiling tlrat-clnss. J. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor D UI'IIENBU BUFFET - --.J 218 Howard' Btroct. Phono Main t9. BPOKANE, WA8H1NQTON Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The mod eomnlete ttocfc of Drue and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our - Prescription Department merits your confidence. 401 Riverside Ave. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Btatollank) BPOKANE, WASHINGTON A State" Bank. Transacts a G-cncral Banking Business. Capital 140,000.00. Individual worth ofntockholctcru oreMU l,000,ouo.00. OFFICKIIH AND DIUKtrrOltHl Uonatd Uniulinrl, Prmldf nt. Hubert blirrTi'l, Vice Prrldrnt. A. It, Mwniitoii, Vice President. J, II. Clancy, Uiwliler. (I. V. Tliomtm, Thomas lIyloi, William (liinmlll, Hobcrt llyalop. Die Olnnii, Paul Prient, . Jlulittt (IiiiiiiIiij. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Called for md Deliv ered to Any Part at tha City Phone Main 286. 911 Bridge Ave. SPOKANE ' WASHINGTON Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. t 120 Madison Street, SPOKANC, WASH. Wholesale and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENQFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. 11 Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 213 Washington Street Phone Main 30t We ihlp everywhere and anywhere Stmkmn Urnkmry Oo. B. L. GORDON & COAIPANY WHOLESALE, QROCHRS SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNGK MILL. AND K. H. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash, THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Greatest Grocery OF THE Northwest Importers of Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries Wo inako o Bpcclalty of supplying pri vate cars. Send for catalogue Mail orders solicited. 521-523 SHUUE AVENUE wild bill's first fiqht. U -Wna 'Wounded bat Killed Blx Mens ben of tha" McKandlna Clang. Wild Bill, whose real namo was James Uickok, first enme west In 1857, mid drove an ox tonm on tho plains for Mnjors Sc Ituesell In 1800. Ho 8iibscquntly engngtxl himself to tho ovoflmid stage company ns stock tender nnd was put In chnrge of a new stnirrj station on Hock Creek, near the old McKandlas stntlon, which wna Kcncrally known as llobbora' Boost This was the headquarters for tho Mc- Kaudlns gang, a crowd that had held together since the Mlssourl-Kaatsns border ruffian days nnd generally had things their own way. A man named Flcklln, nnd n number one stage hand, was the superintendent. He tried to buy out the McKnhdlas station, but falling in this, he built a new one near by, putting young Hlckok in chargo. Up to that tlmo ho had never experi enced trouble with nny one, nnd was not likely to hnvc friction, especially with the old stntlon keeper, McKan dlas, or hla men. In the winter of i800-0l McKandlas and his nephew and four other men passed by tho new station on horse back, leading nn old man who was afoot They had n rope around tho old fellow's neek, nnd occasionally they would tako n fow turns around tho horn of the saddle, make n run on the ropo nnd Jerk tho old man down and drag htm on the ground until ho was nearly dead. The only spite they bad ngntnst him was that ho was n North Methodist preacher. If Wild mil was anything ho wns an abolition ist and free-soller nnd loyal to tho United States. Tho McKantllaB crowd was planning to make a raid on sev eral stations to aecuro the stock nnd go south. They told young Hlckok they would tako the stock. lie replied that ho would be there. When they returned late In tho even ing two stopped nt tho corral, two went the front nnd two to tho bnclc door of tho cablti or hut, Hlckok told thorn ho would shoot the first man who took down tho burn of tho corral. Tho elder McKaiullas fired at Hlckok, but inlosod him. Hlckok returned tho flro with n rifle, nnd shot McKnndlns In the heart. Tho next xhot from Hlckok killed tho nephew, nnd tho two foil ut tho front door. Just then tho two at tho bnck door opened tiro. Ono shot from a dnublo-barrcled gun lodged sev en full-grown buckshot Into -Hlckok's right side nnd breast, two of which entered his lungs. Tho two mon who stopped nt tho corrnl camo to tho ns ststnuco of th. two mn nt tho house. Hlckok wns then In n hand-to-hand fight with four mon. Ho killed threo of them In tho house, and wounded tho other bo badly that ho died on tho prairie. Donvor Field and Kami. OLD FARMS NOT FOR SALE. Nan Knglundera Hold Them for Ilurlnl HItea. "All tho farms In Now England nre not In the market," said n man whoso business tends to speculation