The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, May 28, 1904, Image 5

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    najgmm.mMM uci'iihar-
Kitabllaked 189(1 A. D. fJrldln Manager
Telephone, Main "07
Omoo, ) Bocotul Bt., cor. Aih, Itooini land 2
I'ortland, Oregon.
J. W. Duncan ,,, Dutto, Mont
(loo. A. Hayc Seattle, Wash
To ItiBUra publication, all total Jiewu must
rncti ua not later than Thursday morning at
ch week.
Subscription price, one year, payable In ad
Taiioc, V uo.
Mrs.. It. D. Pory la sick listed.
Mr. Redmond Ih on tho sick list.
Mr. Picket has left tho city for Scat-
Mrs. E. Summers, who was visiting
Mrs. C. A. LucaB.'left for Tacoma.
Mrs. 13, Summers was entertained
Sunday by Mr, and Mrs. C. Hitter.
" "
Mrs. Pitts contemplatbs a visit to
her aunt at Tacoma in tho near fu
ture. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Clark, of St.
Paul paid a flying visit to tho city this
Mrs. D. Newman entertained Mrs.
Summers nt a thcatro party Monday
Mrs. Ashy has moved from tho cast
sldo to Ninth street, between Everett
and Flanders.
Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Burt nnd daugh
ter, of Philadelphia, aro stopping at
tho Hotol Kccble.
Mrs. Ida Thomas, of Oakland, Cnl
Is visiting Mrs. C. A. Lucas, on routo
to tho World's Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, who woro
stopping nt Mrs. W. W. Wheeler's
havo returned to Galveston, Texas.
m,.. t w tnvnn Mra tj r!nnnlnr
have -returned to the city after .two
wnnltn nfnv In tun pountrv viBltintr
Mrs. Cash, MrB. Causlor's mother, nt
her ranch.
Mrs. A. D. Orlflln cntortnlncd Mrs.
Ida Thomns and Mrs. E. Summers, of.
Oakland, Cnl and Mrs. cj. A. Lucas at
a luncheon Tuesday noon. Mrs. Sum
niorB left for Tacoma Tuesday nnd
Mrs. Thomas leaves Sunday for tho
East to visit tho World's Fair.
Mt. Olivet. Baptist church: "Goa
ls In tho Midst of Her: Sho Shall Not
Bo Removed; God Shall Help Her, and
That Right Early." Preaching by
tho pastor, C. C. X .Laws. At 10:30
prayer meeting. Plcaso como out and
tho Holy Spirit will meet you there.
At 11 a. m subject, "For tho Flesh
Lustoth Against tho Spirit nnd tho
Spirit Against tho Flesh." Sister D.
R. Perkins will load tho Young Peo
ple's Meeting at 7 p. m. Wo hope to
linv n irnnil nftrmilnnnn At ft Tt TT1..
subject, "It Is Tlmo to Seek tho
Lord." Prayer mooting Thursday
lltW 6M V w 1-t ,
ovoning. cjome out anu get your spir-
Itual strength renewed. If all tho
Negro Baptist In Portland would deal
honest with themselves, and bo truo
to tholr God wo would havo moro ac-
tlvo mombors than wo have. Just
think of this, and you aro true. I nm
sorry to say that tho services at tho
Bnptlst last Sunday night were Inter
rupted by a gang of hoodlums by loud
and bolstorous conduct. Wo hopo It
will bo tho Inst tlmo. Tho speaker
hnd to stop preaching nnd tnko his
Bent. Tho snmo thing occurred onco
InBt summer when Rov. Bledfloo
wns preaching, and If It occuro ngaln
wo will bo sure to tako drastic meas
ures to put It down. Program will bo
given for tho second week In Juno
Inter on. Remember Iho grand rally
tho third Sunday In Juno.
Sormon by Rov. C. C. X. Laws, nt
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church: "Ho
Lead Them Forth By tho Right Way."
Ps. 107.7. Changeful oxporlenco of
ten leads to anxious bollovcr to In
quire why Is It thus with me? I look
for light, but lo, darkness came; for
poaco, hut behold trouble I said In
.my heart, my mountain standout firm,
I shall never bo moved. Lord, Thou
dost hldo Thy face, nnd I nm troubled.
