V HVBAIfi AND WATKIt UY KAIL AND WATKIt. vWt 5 f" 'IH ' t-. n t :t 5 i1 .1. 4 ,1 ' i TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF INTER. E8TINQ ITEM8. Comments nnd CrltlcUma Dnaed Upon the Happening of tu Dar-IIUtori-cal and New Note. A genius is Just nn ordinary man with kinks in Lis mind. Woman's inhumanity to man makes countless lawyers hnppy. Aftor a man leaves tho marringo altar it's a case of boss or bo bossed. Thoro is nothing in tho theatrical lino that can draw like a murder trial. Ono-hnlf tho world doesn't seem to caro whether tho othor half Uvos or not ' When s man Is contont with what ho is, ho is never content with what he has. Some men think they are philan thropic when they give back what they have stolon. A girl may bo ablo to poso as an angel during courtship, but aftor mar ringo sho sheds her wings. Tho Mormon church is spoken of as a groat religious trust Doos tho chair boar a motion to strlko out tho word "religious"? In tho last census of India ono man giivo his sourco of lncomo as "begging from rolativos." That's tho hardest .work thoro is. If a "cood" of Cornoll kisses n man tt will cost hor f 2. Still, with reason able restraint, sho can dodgo tho lino by lotting the man do all tho kissing. Marringo may bo a civil contract, but somo pooplo certainly bohavo in a Tory uncivil manner, aftor tho con tract has boon duly signed and scal ed. In proof of Prof. Coo's assertion that baseball is a part of tho rollgious llfo of a boy, it is only necessary to point to tho career of tho Itev. William Bun day. Tho survivors of tho Variag and Korlots havo shaken hands with their csar, and doubtless aro convinced that no higher oarthly glory can possibly come to thorn. . Tho mothor of ten children may bo considered a bottor citizen than hor husband, providing sho doos not glvo tho country a Nledcrinolor, a Marx, or a Van Dine. High authority to tho contrary, It Is purely a question of quality, not of numbers. Pity tho poor Drlton with an In come T Tho tax gathoror continues to boar down heavily on htm. A year ego his tax was reduced from 15 peuco In tho pound to 11 penco. Now a penny Is addod again. That Is to say, R per cent of a Briton's lncomo must bo handed over to tho govommont In tlmo of peace. Colonel nigginson, In a recent mngn , sine article, speaks of tho Houso of Lords as a sot of brakes not whoels In tho practical action of tho British govornmont Not only logislatlvo bodios, but mothods of procoduro and persons, may bo divided Into whcols and brakes; and tho scrvlco porfonncd by ono and tho othor Is almost oquully useful. "Whon Adam dolved nnd Evo span," runs tho old lino. Now tho conditions aro rove mod. Tho son of Adam learns In school to sow and darn, and tho daughter of Evo has ndoptod dig sing as a profession. Bomo exceed ingly Interesting nnd Important arch eologtcal dlscovotios havo lately been made In Oroto by a young Boston wo man, a graduate of Smith Collego, who has boon working for tho Ameri can Exploration Society. Her prin cipal achievement Is tho dlscovory of tho town of Gourmed, which consists of a small pnlnco, with Ha surround ing courts and numerous housos. Au thorities fix tho dato as about sixteen hundrod years boforo Christ, and pro nounce It the bcHt proHorvod town known to archcologists of tho prcsont day. A DrltlBh visitor in Bt. Louis Is quotod with imtuutnklug accuracy as expressing ono vlow of American uowspapors that la Interesting If not entirely now. "Tho American nows papers," ho Is reportod as saying, "aro a groat powor for good, but thoy treat criminals too woll. Why, thoy mako 'croos of Uio bloody burglars, murdor ers and such. Thoy inuko such 'crocs of 'out Unit others aro led to commit crlmo so tho papers will mako 'ernes of 'em too." This humblo but frank criticism will bo recognized as nut without causo, but wo must emphati cally call for Homo effort on tho part of foreigners, bo they highly educated or not, to distinguish between tho kinds of American newspapers. Bomo do not mako "'croW' of criminals, while somo do. Papers that havo un olomont of readout who think n train robber Is a ". 