THE NSW AGE, POKTLAKD. OltEQCXN. THE NEW AGE A. D. dRIPPIM, Mannger. Office 4J)f Second St.. cor. Alh, Roomi t and 1 I'o'tUnJ, Oregon. " Entered nt the poatomco at Portland, Oregon. u recond-claaa matter. SUBSCRIPTION. On Year, payable In advance St.Ot Bitabllihod 1800. Vt Intc at 2IK Stark Street, Third F.oor. EDITORIAL Tho following open letter haB been addressed "to tho colored pcoplo In tho South" by Dr. Dookcr T. Wash ington. Tho problem of providing propor OPINIONS A mm Editomals OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS I CAPTURING A GIANT SQUld. American Husbands. WIUTEIt In the London Telegraph deplores tho fact tlmt tho Amerlcnn husband of the "middle class" docs not Interfere In domestic ilYuIrs nud "seldom examines the accounts of ho grocer, tho butcher or the bnker and hard y knows tho cost of staple articles of food." lie also regrets that the husband Is extrava guilt and "docs not make bis wife a regular allowance, but gives her ns much as lie can spare, freely, but without Bystem." Theso aro tlmplo extracts from tbo writer's long nrtlclo and It shows tbo vast'dlffercucc between tho Amerlcnn and the English husband. In England the husband thinks that ho has to "keep tab" on every penny and dole money out to hli wife In gingerly portions and, to the American way of thinking, look upon bis wife merely ns n servant. Tho writer In the London paper Is perfectly right in his roport The American husband Is extravagant. Ho does not bother bis head with tho price of meat and flour and nrhool facilities for our children Is of potatoes and other things for tho table. Why should ho do so? He has contldence In his wlftt Tho cullnury do KravoBt Importance to us ns a race. I pnrtm(llt no ,,, llcmrtment ,Io rmi8 UllngH , ,,, Tho thinking pcoplo of Now York and 0lnC0 n,i ft0WH ,ls wife to run things nt homo. Iloth pur- of MnsBachuscttB fcol that n ton ties are well content. Ho hnstno Interest whatsoever In ... , i .. ,. ,.,,u n. lu tho bill sent In by his grocer or butcher beyond paying It. months' school system answers thin wf &mo domand. How much less can wo af-Jtho oUl(,r mnd( tUo w)fc (oes not ,,,,;, herself with his ford to glvo our children? Tho abject business. Sho knows that the bills are paid promptly and of this appeal Is to force from colored , "'"t her husband Is satisfied. Tlmt Is all she thinks about " . tho business, fathom nnd mothers, from colored , Tuo nntura independence of the uverago American girl men nnd women who feel and think would resent a husband's constant Interference In her a prompt nnd effective answer to this household duties and expenses. She considers herself per 1 fectly capable of looking after that end of the family, and Ono of tho most Interesting .objects In tho Nutural History Museum in Trondbjem, Norway, Is n largo octo pus. E, 11. Kennedy, tho author of I "Thirty Seasons In Senndlannvla," not only saw tho octopus, but a little later heard tho story of the capture of It, I as related both by the llsberman whoso boat It attacked, and also by two In dependent witnesses. Tho Ushcrmnn was leisurely rowing on a calm day close to tho rock-bound shore of one of the lldrds situated some llfty miles north of Trondbjem. Suddenly n long and glistening arm swept over the stern of tho boat nnd remained llxed there. I The Ushcrmnn, astonished nt this unwonted npplratlon, dropped his oars and sprang to his feet Llko magic WE HAVE THE TRADE ON FINE CIGARS. WHY ? " LA INTEaRIDAD " "HENRY THE FOURTH " EL SIDELO " dood Reason? ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portland, Oregoa v g " -to.i fi-i iTif ft -nfnvf r-rn rrMtf .i r vt-;ny itfpim rfiiiiM rwmt mrrmr - i ?" iiAJa,iKIIIIIKIdriassaf vital question Tho great majority of our pcoplo must depond upon tho public schools for all tho education they will re ceive Not moro than ono per cent, of tho colored children of school ago will ontor a prlvnto or nn endowed nchool, and upon tho public school resta tho burden of educntlns tho ro mnlnlng nlnoty-nlno per cent If In deed, thoy recolvo any education. It Ih evident Hint our progress In tho in- sho Is right This shows the difference between American and English girl. St LouIh Itupubllc. corns, thnt It Is "not a good hand for bookkeeping." And yet It wns this objection to the old, running, long hand that led to tho Introduction of tho vertical system, whose condensed, leglblo form wns supposed to adapt It perfectly to mercantile uses. The question suggested uj he discussion of "vertical writing Is: How long will pcainnshlp of any kind last? How long will wo need to teach it In the schools? Isn't tho typewriter supplanting it in all departments of business endeavor? To discuss intelligently theso questions wo hnve Hrst to J!md-.?hin" "r'n" t',mt t.!Uir1 ,S nnthl,!K. ?acrc b?ut another Hideous-looking arm shot over "penmanship." Following tho law of evolution, If It bo- lhe pnwite Tho boilt cnntcd. The TB ?T ' " W1" "Hve lo B- AS n mauer ot Inci- "n man. realizing that ho was attacked Its usefulness even now confined to social correspondence l)y B0U10 II10IllltCr ngalust which his and bookkeeping? How long will It take to break down oa flsh.knfo wn8 (uo oniy ftVnllablo the social barriers ogalnst the uiw of the typewriter for weapon. seized his oars and labored pollto correspondence May not tho typewriter become as wlth mBht nnd ninln t0 got n boat common and as necessary in tho Home as the sewing mn- jnto a crevIco of the rocks, nil the time r"",e' yelling for bis mates, who were not far As for bookkeeping, machines have already been In- 0ir. vented for writing in books, nnd It can be but n question i're j,n,i t0 strain every nerve to drag of time when mechanical ingenuity will supply tho perfect bis hideous cargo after him, for tho and practical bookkeeping typewriter. And then whnt stickers never rolnxed. When, lialf- win uecome or penmanship nnd tuo HtlcK..'rM for a partis ulnr form of writing? Chicago Itccord-Hcrald. , tn mmmmmmmm -M 531710 mwmm 'SmafTSLT. Bm&,9,uwmmmgB&mEffl frsttxjiM&&&i&Lr ivtCsUA ,-""" j,rTifnriMifcaT ' n?- 35fe 3lrKXrT-!ffiBaaaaaaB&,AT W&f.sfv'Wi- sxwaay? 5"V-Ch.,WtBI T T Tho Hero In Politics. HIS case of Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson shows that the war hero does not always have thn open sesame to the prizes of poll tier. Young Hjbson roslgned from the nnvy n ypar or two ago, and announced that he intended to seek mi election to Congress. One of bis objects In Congress, as ho recently declared, would have been to work for thn construction of bigger nnvy for the United States than Knglaud has. He would glvo this coun try the same preeminence on tho sea that Great Ilrltaln has had for the past third of u century, even if this noce dtistrloB, In business, In collcgo and sltntisl the expenditure, within the next twenty yoara, of Industrial nchool, as In mortnllty nnd two or three billions of dollnrs. ... , ,,, ,,, I Hut Hobson's war record did not prove to Iw so pow- religion, will bo based upon the foun- erft (n Mwt hjj j mmo Qibm nmwHnl t wod (p dntlon work donu In tho public nt, ,H jM,0l, )(mton by John II. Ilnnkhend, of tho Sixth hcIiooIb. i Alabama District, a very much lcs picturesque peton, but a person who has hail an expcrlenco of elgliteen years In To fall hero, then, to neglect our CoMKrtv,Si nn,i wll0 R,.rvw, , tlle iPKatur. of his State youth In tho most formative period of many years before going to Washington, while Hobson tbolr IIvcb, la to do thorn nn Irromcd- ver hns had any iwllllenl service of any sort , n ., . . Llko his companion In nniis, Dewey, tho hero of the Inl harm, lo spunk moro definitely, I Ml,rrlmi(, lmH hml ,W1, ,pk , ,)0n,k.fl. Tll0 811orH ,,, t)ll(i find thnt after careful Investigation country have been less fortunate than soldiers. Moreover, the war In which Hobson llgtircd has given no political prlzo to anybody except President Hoosevelt It furnished him the governorship of New York, and this led to the presidency. Tho chances are that It has no moro political pouts for nuybody. St. Iouls Olobo-Domocmt Mixed Marriages. HR-peopIo who hnvo lately been agitating tho quostlon of "mixed marriages" of various sorts ' meaning by the term, marriages between J people of different white races and different secta are, or course, looking nt tuo question from their own race or religious standpoint al together. This is a innttcr In which all the bane, or all tho good, depends on the point of view. I Ilroadly speaking, tho Interest of tbo American nation !',? Ln ".r1! 