H TBOC NEW AGJC, POllTLAND, OREGON. L That Tired Feeling la a Common Spring Trouble. It's a sign that tho blood is deficient in vitality, Just as pimples and other eruptions aro signs that tho blood la impure. It's a warning, too, which only tha hazardous fall to heed. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Rcmovo It, glvo now llfo, nevr cotu ago, strength and animation. They elennso tho blood and clear the comploxlon. Accept no substitute "I folt tired all the tlmo and could not sleep. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilla a wbllo I could sleep well and the tired feeling bad gone. Tlili great medicine has also cured me of scrofula." Mm. C. M. Boot, dllcad, Conn. 1 Hood's Saraapnrllla promlaoa t cure and koopa the promise. WMWIMMMM GOOD i; Short g torles tMfHHflH-IHW Jlotiorlnit Donrt Whlto Elephants. Curious coroiuonlcs ore witnessed In Shun when one of tho sacred whlto elephants dlca. It Ih given a funeral Krnndcr thnn that accorded to princes of roynl Mood. Huddhlat priests olllel nto, and thotiHnndH of devout Slameso men and women follow tho deceased animal to the grave. Jowela mid of ferings representing aoino thousands of pounds arc burled with tho do pliant Itcflootlona on ilic SlUkmnn. Wayne MnuVciigli, tho lawyer and dlplomnt, has on thu outskirts of Hill tidclphla an ndmlrahlu stock farm. Ono day last Rummer Homo poor children wcro permitted to go over his farm and when their Inspection wan done to each of them wnH given a glass of milk. 'J'lio mills wiih excellent. It came, In fact, from n ?L',000 cow. "Well, boys, how do you llko It?" tho farmer said when they had all drained their glasses. "Qeol Fine," said 0110 llttlo fellow. Then, after n pause, ho added: "X ,wlsht our milkman kep' a cow." I men are still rreo to bo tho Blares of pawlon, thnn which servitude there Is not a worse Deafness Cannot lie Cured lit local applications as tliojr rannot roach tlio dlwaxiil 'ort on of llio ear. 1 l.oro la only 0110 way 10 euro ilunitivan, and that In by CuimtllU' lluiialromeillca. iiuafiitsslsraustil liy mi lu llatiuil condition ul llio mucous lllilnif of tlio Kiuuchlnn T11I0. When this mini Is fnlliimud you liavo n rum til Ink sound or liunorfoct boar, lag, unci when 1 1 Is outlruly closcif. Deafness Is tnu result, aim unions tlio Inflammation caul An English lawyer, who had been cross-examining a witness for some time, and who had sorely taxed the pa tlence of the Judge, Jury, and every one In the court, wns finally asked by the court to conclude his cross-examination. Iteforo tolling the witness to Jtand down, ho accosted him with this parting sarcasm: "Ah, you're a clever fellow a very clever fellow we can all see that" The witness leaned over from the box, and quietly retorted: "I would return the compli ment If I wcro not on onth." Drowning had a maid In his servlco who had a gift for saying quaint things. When the poet was going to pay the last mark of respect to George Henry Lowes, sho said she "didn't sco tho good of catching cold at other peo ple's funerals." And once, when he was away on a holiday and a Journal ist camo to the door to lnqulro if it wns true that tho poet was dead, she Indignantly answered: "I havo not heard so, and I am suro my mnster Is not the kind of a man to do such a thing witnout letting us Know. Whistler's amusing personal conceit wns charmingly displayed on one oc casion when A. O. 1'lowdcn, a Ixmdott police magistrate, attended a prlvato vlow nt tho Orosvcnor Onllory. "Al most tho first friend I mot," ho says, "was Whistler, and ha very good-naturedly took mo up to a full-length portrait which he was exhibiting of Lady Archibald Campbell. After I had dono my best to express my hum ble appreciation of it beautiful picture, I asked him If thcro wcro any other pictures which he would advlso me to look nt. 'Other pictures,' said Whistler, in a tone of horror; 'other plcturcsl Thcro aro no other plcturcsl You nro through!' " The list of silent great men Is a long one. Especially Is this true of noted , wnrrlors. Wallensteln, Wellington, I Von Moltke, Grant Marlborough, Charlemagne, Hannibal, Caesar, all gave their orders In ns few words as 1 possible and demanded llko brevity I from their subordinates. It Is said that Marlborough never allowed more than n minute for a verbal report, and It Ib told of Von Moltko tlint when an aldo-de-camp brought a written messago that France had declared war, tho great general simply ordered It filed lu tho "second ptgeon-holo on tho right, first tier." In that pigeon-hole the minimum number of artist of each claas In the company, the auditing of accounts by the Minister of Finance. In the case of the company called the Comedie Francalse, It manages Its In terests under state supervision, but some great work must be put on every month, or two smaller worka newly wrltton or