-.T5SnS I 'iniwmriiyML.tl "- -.f- : lr - r 'rt "" K ,' 8Ws)wsmuiwtwu - attafcBrtKtoe ,1" '?' ,V"V. Wr.- ran iroir auk, Portland, orkgon. f,i TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. ; ! WELUNQTON'S VIEWS ON ART. I ST. PAUL MINN. A, J . IIKNUY LONGSTIIKTH, Pros. JOHN It. AttKLEY, Sec. nnd Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of hntulfwmo illustrated hooklot on Tncomn, just IbsuccI. SUNRISE BAKERY. 1). Mcl'IIKIWON, rroprlotor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. - TKI.KI'IIONK 11KI) VA. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. THE JUNCTION KItlClI HlllUltn, I'roprlotur. IM4, IBM, 1R28 1'acllle Avenue, Tncoum, Wash. OnohKlf Block (roin N. i'. I)ciot. Mop ping point fur all street cars. , Tclophono lllack 1073. Ail tho landing lSruiidH of Imported Liquors, Wines and ClKiirs Curried in Stock. Fresh lsocr Al ways on Tup. One of the Finest Places In the City. TIIOMAH 8. llUltt.KY, Malinger. lta, Tel. John Ml. 1 KOIIKUT McCULLOUflll, Hccrctary. lies. Tel. John Ml. T4G0MA TUG 1ND BARGE GO. TUHH FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. General Towing. Coal, llnllnat ami Water (iirnlKhcd. Scows anil llnrgos lor Hunt. Thn "IVarlciw" In llllcil with powerful lire and wrecking pnmpa. All tmslni's commiinlca. tlona to ho ailtlri'MPil Tnrmiin Tug nnd Ilargo iUt. Olllcfli I'nrlllc Cold Morngn building, Northurti J'aclllc Dock. Tt'Ivphntin Main M. 1 aroma, Washington. Wm. B. Coffee Plumbing Go. Inc. Giuirnutce Everything Tlicy Do. Headquarters for Bathroom Trimmings KHtubllRht'd 1H8B. 1015 A Street J'hoiie, Mnln 070 TACOMA WASH O. O. MELUNOER. Funer ml Director Embalming n Specialty by Mel HiiKr Hros. Oftlco I'houo Main ill. IUtdeiicu Phono John '111. Old Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash, Tacoma Baking Co. Wholexulo Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETO. tM3 Tucomu Avciiuo, Tacoma - Washington Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Henting, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1)30 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash, Pacific National Bank. Capital $200,000 TACOMA, WASH. FULTON MARKET Ioalers In Butter. Eggs and Cheese, Fresh and Salted Smoked Meats. AU Kinds of Poultry and Game In Season Highest Market Trice I'ald for all Kinda of Poultry, Veal, Ktc, 1S00 Jefferson Ave. Telephone Main U3 , RAINIER MARKET ' Pacific Ave. Telephone 2TT TACOMA WASH. Do You Know the News ? You can have it all for Per Cflr' Per Month 0UC Month In The Krenlns Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It la the Urgeat evening new paper published In Oregon; It contains all the newe oi the itate and of the na tlon. Try It lor a month. A eample copy nil! be mailed to )0U free. Ad. drew THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. rUNCKKU BOTTLING CO. Manufacturers and Dealer In SODA AND MINERAL WATERS Baraaparllla and lroutllnger Alo. Phone, Itcd 16WI 2323 JcrTeraon Ave. TACOMA, WASH M' ONTY'8 TIIIItST BTOKK Berlin Building. 113 South 11th Bt. Telephone, Main lot. TACOMA, WASHINGTON s AYKK DltUG CO. Tho moat reliable place to buy drugs and patent medicines, etc. This store la noted for Its carefulness In lining prescriptions and tor fair prices. 