The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, July 09, 1904, Image 1

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    VOL. IX.
NO. 15.
( n
Established In 1850.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit innei
ajraJlable in Europe and the Eastern states.
Sight exchange and Telegraphies Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Ore
ton, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
OKFICKHS! n. F. OMlKN, President! M. AI.KXANDKIt, Vice President; II. N. COF-
FIN, Cannier; J. M. IIAINKB, Asulstant Cashier. . .
DIIlKOIOHSi Ilobt. Nnblo, 1 Iiok. DavIh. II. F. Olden, J. M. Haines, J. K. Yates, J. II.
Morrow, T. ItORan, M. Alexander, F. It. Collin.
Acoountm at Bmnkm, Firm; Oorpormtlonm mnd IndMdumlm Rmamlrmd mn
thm Mm LUtmrml Tmrma Canmlmtmnt Wlih Sound Banking.
alia Walla, Washington. (Flrit National Hunk In tho HUto.)
Transacts a General Banking Business.
CAPITAL $100,000. 8UIIPI.US 100,(i00.
I.KVI ANKENY, President. A. II. IlEYNOUIS. Vice Prcstdont. A. It. IIUIIFOHD, Cashier
Aetna Banking and Trust Company
Cmpllml $100,000.00
Under state supervision. Five per cent interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposit
Money to Loan on Roal Emtato
F. AllO. HEINZE. Prmmldmnl A. B. CLEMENTS, Ommhlmi-
GEO. O. ELLIS, Pi-mm
J. O. PEBUE, Vlom Prma.
Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited.
BOISE, ......... IDAHO
JACOB FUHTII, I'reildont. J. 8. OOLD8MITII, Vico President. It. V. ANKKNY, Cashier.
OmnltmlPmldUp, $300,000.
Correspondents In all the principal cltlcn of the United States and Europe.
Uold duit bought. Draft Issued on Alaska and Yukon Territory.
J. W. SMITH, President
Of Furjjo, North Dakota
Loans and Discounts,
U. H. Ilouds at par
Ilanklutr lloiife,
Cash and Due from Banks,
t OTi.74l.Sl
J. C. A1N8W0KTII, President. W. I). Vloe-l'rc.ldenu It. V, 8CIIHEKK, Cashier
A. M. WKK1IIT, Assistant Cashier.
Transacts a general banking; business. Drafts laaued, available In all cltlea of the United
States and Kurope,lltnR Kong and Manila. Collcctlonamadoou favorable terms.
Fidelity Trust Company Bank
raid Un Capital DocaGrneral flunking Iluilncaa. Savings Department. Interest
Credited bcral-Auuually.
TOIIN C. AIN8WOKTH, President A. O. PRIC1MRI), Cashier
JOHN S. 1IAKKK, Vice President J'. V. IIA8KKI.L. IK., Asat. Cashier
V. C. KAUI'FMAN, 3d Vice President GItOKGK 1IKOWNK. becretary
DIRnCTOU3 John C. Alnaworth.T. n Wallace, John S Baker, Henry Hewitt, P. C. KaufTmaa
and Geurge llrowur.
First National Bank of Seattle
M McMICKKN. Vice President R. V. FAKKHUKbT, Aiat. Caahler
DIRECTORS-Leater Turner, M. McMlcken. fl. G. Simpson, W. D. Hofius, J. II, McGraw,
Chaa. P. Maatersou
AhIc Your Doulor for
tlio beat thut cn bo rnuUu of rubber
Goodyear Rubber Company
P. It. PBASB, President. 73 and 73 front Street. PORTLAND, OREOON.
kMTAIII.IftllKD 1851.
Shipping & Commission Merchants
To save time address all communications to the company. ,,,.. ,,,, ..,,, Dlinnw
Nos. 46 to 54 I ronC St. North, PORTLAND, OREQON.
P. KKTTKNDACH, President J. AUtXANDER, Vice Pres. CIIAS. It. KKSTISR, Cashier
Capital and Surplus, $135,000
DIRECTORS W. P. Kettenbach. Grace B. Plafllln. R. C. Beach, J. Alexander, C. C. Bunnell,
J. U, Morris, Geo, II. Keatcr.
Capital and Surplus, $150,000. Undivided Profits, $48,000
Old, Reliable, Conservative.
