SSfSSSSSSSBSB. -" ' .A-i,xeV)i'vrftwivirTTS!5!?55 i j JiWK-O? (tX. S6c 4&-1 The New Age. i. : a - j J,l 1 -'wvJterf -"" Vt;raT ;-... i' T T .':'. "'- - ('- i 'i ' ft . ' TV '- --- TOL. IX. POKTI.AND, OKEGON, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 11)04. NO. 9. tMf-- C dj(L . j S.W LADD TILTOIM, K'Ubll-had. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made At all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issue Tmllable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Wash Inn ton, Chicago, St. Louis, Deliver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points iu Ore f on, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. BAINK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. oprtOKUHi n. F. OMEN, Preildont: M. AI.KXANDKIt, Vice President; II. N. COP- FIN, Cashlors J. M. HAINES, AniMAtit Oanliler. DIUKUlOltst ltolt. Nobto, Tho. Iuvl, II. P. Olden, J. St. Italnci, J. K. Yatc, J. II. Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alexander, K. Jt. Collin. Accounts of Banka. Flrtnm, Oarparatlonm and Individuals Rttcolvad en tho Most Littoral Terms Conmlmtant With Sound Banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Wnlln, Washington. (I'lral National lloiik In tho Stnto.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL (100,000. BUJU'I.US HOO.WO. 1JCVI ANKKNY, President. -A. II. REYNOLDS. Vlco Prc-ldcnl. A. It. IlUItFOItl), Caihlcr Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTS, Capital Undtr state supervision. Five per cent munuy so loan F. AUO. HEIMIE. Prmsldsnt CEO. D. rLLIS, Proa J. O. PEMdE, Vlco Pros. CAPITAL STATE ' Llmltad Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited. BOISE, , THE PUGB.T SOUND NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE JACOIl FUIITH, Preildont. J. 8. C10I.DHM1TH, Vlco I'ro-ldent. It. V. ANKIINY, Cashlor. Capital Paid Up, $300,000. Corrennondenti In all tho principal cities of tho Uultod'Ktalcs anil Europe, (lold duat bought. DritftH lamed on Alaiika and Yukon Territory. J. W. SMITH, Preildcnt L. II. MANNA, Vice ('resident S. S. LYON, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BAINK Of Fnrgo, North Dulcotu f RBSOUIJCE8 1 Loans and DWcuunu, $ PI2.7ll.St V. B. Honda at par DanLliiK Ilontc, Cash and Due from Danks, 40,000.00 J34.74J.6S 11,007,1(1.) W STATES UNITED UNITED STATES OF PORTLAND, OREGON. C. AIN8W0HTH, rmlilent. W. II. AYKH, Vlco-Pre-ldcnt. : A. .m. iviiiimi, TriinKartORcnoral banklnK lai-lnem. Draft Unuod, available In all clllonol tho United States and EuroiHi, IIouk Kong nnd Manila. Collections nmdo on favorable lonni. NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AMD OAK STREETS. Fidelity Trust Compa Bank rail Up Capital $300,0:0. Doe General Hanking limine!. Bating! Department. Interest Credited Seml-Amiuutly, OIIN C. AIN3W0RTH. TreMdent A. O. PRICIMRD, Caihler OIIN S. IIAKHU. Vice I'reildciit 1'. I'. II hKKI.I.. IK., Attt. Cathler '. C. KAUI'I'MA.S, id Vice I'retldent CItOKOIt IIKOWNK. fiecretaiy DIRKCTOK3 Jolin C. Almworth.T. I) Wllace, John 8 Daker, Henry Hewitt, P. C. Kauflman and Rcurge llruwiir. First National Bank of Seattle SI'KCIAL ATTENTION GIVKN TO COLLECTIONS ON 1 SRATTLK AND TOINTS IN VACIl'IC NORTHWEST LKSTHIl TtlRNHK. Prtild'nt CIIAB. P. M STI5RHON. Canhler M McMICKIiN, Vice I'reaident K. H. I'AKIIIIUKbl', Ant. Caililer DIRUCTORS- tetter Turner, M. McMlcken. S. G. filmpton, W. O. llofiui. J, II. McGraw. Cbai. V. Maiteraon Alc Vour Dealer- for GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS the boHt tlint enn bo imiUu of rubber Goodyear Rubber Company P. II. PBASU, Pretldent. 