The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, October 08, 1904, Image 1

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The New Age.
M ' 't
N. l
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'$', 4- r '
NO. 23.
niKiw-jitpn TXT$.r7WmimiW$Wl''
Kttabllslied In 1SB.
Interest allowed on tlmn deposit.
Collections tnado nt nil points on favorable terras. Letters of credit issues!
available in Europu and the Eastern states.
8lght exchange nnd Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. 1-ouifl, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchango sold on London, ParlB, Berlin, Frankfort and, Hong Kong,
aoist, IDAHO.
rl'MJi:ilHt It, K. OI.DKN, J'rcolih'nti M. AI.KXANDKIt. Vlro ITcalilotit ( It. N. COK-
KIN, C'ft.hliTI J. M. IIAINKH, AmImmiI Cn.lilcr.
llltr.OIOiti llobt. Nnblc, 1 lin. lnlF, II. K. Olden, J, M. llnlnra, J. K. Yatci, J. It.
Morrow, T ItcRnli, M Ali'Xiiuilor, K, It. Collin.
Acaountm at Banka, Firm, Corporations and Individuals Raoalvad
tha Mmmt Llharal Tmrmm Oanalatant With Sound Banking.
Wnlla Walla, WaaliliiRtun. (Klmt National tlntik In tho Utnto.)
Transacts a General Banking Business.
CAl'll'AI. IIUU.OO). BUItl'I.UH llW.dOO.
I.KVI AKKKN'Y, President. A. II. IIKYNOI.DS. Vice President. A. It. UUItKOItt), Cnahlar
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
J. C. PENUE, VlaaPrm.
w H. E. MEAL, Oamhlar
FAY D. YOUNB, Aaat Cmah'r
Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited.
JACOII FUIITH, I'rcnlilunt. J H. (lOMMMITII, Vice President. It. V ANKKNY, Ciwhler.
Capital Paid Up, $300,000.
(.'orrcHiiiil(itil In all thu irlnclnl cities of this United Mates slid Ktiriii.
Hold ilitxt liiiht. limits Issued on Alaska nint Yukon Territory
J c.
It W K'llMKKIt, Cashier
AI.NHWOItTII, President. W. II. AYI'.II, Vlto-Pre.lilcnt.
a m w until i , .vssmiaui (minor.
Transacts n Kfiiornl liankiuir luitlnes. lirntts Issued, nvallaldo In nil cities of the United
Slates mill i:uroo, Hong Kong mill .Manila. Colkollons nmilu mi fnvnrnlilu terms.
Fidelity Trust Company Bank
fa I J Up Capital Jtoo.ojo, Doc Central Hanking liiislnrss, Having Department, Interest
Crcilllcti Hcml-Aniiuully.
JOHN C. AINSW'OKTH, President A. 15. I'KICIIMU), Cashier
OIIN B. IIAKKIt, Vice President I'. I. IIAHKKI.I.. IK., Ast. Cashier
'. C. KAUI'I'MAN, xl Vice President (UtOKC.K IlKOVVMlt, Secretary
DIKKCTOKH-Juhu C. Alntvortli,T. II W.IUrc, John S. Baker, Henry Hewitt, 1. C. KaulTtuaa
ami George lliuwne.
First National Bank of
I.H4TKK TltKNHIt. President CHAH. 1'. MS.8TKRSON. Cashier
M McMICKUK, Vlcct'rtilileut K. K. KAKKIIUKHT, Ant. Co.lilcr
IllKKCTOKH-Letter Turner, M. McMlcken.H. O. Klinpton, W. D. Ilofiui, J. II. Mcfiraw,
Chi. 1'. Mattersou
AmIc Your Dualur for
thu IjoNt titut oim lu miicJu of rubber
Goodyear Rubber Company
P. M. PI3ASII, PretMent. 7J anil 75 1'ront Strett. I0KTLAU, OKH0ON.
General Review of Important Happen-
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Corm.
Tho volcnno Pejee, Mnrtlnlquo lelnnd
is in violent eruption.
Brlgndier General WilllntnS. Worth,
rotlictl, is critically ill.
Horriman is endeavoring to gain con
trol of thu 8t. l'aul railroad.
Tho Jnnnnceo are capturing many
Junks loaded with provisions trying to
enter Tort Arthur.
