The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, October 22, 1904, Image 5

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WWI'WWwiWMft.w wiuwjJiiiiijiiMiiiiJiwuwU'i'Jiii'Mlftwiiiwiwi WMU jlWt!WW J JM!WilHWWtt(BM. ' rjihW8l6taPdwiKiiw
. vi.f ,-.r
KitabllRheil 1890 A. I). Otinin Manager
Offloe,48.J Second St., cor. Aih, ltooini 1 and 2
Portland, Oregon.
J.W.Duncan nu 'tc, Mont
II. 0. falmtnoiH , Helena. Mtint
tieo, A. Uaye-i,.
It. J. Jacobs,.,
..... ...i
Kverett, Wnah
To Inturo tiubllMtlon, all local utvi m-iit
rncb ui not fatr tbau ThMtaday tnonilug (
Mb wtefc.
Subscription prloe, on yaar, paraal In U
mm, 13 00.
msm99i&!xs99&M mm
QUBplces of another order. Wo tiro ' (XSS(SXiWS this ticket In straight.
waning patiently to near .more den-IS cucnerr UAnncuturc Z
nlto news, and hoping it will not holf tVERcTT HAPPENINGS f
very iontc ucroro wo win nnvo tho w
picasuro to attend.
tho same as Roosevelt.
It all means
Mr. A. D. Orlflln, manager of Tho
Vnw A trn Pnt-tlat-'l una nmnMn tin
week, lio also states that Dutto has sevoral weeks past has kicked a hole
somo characters of note that cannot ,n tho 8traw ttnd ,s now auout rcntly
Tho political nlghtmaro that has
been so generously fed In Everett for
, Mr. Joel
be excelled In their line. Ho left Sun'
day evening for Great Falls, return
lng again Tuesday. Wo arc always
pleased to meet "Griff", as ho always
carries that glow of pleasantry of such
an urbane nature which is always a
Bourco of much comfort to ono in his
presence. ,
Messrs. H. D. Fngan and W. H.
Jones returned last Friday .evening
from an extended trip East, having
gono to St. Louis to tho World's Fair.
From thcro Mr. Fagan mndo a sldo
trip to Now York and to his old homo
in Pennsylvania. Mr. Jones took In
tho 12th D. M. C. of tho G. U. O. of
O. F., which convened in Columbus,
O., tho 4th Inst. Doth parties report
having had tho tlmo of their lives in
u great many ways. Things took on
a great chango on reaching Ogdcn on
their return home. Having met sev
oral old Duttoltes there tho entertain
nig iook pinco which uiu not cease
until tho train nrrlved at tho station
and Mrs. Plummcr havo moved in Dttttc,
has returned from tho
Judge Lnpslcy left Wednesday for
Chchalls, Wash.
Mrs. Terrace, of Kansas, Is in tho
city visiting her father, Mr. Curtis.
Neatly furnished rooms for gentle
men, with bath, at 389 Davis street
to tho west side ngnln, on Couch near
seventh street,
Tho ball given laBt Monday oven
lug at Union hall by the Star Social
Club was a success.
Much credit is duo Mrs. J. Sampson
for tho successful concert given by
her at tho Daptlst church last Friday
Tho Art do la Modo Sewing Circle
13 held every Saturday afternoon from
2 to 4 o'clock under tho direction of
Mrs. T. Hnll at tho Bethel church on
Tenth nnd Everett. All nro cordially
Invited to nttend.
Mrs. Dradshaw Is Buffering with u
very bad cold.
MrB. Fuller took very sick last week
with pneumonia.
Tho Ladles' Aid Society met at MrM.
II. T. Luwhorn's Inst week.
Tho Sunday School Hoard will meet
nt tho parsonage Tuesdny night.
Don't fort-el prayer meeting ovcry
Thursday night at tho parsonngc.
Mrs. WntBon Is trying to nrrango tho
glrlH for a grand concort to bo given
at Gcrmanla hall.
Ladles and gentlemen, tho Odd Fel
lows will glvo their ball November 2G,
1U04. Get your tickets.
MrB. S. Clark entertained MIbb Tur
ner, from Now York, laHt Tuesday
afternoon from 3 until C o'clock.
Tho meeting of tho Ladles' Aid So
ciety will bo hold at Mrs. J. S. Hall's,
1(113 So. 11th street, next WedncHdny,
October 19, 1904.
Tho literary society will reorganize,
not by tho nnmo of tho Hooker T.
Washington, but tho nnmo of tho Allen
A. M. 13. Literary Socloty. The pro
gram will ho Misses Hnll
and Lawhorn.
