The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 06, 1904, Image 1

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The New Age.
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NO. 19.
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Established In IBS.
Intereit allowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued
available in Europe and the Eastern states.
Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, Bt. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Ban Francisco and various points In Ore
ton, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Ol'l-ICF.Itfl! n. V. 0I.HKN, President; M. ALKXANDMt, Vlro Prcildontj II. N. COF-
KIN, Cashleri J..M. IIAINKB, Assistant Cnsulcr.
DlItKUTOItHi ItoM. Noble, Thos. Davis, II. P. Olden, J. M. Halnci, 1. K. Yates, J. II.
Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alnxnnrior, K. It. Collin.
Aaaounfm of Banhw. Flrma. Oorpormtlonm mntt Individual Rmoatrad t
thm Mmat Ltbaral Tmrntm Oonmlmtmnl With Sound Banking.
V all Walla, Washington. (First National llsnlc In tho Htato.)
Transacts a General Banking Business.
CAPITA b $100,00). SUItl'LUS llW.liOO.
l.KVI ANKKNY, President. A. II. ItKYNULDS. Vlco President. A. It. IIUKFOltD, Cashier
Newsy Items Gathered from All
1 Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen.
penlgs Presented in a Drlcf and
Condensed Eorm.
Germany lms a fleet near Chofoo.
Ex-Governor James T. Lewis.
0CO. O. ELLIS. Prom
J. O. PENUE, Vleo Pro:
H. E. HEAL, Omnhlor.
FAYD. YOUNO, Aaat Omah'r
Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited.
JACOB KUIITI1, President. J. 8. OOI.DHMITll, Vice President. It. V. ANKKNY, Cashier.
Capital Paid Up, $300,000.
Correspondent In all tho principal cities of tho United Slates and Kuropo.
(Jold dust bought, tlralls Issued on Alaska and Yukon Territory.
J. C. AINSWORTH, President. W. II. AYKIt, Vlio-Prcsldcnt. It. V. BCIIMKKIt, Cashier
A. M. WltKIHT, Asslslaut Cashlor.
Transacts a RC'iornl hanking business. Droits Issued, available In alt cltlos ol tho United
Slates mid i:iiruo, IIoiik Kong and Manila. Collections mado on (avorablo tonus.
Fidelity Trust Company Bank
raid Up Capital joo,ooo. DoesGeutral Hanking Duslnrss, Bating! Department. Interest
Credited Seiul'Annuslly.
JOHN C. AINSWORTH. rresldcnt A. O. 1'HICllMU), Cashier
OIIN U. IIAKI'.K. Vice President V. P. HASKItl.L. IK., Asit. Cashier
. C. KAUI'PMAN, id Vice President (5l!OKOI OKOWNK, Secretary
DIRTtCTOKS John C. Alnsworth.T. II. Wsllscc, Tohn 8. Dsker, Henry Hewitt, P. C KauCTrnaa
and Qeorice urowiie.
First National Bank of Seattle
LltSTKR TURNKR. President
M McMICKKN. Vice President
DIRUCTOR8-Lester Turner, M. McMlcken. H. O. Simpson; W. D. Hoflus, J, II. McOraw,
. na.. s . ma.icrauu
R. P. PARKHURbT, Asst. Cashier
Asslc Your Ovuler for
ttio buMt that umii bo miiUu of rubber
Goodyear Rubber Company
l. M. PBASO, President. 7J and 75 front Strctt. PORTLAND, OHIJOON.
Shipping: & Commission Merchants
To aava time address all communications to the company.
Nos. 46 to 54 Pront St. North, PORTLAND, ORBQON.
The La Grande National Bank.
Leading Hank In Union County.
Transacts a General Banking Business
Kxchangea Made on All Parti ol the World.
W. P. K15TTHNBACH, President J. ALUXANDKR, Vice Pres. CIIAS. It. KI13TKR, Cashier
Capital and Surplus, $135,000 LEWISTON, IDAHO
DIRKCTORB-W. P. Kettenbach. Grace B. Pfsfflln, R. C. Beach, J. Alexander, C. C. Bunnell.