1100 Pactllc Avenue Tacoma, Wash. rpHE PACIFIC I.tqUGU AND WINK HOU8K. N. ItKUTl'.K, Proprietor. Tho best of Wines, Mentors and Cigars, family Trade a Upeclalty. Tel. Ited 17.11. I1 Pacific Avo. 1MV Commerce 81. Tacoma, Washington Tolophouc Main U5. Opposite Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CKKAM AND ICK CllKAM. No. D12 A Street. Tacoma, Wash Tolophono 01 s ' 0 Htrccl LSRobert & Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs. M, J, l'lli 11, Assistant Tacoma, Wash Homo Mado Pastry l'lno Co II 00 Oysters and (lamo In Hcason VIENNA CAFE UOIIKUT HJCKKIt, Prop. 1511 Pacllle Avenue, Kvcrvthlng I'lrst Class and Up'to-Dato' TACOMA, WASH UINIOIN MARKET H. II. McKKK, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TKI.KI'IIONK MAIN 817. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wnali 0. A. HI.AKK J. 11. SMITH EAT T. B. C. BREAD MADK II Y Tacoma Baking Company 013 Tacoma Are. Tolophono James '.ill TACOMA WASH. Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Uavo Tncomn 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., noHtopH) 10:10, 11 :10 n in, 12:10, 1:10, 11:10, 11:10, 4:15 (Ltd., no etons), 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 9:10, 11:15 p in. Leave Seattle 0:30,8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, 11 :00 u in, 12 in, 1 ;00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no Ktons). 5:00, 0:00, 7 ;00, 8:00,0:00, 10:00, 11:15 pin. PUYALLUP DIVISION Lea vo Pnyallui 6 :30, 7 :00, 8 :00, 0 :00, 11 :00t in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:15,7:15,8:15,0:15 pm. tanvoOth and Conunerco StH. 5: JO, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 a in, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:15 p in. (5:30 a m omitted Sundays) FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard About STHPLOCK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1120-22 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH tfgMgfrgy I NORTH YAKIMA ! ) MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY IT. Q. WKINSTIHN COMPANY. Manufacturer! ot Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. 3335.) CaolUl Slock. $50,000.00. ' Surplus and Undivided Profit, $5 1,569. 17 Statement at Close ofIluslnes, Bept. U, 1903 W.M.I.ADI), President. CHA8. UAItPKNI Kit. Vice Pres. W. L. HrKlNSVKtl, Cashlor. A. II. CUNK, Asst Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special ordero returned name day. Domestic finish or uloss. No saw edges on collara or culTs. Get ncqimlnted with our niuthoda. Our Laundry Work is ths , Comfortable FiUbli, Wearing Kind. LAUNDRY AND OITICR FIRST AND A SIRUIiTS, 'Phono SO. North Yakima, Waah j ELLENSBURG : E I.I.EN811U1UI ST1IA.M I.AUNDIIY. HIIATSWKLI, A HAVKN. l'otronlio a Home Industry. floods Called for and Dollvered X TKI.KI'IIONK ItKD 151. 1. II. SMITHSON, President. C. H.HIKWAItT. Vice Pro'ldcnt. C. W. J01INSONK, Cashlor WASHINGTON STATE UK ELLENSBURO, WASH. DinKCTOIlfl Jacob Furtn. C.J. Lord. J. 11. hralthaon. 0. II. Stewart. Jo. Stevenson. C.W.Johnaone COLFAX ADVERTISING Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO, Manager. General Warehouse System Both 0, R, & N. and N. P. roads, All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A M. SCOTT, General Agent, Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Itallroad Land Agency in connection. REAL ESTATE FARM LOINS. Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property, Correspondence Solicited, Colfax, Washington. f SPOKANE 1 4 TJOTKL AI.IIEUT John B. nimble, Proprietor. 337 Riverside Ave. Furnished rooms, bur and billiard room In connection. Hotel bon Main 1124. SPOKANE, WA8IIINQTO.N D. A. CARMEL Pettier Hi Staple and Fancy Groceries Phone Main 467 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. Walla Walla Advs. I' EW1B W. HEATON J Manager IMamnl Unr1mkht0 rmrtorm. Oraduate Kmbaliner and Dlslnfcctor. Licensed by Illinois Btate Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Kmbalmera. P, O. llox HI- I'hone, Main It), WALLA WALLA WA8II. YY. COOKEHLV. Undertaker and QcBeraJ FuacraJ Furnisher. Xmbalmlns; a Specialty. Dabcock's Brick Slock, 7H l"t Hi. Telephone Black Wi. