THE NEW AGE. POUT J-AND, OBEGON. Peculiar To Itself In what it is and whnt it docs con taining the heat blood-purifying, alterative and tonio substances and effecting tho most radical and per manent cures of all humors and all eruptions, relieving weak, tired, languid feelings, and building up tho wliolo system is truo only of Hood's Sarsaparilla No other medicino acts liko it; no other medicino has done so much real, substantial good, no other medicino has restored health and strength at so littlo cost. "I wa troubled with ecrofula and crime near loilne my For four months I could not see to do anything. After taking two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could tea to walk, and Then I had taken oleht bottles 1 could see as well as aver." Susie A. IUltta TO.v. Withers, N. 0. Hood's Sarsaparilla promlsos to euro and koopa tho promloo. Odd Thlnge About tho I'oshiiiii. TIiu American opossum Is onu of the most curious nnlmnlH living In the United Sinter. It Is tlit only onu Hint I'ltrrlcri ItH young In a pouch, like the UiuiKitroo. It Ih tho only iinlnml thnt cull feign dentil perfectly. It Is re tmirkiililo for ImiikIiik !' Its tnll like u monkey. It Iiiih lunula rcflciiiblliiit thoso of a litimiui IigIiik. ItH HUOIIt If liko n Iiok'h, while Its mouth N lllicr nlly fuinlHlu'd with teeth. ItH eycH arc liko a rut'H and It IiIh.sch liko n minke. Deafness Cannot He Cured hr local aiillcatloiis as thojr rnnnot roach tho Ucated I'lirtlonol tliocnr. Il.oro Isunlyono way lo euro dunuies, nml that In by coiiatllu tloual remedies. JmnfncMlsrnustil hy an In flamed Condition (if the mttnius lIultiK of tho Kiutachlan Tulm. When tills tulio Is in Named you big. thui you hnvo a rumbllntr sound or Imtorfocl hoar Inir. and when 11 IsoutlrnlvGlnsoil. Deafness I' tliu result, and unlor ilioliillaiiitiiatiuii ran bo taken out and this tubo 10 tmodtolts tioruiat condition, hearing will bo destroyed fcirovcr; lilm iuosoiitol ten arn raunjd by Catarrh, which Is nothing but au lullaiiicd condition of tliiriuurous surfaces. Wo will give (Hit) Hundred Dollars for any cam of Deafness (coined by catarrh) that can not l' cured by II ell's Catarrh euro, bend for circulars, free. K. J. RIIKNKY A CO., Toledo, 0. Hold by Dnii(lt,7.V. Hall's ramify fills aro tho beat. Itofusrd to Horvo. A Frenchman went to a brother member of his lodge and said to him: "What does a polar Injur do?" Tho brother answered: "What 'does a polar bear do? Wliy, ho sits on tho Ice." "Hits on r.eo IcoV" "Yes," said tho brother, "thcro Is nothing else to sit on." "Veil, vat ho do, too?" "What doe ho also do? Why, bo cats fish." "Bat fish sits on zco ice and cats flsh. Then I not accept" "You don't nccept? What do you mean?" "Oh, non, non. I docs not nccept. I wns appointed to net as polar bear to teo funeral." Tli ShortoitWar out of in stttck of Rheumatism or Neuralgia Istous St. Jacobs Oil Which afford not only cum relief, but a prompt cue. It srothei, (ubJues, snd eij the sulfeiUic. Price, 25c. and SOc Btomneh, avctotn. nml furnishes "ral. rags- building of tho run-down constitution. Yon will find no tonic to net bo nromntlv nnd beneficially where tho health hns given way, tho strength over-tnxed by hard work nnd closo confinement. Those living in the low, marshy sections of the country, exposed to miusmntic poisons nnd breathing tho impure nir ttrising tram stugnnnt pools nnd swamps, till their canton, Ohio, Aur-. o, 