J, 11. Morris, Geo. H. Kcster.
Wisconsin, is (lend.
Port Arthur is nropnrlng for a flnnl
stniul against tho Japanese
Tho Japnneso army attacking Gonoral
Kuropatkln is estimated at 200,000.
While tho battle was raging July 31
tho thermometer was up to 102 degrees
nonr tialcheng.
Tho old Grimos hotel at SensIUo has
burned. It was 0110 of tho oldest build
ings at tho conBt.
A fast train on tho Frltco system was
derailed In Indian Territory and a num
bot of persons injured.
While trying to come nshoro from a
stranded yacht a number of persons
woro drowned in Nova Scotia.
Tho government is awaiting further
nowe of the seizure of part of tho Ara
bia's cargo beforo taking action.
The Japanese are supposed to bo de
layed in tho pursuit of tho Russians by
a lack of ammunition, which Is bolng
Hurried to tho front.
No word has been received from Gen
erals Btakelberg or Zaroutmlcff for eov
oral days and It may bo that Gonoral
Nodzu has cut thorn off from General
Tnckors claim victory over tho Chi
cago fltrlkois.
EI Paso will light for the American
Mining congress for 1005.
Tho London Times doclaros tho sink
ing of merchantmen piracy.
Insurance rates havo decreased since
tho return to Vladivostok of tho Rus
sian raiding squadron.
Tho assassin of Von Plohvo has been
identified as a student ttt Kliarkoff uni
versity. Ho has died of his Injuries.
A small Gorman veeeol loaded with
fish for Yokohama was also sunk by
tho Vladivostok squadron on Its recent
An Inspection of tho excursion steam
er Grand Republic shown -conditions
similar to thoso on tho death-ship Gen
eral blocum..
Washington Democrats havo nomin
ated Goorgo Turner, of Spokane, for
governor and Steven Judson, of Pierce
county, for lieutenant governor.
Railway telegraphers on Texas roads
aro on a strike.
Tho government statement for July
shows a lagro deficit.
Largo receipts of livestock aro being
received and handled ot tho Chicago
Special efforts will bo made at San
Francisco by tho government in tho
land fraud cases.
United States Treasury Enriched
Minor Outlay.
Sacramonto, Cal., Aug. 0. In an in
terview today, Governor G. 0. Carter,
of tho Hawaiian islands, said to a rep
resentative of tho Deo:
"Tho annexation of tho islands to
tho United States has not been a com
mercial success, so far as tho islands
aio concerned. Sinco wo havo been
United States territory we havo not
mado great progress. Ono reason for
this is becauso tho laws by which we
aro governed ato not suited to tho
country. For instance wo havo to
obey tho United States law and cannot
rent government land for a period of
moro than flvo'ycara at n time. Ab it
takes from two to four years to raise a
crop in our climate, wo cnniint And
anybody that will rent land for such a
shor t period as fivo years. TIiub we
are deprived of a big incomo from gov
ernment land.
"Sinco wo havo been annexed con
gress liriB never d rod god our harbor.
It is filling up and thus prevents the
landing of tho argest vesrels. As a
result of this our traffic Is falling off.
Wo havo dredged the harbor at our ox
pctiBo since wo havo been annexed, but
unions it is dredged again wo will loso
much of our trado.
"Annexation has cut off all of our
internal revenue. On the other hand,
from Undo Sam's point cf view, an
nexation has been n decided success.
Over $4,250,000 has been paid into tho
United States treasury from tho Is
lands. Tho wLolo cost of annexation
was only H,000,000."
Charfled With Treason Against
Russian Government.
Send Your Washington, Idaho and
Montana Business to the
Spokane Washington
J. a. ALMAS, Pmalnmnt .
WALLACE r. BHASE. Vlom Prmmldanl
A. a C7MME. MOM. tf MMM
Of Havre, Montana
We solicit your account and extend accommodations to our customers In keeping with
heir balances.