'L:- ! " "f ". r ten feet four inches, in iiv lUiui;uv. UCUIUI1UO itIUb I11UIC BtlUII UO JJU U,'Ktun u Vt BBBII exhnusted, be got the bow of bis craft within reach of willing bands, it took the three men to haul it up a slight In cline, for the monster still bung on, even over the bare- rocks. Then they belabored Its bend with oars and clubs. Having safely secured it, they sent off to the nearest station and telegraphed concerning their prlzo. It was at onco purchased by the mu seum, and carried there after It had been photographed. They stretched Its nrtns out beforo preparing it. The longest were each tho Negro children In tho ox-ulnve HtntcH nro In school on nn nvorngo of 107 dnyn In tho yenr, nnd that only onu-thlrd of tho children of school ngo nro In school; that In North Cnrollun, for oxamplo, tho uvorogo school term hi only C8 ilnyn, and that only 22.G per cent of the Negro children ntlend nchool nt nil. I find thnt In thirteen of tho former bIiivo Htatos, 00 por cent of tho Negro children of school ugo dhl not nttunil hcIiooI for as much na alx months during tho year .1900, tnk-1 lug that year nH nn exnmplo. It requlroa no argument, then, to D Will Penmanship Dccomo a Lot Art. flrtaUHHION of "vertical writing" In tho schools, which has been revived of Into, naturally raises the question as to the futuro status of penman ship as a means of recording the facts of com mercial exchange or conveying tho thoughts of men. is penmanship destined to become n lost art "Vertical handwriting" was Introduced In the schools because It was supposed to bo better adapted to tho needs of our time than the old Rponoerlnn, running hand. It Is cantos, no hard and fast delimitation of component ele ments. Our public schooU are the greatest mixing agency on tho earth. Our politics are themselves n mixed mar rlago of races and cult. America Is tbo melting pot of the nations. Our young people havo taken their cue from tho school and the hustings. Thoy mix, nnd no one can stop them from mixing. Nino out of ten of the young families known to every reader of theuo words nre proliabl) lu some sense fusions. Religions considerations nre a more potent bar to mixture than rnco considerations, save when the race happens to bo African. Hut even religious bars fall before a fusion of eloments which Is proceeding hero on a grander Ncnlc, and in moro rapid movement, than has ever beforo been known. Love laughs at canons, at rules, even nt anathemas. Perhaps It would often do better to obey them than to scorn thetn. It nil depends, In tho last resort, upon tho Individual will. And wo hnvo hero a land In which Cupid Is as free ns air, with no will or tradition or authority to overmaster him, New York Mall ami ISxpresn. length. Over all, together with the great carpetbag body, tho monster measured thirty feet across. H 'OTi:j AI.IIKIIT T 1m more condensed, and, If properly taught, moro legible than provo that if theso condltlouH control, thn old style. Hut now comes tho parental objector with w ui,ti in.i in bo claused aa nn ! tho contention that the "vertical" writing disqualifies the 'mIiII.I tm f1iilf.ii I niiulllmin I., tilArtiltlllln n. t.i. t l I .. tw ..... I L.KII. tw, 1(11111, nr, nriir, (I, iiiuibuituiu u. uiii.ndipi luil'l r Ignorant, lllltornto people With theso factH beforo us, tho main quostlon then Is. Whnt nlinll bo done? Tho llrst niiHwer Ih that wo pay our taxoH and thereby aid tho alate In sup porting tho public BchoolH. HecmiBO of their poverty, nnd perhaps, In some cases, their liidllToienco, tho Btatea nro not supporting an effective hcIiooI Hyiv tern for our people, especially