1003. systems uro filled with inn- Qontlement 8.8.8. Umroodmodtclne. ikoep l-irlinn.ltlinlpliKnltli miliar. " tIlB lamiUUllllCirilCnillllUUlcr. tnMln tn mined, will fiiul S. S. S. a nil thaorirun.. It urtvoa nniuittto oml enemy and tin!r nml 5ta mftkoB ouo feel bolter in ovory way. Iliuvofounit most excellent tonic, nml Us u n,ao n oxooUont b,00ll lu,rlflor, Vot 10ntha I . !.... mun,,,v.uwiinui.v.,mmii it alao au oxoollont blood jiurlflor. l'or months I limely iieo ha3 many times wa troubled with n itohtnir akin oruj.tlonon nrevJnted tho serious com- tho faeo.niulltrlod epoolollata and many romo- proNtntcu u o SLrtous com- dio,tototftouro.but8.u.8.1athoonlyuiodlolno tltr.n!nna tUnt an nf nn !.., ., 1 tn ll. .... T ... ..n.w mm.,,. .1 1.. tllicntions tlint BO often thutsoomed to relieve. I am now oomnaratlvslv result from miilnrii freo of thla eruption. I think ft Kreat dent of your r.Mllll IIOIII lllllllllia. ..lll., l,.ll.l l In I.aII,. !,.) 1.I...I .....III . .UVU.V...V, tlto and Rood digestion aro 1380 E. tho foundation etonos of rrood health. S. S. S. sup. plies nil tlieso, containing I hkvo Good blood, good nppe- ud tonlo'Uuown to the world to.dnv. ns it docs ingredients for nlat.uml only do o iiovrbocauso of deatr ., .,...' r,i i i , huvo others bonotlted by tho uso of your i lho purification of tho blood OXOoUent medlolno. Before uslu b. b.b. nun cat onot tliol) ooa .u.nt and also well-known tonic api-lnn ivory much folt tho need of a tonlo; wsi la dl60itlirtd nnd that I ftl n-Ar.AtUA lino f.illd hftvoiuyonra, lu my Jmlumont thero lauobottor ' M'sv Ve&K, run-uown, lire- mm wuwwku, w"1 "" "I'l wi- or eiiorKY, u 9 Al.I . 1 1 vtalfrfe4l aa-l - a . .!&.- h ... . m tm II apt lO DO tno enso wnoro mo Dai.tu t iickic.i.u uuu uuiuro icn iu take care of herself. If you need a tonic and appetizer, you will find S. S. S. tho best. Medical advice without charge to all who write us bout their com. JH SWIFT SPCCIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm TVhltfc niiffnlo. Old buffalo hunters of tho western item vlnf? 'Itnrn Kansas prairies used to tell of lmvl seen and pursued white Inifrnlo. wero whlto buffalo albinos, such as aro found at raro Intervals In all the The young woman who prides her families of tho nnlmal kingdom; but self on saying the happy word at tho tho number of those which existed In happy moment was tested the other fact and of those which existed purely day. She wore a pearl-gray gown to In tho Imagination, says the Kansas a club reception, and chanced to bo City Journal, were in wonderful tils- ' tnlklng art off In a corner with n viva proportion. clous lady who was sipping chocolate In 1873 old lien Canfleld, who roam- Suddenly another woman broke Into id tho plnlns with his tall, gaunt wife tho convcrsttlon. for a companion, followed a herd of "My dear," she said to tho vivacious buffalo from the northern edge of indy, "It seems that Sirs. Hemingway what Is now Oklahoma to tho sand is nn old sweetheart of your husband, hills of Nebraska, thinking to kill n she has been telling us what cliannlnar hlg white bull which he had seen in the letters he used to write to her, and she herd. After threo weeks of patient wants so much to meet you. Ob, hern stnlklng Cnnflcld did kill tho bull, only he Is now! Do let me present " to And that tho whiteness of Its ap-1 r10 vivacious lady sprang to her pcaranco was due to a coat of white- rcot. She