Tho Republican RooseveltFnlr
bnnks Club gnvo a ratification meet
ing at their headquarters, 105 West
Galena street last Friday evening.
Many Intelligent speeches wcro made
upon tho Issues of tho present cam
paign by tho candidates and members
of tho club. Tho colored orchestra
furnished music and assisted the
speakers In entertaining the lnrgc
ciowd that gathered for tho purpose
of tendering their respects to tho
club. Similar meclngs will bo held
every Wednesday evening nt their
headquarters on West Galena street
until after tho election. All republi
cans nro especially Invited to unite
with us. Floy W. Greene, chairman;
C. A. Davis, secretary; J'. W. Duncan,
3i3 ixixsscrtixs
(Special to Portland Now Age.)
Snlt Lnko City, Utah, Oct 2, 1901.
Mrs. Jcnnlo Rico Is seriously III at
tho homo of her mothor on So. 9th,
Lorcnzlc Dorco, who was hndly bit
ten by a bull dog on Inst Wcdnesdny
Is still confined to his bed. Ills
many friends wish him a speedy re
covery. Mr. U. W. Campholl, of Pocntollo,
was a pleasant visitor ,ln tho city n
fow days last week. Ho was visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell
of W. Sixth. So. Sldo.
Tho waiters of tho Wilson Hotel
gavo their annual full dress ball Fri
day night, October 7, at tho Federa
tion hall. It was well attended nnd n
most cnjoynblo ovcnlng was spent.
Mrs. W. JcnklnB, of Fort Worth,
Tcxns, arrived In tho city Inst wenje
to Join her husband. MIbb Jcsslo Nix
Ion, of Denver, Ib In tho city, tho
guest of her mint, Mrs. R. D. Hill.
Tho Womnn'B Progressive Club held
tholr annual convention nnd bazaar
Octobor 4, C and C, 1901, which was n
success, socially and financially.
Their bazaar consisted of five booths,
art,, china, ready-made clothing, Ico
cream nnd Rebecca at tho well. Ho
Hides they served olaborato illnnonn
to crawl Into it. Somo people havo in
sanely Imagined that there wns a big
political fight on in Washington, nnd
particularly Snohomish county, but
after tho first explosion of steam nnd
egg shell ammunition was discharged
tho honest resident business mnn,
manufacturer nnd farmer returned to
his regular pursuits disgusted with'
tho questionable methods of somo of
our "ever" dlBsatlBflcd citizens.
The Judgeship.
In this particular question thcro Is
ono, and only ono thing, that the Hon.
John C. Denny asks, and that is to
view his record which is open to all.
The Judgo being ono of tho very
broadest of men it would never occur
to him to point out tho smnllncss of
his enemies. If it did ho could ask tho
public to demand an explanation of
theso poor, sore-headed prosperity
wreckers. Tlioy aro prosperity wreck
ers, for they havo tried to bring disas
ter to tho only snfo, sound element of
American life. We, ns a pcoplo havo
absolutely nothing to complain of ns
pleaders, plaintiffs, defendants, or cit
izens under his official jurisdiction,
nnd wo should not lend our ear for a
moment, even In n Joke, to his ono
.mles. Wo must each of us fight his
enemies, becauoo in so doing wc nro
lighting our own enemies. When wo
look over tho ticket and rcalizo It
was not tho work of ono mnn, wo sec
nt a glance that it must bo the work
of combined forces in what has been
Snohomish County
T. B. Sumner, of Everett
J. A. Falconer, 48th District
II. L. SlrobrldBO, !Sth District
Ben Morjrnn, 49th District
J. A. Theurcr, 49th District
John C. Donney, of Everett
Frank P. Brewer, of Everett
Samuel Vestal, of SnohomUh
AV. U. Booth, of Everett
Q cor go XV. Adamsun, of Evirctt
James W. Ilnrtnett, of Evcrott
E. M. Allen, of Evcrott
T. A. Stlger, of Everett
Elmer Lcnfcst, of Snohomish
Dr. C. E. Munn, of Mnrysvlllo
1st Dint., Nils Suther, of Sllvuua
Dlst., A. 11. B. Jordan, of Everett
Is tho best hotel on tho
Whenever you think thnt the cor
ner of Third nnd Couch streets .s n
doad ono Just drop into tho Alcazar
and seo what n little new life will do
for a nlnco. W. W. Harmon, former
ly of Tncoma, has taken tho place,
2d It costs no moro than nooror "'V.1 8 """ !" ,s making it go like
hntnls. nn nhnum liv r-nni hnlnw n l'C '-'0 Winner.
3d -Now hotel, new furniture.
4th Excellent service.