EatabllaMod lit f 070. OamMal, $100,000. Inlaroa Paid on Tim a DmpmaMm
C. II.MTTI.K. President. K. U. KEXIilUC'K, Vice J'resldent.
8. 31. I'YK, Cashier. J. I , I1KI.U Asst. Cashier.
Red River Valley INational Bank
ft. S. LeWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vke President.
J. W. VON NieOA, Cashier FRED A IRISH, Assistant Cashier.
Capital and Surplim
The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota
Coilcctloas nude on all point In North Dakota. Foreign and domtUic txdiasgc bought
and told. Tcltgraph transfer to all part of America.
BamNml SoourM, $BB,I
Vlco President
Asst Cashier
OstoteeT Lmtu In KaHsmmM, thm Ommnty Smat of thm Fammum
Flatmmad Oounty.
The battleship Ohio (ell below tho
required speed in the first trial trip in
santa uaruara cnannoi.
Tho Now York Building Trades alii
ance has caused work to cease on a
number of large buildings.
Tho "Diamond Special" on the Illi
nois Central was held up near Chicago
by four maksed men who went through
tho coaches and secured $10,000 in
booty and escaped.
Genreal Count Keller was killed by
a JapaenBe shell July 20 while resist
ing tho preliminary attack of General
Kuroki'a army. lie is the first high
Russian olllcer to bo killod in tho Man
churian campaign.
A cloudburst in Nevdaa flooded sev
eral towns.
The assassin of Von Plehve still re
fuses to talk.
Fackres and strikres both claim vic
tories at Chicago
Relations botween France and the
Vatican have been broken off.
The Japanese are said to have made
great gains around Port Arthur.
Count Ignatleff will succeed to the
Russian ministry of the interior.
The Sntaa Fo tracks were washed out
for 12 miles by a flood in Ariozna can
yon. Thirteen passengers on a Rochester,
N. Y., trolley road were injured in a
Clash between Russians and Japan
ese armies is soon expected. The Japs
have 120,000 men and 100 guns and
the Russians 100,000 men and 120
The steamer Arabia and her cargo
may yet be confiscated. Much of the
flour aboard waa unconsigned. The
Russian government has no official
notice of her release.
Packers say they can now afford to
ignore the strikers.
A Japanese cruiser and a gunboat
were lost off Port Arthur by striking
President Golden, of the packimr
teamsters' union, has been arrested for
picketing. ,
Russia baa filed a protest witft Great
Britain on shipping of contraband of
war to Japan,
Itusila will assist the United fitates
in the protection of seals at the Kom-
mander islands.
Gilcago Packers Say Plants arc
Doing Well.
Chicago, Aug, 0. In a stntomont
given out tonight by tho pnckois, tho
report that negotiations aro in progress
to bring about another conference be
tween tho packers and tho labor lead
ers is declared to bo unfounded. Tho
packers assert that thoio ic not tho
slightest iiosdlbllity of further confer
ences with tho strikers.
According to this statement, tho pro
gress making at tho plants is satisfac
tory to all tho packers; moro men aro
employed dully; all contracts and cur
rent orders are filled and thero is a
normal supply of beef, . mutton and
provisions at all plants In the United
BJaJtos, while talci are rijode at,.lower
prices' than beforo tho strike began.
In a table accompanying tho state
ment It it shown that the total number
of men at work tonight at all points is
moro than 20,000. With this number
of men at work the packers say, thoy
shipped 831 carloads of fresh meats
from all points yesterday .
lieyond trying to enforce tho order
forbidung the dollvery of ico to retail
ors who havo been hauling meat from
tho stockyards themeolves sinco tho
teamsters' strlko, the strikers did llttlo
today. Up to dato tho ice supply of
100 rotall markets lina been cut off.
Said to Have Placed Seditious
Pamphlets In Supplies Sent to
Soldiers at the Pront.