73 and 75 front Street. POUTLAND, OKUOON. KMTAIII.InllKI) lHftl. AUUEIN & LEWIS. Shipping- Ss Commission Merchants WHOLESALK OROCGRS. To tavo tlmo addrots all cominunlcatlona to the company. . No. 46 to S Iron. St. North, PORTLAND. OR0UON. W. V. KWTTWNUACII. I'rcjldent J. AI.UXANOKR, Vice I'rea. CHAS. II. KK8THR, Cahler LEWISTON NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $135,000 LEWISTON, IDAHO D1RKCTORS-W. F. Kettenbach. Grace n. rfafflln. R. C. Beach, J. Alexander, C. C. Bunnell. J. II. Morrla, Geo. II. Kcstcr, ' GREAT FALLS NATIONAL BANK OF GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital and Surplus, $150,000. Undivided Profits, $48,000 Old, Reliable, Conservative. "WE ENDEAY0R TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS IN EVERY WAY. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS Send Your Washington, Idaho and Montana Business to the OLD INATIOINAU BAINK Spokane Washington J. S. ALMAS, Paalnonf ROBERT T. F. SMITH, Oamhlor THE SECURITY Of Havre, Montana We lollctt your account and extend accommodation! to our cuitomeri in keeping; with their balances. THE CONRAD NATIONAL BANK "'tfjjffiJt1- Capital and Smcurltlea, tSSO,000.00 W, O, CONRAD i'retldent J. II. EnWAIlPB Vice President ALSO KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANY OhoJce Lots In Kallaaoll, tho County Seat ol the Famous Flathoatl County. PORTLAND OREGON in 1889. LIMITED. . MONTANA $106,000.00 interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposits an no.ii neiaio A. B. CLEMENTS, O ashlar H. E. MEAL, Oauhlor FAYD. YOUMO, Aaal Uash'r BANK OF IDAHO IDAHO LIAUILITIES Capital Stock, Huriilii", Undivided I'roflta, Circulation, Deposits, 1),(40.00 fjO.uoo.W) 4,tlH1.'iii 110,(100(111 1, 25 J, 406.79 I,0j7,I8U.VV DEPOSITORY NATIONAL . BANK It. W. ECIISIEElt, Outlier Aumaiii L'ainior, INUOKl'OUATKli 1H07. WALLACE E. CHASE. Vlco Proml Jonf A. S CHASE, art. Oaahlor STATE BANK II, W, DICKKV Caihler A.N.TOBIE Ant Caihler BANKERS EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of tho Import ant Happening of the Post Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Tho Methodist lino ndjourncd. general conforenco Tho JnpancBohavo captured tho Rus sian stronghold of Klncou. Ten Pennsylvania miners wcro suffo cated by fumes of gna in a tunnel. Leo M. Travis, a ynnng Eugene attor ney, luiB been arrested 011 11 charge of pension frauds. An Auburn, Cnlilnrnla, bank has been robbed by a disguised man during business hours. Riots, in which tho Jaws nro boing povoroly maltreated, aro of daily occur rence in ItUEsia. Viceroy Aloxluff insists that Kuro patkin fight instead of retreating to Harbin. Tho latter claims ho has not men enough. j Inspectora recommend that Superin tendent Potter, of tho Chcninwn Indian school, be retained, but repremanded for lax methods. I A detachment of 16,000 men, think ing that I'"eng Wang Cheng had hewn abandoned by tho Japanese, advanced on tho town but were aiirprlapd by 30, 000 of tho mlkado'fl men. Tho Rus sians lost 4,000 killed and over 1.000 prisoners. Cholera la causing many deaths in tho Japancso rnnlrs. Rtisisa has again demanded that China withdraw troops oast of tho gteat wall. Franco has decided to present tho London. May S8.61r Jnliii MeDon- dispute with tho Vatican to tho chain- yAT, '.f'ftL 'm'' " u-i,i,,ii. I Greut Britain on questions of interna- bor of deputies. Uonn, ,uw n nn' !ntervluw r,.yftrdiK Jamca J. Hill advoratcs an export the sowing of mines in tho open sea by bounty as a means of building up tho Hunsians, today Bai,d: merchant marine "I thnk with our Imperfect knowl- A Jealous Taris woman throw vitrol "W ol iho ,,u:lH; U mlt I'rpmaturo at her husband in a cafo and severely oxl,,rc''fl ?n l,,n,0,P nfl, t0 ,wl,,Mt h,lH burned 21 people. 