The itu'sians are dlenlnvlntr great
activity at Mukden. 'Iho meaning of
the move Is in doubt.
A Japanese leader predicts a long
struggle and expects that Japan will be
out 11,000,000,000 In two years.
Filipinos aro holding meetings ut
Manila for thu pnrposo of discussing
ways and menus of securing independ
ence. Firo of an unknown origin started in
thu hold ofkthu crulnor Washington, be
ing built nt New York. It was extin
guished buforo serious damage waB done.
A robber walked into tho hank of n
nin.111 town near Council Illufffl, Iowa,
and after comicl'ing thu assistant
o alitor to hand over 1 1,500 lockid 1 o
in tho big vault and depaited.
Russia is II ruling it vuty dllllcult to
secure ships to carry coal to Vladivo
stok. Tho HusslaiiH havo frustrated several
attempts of thu enemy to break
through tlielr lines.
Tho International i'enro congrcsu Iiob
madu an earnest appeal to all nations
to take steps to avert more wars.
Tho Japanosu aro feeling out tho Rus
sian positions around Mukden and it
genural advance is expected next week.
It It said that Secretary Hitchcock's
report on laud frauds was largely in
tended to cover up ills own shortcom
ings. Hops havo mado another advanco in
thu Willamette valley, several sales be
ing reported ut Independence at 31
America Gains Another Victory
Russian Court.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 8. Contrary
to general expectations, the represen
tations submitted to Russia by the
United States for tho recognition, with
out discriminaton, of American pass
ports havo not been entirely fruitless.
Foreign Minister Ltiirsdorffg response,
communicated to Ambassador McCor
mlck today, ocn creates the hope that
something may actually b accomp
lished. After receiving consideration at tho
foreign odlce, thu American not'i wiib
referred to the high comlsslon for gen
era) revision of passport Ihwb, which
was created by imperial ukaso, in De
cember, 11)03. All matters telatiug to
passports and the exclusion of tho Jews
are governed by the international laws
of the empire, nnd tho question is out
side of tho direct Hold of diplomatic
negotiation. Uy ieforrihg thu pre
sentation of tho United States, compli
ance with which would Involve n modi
fication of tho passport laws, to thu
commission, which body is compotunt
to act thi'icoti, n decisonof tliu question
may be directly readied.
An oillcial of thu foreign olllcc has
been appointed by Count LaniBdnrff to
sit with the tomnsslon, thus insuring
consideration of tho international as
pect of the question. Moreover, tho
commission will sit under tliu dliurtlou
of tho minister of thu interior and Am-
uaBsmior .Mcuormick, who nmi an ex
tended talk with Prince Sviatopolk
Miisky, tiie minister of -'the intcritr.
upon tliu subject this afternoon found
him, as might havo been' expected from
his recent public utterances, quite
sympathetic. '
Russian Pleet at Port Arthur
Ventures Out.
Opinion Based on Assertions That
Squadron Would Mikc no Sortie
Until Hope Was Gone.
Toklo, Oct. 7. Tokio has advices
that Into yesterday uveningn naval bat
tle had occurred at IVirt Arthur. Whllu
no details aru ohtainablu other than
that thu light is Raid to have followed a
sortie on the part of tho Russian squad
ron, thu belief prevails that thoru ran
bo no doubt ap to the outcome. Tho
Russian vessels, as is well known, aro
In no condition to meet Admiral Togo's
well-equipped and thoroughly repaired
fleet. In addition to this, tho Rus
sians aro greatly inferior in numbers.
A Bartie at this timo by tho Russian
fleet would hav peculiar significance,
as it would it dlcato the land forces
found their pcsltion had become unten
able, nnd the fall of tho stronghold is
now expected to follow quickly. It has
been stated on numerous occasions late
ly, and on tliu best of authority, that
tho batllu-torn fleet bottled up in the
nariior oi tliu fort would make no fur
ther attempt to escape, until tho la
hopu of relief or holding out had gone.
Shipping Sz Commission Merchants
To ikvo ilme ailil rea all rommiiulrntlun to the company.
No. 46 to 84 I'ront St. North, l0Tt.ANI), Or.RQON.
The La Grande National Bank.