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Sir Gcorgo Hayter, the court painter to the late Queen Victoria, wag at one time invited to Strathtleld Snyc, (he home of the Duke of Wellington. Tho duke had promised blm sittings for his portrait. The following ex tracts from tho pointer's diary, print ed in the London Chronicle, give tin amusing glimpse of tho duke's Ideas' on art Ho told Sir George that there was ono subject for a painting which he would like to see done wc.l, hecauto he considered that it would be a great moral lesson. He said: "We nro informed that all tho ani mals of tho creation had been mado for our use, but wo don't know how to reduco some of them to ohrdtenco: the lion, the royal tiger, the hyenn, mid others; but Von Atnburgh has efTectod this. What I want Landseer to paint for mo is Van Atnburgh he Is a lino, athletic man surrounded by the Ani mals ho has so well known not onlv how to render obedient to himself, but also to live In peace with each oth er; Van Atnburgh standing upright, a f.no figure of a man, with these ani mals lying round him, and tho lamb at his feet, for ho places tho lamb bo twecn tho lion and the tiger, and they daro not touch It "This Is not oil you see. In an ad Joining cage these ferocious beasts nro together, not Injuring each other. This la education; this Is tho great moral lesson." Then he lamented that Edwin Land seer's health had not permitted him to paint tills picture for him, and repent ed tho description of Von Ambtirgh's prowess. Sir George also says that the duko nmuncd the company very much by tin account of his attending divine Fcrvlco In London nlways nt eight o'clock In tho morning ot tho Chapel Itoyal; thnt he nover found more than the olllclat lng priest and a sort of Abigail, and that he, tho duko, always acted as clerk; that ho uniformly went through all tho responses Willi n loud voice, even to the amen. Ho said, "I suppiso If tho people of London knew that 1, his Oraco tho Duko of Wellington, reg ularly attended ns clerk at tho Chnpul Royal every Sunday, they would nt least not leave room for me even to got In," thus appearing qulto aware of his own great popularity, at the satno tlrao recognizing In himself tho hum bio Christian who goes to pray and who Is willingly clork in an empty chapel. HUNQARIAN8 FOR NEGROES. Foreigner IIccoiiiIiib Iintiataboute on the MismUaippl. It is enough to make all the old Mississippi River men who havo pass ed away and gono to their reward stir In tho tomb could they know that Hungarians aro to bo substituted for negroes as roustabouts on the river. We cannot imaglno these silent, taci turn llttlo men of central Europe mak ing tho moonlight nights vocnl with their minstrelsy on the lower dock, or scrambling with each othor for nick els thrown by sportive passengers. Nor shall we bcllovo that tho in it to dare unwind that panorama of plctur csquo profanity at his long, wavering, undulating lino of roustabouts as they move from deck to shore with tho car go. Tho darky roustabout hears thoso objurgations with a Joyous ond appre ciative car, and welcomes a burst ot originality in it by rolling the whites of his eyes oxprosRlvoly at hts fol lows, or, if it Is particularly movluc, by a loud "Yah, yah, yah," that Is ro ward enough for