1 1,ce ono RnlnB in the wat- I ors adjacent to Tort Arthur. Iain re- Tho Presbytorian committee lias uctant to bellevo that tliov have re urged tho general convention to aid sorted to an expedient so wus'teful, and weak colleges in tho West. nltogother unrvrtaiir'hi its MfeetB, of A number of Heattlo buildings havo 'Bowing or scattrriiijt.rnines in the wat- h.on rnrtrol fiv tl. Imrlnif nf tho fliut 0" of tho terrltotial tfinO. Northern tunnel unrior tliu city. Tho Methodist Kvnornl conference nt Los AngulcH lias elected nil tho lilslionti nnd tun editors for church papers. The Baptist general convention line plnced itcelf on record nn favoring n uniform divorce law for nil Protestant denominations. Fire nt Kelso, 'Wnch.. dcBtrnyed n sliinglo dryliouso cnntninlntr five mil lion tlilngles nnd tho Kellogg ware houso and contents. Tho Itusslnna mo preparing to retrent into Lino Yang. Hectctnry Moody is 111. His nil ment is not serious. Tho rnngo war in Eastern Oregon has broken out afresh. Tho warships Oregon nnd Alexnndor liavo nrrived nt Hong Kong Firo nt Newport, Arknnsaa, destroyed 1 100,00(1 worth of properly. Doth ItiiFsIn nnd Japan,' havo agents busy trying to purchnso'stenm trans ports. Cholera is snid to have brnkon out among tho Jupanem troops and there is nn nvorngu of 100 deaths daily. Two thnuennd pounds of opium, woith $1)0,000, have been poized by United Mutes pecret oflleers nt Seattle. One arrest linn been made and others will follow. A third nrmy is being mobilized by thu Jupanosu. A change in the Jap nnes? plan, arising from the naval dis nstcrrt, involves tho utilizing of tho second army for tho reduction o' Port Arthur nnd therefore the first nrmy is entrenching nt Feng Wnng Cheng. A plot to wreck n train on which tho cznr was traveling wns ntni ly success ful. Tho internnl revenuo receipta for April were 1 577,7-10 less than for April. 1003. Tho government will wnd only tho beet of its exhibit nt St. Louis to tho 1005 (ail. Tho Ilussinns nro reported to havo blown up tho cruiser lJog.tyr to pre ven( capture by the Japanese. Estimates of tiie damage caused by the flood in the Cache la I'oud re valley, Colorado, run from $1,000,000 up. Several thousnnd bacilli taken from plague sufferers in India have been lost somewhere between St. Paul nnd Chi cago. France has ordered her nmbaBsndor to the vatienn to take n vacation as a protest against the n te regarding tho visit of President Lou bet. Peattle'e mayoi J receiving numer ous threatening letters 'on account of having cloeed down gambling. A daily newspaper is to bo published on tho steamers of tho Cunard line. Telegraph service will jo furnished by tho wireless system and news will be rpecived from both aides of tho At lantic. Tho National Editorial association will visit Portland duiing the 1005 fair. OUT OP DOMAIN. Plnchot Recommenis Two More Reserves In Eastern Oregon. Washington, May 28. Chief Fores ter rinchot haB recommended the crea tion of the Bluo mountain and Mattrv mountnin reserves in Eastern Oregon In tho former it is recommended that about 3,000,000 acres be embodied; in tho latter something over 00,000 acres In tho center of Crook county. Al though Forester rinchot most urgently recommends tho creation of tho Blue mountain reBervo, it Is not probable that tho president will issue a proc lamation crenting this reserve for Bono time to come. I'inchot'a recommenda tion lina been referred to Iind Com missioner Kichards, in wIiobo olll e thcio nro numerous protests against the ctentiou of tho reserve. Ilia records also cuntaitw iniormaiion lending to show nttcmntB have been nindo by vari ous persons to securu lauds within the j proposed reserve, with n viow to having I them converted into a basu for lieu se