In farm proporty. "Some nro belug held by the old people as a matter of soutl ment. "In ono of my recent trips down In Maine I stopped at a farmhouse that wns eroctod more than sixty years ngo. The owner did not ktiow It, but I hnd gone nil over his land and hnd taken a fancy to It. Ho and his housekeoper wero tho solo occupant of tho house at the tlmo of my visit. "We wero on tho vcrandn ono oven Ing, whon I broached the subject of buying his farm. Ho said It was not for sale nt any prlco. I suggr-stcd ns diplomatically ns I could that li would not noed the plnco much longer, nnd that with tho money I proposed to pay him ho could pass tho remntudor of his days In penco and Independence. "I knew that ho hnd n boy In New York who waH doing well, nnd who would nover nUnrn to the old farm. I mentioned this ns an Inducement to make the trudo. II o shook his head tho more determinedly. " 'That's the reason,' he said, 'that I don't want to soil.' If It wns not for that boy I might be tempted to let the old placo go. Hut It's this way: " 'Ho wns born here. He went to school not more than threo miles from here. He knows every path In tho woods. He has played nil over this ground ns fur sb your eyes can Bee; " 'Just ncroBS tho field over thcro Is the family burying ground. Ills moth er nnd brother and slstor nro nil thcro, side by sldo. I guess you nre right when you sny ho will not wnnt to come bnck. He's got to bo qulto n city man, and I novor expect to suo him como back here to II vo. Perhaps 'taln't nat ural that ho should. " 'I ain't never asked him to como back, and I don't think that I ever 'shall. Hut homo of these days when ho gets ulong whore I am now, mayba he'll get tired. Of course, he'll liuvo his own homo In the city by that tlmo, whero he can sit dowu and take it easy. 1 liopo so, " 'Hut after that it may be some con solation to him to know that ho will he sent back here, That's why tho farm ain't for sale.' "And this refusal to sell Is the re fusal of many others In the old State. They aro holding on their places for the sake of their children who have gone nway, but who, they nro sure. will be sent back If they do not como of their own volition. That Is why tho old farms in New Kngland aro not for sale." Now York Hun. Out r Work. "I would clttdly work, ma'am." rn. plied tho tramp, when reproached for oegging, "iu in" met is t can t mm any work at my tradts" "That's unfortunnto. What Is your trade?" "I'm nn aniberirtls hunter. Ynn ttnmv ambergris U worth f 14 an ounce, but notwiiusinnuing mat ana mat it can bo found In the ocean no quo will ad vance mo money to purchase n steam ship in order to go nftor It." Detroit Free Press. Somehow, when every woman catches sight of herself and husband In a mirror, sho Is reminded of a story she once rend year ngo called "Beauty and the lieast." After an undertaker gets through with a roan thcro Is never any llkcll hood of him coming to Ilfo again. I SEATTLE WASH i Itatlroail Avo. loot of Conn St. I'himo Main 973 NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill' and Mining Machinery. Agent-Mleti & Weiss Kerosene Engines. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Third and Columbia Thonk Main 13 BONNY & WATSON CO ( lt!CCR50!lS TO ) BONNY & STEWART rUNKIIAI. DIHKCTOItS AND EMtULMKH.1 Lady Anl.tant At- QMitf IWl:n waya In Attendance. OCaUie,.Wa5Il. TUB Quaker Drug Co. SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. Glaussen Brewing Ass'n Drawers and Uottlcrs of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SKATTI.lt, U. S. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals EVERETT WASH ritate I.lconce No. H. I.ady Assistant JOHN F. JERREAD Undertaker and Embalmer Day and NlKht Korvlco VXV Ilroadway Telephone Main 2.10 CARBANADO .COAL Absolutely tho bust Coal on tho market No Clinkers, Rock, Done nor Soot, nothing but I'uro Coal Everett Coal Company C. I. Cl.AKK, I'rop. Phono Main 125 1905 Hewitt Ave. EVERETT BAKERY & LUNCH ROOM WEBSTER BROS., ProprUtors Fine Bakery Lunch Served We make a specialty of Home Made Bread A full Line of bakery goods al ways on hand Order work a specialty HJ4 1-2 Hwltt Av. Phone Rtd 1276 Loewenberg & Going Co. MtiiiufuiHurrr of and dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all First-OlaM Dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market, 22 Ut SM Taylor Ktroot, 183 to It) I h'ecoml Htroot, Portland, Oregon OLYMPIA CAFE Hno wires, llijuors and domot c cigars nnd Key West cigars Hlways on hand. rnr WULF & MOHLERS IVj Cth and IrrliiK btreel. A. SWANSON TAILOR Full Dress and Business Suits to Order, Cleaning and Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed 366 Russell St. PORTLAND .... KKr-A hA X r- . - r-. . , t Witt OKOUOE, i (Successor to Geo. Bcrthold) UNDERTAKER & OIBALMER. Open day and night. Telephone W. Uradttato ot Champion School of Kmbalmtng; Licensed from Colorado and Montana. 