U'ti'lliiK Hank In I'lilou County.
Transacts a General Banking Business
Kxchnngex Mmle on All Tart ol the Worhl.
W. P. KRTTKN.BACH, I'reiUlent J. AMtXANDHK, Vice 1're. CHA3. If. KHSTIJR, Cahler
Capital and Surplus, $135,000 LEWISTON, IDAHO
DJRRCTORS W. V, Kettenbach. Grace n. rfafflln. R. C. neach, J. Alexander. C. C. Ilunnell.
J. 0. Morrii, Ueo. II, Keiter.
Send Your Washington, Idaho and
Montana Business to the
Spokane Washington
WALLACE r. CHASE. Vlem Prmaldmnt
A. S CHASE, AaU. Camilla
. S. ALMAS, Paalnant
ROBERl'T. F. SMITH, Oamhlar
Of Havre, Montana
We solicit your account ami extend accommodation! to our customer In keeping ulth
heir balances.
Smtaallamad At 1S7B. OamMal, $100,090. Iittaraat Paid ait Tlmm DapaaHa
C. H.L1TTI.K. President. F. I). KKNHItlCK, Vlco I'resldent.
8. M. I'VE, Cashier. J. 1 . 1IKI.I,. Ami. Cashier.
Red River Valley National Bank:
R. S. LEWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vke President.
J. W. VON MKDA, Cashier TkGU A IRISH, Assistant Cashier.
Capital ana Surplus lOtOOO
Tho Chinese government says that if
foreign capital Is needed for proposod
railway construction, It will first turn
to America.
Chinese refugees from fiouthorn Man
churia toy thu Japanosu are adminis
tering affairs with a high hand.
Thero is a great scarcity of provisions
among thu native popualtion.
Lieutenant Granvillo Fortoscue,
American attarho, who has been with
tho besieging forces at Port Arthur, is
returning home. Ho is pledged to
secrecy as to tho conditions around the
Four persons were killed and fifty In
jured in an English railway accident.
Tokio is advised that the army is
making steady progress at Port Arthur.
Firo winod out an entiro villauo In
gouthorn Russia. Five hundred fam
ilies aro homeless.
The Norwegian bark Sir John Law
rence, from London, struck on rocks off
the coast of Norway end went down
with all on board.
Tho Santa Fe has largo gangs of men
at work in Colorudo repairing tho work
of the flood. It will take a week to
make tho road passable,
Detectives aro unable to find any clow
to the persons who havo attempted to
destroy the battleship Connecticut.
Thure is little danger that any furthor
attempt will be made, Marines are
stationed all around the boat and oth
ers on it.
According to dispatches from Okla
lima the South Canadian river is high
er'timn in 40 years. It is feared that
the loss to cotton and corn crops and
bridges, witli other properties along
the river, throughout tho territory.
will by enormous. No loss of life has"
been reported.
Train Strikes the Wrcckanc
Three People are Killed.
Now York, Oct. 8. Whllo speeding
along in the Uronx early this morning
an nutoinobilu containing nine persons
went off an embankment at One Hun
dred and Slxty.flrst street and Jeromu
n venue nnd two persons,-' man and n
woman, wcro killed The machine fell
on to the Now York Central tracks,
and tho wreckage was struck by a south
bound train.
In tho nutomobilo when the accidont
occurred were flvo women and four
men. At Jerome avenue mid Ono Hun
dred and Sixty-first stroettho roadway
Is butweon IIO unr-IO fe'e't Hbove thn
railroad tracks. When tliu big ma
eliliiu plunged downward it struck near
thu southbund tracks, and tliu nine
persons and tho automobile wero caught
by an incoming train.
Rosldes tho two killed, all the others
In thu automobile wore injured. Tlioy
weru taken to the Fordham hospital,
whoro it was reported at 1:30 this
morning that at least four of thosohuit
wore in a serious londitinn.
Ono of the passenger on tho train
said that the train wat running about
30 miles un hour when it struck tho
machine Tho machine was n heavy
tourliiK ear, and It Is said was lunuinu
down Jerome avenue at u rapid rate of
Navy Department Is Pushing Estab
lishment of Wireless Telegraphy.