lections. Tho forestry bureau has, Imwever, carefully examined each I minor subdivision, and as far aa practi cal lino drawn thu reserve limits bo ub to exclude private holdings. Commissioner Richards will mako a I personal investigation to mo if it 1b practicable to ellmlnato additional pri vate holdings. Ho is determined that I this reserve, when created, shall gen I ointu as littlo lieu baso as possible, and will only consent to the inclusion within thu reserve of private hinds shown to bo hold by bona fldo settlers j who intend to remain there. This ex haustive examination will consume sev eral weeks', possibly months. On thu other hand, early action is looked for on tho Maury mountain rec ommendation ot rinchot. This pro posed rtuurvo la a clonr cut proposition, with practically all privnto lauds elim inated. NEUTRALS FEAR 10 COMPLAIN. It May Oe tp Their Advantage to Plant Mine In the Future. "Every belllgernnt is free, I tnko it, to destroy his opponent's vessels wher ever they may bo found, by all rtis tomary menus, including thu uco of mines If in attempts to destroy tho enomy'a work ho accidentally destroys neutral property, ho would, of couro, bo liablo for damages. Of course, if mines nro scattered brnndenst nu thu high sens, neutrals might comi'lain with justice, nnd I think it would not avail bellfgerantn to nrguo that they had given notice of their intention to mako certain waters impnsenblo. "Neutrals, however, nre no longer united to nrrest encroachments of bel ligernntH. Now that many powers have largo navies, nnd nro looking for wnrd to tho timo when they will bo supremo on tho sens, thoy hesitate to condemn acts to which in thu past thoy would havo severely objected, becnuso, ns they say, 'Who knows hnw soon it may bo to our intorenasholllgerants to do tho very nets which ns neutrals wo todny euffor from.' " JAPANESD 2irK MORO SHIPS. Alcxlcff Reports Attempt to Block Port Arthur Ko.ditead St. Petersburg, May 28. Tho fol lowing dispatch from Viceroy Alcxlcff, has Ihh'ii received by the emperor: "Reports from Hear Admirals Witt soet and Grigorovitsh today stnto that thu enemy Ixhnbarded from In-Geutsl bay, on the west coast of thu Kwang tung peninsula, about 13 nillcH north of Pnrt Arthur, with gunboats " Tho viceroy's dl-paich doca not givo tho date of the homhurdmout. "On tho night following tho Japan cso attempted to blockmlo thu roadstead of Pnit Arthur with mines, nnd from ehoru observations it is believed that some steam launches nnd two torpedo boats weru sunk." Russians .Stubbornly Resist. Chefoo, Mny 28. A Junk which loft Dnlnv on tho nit'lit of Mnv I'll, and which arrived hero today, reports that thu Japancso army had then reached Sansuripo. which is north of Dalny, and southwest of Naugnliou. Tic Russians offered a stubborn ro eistanco to thu advance of thu Japancso, and a buttle wits fought at noon, May 22, nt Sansuripo. Thu result of thu battlo was not learned by the bearers of the news. The advance of tho Jap ancso Indicates that they have recovered from the reported ru verso at Kinchau. Remain on the Defensive. London, May 28. Tho Standard's correspondent nt thu headquarters of thu Japanese llrt army, under datu of May 23, cays there is no chango in tho situation. Thu Russians seem to bu perfectly content to remain on the de fensive, and are vigorously strengthen ing their position, with Llao Yung aa tne liaso. iney nre a littlo moto active, however, northeast of Feng Wang Cheng, where tho patrols of both armies arc in touch almost daily. Black Fleet Making Ready for War, New York. May 28. Intelligence has been received from 8t, Petersburg, according to a Times dispatch from Vienna, that 14 vessels of the lilack Sea