'U ts '". r. .t- lA,.! THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. I., I 1 4 t P t: I TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER- E3TINQ ITEMS. Comment and Criticisms Jlnacd Upon the Hoppettlno of the Day Ui torlcol and News Note. It looks us If tlio Czar woro due to get his crown nicely Japanned. If sour milk will keep a man sweet It only proves once more that this Is a contrary old world. "Tho Amazing Marriage," by Qeoriso Meredith, Is understood now to mean marriage on tho 10-year, plan. There Is almost as much formality In the coronation of a Hcrvlan monarch as In the assassination of one. Silence sometimes servos as n sub stitute for wisdom, Just as stupid self , satisfaction docs duty for dignity. Now tho head of tho house bewails the fact that the .10-yard skirt and the $7-a-bariel Hour came Into fashion the same season. "Undoubtedly tho Lord hates a liar," says the Iloston Herald. Isn't this open to nrgument? llo may huto the nln, but love the sinner. King I'ctcr succeeded In getting him self crowned without the llrlng of a shot. If he Is wise, however, he will keep right on compelling thu cook to tiBto his victuals first. Men who attach themselves to a po litical party with tho Intention of hav ing everything their own way make mistake. They should begin with a vestry or n church choir. This new languago, Esperanto, Judg ing from samples that have appeared in print, Is full of hyphenated words. That settles Its fate In this country. It will never get tho hyphens past tho proofreaders. Thcro ought to bo no room In this country for the "Illack Hand" and the "Before Day" organizations. Tho pur poses of both nro too dark, as Indi cated by their names, to bu permitted to survlvo among uu'uullghtened peo ple. A New Haven man has been sen tenced to serve five years In tho peni tentiary for embexillng $76,000. Tho wonderful thing about his case Is that tho pessimists aro not calling atten tion to tho fact that ho was a Sunday school superintendent. A Liverpool cable dispatch In a trado Journal reads, "Tho world Is hungry for cotton and cotton goods." Besides telling an Important truth, this sen tence suggests how often "hunger" Is figuratively imcd to Imply sharply felt wants of all klmln. Out) never says that tho world Is "thirsty" for cotton goods, for work, or for vacations. Tho nverago reader will give but n glancing notice to the statement of u New York costume creator that "so ciety glrlH" cannot dross on Ichm than $10,000 a year. The immo reader will look upon tiny girl, man or woman who spends $10,000 a year for dress as having more money than sense. It Is tho good, hanl-workliig girl to whom the majority of Americans look with pride out) who can get along with $100, $.'0 or even I'JA a year for cloth ing not the pampered ones who spend from $1,000 to $10,000 a year for dross nod have set their traps to una re a foreign duko or count. The tent of tho habitual criminal Is tho lack of response to reformative In fluences. The beginner In crime, what ever his temperament or IiIh apparent harducNH of heart, Is entitled to at lunst ouu opportunity to show whether ho U thus amemiblo to reformatory In fluences or not. If not and ho persists In criminal action, tho Interest of so ciety would seem to demand tho Inde terminate sentence and ho must bu iniitlo to understand that, having for feited his chance to shape his own ca reer, ho belongs to tho .State, and that whether his Imprisonment lasts tor u shorter or longer period depends upon himself. Skilled labor Is generally able to chnugo Its base when the desire awak ens, but few craftsmen can seo so much of Ute country as expert fruit packers do, They bogtn their year lu Georgia, for Instance, where the peach season comes In June. From tho south of the State they go to the north; thon to Arkansas and Missouri; later to Michigan and to tho