would not have showed a wash. touch of embarrassment for worlds, An explanation of this phenomenon nmi jn icr 0rr0rt to appear delighted would not bo needed by peoplo familiar Hl0 ,,0Hrc,i ,pr chocolate, with Its with tho natural lime beds of western whipped cream, all down the front of Kansas. The habit of tho buffalo Is to t)l0 inj,ien n Krily, roll or wallow In every pool of water -Don't mention It:" exclaimed tho or mud nolo to which ho comes. Can- tntti l-IH. im nlin mntinpcl the limwii Hold's buffalo had simply been rolling In a bed or nntlvo lime, wuicn, wiipii dried In tho sun, coated his bldo with a kind of plaster. No doubt these lime holes account for mnny of tho "whlto buffalo" so of ten reported by hunters. The Century's Summer Campaign. It Is announced that each of tho summer and nutiimn numbers of Tho Century will carry out a special plan, Tho Juno issue, for instance, will bo a Western number, Its long and full tablo of contents representing, by sub- jfot or by contributor, ovciy trans-Al- leglinny Ktato or Territory. It will lie, in n certain sense, n Western exhibit for tho St. Louis Fair. TJiero will bo eight articles of special signiflcanco to tiio West and of much general intorest, including n word for forestry from ox- President Cleveland, four strikingrolor pages, eleven stories besides fnrtlior chapters nf Jack London's "Tho Sea- Wolf," ami various other features that prominu much pleasure and profit, j ino win m a special uc tion number, but wllhayoalsoa paper on"ri.oow West Point," with im- pressing drawings from tho architects' lho July Ibhiiu will bo a special fie-' plans, and two or threo articles touch- lug interests in tint Far Kast. Antlro Castaigiiu's pictures of tho world's fair, for which tho studies wore made on tho grounds, arc making and are prom ised for an eaily niunbor. What Gorman Is Itnnlly Liko As statesmen go, dormim Is not nn old man. Horn In 18.TO, ho has seen slxty-llvo years, but thoy rest upon him lightly. Ills form Is still as erect as over, and his shoulders as broad. Personally Oorman Is a man of few petty vices. Ho Is a baseball crank or was when tho national gnmo Hour-1 ulin,lnM,t tviiMfoM innnnv mUlii-. money chickens and vegetables on his farm at Laurel, Mil., a few miles from Wash ington. Unllko boiiiu statesmen ho Is hoi to ui HiiiiiHi'iiiuiii. k.iowi. u uiu apuoi u o,.uiimk wiiiu, , j,,cd with '-0 Individuals, who look neither does ho sinoko tobacco luces. et, ,. 80 , -llcHnilKirH Htpieezed santly, liko mmo of bis distinguished to,.,,ti,or ,., nlcklo .,., Htlir((.(1 ot colleagues, nor chow It, liko certain eminent Jurists. Ills family life has been Ideal. (lormiiu Is not approachable, In tho ordinary sense. IIo does not wear an air of very marked geniality, mid ns n t rule, bo keeps bis own counsel and makes conlldnuts of few. Hut bis man ner, at all times, Is suavo and polite, and ho has a fashion of calming ene mies that has stood him in good stead. Leslie's Monthly. From Kxuiitlnntloii I'npnrs. A friend handed mo these excerpts from examination papers which bo had collected during tho past year. They aro thu result of asking the youngsters to write sentences showing tho mean lug of tho words they had to spell: Mathematics aro all tho studies put together. It would take quite long to travel tho radius of the world. Stenography means to bo a type writer. Kiiullateral means nearly half. Tho wild lyon was very