fleet aro being mobilized nnd placed in readiness for service. VAZ00 IS IN ASHES ENTIRE BUSINESS SECTION OP MIS- SISSIPPI CITY LAID WASTE. Fire Rased From Early nornlnr; Until Mint, Water Supply Oelng; Inadequate-Loss Is Estimated at From $1,0(10,000 to $2,00O,000-Over Two Hundred Uulldlnga are Uurncd. Jnckon, Mlsa., May 27. Firo In Ynzoo City today destroyed uverr bus! mas houeo of any importance, together with n largo number of privnto resi dences, thu principal hotel nnd thu pas senger station. Tho flru started nt 8:30 this morn ing, nnd burned until 5 o'clock this af ternoon, destroying 200 buildings. The burned distirct is three blocks wide nnd 12 blocks long. Thu estlnintcs of tho loss nro between $1,000,000 and $2,0011,000. Thu water supply wns Inndequnto nml eUorts to 8 1 ay thu Humes weru fu tile. A citizen named Chnmbllsli wns killed by falling walls nnd Mayor Holmes wns euvoroly hurt, his con dition tonight bolng reported ns pre carious. In tho nfternnnn tho firo sprrnd to Lntonin, a realdenco district, whero it deftriiyed soiuu of thu finest homes. Thu Ynzoo county courthouse nnd thu Kicks momorial library escaped des truction, nnd thu vaults of the banks and thu postolllcu protected their treas ures. Ynzoo City Is -10 miles distant from Jackson, nnd has 0,000 inhabitants. Some Put Loas nt $.3,000,000. Jnckson, Miss, Mny 27. It 1b im possible tonight to plncu nn accurate en timatu upon thu Iops emailed by thu fire, but it is thought that thu total will bu betwoen$2,0(l0.000 nnd $2,600. Oi'O. Snmu estimates nru oven ns high ns $3,000,000. Thu total insurance Is between $800,00U and $1,000,000. WILL L-XI'LOHB LAKU COUNTY. Surveyors are to Learn Possibilities for Irrigation. Washington, Mny 27. At tho ro quest of Senator Mitchell, u reconnnls nucu pnrty will proceed Intu in June to maku an Investigation nf thu central part of Lake county, Oregon, with a view to ascertaining whether theru is n fcnenblu location for thu construction of a lartru irrigation work by thu gov eminent. Senator Mitchell describes this district ns having n lino climate, where nil cerenls, fruits and vegetables that nru cultivated in any pnrt of Ore gon grow abundantly, iynd whero theru is a largo body of lino agricultural land. Tliu Ohenufcan river, Which Hows through this H-rtion, is reported to furnixh an amnio supply of water for reclamation of nearly, if notqultu nil, tlieto lands. It has been reported to Senator Mitchell that reservoir sites can bu secured to hold flood waters at different points along thu utrenin. As Lnku County Iiih contributed largely to thu arid land fund, citizens of that dis trict aru exceedingly anxious that this pmjtct shall receive early considera tion. FINDS NO pftAUI). Jury In the Postofllce Cn.e Clears Ty ncr and Barrett Washington, May 27. Within 22 minutes of thu retirement of thu jury iu the catu of James N. Tyuur and Hiirrl-ou J. llarrett, tried on 'charges of conspiracy in connection with their duties as law olllcors of thu Postoflicu Department, a verdict of nut guilty was rotiirned. Thu throng which filled tliu courtroom throughout thu aigu mollis t" thu jury hardly had I lino to leave thu building buforu thu jury was back and thu foreman announced that a erdlet had been n ached. General Tyner appeared greatly ex cited as lie attempted to fact) thu jury, and when thu verdict was returned, ho broke down completely. Hivoial of tho jurors wept with him, and all of them shook bauds with him. Thu Tynor llarrett cumi was begun on May 2 and bus been beforo thu cuurt 10 full days. (ula to Orcntly Imlarge Navy. St. Petersburg, May 27. Despite thu fact that thu details aru being kept hecr.