Send Your Washington, Idaho and
Montana Business to the
Spokane Washington
J M ALMAS. Pmmlnmnt WALLACE E. CHASE. Vlom Prmmldenf
ROBERT T. F. SMITH, Ommhlmi- A. S CHASE, Am. Oamhlmr
Of Havre, Montana
We solicit your account aud extend accommodations to our customers In keeping with
heir balances.
Cmpllml mnd Smourltlmm, $380,000.00,
Vice President
Ommlem Lmtm In KallsmeU, imm Ooumty Seat of tho Famoua
Flathmuul Oetmty.
H. E. BEAL, Ommhlmi
FAY D. YOUBO, Ammt Ommh'r
Vice President
S. S. LYON, Cashier
Capital Stock,
Uniiu Idcd '.'routs,
IV 1,00001)
1,W7,4S9 VJ
Asst Cashier
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Fora, Most
Likely to Prove laterectktg to Our
Many Readers.
JapnneBO ponornla aro proving them
selves great strategists.
A Jnpnncso gunboat struck n mino of!
Tnlien Wan bay and was lost.
Russia objects to tlio presenco of a
British uunboat at Niu Clnvnug.
Tlio Democratic national convention
denied a voto to tlio Philippine dele
gates. The cznr fears a icvolution in Rus
sian Poland and a state of siego will be
The Russian war ofllco admits that a
battle of consequence has tnkon placo
near Liao Yang, but has no advices as
to tlio outcome.
A waterspout, accompanied by n
torriflo wind, passed through Clinton,
0. T., killing six persons and injuiing
suveral others.
Japanese and Russian shipB hnvo en
gaged in n battle in the Corcan Btraits
and it is believed two or tliice of tho
firmer liavo been lost.
Tho correspondent of n Tarls paper
says ho saw at Kronstadt tlio Ameri
can built submarine boat Protector.
Ho states that ho was also shown two
other submarines of American manu
facture A San Francisco man may start a
300,000 cemont factory in Portland.
RuiRlnnn rnnnrt microns in several
small engagements near Mo Ting pass.
It is raid many Corenns aro prepar
ing to riso on tho oppoaranco of tho
Russian officials claim that tho heavy
rains in Manchuria will do much to
ward giving them ths upper hand.
A train wreck on tho railroad from
Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek re
sulted in tlio death of two passengers
ard tho injury of 15 othors.
Ono man was killed, another fatally
injured and n score of others slightly
injured In a collision on the Reading
railroad at a suburb of Philadelphia.
There aro 027 persons missing from
tho Danish steamor Norgo, which
foundered off tho coast of Scotland.
All hope has been given up for them.
A Philadelphia millionaire has been
hold to tho grand jury as responsible
for tho death of threo persons killed in
a building in which ho fulled to pro
vide fire escapes.
Ilnyti has sovoroly punishod tho
gunrds who stoned tho German and
I'ronuh ministers recently. Tho presi
dent, in a formal uudicuco, also apolo
gized to botn ministers.
Tho Japanese aro said to bo avanciug
in two divisions on Liao Yang.
Admiral Togo reports tho blowing up
of a Ruffiian guardship and torpedo
boat destroyer.
Tho rainy season will greatly hamper
operations in Manchuria, the wholo of
that country seeming to have turned
into a marsh.
Tho Vladivostok equadron is faster
than the Japanese fleet sent against it
and ran continuo to raid tho coast until
the Jups send fleeter ships after It.
Kuropatkln has decided to withdraw
to Ilaieheng.
Tlio Japanese lmvo landed another
army of 10,000 men.
The Vladivostok squadron Bank n
steamer and Bailing vessel at Genean,
Mayr Jones, of Toledo, Ohio, is wlri
ously ill and the chances of his recov
ery aro slight.
Harrlman lias placed an order for
(10,000 tons of steel rails, one-third of
which are for tho Southern Pacific.
A Tellurido, Colorado, mino has
closed down on account of inability to
secure competent help. Other proper
tics aio expectod to follow in a shoit
A report from General Oku says that
after the fight at Vafangow tho Japan
ese buried 1,854 Russian dead, Tho
trophies taken in this engagement con
sisted of 10 guns, 40 wagons and 858
The proceeds of the Rutte mines for
the fiscal year just ended is (7,354,220.