409 Central Avenue, Great l'alls, Montana W.It.I.EARn.l'res. . II. IIOTSKTII. Ut Vice l'rcs. and Bee. W. L. JOI1N80N, 2nd Vico l'rcs. and Trcas CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. II. Lcard. Mutineer. Telephone 74. , . 117 First Are. North Hhort order work a specialty. Great Kails, Montana Cloths Man, Woman, Boy in Modern Up-to-Dato Fasliionnblo Clothllig at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women, a rent Falls, Montana. JOHN I). KYAN, President. 1). J. IIKNNKHSY. Vico President, JOHN (1. MOItONY, Cashier. E. J. IIOWM AN, Ass't Cashier. MAKK SKlNNEIt, Ass't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, Capital, $200,000. IHloslts, 11,300,000 ASSOCIATE IIANK8: Daly llanlt ,fc Trust Co., Ilntte. Daly Dank A Trust Co., Anaconda. K. A.ltKK'IIKt,, President. W. F. HKNGIIUHCIt, Vico I'resldcnt, II. W, OllUNWAI.DT, Bco. .V Treas THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Urowers and Holtlers of extra quality layicr beer. "Amurlcnii Family" bottled beer a specialty. Ofllco: 101) Central Avenue. P. O. llox 80. Great Falls, - - - Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, I'ald titt Capital I ll),) Individual KvspolislblUty '.',0110,000 O.CON'HAD. President. JAMIMT.HrAM'Oltn, Vico I'res. and Manager. P. KI'.I.I.Y, Cashier SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano Moving- and Heavy Freighting Dealer in Coal and Wood Wnrclioiiso on It. it. Truck, Ninth Avo. South. Pliouti Wl M Olllco with Great Fulls Ilanhwmi Co., -110 Central Avo. I'houcH, Itcsiduiiuu fill A, Olllco 102 GREAT FALLS, MONT. j OMAHA NEBRASKA : OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Isllioonly exclusive iingKaxo lino In Omaha and I ho only emu rucoKiiuul hy the rallruad. Commercial and theatrical business a spe cialty. City rates the lowest. Ov Your Ohmek to Our Agmnt On Trmlnm or f Dmtot, 131 Howard Street ASK FOR KRUG Tho llcor you llko. Anonclfri in all Western Cities and Towns. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO I1KTTUK BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS OltDKIt ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neh PAXTON AND GALLAGHER GO. Importers, Coffee Roasters and Jobbing Grocers Oldrtt Jobbing Grocers in the West. Ej tablUhcd 1863-1901. Special attention given to mall orders. Omaha, Nab. : B0ZEMAN OOHAitT&YATKS, ' Dealer In Frmmh mnd Salt Mmmtm And Poultry. Manufacturers ot sausage and lard. Fish and game In season, llorcnian, ..... Montana Statement of the Condition of the C0MMERGI1L HITIONIL 8INK, of Bozimin, Mtitim. At tho Close of Business, Sept. 15, 190a (No. 4968.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $82,041.50. OKFIOBUS J03KPH KOUNTS5, President. E. ISKUUX. AlAllTia, VICO 1T. QEOltOK COX, Cashier. I,. UKKSi: WKLL8, Asat. (,'AShlor BOH ART Si YATES, Dealer In AND m MEilS and Poultry Manufacturers of sausago and lard. Fish and gaino in season. Bozcman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DOALER IN FINE GROCERIES d Mnln St. West, Bozcman, Monti J DULUTil MINN, j lioth I'honea 257 Troy Steam Laundry 22 East Superior St., Duluth. Call us up and the wagon comes promptly The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American 1'lan, 2.f)0and Uj ICuropean i'lan 1.(X) anil Up Finst Cafe In Northwest DULUTH, MINN HENRY FOLZ leading Kroeery uiid mar ket. Wo Hervo tho traveling puhllo at riMiHonnliln prices. HI and 11(1 West ti.uporlor Htreet. DULUTH, MINN. LAUNDRY Opposite Union Depot. Tho best equipped laundry in tho eity. H. A. BLUME, Pro. DULUTH, MINN. THE BON TON BAKERY and Candy Kitchen J C. HCIIOHKH, l'roj.. Bread, Cakes, Pies and Fanoy Pastry Home Made Chocolates, Bon Bone, Caramels, Tallies, Etc., Etc. M West Kurlur Ut. rtione I1M DULUTil MINNESOTA COLFAX ADVERTISING Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE Sc CO., Managers. Gonoral Warehouse Systom Both 0, R, & N, and N. P, roads, All Kinds oi Grain Bought and Sold. A. M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. lull road Land .U'Oiity la (viiuui-tUm REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS. Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property, Correspondence Solicited, 'Colfax, Washington, SI m