It wns but yesterday that I could rend
my tltlo clear, today my evidences nro
bedlmmed, and my nopos nro ciouucu
ioaiorciay i "'" ,
top, and vow tho 'anacnino,ivcfr. n'l '
rejoice with confidence I i ny future
Inheritance; today ni Bjilrl has. no ,
. ... ... ll.l. . Til l.l
nopes, urn. nmny i.o, ,.u ju,.
plan with mo? Can this bo tho way
fn which God would bring mo to
heavou? Yes, It Is even bo. Tho
ocllpso of your faith; tho darkness of
your mind; tho fainting of your hopo
an meso tilings uru puno m uuu o
method of making you ripe for tho
groat Inheritance upon which you
will soon enter. Theso trials aro for
tho testing and strengthening of your
faith; they aro waveB that wash you
farthor upon tho rock; thoy aro winds
which waft your ship tho moro swifter
towurds tho desired haven. Accord
ing to David's words, "So it might bo
said of you, bo Ho brlngeth them to
their desired haven." By honor and
by dishonor; by evil roport and by
good report; by plenty and by pover
ty; by Joy and by distress; by persecu
tion nnd by peace; by all theso things
is tho life of your soul maintained,
and by each of thoae aro you helped
on your way. Oh, think not, bellevor,
that sorrows aro out of God's plan;
thoy are necessary parts of It. Wo
must go through much tribulation to
enter tho kingdom of heaven, then
evon to count It nil Joy, when yo fall
Into divers temptation.
"Oh let my trembling soul bo still,
Alid" wait Thy wise, Thy holy will,
I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see.
Yet all Is well, alnce ruled by Thee."
Mr. and Mrs. Tanna Is thinking of
repeating their concert.
Mrs. Hawkins, of Seattlo, is visiting
Mra. E. F, Edison for a Jew days.
Tho Willing Workers will glvo a
neck tie social tho 9th of next month.
Mrs Mooro and Mrs. Miller will
start for their visit east tho 15th of
next month.
Mrs. Estella Hall gave a lawn party
at her homo Thursday night for tho
special purpose of the reformation or
as follows: Mr. Lawhorn. Rucker;were enjoyed until a late hour when
Misses Turner, Rucker, Kelso, Conna, refreshments were served.
.Harris, Doago, Waro, Dlancho; Mcs
dames Lawhorn, Wright, Tanno, Tur
.icr, and Bradshaw.
Tho Fair Is over. It was a grand
bucccss, socially and financially. Pro
gram part was grand, especially tho
Ladles of tho Aid. Tho remarks made
by tho older was, "That was1 a choir
ho hnd never heard." Tho program
for tho week was as follows: Mon
day, May 10. Opening chorus,
"Smllo Whonovcr You Can"; Invoca
tion, Rev. S, J. Collins, pastor; solo,
"Sunny Juno", Donnld Horton; solo,
"Florida, My Baby Queen", Madnllno
Miller; piano solo, Juanlta Ury; duet,
Sadie, "Tho Princess of Tene
ment Row", Claudlno and Adclo
Wright! solo, "My Rose", Lottie Hall;
solo, "Won't You Bo My Sweetheart",
Esther Doage; boIo, "Mid tho Orango
Blossoms She is Waiting', Edgttr Hall;
solo, "I Want to Bo a Soldier", Sola
May Duprcc. Tuesday, May 17.
Piano solo, Miss Walker; solo, Gcvona
Harris; duct, Mrs. Clark and
Walker; solo, Ruby Baxter; quartette,
Mnsiintnofl nlnrk nml DnnrGo. Miss
Mesdnmcs Clark and Duprcc, Miss
Walker and Harris; solo, Mrs. Coop
er; "My Country 'TIs of Thee," nil
present. -Wednesday, May 18. Piano
solo, Mrs. E. F. Edison; Invocation,
Rev. S. J. Collins, pastor; chorus,
"Scenes That Aro Brightest", the
Lndles' Aid; recitation, Mr3. Nelson;
solo, "Day By Day", Mrs. Coopor;
nolo, "An Old Sweetheart of Mlno",
Mrs. J. S. Hill; piano boIo. Mrs. 13. F.
Edison; solo, "Just nt the Turn of tho
Tldo", Mrs. Duprcc; recitation. Mrs.
Tntinn! fhnritH "Wlilqnnrlnr? Hnnn".