tho objurgator. What will tho Hungarian caro for tho explo Uvo wit that stln tho rcspoiiHlvo negro heart so deeply? Ho will not under stand It, and if ho did hts perception of tho humor of swearing is not of Uio open and ready naturo of that of tho sons of Ham. Ho would got mad about it Everything is changing on tho river. Tho passengors aro not tho same, tho boats aro smaller, tho tnblo faro Is sadly scant and luxury has long since doparted. St Louis Globe-Democrat Oldest Army Melody It is the old music, after all, that puts tho life Into marching feet tor it carries the traditions of marching in its melodies, snys tho Ilocton Trans script One of Uio oldest ot the tunes tho bands played on a recent occasion was "The Whlto Cockade." This Is a historical melody to Americana, though many Americans may not be aware ot tho fact It was tho tune to which tho. farmers who fired Uio shot heard round the world inarched when they dotermiucd to forco tho passage of tho bridge at Concord. Possibly It was the only ttiuo which tho drummer and lifer of Capt. Isaac Davis' Company know, but tho fact that it was played is historical. Tho popularity of tho tune is proof that a melody mado for one party is recognized ns good by all if it has tho quality of being singable. "The Whlto Oockado" was originally n Jacobite tune, but It mado a goo march for tho descendants of tl. English Puritans April 10, 1776, when Capt Davis bade his musicians strike up. As they wero tho first Ameri can forco that over advanced to lint tie as Americans "Tho White Ci-uk-ndo" is tho oldest melody of Uio Amer ican army. Keeper of tho King's llcultli. Sir Francis Henry Laklng, to give him his full mime, Is tho inoit trusted of Uio King's medical udl orn; Indeed, ho occupies at King Edward's court tho samo position as did Kir James Reld ot that of Queen Victoria. Kir Francis Is clean-shaven; ho has a keen, open face, anil a broad, well shaped brow. Like most great physi cians, ho lias a hobby, that of collect ing geological specimens. Romeo nd Juliet Up to Date. "Remeol Romool" sobbed tho swar thy Jullot "They will notta letta us love-a ana more. My people tella me I mus notta marry you." "What I carer replied Romeo, sav agely, "I will t'rowa deesa bomb ou da fron' porch. I will blow youra people all over deesa ward." Newark News. A hwI nnman Is nsnallr ftrw muxl for any man but fertuaaUly shi doesn't know It : JAMESTOWN, N. D. : HARD WHEAT FLOUR RUSSELL - MILLER MILLING CO. Jamestown, N. Dak. THE SEILER CO. rAiu ur ciriTAL $25,000. Abstracts, Collections, Insurance, Loans and Real Estate. Investments mado and all business cf nonrcsl ients given most careful atten tion. References cliuenully furnished. JAMESTOWN, N. D. ill, Webster ( Bolinger Dealers in Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Drugs and Toilet Irtioles AGENTS FOR CHASE A SANBORN' COFFEE Jamestown, N. D. Chase-& Grant Co, FINE GROCERIES HARDWARE DRY GOODS Jamestown N. Dak. Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota Stale License. JAMESTOWN. NORTH DAKOTA MARSH & BALrL, Livery Sale and Boarding Heavy Draft and Fino Driving Horses for Halo. Hearses, Hacks and Carriages Opp. I'ostofllco. Tolophono Call 137. FARQO, N. D. FARGO MARBLE i 6RANITE WORKS UKU. UAKUfKL, I'rop. MANUFACTURERS OF Artistic Mcmorlnls Wholesale and Retail Monuments FARGO NOR HI DAKOTA JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER r-atnplo Trunks and Cases mado to or der. Repairing dono promptly. Old Trunks Taken in Kxchaugo. liuy your trunks where tlioy make thorn and save your inonoy. 