-t, it has been learned that thu hit-et-t Russian naval prog-am is of thu most extenslvu ever planned by thu na tion. I ho special committee recently appointed by tho has given orders lor tliu immtMiiuiu laying onwu oi an uutisiiully largo number of vessels of every typo, including many sub marines. A number of vessels nro daily boing maneuvered outside of KroiiHtudt, paying especial attention to torpedo piaitiiu and gunnery. Japanese Again Bombard It. Chefoo, May 27. A portion d tho Japancso fleet bombarded Port Arthur atllo'clo.k yesteiday morning. Thu attack was witnessed by a Frenchman who left Dalny on thu night of thu22d, arriving heiti tonight. Ho says that eight largo warships circled beforo thu entrance, of Port Arthur harbor for onu hour, filing broadsides at Intervals of ten minutes. Up to thu time tho Frenchman left Dalny everything was quiet there. Carrying Sulimarlnrs In Sections, Moscow, May 27 A long train passed through hero early this morn ing, carylng three recently built sub marines iu sections, which nro for service either nt Port Arthur or Vladi vohtock. Great secrecy wus '.uintuincd in shipping tho craft, and uono but employes were permitted in the sta tion prior to thu departure of thu train, IO CMBCK KUKOKI. deneral Kuropatkln Will Mako a Stand at Llao Yang. London, May 20. Dispatches to tho Dally Telegraph show that on May 10 tho Japancso headquarters woro still at Feng Want Cheng. This tho corre spondent nttributes to tho necessity for joint action Willi tliu Japanese nrmy which has landed nt Pitsewo. Ho ex plains that communication has not yet oeen estiioiislieu between tho two Jap anese armies, but It is expected to bo effected within n few dnys. Tho dispatches say the telegraph lino between Feng Wang Cheng and tho south has boon cut by Russians dis guised as Chinese. A Russian transport is moving from Llao Yung In tho direction of Mukden, but it is not known whothor this menus a rutirement of thu nrmy, or niuroly thu rumoval of winter clothing, which is no longer needed, Tho movements of war correspond ents, tho dispatches Bay, aro limited to n radius of a tiiilo and a half from Feng Wang Chong. Thu Daily Telegraph's Niu Oliwann correspondent declares that Gcnorai Kuropatkln Is determined to chock thu Japanese nt Lino Ynng, where probab ly tliu grcntest battlu of tho wnr will bo fought, Ho ndds that tho Japanese laud operations ngainst Port Arthur arc meeting with littlo iucccfs and that Lieutenant General Stoes-ol nnd Major General Fock continue to mako well directed but dceporuto sorties against thu ndvauco of thu Japanese, who nru fighting with stubborn detor minntion almost unequnled iu history. Several hundred Jnpnuese reinforce ments aro arriving daily from l'itsowo nnd lMtudlun, according to this cor respondent. I'hu Seoul correspondent of tho Daily Telegraph cnys that Klnchou la being besieged by thu Japanese, nnd its sur render is momeiituiily expected. KUKOKI'S FOKCBS NUfcD FOOD. Cossacks are Also Interfering; With Movements uf Ammunition. London, May 20. Tho Mukdon cor roRpondont of tho London Morning Post cables that ho has been informed on excellent authority that tho Cossacks under General Remenkampf havo suc ceeded iu cutting two transport columns of thu Japanese army ami secured a very large quantity of supplies. Ac cording to thu correspondent, tho Cos sacks have also succeeded In greatly haiasslng thu Jnpnueeu lino of commu nication, with tho result that General Kurokl's column is in need of food nnd ammunition. This fact has compelled thu Japanese to remain nt Feng Wang uiieng miicli longei tlian litis been planned, and a forward movement will not bu Undertaken until troops nrrive insullicient strength to prevent further Interference with