In the .smaller towim nnd rural districts. Tho ffystom Ih but llttl" better for white children outaldo of tho largo cities. Moro fault finding with public oIIIcIuIb will not educnto our chlldioii. In the present condition or the pub lic Bchoula, I would urge with nil tho eainestiioHu 1 can summon, that our mlnlsterfl, teacherri, luminous men, leaders, parents and newspapers, In alar our people shall: (1) do be fore tho public school authorities nnd nHk for bettor school facilities. (2) 8eo thnt all taxes, especially the poll taxes, which go directly, In most states, Into tho school fund, aro promptly paid. (3) Cooperatu In every way possible with tho public school otllclulH, and rnlsa money by prlvnto taxation, or other methods, to supplement the present school funds until tho school tonus nro extended to at lonst eight months. UiiIcbh tho child 1b not kept In school for at least seven or eight months lu the year, we cannot expect him to bo educated. A three-months school term moans prac tically uo school. (4) In connection with" tho school term of propor leugth, orect n gooil, comfortable school hoiiBO, Soma of tho schools to be found In the rural districts aro not flt for any child to spend a day lu. In conclusion, I would ropent that, In tho present Important period In our growth as a people, lmmcdluto atten tion to tlio publla schools Ih funda mental. If each community will do its duty tho rnco will bo lifted nnd strengthened; nud n general quicken ing will bo ovldcnt ovorywhero. BOOKISH T. WASIIINQTON. Boy Bandits and Their Origin. jHEUE Is a groat moral In tho execution ot the three Chicago loy bandits, nud It shows thnt there Is something worse for boys thnn cigarettes. It Is the dime novel that glorifies tho d coils of train robbers, bank robbers and other robbers. This may bo the Initiation ot public sonttment building for tho suppression of publishing houses thnt Issue such pernicious books. Pour legnl hangings and ono prospective banning in Illinois nnd Missouri and nlno murders arc thn Intest crop of this kind of printing. Tho criminal press becomes ns much a pnrt of the care of tho state as the criminal who performs the homicides. Tho criminal play stnged nt the theater Is also part of tho machinery that supplies gallows' fruit A censorship of publications nnd of plays Is likely to suggest Itself to the public mind, although Undo Ham's supervision of tho United States malls In somo measure serves tho purpose. This Is a freo country In which no one Is allowed to Incite to crime by public speech. Is any ono to be per mitted to Incite to crlmo by public print? Hooks sold under the naino of "The Hoy Hnndlts" or similar titles will con tinue to do their pernicious work until public authority must Interfere. Illustrated Homo Journal. John 8. (limbic, Proprietor. 217 ttlveralilo Avu. I'uriilnlii-il roomi, bar ami billiard room lu connection. Hotel iihouo .Main 11-' I HI'OKANE, WASIIINOTON 111 K llUltUNOTO.V, Wln(s, Liquors and Cigars. It. K. M Inner, proprietor. IM Alder ilrcct, bet cen 2ml and 3rd. l'hoao Main 2&W. Pri vate room. roitTI.ANl), UltKUON The Old Corner J. A. COLFIXT. Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Phone, Hood 855 Cor. I'outteenth and (Mian SU PORTLAND OKEaoN FEED CALVE8 COD-LIVER OIL, AiiIiiiiiU Make Orcnt (lulus on Till Kind of NoiirUliiiicnt. All nttempt Ih being made to substi tute cod-liver oil for the natural fat of milk lu feeding calves, according to the Philadelphia Ileconl. Milk con tains, as In generally known, all the nutrients necessary for tho full de velopment of young niilmal life. If one of theuo olemoiitH Ih removed It has to bo replaced with a substitute of like kind In order to Insure thrifty development. Huller fat and cieam, of com he. aro tho most highly prized nud valuable of dairy products and some resouieeful individual suggested that these might be extracted by press lug the whole milk through a separa tor and lliolr loss be made up to the calf by adding an equivalent amount of cod-liver oil, another fat nutrient. KxperlmeiitH have accordingly been lu progtes for some time at ono of the agricultural colleges In Yorkshire and recent reports hoom to Indicate that they aro entirely successful. Thero Is but little labor Involved. The cod liver oil and skim milk Is a cheaper food than the whole milk ami the calves appear to thrive on It During n feeding experiment embracing some 28 weeks It was found thai the average dally gain of tho calves fed on whole milk until they were weaned was 2 pounds; tboso fed on skim milk and oil and continued on an oil ration, 'J.