The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, October 08, 1904, Image 4

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A. D. QRIFfllS, Mnnaitr.
ffk 43 Second St., cor. Ash, Room I and 1
Portland, Oregon.
Kntercd at the poitotllco at Portland, Orejoa
aft fccond-clasa inattor.
On Year, payabla In advance $ 2.(X
It lll not need the Bpccch of Sen
ator FalrbnnkB In Portland to Inauro
n very largo nmjorlty in this city and
stnto for HooBcvcIt and lilniBolf on
November 8, for Unit result was cer
tain nnywny, but the very targe mnlt
onco thnt iiBBcmblcd nt the Armory to
henr him ami Senator Dolllvor speak
were pleased nnd encouraged, never
tlielesfl, nnd the meeting will result
in a grcutcr degrca of Interest hchiB
taken In tho election, nnd In rollliiB
up n very lnrgo nmjorlty for tho Pros
Idcnt In Oregon.
Ab no Btnto election occurs this full,
It Ih not to bo expected thnt tho vote
will oxeced or oven cqunl thnC enst
Inst June, but It inny rctiBonnbly be
nupposod thnt thcro will bo moro
Htny-nt-homo domocrntB thnn ropub
llcnnn, bo nooaovoll'B nmjorlty inny
exceed thnt of Jttdgo Mooro Inst
Juno. A good innny dcmocrntH tnko
no Interest In JudBo Pnrkcr'H olec
tlon nnd will tnko no trouble to bo to
tho pollH. A considerable number
moro nro Hntlfllled with Roosevelt,
think ho Ib good ciioubIi for them,
and bo will vote for him. Still ofhorn,
not llklm; to bo" UiIh fur, will voto for
Doha or WntBon.
Aud wlmt Ib truo In 6rogon In thin
rcBpcct Ib truo nil over tho West In
n fircntor or Icbb degree. nooBovelt
domocrntB, nnd nntl-Pnrkor domo
crntB, nro ovorywhero, both on tho
rnclfle coaBt nnd In tho Western
Btntcfl boyond tho Itocky mountnliiB
Tho Now Ago bellovcB thnt tho Prosl
dent will enrry nearly nil tho Htnteo
this Blilo of Ohio, nt least, by unpre
cedented mnJorltlcB.
To return to Senator FulrbnnkH,
whllo ho Ib not nB rondlly or eloquent
n Bpenker nB Borne, nnd Ih not offon
nlvo or effervescent, ho mndo n good,
Holld, Honalblo Hpeech, thnt IiIh oppon
ent coild not well niiHwer, If ho does
not Biln nny voIoh by 1Ih tour, ho will
not ullonnto nny, nnd ho mnkoH n good
Impression hb n man fully lit for vlct
president or oven for proHldont If ho
Hhould bo called to tho higher posl-
Honntor Dolllvor Ih a inoro nnturnl
nnd enBy speaker, nnd moro Interest
lug to tho multitude, for ho Ih pi
quant nnd witty, nnd keopn his henrorH
In a good humor, whether thoy agree
with him or not, or euro anything
about polltkB or parties or not.
It Ih generally Hiipposcd thnt Fair
banks' Ih "a coming man," and will
very llkoly bo tho republican rnndl
Unto for Presldont In 1908, but Dolll
vor Ib nlHO llkoly to bo beard from In
tho futuro ns nn oven greater polltl
cal figure thnn bo Is now. Whllo vory
different In temperament and dlspoHl
tlon, thoy nro yot both roprosontn
tlvo nnd worthy republican Htaten-nieii.
In order to bo elected. Yet wo re
member tho result of the gubernator
ial contest In Oregon two years ago,
In view of which It Is not snfo to
gnugc the slzo or sweep of a politi
cal tide, when It begins to run In
fnvor of n minority party candidate.
It Is expected that tho domocratB
will mnko some Bains In tho Washing
ton legislature, but It Ib extremely
Improbable thnt thoy will Bain enough
to hnvo n majority. If they should,
Turner would no doubt be sent to tho
Sennto ngnln. If the republicans
hnvo a majority It will bo a hot fight
for tho Bcnatorshlp between Wilson,
Piles, Foster nnd others. Washing
ton Is qulto an Intccstlng stnto Just
now, politically, ns well ns otherwise.
And n mighty good stnto It Is, ns well
an Oregon, whoever wIiib nt tho polls
or In tho lPBlBlnturo.
What Is Detective Joo Imy'fl pull?