Gth Tho Washington, while rlj,..
Between Portland and Willamette
!Vim, CT V ''? dt?'. '? w,nn u' VnlIey )0lnts- Low round-trlp rates
U?" .?f 20, fcc,t' .whlc l "fl1 yo,l hnvo bcen P'nced In effect between
uuuiu mu uumu, uudv hiiu HinuKu ui I'ortlnud
iiiu Hircci noicis.
Arithmetic Is not Clara's forte. But
a successful effort to ohtnln tho best, this does not troublo her greatly. If
for tho calling. If thcro was a word ho cannot solve tho problems In her
of truth in this stuff ngalnst Judgo daily lesson her mother can, and Clara
Denny b re-elect on tho convention believes that parents who make chll
thnt nominated him would never, for ,,-. .,.,,,., H,h,,,ni .,i. ....
a moment, thought of doing so with . "? tlE a1rlu,motlc the r
n county full of good men. This lslw,n hould ta "l"IWe for their
but common senso for tho national .examples. Mrs. Hamilton usually
election begins nnd ends tho snmo Btvcs up her evenings to Clnra's nrlth
day, and it Is madness to think thnt, luetic; but not long ago, the Chicago
a body of sober thinking men would
nnmo a ticket to run along sldo of
tho ticket headed by Theodore Roob
ovclt, unless It was Its equal In ovcry
wny in Its own locality.
The Senntorthlp.
Such men as T. B. Sumner nro only
choacn for their worth nnd when a
convention can securo tho consent of
n mnn like Tom Sumner, n lover of
his home nnd family, n big hearted,
brond minded thinker, a snfo, sound,
business mnn who Ib ruled by no
cllquo snvo tho clique that stands for
Justice nnd consideration to all alike,
their efforts should ho crowned with
success. It is unnecessary to dwell
upon what wo owo Mr. Sumner, but It
might bo said truthfully that ho Is
willing for ub to continue owing him,
nnd oven owo him more. Ho never
kcops nny account of It, but there is
no hotter tlmo than now to begin pay
ing him, If not, becnuso wo do not owo
him, 'then becauso tho country can
not get too many men of his stamp. It
would bo well for ub to remember
when wo nro working around and siz
ing up men nnd using our llttlo Influ
ences thnt tho moro of the Sumner
typo of men thcro nro In tho law-making
bodies tho fowor of tho Tillman
typo thcro will bo.
The Representatives,
With Alex. Fnlconor In tho
house thcro Is not a
Nows soys, she camo abort ono prob
lem becauso Mr. Bond, tho president
of the baking-powder company with
whlcu Mr. Hamilton wns connected,
was visiting them and had to bo enter
tained. After dinner that evening Clara's
ryes wero so red thnt her father asked
her if she had got something In them.
"No," said Clara, beginning to cry
ngain. "Mania couldn't get one of
those old examples, and now I'll havo
to stay in at recess to-morrow l"
"Don't cryl" exclaimed her father.
"I'll get It for you. Kxcuto me a min
ute. Bond."
Then he followed Clara from the
room, nnd went into a close session
with the problem.
Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Bond dis
cussed every subject under tho sun
while they waited for Mr. Hamilton
to return. At Inst they henrd him In
tho ndjolnlng room throw down tho
book nnd declare that the answer In
tho back was wrong. Tho man who
wroto the book did not know what ho
was about that was all.
"No, pupa," piped Clara. "Teacher
snld the nnnwer was right"
Now Mr. Itntlll llllfl tnnrn Minn nn
. .. ., ..w..w . ...w.u ...., UIII.V
lit. Ill tfllMl.. .AI...1 .1 t
lower ". ui;.. nviiw-i-uiiyN ui-cn jrO'
and Willamette Valley
n n Into ! nliltAM ,li.ilH mi.i..i
Gth Tho hotel Is situated in tho win ,n Bni.i ani.,..i..,. .i a. ... ....
414 acres of beautiful nn,i n.itn,i n ,...... i.
grounds, with thousands of roses and following Monday. Call on Southern
BiVrAiimiin - ucuuuiy u.o l'ncinc Company's ngent for partlc
7th Eight hundred feet of wide vcr '
andaB surround tho hotel, giving to ,m WIT T n ,n ..,. ,'
tho guest opportunities for rest and !T W1LL BE T0 Youn INTEREST
promenndo not found elsewhere. " 0" contempiato visiting tho St.
