"ana')r j t ? ' K." TKB NEW AGE, PORTLAND, 0B160H. tVf ... I W THE NEW AGE A. D. ORIFF?lN. AtntmRef Office 4ti Second St., cor. Ali, Rooms I and 2 Por(lnd Oregon. Knt orcit at the poMotllcc at Portland, Oregon, scecond'Cla matter. SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance $2,00 I EDITORIAL A DULL CAMPAIGN. In ft llttlo over two wcckH nnothot presidential election will occur, nnd In most pnrtB of the country It will lie one of thn quiet kind. The enm pnlgn hns on the wholo been devoid of excitement nml of the IntcroBt in? unlly tnken hy tlio pcoplo In n prosl tlonllnl election. 'This Ih partly be cntiHu nil well-informed men hnvo nc doubt of tlio result, nnd partly bo cntiso thoro nro no Brent Issues slinrp ly dividing tlio pnrtlea. The country In pretty well off, nnd doesn't wnnt to tnnko a cliango of Ub ndmlnlstrn tlon, even If It Iiub not been entirely perfect, nnd then no posltlvo nnd de finite change Ib proposed by the donv ocrntB. Almost nil thoy do Ib Htrlke back nnd crltlclso this, tbnt ntid the other policy, rather vaguely, without making nny posltlvo pledgoB ns to whnt they would do If thoy hnd n riinnco. Nor, In fnct, would thoy tic differently In nny respect In nny npproclnblo degree, or if they did Ihcro lu good ground for flusplclon thnt thoy would do worso Instead ol bettor. Mr. Bryan, who ntlll has mora fol lowers nnd admirers than any othoi democrat, flnyn Imporlallfltn Ib the par nmount Issue, but it Ib not clenr whnl ho would do, or havo I'nrkor do, about It. Dut If ho did anything It would probably only bo something that the American pooplo would not npprovc of, or thnt would not bo for their ben ?IU, nnd no they don't wnnt It. The l-'lllplnoB nro bettor off than thoy over wore, or would or could bo If left to thomBolvcH, for nit yet thoy could not take euro of thoniHidvoH, but would nt onco fall to destroying one another. Uonldcs, It Ih very Import tint for tho United StntOH to retain the commnndlug position lu tho Ori ent that It accidentally gained there. Tho Oriental commerce of tho future will bo n great thing for tho American pcoplo; thoy want an open door In Clilnu, Jnpau and Korea, and by being In tho I'hlllppluo Islands nro In it position to demnnd what they desire. Mr. Parker will not gain any net otcH by talking Imperialism, or hint ing that wo should abandon tho Is lands. "Mllltnrlsm", that Mr. Ilryan talkH about considerably, Ih only u bogey, nnd thnt ho putn It forward only hIiowh how hard pressed hu Ih for something to hang nu Issuo on. Nobody Ih sen red about our llttlo nrmy, nnd few listen with patience to tho cry of "mllltailum", Kxtrnvagaui'o Ih Judge Parker's chief point of attack, and doubtless Homo expenditures Imvo been borne what more than absolutely necessary, but tho United Btatcu government Is a very big concern to run, nnd to run It takes n good deal of money. No body questions President IIoohovcH'h honesty, nor that as far aa lies lu his power ho will havo none but honest men under him. Tho chances arc that tho government Ih as honestly and economically administered iih It would bo under any president, nnd fai moro efficiently than It would bo K tho democrntH regnlned power. A great deal haa been said about trusts, but hero also the democratic leaders show up In a hnd light, when over thoy begin to tnlk, for It ap pears that sonio of tho woiBt of tho trusts uro supporting nnd contribut ing to them, In fact, with such n candidate as Judgo Parker, nnd such supporters as (lorninn. Ilelmont, Slice linn and others, talk about tho trusts falls flat, und Is considered evorywhoro as Insincere. President Itooaovolt has shown on moro than ono occasion that ho lu not afraid of tho trusts, and la Independent of thorn, and tho anti trust people had rathor trust him than Parker to do whatever curbing of tho trusts Is possible Tho pcoplo rofuso to tnko much In terest or stock In democratic assaults on tho tariff. Tho people nro gonor ally pretty well off, and don't enro nbout tho tariff, or bollovo It Is about as nearly right now as It could bo mado at present, and that democratic tinkering would only inuko It worse. The