THIS NBTV AUKE, rOETLANDOBEQOlC. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF INTER E8TINQ ITEM8. Comment biu! Criticisms Baaed Upon the Happening of the Day Ulatorl cat and New Notes. Tho man who liurrlcs Ib frequently only spurrlnB n rocking horse. In Itussjn Hie question assumes this form: "Whnt shall wo do with our ex vlcoroys?" Spcnklrif? of current polttlcnl repar tee, how would you like to bo cnlled a cipher with the rim off? Taxes nro to be Increased In Eng land, so that tho roynl family may not huvo to dlschargo any of lto help. In tho bright and shining lexicon of political candidates, many nro boomed and few e&capo being boomerauged. If tho nvorago man eats three times as much food as ho needs what about tlio man who goes In for lobsters after tho theater? Circus elephants, being Intelligent and observant animals, probably havo found out that thcro Is a shortago In tho peanut crop this year. Evanston women proposo to try tho effect of piecework In the kitchen; yet Ilrldgct has been an expert at this ever since crockery was Invented. A book publisher declares that no first-class llctlon Is being produced these days. Let him keep his cyo on tho resolutions of tho political conven tions. Tho mother of nine children who, de serted by her husband, declares suo can take care of her family, might woll bo Uio first beneficiary of Mr. Carne gto's hero fund. A woman calls herself u good house keeper when sho wonlcs for fear If tho house burned down tho neighbors would talk about the stato In which sho left tho ruins when sho ran out Ono of tho entertaining professors says every married woman should bo a wage-earner. This might easily bo arranged. Lot every married woman bo paid $5 a week for doing her own housework. Ono of tho Jnpnneso otllccrs who woro killed at Tort Arthur has been lovntod to tho rank of war god In Japan. Btlll, comparatively fow of us would caro to )(o blown to pieces oven for that high honor. It is worth noting thnt In tho 7th year of MclJI (1874) thero broko out tho irormosan war; In the 17th tho conflict In Korea, In the 27th tho Chlna-Jopan war, ami tho present year, the .17th of MolJI, Is again disas trous to peace. Considerable alarm wos created n short time ago by tho news that somo ono had said n woman of fashion should havo at least ton now'hats each season. Tho alarm subsided when It was discovered that tho person who made tho statement was the head of tho National Milliners' Association. Ilorlln was recently connected with Copenhagen by a new International ferry. Tho boats run between Wnrno muudc, on tho Herman coast, nud GJcdcshy, on ono of tho Danish Isl ands, nud carry through trains over tho -O-inllo stretch of water between tho two points. Tho forry makes It possible for n traveler to go In nlmost n straight Hue between tho two capi tals without clmnge'of cars. When a modern steam threshing ma chine was Introduced Into tho country about Damascus It was mado In In diana the Covemor Oenernl of tho province, a field marshal of the Turk ish army and other high oflkials watched It begin Its work of super seding tho threshing methods which the country had Inherited from tho days of Abraham, Tho machluo was hi heavy that on Its way to tho fields It broke down several bridges, but was able to pull Itself out of tho streams, to tho surprise of the natives. With American maelUnery In the harvest fields, thero will soon lie two Damas cus blades where only one grew be fore Tho denial of the power of a Stoto Legislature to prohibit the uso of the national flag for advertising, on tho ground that It Is not a proper exer cise of the police power, Impliedly de nies that any question of public pol icy of tho Ktato Is Involved In such use of tho flag, or else denies that the I.oglslaturo Is tho proper authority to determine whnt such public policy Is. Though two able courts have decided that such a statute Is unconstitutional, thero seems to be, nevertheless, much reason in contending that this Is a question of public policy, which it Is tho business of tho Legislature, and not of the courts, to decide. Hut if It lie correct to hold that tho State law cannot prohibit tho use of a represen tation of the Hag In connection with advertising It does not follow that Congress might not do so. From three Important institutions of learning havo come severe complaint about tho illiteracy of tho students, their Inability to think clearly, to mako correct sentences, to spell and punctu ate. This does not mean thnt college boys are u picked class of