Ladles' Aid. Thursday, May 19.- Jr., Is now living with her mother,
Piano solo, Miss Walker; mock wed- Mra. JcbbIo Carnegie of Seventh avo
ding, bride, Ruby Bnxtor; maids, mic. South. x
Lena May Duprco and Esther Doago; Mr d Mr8i Joaeph McCrnckcn,
groom, Johnnie Doago; Broomsman, ' . . . . , .
ucrnlo koiso; preacher. Ernest Wli-
ouu, iiuu ui umiiu, -"" '-"
Xa .i. SL Ti "". South, and are smilingly wclcom
Mrs. -Reed boIo, Delia Gannn. Fri- inir M10r nianv friends there,
dnv nlcht. Mav 20. Piano solo. "Tho ,ne Ul0,r nmny rnonu8 lncro'
Swallows Sing", Dasslo Lawhorn; In
-.."'. - . - . .
vocation, Rev. S. J. Collins, pastor;
chorus. "Tho Suwanco Shore"; piano
solo, "Indolence", Estclla Hall; solo,
"My Midnight Rose", Georgia Wilson;
duet, "My Water Lily", Ernest Mooro
nnd Ernest Wilson; solo, "Under tho
Southern SklcB", Florctta Turner;
piano solo,, Dlancho Edison; solo,
"Dear Old Stars and Stripes"; "Good
Bye", Lcnn Turner; piano solo, Ethel
Ury; BOlO, "III tlio vilingo iiy tno sen.
Doll. Tann0r. , ..Th? Tllo , . the
uu"' jhj .., ...v....a,
"Summer Time".
Afro-Am. HocUl Club, 110 8 ner ftrent, rer
uiiiK, 11 i imimiiitwcuna. n i imiiuy, irea,
A. iiuncjiuuu, c. nd in g'r. i'hone M
I'hnnu AlAlll
Mr. u. ii. iioiuman iim rucovu icu .
from a Bovcro attack of appendicitis.
I Silver Leaf Musical club will give '
an entertainment nt tno ah. z.ion.uio eiucient Bccremry oi uio organs
church Juno 3.
Miss Myrtlo Warmack, of Bremer-,
ton, Is tho guest of Miss Georgcttu
Seoly, 2G08 E. Vnlloy Btreot.
Ht- a IT Olnn on,l Wllllnma nt
uonvor, uro in me cuy iuumuk iur a
location to open a flrst-class catering
Mr Melvln Stout has returned after
an absence of sovernl months In-Tuc-
sori( ArZi( Whoro ho spent tho winter
f0r ,a health.
Tho Evergreen Lltcrnry Society will
hold meetings at tho Mt. Zlon Baptist
church on Thursday ovoning instead
of Friday evening.
Prof. Smith's dancing class, May 24.
A nrizo for tho host two step was
awarded to Mr. Cletbn nnd Miss Allen,
first prlzo; Mr. Dalo and Mrs. Wolfo,
second prize.
Tho now trustees of tho Mt. Zlon
Baptist church building commlttco
aro Rov. F. F. Walker, R. A. Black,
W. H. Teomor, J. F. Crngall, J'. W.
Fort. A Zlon rally will bo given on
tho second Sunday In June.
Tho Pullman Palace bnso ball club
were defeated at Columbia City, May
22 after a very exciting gamo. Tho
scoro stood 10 to 9, In favor of Colum
bia City. Batteries woro Breeding and
McCurloy, and Clemens and Conna.
Struck out by McCurloy, C; struck
out by Connn, 13. Fully 1000 peoplo
ucro in attendance,
Tho Quocn ofMay Social given at
tho A. M. E. church, May 20. A largo
nnd splendid program was rendered.
Mr. It. T. Taylor gave a flno rccltn-
.!-. .nini.-,i i. nr it. f-.. r f
HUH. UllillUlU IIIU lit. , 41410. VJ. V.
Allen nlso gavo a flno recltntlon; Miss
Nelllo Cousins made a very beautiful
grounded by her no leas
ueautlru, ,nnlds of honor. Sixteen lit-
tlo glrIa winding tho May polo with
graceful drills. Flno Instrumental and
vocal solos were also given.
Mr. and Mrs. Combs, of
wero visitors Sunday.
Rev. 9. G, Wilson Is visiting several
of tho Sound cities on business.
Mrs, Shepard, wifo of Rev. Shepard,
returned to Seattlo Sunday evening.
Mr. Laurenco Sledge, of Tacoma, Is
pleading a case In the superior court.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donaldson, of Se
attlo, spent last Sunday with their
mother, who It quite ill.