London, Aug. 6. According to tho
St. I'etoieburg correspondent of tho
Dally Tolegrnph tho youngest daughter
of ProfoHsor iMersheyoffcsky, tho well
known Russian educator, has just bcon
hanged In tho fortress at Schltissolburg
for lilirli treason. Everv effort lino
been made by the Russian authorities to
keep tho matter from tho public no-
catieo of the outburst of indignation
which followed tho hanging of another
young student for an alleged nttompt
on tho life of the czar some months
Tho correspondent slates, however,
that it lias been learned that tho girl,
wlillo aesiHting tho empress some
weeks ago to pack a quantity of sup
plies for tho troops at the front, chiefly
leading matter and delicacies, Binug-
gled into tho packages a number of
r-cditloiifl pamphlctri which woro not
discovered until Homo of them had got
into tho hnrulH of tho soldiers. When
accused tho young woman Ih said to
have admitted her guilt and to havo
declared that she gloried in tho deed.
Sho was court maitlalud, found
guilty of treason and promptly hanged.
No announcement of tho punishment
lino not been mado in tho Olllcla) Jour
nal, and now none is expected to bo.
Tho young woman was but 18 years
old, and tho government Is condeirncd
for its action, as it is believed that sho
was but tho tool of older conspirators.
rooDSTurrs not contraband.
United States Will Not Recede Prom
Position Once Taken.
Washington, Aug. 0. The stato do
partmont is in telegraphic communica
tion with its agencies abroad icnpecting
tho Russian seizures and destruction of
American goods, but it is not yet ready
to defino precisely its position as to tho
whole subject of celznrcH. Theeo ex
changes are not confined to Bt. Peters
burg and Washington, but are in
tended to develop the purpoees of tho
governments of othor nations, and par
ticularly of Great Britain and Ger
many, whoso shipping has Buffered
moro than that of any othor. It is
said hero that tho precedents already
established In the Spanish and Boer
wars, us well as in the operations in
China during the black flag uprising,
havo worked so satisfactorily and havo
received such universal approval that
under no circumstances will America
now recede from the doctrine that food
stuffs not directly intended for tho use
of a bolligorant army or navy cannot
bo regarded as contraband.
Prcsh Meat Will Be Scarce In Chi
carjo as a Result.
Chicago, Aug. 5. Tho threatened
spread of tho Btockurds strike to out
side industries came tonight, when an
ordor wns Issued by the Teamsters' un
ion forlddlng drivers of Ico wagons to
rutiko any deliveries to retail butchers,
who, sinco the packing houso teamntors
went on strike, havo been handling
meat from the packing houses In their
own wagons.
As the refrigerators in most markets
do not hold enough ico to last longei
than 48 hours, the order to cut off the
cupply of Ice, if it can be forced, means
that many persons in Chicago will be
compelled to forego fresh meat. Offi
cers of tho teamsters' union havo ap
pointed pickets to watclr retail markets
all over Chicago with instructions to
seo that the boycott is carried out.
Outside of tho decision of tho strik
ing unions to extend tho strike to the
ice men tlioro was llttlo change from
yesterday in tho situation at tho stock
yards. Witli their now omploycs and
those that have deserted tho unions tho
packers managed to dispose of fully 60
per cent us much work as is carried on
under normal conditions.
Charging Japanese Driven Back at
Port Arthur.
Chofoo, Aug. 4, A desporato thrco
days' assault on tho kinor dofonsos, on
tho northern and eastern sides of Port
Arthur, 'has fallod, according toadvicos
brought by two junks which arrived
hoto today.
A Russian who escaped from Port
Arthur via Pigeon Hay, tho night of
July 2, states that tho earth trembled
tindor tho terrific cannonading which
began at 4 a. in., July 20, and ended
during tho night of July 28, when tho
tho battlo ceased.
A Chinoso who has arrived linio on
a separato Junk confirms tho Russian's
Btatcmont that tho Russian killed and
wounded during tho assault numbered
botween C,000 ond 0,000.
The Japancso in their repeated ob
Faults against tho eastern forts on the
hills, through barbed wiro entangle
ments arm over rnlncB, displayed fanati
cal bravery. They woro mowed down
by the hall of sheila and bullets and
tho explosion of mines under their foot.