'oro" naturally piny to tholr audlouccs. Tho bigger tho head lino and tho stronger tho details In rotation to crlmo tho moro uncultured and uninformed tho renders of that paper. By their prints shall yo know them. "I know mon nnd women," said Tho. A. Edison tho other duy, "who aro food drunk all tho tlmo." "Food drunk" Is a now term. But It ex urease an Idea that Is old. It de scribes a condition that is notorious, Pow of us Indeed but know pooplo who are constantly gorged with food, with the result that their Intellects aro bo f clouded and their bodios benumbed Just aa truly as If tho oxcess had beon liquid Instead of solid. Tho man who baa his stomach full of food Is moro or Icm stupotled. Ills mind and mus cles work reluctantly and sluggishly. U faculties are dullod and his feel lags deadened. Ills condition differs only la degree from that of the man drunk with alcohol or of the snake that to gorged. It U common say tag that If you are going to ask a fa r of a mau first feed him well, fbUeaepa to good. Tfce "jreU- fed" man Is In condition to grant any thing rather than dispute about it Ho will not question or deny or haggle. Tnko anything from him but his re pose, and ho will not object. Every ono has experienced tho mental dis turbance produced by occasional over eating. It Is easy to see that tho man who Is continually gorged is continual ly off his mental balance. And If tho proportion of us who continually gorgo wcro actually known we would no doubt be amazed and dtsmnyed. That tho rich aro continually tempted by dishes that tickle the palate seems to afford Rome llttlo excuse In that direc tion. But those who havo specially ob served unnnlmously declnro thnt tho most of the overeating U among tho poor. Thoro tho stomach Is overload ed with unasslmllablo stuff In order that the, necessary nutrition may , bo gained. It Is quite posnioio uini wo mi might llvo comfortably and better than wo do now on half what tho avorago man now consumes. Ono of the things which marked the lato Sonntor Ilnnna as a man of strong Individuality was his consistent belief In tho practical valuo of tho work done by tho Salvation Army. Though his gifts to tho army were without osten tation ho did not hcsltnto to publicly proclaim his sympathy with tho pur poses and alms of tho organization. lie advocated Its cause upon ovory suit ablo occasion. Being n hard-hoadod business man, it is roasonablo to as sumo that Senator Hanna familiarized himself with tho nnturo nnd scopo of tho nrmy's work beforo giving It such unqualified support. A fenturo of tho work which particularly appealed to Sonator Haniin and which enlisted his nctlvo support was tho "farm colony" system which tho nrmy inaugurated many years ago and which has spread into many lands. Tho bill to create a colonization bureau, which was to havo boon Introduced boforo Congross uy Sonator Hanna, proposes a method whoroby tho Government may apply tho plans and experience of tho Sal vation Army in putting actual sottlors upon Its irrigated lands. Whothor such a colonizing plan, under Govern mont direction, would bo practical or not. tlio moasuro sorvos to call public attention to tho success of tho anny'a farm colonies nnd their romnrkablo growth In this nnd othor