radius. Ho was very radius at mo. ItndlouH, a different kind of people. The radius of tho hole was 15 feot deep. Ittstou Kecord. -7J . .M. .M.,M-M f BEST TONIC It increases tho appetite, tones up tho invigorates nml htrcni'tliciis tho miror nnd better blood for tho up- ouo nil tnewiuio. ii is nn oxceiiont iv. ,r0nirt l to tlmaratamnnd tono to ! A I llAltal.l A.t.lM.. . .. A T 1. .. -k A .1 .W..O. ... . MM ..M MWH U.WU.. UllUdl I UltS, 1'ItANIE UORNEB. Uoveuthat, Altoonn,ra., June 00, 1003. alwaya been avorao to irtvlnir a teattmo- ueslrs to moat ,,iint,,n. nafnr ..i,1? h.h.h. ti.i. lu bettor ..hyslcal condition thau X i THE TACTFUL SPEECH. oconn with n nc0 handkerchief. "I'm HUrp t. ,0 wo,1(cr y were nWk- ward, tins circumstances were ho em barrasslngl Hcldcs, It Isn't half so bud for mo as It Is for you. I know I nhoiild want to go through the Door If I bad done such a thing. No, really, don'tmnkcexeusin! You mustn't worry l'ot it at all. Listen! I liavo a lovely ww gown coming homo to-night. If It weren't for that perhaps I couldn't have behaved so well about this." About thnt time a look on tho vlvn- etoui lady's face brought the sweet prattler to herself with n sho-lc, and she started for homo, devoutly wishing that she had been born mute, Thcro was another cheerful little f,p at a recent church dinner. Tho president of the missionary society, at- tired as it waitress and carrying a phittcr of butter-balli airily poised on mn,i( nppronched the tablo she was K,,rvM(;, 4 one will ever know know JUHt ,I0W lt happened, but the linrinlcm Imlv , ,,ln,.k Hi1I who wus BitlInK t .,, ,.,,. .liliCI1iy r,,t shower of ,e tn,,,0 Butlilnly felt a showc Holllctll,B her sl.tiiilders, and rcniM1i t,nt tlio pliillor ItHClf Imil , d u .tu.,..,,,,,,,, ,, ,lin,,e,; then d fol- liiltilnjl 1 1 v. twnon ., ,, .. ... ,lf ,. ,.,..,, The amateur waitress, vlth mi excla mation of dismay, extracted thu plat ter and began to hullo out the mis shapen globes of butlor, while the but tered lady tried to think of something kind and comforting to say; but to her ,,,,,, t,0 waitress. Instead of e.v- j,rcf,HnB anxiety about tho dress, only (.xcinlll0(li ..lHll't that too oxasperat- ,B? , ,,0I,.t b(llPVU t cnI1 uso tho3a butter-balls at alii" 8HE PREFERRED ASPHYXIATION, " ""c,l"" " viniirnaiH npnn- lull nml New York lllovntor-H. "Kxpressl" shouted the starter In ono of tho downtown "sky-scrnpors." Tho last passenger stepped Into tho eleva (of , ,,. Hliunlue(l ml tho C1,KC with a bound for tho twentieth lloor, Thero was a scries of gasps as tho elevator shot skyward, mid at tho twentieth flour a man anil woman Bl-,,llt.,i out, Th ,,, lm(1 ,nw of. ,u.u , tl0 front of tllu building, and when tho womnn sank Into n leather cushioned seat by tho window, suo said: "My, bow thankful I nin Unit I am here safe and sound. I tell you every tlmu I visit your wlfo I am almost frightened to death by something or other lu this city. Hut that elevator! Oh, I'll walk down! I will never trust myself In that horrid thing again. I don't seo how you can have an ofllco at such a dangerous height. What would you do If thu building should fall?" Tho lawyer did not answer tho last question, but salt! quietly: "1 thought that doubtless In your ro cent travels abroad you would have en countered dangers lu comparison with which the elevators ami explosions and automobiles of Now York would seem like playthings." "Well, In Spain," said