-t pounds, while those which had been fed oil ami milk but from which the oil was subsequently withheld gained only 2.1 pounds, On slaughtering the animals no In jurious effects on the flesh could be discovered. The dally ration that ap peared to he successful was made up of five quarts of skim milk ami two ounces of cod-liver oil. Fortunately the calves do not develop that aversion to cod-liver oil which Is natural to most human beings, but, on the contrary, readily become accustomed to It. ONE PENALTY OF WEALTH. SOLDIERS SEATED WITHOUT CHAIRS. "feSssPi Star Brewery Company Iiraweri'und Iiottlen of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Oast Third and Burnsldc Sts., Port land, Oregon. Soldiers In the French army havo a drill to perfect thetn In tho art of It ting down comfortnbl without chairs. A dozen or moro men stand In a circle each facing the back of tho next in line, nt n carefully calculated dlstanco apart. At the word of command they sit down, mcIi resting on tho knees of tho man behind him. In this way, ns the accompanying picture Illustrates, the weight Is distributed around tho entire circle. Finishing for Amateurs Photo Supplies Views of Tacoma AT FRENCH-THEODORE CO. 905 Pacific Ave. Tacoma San Francisco Bakery JOHN Wh.NOE!,. Proprietor A Full Assortment of Fine Goods Always on Hand Our Bread is on Sale in Neighboring Towns Ask Your Grocer for Wendel't Bread Odcrs by Mail Receive Prompt Attention 61 J First Street Phone 3-F ludluratloit AHllcU Muuy Men Who lliiw liuuifiiMC I'ortiiiit'o. One curse of riches which, It Is said, has come to quite a largo number of Americans who have, during the past fow years, made considerable for tunes, Is Indigestion, due to what may bo termed good living, Tho sudden transition from a simple life, where hard work was required early ami late, to a llfo of luxury with but little hard work, has proved a change too gteat to be healthfully made, It Is a change which has come to many who have not during their previous llfo had to tako Into account that where phyalenl exercise dees not como with n man's dully pursuits some menus of obtaining It through out-of-door sports of a greater or less nthletle character lie essential If good health Is to be maintained, To eat and drink, iosslbIy to excess, to live luxuriously that Is. to, satisfy all one's desires without material phy sical exertion Is almost certain to be physically demoralizing and the num ber of tlioso jiot beyond the middle period of llfo who have In the last fow years acquired great wealth, who aro now under medical treatment, not no much for nervous ailments ns for what may be termini an excess of lux ury, Is said to be exceedingly large. There Is, perhaps, this compensa tion lit life, tluit tho man of moderate means, who Is compelled by tho neces stty of the case to llvo lu a reasonably simple manlier, Is more likely to enjoy better health while he lives and con. tluue on to a good old age, than Is the man who dot's not have to place the least restriction upon his expenditures nud who cannot withstand tho toiup. tutloii to consume all of tbo dalntle procurable by money. Hoston Herald, COST OF CANADA'8 CANALa l'Uioriitoti Outlay for 'Water Wuya thnt Are of Hut l.lttlo Comiuarclul Vuliie, Tor tunny years the govemmeut of tho Dominion of Canada has devoted much labor and mi enormous amount of money to tho Improvement of tho WUtOC WaVS Of till) mmlrr Whlln ' theso have undoubtedly bad their cf-nj feet lu cheapening the cost of