countries. Tho primary purpono, of courso, Is to ro llovo tho congested districts of tho largor cltlos by attracting families to unoccupied lands and giving thorn an opportunity to becomo homo ownors undor favorablo conditions. Tho object of tho Salvation Army colony Is not to gathor a group of cranks or ndhcr ents of somo particular socialistic or rollgious crcod, nor Is it tho purposo to croato n strictly farming population. Tho nrmy starts a family on a ton or twenty aero tract with a cottago, a team, agricultural Implements and seeds. It advances all this and somo monoy besides. Tho settlor pays It all back In tlireo or four years out of tho oarnings from tho soil, nnd in tho mcantlmo lins tho benefits that como from living In an organized communi ty. Farm colonies under tho super vision of tho Salvation Army havo been established in South Africa, Aus tralia and England. In Ithodesln 3,000 acros havo been turned over to tho army, and western Australia has sot apart 20,000 acres for Its uso. In this country tho army hns established farm colonlos in California, Colorado and Ohio. At Fort Amity, Colorado, tho colony consists of 2,000 ncros, and Is perhaps tho most successful Illustra tion of tho army's plan for drafting tho snrnlim itnmilntloll of tho larger cities nnd onnbling it to got n ponnnnont hold upon tho soil. WHEN THE CURTAIN LIFTS. Fen Victure of u Rummer liny, a lloat, a Hod, u Muu, a Muld. Scono A llttlo lake, deep-got among tho hills, long and narrow, fringed with lilies, tho water lying levol llko a shoot of steel. Hack and forth along tho northern end piles a sharp-nosed boat, with scarce a wuko. Amidships, a brown-nocked young collego lud In bathing suit propels It, with an oasy rotary motion of tho hands In alter nate strokes, with barely a rlpplo. In Uio bow, both small hands on tho gun wales gripping In nervous tension, a lovely girl of 10, hor dollcuto color coming nnd going, her hnlr iiwuve, hor eyes atlash with excitement, and In tho storn a mlddlo-aged man whoso hair In tho right light shows u touch of Iron gray. In his hand arches n lly-rod of split bnmboo, well back over his shoul ders, Uio quivering tip darting In Ir regular thrusts far ustern llko tho lun ging beak uud serpentine throat of n giant crnuo, pointing to whoro tho lino Is weaving this way uud that In surg ing tugs. Tho lake grows sullen. Dark, white dimples show the IiIIIb, gray mlBt Hhrouds them. Thoro Is u putter of falling drops, largo ones, hero and there. Hut tho rod keeps up Its lung ing, tho lino is weaving to and fro. Slowly the bamboo straightens, a bull nocked fish sculls slowly in resentful, rage, thou with n surgo and splash darts back again. Still tho pliant crane Keeps fast Its yielding urging, again the Hull Is guided alongside Thoro Is no not. Nathless, thoro Is a hand that has been an expert frog-catohor in its day, which gently hovers ready, grips and swings Into tho bout, with a sin gle motion, a barely three-pound pick erel, so lightly hooked In tho cheek that It seems not posslblo tho hook could havo held through nil that striv ing, granting, ns It did, to tho tlsli to keep his noso well turned uwny from the angle of tho pulling line. Hut hold It did. And then tho ruin comes down In very truth or wo nwnko to It nt last and the boat perforco tiles shore ward. I would that I could mako you see It as I saw Itl lror It was n lifting of tho curtain to Just tho sceeu that Will iam ltluck dollghted In tho baro-anu-ed, bare-legged gtlllo at tho ours, tho delicately beautiful young American girl In tho bow, and In tho stern tho sumo old, yet nover old, lad In tho hair of Iron-gray; and all In tho heart of the hills, of tho gray mists, on