tho womnn. "I ouco got Into an elevator that I thought was a relic of tho Inquisition, but that was because It was so slow. There lu a hotel In Madrid they put you all by yourself In an elevator, turn a stop clock round to Indicate what tloor It shall ston at. box you up and send you off. You travel In' utter darkness, not knowing how high or how fust you nro going. I thought when I tried It I was lu the lllacl; Hole of Calcutta fully half an hour ami all tho whllu the cage was sluik- Iiik and nuakliu; ns If tho Imttom would fall out of It. At last It ennto to u slop nml I saw that I was con fronted with mi Iron door. I had to open It myself and stop out. Then timt iuvutor kuvo a hurt of Hiiuonk and Bank down nK'iilu into tint iiuiu nous. I tlinuclit I niiiht linvo travoli'd bovoral liuiulivd foot, but what was my nHtoiilHluiifiit lo llnd I was only on .i . i .i.m .... .i,... i i tho booon.l lloor. Aflor llmt 1 wilketl tip. It tool; loss tinio. lot tutu oiu vator Is far lift) f ora lilo to thos.0 rook. i.ii whloh YOU travol 111." ' ", . , " " . ,. v., . t S . ,, . ,,....,. Vl... Ym... ,.,.. "And m 1 k .New loiK o!on- tors are worso than Bttch traps as Ullltyi romnrkoa tho lawyer, as If ho Willi: n mill hi uiw i)i-ii " " " tiiatr' roinarKou tno lawyer, as 11 no could not liollovo suoh n confession. Tho woman ptvo only a doop 8lh, general emaciated condition, and cora as If further attempt nt tho cotnparlbon pared that person with mo as I am to wns too great for her. :V, robust, hearty and well, you 'As for mo," said the Now Yorker, would not -romler that I feci thankful finally . would rather run tho ohanoo J S fSttift of sudden death than slow asphyxia, health in flTo months, and saved ma '. ... ".no. i tnuiK nxpuyxiauon wouiu no ploabantor," said tho woman with an- Why Ho Opposed War. At tho beginning of our war with Wp imkw Wftory nnt, ther0.8 Iuoro 0 jjmt ,low un j cn ovep onrilii , ; , As B r"10- when wo write any thins you o uud slick lt In tho .pcr fori" Ayers You can hardly find a home without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what It does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep iton hand. "The belt eoneh mullein money en bnr Is Ayer'i cherry Teetotal. K"f llm niin of children uotbltiK coulil inmllily hn l.c Iter." Jacob BIII'LL, Saratoga, Ind. iV.,.We.,fl.W. All Iruimwti. J. c. Arsn co., lwlt. Mftl. for Throat, Lungs Ayor's Pills groatly aid tho Chorry cora' in proaKing up a com. A Fool And Ills Wisdom. A story, which Is credited to Major Pond by the New York Tribune, tells of n weak-mlntled lad who went to the miller's to have some grain ground. The miller said to him: "So you nro n fool, eh?" "I guess I am," replied the youth. "A fool, eh? A naturull" mused tho miller. "Wo haven't many natural fools hereabouts. Do you uvlnd if I ask you n few questions?" "Oh, no, sir, of course not," tho lad answered, politely. "Well, my boy, since you aro n fool," began tho miller, "I want you first to tell mo what you know, nml afterward what you don't know. Now, to begin, whnt do you know?" "I know," said tho boy, "that tho miller's hogs arc fat." "Good! Very good!" said tho miller. "That Is what you know. Now tell us whnt you don't know." "I don't know whoso grain fattens cm," replied the youth. A Parmer Found It. Mount Pleasant, Utah, May 23.