Their losses aro estimated at 20,000.
Tho Russian declares that tho Rus
sians held nil tho eastern forts leading
to Golden Hill and that tho Jnnnnnnn.
shattered and exhausted, retired to the
As related by tho paesongors of tho
two junks, tho Japanese ad vanco, which
began from Kwokau before daybreak,
July 20, was directed against Kikwan,
KInklun, Klnklshan nnd Pchoushan
forts, lying near shore. Tho Russian
outposts woro driven back. In tho
meantime Admiral Togo shelled tho
forts at long range, but tho return flro
of tho loitB kept his ships at a safo dia
tonco, rendering tho co-operation of tho
fleet Ineffective.
On tho morning of July 27, tho Rue
slan lleot steamed out, keeping under
tho protection of tho Golden Hill guns.
Tho Russian vessels did not flro on tho
Japanese and soon returned to tholr
Tho assault on tho northorn sldo of
tho city occurred July 27. Tho Japan
cso loft at Hcikau advanced on tho
Russians at 8hlnsh Ylng, but woro
Tho junks woro within hearing dis
tnnco for thrco days after leaving, but
no moro firing watjicard.
Tho Russian hospitals at Port Arthur
aro said to bo swamped. Thousands
of wounded aro lying in houses and
shops of tho Chinese, the owners having
been evicted, with the exception of
0110 who acts as caretakor of each place.
Medical attontlon is inadequate.
The Russian Army Is Hurry
ing to Harbin.
Empty Cars Being Rushed South
Llao Yang Troops lo Be Re
moved as Past as Possible.
Toklo, Aug. 3. After two days
fighting, General Kuroki has defeated
tho Russian forces in two eoparnto ac
tions fought at Yushulikzu and tho
Yangso Pass.
No Second Trial or Ohio.
San Francisco, Aug. 0. The bat
tleship Ohio will not he given another
trial. Engineer Robert Forsytho, who
had charge of tho machinery of the
Ohio, states that the machinery work
ed without a hitch, and that the fail
ure to make the required speed was due
solely to the tidal conditions. Tho
horsepower developed was ovor 2,000,
more than the contract called foi. The
stakeboats Fortune, f'rt-ble, Paul Jones
and Undllla leturned today from the
south, but the Annapolis will not ar
rive here until tomorrow.
Lend Money In New York.
New York, Aug. 0. The republic of
Panama baa made another big loan on
real estato in this city. Aloanof 000,
000 at Aft per cent was made by the
representatives of the republic on a
large Brodaway building. The sum is
part of the $10,000,000 which the Pan
ama republic received from the United
States for the Isthmian canal conces
sion, and its lepreaentatiea have al
ready 1 oared out on mortgage nearly
$1,600,000 on real ottate in this city.
Payment on Cuban Loan.
Havana, Aug, 0. Manuel Deapalgne,
fiscal agent for the Cuban government,
in a cable dispatch from New York to
day eays that Speyer & Co. have paid
him 110,000,000 of the (35,000,000
Cuban loan. .
Kuropatkln Must Move West or
Nlti Cliwang, Aug. 5. The report
that Haicheng lias (alien is premature.
Tho Russian troops havo qnly been
driven back to their innor intronch
merits, which they now occupy with
over 75,000 men, A detachment of
2,000 Japnneso, with largo supply
trams, is leaving hero for Haicheng,
where tho greatest battlo of tho war is
oxpected to opon tomorrow.
General Kuroki, with 100,000 men,
is now behind tho Russian forces; Gen
eral Oku, with an army of 60,000 inon,
is on their front, whllo flanking them
on tho left is General Nodzu, with ills
division of 50,000 men.
If General Kuropatkln Is dofeuted In
this battlo, ho must either moro west
ward or surrender.
Tho foreign military attaches aro with
tho second army on tho way for the
front to witness tho battle.
Tho Russian troops at Port Arthur
havo been driven hack to tho last lino
of their defenses. Tno Japanese at
tacking force has 350 gtrria in action,
Alaska Boundary Survey.