revised, including some pieces by tiring authors. All the other theaters are free from state control, although other towns grant subsidies. A largo number of musical societies rccclvo encouragement from tlio cities by grants and medals for good work. In Berlin tho royal Prussian opera houso nnd playhouse recelvo together tho sum of 270,O0O and the lnnd on which they stand belongs to the state. Only one theater Jn Home, Italy, be longs to the city, but In Florence, the municipal band rocelves $300 a year and further small sums for tho muslo stand and maintenance. Milan owns part of ono of her theaters nnd sub sidies nro given others. Lisbon has two theaters owned by the state, one having been erected In 1703 by prlvnto subscriptions. There are three stato theaters at St Petersburg and thneo nt Moscow main tallied at tho expense of tho Emperor. In tho principal towns aro theaters cs tabllshed by the stato and In which nro produced dramas for tho education of the people. Tho prices nro very low. At St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Klcff tho temperance societies maintain those populnr theaters, but are grnnted subsidies, tlio amounts In the first named city totaling over $1,500,000 dur ing the last flvo years. A BUDDHIST FUNERAL IN TOKIO. OTEL ALDE11T H John 8. (limbic, Proprietor. 237 Myor-ldo npiiE nunuNOTON, Winis, Liquors and Cigars. Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room tn., .....nrtninr Ml Alder street. In connection. Hotel phone Main Ml. 1 11. t. Mlsncr, proprietor, a 1 Aiuerstrcei, between 2nd and 3rd. l'hono Jlaln 2SM. 1'rl- SPOKANE, WASHINGTON vate rooms. Star Brewery Company Drawers and Holders of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, roinxAND, OUEGON. The Old Corner J. A. COLPELT, tjrop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Clgora l'hono, Hood 8S5 Cor. fourteenth and rjllsan Sts. Gnst Third and Ournsldo Sts., Port land, Oregon. PORTLAND ORUaON BOOKMARK WITH V STORY. taken out and this tuba to (modioli normal condition, hearliiK will bo dustroiod fnrovcrf l.?."f"00'!,.P' " mo camel by Catarrh. wr ram,,tMn nlnna for tho successful men isnuimiiK iiuiauinuamcu concilium ul in-mucous surfaces. campaign that followed. Here Is an anecdote which William Dean Howells tells of his first personal recognition ns a writer: "Years ago, ono evening after a day of lonely sight seeing In Montreal, I returned to tho hotel wliero I was stopping, nnd con sulted tho register In the hope of find ing tho nnmo of some acquaintance. I wns disappointed, nnd, turning nwny, 1 mot two welt-dressed young men, who embraced tho register eagerly, and, presently, one of them said, to my great surprlso and Joy: 'Hello, Tom! Hero's Howells.' 'Oh I I exclaimed, turning toward Uiem, 'I was Just look lug for some ono I know, I'm glad to sco you. I hnpo you'ro no mo fellows who know mo?' 'Only through your contributions to tho Saturday Press,' they replied. It was tho first personal I recognition of my work as an author them Wovrlllglro Ono Hundred Dollars for any caio ol Dralurss (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Halt's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. K. J. CIIKN1CY & CO., Toledo, O. BoldbynrugKl't'.Kc. Hall's Family Tills aro llio best. Hnir-Odiivlotnd. At a meeting of lawyers in South Carolina soiuo months ago thcro nroso a discussion as to who wns the best lawyer In tho State. "You want to know who Is tho best lawyer in South Carolina " asked ono of tho practitioners. "Yes. Who Is?" was tho responso. "I am," replied the attorney, with becoming modesty. "You nro?" echoed ono of the com pany. "Let's hear you prove it." "Why," retorted tho claimant to su perior excellence In his profession, "I dou't havo to provo It I admit It" Anuj Drum Unwind tiy Dog. A curious feature connected with tho Servian army is tho manner In which most of tho regiments carry tho big drum. It la not, as In most countries, ailing In front of thu man who plays it, but Is placed upon 11 Hinall two wheeled cart drawn by n sluglo dog, which has been so trained that It keeps ita place even through tho longest nnd most tedious of marches, Tho drum mer takes up a position behind thu cart mid performs on thu Instrument us the animal pulls It along. that I had ever received from a stniu- gcr, and the words were golden." THEATERS OF OLD COUNTRY. In The first threshing innchlna was re cently set up lu Daiuiihcua. It Is a steum thresher from Indiana. CASTOR I A For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Slfc'uaturo of OCtjnc&i There Is lit tin peace or comfort In llfo it we aro always uuxloua im to futuru events. Colerhlue. A Lesson Out of School, Plalu-mnuiiiTcd, common-senso rela tives servj 110 more useful purpose than In keeping down vain pretentious and silly tendencies lu other members of tho family. The New York Press nays that