Is wlint n good many pcoplo of Port
land nro nskhiB. After his many mis
takes and failures, not to uso nny
BtroiiBor lanBiinBo, why Is ho retain
cd In his respoiiBlblo position? Two
or three weeks ago n citizen of the
Kant Sldo wns shot down and killed
In cold blood. Flvo ItnllniiH woro
present In tho murdered man's an
Icon when ho was killed, and when
tho oHlcers arrived there. Yet Day,
who had cliargo of tho case, did not
hold any of theso in on ns witnesses,
did not even nt thnt tltno discover
their nnmcB, did not prevent them
from hiding tho revolver thnt was
used, nor from arranging between
them to Btnnd by ono another In fact
did nothing thnt an olllcor In Hiich a
onso Hhould have done nt thnt time to
discover tho murderers, Tho conse
quence Ib that probably no ono enn
over bo convicted for almost as foul
nnd dnntnrdly n murder an wnu over
committed In thin city.
Perhaps oven this might bo over
looked If It had been Day's first bad
break but It Is not, by nny means.
Not long ago ho allowed n prisoner to
cscnpo from n train who wan only cap
tured nt connlderublo expanse, nnd
thoro nro plenty of people who look
upon those nnd other performances
or unu-pcrformnnccH of thlu detective
with Misplclon. Tho Hllverlleld fur
robbery was another cane In point,
and rumors of "Iking" casern In ways
not strictly In accordance with law
and Justice, to sny tho lenst, havo
been frequent, nnd pcrfllfltcnt. In
vlow of all theso facts might It not
bo woll for tho venerable mayor to
hint to tho moro or lens doughty Day
that Ills hoi'vIcoh could bu dispensed
with, bo that hoiuo more reliable and
UHpful man could bo employed? Such
an action would surely meet tho up
pi oval of a great many If not nearly
all of tho hiiBlnesH men of Portland
In doubt, thcro should bo no doubt of
tho re-election of Hon, Thomas W.
ulxon, of Missoula, who has bo ably
nnd faithfully represented thnt state
In tho last congress. Mr. Dixon Ib yet
a young man, and Is ono of tho most
popular and worthy of Montana's
prominent nnd rising lawyers and
public men. Ho Is in every respect n
man of high attainments and charac
ter. If re-elected, and kept In con
gross, ho will mako a mark, nnd a
national reputation there, and will bo
cnpablo of doing much good for Mon
tana far moro than n, democratic
minority member could do, even if ho
wcro Mr. Dixon's equal in point of
ability. Wo hope and expect to sec
Montana cast Its electoral voto for
Hoosovclt, who onco lived In thnt ter
ritory, nnd Is greatly liked there, and
re-elect Hon. ThomnB W. Dixon tc
congress, ns ho certainly should be.
In the death of Mr. Aaron Deck
during tho past week Portland lost
ono of Its most exemplary citizens.
Ho bad lived hero for many years,
ever since tho town was n small and
Btrnggllng city, nnd was universal!
respected, For a long tlmo he, in
partnership with M. A. Wnldmnn,
now n bnlllff In Judge Clclnnd's court,
conducted n clothing store, from
which ho retired with n modest com
petency 18 years ago. Mr. Heck was
h man very charitably disposed, and
1,1 remembered kindly by many whom
ho has helped In ono way or another.
Ho rnlsod a largo family, nnd wiib al
ways n good husband, father nnd cit
izen. Though born In another land,
ho loved his adopted country nnd
homo city, nnd did his part as a loyal
nnd intelligent citizen quietly but
well, Ho was nn old man, his wife
bad Bono before him nnd on that ac
count ho folt lonely, nnd wnu ready
to go.
i IFmlrls'i. H aSiSBSHaiSlaMx wBJ
Ono Hundred Year Ago.
Tho King of Sweden ordered bis am
bassador, and all .Swedes In his Borvlcu
at Paris, to !onu that city at once.
Trouble with the church caused tho
government of Prance to banish ninny
prlestB from that country.
A complete change look place In tho
government of the Hataviau republic.
The cotton prop of Georgia waB ruin
ed by cnterplllais.
Tho American squadron captured
near Tripoli two vessels laden with
whent for that city.