Vancouver, Aug, 5. For thepurposo
of inspecting tho work of tho survey
parties engaged In establishing tho
boundary lino between Canada and
Alaska, tho two boundary commission
ers representing Canada and the United
States uro hero en route to the north.
O H. Tittarnann, superintendent of
the United States coast and geodetic
survey, is the American commissioner;
Canada's interests are in the hands of
Professor W. F. King, chief astronomer
of Canada. These two commissioners
will remain in the North two months.
Gunboat Is Blown Up.
London, Aug. 6. The Dally Mall
this morning has the following from
Niu Chwang, under dato of August 3:
The Russian gunboat Slvouch (which
has been in the Llao river since the be
ginning of the war (has been deserted
and blown up near Saneha, and the
crew, with the vessel's guns, have
started for Liao Yang. Tho Japanese
gunboats went on Monday to reconnoit
er the position of the Slvouch and were
fired on.
Driven Back by Warships.
Tokio, Aug. 6. Twelvo torpedo des
troyers, four torpedo boat destroyers
and some gunboats emerged from tho
harbor at Port Arthur on tho night of
August 1, hut were driven back again
by the Japanese warships. on guard out
No Account Yef of the Battle Thai
Took Place August 2.
St. Potoisburg, Aug. 4. Allowing
for tho Inevitable conflict in names, tho
Japanese nnd Russian reports seem to
agreo on the main points of tho mili
tary developments up to August 1, but
both stop short at their interesting
point, namoly, regarding what happen
ed on August 2, when it is possible
that a decisive strugglo was going on
east and south of Llao Yang.
Tho usual crowds were assembled
around tho bulletin boards outaido tho
office of the general staff until long
after midnight awaiting further official
details, but nothing was given out be
yond General Kuronatkln's two official
dispatches. It Is oWdent from these
dispatches and tho Japanese reports
that tho Russians abandoned Yaugse
Pass, falling back on Llundlnsin, u
strong defensive position In tho hills
24 miles southeast of Llao Yang.
General Kuropatkln admits that
tlioro wore heavy losses along the
Saimtszo-Llao Yang road July 31.
Tho olllcial account is somewhat Incon
clusive, but indicates that although
tno uussiuns withdrew Irom their ad
vanced posts Kuropatkln hoped to bo
able to hold his main poslstlons oven
in tho face of tho superior Japanese
foreo and that ho evidently expected
heavy fighting along this lino, probably
about Aiming. This battlo possibly
waa proceeding August 2,
tho dispatches report that
quiet up to noon of August 1.
In the meantime a serious envelop
ing movement of tho Japanese divis
ions was maturing around tho Russian
loft at Haicheng whoro thero was also
heavy fighting July 31.
No news has been recoivod from Port
St. Petersburg, Aug. 3. A roport
from an apparently roliablo aourco lato
last night was to tho effect that General
Kuropatkin's main forco had been rap
idly moving north for sovoral days.
According to this roport no troops
proceeding to tho front from Russia had
gone past Harbin in tho past threw
days. Thoy will bo detained thoro and
every available pieco of rolling stock
will bo rushed south empty for tho re
moving of troops to Liao Yorjg and
othor points to tho northward, leaving;
a skeleton forco to contest tho Japan
cso advanco on vital positions.
If it is true, as pointed out in tho
foregoing, it leaves tho Russian forces,
in an oxceeding serious position.
Lacking doflnlto Information, and If
tho Russian information has not bocn
brokon by tho capture of Simoucheng.
tho authorities here say that if Kuro
patkln accepts a gonoral engagement,
thoy beliovo it will occur near Annchan
shan, half way botween Haicheng and
Llao Yang, In which caao tho Haicheng
forco will fall back on tho Simoucheng
forco under Goncral Mltschensko, on
tho northward road to Yanzalln, which
is already fortified, with a vlow to such
a contingency.