-To find a medicino that will cure every ail ment duo to diseased or disordered Kid neys tins been tho aim of many physi cians and chemists. Mr. C. K. Peterson, a farmer of this place says he lias found such a remedy nud Unit ho lias tried It with success in bis own rase. Mr. Peterson says tho remody is Dodd's Kidnoy Pills, a medi cino introduced hero about seven months qgo. "I nm glad to bo allowed to testify to Aliat good tilings Dodd's Kidney Pills have dono for inc. I used tills remedy for Kidnoy troubto and it cured mo completely. "i can heartily recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all who suffer with any kind of Kidney tiotiblo." Mr. Peterson's caso is only ono of many Just as convincing tliafhavo been reported recently. This now remedy seems to have conquered Rheumatism completely, not n slnglo enso having boon reported where Dodd's Kidney Pills havu failed to euro poifectly and permanently. Ijoto's Ijnbor Iost. Anxious Mniaina Clara, dear, what did Mr. CoMcnsh say last night when ho was trying to button your glove in the hull? Clara Oh, he merely said that any mnn who mnile cloves that were ns hnrd to button ns mine ought to quit tho busi ness. Anxious Mnmmn Well, dcnr, tnke my ndvlco nml don't waste any more time In Hint direction. Hieeley liouor-morphine-tobacco I lttZ HINT. PERMANENTLY CURED CAJ rnn u. PAHTICULARJ icMcn mimmtYiNsrnuTtf powtiand.owc, Yoiiiik plrlt in Grceco nnd Italy wor shiped Dliinn until they wcro of nee, when they dedicated their girdles to hct hy hniiKliiR tlicm up in her tcmplo or Krovc, and turned to Aphrodite. tS?4 ." '--0--v: V r:.r ii .vir.T'fvv Aliss Ilapsrood tells how she escaped an awful operation by using Lydia E, PInkham s vcge table Compound. " Dear Mas. Pinkiiam: I suffered roiVi qVi i.iVi n, ,n n7f.i called Salpingitis (luflammatlon or tne fan0pon iulioa and ovaritis), which la for four years with what tho doctors n mo-tdUtrosbinu; and painful atltaent, ntTectlnu' all tho BurnSundtnir parts, iiniierniiuin';inuconsiiuviuu, uuun.- 1 It It .--!-.. !.& pirn' tho lifo forces. If you had scon rnu " i I0' i' "" " tjTu" 5,0.?,y cnJ, Vi..i, vi"rAriiIil f '"' l" l'lnkunm a Vesetnuio diiiiiitliiiil. nm! hnd noticed tho Cl - ,mi)OUm, nnd hnd noticca tho .iinkon eves, sallow comnloxiou. and " - Muui - i - jii.i - - . ;-,,-""- iiapoood. io;3 sanuwien du nmuwr, OnU j$ooo fatftit If original of atovittttr v i uivaaavM wul -' - Btopplng1 of tho montttiy now, iroui Inflammation th JoJ; f "A.SS?' KM-U-f.-L-Walllrl-B-lrMW la llm. BoM PT dnnsrlrt- 1 tfi-w WWI ir 5JliB VQhSt fuw IM )SiMlM fv ,"---"-m-. t m Call at Buchanan & Derrick, confec tionary and cigars, homoimado can dles a local specialty. 2G5 Third St. Tho bcBt qver made is the Kaglo Brand Boneless Chicken Hot Tamales and husks. Wholesale and Retail. Ofllco and factory, 45 Union avenuo, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, East," 409. ' Whenever you think that tho cor ner of Third and Couch streets Is a doad ono Just drop into the Alcazar and seo whnt a little now llfo will do for a place. W. W. Harmon, former ly of Tncoma, has taken tho place, and as usual ho is making it go like a three time winner. It has boon said that "Harmon's", on the corner of Third and Couch, la among tho undesirable resorts of tho North End, but tho plain facts aro that "Harmon's" is ono of tho clean est places In Portland. Thcro aro no 1-dles' entrances nor any wlno rooms; In fact It is only a placo for men, and men only. !'