Japanese advices state that women
were seen on board the Russian war
ships during the last engagement, con
firming the suspicion that the Port
Arthur fleet was trying to escape to a
neutral port.
Secretary Shaw has approved a de
sign for the Lewis and Clark souvenir
golddollat. A likeness of Lewis ap
pears on ono side and of Clark on the
other. The Philadelphia mint will
coin 25,000 at once.
Paul Morton has aesumed the ofllco
of lecretary of the navy.
The Russian Vladivostok squadron
has appeared at Gensan, Corea, and
filed on the town.
The acting land commissioner ha
decided that a corporation has the same
right to file on desert land as a citizen.
The secretary of commerce and labor
has ordered that all passenger carrying
steamboats in the New York harbor be
Kansas People Deserting; Their Homes
Damage Will Reach Thousands
Kansas City, Mo., July 0. Tho
Kaw overflowed its banks near the
Missouri Pacific bridge at 11 o'colck
tonight, and tho water is now epiead
ing over tho west bottoms, or nholesalo
district. Tiio water has approached
witiiin two blocks of the Union sta
tion, and will reach the Union station
before daylight. Tho Armourdaio dis
trict of Kansas City, Kan., has boon
dosorted, its inhabitants having boon
diivon from thoir homes by tho over
flow of tho river for the, second timo in
13 montliB.
Mayor Gilbert, of Kansns City,
Kan., is UBing all the means at his
command to caro for the thousands of
homeless pcoplo diivon from tlio flood
Btricken district. Tonight ho sent the
following telegram to tho secretary of
"Ten thousand peopli liavo been
driven from thoir homes in Kansas
City, Kan., by flood. I earneatly ro
quest that you direct commander at
fori Lavonwortii to issue larous as
wo may need."
Tonight, oil Kansas streams aro high
and thousands of acres of rich farming
lands have already been inundated,
causing Iobscb to crops that will doubt
less run into tho hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
Farmers at n dozen different points
have been forced to fleo from thoir
homes, drivinir their cattlt before them
and taking horses and what household
goods that could bo gathered hurriedly.
Uy tomorrow noon tho Kaw will
liavo riBcn two fcot and a half higher
than nt present and will begin to sub
Bidor rapidly. Tho Missouri rivor at
Kansas City, ulthough up from the
overflow of tho Kaw at this point, is
still in no danger of causing any serious
flood, and aftor a further rleo of 18
inches, Obsorver Cooncr predicts, this
stream will begin to fall tomorrow.
Across from Kansas City, the Missouri
has flooded Harlem, a sparcoly-Bettlcd
placo, but nono of tho manufacturing
concerns along tho stream lias suffered.
International Conference Results In
tual Understaastlag.
Vancouver, B. 0., July 0. Tho first
international conference between the
cannerymen of I'tigot .Sound and tho
F razor river was held here today, and
was productive of oralnently satisfac
tory results. All the principal opoia
tore woro in attendance. It was agreed
that lor mutual protection a patrol
boat be placed on esWri "llde of the
boundary lino by tlio respective associ
ations or governments, with a view of
co-operating to prevent thefts of fish or
gear aud bring tho guilty parties to
The matter of hatcheries was laid
over until tho next meeting, to be taken
up witli the minister of marine and
fisheries when ho visits tlio Const.
The question of a joint close timu dur
ing the packing season was referred to
a committee. It was further agreed
Unit no British Columbia dinners shall
buy flah en Puget sound, and no Puget
sound cuunners shall buy fish in Ca
nadian waters, except ami through the
authorized representatives of tho re
spective caunerrles and tlio independ
ent trap owners.
It was reported that tho first trap in
stalled In Canadian waters this season
under tho new regulations was working
to perfection.
They Appear to Be Trying to Enter by
All Doors.
Liao Yang, July 8. Repoits have
been received hero of Uie appearance of
Japanese outposts on tho loads leading
to Munkdtn.
On the other hand, tho Japanoso
liavo witlidi iwn from tho passes taken
Juno 20 and 27, ami their advanco
from Lien Slian Kuan has ceased,
Tho Russian Kastern corps lias
movfd forwaid to Kliawan and Ho
zamn, which tlio Russians had evacu
ated and reocutiplcd.