democrats would not bo In power In congress anyway, even If Parker rhould bo olocted, bo could do nothing wIbo or Bnfo to entrust them with the Job. These nro substantially tho reas ons, besides President Itoosovclt's splendid personality nnd tho confi dence the pcoplo feel In him, why ho will surely nnd cnslly bo elected, nnd why so great n proportion of voters nro taking no grcnt Interest In the campaign. THE TELEPHONE STRIKE. Tho Pacific States Telephone Com pany has sufficient reason, In many Instances that might bo cited, for re fusing to employ glrla who belong to n union, for In bucIi work strict dls clpllno must bo maintained, nnd the company cannot well consent to sub ject Itself to such dictation or Inter ference as might result from n union of tho "hollo girls." This Ib espec ially tho caso when, ns tho mnnngcr points out, this union, If It wcro to be formed, might bo Influenced by othct unions composed of men to go out nt a critical tlmo on a sympathetic strike. Tho company feels that It must protect Itself against such n con tingency, nnd tho position it takes Is not unreasonable. On tho other hnnd, tho girls nppcat to have a Just grievance, In tho mat ter of wages, If In no other respect. With tho cost of living much Increas ed during tho pnst fow years, nnd tho necessity for theso glrla to dress well and live comfortably, not to speak of tho Importance nnd vnliio of their work, It scorns thnt tho pay they re ceive Ib not whnt It ought to be. 01 course this company, like almost nil employers, secures Its labor In thn open market at tho lowest rnto con sistent with clllcleut service, nnd If these girls won't work nt tho wages paid, others will; yet that Is not a sound ethical position to take. The work, tho public generally bollovo, Ib work worth moro thnn Ih paid for It, and If bo tho public, which Ib con- ctnntly nnd Importantly Interested in good sorvlco, havo a right to express that opinion, nnd to do whatever tho reasonably can to mako this opinion Inlluentlnl with tho company. Probably tho other regulations nro leiiHonublo, or not very Important; but the matter of wages Ih something that tho cnmpnny, if It bo making largo dividends, ought to consider. .Such Injustice, If It bo one, or If the public consider It ns such, Ih one ol several causes that will ovciitually lead to tho public ownership of all such public utilities. Tho election down South will bo a lhtattiiWMf'M.ii4i moro farce. Tho farmers and business men nro not kicking about the tariff. Bryan and Cleveland are not overly In lovo with each other yot. Help swell tho majority. Roosovolt Is a friend of tho West. Simon Wolf, now in Portland, Is ono of tho great men of this world. Think of letting lynchers voto nnd disfranchising Booker Washington, L: CLOTHED FOR A WEEK. Mf(fiCMr DAVIDSON GROCERY CO. 1 WHOLESALE QROCERS WHOLESALE QROCERS AND COFFEE ROASTERS LAYS THE BLAME N WOMEN For the Yellow Jonrtinllam of the 1'reneut Way. Molvlllo K. Stone, general manager of tho Associated Press, created n sen- nation In an address before the Gen eral Federation of Women's Glubi In St Louis, when he declared that wom en were largely responsible for whnt Ib known as yellow Journalism. Ho asserted thnt the feminine demnnd for salacious news and gossip, served up In tiie dnlly newspaper, was the primal causo of sensationalism. Tho things which moralists inveigh against most Knowledge of what to wear takes on a new Importance when the lack of It means death. Major Itankln. tif n...A !, Hnl.i rrrA D, b Mount Aeon- " P "' "" when preparing to climb Mount Aeon cagua, one of ihe loftiest mountains of South America, found no small part of his success in reaching the summit was due to the fact that he ing Plant in Idaho was suitably dressed. He says In an roiE article In Longman's Magazine that DW,CC' Cor. 13th and Front Sts. - . - IDAHO Wholesale Grocers ho taken tho "greatest possible pride In being the first to Inform the world TIITTI C UrDRlllTII P fill I TD what It must wear In order to have IUMLX mCnUHIl I ILL UU., LIU. the pleasure of going harmlessly to sleep, for twelve hours In the snow with the