Mrs, M. Marflton will leave for Ta
coma and other Sound cities the first
week In Juno to visit friends,
Miss S. Johnson, of Seattle, and
Mr. L. Sledge, of Tacoma, spent last
Sunday in Everett visiting friends.
Mr. Thomas Marston has purchased
the corner lot adjoining the two lots
upon which his present residence
Little Vivian Alton had a bad fall
from her wheel. one day last week, and
for a tlmo her condition was consid
ered serious.
Miss Gertrude Erlsman, of Ante
lope, Or., Is 'expected hero about tho
first of the month to spend tho vaca
tion with Mrs. R. T. Jacobs,
Tho Union Club gavo a social Mon
day night at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs,
N, Solomon. A highly delightful
evening was spent by a large crowd.
Light refreshments wero served, and
a neat little sum was realized which
went to tho benefit of the Second Bap
tist church.
Surprise parties are becoming as
popular here In Everett as they aro
successful. About twenty-five friends
visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John
Williams Tuesday night, aroused them
from their slumbers and took posses
sion of their bouse. Games and music
Spokane, Wash, May 23.
Mrs. Lee, of Ferguson, B. C, Is In
tho city. .
Mrs. Payno has had another severe
attack of pleurisy.
Mr. Jcsso R. Price, a well-known
blacksmith of this city, Is very III.
The Ladles' Guild of St. Thomas
Mission met with Mrs. L. O. Johnson
last Thursday.
Messrs. Ryan and Baker have dis
solved partnership In their cigar and
pool room business, leaving Mr. Ryan
solo proprietor.
Mrs. T. W. Knight. Mrs. K. Jones,
nnd children run! Miss Blnnche Knight
left for nn extended visit to Altoji,
111., and St. Louis, Mo.
'" cnoir or mo uaivniy uupuai
' church under tho leadership of Miss
Tho choir of tho Calvary Baptist
Minnie Brown, gavo a sacred concert
Sunday evening. Solos were sung by
"las Urown and Mr. Daniels.
During the recent visit of A. D.
Griflln and Charles Lucas, of Portland,
Or.. Mr. nml Mrs. David Kurtt enter-
mined tho Kcntlomcn with "flinch."
I " , ...
I Mlsa Albortlno Ray, who until re-
CCIUiy lins UCen living 111 roruunu,
crtcB ,nst fa ,mvo movcd ,t0 ono of
their honutlful houses on Ninth nve -
. .. . ..... . ...
Among tno recent auditions to swen
the nonulatlon of our city aro Mr. and
Mrs. II. S. Drltton, recently of Spok-
nnc. Wash. Mr. nnd Mrs, Brltton aro
valuablo acquiBltlonB to our socloty,
and nro being warmly welcomed by
tho elite.
Mrs. Alice Tnlbert, of Havre, -ac
companlcd by her son, Mnstor George,
w o'ha been spendVnVral Twks '
at Boulder Hot Springs, taking tho
fffln .VffinTmV dWS !
tlio week en routo homo.
Mrs. Leo Mills, tho wlfo of our pop
ular mall carrier, who has boon visit
ing with her brother, tho Hon. Will
Taylor, of Salt Lnko City, for noveral
months, returned to tho, city during
tho week and loports having spent a
most enjoyable stay In the Mormon
rri... tn..w i..i, nmnnl,n,i t ihn '
uw wuduii,u vmii .wuuv. w
rov H v Mont., on Monday. May
30 JmiEnB'from tho lettor wo have
received from Mr. Anthony Young.
atlon, Uioso who ntt. may oVlct
n nnn.l !.,,..
" '
On last Friday ovoning tno Negro cit- pleasant wny, as well as tho most do
Izciib met at the Masonic hnll nnd talk- llghtful routo, to cross tho continent.
tu " lu HU IDUUllll Ml Ulb'l""'b
local council of tho Af ro-Amorlcon
councIi Mr Loo Mllls wns eIeclcd
temporary chairman and Mr. Hatton
tompornry secretary.
Jonn u. uainoy
stated tho object of tho call, and, af
ter a brief address by thoso present,
who wcro all favorable to tho movo
mont, read tho following resolutions
which woro enthusiastically endorsed:
Wo, tho Negro ropubllcnns of Cas
cade county, In convention nsacmblcd.
I commend tho patriotic; fearless nnd
I Just administration of nntlonal nf-
rairs uy our raitnrui president, Tiico
lTn,?rr!!; :i0,,,S0i0,h,'"i?
confldenco nnd continued nnd united
support to tho end that ho may bo
elected to tho offlco of president of tho
United Statos at tho coining election.