mountain districts of western Maryland; flimlly to Cali fornia and Florida, and thence round to (Icorgla again, Metaphorically, "cherries nro ripe" at every season somewhere lu this fortunate land, and he should be a happy man who, even lu the way of business, can keep per petually In touch with the beauty und luxuriance of harvest. A few years ago tin) scientific sensa tion wus liquid air, as recently It has been radium. Liquid air was to turn all our wheels, heat our houses In win ter, and cool them In summer liquid nlr was to destroy our garbage, .anes thetize all our pain and usher In a new 4ra. It was soberly argued by mou who made claim to scientific knowl edge that liquid air could be used to run compressors to muko more liquid nlr and thus, with a thimbleful at tho start, a' force could bo created strong enough to pry the earth from Its orbit. A sad commentary on these high hopes Is an Item to the effect that Judgment of $fl73 against the company owning the patont has been returned unsatis fied. IJquld air Is as wonderful us It over was, but wouderfuluess Is not usefulness, Bclenco also has Its toys. George Bernard Shaw's new Don Juun play has already started a lot of Aalk about llyron's "Don lluun," Byron did bis best to prevent this. lie rhymed Ju'un wlfli "new one" aud with "true one." But he has shared the fate of the other English poets, who for years and years, and altrmt for centuries, rhymed Cadis .with "ladles." They bad annexed CUU and bad Anglicised It Their stawinlsBta Jut hauUd dowa the , flag. Cadis again belongs to the for eigner. It Is called "Cahdecth." Wo say "Don Kchoto." And we shall probably go on saying that a project Is "kehotlc." Which leads to this gon eral rulo for culture: "Take all for eign words that have been Anglicized and translate them back Into their orlglnnl languages." Versailles, for Instance, became so completely Angli cized that In tho mouth of tho most fastidious English scholar It rhymed with palls. To acquire culture, make It rhyme with pie. Then, some day. the exquisitely cultured man will como who will remember that York Is simply nn Anglicised corruption of tho namo which the Romans gave the town, and who will, therefore, talk of taking the train for New Eboracum. Prof. Mason, of the Smithsonian In stitution, has been studying the blondo peoples nnd now feels warranted In an nouncing that In six hundred years the blondes will have disappeared from the face of the earth. We are not go ing to quarrel with Prof. Mason. As an attache of the Smithsonian Institu tion he ought to know all about blondes lu the abstract, of course but per haps ho has permitted the evidence of his eyes to weigh against the testi mony of centuries. He haM probably observed In his Journeying to and from the Smithsonian Institution that the locks of many of tho women ho moots aro becoming darker, llelng a man of science aud not an Idler In boudoirs Prof. Mason has ascribed this clinngo to the processes of natural evolution Instead of to Its rightful cause, tho fashion. With duo submission to thu professor we will hold to tho belief that the blondo will continue as an In stitution. Thu passing of the peroxide person Is admitted. It Is proper that she should bo on her way. She re mained over long. Her successor, the bronzed blonde, Is but an ephemeral crenturo and will disappear In much less than six hundred years. But tho tow-headed races who have been nink Ing history since the morning of time, they glvo no evldenco of vanlihlng. Thu brunette long head has been kept busy for twenty centuries trying to hold his own with the blonde flat head aud tho might of tho Teutons domi nates n great part of tho civilized world to-day. We will not worry about the flitting of tho blondo In spite of tho dismal prophecy of Prof. Marion. Ho Is an Imago breaker who sees with un seeing eyes and who dispassionately