8th Tho vlow from theso spacious Louis Exposition, to securo reliable in-
verandas cannot bo described. Moun formation ns to railroad sorvlce, tho
tains, lakes, tho Sound nnd . tho city 'owcst rates and tho best routes. Also
Itself form ono magnificent panorama nH, to oc'1 conditions In St. Louis; ho-
not found anywhere else on earth. 'c'8' cc ctc-
9th Tho hotel lobby, parlors, Turk If. y" wl wrlto tho undersigned,
Ish room, etc., nro exquisite, nnd form fl'ntlng what Information you desire,
n continuation of comfort nnd luxury lM0 Bn,no w' - Promptly furnished,
not often found In hotels. wo (Jo not hnvo It nn hand, will bo
10th A Dutch grill hns recently c,,ro ll or ' possible, nnd without
been added, whero service may bo nn' expense to you. Address
had nt all hours. U H. TRUMBULL. Comm. Agt..
11th Tho dining room cannot bo H2 Third Street. Portlnnd, Or.
excelled. Brcnkfast and lunch am
served a la carlo, at most renBonablo "
prices, and a tnblo d bote dinner for
$1.00 Is pronounced by nil to bo nboo
12th Rates Extremely rensonnblo.
European plan
Room, without bath, $1.00 per day
and upward.
Room, with bnth. $2.00 nor day nnd
'Bus service to nnd from nil trains Republican Nominee
:mu owns, ;.'u cents.
Trunks, each way, 2C centB.
Carriage faro (private), GO cents.
Special rates mndo to parties for
ono month or moro.
13th Being nbovc tho street and
nwny from tho nolBO, you will enjoy
n night's rest better at tho Washing
ton than nny other hotel In tho city. Republican Nointnro for
inn uo to tuo Washington nnd If
you nro not satisfied thnt It surpnsseH
all other hotels on tho Pacific Coast
for excellent servlco and rensonnblo
prices, your hill will bo nothing.
iota do not Do deceived by bellow'
lng thnt oomo other hotel In tho city r. ., ..
Is ns good ns tho Washington, for such E'Cli0n ilOV. 8
lu not tho cnBo. Tho Wellington
atnnilfl nlono ns tho most charming -. .
nnti nttrnctivo Hotel west or Now
Kino wlnc, llntiofg and
domestic cigars and Key
Vct cigars always on
hand. zr:ss:
1M Cth and Irving Htrcot.
Full Dress and Business Suits to
Order. Cleaning: and Repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
366 Russell St.
For Coroner
Election November 8
Bulte Montana
Voto for
County Commissioner
Standard Steam Carpet and
Cleaning Co.
Carpets Cleaned Refitted,
Rebordered and Relayed.
First Claw Work Guirand. All Work
Done Promptly, Calltd for and Delivered
Cor. E. Third N. and Pacific St.
Phone East 280 PORTLAND
, Pecon I District
Everett Wash,
Vote for
shadow of a """i-ccu n "worn matneuiatlclan. Ho
In tho largo dining loom nt 227 South ,lobt that Just what Is bolloved by promptly offered to work tho problem
WeHt Tomnlo. Slncn tho ni-cnnlzntlnn his supports now will bo cnrrled out
of this club thov havo rnlHod S2I0 nml This gentleman Is ono of thouo men
?.vffsvtftvffvvftysvsvayiviyTfS and illd qulto n bit of clinrltntilo work Pom whom wo feel Hnfo when wo
vr' -" --. . nfl vA"kVwV ',y !,. l.l. ....l .....!.. mi. ,...!. III II t i MlO Mt-nltllot sH linki
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Smith return
ed to Helena after nn nbsence of 10
months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith nro nt
tho reuldonco of Mrs. Alice Palmers.
MIsh (llndya Alexander Is again nt
tho Grand. Sho received nn over
whelming ovation on her return to tho
footlights by tho patrons of tho
Oinud. Her singing Is simply divine.
Among tho many nnd mighty nrmy
of visitors to tho fair wcru Mcsdnmns.
Honry Wllllnms. .1. Allen, Sndlo
Smith nnd W. K. Ornnt, of Dutto;
Mchhi-8. Do Mnrs, W. 13. Grant, Bax
ter, and Camel of Dutto, II. C. Wll
llnms, of Missoula, Blnior, of Wal
lace Idaho, and sovurnl othors.
Mr. W. E. Count mndo an ablo ad
dress before tho Roosovclt-Falrbanks
Club nt tho Manhattan Club last Fri
day evening. Tho Hoosovelt-Fnlr
banks Club hns n neat toll of mem
bora. Mr. Willis Hoso has been elect
ed ns Its president, Mr. S. Smith first
vice president; John Reed, second
vlco prcfaldent; Mr. J. R. W. Clnrko,
secretary. All citizens nro Invited to
becomo members.