Second. That wo especially com
mend him for tho Interest shown at
all times for tho well being of tho No
gro citizens of tho United States, nnd
for his Just nnd patriotic courso in his
treatment of Cuba..
Third. That wo tako prldo in tho
high position obtained by our dis
tinguished ropresentatlvo In tho lower
I.V..T.U ;.--, rVi. f fiiJ-
houso of congress, Joseph M. Dixon,
nnd heartily approve of his courso In
thnt distinguished body, nnd wo sin
cerely hope that ho may bo re-elected
without any opposition from his own
Tho sonso of the meeting wns to
mnko tho council permanent, which
will bo done noxt Friday
when n full set of odlcors
, i.
"HI "O
Special Correspondent.
wiNnv pity
"' ' '"
Liiicngo in., ay J. JJOi.
Airs, ainggio wn uo, or jy&i uoar-
uurn Hiruui, i u i.m (uup iiui.
It hns been ronortod that Gov. Yates
hns requested Col. John R. Marshall,
oi mo coioreu ,ignui regiment, oi in-
lnols, to send In his resignation as
colonel of tho regiment.
, . .. ,
Mrs. Brockway, of 3435 Dearborn
n..nn. ...m. a.. Inn. ftfAH.In. I.. .A l n
akiuui, nan uii iuoi musiuuy null ill tl
railroad accident on tho olovated rail
road, and she commenced a damage
suit against the company for 110,000.
Tho Oeneral Conference of tho A. M.
E. church that Is In session in this
city will ndjourn next Monday. Rov,
E, W, Lampton, of Mississippi, wns
tinnnlmoiiHly re-elected financial sec
retary. Rev. II. T. Johnson, of Phil
adelphia, was re-elected editor of The
Christian Recorder. All the old of
ficers wcro ro-elected.
At a meeting held on last Monday of
tho members of the Western Star so
cial club John Weaver was elected
president; Ernest Savage, first vlco
president; S. B. Bllvcns, second vice
president; Matthew Harris, Uilrd vlco
president; Frank B. Cranshaw, treas
urer; M. P. Triplet, secretary. This
club vslll glvo a serins of social enter
tnlnments from tlmo to tlmo in the
Tho Masonic controversy thnt has
been going on in tho State of Illinois
among the colored Masons ever since
there was a split in the colored Grand
Lodgo of Illinois, from all appearances,
and from what the best informed mem
bers of tho Masonic fraternity say, on
tho matter, it that John G, Jones, 33d,
who waB a former member of tho leg
islature of the State of Illinois, and
also a practicing attorney at tho Chi
cago bar, has clearly defeated and
routed his opponents in overy move
ment that they havo made, and sever
al lodges bolonglng to tho other sido
have left and withdrawn nnd havo
united themselves and Joined the
Most Worshipful St. John's Grand
Lodgo of A. F. & A. Masons of tho
Stato of Illinois; that John G. Jones
b tho Grand Secretary of.
Tho AppHcon Cafe. First-class In
every rospert. Southwest comer Bixth
and Everett fatrerrts, Portland Oreon.
Furnished rooms from ?10.00 up, at
Mrs. M. Kcoblo, 388 Everett streot.
Telephone Main 2CG1.
Always ask for the famoiu General
Arthur cigur. EsberR-Gunst Cigar
Ce., gonoral agents, Portland, Or.
F. Germain, dealer In fish, gamo,
poultry, etc. Cnnnod goods a special
ty. Phono Clay 01. 400 Gllsan stroet,
Portland, Oregon.
Cash or installments, the Old Pion
eer Loan Ofllce, 13 North Thlnl
street, nenr Burnsldo, Ben S. Back
man, proprietor. Business strictly
The Condon saloon; G. J. Lcmanskl,
proprietor, corner Burnsldo and
Eighth streets, "Portland, Oregon.
Phono Hood BOO. Neatly furnished
rooms In connection.
French Dyeing and Cleaning Works.
All work dono at very modrcato prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. De
leau, proprietor, 455 Olisan street.
Wc will sell tickets to Chicago and
return on Juno 10, 17 nnd 18 for $72.50.
Returning via St. Louis $73.75. Cholco
of routes. Get your tickets vln "Tho
North-Western Line", the
best way
L. SISLER, Gen. Agt.
132 Third Street.
if you contemplate visiting tho St.