Washington, Oct. 8. Admiral Man
ney, rhief of the bureau of thu equip
ment of the navy department, has Leen
pushing with great energy tho estab
lishment of wireless stations for nuval
and genoral maritime use. A report
addressed by him to tho secretary of
the navy foino time ago, but Just mado
public, shows thu bureau already has
established 22 stations along tho coast.
Among tho stations to bo established
are tho following: San Diego, San
Pedro, Point Conception, Point Rur,
Point Arenas, Cape Mendicino, Cape
Dlnnco, Columbia river, Cape Flattery,
Poit Townsend, Rreinerton, Washing
ton, Sitka, Dutch Harbor, Klska is
land, Honolulu, Midway islands,
Guam, Tutuila, Capo Rojeador, Point
Piedras, Capoes, Ologapo, San Bernar
dino, Port Sublg, Port Celiu, Point
Tabuna, Iloilo, Susla Straits,
European Statesmen llcllcvcs
Has Designs on Trade.
Pails, Oct. 7. Some European
statesmen aro seriously oncerned for
tho economic future of Europu, Cer
tain among them, see, or fancy tlioy
see, n deup-lald schema on tho part of
tliu United StittcH for absorbing thu
commerce of Asia, and appear to think
tho moment lias arrived to Issue a seri
ous note of warning.
Today M. Melin, ox-prime minister
nnd lender ol tho French Protectionists,
sounds an alarm in thu Republiqun
Francaisu in nn artlclu untitled "Tliu
United States in Asia."
M. Melin says no mlstnku should bo
mado by Kuropo. Ilu Bays it !b in (ho
direction of the Far Fast America is
evidently turning ItH commercial am
hition. England, ho says, will prefer
to throw itsulf Into tho arms "of tho
great American republic, which Is
close to her and may render her service.
In conclusion M. Melin pays:
"Uno cannot refrain from rather
melancholy reflections on tho commer
cial and economic future of old Europe,
Thu more her industry increases that
much moro her machinery improves,
and tho more her warehouses nru cram
med with goods, Just so much tho moro
restricted nnd narrow her expansion
uuroau Decor lies, hlio now finds hcrnuM
In the presence of 11 giant, who, with
mighty Japan, Is taking away hor cus
tom. After havlnir. poized n portion of
that of South America, thu giant is
now preparing to deprive hor of that of
tlio lollow ruces, which is tho most
important in tho world. Thu Justin
promises to leave to Eurpo thu negrooH
of the Soudan and thu vast regiotiB nt
Africn, hut until that proves profitahlo
poor Europe will havo timo to slew in
her own Juicu."
Heart Disease Causes the Death of
Postmaster General.
Washington, Oct 0. -Henry O.
Payne, postmaster general of tho
United States, a member of tho nation
al Republican committee, a Btnlwart of
his party, with tho history of which,
in ills homo statu nnd nationally, ho
had been identiled for many years, died
at his apartmontsnt tho Arlington hotel
nt 0:10 Inst night, aged 00 years.
Dcatli was duo to disuaso of tho mitral
valve nnd dilution of the heart.
Mr. Payno has been in poor health
for nt leoBt two years, but his last Ill
ness covered only Boven days, an attack
of heart troublo last week precipitat
ing tho end, nt a timo when, after n
lest, ho appeared to havo recovered n
small measure of tho vitality impaired
by years of arduouus labor. Death
camo nftor nearly six hours of uncon
sciousness. Tho Inst oflicial caller to
Inquire ns to Mr. Payno's condition was
President Roosovclt, and ho had been
gone only about ten minutes when thu
stricken member of tho cabinut ux-
pi red.
The death of tiio postmaster genoral
came ns tho result really of a succes
sion of sinking spells duo to a weak
heart Hint enfeebled tho sick man un
til finally thu heart literally gave out.
Novor in lecont yearn robust, Mr.
Payno was tumble to withstand tliu
shock of tho sinking spells, and last
Friday, when ho had two sinking
spoils, It was believed ho wan rapidly
nppronchlng the cud. While moderato
doses of heart remedies sulllccd nt first,
It became necessary by Sunday to give
much mure powerful stimulants, and
tho doses wore given In gientur quanti
ties than on any previous d.y.
Payne Only Kept Alive
Use of Stimulants.
ramlly Has Been Summoned to the
Bedside of United States Post
master General.