Last Saturday was tho closing day
of tho Montana Statu fair. Too much
cannot bo said of tho fair. Every
thing was In keeping for events of
thnt kind. From Monday, tho open
ing day, until Saturday tho city has
been thronged with strnngers.
Bands of music havo visited Holona
from Great Falls and Dutto. Every
one that pnld idmlsilon declares they
had their money's worth. Tho dis
plays of tho ninny different exhibits
was deserving of much praise, and re
flected much credit upon thoso enter
prising gentlemen thut had tho fair
In charge.
II. C. S.
for tho sick and needy. Tho club will
bold their next weekly meeting nt thn
residence of Mrs. W. L. Foshn. 37G
W. 1st, South. Tho money raised
fioni thu bazaar will bo used toward
building a club room nntl.liall for the
use of tho colored citizens of Snlt
Lake City, Utah. Tho following nre
tho programs rendered dally nt tho
hnvo his promise or hnvo loft any
thing in his hands. A dovoted bus
band nnd fnthor, a good conservative
business man. with tho courngo of his
convictions. Wo could not llnd n hot
tor mnn for nil clnsses than this one.
Mr. Fnlconor Imih tnken an active In
terest In ovciythlng tho colored noo
plo hnvo attempted to do horo, and has
convention. Tuesday, Octobor !, 230 nctunlly spoilt vnlunblo tlmo In our bo
P. M.: Music, "Blest Do tho Tie ', oven nt tho dead hours of night.
Thnt Binds"; Invocation, Mis. Seth ' IH o to Bay that no duplicity oi
toung; giectlngs, Mrs. B. Tliurmnn;
response, Mrs. P. II. Itoblusou; Fed
eration song, Mrs. Tliurmnn; secre
tary's roport, Mrs. Win. Itussell; cor
tospoiuimg secretary s report, Mrs. It.
B. IIIU; treasurer's leport, Mis. J.
Pat ton; Journalist's ropoit, Mrs. E.
under-handed work enn go on whore
110 Ih concerned, nml nnvth nir thnt
did not nppcal to him ns qulto falr,cnn (, 'lom M iulcklyj" exclaimed
11 l.1.l ..nt n .1. ....!. 111. a. Mtll.u'a ItlAllin
iiuuiii nub j," UIIUUKH WJUIUIIl BOniOw""" ...uhhji.
for OInra, and thn dog-eared arlthmo
tic was turned over to him. After a
quarter of an hour, during which only
his hnrd breathing disturbed tho qulot
of tho room, ho announced that tho
problem wns solved. So Clara went
to bed happy,
Tho next evening, as soon ns dinner
was over, Mr. Bond complacently of
fcred to help Clara with her arithme
tic, giving Mr. Hamilton nt thn samo
time n sly dig about his IncUlclenry.
But Clara hung back, and snld sho
wanted her mnmmn to holp her.
uii, do let Mr. Bond help you! Ho
Tho following pcoplo havo ntopped
at tho Washington during tho past
year i.ntl havo given unnthitod praise
and declared 'that in many respects It
excels any other hotel on tho conti
nent: President Theodoro Roosevelt. Wm.
II. Moody, Socrotnry of tho Navy;
Gov. Odoll, of Now York; Baron
Rothschild. Mr. Smith, of tho DuBenrs
Diamond Mines, South Afrlcn; Hon.
Cornelius N. Bliss, Ex-8ccretnry of Flrtlnn Nnv R
interior; lion. c. S. Mellon, President - -
n. y. & H. it. iiy.; Mrs. J. J. Hill,
Louis Hill nnd J. N. Hill, of tho Great
Northorn Ry.; Hon. Howard Elliott
President N. P. Ry.; Adollna Pattl. K.
II. Sothern, Gov. Brady, of Alaska;
Mmo. Nordlca, Maud Adams, Nat
Goodwin. Mrs. FIbIc.j. nil Rnymond &
Whit co nib tourists, Richard Maimflcld
nnd other celebrities of (ho commer
cial nnd profosslonal world.
Republican Nominee for
Superintendent Schools
Everett Wash.
Successor lo MARX 4 CO.
heavy bumps.
H. L. Strowbrldge,
Jackson; chairman oxccutlvo board, '? .? ,n t.ho DKfl,a,t,!r ls
Mrs. M. Reoves, music, "Nearer. M , " , f""" who wo might bo
God. to Theo." Adjournment. Wed- Sjn r,s,,t now to m'-, M,r- Strowbrldge
Mrs. S. A. Smith loft Snturday for
a prolonged visit In Helena.
Tho Silver Leaf Club, conducted by
Mr. C. E. Dumas, was destroyed by
flro last Friday evening.