makes an announcement that would destroy the anthology of romance aud passion nnd spoil the sconcry. His study of tho races might he of more avail If It wero carried on In tho mounds of tho Mlddlo West rather than on the blondlno crowded streets of tho nation's capital. Henry James, In his recant biog raphy of William Wotmoro Story, gives n delightful glimpse of tho iimuhomoutH of tho group of American and Kngllsh children lu Homo of whom Just fifty years ago little Kdlth Story, the sculptor's daughter, iiiado one. Shu was, too, the most favor.'d one, for sho was Just recovering from a dangerous Illness, and was there fore the special pet of her father's fa mous friends. linns Andersen wns one of them, and, says Mr. James, "The small peo ple with whom ho played enjoyed, un der his spell, thu luxury of believing that ho kept nnd treasured In every case, and as a rule the old tin sol diers and broken toys received by him, In acknowledgment of favors, from Impulslvo Infant hands. "lleatitlful tho queer Image of tho great benefactor moving about Europe with his accumulations of these pro clous relies! Wonderful, too, a ccr tain occasion, that of- n children's party, when, after ho hud read through 'Tho Ugly Duckling,' Brown Ing struck up with tho 'Pled Piper,' widely led to tho formation of a grand march through the spacious P-arhcrlul apartment, with Story doing his best on a flute lu default of bagpipes. "Hut tho tenderest recollection Is of Thackeray wading 'The Hose aud tho King,' as yet unpublished, to thu little convalescent girl who was al ways so happily to remember that In tho old Roman days, between daylight and dark, tho great author had sat on the edgo of her ted and read the Im mortal work to her, chapter by chap ter." Happy lltlo convalescent, Indeed! And think how proud when, later, In tho first volume of the first edition puhllihed, sho found a drawing of an obsequious little flunky pioseutlng n llttlo rose and a little ring on a sal ver, with his "most respectful coin plliuents to Miss Kdlth Story." Food tor Invalids. No slander on the diet of the stal wart German race Is Intended by this story, which tho Argonaut prints, but the sentiment of thu tale might have como from the lips of Mr. Dooley's friend, Schwartzinelster, or -some of his bretlueu of Iron digestion. A German was discussing tho high price of cabbage. "I dell you, doso enppagos Is way up high dls year, Mu und my vlfu puts up six or seffeu or eight parrels of sauerkraut effery year, yes. nut ve can't do ut dls year, no, Der cap pages, dey cost too much." "Hut you put up some sauerkraut, don't you, Chris?" asked a friend. "Oh, so! Yes, ve put up some, two or t-t-treu parrels, shust to haf lu der house In case of sickness, yes," Iltault Is Warmer. A French authority had two ther mometersone of ordinary glass, the other painted black placed In the sun. In thu white glass tho mercury rofcu to 114. Under tho black paint It went up to 157 lu tho same position. The Inferenco Is thut peoplo who wear black coats aro warmer in the sun shtuo than those who dress In white. Truthful. "Didn't you say you had all tho com forts of home?" asked the Indignant guest. "Well," answered Fa raw Corntoa el, "after you folk are gone we d haro 'em. That's wbat we take boar4- for." GREAT rOLK AND UTILE rOLK. C SPOKANE t x J. D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embalming and shipping a specialty SlOltherilJo Ave, lei. Main G8I 8POKANK WASH D UFUKNSE BUFFET 218 Howard Street, l'houe Main f9. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Called for and Deliv ered lo Any Part of the City Phone Main 286. Gil Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug- House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANR, WASH. Wholesale and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENOFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. II Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 213 Washington Street Phone Main 306 We ship everywhere and anywhere Spokane Dakory Oo. B. L. GORDON & COMPANY VMOLJESAL,I3 QROCl2R SPOKANE, - - WASH. COKNIiK Mll.l. AND K. K. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Avo, Spokane, Wash, I IDAHO ADVERTISING I Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage Shouts 7J oj Uilii SI. BOISH, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WHOLESALE AND UETAII, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, I.ace Curtains, Fortiers, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking, Telephone 821, L O. O. F. Building, E. Main St. LEWISTON, IDAHO The Raymond LewUton, Idaho It being improred in every way pouible. The leadiogf hotel in the city. Commercial trad our ipe cUlty. aUKDICK IKOt. rrritMt ' : IDAHO ADVERTISING! : BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Established UV). Honey I'nlaco Hotel Bld'g. FUKl) 0 MOCK, 1'rcsldent T. 3. CON HOY, Vice-President C. It. 1IICKKV, Cashier FlUNK. JLNKINSON, Ass't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer 8 Storage Co. R. M. Kelt Phono A-10 Ind. Phono 11) Light and heavy hauling. Con signments of freight left in our charge will receive prompt atten tion. Storage at reasonable tilts! See that you give your baggage to Boise Transfer X Storage Go. South Tenth Street, J.ltoSKNIiUlto AUUilUltA.COIIN Pocatello Mercantile Company WIIOLUSALH Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Fort Halt Whloccy Btnolce Senator Shoup Clf srt J. A, Murray, I'rtilJtnt. D. W. Stinirod, Vie President Win. A. Antht , ..... Cashier l.N. Anthet, Asst. Cashier TII12 FIRST NATIONAL BANK of r'oontullo, Itlnho. POCATELLO, - IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Watches, DlainomlM, Rllvorwnro nnd Novelties. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watch Inspector 0. S. L. It. It.. 1'ociV' telln, Idaho. Kino Watch Hepairin n Specialty. Eyifl Tested Free. POCATELLO, IDAHO Mallory & Lydon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable C and fourth Sis, Lewlston, Idaho Calls Anawrrtil Day or Night riionc 371 White Front Livery AND CAU STAW.l'.S Hliiii.nl, fountain & Kaiidsll, 1'roprs. UWISTON, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 204 1 C. II. Schrocdcr, Manager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day when ordered. r 1 SALT LAKE CITY USE Salt Air Extracts, Baking Powder, Spices and Coffees ARE TIIU DUST OR MONEY BACK Salt lako Coffee A Stlom Mill SALT LAKC, UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO. Prescription Druggists Cor. Third Went and South Temple. Tele phone lv.'. Salt Lak City, Utah. OGDEN UTAH TROY U.AUINDRV C. w. CUKTIS, Prop. Work Turned Out on Short Order Phono 107 1S7 Uth St. OQDEN UTAH ALLEN TRANSFER CO. ALmRM ALLCM, PrprMr. Cabs, Hub, Drays, Uaggngo Wagons, We inovo safes, pianos, organs, otlico i rnlturo, etc, General transfer busi neia and furniture vans. HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS Telephono No. 22, Office, 413 Twen ly.Fiitu Street. OGDEN, UTAH. IIT ItAII, AND WATKlt, THE SIGN OF THE BEST 3 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 3 The North Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In fact nn up-to-dato train, and tho beauty of it all is tho fact that it does not coet you any more to travel on this train than it does on any other. Try it aud your verdict will be, It Is tho Crack Train of Them All A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 355 Alorrlson St., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. OREGON Shot line and Union Pacific Three Trains to the East Daily ThrouKh Pullman Ktiuulnrit nml tonrlut 1oo iKcnm tlrtlly lu OinniMt, t'tilcnco, hnknno; mrlt ulropltitf rar tidily lo Knim t'ltvt Illsf lntll"l pivvi'iiih iimii ' is j t iioiii-hh thniuitli I'ulliunn