Tho Governor of New Hrunswlck
wns forced to order out tho troops to
quell a riot uniting oyster strikers at
Tho campaign In tho Btnto of Wash
Ington Ih nlroady lively, and will In
crenso In ardor and Intensity until
election day. Not that thero Ih any
doubt about whero Washington will
Bland In tho presidential contest;
lloosovelt will carry tho Btato by a
very large majority; but tho result on
governor and memborH of tho lcglslu
turo Is not so certain. Thoro Is no
disguising tho facts that Tumor Is an
nblo and n strong mnn, nnd thnt there
Ii moro or less of a bolt among tho
republicans In his fnvor, How great
tho defection will turn out to bo no
ono can toll, nor can nny rollnblo In
formation bo obtained from tho pup
tlsan newspapers. Tho Seattle Post
Intelligencer, for example, pooh-poohs
tho reports of republican disaffection,
nnd predicts Mend's olcctlon by near
1 a normal majority. Tho Spokane
Spokesman-Review, on tho other
hand, a paper which is supporting
Roosovelt, believes, or protends to
bellovo, that enough republicans will
voto for Turner to olect him. Tho
truth probably lies Bomowhoro be
twoen theso vlows, And it Ih also to
bo remombercd that somo democrats
nro eoro at Turuer, on ono small
ground or another; ao ho will havo
to get more republican votes than it
pperi probable will turn up for him
Tho state of Georgia held an elec
tlon thlH week, or went through the
formality of holding ono. It was onl
n formality, or rnthor It waB purely n
fni co. Only tho democratic ticket
waB In tho Hold, and if thero had been
nny other ticket it would hnvo beon
worth uoboby'B whllo to voto for It.
It may ho that In a full, fair, freo
election Georgia and tho other South
crn StntoH would go democratic, but
nobody knowH; thoro Ih no contest
thoro; tho only object In maintaining
a republican organization nt nil Is to
securo somo federal ofllceH.
Somo Noi.thcrn States, llko Vor
inout, Pennsylvania nnd Iowa, nro al
ways overwhelmingly republican, too
much so, It may bo nrgued; but there
Is at least n fair olcctlon In them
Such dcmocrntH as nro thero nnd want
to voto can do so, and their votes nrc
counted oxcept porhnpa nomctlmca
In Philadelphia but this l,s not tho
caso In tho Southern States. There
moro than n million citizens, mndo so
by tho constitution of tho United
Stntca, and who might mostly llko to
voto tho -republican ticket nro debar
red from voting or If thoy nro allow
ed to voto tholr bnllots nro not count
ed, if they would mako n respectable
showing in tho returns.
Almost nil )ho states that havo freo,
fair elections will glvo majorities for
Roosovelt. Tho only states that Par
ker will carry, with possibly two or
throe exceptions, nro thoso whero tho
right of Buffrngo is suppressed, and
elections nro n formal farce.
Tho Oregon building nt St. Louis Is
n disgrace to tho Btato. It Is n laugh
ing stock to nil who behold It. Tho
Oregon hut, tho reason for erecting
which Ih oxplnlncd to nobody unless
nt special request, Ih right noxt to
tho Hplondld building nnd exhibit of
California on ono sldo, nnd of Toxas
on tho other, nnd they cause every
Oregonlau who goes thero to fool
ashamed, not of IiIh Btnto ns It really
Ih, but ns It Ih burlesqued and misrep
resented thero, nnd tho exhibits nro
not n great deal bettor than thu build
lug. Tho $50,000, moro or Icsh, used
in making an Oregon exhibit at St.
IqmIh, Ih thcroforo money worse thnn
thrown nwny. Thoro aro hoiuo bright
spots In tho dnrk plcturo, such ns tho
Lndd cattle, one of which took the
first premium, but on the whole Ore
gon In not attracting many Immi
grants by Its display at St. Louis.
Seventy-five Years Ago.
Statistics were published showing
that tho sugur plantation of General
Wndo Hnuiptoii, In LoulHhiuu, was tho
largest in tho South.
Tho Viceroy of Kgypt arranged with
nn English company for the lighting
of tho cities of Cairo aud Alexandria
with gus.
Tho Spanish army, under General
UarradoH, surrendered to tho Mexicans
under Santa Anna at Tnmplco.
An exciting debate took place In tho
French Chamber of Deputies on thu
subject of tho slave trade.
Tho anniversary of Perry's victory
on Lnko Erie wits celebrated by a pub
lic ball and parndo at Newport, It. I.
Tho peace of Adrlauoplo wnu de
clared. Turkey agreed to recognize tho
Independence of Greece nnd relinquish
to lluula tho northeast coast laud of
the Black 8cu.
fifty Years Ago.
The People' Provident Assuranco
Society of England wan established.