The tactics of tho Japaneso aro diffi
cult to understand. They seem to he
trying to enter by nil doors. Probably
tho u miles commanded by Geuorals
Kuroki and Oku are combining to op
eratOtaguiust Tu Tceh Kiao and Ilai
eheng in order to gain poseetslon of the
railroad and enable them to advance to
Liao Yang.
America Asks Iter Object.
London, July 0 The Ahsoclalcd
Press learns from a high British source
that exchanges of views aro taking place
beiween Amorlta and Great Britain
with respect to Thibet. Being a do
pendency of China, tho fate of Thibet
is of considerable Importance, especial
ly to America; not that Americans liavo
interests of value in that country, but
becaues of ita acquisition by any other
power would mean a violation of the
principles of the integrity of China,
which is tho key note of Becretary
Hay's Far Kaetern policy
Much of North Topeka Flooded
Topeka, Kan, July 9. The Kansas
River is 20 feet 3 'nches above low
water mark and rising at tho into of
three ini lies an hour. Tlio north end
of the Itnck Island railway bridge has
been partly wrecked and Rock Island
trains aro now being tun over the Santa
Fo bridge. Director Jennings, of tho
government weather bureau, does not
expect a dangerous flood unless there
aro heavy rains further west to
night. Declared President of Colombia.
Washington, July 0. Mr, Snyder,
United States Charge at Bogota, has
ctbled to the state department that
Gi-neral Reyes was declared elected
president of Colombia today.
Armies Are Engaged In Fierce Conflict
Only Twenty-Five Miles From Liao
Yang and Large Numbers of Wound
ed Russians are Arriving Small
Skirmishes are Numerous.
London, July 8. Tho Liao Yang cor
respondent of tho Daily Telegraph, in
a dispatch dated July 7, 1 a. in., says:
"A battlo is proceeding 2f mllos
from hero.
"Numbers of wounded uro bolng
brought in from tlio mountains.
"It is holioved tlio JapancEO aro con
tinuing thoir advanco witli tho object
of cutting off Mukdon."
Russians Lose Many Men.
Gonornl Kuroki's Headquarters in
Field, via Fuean, July 8. On July 4,
two battalions of Russians attempted to
break through tho Japanese outposts at
the northern entrance of Mo Tien Pass.
Beforo daylight, they surrounded an
outpost of 80 men nt tho foot of a hill
and charged tho trench above. A
bloody encounter with bayonets, last
ing n quarter of an hour, ensued. Tho
Russians attacked tlio trench threo
times, but wore driven up tlio valley
by a Japaneso reinforcement, leaving
ninny dead and wounded. Another stir-
VlVOt BltW
60 lying in front o'jUio
Russians Inflict Heavy Loss.
St. Petersburg, July 8. Tho Petor
bourgsky Loutsk this evening publishes
n dispatch from Liao Yung announcing
that an engagement has occurred &t Ta
Tclio Kio, during which Russian cav
alry, under Gonoral Samsonoff, sup
ported by a battory of horse artillery,
dislodged tho Japaneso forco from tho
heights in tho taco of a hoavy tnachino
gun and miiBkotry flro. The Russians,
it adds, pursued tho Japaueso and in
flicted heavy loss upon thorn.
Kansas Is Again Threatened
Serious Flood.
Kanras City, July 8. All Kansas
streams aro rising, tho rosult of hoavy
rains in the past 24 hours, and serious
Hoods aio threatened. From two to
(our indies of water huvo fallen during
that time.
A worse flood than any that has pre
ceded it if tliieatenod at Emporin,
where both tlio Cottonwood ami Neosho
rivers ore close to the high water mark
and rising nt tlio rate of four inches an
hour. At Sallna tho river is rising
and threo feot moro will cover tho east
ern part of tlio city. Dry Creek is rag
ing, and tho citizens are moving out.
Farms in the lowlands are flcoded, and
farmers are moving thoir stock to high
er giound. (iypetim City is Hooded.
Tlio water is in tho houses and streets,
and nt other points much damiigu to
building lias been done by high winds.