Mcsdames. H. E. Fletcher and
Laura Brown returned Friday night
fiom a ten days' visit to Helena.
Hon. James Crump, of Helena, ono
of the pioneers of Montana, Is spend
lng a fow days in Butte this week vis
iting friends.
Messrs, Sam Jones and Nat Collins
came in this week from several week's
hunting trip ladened with all kinds
of game from a sage ben to a grizzly
Mrs. Jas. Gordon arrived last Tues
day after several months visit to
Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon are
at present domiciled at No. a West
Porphyry street.
The so-called colored democrats
held what may be called a rum' drink
lng meeting at 12 West Galena street
last Monday evening. No speeches
of any note wero made. A fair crowd
was In evidence, two-thirds of which
were not eligible to vote. They got
the drinks though Just tho same.
Tho Willing Workerp of tho East
ern Star gave a ball last Wednesday.
This being the first social event of Its
kind of .the 'season It seemed to bo a
source of great pleasure to partlcl
nesday, October C, 2:30 P. M.: Music,
"Jesus, l.oor of My Soul"; nddiess.
Mrs. M. Steed; thp Federation waltz;
pnpor, "Woman'H Suffrngo", Mrs. J.
W. Benjamin; paper, Mrs. C. Washing
ton; solo, Miss E, Wllllnms; paper,
"Club Work". Mrs. R. B. Hill; music,
"Federation Song", tho Club; paper,
"Past and Future- of tho C. W. of
Amorlca", Mrs. E. W, 'Jnnett; music,
"God Bo With You 'Till Wo Meet
Again"; adjournment. Wednesday,
8:30 P. M., progrnm under tho mnn
ngement of Mrs. Wm. Russell, Mrs. M,
L E. Reeves nnd Mis. Cliua. McSwlno.
Thursday, October C, 2:30 P. M.: Mus
lc, "Rock of Ages", tho Club; organiz
ing clubs; Federation song; election
of officers; "Onward, Christian Sol
diers"; adjournment. Thursday, 9:00
P. M.: Grand ball and auction, which
was largely attended, nnd music fur
nished by Hold's orchestra.
Wallace, tho llttlo son of Mrs O. B.
Thurman, Is quite ill with typhoid
Professor Alexander Milton is very
111 with rheumatism. His many
friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Tho Booker T. Washington club met
on last Friday night with Mrs. W. W.
Taylor at her home In So, Stato street.
Tho republican club at Murry, Utah,
held a very enthusiastic meeting at
tho opera house Saturday night. A
largo number of the Salt Lake people
were In attendance. After the speak
ing the seats were moved and dancing
was Indulged in until a late hour, and
every one left feeling that they bad
bad a good time.
The Women's Progressive Club held
Its regular weekly meeting with Miss
Edith Williams, at her home on West
First, South. Thursday evening. New
officers were elected for the ensuing
year and are as follows: Mrs. Russell
Atkinson, president; Mrs. Emma Jack
son, vlco president; Mrs, Hattle D.
Janett, secretary; Mrs, Maymp
Young, assistant secretary; Miss
Edith Williams, second assistant sec
retary; Mrs. J. W. Washington, cor
responding secretary; Mrs. Jennie
Patten, treasurer; Mrs. R. B. HID,
state organizer; Mrs. Lizzie Gray,
chairman of oxecutive board; Mrs.
William E. Russell, Journalist, and
Mrs. P. H, Robinson, chairman of
ways and means committee. During
the convention and bazaar, October
4, 5 and 6, the club realized $275, and
cleared 1125. After all business bad
been transacted light refreshments
were served. The cluu will meet next
nanU In the fantastic toe. There Is week with Mrs. P. A. Steed, In. Don
one evidence of aooUter under thelaldsc-a court.
is our couit commissioner, mid in
tho years gono by tho records might
havo told of a great many Negro cases
and as many ndvoiso decisions but
tho efforts nnd activity, tho honost
concern nnd constant desiro to seo
Justlco dono, lonvos tho pnges blank
which might havo been full of nny
thing but tho things wo would llko to
seo. Mr. Strowbrldgo Is n Inwyor of
ability and knows most of our pcoplo
hero and ns couit commissioner ho Is
tho surest man In tho world to Insist
upon knowing everything concerning
any Negro's cubo that comes up. His
ono object Is to know that tho right
thing has bcen done. Ho says that
criminals, Insnnes and whnt-nots, aro
nil entitled to Just what tho law al
County Commissioner,
Whon wo speak of the gentlomnn
running for this ofllco. ns In tho enso
of tho others, wo aro almost lost for
words to portray tho character of tho
man without going over his llfo Btop
u) Hid-, ami picKing out the endless
acts of kindness and benevolence ho
Is constantly performing, which seem
to bo a part of his very existence, and
which aro of such common occurrence
that peoplo almost havo ceased to no
tlco them. Theso, It seems, only In
crease his ability to shoulder tho
heavy responsibilities that ho Is cull
ed upon dally to do. Mr. Jordan will
accopt the office if given him by tho
people, fully conscious of the respon
sibilities and fully equal to them, and
no man, however small his influence
or his holdings, will havo his petition
or his notice thrown in the basket as
Insignificant, besides it is an honor
to support men like A. H. B. Jordan,
and our peoplo can do for themselves
no better turn.