Illiterates; they probably think as well us their contemporaries who aro not in collego, nud they probably write nud speak tho language better, Tho charge of tho older teachers seems to be thnt tho present generation of youth Is not, as a whole, up to a reasonable standard. Tho charge points to tho lower schools, remaps there is too much "nature study" and "physical culture," too much painting and pasting of bits of colored puper. Certainly there is not enough reading aloud, spelling aloud, and committing to momory thoughts worth thinking. Tho boy who Icarus by heart Webster's Hunker Hill oru tlou, speaks It aloud with proper em phasis, nud can spell every word In It, Is getting tho right kind of education. And .when ho goes to college, his in structors will not find in him cause to blnmo the lower schools. rTYin TCnw Ynrlr Wnrlfl urrrnm nArnnti to censo burdening boy babies with I tho names of famous men. The thing has been ovcrdono. When William Dean llowclls Green faces the pollco Judgo on a chargo of chicken stealing, and Henry Cabot Lodge Jones goes to tho calaboose for wife beating, thcro docs scorn to bo something out 6f whack with tho eternal fitness of things. In Uio near futuro it would bo possible to orgnnlzo regiments of William Jennings lirynns and Theo dore Itoosevelts, with n company or two of Grovcr Clovelnnds In tho pro cession. Thero Is another sldo to It. Gront men nro but men, nfter all. Up to the day of their death It is posslblo for them to clothe their names with shnme. They may becomo as Infa mous as they formerly were famous. Thcro Is history for this statement. Then what Is to be done for the lad who wears a name that has becomo of fensive In tho cars of tho people? In directly he Is bound to pay n pennlty for the sins of another. Thero can bo no objection to using tho name of ono I Who has won glory and died; but to copy tho names of tho living Is, at best, a hazard. It is certainly duo to babies thnt their names shall never bo a handicap. They havo n hard enough tlmo getting through llfo nt best Secretary Dike, of the .National Lcaguo for the Protection of tho Fam ily, lias supplied a now summary of tho reosons for uniformity of divorce laws throughout all tho States, nud uniformity Is to be gained, ho con tends, by concerted action of tho sev eral States, not by nntlonal legislation. Congress cannot pass a divorce law un til tho federal constitution has been amended, and amendment to tho fed eral constitution Is next to the Impossi ble. Nearly 15 years ago a commltteo of tho American liar Association de clared that n constitutional amend ment was out of tho question. Tho Into Prof. Thayer, of tho Hnrvurd Law School, used to say that this country would never get another constitutional amendment on any question, so grent aro tho dllllctiltles In tho way. Cer tainly somo great crisis must arise which will arouso the feeling of tho people, moro than any mere moral question ever can, beforo another amondment can bo secured. Through out tho South thero Is unalterable op position to any further transfer of power from tho States to the national government. It mny nlso he ndded that thero Is less need In tho South of laws to restrict divorces than In any other part of tho country. Besides, thero ap pears no good reason why the national government should do for tho States what tho States can, If they will, bet ter do for themselves. Tho States havo no dllllculty In getting together on uni form laws relating to money nffalrs; so it would seem thcro Is no lusuner- nblo obstaclo to their getting together on n vital question or morals, much tho soveral States ran agree to pro tect tho banks, tho way Is open to an agreement to protect tho homes. Tho courtB of Delaware, according, to Mr. Dike, nro forbidden to entertain a suit for dlvorco for any catiso arising prior to tho resldeneo of tho petitioner in that State unless It were nlso a ground for divorce In tho State where it arose. The adoption of a similar law In all tho States would effectually end tho migrations for divorce. It would put an end to tho rivalry for dlvorco fees between tint Stntes which Induces so much of tho liberality of tho laws. Hut, nfter nil, public opinion Is tho great power that not only can rentier divorce odious, but Inlluenco laws against it. Mr. Dlko calls upon tho churches to get together. That would bo u good example to tho States. OLD EGYPTIAN LANQUAQEa l'ortlicomlitK Dictionary Compiled by llerllu Acnttciny of Hclcncca. A brief dispatch from Hurlln conveys Intelligence which will