Tho allied French aud English forces
wcro suffering much from disease aud
lusutllclont accommodations.
"Sevastopol," Count Tolstol'H first
book, was Issued.
Fifteen hundred deaths occurred of
cholera in Louden. ,
Commodore Perry sailed from Hong
kong for the United States.
English and French forces wcro
lauded in tho Crimea.
Amusing Remarks 'Which Were Moat
Seriously Intended.
Part of the humor which ono occa
sionally meets with, even In the sednU
Inclosure of the pulpit, Is duo to tin
queer texts which nro sometimes of
ten unconsciously chosen by preach
ers. No doubt there are many slorlci
told under this head which owo theli
origin not to actual fact so much at
to tho invention of the wng. For ex
ample, a minister on tho Sunday be
fore bis marriage Is said to havo chos
on ns his text, "And ho went on his
way rejoicing," and ou tho Sunday
after his honeymoon to havo eloquent
ly discoursed on the words, "Remember
my bonds."
These Instances nro, probably, apoc
ryphal, but Uio following are truo and
hnvo all como within tho experience of
tho writer. It was In the north of En
gland that the first Incident happened.
It wns a country church where oil
lamps were used Instead of gas. Ono
night lit tho late summer when tho
lamps had not yet been resumed after
the long days It got suddenly overcast
and before tho sermon It wns deemed
necessary to light thu pulpit lamp.
During the hymn, tho old sexton re
paired to the pulpit, nnd, having cleaned
tho glass chimney with a duster, lit It
up, but only a feeble light struggled
through. And then the clergymnn took
his text, which was this: "And now
wo seo through n glass darkly."
A few years ago a well-known bishop
married his second wife, and, return
ing homo nfter his honeymoon, an
nounced n series of sermons, tho title
of tho series being "'JUie Penitent's Re
turn.' ThUt was obviously uninten
Thero Is a church In one of our large
cities which boasts of n very high pul
pit A short tlmo ago a strange preach
er who wns of a nervous tempernment
"occupied" this pulpit, but, as the se
quel will show, only for a very short
time, for, having taken his text and
said nlKHit n dozen words, ho startled
tho congregation by Baying: "Am I am
not used to pulpits ns high ns this you
will pardon me, I know, If I come
down and preach my sermon from tho
lectern." Ho suited his action to the
words nnd preached n very good ser
mon from tlu modest lectern. And
this was his strangely npproprlate text:
"He that exaltcth himself shall bo
abused, nnd he that humblcth himself
shall bo exalted."
Ono more lustnnco: Not many
mouths ago a clergyman preached one
Sunday evening from tho text, "My
words shall not paw away." Exactly
a fortnight later tho same clergyman
preached tho same sermon from the
snmo text In the snmo church, to the
wonderment of practically the satno
congregation. Evidently It was hli
determination that nt any rato Ills
words should not pass away from tho
memory of Ills hearers.
CAPITAL. 800.000
U. S. Government Depositary.
Merchant and Kxport Millers of North Dakota. Capacity 1,000 HarrelB Dally.
Jamestown, Valley City and Grand Forks, N. Dak.
Vice I'rcsldcnt
AuUtnnt Canhlcr
First National Bank Montana
Loan nnd tllcouuti .
Honda ami warrant
Unltoil Stntca bonds nt par. ...
Duo from bntiku
Cash on haiul
l,:!80,9.fl7 f'apltnl Block
vnM Mirniut
ail.Hlu.OO UndlvUcd profit
I yoo.uoo.oo
270,7 M.7JL 3d ('IriMilnllnti CN.7fia.lK)
Hi8,0C!'.01 Dlvltlctttln miiiatri . l.tWWft
Central Sash and Door Agency
Phone Main 4795.
Catalog Mailed on Application.
7 1st Street.
Portland, Oregon
Whllo Montana democrats loudly
claim that that Btato will go demo
cratic this year, thoro is no certainty
that tho Tcsult will fulfill their pro-
dictions. Montana has moved over
Into tho ropubllcan column, and is
likely to stay thoro. Hut whllo tho re
sult on presidential electors may bo
Der I re IToa lleeu Invented 'Which Ab
olutelr 1'reveiiU I,uiti Ksploatoua,
In Great Britain nn Invention which,
it Is claimed, gives absolute safety to
oil lamps, Is bolriR npplled to practical
uses. Tho device consists of a cir
cular tuotnl box, tho slzo mrylng ac
cording to tho candlo power required.