The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota
Colitctionj made on all point in North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought
and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America.
OamMal and SaeurMlaa, $2aO,OOQ.0O
j. 11. EnwAitna
Vice President
MJ irt
Asst Cashier
nii-m imta Im UailmmaH. the Ootmty Scat of tho Ft
Flatmrnatl Oounty,
Sir William Ifaroonrt, a noted Brit
ish politician, is dead.
Trinidad, Colo,, reports that it can
relieve all distress caused by the flood.
A third attempt has been made to
wreck tho battleship Connecticut.
The September receipts of the St.
Louis fair amounted to about f 2,500,
000. Tho Russians have temporarily
checked tho Japanese advance east of
It Is roported that General iiaslllo
Munoz, leader of the Uruguayan rovo
lutionists, has been shot by his former
Considerable loss of life and prop
erty was occassional by fire in the ar
tillery and ammunition magazines at
Sevastopol, Russia.
The ciar may block the plan for the
Immediate reorganization of the Rus
sian army.
Por-ttna'ster General Payne continues
in a dangerous condition. His life
bangs bi the balance.
Russians made a raid on Junks car
rying supplies to Oyama and des
troyed a number of them.
The Japanese have begun a genoral
advance oa Mukden,
Chairman Tawney Coming,
Portland, Oct. 8. James Tawney,
chairman of the exposition conlmltteo of
the United States congress, is to visit
Portland next summer to attend the
Lewis and Clark exposition, Mr.
Tawney will bo remembered as the con
gressman who stood hy tho Oregon del
egation at the timo the exposition ap
propriation bill was brought up, and
ho is in a large measure responsible
for the passage of tho hill. Word of
his intended visit was received yester
day by President Myers, of the stute
May Have Robbed Attaches.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 8 Thu French
embassy hero lias leceived informtiou
that two Chinamen been arrested
at Chofoo wliilo trying to exchange $2,-
000 in riench and (jcrman notes, be
lieved to havo been stolen from Lieu
tenat do Cuverville arid Captain von
Gilgenheun, respectively tire French
and German naval attaches at Port
Arthur, who have mysteriously disap
peared. A local paper intimates that
thu Japanese are the real culprits.
Deathblow to Bullfighting in Spain.
Madrid, Oct. 8. Tho Institute of
Social Reforms, after a heated discus
sion today, decided by 13 votes to eight
to ratify tho absolute prohibition of
Sunday bud fighting. This is consid
ered to l)e the death blow to bull fight
ing in Spam.
Blast furnace rilled With Hot
in Wdke of Trolley Car.
New York, Oct 7. A ton-ton rolling
blast furnaco filled with hot Iron used
for tho welding of the Joints of trolley
tracks tias been tho cause ol an excit
ing rldo for u carload of people in New
ark, N. J. Thu furnaco became un
manageablu on thu top of a stoop hill,
and started down witli rapidly Increas
ing speed In tho wuko of a trolley cur
bound toward tliu conter of thu city.
Tho motorman put on full speed, Int
the muss of iron and firo gained stead
ily. Wlien it seemed a disastrous col
lision was inevitable, thu car crew and
ten pusaengers, soornl of whom were
women, hold n hurried consultation
and decided that the only chancu to
save their Ihes was in Jumping.
After thu race had gone on for a
quarter of a inilo, witli thu furnnru
steadily gaining, the runaway machine
swerved uud struck an oncoming car.
Thu passengers escaped serious injury.
Diplomats on Isthmus of Panama
Will Be Accredited to America.
Washington, Oct. 0. Uhllo has
formally recognized thu absolute sov
ereignty of thu United Staten over the
Panama canal zone. Othor nations
which havo been holding hack to await
tho outcomo of the diplomatic tost caso
will do tho same. Tho result will be
that practically all the foreign diplo
mats on tho isthmus will bo accredited
to this country instead of Panama.
Chile some timo ago applied for an
equattim for Groonimo Osso, who wbb
appointed consul at Panama. The re
quest was withhold, owing to the, un
settled condition of affairs. Though
uiiH country exorcises iuii control over
thu canal zone, tho land belongs to
Panama. Today tho secretary of stato
disposed of the question by issuing the
exequatur, but instead of being In the
regular form It is a notification to Gen
oral Davie, governor genoral of the ca
nal zone, that Mr. Oesu Is authorized
to reprosent Chile in all diplomatic
matters involving the canal strip.