thrill the heart of every scholar. It announces tho near completion of Professor Krmnn's monumental "Dictionary of tho An cient Kgyptlan Languages," u work en dowed by tlio Kaiser, compiled by tho Horlln Academy of Sciences and aided In no small degree by tlio best Ameri can erudition. Professor Kruittu, tho editor, Is easily tho foremost Kgyptolo gist of the world, though ho has tolled In n Held wherein there has been friendly contention for many years among the scholars of Primer, En gland, (Jernumy, Italy and America, says tlio Philadelphia Ledger. Tho oldest records of the Kgyptlan language date back to about II. O. 4000 and It dltt not tile out as a tongue until about three centuries ago. Pro fessor Krinatt's great book will, of course, embrace Its long history and tho many changes it underwent. In one of his own published mono graphs on the subject he shows how tho language of tho old Kgyptlan em pire wits no moro Intelligible to nil Kgyptlan of the nineteenth dynasty, for example, than lntlu would be to tho nverago Italian of tho present day, Ixmg after old Kgyptlan, the classical tongue of tho old empire, had censed to be spoken, It led an artlllclal life as a learned language, playing much tho same part ns Latin played In medieval Kurope, and was regularly employed for religious and monumental purposes down to tho Itomnii period. Then fol lowed tho middle Kgyptlan, represent ing tin Intermediate stage between tho language of tho old nud tlte new em pire. In it most of the old forms and In flections are retained, but some of tho peculiarities of the later speech mako their appearance, tills being tho Neo Kgyptlan or popular language itbotit It. 0. lfiOO-1000. It Is represented by a number of papyri containing tales, poems, letters nud legal documents. Prom about H. 0. 700 to the Christian era tho language of the Kgyptlan peo ple was the demotic, about which com paratively little Is known; and it wits succeeded by the language of Christian Kgypt, or Coptic, written In u modifica tion of the (Ireek alphabet with tlio addition of characters derived from tho demotic As a spoken language It per ished about 800 years ago, but is still employed In the ritual of tho Coptic church. Getting married is n serious busi ness; but many people are willing to risk it. I SPOKANE t ' X m J. D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embalming and shipping a specialty 810 Illverslde Are Tel, Main CSI BfOKANK WA8II Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Galled for and Deliv ered to Any Part of the City Phone Main 266. 911 Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON D. K. McDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Loans Write for price list or farms. Hoomso,7ana. Wolrerton Mock, cor. Itlrerslde aud Mill. SPOKANE, - - WASH. THE WARWICK TURF EXCHANQE. Telephone Main Ml. RvO Itlrenlde Ave.,Bpa keine, Tool mild on alt Chicago and Now York races, as well as all big ereni. Special wire on nil nportlriK eTcntx. Out of town commla lona from responsible partita received by tele phone or telegraph and placed Immediately. The Warwick Bar and drill - Always In the lead In the matter ol lunch eons, ahort orderi and wot g oodi. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. ' 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WAIH. . WW,'.fi Wholesale and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENGFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. II Howard Street i Factory S. 207 to 213 Wuhlngton Street Phone Main 306 We ship everywhere and anywhere Spokane Bakery Oo. B. L. GORDON & COMPANY WHOLE6ALB QROCI3R SPOKANE, - - WASH. COKNtik MILL AND B. R. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nisliings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main x8oo 508 Riverside Ave, Spokane, Wash, f IDAHO ADVERTISING $ Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage Phone. 71 tojMslnSt. BOISlt, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WIIOLrKSAUJ AND RETAIL Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lnct Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. -Telephone 821, I. O. O. F. Building, E. Main St LEWISTON, IDAHO The Raymond Lewiston, Idaho Ii being Improved" In every wy possible. The leading hotel in the city. Commercial trade our spe cialty, BDRDICK BROS. rrf ritUM 1 1 I IDAHO ADVERTISING! THE CABU allOCEHY, ....... , T. Roland, Proprietor Etanlsand Fsncr flrnceriei, WlnM and Liquors lor family Uso. ton North Twelfth St., cor. Kearney rhotie Hood 314 1'ortTUttD, Oa OTATK BANK OP IDAHO, ivolser, Ualio. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward Bhatmrsld, President. Chaa. J. Seliryn, Cashier Also has a branch nt Csmbrldge, Idaho. The l'oopU's Dank. Solicits ) our business. DtlUNZELL'S UXC1IA.VC1H J. m. nnuNzr.LL it co., rrop. Choicest Qualities ot Winn, Liquor and GgMi A First Class Itesort NAMPA 1DA1IC E. K. SMITH J. 0. BMITU COSMOPOLITAN- BAR smith Bum., 1'ropi. Fine Wluti, Liquors and Cigars. Opp. New Depot. MAMPA, IDAHO 0. W, Ifooro, Prci. (loo. F. Rod way, Cashier Peter Bonna, V-Pref, It. P. McAfee, Ant. " First National bank OF IDAHO CAPITAL STOCK 1100,000 8URPI.Ua awn 1'ltOflXa 110,000 DIRECTORS Prrsa Bosma ,- C. W. Moons Cimklm IlmaoD Ijcomasd Loam U. E. McCAltTT . DOISO, IDAHO BAM OF NAMPA, Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.0. Established 1M9. Dower Palace Hotel Bld'g. FRED 0. MOCK, President F. J. CONROY, VIce-PreMdent C. It. 1I1CKKY, Caibter FRANK JENKINSO.V, An't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer I Storage Go. 11. M. Dell Diono A-10 Ind. Phone in Light and heavy haullag. Con signments of freight left ia our charge will receive prompt atten tion. Storage at reasonable rata. See that you give your baggage to Boise Transfer 2 Storage Go. South Tenth Street. J. ItOSENIiUltO ARUHUKA.COHN Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Fort 11 U Whiskey Smoke Seuator ShoUp Cfgsrs J.A.Murray. freilJent. D. W. St.nJroJ, Vice I'rc.Uent Win, A. Anthes, Cashier I.N. Anthes, A.t. Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pocutollo, liliiho. POCATELLO, IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Watches, Diamonds. Silverware and Novelties. Wutchmakor "nil Jeweler. Watch Inspector 0. 8. L. it. It., Poca tello, Idaho. Tino Watch Repairing a Sieejalty. Kyt i Tested Free. POCATIJLLO, IDAHO Mai lory & Lydon Livery, Feed aud Sale Stable C and Fourth Sts. Lewiston, Idaho Call. Antwcrcd U.y or.MtjIit rhonej7 White Front Livery AND CAB STABLKS Blun.rJ, Fountain ek, Tropra, LI5WIST0N, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 2041 C. II. Schroeder, Manager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day wheu ordered. NORTH YAKIMA i I VT011TH YAKIMA FURNITURE CO. Ruge, Carpctd, Draperies, Iron Beda, Wall Taper, Etc. Funeral Directing and Embalming-. I'hono48l: Night I'hono 691. 123 Yakima Atenuo. North Yakima, Wah YakSma Stables II. L. TUCICCR, Prop. Ft'no Turnouts at Short Notice Tot. 22. Cor. Front end A Sim. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY II. Q. WEINHTEIN COMPANY. Manufacturers of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Ynklma, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. StfS.) Capital Stock. $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profit, $5 J, 569. J 7 Statement at Cloia of Duilnen, Sept. 15, 190 W. U. I.ADI), rrr,ldent. C1IA8. CAlU'ENTEtt, VIM Pree. W. U HTKINWEO, Cuhlcr. A. IS. CLINK, Asit Caihler READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orclern returned samo day. Domestic finish or uloss. No raw cdgcH on collars or cuffs. Get acquainted with our methods. Our Laundry Work Is the Comfortable Fltable, Wearing Kind. LAUNDRY AND OPTICn FIRST AND A STRBIiTS, 'l'taont M. North Yakima, Waih It South Second t. Reddonco 70 N. 4th It E, L. SESSIONS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. .Complete lint of burial caiei, catkiti, robae, ulu, wrapper and ihoei. Embalming aud ihlptn( of bodice a ipeclal r- Thone 523. North Yaldnu, Vaah. J I ELLENSBURG j -ITT C. WENTWORTH. N. P. LUNCH ROOM. Kllemburg, Washington. All Trains Stay. 10 Minutes for Lunch TCTLLKNSDURO BTKAM LAUNDRY. BIIAT8WKU. A HAVEN. I'atronli a Home Induitrj. Uoode Called for and Deltrered TELEPHONE RED 151. J. U. SMITIISOK, r-reildent. C. II. STEWART, Vice TroiMent. U. W. JOUN30NE, Caihler WASHINGTON STATE UK ELLEHSBURQ, WASH. DIRECTORS. Jacob Furth. C. J. Lord. J. II, bnlthaoo, C. II. Stewart. Joe. 8torenan. C.W.Jobntone pAFE ANN OAKERY. Telephone 131 HUOH HAMILTON. Birthday and Wedding Cakei arttttlealljr ornameuted. 