In tho box Is a deposit of salt, over
which Is a layer of cotton waste spe
cially prepared.
Running through tho cotton packing
Is an asbestos wick, woven by hand,
aud which is practically Indestructi
ble, and requires only occasional at
tention. Tly Immersing tho box In
petroleum or para til n tho cotton waste
absorbs tho requisite quantity of oil
in a few minutes through small lateral
interstices. That accomplished nnd
tho metal being dried externally, tho
application of a light to tho asbestos
wick produces it bright, steady whlto
light, the candlo power being In pro
portion to tho slzo of tho box, tho
consumption of oil being less, nnd, ac
cordingly, tho cost being correspond
ingly cheaper thnn If tho light were
obtained from on ordlnnry lamp.
Moreover, it Is claimed absoluto
safety Is assured. The nsbostluo lamp
may be Inverted, may exhaust Itself,
may bo thrown down or whirled, about,
but thero Is no danger, it la averred,
ns thero Is uo free oil or gna that can
be Ignited, and consequently there can
be no fire or explosion. The patent
U aald to be applicable to every spe
cies of lamp, from the modest night
light necessary in tho nursery, through
the entire gamut of domestic Illumina
tion, to the drawing-room lamp. In
the industrial world It can be utilised
lu every direction, especially where a
bright, steady light is essential, such
ns engine headlights and lights ou
The Great Northern and several
Scottish and IrUh railways are eu
gaged in testing tho capabilities of the
new process, with a view to its adop
tion in railway work. Every descrip
tion of lamp the bicyclo lamp, tho
motor lamp, tho carriage lamp, lamps
for domestic purposes, lamps In mines
can. it is declared, be fitted with the
asbestlno patent, and oil of any flash
point can be used with perfect safety
aud with the additional advantage of
considerable economy. The problem
of the safety ltmp would appeax to
bar been solted.
forty Years Ago.
In accepting tho Democratic nomina
tion for the I'rcsldeucy of the L'ulted
States licncrnl Georgu II, McClellau
said uncut the "peace platform" of thu
party that "tho ru-establlshment of tho
union lu all Its Integrity was an Indis
pensable factor of settlement."
General tihurmnii ordered all civili
ans to leave Atlanta and ottered them
General Grant, from Virginia, and
Geuerul Sherman, from Atlanta, wrote
open letters urging tho North to till
the quota of volunteers called for.
Secretary Stanton announced that a
draft would bu put into effect in nil
States and districts lu which tho quota
hud not been tilled.
Ihlrty Years Ago.
Colorado for tho first tlmo went
Democratic, tho territory bending u
delegate of that party to Congress.
A. cull was issued for a convention
of tho ltepubllcuus of tho reconstruct
ed States to bo hold at Chattanooga,
Twenty persons were killed and llfty
injured lu a wreck on tho Great Hast
en! Hallway, near Norwich. Kngland.
Twenty persons wero killed ami half
a hundred wounded lu a tight between
the New Orleans police nnd u mob that
was .clamoring for tho ubdlcutlou of
Governor Kellogg.
Fruucols 1'lerre Gtilllaume Guizot,
eminent French statesman and writer,
died lu l'nrls.
Seventy-four cotton mills In Kngland
wero closed by a strike of 13,000 em
ployes, Twenty Years Ago.
rurlslans Were excitedly demnndlng
that the government declare war on
A number of lives were lost and
much property was destroyed by floods
ou the Chippewa and tributary rivers
iu Wisconsin.
The Illinois Stnto fair closed at Chi
cago with a detlclt of 110.000 for tho
week. ,
The resignation of tho Marquis of
Klpou as Viceroy of India and the pro
motion of the Earl of Dufferlu to the
post were announced by tho British
Tammany Hall, lu au exciting meet
ing, Indorsed tho nomlnutlou of Gro
ver Cleveland, Democratic cuudldute
for TresldenL
Our MliiUtcr to Juimit Hum Had a.
Creditable Kecnril.
When nn American representative In
a foreign land Is praised by tho mis
sionaries laboring there, It may bo
taken for granted
that he Is doing his
full duty In tho
place which ho
llllx. High ainoiig
this clam of faith
ful aud caiable of
llclals N to bo
ranked I.loyd Cnr
po liter (irlHcoin,
o ti r minister to
Japan. Thu latest
report of tho Japan
I.I.0YH v. (mihcom. mission to tho
American Hoard says: "Our American
diplomacy lu tho East, and especially
In Japan, has generally been on the
highest plane, and It has won the com.
pleto contldencu of the whole nation,
Mr. Grlscom Is keeping up the old tra
ditions, aud Is already accepted as a
statesman of experience and large abil
ity." The mnn thus commended Is tho
youngest of our diplomatic representa
tives abroad, but ho has had a career
that has well tltted him for his post.
