th mnr age, povtulkd, oeegok. Topics of the times. U CHOICE 8ELECTION OP INTER E8TINQ ITEMS. Co matnta and Criticisms Baaed Dpoa the Happenings) of the Day HUtort eal and New Nataa. Credit la all well enough until the 1)111 collector begins to come around. I The most magnificent thing Jay Could ever did was to become tho father of Helen. Tho Jnpi nro snld to bo using "hu znnno" bullets. This la one of tho few humors of "civilized wnrfarc." $12,000,000 la tho corresponding months of 1008.' At the same Utno onr exports to Cuba Increased from $3,200, 000 to $0,500,000, the more Important Increases being In flour, cotton cloth, sewing machines, locomotives, lumber. Moather and furniture. Beyond ques tion our merchants can secure enlarged markets In Cuba If they but exert themselves to take advantage of tho profcronco In their favor, whllo It Is to be anticipated that Cuba's industrial and agricultural development will fur bish proof that It has been greatly stimulated, even beforo tho present year Is out RPOKANF .! Never striko a man until you are satisfied that ho deserves It and don't do it then unless you outclass him. Ella "Whclcr Wilcox's latest poem ays: "Whatovcr you do, keep swoot" This would be a nice motto for a lem on, wouldn't It? Tho men say they have no desire to organize a fathers' congress. They get their Innings while tho mothers' congress Is In session. It would be like the beet trust to explain that tho worry and expense of being Investigated will necessitate another Increase of prices. A British scientist claims that the earth Is kept hot by radium. Perhaps tho great rush for radium was what made last winter so cold. The Rev. M. J, Bavago In a recent sermon undertakes to tell "why moro people do not go to church." Ho flndn tho principal reason to bo that "they don't havo to." We would like to learn the Mormon methods of making a living. A man who can provldo for flvo wlvos and 100 children under present prices Is a fi nancial wonder. John D. Rockefeller began bis busi ness career by learning to milk a cow. A good many people would llko to know whether that was when he learn ed to water things. Doctors now assert thnt bedrooms are filled to the doors with murderous microbes and baleful bacilli. That's another excuse for your not going to bed until very lato. When Dr. Ralnsford says to us lay men, "We ministers are no better mo rally than you," we laymen, Instsad of feeling elated, are liable, knowing each others' infirmities, to bo decidedly depressed. Somebody says that the Parisians furnish tho gowns and tho American women furnish tho figures. When it takes three figures for a gown tho American father at once becomes an active factor in tho little epigram. Wash a baby clean and dress him up real pretty and ho will resist all ad vances with the most superlative croos ness, but lot him eat molasses, ginger bread and fool around the coal hod for half an hour, and he will ncstlo his dear little curly head close up to your clean shirt bosom and bo Just the cuii nlngest little rascal In all the world. If any ono thinks that the United Stotcs has a monopoly of nil tho en ergy and cutcrprlso ho should rovlso his opinions forthwith. Tho wholo world is wide-awake, and every pco plo Is alert for opportunities for ad vancement Th'oro nro the Russians, for Instance, whom wo have been nc customed to regard as somewhat slow and behind the times. They havo re cently secured tho services of Iloraco O. Burt, formerly president of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, to assist them in making the Siberian railroad as efficient as tho transconti nental roads In the United States, where the problonis of carrying trains across wide plains and over snow capped mountains havo been solved. Then thoro arc tho Spaniards, who nro planning for closer Undo relations with tho Kpanlsli-npenklng peoples of South America. And the Germans nro Hook ing outlets for their surplus popula tion In countries which will buy tho products of tho German factories. Tho British aro considering plans for n commercial federation of their colonics for tho development of their resourccH and tho preservation of tho trado of tho mother country. Tho French nro doveloplng their possessions In North ern Africa and undertaking tho re clamation of the Sahara, as woll no pushing their railroads ncross tho Py renees Into Northern Spain. And all theso people are studying the