509 to 577 Twelfth Street. Bet. Jefferson and CUr Sts. Oakland, Cal, PEOPLES EXPRESS CO. 412-418 Ninth Street, Oakland. Cal. Phone Main 325. No extra charge for checking baggage at hotels and residences. uur agents are on tnc trains, aiso an agent at Sixteenth St. Station. All baggage delivered promptly, Mesmer Smith Co. 1118.26 Washiagtoa St., Oakland. Headquarter (or Men's Underwear, Hats, Overshlrts, Neckwear, Etc. Footwear for All. nVTH-k TDRATMRMT ANn rtwn ilnHonl ilvortieiniT PRICE ONLY, I ItX RAIL AND VTATEK, mmm OREGON Shoit line and union Pacific THREE TRAINS to tho EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard ana Tourist i1cetiltiKcnrrdalljrtoOmaha,i;hlcago,8pokKtioi Tourist slreplng cars dally to Kansas City; Through Pullman Tourist sleeping cam (per sonally conducted! wrokly to Chlrngo, Kansas City, bt. Louis and Memphis) reclining chair cars (teats tree) to tho East dally. TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Ot. DirABT AkRIVI Chicago rnrtland Special 1:20 a. m. via Huntington. Ealt lAke, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louls.Chtcagoand East. 4:30 p.m. AtUntlo Express till p.m. via Huntington. Bt. Paul Fast Mall. 10:30 a.m. Et. Paul Fast Mali e;Wp. m.' Tla Bpoksne AtUntlo Express. 7:Ua.m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE MIOM l'OUTLAMU. I XX) p.M. All tailing dates subject to change fer Ban Francisco Call etery A daya e;C0p,tB, Daily, Kx.Hunday S'.uuc.m. Saturday lu:w p. in. Ctlumkll Rlrtr itismtri. To Astoria and Way Landings. 8.00 p.m. Kz. Sunday e:4sa.m. lion., Wed. andFrl. Vfllltmtlle Rlttr. Salem. Indonen. 3:80 p. m. Tues., Thu., Bat. dence, Corvallls and waylaudlngs. 7:00 a.m. Tuts.. Thur. aud Bab Yimhlll Rlttr. 4:1)0 p.m. Hon.. Wed. and FrL Oregon City, Darton auu wayiauuiugs. Lr. Rtparla 4:06 a. m. Dally except Saturday Sntkt RUer. Rlparla ta Lawlston Lv.Lewlston S:00 a. m. Dally except Friday. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or C. YY. BT1NOKR, City Ticket Agent, Third aud Washington Streets. THE SIGN OF THE BEST OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 3 3 The North Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In fact nn tip-to-Jnto train, and tlio beauty of It all in tlio fiu't that It does not cost you any more to trawl on this train than it tloou on any other. Try it and your verdict will is tho Crack Train of Them All A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Qeneral Passenger Agent, 353 morrison at., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. SHORTEST QUICKEST aRpE323t ffi k The .hortcat lino is not always the quickest-nor is tlte quickest lino always tlio shortest. TholtolingioiiHoutotoiho Southeast is both. It is shorter AND quicker than any other line from the Northwest to Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, and EYEUYWHEKE beyond. Tho sfTll!''"8 " U i8thi8! You don't change cars. Tho St. Louis Special runs through to Kansas City without change. Only ono change to Omaha, Denver and St. Louis. 8 !'' SnJ lD'00."omce.o( connect- ffMHMH HHI R. OO Third nv RAIL ANDWATKK. ASIORM&COLM n RIVER RAILROAD CO. I hmw Ti WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS IIGTWKEN Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves UNtON DEI'OT Arrives. Dally 8:00 a.m. or junrger. itain. Icr, (,'luis lean lo WiBllmrt. Cllflnn. Daily. 11:10 a. m. Astoria, nnrrcn ton. I'lnvcl. (lour hart Turk and Sea side. Astoria A Fcnshore Kxjiress Dally. Astoria Kxpress Dally. 7iC0p. m. 9:10 p. m. C. A. BTKWA ItT, J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Agt., 218 Alder Rt (I. V. Al'.A. Tclophone Main 000. D KLiailTFUL KOUTE AYLIOIIT HIDK I.ZY CUAGS EEt CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY 1 Sec Nature, in nit hur glorious beauty, and then tlio nemo of man'M handiwork. Tho llret la found nloiiK tho lino of tho Denver & ltlo Grande Railroad, tho latter at tho St. Louin World's Fair. Your trip will bo ono of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illustrated literature write W. C. McBRIDE, Ocncral Agent PORTLAND, OREGON uAs the Crow Flies" .The shortest lino between Mln nenpollH. St. Fatil aud Chicago is the route of tho fatuous North western Limited The Trnln for Comfort" Every night in the year Hc(oro starting on trip no matter where wrlto for liiterestliifr Inform. tlou about comfortable travcllliK. II. L.HISI,KIt. (Icn'l Agent, 1JJ Third Htreet, i'ortland, Oregon. T W.TKASIIALK, (lenoral I'nMenger Agent, St. l'aul, Minn. Ask the Agent for T I C K B T aS. VIA To Spokane, St. Pair , Minneapolis, Dulutlu Clt cago, St. Louis and All Points Oast and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY y The Flyer and the Fast Mail Jmf Splendid Servico Up-to-date Equipment Cotirteou Employes Daylight trip aeross tlio Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders and full infor mation call on or nddress M. DICKSON, C. T. A. ill Third Street, PORTLAND s. a. YERKES, a. W. P. A. OIS I trst Avenue, SEATTLE, WASH. AND W. FOSTER, TICKET AQENT. strt, PORTLAND dV ; x