At Kansas City both tho Kaw and
tho Missouri rivers uro high and rising
rapidly, Thu water overflowed tho low
places in Armnurdulo and Riverside.
No great damage is expected l: tlio vi
cinity of Kansas City, however, unless
thero aro further iniiiB.
At Leavenworth tho damago to prop
erty will bo heavy. Thero tho manu
facturing district adjacent to Three
Mile Creek, along Cherokee and Choc
taw streets, from Twelfth to tho Mis
souri river, woro flooded. Houses and
lumbor yards and wagon and railroad
bridges uro washed uwuy and telephone
und telegraph wires uro damaged.
At and near Junction City the Smoky
Hill and the Republican overflowed
their banks nt several places. There
was washouts on all roads at that
point, and no trains liavo run in or out
of Junction City today.
At Iawrencc the Kaw is rislngut the
into of three inches un hour, aud the
lowlands are flooded.
At Ahlleno the lowlands uro inun
dated aud it is estimated that fully 20
per cent of the wheat Is ruined.
This is the fourth flood this year In
Kaunas, hi many places it rained
neatly every other day last month, and
the record this mouth so far bus been
Moyer Again at Ills Desk.
Denver, Colo., July 8. Tli'i oponlng
of the now headquarters of the West
ern Federation of Miners in tho Pio
neer building, was marked by tho up
peantnio of Charles II. Moyer nt his
desk, tho first time since ho was arrest
ed nt Ouray more than u hundred days
hko. Ho held conferences with Vico
President Williams and Assistant Sec
retary Kirwun, in which tho entire sit
uation was thoroughly discussed and
plans decided upon for tlio continua
tion of the sti ikon in which the Fed
eration is interested.
Port Nearly Destroyed.
San Francisco, July 8. Private ad
vices received by table- loport that the
Port of Chumperlco, In Guatemala, was
almost wholly destroed by u cyclone
Details aro lucking, hut the few words
received ty wiro indicnto that the land
ing facilities had been swept uway, und
in such an event the buildings ashore
must have differed considerably. It is
not believed that tho port will ho able
to receive or ship goods for the next
two months.
Rutslans Suffer From Meat.
Liao Yang, July 8. The troops here
have suffered from a second day of ter
rible heat, the thermometer registering
100 degrees. No moro rain has fallen
here, and tho roads have considerably
improved, Japanese prisoners uro bo
lng brought to Liao Yang.
National Convention Chooses Candidates
for President and Vice President.
Sprlngflold, III., July 0. Thomas E.
Watson, of Georgia, for president, and
Tho'maB II. Tibbies, of Nebraska, for
vico prcsldont, wero nominated by the
Populist convention today. The nauios
of William V. Allen, of Nobraskn, and
Samuel W. Williams, of Indiana, were
also placed boforo tho convention for
president, but beforo tho list of statos
had been completed in tho roll call,
thoir names woro withdrawn, and Wat
son was nominated by acclamation.
Ex-Senator Allen mado good his word
that ho would not entor Into any
Bcramblo for tho nomination, andwhilo
tho nominations woro being mado ho
twico instructed tho chairman of tlio
Nebraska delegation to ray that his
name must not go beforo tho conven
tion. In tlio fuco ot this, howovor, ho
received over 40 votes.
Tho committee on resolutions in its
report to tho convention reaffirmed ud
ho'enco to tho basic truths of tho Oma
ha platform of 1802, and of tho subse
quent platforms of 1800 nnd 1000. Tho
platform then demands that nil money
bo issued diroctly by tho government,
every dollar to bo a full legal tender;
demands postal savings banks; upholds
tho right of labor to organizo, nnd fav
ors tho enactment of legislation for the
improvement of tho condition of tho
wngo earners; demands tho Initiative
and ro'crcndutii; favors prohibition of
tho alien ownership of lands; demands
tho withdrawal of special privileges of
trusts nnd'HionopolicB, nnd doclares the
government should own nnd control thu
railroads, telegraphs and tolopliono sys
tems, and should providon parcels post.
The platform was adopted unanimously.