This will probably Involv.o further
differences between this government
and tliu republic of Panama.
Japan To Increase Navy.
San Fruncit-co, Oct. 7, From Infor
mation recoivud in San Francisco by
prominent Japanese, it is evidently the
purpose of Japan to take immediate
stops toward increasing her lighting
efliciohey to a very considerable degreu.
It is stated the Japanuo government has
determined to place contracts ut once
for some 20 warships to bo completed
at as early a dutu as possible. ft is
further stated the greuter number of
these ships aro to bo built in thiHcoun
try, and that several will bo Lull t in
San Francisco,
He Is Expected to Enter the Office
About December I.
Washington, Oct. 0. -In succession
to Mr. Payne, Goorgo liiuce Cortelyoti,
ux-eecretary of tho department of com
merce and labor, and now chairman of
tho Republican national committee,
will become postmaster general.
Mr. Cortolyou's appointment as head
of thn pnstoliice department was de
termined on several mouths auo bv
Piesidcnt Roosevelt, when Mr. Payne
indicated to the president lilfc desire to
retire from the department on account
of tho precarious rtuto of his health.
Mr. Payno would havo resigned the
portfollo.long ago hud It not been for
tho then pending investigation of the
affairs of thu department. ilu felt,
however, and said many times to his
friends, that lie could not relinquish
thu duties of thu olilco whllo thu inves
tigation was pending, uud expressed
his determination to curry this work to
u conclusion.
Washington, Oct. 4. Postmaster
General Payno Is still allvo, but only
as thu result of thu injection of tho
moBt powerful drugs known to tho med
ical profession. Frcnuonl sinkinir
spoils marked tho day yesterday, and
his condition ia decided) worsg this
morning than it was 24 hours ago.
Thu physicians express not tho slightest
hopo for his recovery, and during the
night possessed so little confidence that
their distinguished patient could live
through until morning that at mid
night bulletins wore issued predicting
dissolution within n fow minutes, and
at 2 o'clock this morning they placed
tho limit at two hours at tho outside,
with tho probability that every moment
would be tho lust.
General Payno, after spending the
forepart of the night in n quiet sleep,
was so I zed at midnight witli n sinking
spoil votso than any that had preced
ed It. Powerful restorutlvoB adminis
tered in larger quantities than thereto
fore given produced not tho slluhtest
apparent effect, and tho inemliers of
thu family weru hastily summoned to
the bedsido.
Two hours Intor n niessngo was rc
colved from tho bedsido that thu gener
al was still nlivu, but nil hopo had been
abandoned. Tho physicians nfusod to
statu how long their patient could sur
vive, but statud that while ho might
livo for two hours, on tho othor hand,
the end might come nt tho next mo
ment. After administering tho stimu
lants at midnight, thu physicians dis
continued the use of drugs, and thero
altur allowed nature to take its course.
Shortly after half past two, tho pa
tlont showed signs of reviving, and a.
few seconds later ho complotely re
gained consciousness, and exclaimed
"Hello'' to thoso about him. Dr. Ma
grudur asked him how ho was feeling
and received the reply "first rate."
Milk was then given him to drink.
Shortly alter 4 o'clock. General
Payne's prlvato secretary Issued a bul
letin in effect, that the patient wu
resting easily. It was added that Gen
eral Payne's pulse was steadier and hl
respiration moro natural than It had
been for days. A consultation
probably bo hold this morning.
Steel Pldtes Being Shipped.
Minneapolis, Oct. 7. Fifty curs of
heavy steul platen, intended for the
Japanese go eminent, aru now being
transhipped at Minnesota transfer.
They are from tliu Curnugiu company,
at Pittsburg, nnd uie consigned to the
company's agent in Japan. Tho plates
vary in thickness from half an inch to
an inch and a quarter, and aro of the
kind ordinarily used in the construc
tion of cruisers and torpedo boats,
Large Oil Plant Burns.
FJndlay, 0 Oct. 7. Tiu plant of
the National Refining company was
burned today. Loss, 200,000. Tho
Ore was started through lightning strik
ing a tank which at the time contained
about 30,000 barrels.