Ameri cans, that they may avoid our mis. takes and profit by our successes. Within a few weeks the reports of two Independent British commissions to this country havo been mado pub. He. An official of tho railway depart ment of India, after a tour of the United States, reports that "the ono Idea in tho minds of the American rnll way men Is to 'get thcro.' " Ho thinks that this la tho secret of American railway success. One of tho members of a private commission to study tho relation of the schools to American commercial success says that "Tho schools havo not mado tho people what they are, but the people, being what they aro, have mado the schools." Tho "American porll," of which we hear much, is that the Americans shall grow complacent and satisfied with themselves, instead of keeping their place in the company of tho other wide-awake peoples. . D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embilmlng and shipping a specialty 310 Rlreislde At. Tel. Main Mt SPOKANE WASH : IDAHO ADVERTISING J 'HE CABU QKOCKHV T. Roland, Proprietor Ftajile and Fancy Groceries, Wilis and Llquori for Family Uw, 200 North Twelfth St., cor. Kearney Phoue Hood 2U POSTLAKV, Ol Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Galled for and Oellr ered to Any Part of the City Phone Main 286. Oil Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON D. K. McDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Write for price Hit of Farms. Booms", 7 and S Wolrerton Block, cor. lllrerslde and Mill. SPOKANE, - - WASH. OTATK BANK OF IDAHO. Walter, Idaho. CAPITAL, SBO.OOO. Edward Shalnwald, Prccldcnt. Chat. J. Selwyn, Cashier. Alio lia a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. The Feoplt'a Dank. Solicits your business. gllUNZKLL'S EXCHANGK J. M. DIIUNZELL A CO., Frost. Cholceit Qualities oi Wines, Liquor and Ogata BT JtAII. AMD WATKK, aim, w OREGON and union Pacific THREE TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Fullman Standard and Tourist leaping can dally to 0)nalia,ClilcKO,8pokanej BT KAIL ANDTTATKB. A Flril Clan Retort NAMFA tOARC THE WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE. Telephone Main Mt. 20 Rlreralde ATe.,Bpo kane. I'oola aold on all Chicago and New York race, aa welt ai all big erenU, Bpeelal wlro on all sporting eTents. Out of town comrnls. iloiu from reaponilblo partlee received by tele phone or telegraph and placed Immediately. The Warwick Bar and drill Always In the lead in the natter ol luneh. com, chort orderi and wet goodi. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs X. B. SMITH t. o. utvtm COSMOPOLITAN BAR Smith iihoi., Propc. Fine Winei, I.tquori and Cigars. Opp. New Depot. HAMPA, IDAHO C. W. Mooro, Frea. Peter Eonna, VM'rcs, floo. F.Rcdway, Caihlor It. F. McAfee, Aut. " Tourlat sleeping cars dally to Kama City; nir conducted) City, Ht. Louis and Memphis; reclining chair Through Pullman Tourlat alceplng cara (per aonauy conducted) weekly to unicago, Kansas cara (seats free) to the East dally. DriT Chicago Portland Bpeelal 1:30 a. m. via Huntington, Atlantis Express 111) p.m. Yla Dnntlng(on. St. Pant Fast Mall 1:00 p. m. Yla Spokane TIME SCHEDULE! Portland. Or. Salt I-ake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansaa City, St. Louis, Chlcegoand East. St. Paul Fast Mall. Atlantlo Express. ABBtTB 1:10 p.m. IOiMi 7ta.m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rllUM rOHTIiAND. "As the Crow Flies" Tho shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. l'aul and Chicago is M tho routo of tho famous North western Limited "The Train for Comfort" Every night In tho year tfnrn afartlnir nti.a trln tin ma where write for Interesting Inform- Ileforo starting ou a trip no matter (T.IV.U IIIIIP ,111 Illicit BIIIIM tlon about comforlablo Iravollng. If. I..B18LK11, Ocn'l Agent, 133 Third Hired, Portland, Oregon. T. W. TKA8DAI.E, dchoral PaMciigcr Agent, M. Paul, Minn. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO CAPITA!, STOCK 1100,009 SURPLUS AKD puofItu 110,000 . The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drop; House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice ud Fuel Co. THE HEART'S TARE. Toe Victory, which bore Nelson's flag at Trafalgar, has boon thorough ly repaired, and towod to her forinor moorings at Portsmouth, whoro sho will bo tho fine shin of tho naval coin mandor-ln-clilof. Tho prediction Is mado that sho will float for another half-century nt least. It Is 14(1 years atnee tho Victory was launched at Chatham. To excludo Immigrants for Illiteracy Is unjust Most of thoso pooplo nro Ulltorate bocauso thoy lacked oppor tunity. Hera thoy soon loarn, and their children bocome aa bright aa any lu our public schools. An lllltorato man who Is Industrious and honest, makes a far better votor and citizen than some natlvo born cltlren who has edu cation and a keen deslro for grafts. A dog In England has lately 'boon honored by tho receipt of an llluinl natad address, in which ho Is Informed that ho Is tho most successful col lec tor for the Victoria Infirmary at Nor wich, and Is thanked by tho board of managers. Tho dog Is a 6-ycar-old fox torrler, named Prlnco. Ho doos not wear a cup or basket or carry ono In bis mouth, as do most mendicant dogs. When be receives a coin ho goes un bidden and doposlts It In a box kept (or the purpose. During 1003 be col lected more tliau 2,000 coins, Ono hopes that If Illness or accident ever overtake Prlnco there may be a warm bed for him at tho infirmary, with plenty of good slrlolu steak and dog. biscuit Cuba bas eutered the third year of bar Independence and self-government and she bas every reason to be proud of the record sho has made. Apart from a rumor or two of rural riots that were greatly exaggerated and an ex ceptionally largo amount of nolso from the defeated party at tho last elec tions, she has nothing to her discredit and If such things are really dis credits, what has our own country to say for Itself? The best of It Is that the Cubans appear to bo In every way contented aud happy. Undoubtedly this could uot be said had the United Btates seen fit to retain a closor hold over their government. With or with out reason, suspicion and dlsllko would have taken root Moreover, tho last two years have taught tho Cubans a vast deal more about tho beneUts of quiet aud peaceful government than they could ever have learned lu any other way, If thoy havo been on extra good behavior for tho sako of showing us what they could do, that does not detract at all from the value of tho training they havo gained. It is too early as yet to show by facts and fig ure what material benefit Cuba has gained from the reciprocity act which went into effect last December. Tho fact that the law was ponding caused the Cuban sugar ready for exportation last fall to bo hold back in order to secure the benefit of the lower duties. Am a result Cuba sent us during tho ftrat three, months of this year goods tto Uw value ef 123,000,000, as against She was a Uttlo. brlght-oycd Scotch woman, old, crippled and poor. Ho long aa she could work she bad stood at her wash-tub, her dauntloss faco sot against toe foes tunc slio know wcro closing about her. Sho had to give up at last dlseaso was too much for her; so followed the unspeakable bitterness of holp from tho parish. Hut when sho surrendered her body lior soul did not yield. A tiny two roomed thatched cottage and 35 a yonr wero her all, but tho poor plttanco nourished and sheltered the snmo sun shiny spirit No, that was not all. Years boforo a lad from tho vllhigo had gone across tho sen. Ho wait no rela tive of hers, but ho enmo of a family whoso herltago woro all tho needy and sorrowful within their kon, and over In tho now country ho did not forgot ISvery Christmas $5 went from Amor lea to tho tiny thatchod cottago In Scot land onough to pay for hor wlntor's coal and glvo hor a bit of meat dally for throe months. One day tho young Scotchman re turned, bringing his brldo with him. Tho tiny old woman, slowly hobbling to moot her callors, beamed upon thorn with a radiant faco. Sho welcomed tho young man with exclamations of de limited admiration. Klio would uot con sldor herself worth a question. "Hoo am I? Oh, brnwly, thank yo. Tho legs? Ah, woel, they're no that bad tho day." Then hor bright old eyes turned to tho brldo. "Yo'll be a nmlst fortunate wuto to wed wl' a Chalmers frae Colluton," sho doclarod. "They aro a' alike a' guld to them that needs It and It's malr the luvo than tho money thnt does tho hert guld, yo kon. Yo're a fortunate wlflo to wed wl' ane o' thorn." "Malr the luve than the money that does the hort guld." It Imd been tho fare upon which she kept her brave spirit alive through the difficult years. The little, bride smiled across at the "Chalmers frae Oollnton," but she hid tho boautlful lesson In her heart ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madlsen Street, " SPOKANE, WASH. Paras Soxha. CSASXH HlktSOB BOISB, DIRECTORS I. McCastt C. W. Mooss J.IOMABb LOSAM IDAHO BANKOFNAMPA.Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $5O,OO0.C astabUshee Vtm. Dewey Palae Betel Kd'a, liOOpja. All selllne; dates subject to change For Pan Francisco- Kail every 6 day Dallr Kx.Bundar SiOOp.m. Saturday )0;l p. m. 6;4Sa.m. Won., Wed. and FrL 7:00 a.m. Taei.. Thar. ana Bat. FHKD a. MOCJC, rreeieeat 9. 1. OOWROT, VlePisldi C. E. 1IICKKY, Cashier jrBAMK JKXK1XEON, Au'i Caskltr NAMPA, IDAHO VfVfeyVtVV WoUmU and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENOFELOBrS Salesroom sad Office S. II Howartt Street Factory S. 207 le 213 Vathinfteei Street Pkoac Mala 304 Wc ship everywhere and Anywhere Spmkanm Bakery Oo 4sV'fv'eve-evsvvya B. L. GORDON ft COA.PANY Boise Transfer S Storage Co. II. M. Bell Phono A-10 lad. Phone 19 Light sad fccavy hattatag. Cotv tgnmcBts of freight left sa our charge will receive seoafpt atten tion. Storage at naseaabla rates. See that you give your baggage to loise Transfer S Storage Go. 'South Tealft Street, Lv. Rlparla 4:06 a. ra. Dallr eieept Saturday Columbia Rlter Slsemers. To Astoria and Way i .iiiuinis. Willamette Rlter. Salem. Indenen. itanr. f(i.tfllla, wv. ... aud wajriamllugs. Yamhill Slur. Oregon City, Dayton anuwajrianuiuga. Snake Hirer. Illparla to Lewlston, 6.-00 p.m. Ex. Sunday 11:110 p. m. Tues., Ttau., Bat. 4:Mp. ra. Mon.. Wed. audm Lr.Lewlstoa S:0O a. m. Dalljr except f nuay. D KLIGHTFUL ROUTE AYLIGHT UIDK VSAY CHAOS EEP CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IIT RAH. AND WATER A C0LUtlll WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS nrrwKr.N Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves Dally 8:00 a. m. 7:00 p. m. UNION NKrOT Kor Mnygcrs, Italn icr, C hits kiui lo Wcstporl, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Klnvcl, dear. Astoria A Feashoru Ei press Dnlijr. Astoria Kxpreu Dallr. Arrives. Pally. 11:10 a. in. 0:40 p. m. C.A.STKWAItT, . J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Agt., 218 Alder St Q. V. & I. A. Telephone Main 900. Ask the Agent for I O K B T VIA saA .eBaMHPVRTM L si rDiWrto St. To Spokane, Pau . Minneapolis, Duluth, Ch cago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. OVERLAND TRANS DAILY The Flyer and the Fast Mall A. L. CRAIC1, Gsnsral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, C. W. BTINOEIl, City Ticket Agent, Third and Washington Streets. THE SIGN OF J. ROSENIIUUO AltUUUR A. COIIN WHOLESALE QROCBRA Ifo Wltoh IturneU In Halem. It is a fact that no witch was ever burned or put to death by Are In Sa lem or any othor part of Massachu sotts, says tho Washington Post. How tho Impression that Cotton Mather and his associates had perpetrated that hor ror gained currency Is Inexplicable, but It has been doattug around for gener ations and In all probability will "go on forever." Sttlom was tho sceno of the trial, con viction aud execution by hanging of porsons accused of witchcraft. Gal lows hill, tho einlnonce on which the hanging occurred, Is perhaps the most Interesting show place In Now Eng land. It may be doubted If more sin cere or conscientious men ever lived than Cotton Mather and his brethren. They went to tho Illble for their au thorityto tho Mosaic law omitting tho Christian dispensation. That law told thorn: "Thou slialt not suffer a witch to live." Firmly believing In witchcraft and having no doubt that thoy had witches to deal with, what wero they to do but to kill them? From Uiolr point of view they exer cised great humanity In omploylug the gallows rathor than tho fagot. SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNGK Al'lIX AND R. R. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Tort Hall Whiskey moke Ssuator Shoup Clgari J. A, Murray, PreifJent. D. W. SUnJroJ, Vice HrsslJint Wan. A. Anthes, . , A Casbltr I.N. Aathss, Asst. Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol Pocutullo. lUuho. THE 3 BEST OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Sco Nature, in all her glorious beauty, and then tho nemo of man's handiwork. Tho first Is found nlotiL' tho lino of the Donvor & Ilio Grande ltnilroad, tho latter nt tho St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will bo ono of pleasure mako the most of it. For information and illustrated Utoraturo writo W. C. McBRIDE, acncral Agent PORTLAND, OREQON ALJBkmWBlkmmm' aP SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lcare rortland. foot of Washington St.. ling at , Caplus, ver Cltr. Ilalr t'nlr.t Frremans. llausanlllo.L'latikanla and all landing. nanuay, lutuiay ana Jiiursaay ever o'clock, for Pauvlra Island, Ht. Helens j'cer isianu, Martins. Kalama. N Jtanlcr. Mt. Conin. llitnr. nicli. Splendid Service Up-lo-dato Equipment. Uourtoo u employes Daylight trip across tho Cnscado and. Itocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders and full Infor mation call on or address H. DICKSON. C. T. A. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND S. a. YERKES, a. W. F. A 612 Plrst Avenue. SUATTLB. WASH. REGULATOR LINE rORTURD ARD THE DALLES ROUTE All Wr Unilntu STCAMBRS "BAIf.KY OATZKKT" "DAfXEfl CITY" "HKUUI.ATOU" "MKTI.AKO" Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with Columbia River & Northern Railway Co. FOll Wahklacus. Daly, Contervllte, Ooldendals and all Klickitat Valley points. Btearoer leaTes rortland dally (except Sun day) 7 a. m., connecting with U. It, it N. tralne at Lyle 6:15 p. in. for uoldendale. Train ar rives Oeldendalr, 7:31 p. m. meamer arrlree Tho Dalles 6:!W p.m. Btf amer leaves The Dalles dally (except Sun day) 7:C0 a.m. U.K. AN. trains leaving Goldendale s:lS a. m. connects with this steamer for l'ortland, ar riving Portland A p. m. Kxcellent meals served on all steamers. Fine, accommodations for teams and wagons. For detailed Information of ratea. berth res ervations, connections, etc.. write or call on. uearcsi agent. II. c. bampoeil, Uen. ortlce, l'ortland, Or. Manager, 3 POCATELLO, IDAHO I IDAHO ADVERTISING 1 Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage rkcinee7J eoj Uala BU BOISR, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lac Curtains, Porticrs, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. Telephone 821. I. O. O. F. Building:, E. Main St LEWISTON, IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Watches, Diamonds. Silverware and Novelties. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watch Inspector O. 8. L: 11. R.. Pocu tollo, Idaho. Fino Watch Repairing a Specialty. Eyes Tested l'roo. POCATELLO, IDAHO Mallory & Lydon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable C and Fourth St$, Lewlston, Idaho TheNorth Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In fact nn up-to-dato train, and tho benuty of it all is tho fact that it doos not cost you any moro to travel on this train than it does on any other. Try it and your verdict will bo, it is tho Crack Train of Them All SHORTEST AND QUICKEST A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent, 335 Morrison St., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Tho shortest lino is not always tho quickest nor Is tho quickest lino always tho shortest. Tho Burlington Ilouto to tho Southeast is both. It is shorter AND quicker than any other lino from tho Northwest to Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, and EVKKYWHKRE beyond. Another good thing about it is this: You don't chango cars. Tho St. Louts Special runs through to Kansas City without chango. Only ono chango to Omaha, Denver and St. Louis. Tickets, berths, and Informatlou, at offices o connect ing lines, or (rotn R. W. FOSTER, TICKET AQENT. IOO ThlrU Street. PORTLAND Calls Answered say or WjM Phone 371 It a man can't bo bought you usuiil laud hint with flattery. can The Raymond Lewlston, Idaho la beta? improved in every wy poulble. The leading- hotel in the city. Commercial trade our specialty. JsCaDlCJC Hoa, rresrieUee White Front Livery AND CAB STABLES Slnnstd, Fountala ft Randall, Propra. LUWISTON, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 2041 C, H. Scbroeijer, Manager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day whea ordartd. LOW EXCURSION RATES EAST The Northern Pacific RaUway Company will continue to sell very low excursion tickets to the East and to the World's Fair at St. Louis in June to October inclusive, and all tickets will be good on the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" train as well as on their other two daUy trains. If you are planning a trip East this year or to the Fair, full information can be had as to dates of sale, rates, routes, etc., by calling on or addressing At P. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison Street, corner Third, PORTLAND, OREGON :uait