tmirl.t UfliiKCKr(iK arson nil l.HI'i.l. 11 i J niv.l) 1. . Hit.,..', nnil.n. an. a. Ill) i recllnliiK clinir cars (scats Irec) 10 t-.mt 70 1-1 o u n h I'oii.am 10 Chicago .Nucliancoof cars 70 DKI'AltT KOK 'flMKHOIIKIlfi7R3 from Portland, Ore. , AUKIVK I KltOM r hTcniro" 1'ortlaiiil 8'i-lal Jilinunla ll'ntliiKt'n Atlantlu Kxpros M:i'.imvla U'lJtlllRl'll Hi. 1'mkI ' Vast Mall tl-lSpm la, rtpoltane Salt I.hIc. Denver. Ft, Worth, Omaha, Kansas Cliy. M. Unili, Chlrao A:23m ami ino r.asi h afTl .ake, Dei vr, VI. Worth. Omaha. Kansai C'lly.Hi. lAiula, Uhloaifo and tho Kasl irVniU. IaiwIkIoii. !:lUln HKkane, Wallace, full. man, .iinnenixui, ri mill, Duluth, Milwau kee, ChlCBKO-and Kaat 8:00 am Ocean and Klver Schedule Kor Hu Krancl.co Kverv Hto das at 8 p in I'or Astoria. Way I'olnt and North IH'aoh Pally (except Sunday) at 8 pin: Haturday at 10 ii in. I'auy er n v in nivr )cniui Wlllamello and Vuinhlll rlcm. For further Information, ask or rlte your nearest tlrWtt agent or , 4. 1. ORAIO Reueral I'axariuer Acent. The Ori'Kon Itallroad . Navigation Co., 1'ort land, Oregon. Is The Only Double-Track Railway betweea the Missouri River and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, bullet smoking aud library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Un:on Pacific Railroad and Chicago & NorthAVestern Railway to Chicago from Portland and points ii. Oregon. Dally and personally conducted ex ill .unions in ruuman lourisi Sleeping San Francisco, through to Chicago without change. R.R. RITCHIE. Cml AJtC Sir MwkH SS, bAN 1-aAMCiscu.Cau A. a BARKER. CwtAfUiuTSlrJSs roTLAMI,OBB, CWctjo ft North-Westera Ry. swu ft)) .Ml nV MAIL ANIMVATKH. "As the Crow Flies" The shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. Paul "and Chicago is fslrilJ.'.l.l.m tho route of the famous North Western Limited "Tho Train for Comfort" Kvcry night in tlio year llcfore starting nn n trip tin tnnttcr where wrlta lor Inturistltisr Inlornm tlun about I'umfurtftblc trmclliiK. It. J.. HIRt.Klt, (icn'l Agent, m 1 hint Htreet, Portland, Oregon. T. W. TEA8IMM:. General I'mMMiitor Agent, HI. Paul, Minn. D KLIGHTFUT, ROUTE AYLUtllT HIDE VAY CHAOS EE1 CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY See Nature, in nil lier Morions heauty. and then tlio nemo of man's liaudhvnrk. Tlio Unit Is found along the lino of tlio Denver & Itio Grande Hnilroad, tlio latter at tho St. Louis World's Fair. Your trin will he 0110 of pleiiNiire mnko tlio most of it. For Information and lllitHtrntcd literature write NV. C. McBRIDE, General Agent PORTLAND, OREQON SK! SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. SI EA.MER GEO. W. SHAVER, III Ickm" Portland, foot nf WashltiKloii St., Piindny.l ninth)- and 'I liurnlnv crvuliiir at 6 o'clock, for Miuvlcs Island, hi. Ilelpux, Uaples, Deer I. land, Marlins, Kalama, Ntvr ( Ity, IImiiHt, Ml. ('011111, Maticr. nulla, Oak Point, Fri cmuiis, Mauianlllo.t'latiiLaiile and all nay lamlliitf. SHORTEST QUICKEST Jr 'mm&nmm Thu yhortest lino is not nlwnys tho quickest nor is tho quickest line ulunya tho shortest. Tho Ihirlingtou Routo to tho Southeast is both. It is shorter AND quicker than any other lino from tho Northwest to Omaha, Kun sua City, St. Louis, and KVKRYWHKKK beyond. Another good thing about it is this: You don't chango cars. Tho St. Louis Special runs through to Knnsas City without change. Only ouo change to Omaha, Denver and St. Louis. Tickets, berths, and Information, at ottlccsof connect ing' lines, or from R. lOOThlrti THE TRAIL OF LEWIS AND GLARK Was the pioneer American trail west; of tho Missouri river and the results of that exploration at lSOt-6 were of tremendous Importance to the United Slates and they were neer more apparent than now. A publication relating to the Lewis arid Clark expedition, just Issued by a V, Putnam's Sons, New York, stands peculiarly alone. This edition Is a two