Large Qraln Elevator Is Burned
Three Lives Lost
Boston, July 7. Tho immenso grain
elovator of tho Boston A Maino railroad
company, ono of tho largest In the
world, together with threo of the com
pany's fiolghthousos on piors Nos. 1
and 2, Mystic wharf, Charlestown,
woro burned tonight, entailing losses
of over $1,000,000,
Three lives are supposed to have been
lost. Thirty-flvo sailors ot tho Allan
stonmor Austria, which was lying at
pior No. 1, jumped overboard to savo
themselves from the flames, which had
communicated to their vessel. Olga
Olson, boatswains' mate; James Flynn,
fireman, and Patrick N, Meehan, fire
man, aio tho supposed victims.
Flynn's body has boon recovored.
Most of tho crew swam ashore, but
11 of their number required hospital
attention. Beforo tho flro could bn
controlled all the upper works had been
Tho flro started during n hoavy
thunder storm, when a bolt of lightning
struck ono of tho freiglithouses, In
which was stored n quantity of liny.
Tho Haines spread inddly to adjoining
buildings, including tho elovator, aud
the linger part of tlio flro apparatus of
tho city was summoned to savo other
property. Tho elevator is figuied nt
$100,000. Losses on tho freight
houses, thoir contents, tlio pier and the
steamer Austria will easily swell tho
total to more than 1 1.000,000.
Among the steamship companies
who will suffer losees on freight do
stroyod uro tho Allan lino, tlio Scandi
navian and thu Wilson.
Land Operations at
Be Further
Port Arthur
Chicago, July 7. Tho following
spocial cablegrams aro from a staff cor
respondent of tho Dally News:
On board thu Daily News Dispatch
boat Fuwan, Chefoo, July 7. While
the Fawan was off Port Arthur Friday
last, about noon, florce cannonading
was heard, ending in n heavy explosion.
The Fuwan stood by one of tho Japan
ese picket ships till late in tho after
noon, hut saw nothing. All was quiet
on Saturday. Whilu cruising toward
Tulleuwnn. Sunday, picket cruisers
were met all along tho coust nt inter
vals. About 16 miles off Dulny, tho
Fuwan was stopped by a cruiser of the
Asanil typo, hut not detained.
"Several shots were heard about 4 p.
m, in tlio direction of Port Arthur.
"Thu naval situation is uppiuently
at a standstill. No uctlvo incustiies
uro likely to bo taken by Admirul Togo
until thu laud operations uro further
Would Save Many Lives,
Victoria II, C, July 7.-Ijist wint
er's terrible wrecks on tho west coust
of Vancouver Island are hearing their
fruit in u strong movement to have that
portion of the coust better supplied
with telegiaphia communication. At
present the telegraph line rtitiB north
only ob fur as Chiyoquot, just north of
Iinrkley sound, leaving all tlio coast to
Cupo Scott without any means of com
munication. It is suggested that wire
less telegurph stations should bo in
stalled at suitable points along the
Many Mutilans Are Deserting.
Vienna, July 7. Russian deserters
uro constuutly crossing tho prutli into
Roumaniu, Many uro arrested by thu
frontier patrols, hut some reach tho in
terior of thu state. Both tho soldiers
and peasants of Ilefsurnbin huvo n su
perstitious dread of going to tlio Fur
East. The prisons of thu Rusisnu side
of tho border aro full of men suspected
of intention to desert. Tlio officers uro
ttndei tho necessity of observing every
precaution to avoid a general mutiny.
More Troops for the Far East.
St. Petersburg, July 7. It is beliov
ed that another army coips will be
mobilized for tho Far East, but it has
not yet been decided what corps will be
Was Carried Out of Course by Heavy
Weather and SUuck Reef Off Isle of
Rochall, Nrar Coast of Scotland and
a Oreat Hole Torn la Side Beats
Lowered Were Capslicd.
London, July 0.Over 700 Danish
and Norwegian emigrants bound for
Now York woro drowned In tho North
Atlantic Juno 28. Out of nearly 800
souls on board tho Danish steamer
Norgo. which left Copenhagen June 22f
only 27 nio known to bo allvo, and for
thu rest no hopo 1b held out.
When Inst seen tho Norgo was sink
ing whoro she struck on tho Isle of
Rocknil, whoso isolated peak raises it
sol f from n deadly Atlantic reef 200
miles off tho went coast of Scotland.