trnnspoit service. Thu Shanghai correspondent of tho Poet states that General Kuropatkln, after a niluutu inspection of Liuo Yang and its defenses, told Admiral Alexiuff, who was with him, that tho position wns vulnerable and should bo aban doned This ndvice was recented by thu admiral, who declared the position was absolutely impregnable. COSSACKS PRFSS J A HAN DSD. They are Driving Them Back, but Fight lag Is Inconsequential. Lino Yang, May 20. Thero ia con tinual skirmishing between the Russian cavalry and thu Japancso. Cossacks am prisslng thu Japanese in tho hills and byroads, generally driving, thorn back. The general plan of tho Japanese hns not been divulged. They urn appar ently marking timo, awaiting tliu ar rival of reserves from Coiea, who hnve been dulayed owing to thu impassibilit of thu roads. Tliu Japancso nro sending nil in valids in tho direct ion of thu Yalu to a central hospital, Thu Chinese report thu destruction of another Japanese battleship off Port Arthur, but thu report is unconfirmed and is not credted, Several Japanese who lauded from juiiKN near I'oit Arthur and started to ward the town with thu Intention of dynamiting thu docks wuru captured and shot. A typhoon is raging off tho coast. Rufsla Seeks Support of France, Paris, .May 20. Tho Soir says it hns learned from a trustworthy source that Lieutenant General Karon Fioderick and another member of thu Russian com t who recently visited Paris, camo on a secret mission which had for its purposK thu seeking of Iniurventlou with effective suppoit of thu French government In thu uvent that China adopted an aggressivu attitude towuid thu luissinus in Manchuria. Thu pa pur alleges that thu government gave n formal promise of compliance with Russia's request. Cossscks About Wiped Out. Tokio, May 20. Additional dotails of thu light at Wang Chiu Tun, near Taknshan, May 20, indicate that thu squadron of Cossacks was almost anni hilated by tho Japauesu Infantry, which surrounded nnd completely touted thu enemy. All thu Russian officers weru killed, wounded or cap tured. Natives report that some of tho Cossacks escaped on foot, abandoning their equipment. Many killed and wounded weru found on thu battlefield. Plan to Reduce It. Shimonoseki, May 20, Actle prep, aratlons ate in progress for tho reduc tion of I'ort Arthur. These prepara tions havo been instructed to bu mndu bv a carefully chosen force of veterans forming n part of tho third army, Very heavy artillery is being landed on tho Llao Tung peninsula, ANOTHER ACCIDENT RUSSIANS LOSE TORPEDO BOAT AT VLADIVOSTOK. Went to the Rescue of the Dogatyr and Struck a Mine-Cruiser Which Went on the Rocks Will Be a Tetal Loss Serious Explosion Reported on Uoard the Orel. St. Petersburg, May 25. It la ad mitted at tho Russian admiralty that not only has tho RtiBsinn cruiser Ro gntyr proven n total loss, ns n result of her grounding nt tho entrnnco to Vlndl vostok hnrbor, but thnt at tho samo time ono Rusalan torpedo boat which was sent to tho retcue, struck n mino in tho outer harboi and was totally wrecked. A correspondent of tho Central News has also learned that there wns nn ex plosion yesterdny on board tho battle ship Orul, nt Cronstadt, nnd thnt ten stokers weru killed. Tho vessel, tho correspondent sayB, was damaged, nnd it will tnko weeka to effect repairs. Thu explosion, according to tho dis patch, was tho result of an Accumula tion of gas in the bunkers. VINDICATION ONLY THOUQHT. Russia Has No Patience With Those Who Suggest Mediation. St. Petersburg, Mny 25. Tho Rus sian newspapers are unanimous in their affirmation of tho deep impression mndu upon tho country by thu emper or'a pursonnl God-speed to tho troopn in South Russia, derlnrlng