Horn In Now Jeroey, Mr. Grlscom bo-
camo successively secretary to Mr.
llayard, our first ambassador to Eng
land; deputy district attorney of New
York City; a volunteer lu tho Spanish
American war; secretary of the Amor!
can legation and cliargo d'affalrs at
Constantinople, and envoy extraor
dinary und minister plenipotentiary to
Persia, Uo has been lu Japan since
1002. In Turkey and Persia Mr. G,ris
com rendered Important servleo to the
missionaries, and nt hU receptions in
Tokyo they may often bo seen among
his guests.
He BhjIJbHbBBShw , . V" "! jjvH
:rrTfraBBjHBBpswBBi&!?iEpsHHLjm,v !
' Wr VtflV taJBBiiWBiWssBr-,C?L
aFjBssassjasssBBsssssssssjsjBjjsjsajiajsss , t ,,w
H3fflffiSrv!3- 9trtHSBBSBBMtBBBBBBBSBSli
PMtt.V,. .. - .--"Tgi1 -W.-, ' - . , SWt;
Safes. Pianos, Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Fire
proof brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express and Baggage hauled.
Office Phone, 596; Stable, Black 1972
Great Falls Iron Works
Engineers, Machinists and Founders
Special appliances made In Steel.
IlritHs mid .Special Mixtures of Cast
Iron. Heavy ami Light ForglugH
Hindu to order. Workiuaushli)
Aro Manufacturers' g,?nts for
Machinery, Hollers, Kngines and
Wiiler Wheels. Mako a specialty
of Stamp Shoe, Dies and Itoll
Shells, which nro superior in point
of strength ami resistance to
Oro Treating Devices
Given Special Attention
Alnln Office nnd Works, 8th Ave. N 13th to I -It It Sts.
leu Years Ag.
The Republicans carried the Maine
State electlou by a plurality of 38,000.
At a fruit celebration ut Grand
Junction, Colo., tho 8.00Q participants
were declared to havo eateu fifteen
tons of fruit.
The voyage from Southampton to
New York was completed by tho Amer
ican liner New York In six days seven
hours and seven minutes,
A fatal wreck ou tho Chicago and
Northwestern line uear Harrington,
III., was caused by a cycloue blowing
freight cars Into the main line, over
which a passenger tralu was passing.
The aversgs pupil atWao school
K.8 days a yr.
Tho Albatross "Citke-Wnlk
Sailors visiting tho Island of liysan,
lu tho Hawaiian group, are greatly
amused by tho curious antics of the
Lnysan albatross, or gony. Theso birds
lometimes perform, lu pairs, a kind of
dance, or, ns the sailors call It. "cake
walk." Two albatrosses approach one
another, nodding and making profound
bows, cross their bills, produce snap
plug aud groaning sounds, rise on their
toes, puff out their breasts, and tlnnlly
part with moro nodding and bowing,
only to come togetner again and repeat
tho performance. Occasionally three
engage at onco In this singular amuse
ment. The spectators aro always Im
pressed with the extreme "politeness''
of the birds.
J Pll0 ijTj I
I l V Mi I
R7- - "C" T. A. "t. SsVsBBBBnS HaD Sl
THAT YOU CAH DRINK llffiffil '" I
jzarotraur axed u bgH
pjunk irO H II I
H J " WssVUHHhsabsH
i I
Heaviest tn Winter.
Some curious experiments have been
made at one of the royal philanthropic
Institutions tn Copenhagen. For some
years back the seventy boya and glrli
In the place have been carefully weigh
ed every day In groups of II ft ecu nnd
under. Thereby it la proved that the
children gain weight mostly In autumn
and In tho early part of December
From that tlmo till the end of April
there Is scarcely any Increaso In
weight. More reiunrkablo still, there
Is a diminution till tho end of sum
There is one consolation for tho girl
whose parents can't afford to seud her
to college: she would probably look
like bluzes in a cap and gowu any
A big fat woiuau dressed iu white it
suggestive of two thiugs: a big dry
goods bill and a big laundry bill.
Brings comfort and cheer
fulness during the long win
ter nights. Enjoy a few
comforts while you are alive
for you are a long time dead
Portland General Electric Co,
, f
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