6H?'ront Street. FAR GO, N, D. T. E. YERXA FAROO, N. D. Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Oppowlto IS. P. Depot Green A Eggert First-Glass Butchers I Packers Ths Best Market In the City Higher Prices i'ald for ,11 Kinds of Live Stock FARGO NORTH DAKOTA 1 Luger Furniture Co. Largest House Furn ishers in the West UNDERTAKERS I EMALMEnS Til. 142 L 12-14 Iniiwiy FAKO, N. D. The Bust Hata Tho Boat FurnlshlniECj The Best Treatment MACRUDER Sixth and Wabasha ST. PAUL, Minn. For Men Only J. C HORRIQAIV Kino Unlit llrorr carriages, hearses, ate. 411-414 Wneoutu Btrcot. N. W. Tel. Main 991. TwInCltrWO. St. Pout. Minnesota ST. PAUL HAT WORKS (I. I.. Crawfod, I'rop. Expert UomoJclcr of Hats. Panama a spec ialty. Mats to order, lints at retail. Jl Mln tie HJ tn B rcet. rS)ftom, fV. W. Mm In lias.JI. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA NAGEL UNDERTAKING CO. WM. K. NAUKL, Maiuger I.adr Asitstant on all cases where on Is required 203 W. Third M. ft. l'aul, Minn. WILL F. MATHEIS CO. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS Sixth and Cedar Mrceta ST. PAUL, MINN. Alfred J. Krank (Uurccssor to BCHNKt.T, A KltANK.) I)UAI.I!KS IN AU. KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY KAZOK WOKK A SPUCIALTY. 142 II. Sixth St., Opp. Ryan Motel. St. Paul, Minnesota P. N. Peterson Granite Co. Manufacturer! ot Fine Monuments and Artistic Memorials Of Every Description Office and Varorooras,60-82 K. Fifth BU ST. PAUL MINNESOTA BRANCH KH AT Stillwater Masonic Temple Bide. Minnesota Dululh, Minnesota Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co Wholesale Dealer! Butter, Eggs, Veal & Poultry ST. PAUL MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry lltoe-l'hlllip! Mry Co., I'roprletora. Office IS6 U. 7th Street. Laundry, cor. Sixth and John sts. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ELK LAUNDRY CO. Toilet Supply Towels, Combs and Brushes furnished orfl esat low rales. 47 to 4VS Mill Cesota street. Tvlephoue 'iCS. Huury Oruu ogeu, Manager. ST. PAUL, MINN. 23Aswell IT TjWfNfl be out 11 itfofkhe tt VKflr world I BfriSl! ns B i3i put of I iWfgJn fashion n WHr KI il Everybody Ktj j1 driasKs AifoSSp T Beer tvmit! ar sunn avurHca. e 1 ImsMUHH MUW1W6C0, Kfs4.Htaa. 44s0444 MINNEAPOLIS MINN.1 Yerxa Bros. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 42), 437, 429 Nicollet Are. Minneapolis, Minn. A. Backdahl O. A. Backdajts A. Backdahl & Co. ORuaaisTS. Opposite Milwaukee Depot PseaoripUras aro fully compounded. 113 Washington sts nue South. Mlnnstapolla, Mlnnevaotaa MINNEAPOLIS Omnibus and Transfer Line Ofllcoi 11 Nicollet Houso Block Tolophono 78 Minneapolis Minnesota Wemr CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn. Pillsbury's FLOUR Leads the World Made In MINNEAPOLIS ! rniiiMni miiFFc 4ee4t L. Rosenfeld Co. Wholesale dealers for the famous BUDWEISER BEER Bold ou erery buffet and dlutus; car AND Imported Wines &. Liquors 619 421 Main Htreet Council Bluffs Iowa BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY High Rrailo work. If our nork miltu you, tell your frk'ti'ls, if not, toll us. We Hnpruclutu your work. Phone 314. 22-24 N. Main St S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and Meats j . Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention o J 220 32 Main St. 229-3 1 Pearl St. Telephone J9J Council Bluffs Iowa Evans Laundry Co. Finest Equipped Plant in the West. Short Time Work a Specialty Phone 290 tit Pearl Street COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA 1 Jl ! n Ir'.' :.1 ti t-il n 1J l? 1.3