. U. BKACH -A CO., Tho Pioneer Paint Company, make a specialty of selling tho best tilings niado in paints. House Paint, 1'loor Paint, Barn Paint, Fcnro Paint and Roof Paint; Kuamels, Varnishes, Colors, Stains, Cementlco Kiiltoiiiinunnil ceneral build ing material. 135 First St., N. W. cor Aldcr, Portland, Oregon. CHEAP SUNDAY RATES. Botwcon Portland nnd Wlllamctto Valley points. Low round-trip rates have been placed In effect between i'ortlnnd and Wlllamctto Valley points In either direction. Tlckots will bo sold Saturdays nnd Sundays nnd limited to return on or beforo tho following Monday. Call on Southern Pacific Company's agent for partic ulars. u NITED STATES LAUNDRY Vt. It, Hartard, Manager. High-grade hand ork n specialty. Corner' Grand avenue nnd East Fatinen street. A requert by mall or phone Kast Gil Is all that Is ucccsnary. PORTLAND, OREGON. Hotel Northern BAIR & SIMPSON, Props. N. 12th and Marshall Sis. AMERICAN PLAN $5.00 a. Day and Up. EUROPEAN PLAN Rates on Application Special Rates by the wcck or Month. STRICTLY MODERN Phone Main 1459 Electric Lights PORTLAND OREGON Wasco Warehouse Milling Company Merchant Millers Manufacturers of Flour and All Kinds o! Mill Feed Try a ftick of Its Colobrntoil WHITE RIVER FLOUR The Great llrrad Producer Pure, Uliito and Wholesome. Made from Selected Wheat THE DALLES, OKKGON SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. SI EAMEK GEO. V. SHAVER, Will leae Portland, foot ot Washlncton St., Sunday, 'liirtdaj and "I tiurttny okcnlliK t 1 n'rloek, for hatirlea mlnnd, tl, lli'lcur, (.utilvi, liter l nud, Marlins, ImiIhiiih, Nrer lty, Kaulvr. Ml.l'olllu, .Mnyt!er, Mills, Oak I'olul, r'ri't'tiinus, Maiiraulllu.t'latiikalilu and all way lundlut;, Is The Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago The Chicago-Portland Spec'al, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago, TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Weste-i Railway tu Chicago from Portland and points ir. Oregon. Oallr end personally conducted ex .ursloos In Pullman tourist sleeping srsliom 1'Qttland, Los Angeles ana &n Francisco, Ibrou.b. lo Chicago without change R.R.UITCHIB. Cm'I AlUl? MuketSt, tAM HAKCUCO, CAU A.&BARKEK, C1 Art., ijl TMnl S. roaiLAwo, Oaa. Chicago & Nodh-Westeni Ry. p n. CONN, FANCY GROCERIES TES, COFFEES, SPICES Quality and l'rlco Uuaratitecd. Delivery to all I arU of the lty, Phone. Union fi-M. 4(li Williams Ave., Cor. Hancock St., P0KT1.AND, OKF.OON. BUU.IVANT8 nitOCEUY ., J. Uulllvant Jr., Prop. STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES TKA, COKKKi:, HUTTKIt AND E003 A SPECIALTY Telephone, Main 213. MG3 JcfTcnon Bt., N.W, Cor. Thirteenth POKTLAND OltKOON -ITANNINO A LEE STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Delivery to all parts of the city 319 K. Woldlcr St. Phone, Eaut GC8 PORTLAND OltKOON D UKHEN8E llUFl'ET 21S Howard Street. Phone Main t9. HPOKANE, WA8IIIN0T0N A. BACKDAHL &. CO. Druggists 31.T Vashington Ave. South Minneapolis Minnesota NAGEL UNDERTAKING CO. WM. E. NAOELiMan.ger Lady Asilstaut nn all caes whore one Is required 233 W. Third St. St. Paul, Minn. 0. A. llt.AKi: J.U. SMITH "EAT T B. C BREAD MADK 11 Y Tncomrt Baking Company 013 Tacoma Avo. Telunhono James 'M TAC0A1A WASH. NOB t-fIL,L MARKET SCIIOLZ & KAKKITZ Ialcrs lu all kinds of Fresh nnd SnltYIents, Hams, Bacon, Lard and Sausage of All Kinds FRESH POULTRY Telephone, Main 818 21st and Irving His. 1'OItTI.ANT). OREGON Always Ask for VIOLET