temperature ten degrees be low ro." GOODWIN MININO CANDLES .n?1! ?'" mme, AhlDi,W0.?1 tn(1 Judson Powder, Fuse and Caps silk vest to mitigate the tick Una- of tlio brand-new pair of thickest "com-1 blnations," the comprehensive woolen garment which followed next, and en veloped all but bend nnd feet. Then THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK OF DULUTH, MINNESOTA. CAPITAL. SOO.OOO SURPLUS 738,000 U. S. Government Depository. RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO. Mcrcluint and Export Millers of North Dakota. Capacity 2,000 Ilarrcls Dally Jamestown, Valley City and Grand Forks, N. Dak. GENERAL OFFWE, MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA A0EST8 KOK THE CELEBRATED OLYA1PIA BEER enmo two woolen shlrtB, ono on topi K. Poccttello MKLVIt.I.K STO.Nf. NKM' YKAIl'S MAYOR. Already there Ih some tnlk of can didates for mayor and other city olll corn next year, nlthougli the election Ih over suven months off. A good many men, a fow of thorn worthy, but moHt of thorn of rather light caliber for ho Important nu nlllco, would like very well to succeed Judgo Williams, who It Ih Hiippnsed will bo willing to lay down the cares and burdens of tho nlllco. It la especially Important, on account of tho LowIh nnd Clark fair next year, that a big, strong, bright, thoroughly capable man bo elected mayor, though It Ih tather unfortun ate that thn election Ih to occur Just after the fair opens. Tho mayor in the fair year should bo ono of tho ablest men of tho city, ono of largo administrative ability and of super ior address.; nnd It Ih also Important to elect a llrst-class lot of councllmen, It may ponslbly be a good time, when It come h, to discriminate carefully be tween various candidates In voting. Hut there Is no hurry nbout picking out men yet, or considering them bop louuly; for It Ih a long tlmo till spring nnd perhaps n hard winter will In torveno. nro written for women nnd not men. The chnrgo was an unusual ono and Journalists tho country through prob ably would not Indorso the assertion of the ChlcAgonn. Yellow Journalism Is not distinctively for thn fcmlnlno ap petite. Mr. Stone Is a typical Chlcagonn. At tho tlmo of the great fire he was a young man and was at tho head of a small Iron foundry. Tho fire ruined him and ho went to work as n news paper reporter. In 187ft ho nnd two othors established tho News, tho first ono cent dally In the country. Tho venture wns expensive nnd would havo failed but 'for friendly capital. Mr. Stone continued ns editor until 1888. experiencing n fair degreo of success, nnd thon retired. Kvontunlly ho be enmo manager of the Associated Press. of the other, beautiful, thick, sky-bluo creations; then a pair of very thick cordtiory breeches, tactfully podded, .w. church tvuiicuiiiiuunuous uowu to uio ntiuio; then a sleeved wnlscoat of pure wool; men a tnick wool coat like a blanket, yellow nnd sheep-like; thon tho wind proof leather Jerkin given mo, by Sir Martin Conway, nnd a vicuna scarf round my neck to top off with. On my feet I first of all put nn or dlunry pair of merino socks; above them a pair of Shetland wool stock ings; next a pnlr of whnt are called sleeping stockings, Inmb's wool within and goat's hnlr without, about a quar ter of an Inch thick and hugely warm; then a still bigger pair of Shetland wool stockings; then a pnlr of enor mous boots; nnd lastly a pair of put tees, three ynrds long, wound round the elephantine bulk of my legs. On my head n wolfskin cap covered my ears and neck, and my hands were encased, first In nn ordinary pnlr of woolen gloves, and secondly In a lnrge pair of gloves of tho kind affected by babies, wherein tho mobllo thumb grips at the incarcerated lingers, In reserve I hnd my wolfskin coat, reaching to my knees, yet bo light thnt It In no way Interfered with my walk ing; and when all these things wcro donned my form nssumed a burly bulklncss that would hnvo rejoiced the heart of a sergeant-major. For the next six dnys I remained day and night In these garments. Numpu, Iduho Carlo U. Whlto 0. C. (Million CHURCH & WHITE CO. Real Estate And Insurance ANDREW J. OAVIB, President i. A. TAM10TT, Vlco President B. WEiniCK, Cashier J. H. BUTTON AMlntant Cashier First National Bank Montana UEBOUUCKH . MAllIMTIKB I-oann and dlfcotiutu ,.l,aso.9i9.87 Capital slock t 200,000.00 Honda and warrant 297,Ku9.MS Hurnlu fiu.noo.txi United Stalei bondi at par ail.Mo.W) Undivided proDti 270,746.73 Due from bank! 70J,79SO Circulation ,. M.iWtu Cash on hnnd 6o8(G6S.01 Dhidcndi untmld . l,Wi.7f Deposit! 