The Assessor.
In Mr. E. M. Allen wo should bo all
of one mind. Tho man himself Ib so
well known that he is In tho race
practically alone. There aro few of
our peoplo who do not know him. and
nono who aro not proud of it. While
Mr. Allen has a walk-over, that Is a
llttlo more so than any of the rest,
for they all have about tho samo. Wo
must not get careless, but even though
we know he will win we want to show
our gratitude by giving him a record
breaking majority. This campaign
worries him aa llttlo as it does the
rest of the ticket, but they realize tho
Importance of the affair, and are not
going to be charged with criminal In
difference or over-confidence in case
of defeat. They aro all Roosevelt
men, from the governor and judge
aown, ana we Know what we
HUH Clara shook her head, and whon
they continued to urgo her, she blurted
out that Mr. Bond hnd not worked tho
problem right tho night before.
"Why, ho hnd the right nnswer,"
snld Chirn's mother, In confusion.
"les, but he didn't do It right," ex
plained Clnrn. "Teacher snys wo
shouldn't Just work for the nnswer,
but should know tho logical steps by
which It ls worked. Ho worked It
All eyes sought Mr. Bond, who
meekly confessed tho justice of the
blunt accusation.
Don't fall to nsk for tho Holona
beer, mndo by Kesler Browing Co.,
Helena, Mont. It has no equal.
Always ask for the (anions Goneral
Arthur cigar. Ksbcrg-Gunst Cigar
Co., sjonerul ugents, Portlnnd, Or.
If you want to be sure your Cream
is rich and your Butter
the best there is
J Order it, from j
Rush orders for train
time a specialty. We can
deliver on 10 or J5 minutes notice
Phone 154
Phone Exchange 12
Exclusive Hatters
349 Washington Street
Latest Mtvlcs of all standard makes
IlatH mndu to order.
Up-to-Datc Tailoring at Pop
ular Prices
268 Alder St.
Phone Hood 1665
Tho Applteou Cafe. Firsl'dacs lu
ovory revpert. Fouthwont corner Sixth
nnd Kverett htreutti, Portlnnd Ureogu.
Tho Holona, tho leading hotel In
Helena, henrquartorH for commurrlnl
Whon going to Holona, Mont., don't
forget to glvo your baggage to tho
Helena Cab Co. Agent on all trnlns.
Tho only uptodnto hotel In Olym
pin, Wush., Is tho Hotel Olympla, hend
quarters for commorclal men. K. N.
Tomln, proprietor.
Hotel Victoria, Spokano, leading ho
tel. Rates, $1,00 and up. Largo sam
plo roomB for commercial men. W.
M, Watson, proprietor.
Tho first-class hotel of Seattle,
Wnsh., Is tho Hotel Washington,
headquarters for tourists. Tho hotel
of tho West.
Dutto Transfer Co., baggage and
passenger checknl to all puitH of thu
city. Tho only rellnhlo transfer com
Iinny In tho City of Butte. Tlios, l.o
vello, proprietor.
Try tho North Const Limited. Tho
finest train on earth. When going
Knst seo thnt your ticket leads over
tho Northern Paellle, and you will en
joy your trip Hast.
Tho Tncomu Hotel, tho only upto
date hotel In Tncoma, headquarters
for tourists and commorelnl travelers.
Ameilcan plan. sa.OO per day and up
wards. W. B. Blackwcll, manager.
French Dyeing and Cleaning Worts.
AH work done at very modreute prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J, De
leau, proprietor, 45f Gliaun street.
Pino Wines, Liquors and Cigars
The best ever made Ih tho Kaglu
Brand DoiicIcph Chicken Hot Tnmalcs
nnd hiiHks. Wliolenulo and Retail.