Yanzalln would thon become the
advanced position for Ansclmntschan,
tho natural strength of which is shown
by tho fact that it was tbo only posi
tion tho Chincso successfully dofonded
against tho Japanese. It is possible
that if Simoucheng Is evacuated it may
bo In pursuance of tho abovo plan and
it ia also postlblo In this case thai
Gonoral Stakelborg may got away
north, but In any caeo his retreat with
Gonoral Oku hanging to his rear mutt
be a difficult operation, oven with tit
rallwiy to help him'.
all was
New Battleship's Speed.
Washington, Aug. 4. --Rear Admiral
Whiting, who represented tho govern
ment aboard the battleship Ohio,
which was given lior preliminary speed
trial in Santa Barbara 'channel yester
day, reported to the navy department
by telegraph today that the uncorrected
figures for the Ohio's trip showed an
average speed of 17.8 knots per hour.
These figures are subject to change on
account of tidal allowances Under
the terms of the contract, the Ohio is
to make 18 knots an hour,
Situation Serious at Tangier.
Washington, Aug. 4.--Actlng Secre
tary of Stato Loom Is has received a
mall report from Mr. Gummere, the
American consul-general at Tanglera,
dated July 16, showing a state of great
unrest and uneasiness in Morocco fol
lowing the Perdicaria incident. Mr.
Gummere tells of the attempt to kid
nap Mr. Harris, the representative of
the London Times, which has beon
described in rablo dispatches, and says
the situation grows more serious daily.
Transports for Baltic Squadron.
Copenhagen, Aug. 4 A Russian
agent has arrlvod here with the object
of purchasing large transports to ao
company tho Baltic squadron to tho
Fur Hast.
Have Been Heavy
the Past few Days.
Toklo, Aug. 8. It ia roportcd at the
war ofllco that tho result of tho fight
ing which has boon in progress In tho
vicinity of Haicheng sinco last Wednes
day will ho a sweeping victory. While
a number of official communications
from tho commanding officers have
beon received, their contents aro care
fully guarded for tho present.
It is beliovod, however that tho re
lief columns havo bcon dividod by
successful outflanking movement on the
part of Goncral Kuroki'a army, which
turned tho Russian flank, This move
ment is bolioved to havo resulted in
tho isolation of Lieutenant General
Stakelberg'a divisions and they are now
beliovod to be practically surrounded
by tho victorious Japanese.
General Kuropatkln la understood to
bo ondeavoring to withdraw tho rem
nants of his scattered army toward
Mukden and Japanese officers, who
should know oxactly what tho condit
ions aro In Manchuria, declare that
both Liao Yang and Mukden must fall
wlhln a very slior't time.
Tho Russians' losees within tho past
fivo days have been such ns effectively
woaken General Kuropatkin's army so
that tho Japanese combined forces are
now much more than a match for the
crippled Russians opposed to them.
At lad accounts fierce fighting was still
in progress with everything pointing
to ultimate and complete Japanese suc-
Search to Proceed.
St. Petersburg Aug. 3, -The govern
ment has Issued an official announce
ment of tho release of the steamer Ma
lacca, which was seized In the Red sea
by tho Russian volunteer fleet cruisers.
It states that tho liberation of the ves
sels was duo to the declaration by the
British government that the cargo was
the property of tho atate, but sa;s It
must not bo deducted from this fact
that tho imperial government abandons
Ha intontlon of sending oat isolated
cruisers as well as warships generally
to search for contraband ol war.
Give Up at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 3. .Today's
developments in the packers' strike
were serl6us from the standpoint of
the strikers, as hundreds of their num
ber returned to work, many of them be
ing skilled workmen. The serious
break in the ranks of the strikers today
as caused by their growing tired of
waiting for strike benefit money prom
ised fiom Chicago and because thsy
could not afford to remain idle for a
longer time without pay.
Arabia's Trial In Progress.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 3. Tho Asso
ciated Press Is Informed at the foreign
office that the trial of the Arabia Is
now progressing at Vladivostok and
that It will have to be completed be
foro tho question of her leloasa can ha
determined upon.
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