OATS Sold by All Dealers OAKLAND MARKET CIIAS. MILLUR, Prop, Dealer In AU Kinds of Fresh, Suited and Cured Meats Fish, Poultry and Game I'rco Delivery to AU I'arts of tho City Phone, Kast IV8 342 Union Avo. PORTLAND, OR. Enterprise Brewing Co. 01 Sin Tranclsco, Cal. DRlVURS AND BOTTLERS HENltY MEISTEIt, den. Agt. for Portlan Extra Pale Ilnfbrau llohemlan and Export Ileeri". Iltd r-'ral Porter. Prce Delivery In all Pans of tho City. Peer D ot and CoMRlorHga at Portland, Orgon, ISth and Johiuon fats. PMONL3 MAIN 1922 FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard Aboui STEENBLOCK aOTEONG GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1120-32 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASa i- V I I h m -r pUnNlfUIED rtOOMB For rent. Hath. 888 Everott, uetween Park id OthWots. MHH. M. KEEHLK. FUKNISIIED ItaO.MR-87 N. Fifth 8trocl. First class In all of Its drpirttiieuts. Horn cooklnif. Mrs. LeJeuuo Prop. QIIOICE -WM.W-apiW. Ous. Wahlirrcn, Proprietor. Pool and Bil liards. Phono North lo. 2J4 Washington Bt. fortUnd, Oregon. For good social time call and see JOHN WOIDA. fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telcpht no Clay 63. 4C0 Ollsan St., Portland. Of NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchance. Choice Wines, Liquors and ClBars. Free Lunch. Cor Iltuscll and llrelidle St., Portland, Or. rOII KELLY General Imrancc Agent, Fire and Murine. fcottlh Union i National Ins. Co., hdlnburg and London: WcMern r. a-id M. Assurance .o, Toronto.Can. 82f Thltu st.. Columbian llldg. Established In 18M. . Phono Whlto IK 81111 Under Pame 'Management THE CRONISE PH3T0 STUDIO. THE THOVEKri, Props. fend In your order for b Group of tho Twenty second llteniilalHesslun. Eldredgo II ock.cor. Coiniuerclal and Chemeketn tits., fcaleui, Uro. G A. WAT80N IljlUGGIST f& North Third Htrcot Portland onr.aojc JOHN 0111S0N TUB APPLP.T0N CAPE BotilhwcBt corner Hlxth and Kvcrctt fits. rOUTLANl) OltKOON TIIK STEIN 410 Washington street. It. Orlmm and C. II. Mcdlaahan, iruirlelors, Como and tut four own stein. POltTI.ANn, ortEQON. TJ10H oiunE riANUS I FOR KENT AM) SALE On easy rnymcnls. I'lsno tuned and repalroA II. rilNSIUUMKIl 72 Third Etrcet Portland Oregon T30Y QtlACKENIlUHIl I'lumblnir and Ras fitting. Jobbing Prompt Ijr attended to. Hhnp phono Hood 8S7. Itcs Phone Scott 1917. 270 Oak it. bet. 3rd and 4th streets. I rOUTLAKP, OftEOON. -OUItlST SALOON James Trarers, Prop. Pest wines, liquor ndU.ars. l'houe Clay 19U. l.3N. Sixth fat. rOUTLANl), OHEOON. IIESCENT CAFE Fine wines, liquors and elirsrs. D. M. Wch ter.pioprlulor. w Crosby struct. 1'hona Un- I'OIITLAND, OltEOON. QIIAND CENTRAL JIAU I. I1EUNSTEIN FINE WtNES, I.IQUOU8 A CIOAI-J Kverythlus first-class Telephone, Main 15a 91 N. Third 8U r-OIlTLAND OREOON A IX OAHMENT8 Intrusted with us are thoroughly Inspected hy us before and after waihlug, All repairs done FitEK Or CIIAIH1E Buttons Kewed on and Bocks Parnnd OltEOON LAUNDHY CO. S0I-S.3CS Eatt Oak Bt. 1'huue East IS rOMLAND OltEOON LE ROY HADLEY Successor to L. MARTIN DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oregon Phone Main 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! IF YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger in town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY CO. 106 SIXTH ST. Opp. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM . -A -! f j p. ' "" Tf. f , r ? K 4 . -tt r. . ' . X