tho level of that sullen lake. Forest and Btroam. If tho girls can reach up high enough to lower them, this U to In form them thut pompadours will not ba woni ao toll hereafter. J i SPOKANE . D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embalming and shipping a specialty S10 niTeril Ja Are, Tel. Main est 8POKANB WABH Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Galled for and Deliv ered to Any Pert of the City Phone Main 286. Oil Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON D. K. McDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Loans f rlto for prlco Hit of Farmt. Rooms t, 7 and 8 Woherton Mock, cor. Hlrerilde and Mill. SPOKANE, - - WASH. THE WARWICK TURF EXCHANQE. Telephone Mitln M4. 20 Rlrortld'a Avo.,Bpo kano. Tool told on all Chicago and Now York racet, at woll ai all big OTeuli. Special wire on all Kpottingerenli. Out of town commit, lont from rointlblo partlct racotvori bjr tele phone or telegraph and placed linmodlatoljr. Tho Warwick Bar and drill Alwart in tho lead In the matter ol lunoh- eont, thort otdert and wet goodt. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House In the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANG, WASH. V TOoleub and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENQFELDER'S Salesroom and OfflteS. 11 Howard Street Factory S. 307 to 213 WMhlntjtoa Street Phone Mala 30 We ship everywhere and anywhere Spokane Bakery Oo B. L. GORDON & COMPANY WHOLESALES QROCER8 SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNBK MILL AND R. R. For Flue, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Rlvorsldo Avo, Spokane, Wash, iAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAi 1 IDAHO ADVERTISING I Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage Phone 71 (OJ Ulo St. BOI81!, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lnct Curtains, Portlers, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. Telephone 821. I. O. O. F. Building, E. Main St LEWISTON, IDAHO The Raymond Lewiston, Idaho Is being improved In every way possible. The leading: hotel in the cltv. Commercial trade out sdc clalty. auuucK aaoa, mtUtmrn nAUHAnVFRTISINfii I ILSfll IVSnLTI-ll IWIMW W "HE CASU OIIOCEUY fr, Roland, Proprietor Marie and Fancy Orocorlci, Wlnee and Llquort tor Family Uio. WO North Twelfth Bt., cor. Kearney Phone-Hood 214 Pobtlawd, Ob OTATK BANK OP IDAHO. Wolier, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward ShalnwMd, Chat. J. Belwyn, Pmldont. Cash lor, Alio hat a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. The I'cople't Dank. Uollcltt your butlnoti. OKUNZELL'8 EXCHANGE J. M. URUNZELL A CO., Irop. Cholcttt Qualltlce o( Wines, Llquort and Cleat A Flrtt Clatt Itetort NAMTA IDAnC E. B. SMITH J. O. SMITH COSMOPOLITAN BAR smith linos., l'rope. Fine Wlnei, Uquort and Cigars. Opp. Now Depot. MAMPA, IDAHO C. W. Mooro, Prot. Geo. F.Ilodway, Cathlor Peter Bonna, V-l'rci, It. K. McAfoo, Ant. " FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO CAPITAL BTOCK $100,000 BURPLUB AKD l'ltOPITU IO,000 DIRECTORS Prran Bonn C. W. Hoobi CBAHLM IIlMBOD LlOMABD LOOAM M. K. McCabty doisb, IDAHO BANKOFNAMPA,Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 XetablUhed UW. Donor Palace Hotel Bld'a. PRRD 0. MOCK, rreetdent F. J. CONROY, VIc-Preitdeat C... 1UCKKY, Cathler FRANK JKNK1NB0N, Aat't Catkler NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer & Storage Go. It. M. Bell Phono Ind. Phone A-10 IV Light and htxry naUn;. Cos eignmcaU of freight kit kt our charge will receive ft eeapt atten tion. Storage at retionable rAtes. Sc that you give your kaggage to ise Transfer S Storage Co. South Tenth Street, J.nOBKNllUKQ AIIUHUK