Louln Exposition, to secure rclinhlo In
formation as to railroad service, tho
lowest ratCB and the best routes. Also '
ns to local conditions in St. Louis; ho
tels, etc. etc.
If you will writo tho undersigned,
f tat lug what Information you desire,
h o w II bop ramp tly urn shed
'J vu If possible, and without
any expense to you. Address
B. II. TRUMBULL, Conim. Agt..
142 Third Street, Portland, Or.
Tho Denver & Rio Grande, In con-
nnMIrm tultli Ihn flaanlirl Tnrlflo VL'
I run a series of personally conducted
excursions to tho World's Fair during
tun Tlwion ntrniifalnnu u 111 !!
g, to SL I.uls withoiit change
oxcurslous will leave Portland Juno
7th, and tho second Juno 17th. Tho
rnte from Portland will bo $G7.o0 to
St. Louis and return. Excursionists
ff via Iho.ponvor ft Wo Grande
lll l"U IMHin-BU ui i"UH"h
Idlffcrcnt louto. This 1b tho most
1 11 U BIUIH .IlllWIKL'U KIYU " UlIUi Hill-
Ity of visiting tho various points of In
terest in nnd nbout Bait Luko City,
Denver nnd KnnBns City. If you wish
td accompany ono of thoso excursions
wrlto nt once to W. C. McBrlde, 124
Third stroet, Portland, for sleeping
car reservations.
A Trip Throuyh Yollow
siono Park
Is what everyone hopes to havo
sonio duy. It Is tho most wonderful
trip in tho world. Thoro nro moio
thin 3,000 square mile, of weird, mar
volous, unimaginable things thnt can
bo seen nowhero elso, thorcforo It ono
over sees them ono must go to tho
Park, In tho heart of tho magnlcont
Rockies with snow tipped peaks all
around. If Old Faithful goyscr, a
Paint Pot, Mud Volcano, or Emerald
Pool wero to ho found In Lincoln
Pnrk, Chlcngo; Control Park. Now
York; or Falrmount Pnrk, Philadel
phia; tho peoplo would flock to sco It
or them by tens of thousands. For n
very Bmall Bum, comparatively, all
,,.' nn,, i,,,,,,,.,.. ,' nf t.,rn'ii
undupllentod marvels can bo scon bo
tween Juno 1 nnd September 30 of
each year, nml ono will enjoy, to hoot,
tho best coaching trip In tho country.
I " Tho Northern Pacific foldor on Ycl
lowBtono Pnrk, JiiBt Issued, Is n now,
-IifIi t itit.fn.dnin tftiftltr I Illicit tl t fwl flfU.
llhtiw iiirnriiiHU, ittiuij imhhvuui.ii h-i-
Bortntlon on this Yellowstone Park
,,,. . - ,,, ,II.,,irll I.,,. .Inula
Wl. II la IIUI. ili:nvilnMw, ..t i.,.
with tho detailed, technical matters
everyone needs to know about such
a trip. It tells nil about tho hotels,
, tho Btngo coaches, tho roads, tho cost
m U1 lour: wnt" "" Koysers, mo
WnterfallB, tho bears, tho canyons nio,
.Wo ,mvo 1)rnt0(i thousands of this
beautiful leaflet and want evorybody
Interested to havo n copy, nnd It can
be obtained by sending A. M. Ololnnd,
Genoral Passenger Agent, St. Paul,
", "" "" " i" " ""''
"Wonderland 1901" which Is n very
.flno pamphlet of 11C pages, descrlp-
tlvo of tho Northwest, Including tho
pnru win i.n nn for Hi fontn
"" w ww..v w. ... --....,
In the County Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
In tho matter of tho adoption of Ruth
Matthews, a minor:
Now coiums on to bo heard the peti
tion of W. R. C'ni'ldgo and Annlo
Clarldgo, hla wife, for leave to adopt
Ruth Matthews, a female child; and
:t is ordered that James Matthews,
her father, and Ida Matthews, tho
mother of said child, appear In thin
court on' the 11th day of July, 1904, at
9:30 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there bo, why said petition should
not be granted; and that h copy of
the said petition and this order be
served on James and Ida Matthews,
personally, If found In this stato, ami
If not, to be published onco a week
for throo successive weeks in Tho
New Age, the last publication to by
at least four weeks before tho said
date of hearing.
Dated this 12th day of May, 1904.