trans-, L"XOn portallon. It Is the opinion of many that tho compeii3.iilon has senrcely Jiutllled the cost. According to the minister of rail ways aud canals, the government has already spent on canals $ 102,48 1.MB, an amount slightly In excess of the outlay authoiUcd for tho Improve ment of the Krle canal by the much larger population of .Vow York. It Is the time-honored policy of Canada to Improvo Its natural water ways and construct artificial ones. The result hns been, as Commercial Agent llamllton at Cornwall Dolnts out, the development of tho ditch seven feet wide and two and a half feet deep Into tho magnldcont artificial water way IW feet wide, with not less than fourteen feet of wuter, Slnco the confederation of Canada In 18(17 tho canals have been under oper ation by the dominion government. The total expenditure on canal staff and maintenance, repairs aud renew als for 11X)2 was JSdl.oso. Tho Cornwall canal, which over comes the Lang Sault molds, is llchr- cd and operated throughout its entlra HELENA, 9 State Street Phone 260-M MONT. 's Steam Laundry PA Rao, N. D. Best Laundry in City Work Dono on Short Notice. No Saw Edge Collars nnd Cuffr, Give us a Trial and You Will Como Again. Traveling Men's Work a Specialty Dixon's Steam Laundry Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban I.ea o Tacoma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stops) JO :10. 11 :10 a in. 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, 8:10, -1:16 (Ltd., no slops), 6:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10. 11:15 m. Leave Seattle fl SO, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops), 10:00, U :00 a m, 12 m, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no stops). 5:00. 6 :0p, 7 j00, 8 :00, 0 :09, 10 :00, 11 :15 p m. PL'YALLUP DIVISION I-oiiviiPiivnllun 5 -SO. 7!iTrt.:nn O-AA length by electricity. Arc lamps of ;! " j-'?. 3:00' -w "M 2,000 candle power nro nlaced overy o;.15' 7,,!.8,,5'.0A15 P "' 100 feet, night aieti uy ilve-horso power lectrlc motors, catldlo power nm nlncM OVfirvia:15i7:I6l8i,50:,5P '" feet i. I.k inl tLT P i iy Leave 0th and Commerco Sts.5;10, as OuS Mi9Wna. "S ClCnr by'7:00. 8:00. 10:00. 12:00a m, 1:00, 2 00 ' ., '; A" Butes nro,)0.,i3:l0.-t:W.fl:00.c'I5 7:15, 8.15, 11 15 by Uve-horso power Jectrlc m. (5:30 a m omitted Sundays) Great Falls Iron Works Engineers, Machinists and founders Special appliances made In Steel, Hrnss and iMiecinl Mixtures of Cast Iron. Heavy and Light Forglngs WorKnuuiBiiip made to order. orkinana guaranteed. Are Manufacturers' Agents for Machinery, Hollers, Engines and Wuter Wheels. Make a specialty of Stamp Shoes, Dies and Itoll Shells, which are superior in point of strength ami resistance to abrasion. JTCIlBfV nBilHSiq Hi WWII Hi a 1 r.r' ii trr-'" Ore Treating Devices (liven Special Attention Main Office and Works, 8th Ave. N., 13th to Nth Sts. GREAT FALLS - MONTANA St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Wholesale Hardware, Ship Chandlery, and Geueral Supply Store for Contractors. Agents for Rocbling's Wire Cable and Judson Dynamite & Powder Co. St. Paul 8 Tacoma Lumber Co Tacoma, Wash. I Lsi V Ml I mm l rs H(f METh.... .HSraL.... JISw HiWll I'll M THAT YOU CAN DRINK PM '"' IF YOX7 TCAXT TO - ISSWra I x&ozrGM sazd u mmmftm m drenk j) H il I I clJvlI0 ISEATTLEBREWINGl I I s irkXtmr malting co. PJEClV I SEATTIE,WASH.U.&A. I ll . I ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead - . .. Portland General Electric Co. ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOUIS ? If so, call for your ticket via the ROCK ISLAND-'FRISCO SYSTEMS J" "iSlS te"Trnal - Cntrancc Fair Grou" Round trip rate 567.50, good for ninety days from dateof sale. C , routes going: and returning wce VIA St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or El Paso Ston over permitted in both directions. StP DATES OF SALE mSL t17 ' 2' 3J Au-St 8' 9' ,0j s OnjAove dates rate of $72.50 will be made to Chicago and FoHurther information and sleeping A -rvatt.n call on HO Third St., Portland, O, "22