Toga for Moody.
Worcester, Mass., Oct. 0. Tho Telo
gram tomoriow morning will say:
"Governor John L, Rates will, in all
probability, at the next meeting of the
governor's council, announce tho ap
pointment of Attorney General Wil
Hum H. Moody, of Haverhill, to suc
ceed Senator Hoar, Shortly beforo his
death, Senator Hoar communicated to
Governor Hates his wish that the pres
ent attorney general might succeed him
us senator from Massachusetts, and it
Is understood hero Mr. Moody will ac
cept." Believes Confession Not True.
i'opeka, Kan., Oct. 0. Robert Ro
maino, who confessed to complicity in
tiio Independence and Vindicator out
rages in Colorado, was taken to the
Kumiss penitontiury fioru hero toduy,
Ho will sero u sentence for robbory.
I'hu Colorado ofllcials'liuvo decided to
drop for the present all notion of porno
cuting Roiuuiuo for ills alleged part in
tho explosions, us tlioy beliovs his con
fession is not true, and made witli tiie
sole pnrposo of ovudiug punishment,
Jjpun Does Not fear Cruisers.
Tokio, Oct. 0. -Thu navy depart
ment discredits tho report thlat th
Itusslan cruisers Rossia, Gromobo andc
liogatyr have been repaired ut Vladi
vostok and aru ubout to descend for
another raid on tho Japaneso coast.
The navy department further expresses
thu belief that thu Rogatyr ia complete
ly disabled,
Ex-Speaker Kelly Informs on the
Missouri Combine.
St. Louis, Oct. fi. In a written con
fession today Charles F. Kelly, speakor
of the house of delegates during 11 per
iod In tho life of tho boodlo combine,
relates tliu stc ry of that combine. He
declares n prominent politician prom
ised himself and others implicated that
tiio next cltcu't attorney would bo "nil
right," arid promised if they would re
main firm ho would recuto for thciu
either continuances until the next cir
cuit attorney took office or pardons;
afterwards, Ho declares tho politician
said tliu new circuit attorney, for which
olilco the Democrats today, mado their
nomination, would ho "his man."
Kelly declared tho politician paid
him 115,000 of 60,000 promised to
keep away fioni tliu ginnd Jurv, hefcro
which he had been subpoenod to appear
alter John K. Murrell returned from
Mexico and turned states' evidence in
thu city lighting deal. He went to
Kuropu hy way of Canada, taking tiio
riarno of James Iigau. It was tho in
tention of Iho politician, KoMy said, to
have him remain away until uftor thu
statute of limitations had run out on
tho liuhting deal, liy a miscalcula
tion, Kelly said hucamu back (00 soon,
ar d wus urrestcd.
Kelly is under conviction for perjury
In connection witli "boodlo" cases,
and his tiial on thu chargu of bribery
in connection with the siihuroan fran
chise deal will bo called Monday, Ho
Is now out on bonds.
Honor will Go to Widow.
London, Oct. 6. Tliu St. James Ga-
zette says thu lutu William Vernon
Harcouit. who twice refused 11 peerage,
eventually accepted the honor ami
wottl 1 havo been gazetted Huron Mal
would on thu next birthday honor list.
"Fate," tliu paper adds, has Hindered
thu event impossible, but it is deemed
probablu thut a baronetcy following tliu
proceeduru on thu death of W. II.
Smith, who was a minister of war in
Lord Salisbury's cubinuts of 1885 nnd
1880, will nevertheless be conferred on
Ijuly llarcoiirt"
Day Home from Ala.tka.
Washington, Oct. fi, Judge Day,
who wuh sent to Alaska last Juno to in
vestigate charges brought against
Judges Drown and Wlckeisliam and
various other oflleiuls of tho Judiclury,
haB returned to Washington to roport
to thu attorney general nnd president.
On his report, tho president will de
termine whether tho judges and various
district attorneys and marshals shall
lie reappointed or whether servico de
mands new men.
Lives of four Snuffed Out.
Carteisvlllo, Ga., Oct. 5. Uy the
falling of earth and ore in the Moman
mlno, the lives of (our men were snuffed,
out here today. Two others are seri
ously injured and are expected to die.
i 4
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