vol ume, 8 vo one called "The Trail of Lewis and Clark, ISOMDiM". The author, Mr. Olln D. Wheeler, is the well known wrltr of tho popular Wonderland series or tho Northern Pacltlo Hallway, In connection with which he made his studies and researches for this work. Mr. Wheeler has traveled several thousand miles over the route of Lewis and Clark, lie has camped out, climbed mountains, followed old Indian trails, and visited remote points made memorable by those explorers. Their route across the Dltterroot mountains has been followed identified and mapped. "The Trail of Lewis and Clark" Is Illustrated In color and half tone from, paintings, drawings and maps, by Pax son, DeCamp, and Itussell, made under Mr. Wheeler's direction, and from photographs taken specially for the purpose. The writer tells his own story and supplements It with pertinent extracts from Lewis, and Clark, and a host of other historical and narrative writers that connect the past with the present. Exact excerpts and photographic reproductions, In half tone, from the Original Manuscript Journals of Lewis and Clark are given. A. chapter Is devoted to the Louisiana Purchase, another to the preparatory meas ures for the exploration, and another to the history of each man of the expedi tion so far as known, Including a discussion of the death of Captain Lewis. Tho Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, and the Lewis and Clark Centennial to be held at Portland, Oregon. In 1M5. make this work peculiarly timely because written from the standpoint of actual knowledge of past and pres ent conditions of the old trail and country. The Trail of Lewis and Clark" should be found In every public and private library in the land and the general reader will find In rendimr ih.h i.. ., of large, clear type that truth Is, Indeed, The book can bo ordered through any the publishers. 1JY UAH. AND WATKIl ASTQRIA&COLUMBII ii siioi Pas m Trains Dally with THROUGH PARLOR CARS I1KTWKKM Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves union Mewr Arrives. nr JfsyRcrs. Main. " Daily lcr, 01 utile nn lo Pally. 8:0t)a.m. UMtort, Clifton, 11:10 a. m Astoria, Warren, ton, KIrvcI, (lenr hart 1'ark and Sea side. A Moris A Seashore Express Dully. 7:00 p.m. Astoria Express 0:10 p.m. Dslly. C. A.HTKWAUT, J. 0. MAYO, Comm'l Agt., 218 Alitor U (I. V. A. 1 A. Telephone- Main 000. Ask the Agent for I C K B T VIA To Spokane, St. Pau , Minneapolis, Duluth, Ch cago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY y The Flyer and tho Fast Mail At Splendid Servico Up-to-ilato K(uipiucut Coiirtuo 11 Kmployea Daylight trip acroHH tlio Cattciulo ami Kooky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, (older and full infor mation call 011 or addreHH H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND s. a. yerkbs, a. W. P. A- AI2 rirst Avcnut. SGATfLB. WASH. REGULATOR LINE rORTLARD AITD THE DALLES. ROUTE All Wr Usifats. STRAMUKS "DAH.KY OATZKHT" "I1AM.KS CITV"- "HKOU1.A10K" "MKTLAKO" ConnoctliiK at I.yle, Wash., with Colombia River & Northern Railway Co KOIl Wahklscus. Paly, C'eutenlllr, Ooldendalo and all Klickitat Valley points. Rlf amor lea es Portland dally (except Run. day) 7 a. in., uotiuectlnir with I'. It. V N. trains, atl.j In A: IS p. m. for Uoldcndale. Train ar--rhcsaeldcndale, 7::ii p. in. Kioamor arrlros. The Dalles 0:) p. m. htramorleatesThe Paths dally (except Hun day) 7:lu a. m. 0. It.'.t.N. trains leavlnir (loldondale 0:15 a. m. connects with thlstteamer fur Portland, ar rlvliiK Portlaml (i p. in. Kxielleut meal, sorven on all steamers. Flno. ccommodatlons for teams and wagons. For detailed Information of rales, berth res ervations, connections, vie, writs or calt ou, nearest auent. II. C. Campbell, (Jen. otllie, Portland, Or. Manager, AND W. FOSTER, TICKET AQEIMT. Streat. PORTLAND stranger than Action. bookseller or news stand or direct from w t