And Our Celebrated
281 First St
Phone Ma n 53 PORTLAND, ORE,
James M. Stott
Republican Candidate
Multnomah County
ff mw,w W w w ,wmWmwml
(A North Sixth St.
Between Davis and Everett
I In Yon
: " '
Know the News ?
You enn have 1111 far
?.er-r.: Kflr. erv::
iHonin wv murmi
InTho KvenlnRTclcRrikm, nf I'nrtlntul,
Oregon. It In thu UrKrulj-'VOMliiK now
pnper tmhll.hril In Urt'Kiini it rnnlnllii
11 tin noun nl Itio itftlo nnd nf llici tin..
tlon. Try It for n month. A nmupla
copy will lie mailed 10 you tree,
Portland, Oregon.
Bkfm m
WBBBBm!aSBBr m Bk. -i , 'i'vl
nrlgnilKERihJtSE9f&mmmEwBmwlM&m KS9mMVBmmaBwWIBmmmmWkmmmmmmmmmmmM
John Manning
Present Incumbent
A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General
255 Morrison Street,
ounEBTm,Y ft family
Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars
All Kinds of Bread at Wholesale
and Retail Prices. Frco Delivery.
315 Hollldny Ave. Portland, Ore.
C. O. I'lCK, l'rop.
All Work attnrnntceil
Transfer and Storage Go.
HAfc, I'lnnoa nnd Furniture
mo dl, "lured or jmckvil for
shipping. 1'lrO'proot lirlclc
warohoiiM), front nml Clay.
Kxprcs nml bngitago hauled.
Off lam, Both Phonmm 400, atmblm
Blmek 1B72.
Portland, Oregon
Don't Tinker With the
Voto for
Democratic Nominee
The Northern Pacific Railway Company will continue to sell
very low excursion tickets to the East and to the World's Fair
at St. Louis in June to October inclusive, and all tickets will
be good on the ''NORTH COAST LIMITED" train as well
as on their other two daily trains. If you are planning a trip
East this year or to the Fair, full information can be had as to
dates of sale, rates, routes, etc., by calling on or addressing
corner Third,
Mass Meeting of Atcn at Llcblg
Hall Tonight and Every Night
Dr. Stoddard Speaks Subject "Man"
Tl.ollfe wo nro now lit lug. no other. No
colli ctlnli. WrmshmiM innrry, who not, and
why. Mmlnir I'lcturcs. crand tlow. anatomy
of innn nnd woman. 1'rei', ill free.
NOTIt ll-Htrleturo, Varicocele, (licet, lim
of vitality, unlltmss for mnrrnnre or work.
sneeuiiy viircii uv new inetncns a-i.ikiu mm
X-VIo ct nml 1tct Hay, new wny Ht hnlf the
rlco ami half tho (line. Homo treatment
guaranteed by Till: lilt MKIIIU HI'ArF.onlv
real s cclalisfn for men
Attoml the lecluru timliht. tsurn nf thu
nw cxariit 1111 inoimot curing nimcB 01 men
wiiiiom uoiniiK. itriiRsnnt or mercury,
equalled skill and ex crlenroof 27 j oara.
who run wrc-i ot tnkc aiUcrtUlns;. whono aim
vno run pa
PC nm 1
o he
w mi
he to make fnlFOtiroinliier.rarelvcurc,
Tho new Method are the latent frmn l.ttropo
and only used liy the Dr. I.lohlg Stair. Hear
free Illustrated lecture tonight liv Dr. Stoddard
himself. Ia'Ahi nnd know thyself and bo con
vinced; not for jourself alunu tint for jour
posterity It's your duty. Call or write
74 Hixth St., ror. Oak St., ncBr rostolllei) .
Portland Club
and Cafe...
130 Fifth Stroet
Munojmwn nnd III Gyrus Koblo
A Rouont for Gontlomen.
'Phono OrpuonMnlii 90S; Columbia 407
Bat. Aider mitd Wamhlnatmn Stm.
Commissions Received on all Eastern
and California Races.
Direct Wlro on all Sporting Events
Phono Main 1414-
sheriff's opficu;
- V P I '
t' tz
Dfniocrutlc Nominee lor
I'ltdgtH II lo i.ihkI Nhiiii' and III
'I hat the i'cople of Multnoinah Count)'
Will llno a lliisliics Administration
If He In Klected to UII
II u Has Alw aya lleun a lliisiuets Man
Passenger Agent