A. COUN Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Fort Hall Whttkey moke Senator Bhoup Clears J. A. Murray. I'm (Jen t. p. W. St.odfoJ. Wan. A. Anthee, Cathler I.N.Aethet, Attt. Cathler vice frttideai THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol Poofit-llo, Itiulio. POCATELLO, IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THEJEWELER Watches. Diamonds. Sllverwnro nnil VnvnUlnu Wftroliviiiilfnp nml .Inivnlar Watch Inspector O. B. L. It. It., Pocn tollo. Idaho. Fine Wntch Itopalring a Specialty. Eyce Tcated Troo. POCATELLO, IDAHO Mallory & Lydon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable C and Fourth Sts. Lewiston, Idaho Calls Antncrcd Say or Night rhonej7l White Front Livery AND CAB STABLES BlnntrJ, Fountain' Kendall, Propra. mwlSTOK, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 4 Third St. telephone 3041 I C. H. Schroeder, Manager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day when orderad. nr KAIL AND WATKIt, m OREGON Shoit Line and union Pacific THREE TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard and Tourist IcoplnBcartdallytoOmnha.OhlcnKO.Spokntiel Through l'ullman Touritt tlccplni? care (per- tonally conaucioai wcoKiy io wiraR", "' City, 8t. Iiult and Memphis reclining chair 1 cart (acatt ireoj to me tail uauj. Dtriar TIME SCHEDIILEI Pertltnd. Or. Aaatvi Chicago Portland Bpeclal 1120 a, m. via Huntington, Bait lAke, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kantat Cltr, St. Ixuti,Chlcagoand Xait. 4:30 p.m. Atlantlo Exprete 1 115 p.m. yla Huntington. Bt. Paul Fatt Mall. 10 sJO a. m. Bt. rani fait Malt CsW p.m. via Gpokane Atlantlo Ezprctt. 7:t8a. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE VltOM l'OUTLANI), IMp.tm. All tailing datot eubject to chango For Ban Franclico fcallerory 6 deri o:C0p.. Bally Kx. Sunday 8:(iup.m. Baturday lUidV p. m. Columbia RUtr iitamart. ToAttorlaand Way Lapdlugt. 8.00 p.m. Kz. Sunday :4Ra.m. Wlllamelle River. SiSOp. m, Tuct.,Thu., Sat. Won., Wed. anaxri. Salem. Indonon. .I.nn. fV..wltf. and way landing. 7:00 a.m. Tun.. Thur. and Sat. Yamhill Rlttr. 4:80 p.m. Mon., Wed. andFrl. Oregon City, Dnvton auu nay tauuiugt. Lt. niparla 4:04 a.m. Dally except Saturday Snake Rlrer. Illparla to Lewliton Lv.Leirliton 8:00 a.m. Dally except f riuay. A. L. CRAIQ, General Pattenger Agent, Portland, Or C. W. 8TlNOF.lt, City Ticket Agent. Third and Wathlngton Street. THE SIGN OF THE BEST OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 3 3 The North Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In fact nn up-to-dato train, nnd tho beauty of it all is tho fact that it does not cost you any moro to travel on this train tlmn it does on nny other. Try it nnd your vordiet will bo, it is tho Crack Train of Them All A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 355 Morrison St., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. Hdrl LOW EXCURSION RATES EAST The Northern Pacific Railway Company will continue to sell very low excursion tickets to the East and to the World's Fair at St. Louis in June to October inclusive, and all tickets will be good on the "NORTH COAST LIMITED" train as well as on their other two daily trains. If you are planning a trip East this year or to the Fair, full information can be had as to dates of sale, rates, routes, etc., by calling on or addressing A, D. CHARLTONy Assistant General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison Street, "As the Crow Flies" Tho shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. l'mil nnd Chicago is tji5riij tho route of tho famous North western Limited "Tho Train for Comfort" Every night in tho year ncforotlnrllngon ft trln-nq rnnttor whcrc-wrlto for Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. II. I..SI8I.EK. Ocn'l Agent, 131 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. T. W.TKASDALE, Ocncrnl I'n.jcngor Agent, St. Paul,. Minn. nSBRMHTra D KLTGHTFUL ROUTE AYL101IT HIDE VA'AY OltAGS EEP CANONS I A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Sco Naturo, in nil lier glorious beauty, nnd then tho nemo of man's handiwork. Tho llrst is found along tho lino of tho Dcnvor ik ltio Grando Itailroad, tho latter nt tlio St. IxuIh World's Fair. Your trip will bo ono of pleasure mako tho most of it. For information mid illustrated llteraturo wrlto W. C. McBRIDE, acncral Agent PORTLAND, OREQON SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will Icavo Portland, foot of Wathlngton St.. Sunday, Tuesday and Ihurtday evening at 4 o'clock, for t-auvlct lilaml, St. Helena, Caplei, Deer Itlnnd, .Martini, Kalnma, h'eer City,' Hauler, Mt.Cotlin, Mayger, Stella, Oak Point, Freemam, Maiiianlllo.Clattkanle and all way landing, SHORTEST QUICKEST Tlio shortest lino is not always tho quickest nor is tho quickest lino always tho shortest. Tho Burlington Routo to tlio Southeast is both. It is Rhortor AND quicker than nny other lino from tho Northwest to Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, nnd EVERYWHERE beyond. Another good thing about it iaihis: You don't chanRO cars. Tho St. Louis Special runs through to Kansas City without chango. Only ono chango to Omaha, Dcnvor and St. Louis. Tlckett, hertht, and Information, at oflleet of connect ing Unci, or from R. IOO Third corner Third, gj STQR1A & GQLUMBI& RIVER RAILROAD CO. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS I1ETWKKN Portland, Astoria g JSeaside Leaves UNION DRrOT Arrlvct. For Maygcra. Hnln icr,01utaKnnl Wctport, (Ulftnn, Aatorift, Wnrron. ton, Klnvcl, Oenr. hart Park and Sen tide. Atlorla t Scnthoro Kxprctt Dally. Atlorla Kxprctt Dallyj Dally 8:00 b. m. Dally. 11:10 a. m. 7:00 p.m. 0:40 p. m. C.A.9TKWAHT, .. . J,,9'iIA-ViP'. Comm'l Agt., il8 Alder fit O. F. & P. A. Telophone Main POfl. Ask the Agent for T I O K B T S VIA To Spokane, St. Pau , Minneapolis, Duluth, Cli cago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY Tho Flyer and tho Fast Mall 6r Splendid Scrviro Up-to-dnto Equipment. Courtco u Employes Daylight trip ncross tho Cnsendo nnd. llocky Mountnlus. For Tiekets. rntcs, folders nnd full infor mation call on or address H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND S. a. YERKES, a. V. F. A- 612 llrst Avenue, SUATTLU, WASH. -ttttv PITtCTTT AT HP ftxVJ5t A1J U,JXl A ViV R X -r vnrr LUNH PORTUffD AffD THE DALUS ROUTE sm: All War Unilnp. STGAMURS "1IAII.KV OATZKIIT" "DAI.I.KS CITY" HEUU1.ATOU" MKTLAKO" Connecting at I.yle, Wath., with Columbia River & Northern Railway Co l'Oll Wahklacut. Daly, Coutorvllle, Ooldcndalo and all Klickitat Valley polntt. Steamer leavct Portland dally (except Bun day) 7 a. m., connecting with C. It. & N. train at Lylo 8:15 p. m. for Uuldendale. Train ar rlveaOeldendalc, 7:aS p. in. Utcamor arrlvee Thol)allct6:aup. m. Steamer lenvet Tho Pallci dally (oxcept Sun day) 7:C0 a. in. O.K. AN. tralnt leaving Ooldondale (I:1S a. m. connccti with thltitcamerfor Portland, ar riving Portland 8 p. m. Kxcellont tncalt terved on all itcamert. llno accommodntlont for tcamt and vragont. Fordetalled Information of ralet, horth rct ervatlont, connection!, etc., write or call on noarett agent. M.C.Campbell, (len. olllco, Portland, Or. Manager. AND W. FOSTER, TICKET AdGNT. Street. PORTLAND A JlPrRfl k H TmSmnk PORTLAND, OREGON K n v. 'j .i1 f" , fT jajewtl)aJHiyfat we w wyeiBi pi muMM. myimmniiitmnWtVW4imm' il ,i ! lAi.j.i n nn 1 e 11 1 met nniT TT" "-- T V-