Ollioo and factory, -Hi Union avenue,
Portland, Oregon. Telephone, KiiHt,
The Olympia
E. N. TUNIN, Prop.
Headquarters for Commercial Men
1'iuu Hamplo itooinv
Tho Orandon Hotel, Helena. Mont.,
is ono of the first-class up-to-date ho
tels In Montana for commercial trav
elers. Jos. Davis, proprietor.
It has been said that "Harmon's".
on the corner of Third and Couch, Is
among the undesirable resorts of tho
North End, but the plain facts aro
that "Harmon's" is one at the clean
est places in Portland. There are no
ladles' entrances nor any wine rooms;
In fact It ls only a place for men, and
men only,
Notlco Is hereby given that tho an
nual meeting of stockholders of the
Portland Toilet Soap Company will
bo hold at 134 First street on Mon
day, Noverabor 21, 1904, at 4.30 P.
M., for tho purpoao of electing a
board of directors and transacting
such other business as may properly
como before tho meeting.
W. P. KKADY, Sec.
F. E. IIEACI! & CO.,
Tho Pioneer Paint Company, make a
specialty of selling the bettthipgs made
in paints. Houko Paint, Floor Paint,
Barn Paint, Fence Paint and Woof Paint ;
Enamels, Varnishef, Colors, Stains,
Pflrnentlro KaUomine and tzeneral build.
are inc- mtriml. 13S First St.. N. W. or.
worlkng for in Roosevelt, so just put Alder, Portland, Orgos.
Wus thu pioneer American trull wihI of llio MlH-umrl liver ami thu n-siilm of that
exploration of JSOI-0 wcro of tiomciulouH Inipuriniiio tit thu I'-iitmi Htuton anil
they wcro never more apparent than now.
A publication relating to thu LowIh anil Clark expedition, Jiwt ImhiiuI by CI,
P. Putnam's HoriB, New York, HtunriH peculiarly alone. Thin edition U a two vol
ume, 8 vo one called "Tho Trull of I.uwIh anil Clark, 1MHWI". Tho author, Mr.
Olln I). Wht-cler, Ih tho well known wrllr of tho popular Wonderland Merles of
the Northern I'aclllo Hallway, In connection with which ho mmlu lib studies and
rem-HrcheM for this work.
Mr. Wheeler has traveled several thoiiHuiid mllen over tho route or Lewi and
Clark. Ho Iiuh camped out, climbed monntalriH, followed old Indian trallH, and
vlnlted remote points made memorable by Diohu explorers. Their routo aerotm thu
nitterroot mountains has be-on followed, IdetillfUd and mapped,
"Tho Trull of I.f-wls and Clark" Is IIIUHtrntrd In color unci half tonu from
paintings, druwlnicn and maps, by I'axson, DeCamp, and Itusst-ll, mado under Mr.
Wheeler's direction, ami from photographs taken npolully for thu purpono. Thu
writer tells his own Htory und wupplemonls It with perllnent extracts from Lewis
and Clark, und a host of other historical ami narrative writer that connect thu
past with tho present. I.xact excerpts ami photographic reproductions, In ImlC
tone, from tho Original Manuscript Journals of Lewis ami Clark aru given. A
chapter Is devoted to tho Louisiana Purchase, another to thn prepaiatory meas
ures for tho exploration, and another to thu history of each man of tho expedi
tion so far us known, Including u dUcuislon of tho death of Captain Lewis.
Tho Louisiana Purchase Exposition nt Ht Louis, and tho Lewis und Clark
Centennial to bo held at Portland, Oregon, In 1&0S, muko this work peculiarly
timely because written from tho standpoint of actual knowledge of pust and pres
tnt conditions of the old trail and country,
"The Trail of Xwls and Clark" thould bo found lu every publlo and prlvuto
library In the land and the general reader will llnd In reading through Its i-aitoa
of large, clear type that truth Is, Indeed, stranger than Ilctlon.
The book can be ordered through any bookseller or news stand or direct from
the publishers. "'
I' YOU WANT thu Brightest
nn J Dust (VtesseiiKer In town
or have lure or small pnckuRcs
of any kind to he delivered by
Wilson or boy, rlnjj up
I .Stat.) I.Ueucu No J. Lady AttUUllt I
I Undertaker and Embalmer I
I la d Night Hurvlce I
I '."O.i'j llrou-lwuy Telephone Mn 330 I
Absolutely the host Coal on thu market
No Clinkers, Rock, Hone nor
Soot, nothing; but Pure Coal
Bvwrctt Conl Company
C. P, CLAHK, Prop.
Phone Alain 125 1905 Hewitt Ave.
Fine Bakery Lunch Served
We make a specialty of
Home Made Bread A full
Line of bakery good's al
ways on hand Order
work a specialty
MM 1-2 Hewitt Avt.