2.AS9.412.97 II,19fi,9J2.H IMM.ira.u Central Sash and Door Agency SASH and DOORS GENERAL MILL WORK. LOWEST PRICES LARGEST STOCK. Idaho The New Bannock Hotel KOllMAN A AHMSTItOKO, Props. Thin. Illjrth, I'rci. Lyman Fargo, Vlco 1'rei. The Blyth & Fargo Co. I'oralcllo, Idaho General Merchandise HTOItKH AT ttvanston, Wyo. Pocatollo, Idaho OUR LUMBER INDU8TRY. SIM.INTHHS. Tho gnrbago franchise la sight. out of Turner will mako a good run In VnBhlngton, but tho republican ma jority Ib probably too great. Sonntor Dubois' Mormon Issue turns out to bo a boomerang In Idaho. Legislators nro laying low till nfior election. Teddy will get tho votes of almost all colored men, More Illicitly Developed Here thnn In Any Oilier Country. Rusitn lends tho world In thn plant ing of forest; tho United States In their wholesale dcHtructlon. Vet this vast destruction means vast wealth to tho nation, nnd Is tho result, In part, of thnt cry going up over tho entlro civ Hired world: "Moro woodl" Vovf Americana In fnct, fow lum bermen renllzo tho extent of tho lum ber Industry of this country. Wo rend with wonder tho value of tho Iron, tho coal nnd tho petroleum produced In tho united States. l.lkewlHe, tho produc tlon of American gold and silver means tremendous wealth. Tho vnstncHs of tho wheat crop Is almost beyond con ception. Vet tho value of all Iron, coal, petroleum, gold, silver, platinum, nick el, aluminium, zinc, lend, copper and wheat produced In the United-States during lKUfi was $110,000,000 less Uinn tho value of tho timber crop live years earlier. In 1000 lumbering ranked fourth among tho great manufacturing Indus tries of America, exceeding even the lendor, iron and steel, In the number of men employed mid tho enpltnl In vested. In America this Industry Is more highly developed than In. any oth er part of tho world. Thoro aro four distinct lumber pro duclng districts In the United States namely, the northeastern, comprising the northern New Knglnnd States, New York and Pennsylvania; tho lake, com prising the Stntos of Wisconsin, Mich igan and Minnesota; tho raclUc, com prising tho States of Washington, Ore gon and California, nnd tho southern yellow pine, Included In eleven States Virginia, North Carolina, South Cap ollna, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri. American Monthly lie Ylew of Reviews, THE SPOKANE CAFE Tlio Lending GVo of Lit Grande Avenue. Oiui block from the Depot. Meals nt nil hours. Kver thing tlrst-cIiiHS, J. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Wattr and Telephone in Each Room. RATES 52.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Phone Main 4795. Catalog Mailed on Application. 71 1st Street. Portland, Oregon Pocutello Iduho TO (1KTTIIK BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS OltDKIl ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neb P1XT0N AND GALLAGHER GO. NtJBPfg r n jm KKAmS?sBHKSfik ' -iM ty 7mJ Msaam ST2aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-PaSBaaatTli L.J,Vfl!fljr: f7jy wVrv9Krftwf B ?"v IBaaaBaaaaaBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaakav3Pamam 'flM'aVsal - - - -. aavBaaaaaav9BaavaPBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM'BaaaBaafaaaaaaii -, C. 0. PICK. TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY Safes. Pianos. Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping, proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage I Fire hauled. Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972 PORTLAND, OREGON R. C. WALLACE CO. UlIAI.KItH IN PINR QROCORIHS HEUI3NA - MONTANA Watson Drug Co. TKI.Kl'ltONK MAIN IMI The New Drop Store. Everything freih and pure. Prices guaranteed as low at the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. Use Wilson's Clover Cream for Tan and Sunburn Importers, Coffee Roasters and Jobbing Grocers Oldest Jobbing Grocers in the West. Es tablished 1863-1904. Special attention given to mail orders. Omaha, Neb. Dltl.S'K 4oi Riverside Avenue, Granite ttlock SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Farmers and Mechanics Bank M'OKANK, WAWMNOTON A Stnto Hank.. Transacts a General liunklnjr Business. OmiIIkI f,(H1.0. Individual V.0MI1 (rlicklmlcliT i xrvu fl.UM.uuU.Ul, OmcKIIK AND UIIIIHTOIUm loimlil I'niuhart. l'r'ililent. Ilotwrl hlit-iT. I. Vlci rrf'UU'M. A. It. Hwannon, VIck I'roalilt'iu, J. ll.C'lAIH')', 1'iuhliT. (I. V. 1 linmnn. Tliumti llyiilpp, William Unimilll, lluhirl II) .Ion, OIk (Hum, 1'auI l'rli't, ltubvrUluiiiiliiK. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Storz Blue Ribbon A Brer of Superior Excellence Brewed and Bottled only by 9 Storz Brewing Co. PHONE J260 OMAHA, NEBRASKA Laundry You want. We want Your Laundry. Mending done and Buttons Sewed on Free The Bonanza JOHN A. ROGERS, Prop. Union Laundry Co. PMONI3 ia 116 Broadway Helena, Montana Great Falls Iron Works Engineers, Machinists and Founders Hnociul nniiUnnroH nnuloin Stool. HriiHH nml SiH'L'inl Mixtnri'Hof Crmt Iron. Heavy nml Llulit ForirlinrH iiiiulo to oritur. WorkiiuwiHlilp Cimrnntccil. Aro Miiniifiiutiirom' AttJntH for Machinery, Holler, Knguicii and Wptor WlieolH. Mako n upoulnltv of Stump .Slioi'H, IHoh and Hull SIicIIh, which aro mipcrlor In point of HtroiiKth nnd rcHiutanuo to abraulon. Ore Treating Devices Given Special Attention Alnln Office and Works, 8th Ave. N., 13th to 14th Sts. GREAT FALLS MONTANA. o io reform tho tariff, even If It werehf0 Another colored man wna lynched this week, and not for assault on a woman either. Will it bo 30,000? Politics moro lively In Washington and Idaho. Somo pooplo will et!ll play poker. . Shorlff Word Is loading a strenuous Joe Jefftoraon'a Memory, At tba Authors' Club ou Thursday night Joseph Jefferson wua talking on th Importance of memory. Ills did not always stand by him, he said. "Ones I was standing lu tho Fifth Avenue Hotel lobby when a little man rata up to me and said: 'Why, how are you, Mr. Jefferson Y " 'Very well, sir,' I replied, 'but you have the advantage of me.' " 'I'm (Jen. Grant.' he said. "We went up In the elevator. 'Are you living In the hotel V 1 asked. He gave me hia house numbor. Now, I knew he didn't live lu the hotel and knew where hla houso was, but some how I couldn't mauago my mind, so I got out on the second floor for fear I would ask him where he had been dur ing the war." New York World. Impertinent. "Bonny," said the good old man, "I'm surprised that you should tease that cat In that way." "Why," replied the boy, pausing In hla Inhuman work, "do you kuow any better way T" Philadelphia Press. Wines, Liquors and Cigars The Famous A.'B. C. Beer on Draught and in Bottle La Grand Oregon THE SLOHNE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON eiGHIIFEX M CAPITAL BmCWINOCO. W J P"'1 V 171 I Ly v in LBsmiiiitMitiiiiiiMM..- JT3T T f psBBBgagagVl ('M TOE ZsAW SAYS iCSRl THAT YOU C&H DRINK HH9 if you lsaxT to - l3npI irozrGJr said u WmSkTm I KfUl!r SEATTLE BREWING T jDbfclv StAnH,WASH.UAA. Bg "JgB r, j stosae Nraalt tiorews. There Is a factory In Shertleld that make screws so small that 100,000 of then caa be held In an ordinary thim Greatest Grocury OK T11K Northw)t luiportertot Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen Fruit and Groceries CmpHml Brewing Co. HELENA, MONTANA Wo make a sjK'clalty of supplying pri vate cars. Send for catalogue Mail orders solicited. 521-523 SPUME IVENE U GRANDE CRUMMY Creamery Butter Sweet Cream And Ice Cream Rusk Irsirs (or Tnia Tin t SptcltJty Tei,nrnONB aou La Qrande, Oregon U. R. AIANNIISO. Prs A. T. HOSMER, Soy. U. R. MAININIINa S: CO,, Inc. Real Estate Loans ael tavMtnaaU, City aa4 Farm Property. Tinber aa4 Coal Lands. Flrat'Clau Motif agea ad lnvaatrntat Securkiea. EQUITABLE BUIL.DINQ TACOMA, WAiH. ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead' Portland General Electric Gx .1 ! V' tl 'ff SSKaETS4, rsfeafetT