Russian prestige in thu Fur East must bu vindi cated, nnd thnt cveiy Russian brenst echoes tin emperor 'a conviction, cx-pres-ed to tho Town Council nt Moscow iib follows: "Our glorlotiB armies will return with tho ntireolo of victory." Considerable irritation is manifested by the papers over tho suggestion rr.ndo by M. Dulinll, tho Fernch minister nt Pekin, thnt a congress of thu powers bo held for tho purpose of effecting a con clusion of tho war. Tho Novoo Vro mya says: "fhu war is Russ'a's personal affair nnd alio asks no one's assistance When It is ended alio will negotiate with tho Mikado, but not with Europe. Thorefore wo regret that tho represen tative of Russia's ally should bu the first to utter thu word 'congress.' " Tho samo paper, speaking of tho re ception ol tliu news of Japanwso naval disasters by tho lliitlsli press, says: "Thu hymn of uninterrupted tri umph by Japan which was sung by tho friendly choir of English press has been changed by a few pounds of dynamite from allorgo maestro to aligato assaib asal." Tho Chincso minister saya China will not seek to participate in nny con gress nt thu conclusion of thu war. Thu negotiations will bo direct with thu power occupying Manchuria. Tho minister continues to insist thnt China, is determined not to becomu involved in the wur. WAR IS CRIPPLING UUslNCSS. Many Large Firms are Compelled to Re duce Their Forces. St. Petersburg, May 25. Tho war has already begun to produce a serious effect upon thu economic lifo of Russia. A writer in tho Uiedmosti presents re ports which go to show that thu com merce and Industry of tho country aro passing through a severe crisis as a re sult of thu pinctiial cessation of till trado with Siberia, caused by thu con centration of the military along tho I'raus-Siberian railway. This conges tion of tradu is especially felt iu Mos cow, w'luru several of thu largest mer cantile establishments nru insolvent. From Kicff como reports of an un willingness to invest in thu timber in dustry and theru havo been many fail ures. Russian Poland is probably thu worst hit because of thu shortening of for eign credit by Kuropcnn banks. In Lodz, 150,0011 poisons nru out of employment, while all dock' improve ment work at Odessa and other south ern cities hns been abandoned. Urges Britain to Act. London, Mny 25, In connection with thu reports which show that float ing mines liavu been llberallv distrib uted by thu Port Arthur licet iu tho water adjacent to Port Arthur, Hr Wil liam Walrond, hi thu hout-o of com mons, yesturday in n vigorous speech, condemned thu practice and declared that prompt action should bo taken by Great lliitaiu and all other nations to check this scheme which seriously en dangers all neutral shipping. Ho slates that thu practice wus in viola tion of warfare aid international law. Fear Coming of Yellow Fever. Washington, May 25 It has been officially stated that theru is soiuu fear that thu Panama canal may beconio a factor iu Introducing yellow fever into thu Philippines and thu entire Orient. Dr. R. P. Strong, director of the bio 'graphical laboratory at Manila, in his report to tho Philippine commission, shows that tho Hawaiian islands, Guam and thu Philippines will be ex posed to thu importation of thu mos quito that carries the fever. Big Loss In Fight: St. Petersburg, May 25. It ia re ported that Foreign Minister Mamsdorff lias received a measago from tho Rus sian consul at Chefoo saying that the Japanese havo mudo a land attack on Port Arthur and that in doing so they lost 16,000 men killed or wounded, Thu Russian loss ia placed at 3,000 men. The ultimate outcome of the fighting Is not stated, I iej - --""imaaiiUi.TaTTTrrTT?! gsiwyafjai