Early on tho morning of Juno 28 the
Norgo, which was out of her course in
heavy weather, ran on tho Rockall reef,
which :n tho dlstnnco looks liko a ship
unuor ltiu sail. Tiie tf orge was quick
ly backed off, but the heavy seas poured
in through a rent in hor bows.
Tho emlgiants, who wero then await
ing breakfast below, ran on deck. The
hatchways wore scarcely built for these
hundreds of souls nnd became clogged.
Tho Norgo quickly began to go down
by tho head. Eight boats woro lower
ed, and into those tho women nnd chil
dren woro hurriedly put. Six of these
boats smashed against tho sides of the
Norgo, and their holplcss inmates wore
cauuht up by the heavy seas.
Sane aad Safe" Poarth of
Casualty List Large.
Chicago, July 6. Tho "cano and
safe" Fourth of July in tho United
States rivals tho Oriental war in its list
of casualties. Partial reports show
that 37 persons woro killed as a direct
rosult of colebrating tho nation's birth.
Of the appalling list of Injured, fully
200 or more will succumb, sooner or
later, to thoir injuries, as tetanus)
almost invariably follows a wound from
fireworks or July 4 explosives. The
foregoing takes no account of the race
riots or murders of the day, but glvee
an incomplete Idea of what it costs the
American pooplo to celebrate tho glori
ous Fourth.
Incomplete returns show loss by
flro, following celebration accidents, of
mote than $160,000,
The toy pistol has been overshadowed
this year by the "dynamite cane," a
contrivuncn which deals death and de
struction in nourly ovory instance.
Detailed reports of tho casualty lists
show that a largo ntiinbor of person
wero tho victims of malicious miechlof,
ruffianly hoys nnd men in tlio larger
cities taking pains to malm littlo chil
dren and nged pooplo. In two races,
aged persons wero frlKhtened to death
by re vol vera.
Switch Left Open Causes Chicago
Itcd to Run Into Freight.
Litchfield, III., July 0. A ecoro of
pcisons killed and mora than 100 in
jiued is tho rosult of a wreck on the
Wabash railroad that occurred at this
placo lato yesterday evening, The Chi
cago limited duo at St. Louis at 7
o'clock and running nt a speed of 60
miles an hour to make up lost time,
was wiecked by an opon switch. The
engine on the passenger struck a freight
train that was stumllng on tho siding,
und tho engine nnd threo coaches fol
lowing wero piled in a heap. The
wreckage took flro and wub completely
While it was at first thought that
tho accident was duo to negligence, it
has since developed, according to infor
mation thai has leaked nut from what
is cousltlored an authoritative source,
that tho real cause for tho tlli-astor was
ii dellbeiuto attempt on the part ot
tralnwreckurs to deinil tno train, hut
for what reason is not known,
Wlillo thu railroad officials have giv
en out no report for publication, they
huvo said that tlio occurrence was not
duo to any oversight on tho part of em
ployes, hut Ih the result of u schomo on
the part of unknown persons.
Again the Center of Oravlty.
St. Petersburg, July 0, Military ex
ports helluva that the center of gravity
bus again shifted to Port Arthur, wh-ro
siego operations uro expected to engago
most of the attention of tho Jupaneio
until the conclusion of tho rainy Reason
permits tho resumption of thu campaign
In Southern Manchuria. Thownroffico
believes that a farther advanco on Ta
Tcho Kiao is impossible, in view of the
powerful resistance which can ! mado
by the Russians, combined witli the
great difficulties of transportation over
rain sodden roads,
Japan Orders Cavalry Hornrs.
New York, July 0. Tho Japanese
government is stated to have practical
ly placed an order for 10,000 selected
cavalry horses witli a Now Ynik firm
which supplied many cavalry homes it
Great Britain during the liner wur. It
is understood thut tho order culls for
the smallest type of cavalry hnro, of
which n largo supply is not readily ob
tainable. It is insisted by tho Japan
ese thut tlio hori-cs shall ho delivered
at tlio ruto of 2,000 a month.
Kuroki Occupies Another Port.
Toklo, July 0, A detachment
Goneral Kuroki's army has occupied
North Fen Shui Ling without meeting
with resistance, The main army ad
vanced westward and occupied a line
extending from Mao Tlon Pas to Shao
Mo Tien Ling and 8kinkaing.
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