It had become fashionable lu a certain school to diversify names. Mattel had become May belle, .May Maymo, aud soon Jcsslo caught the lu fectlon. She write, a letter to her elder broth er, Sam, and slgtied It "Jessica." Sam detected tho signs of the times,' and this was his icplyj "Dear Sister Jessica: Your letter re ceived. Aunt Marlea and Uncle Qeor glca started for Hostoulca yesterday. Maiutca and pnplca are well, "I bought a new horse yesterday. She la a beauty: her name Is Maud lea. Your affectionate brother, Bamlca." For our New Qasoleua Drag Saw. (In only one lor aacn log, AOHNTS WANTHD We ul an. Olla malt cn movA saw. Wa namlla thd mil M.UmaM Urubblus Machine. Wills us your wauls la th machinery Una. UKlKllUON MACHINKIIY CO., foot Morrison tit. i'orllaud, Oregon m$muiw Tested I True msfmrnmuiwrnim imu&usc. aoja 1 la lima. Jd by driuaUta. H Mnuy Cltlca They Are Controlled by the Government. Tho recent theater horror In Chicago has turned tho attention of tho country toward theaters In general and numer ous cltlca are hurrying to "got their houses In order" that such a catastro pho may not occur to them, says the Municipal Journal aud Engineer. It would speak better for theso cities if they did not need such prompting. In many cities on the continent the opera tion of thentcra Is not left to private coucorus, but tho municipalities have erected the playhouses or subsidized them, and this Idea Is gradually spreading. In Vienna the court theaters were erected by tho statu on stato lands aud consist of two buildings for different phases of tho drama. Tho opera house for operas, ballets and concerts, cost in tlio neighborhood of $'J,MS,1)75, while tlio llurg Theater, for tho drama Itself, cost $(18,030. The.se theaters aro the property of tlio Kinperor's treasury and aro maintained by tho lord cham berlain's department, and whenever the revenue does not cover tho ex penses the Kinperor's civil list makes up tho difference. Tho chamberlain's department assumes uo responsibility in extending the grant, which Is looked after by Uie Hungarian government. Ilesldcs the state grants, tho Hoynl Opera Houso nnd other theaters lu lludapest rocetvo different grants from tho state and other smaller grants from tho city. The provincial towns of Hun gary assist theater managers by al lowing froo uso of buildings and help ing to dofray cost of heating and light ing. llelgium grants subsidies to com posers, whoso works are produced In a Iielglutu theater, and, lu addition, subsidies aro given to composors pro ducing their works in French, Kleuilsh or Walloon. Most of tho cities sub- ( eldtze or own several theaters, some are given rent freo, and in most of them the scenery and furniture belong to U10 town. I At Sophia, Itulgaria, tho city Is to ' erect a theater as soon as enough mon ey is accumulated from the stato lot- I tory. I In France, tho four national thea ters occupy the buildings rent freo, but they must pay the taxes, provide for maintenance and allow larger repairs to be made by the state without claim for damages through Interruption. An annual subsidy is grnnted to each tho otcr by the national parliament, ware houses are provided for storing scenory. The three largest theaters . must submit to regulation of the 1 choice of pieces produced, prices of oats, numbor of performances, as well aa ths number of new pieces per year, It Was Onco Uacd by n Lobbyist nnd Telia a Queer Story. The San Francisco land grnbbeis' methods of conveying brlbo money to employes of tho lnnd ofllco recalls thu manner in which a certain lobbyist out West used to make IJ "worth whlto'' for legislators to vote ns he wished. -Illblo society had placed n copy of the scriptures In each room of every hotel In tho State. Whenever tho lobbyist wished to brlbo n member of tho leg islature ho would Invito him to his room and, after going over nil the le gitimate arguments In favor of his measure, would nsk if tho legislator had ever read tho book of Job. It was a fairly safe guess that ho had not, but even if ho had not it made no differ ence. "It Is a wonderful story," the lobby ist would say, "and I think you would find It prolltnblo to rend It." Then ho would plnco tho Illblo in his guest's hnnd, bidding him read Job while he, tho lobbyist, stepped out for a few mo ments. "How do you like it as far as .you havo read?" he would ask when ho re turned. If tho legislator said ho liked it tho lobbyist know that tho bank note which ho hnd previously placed be tween tho leaves at tho beginning of tho book of Job was of a satisfactory denomination. They used to tell the story out ttieio that legislator onco took tho mnnoy and then voted ngalnst tho lobbyist's' measure, whereupon tho lobbyist frightened him Into giving bnck the money by threatening to prosecuto htm for grand larceny. And, suro enough, It wns nothing less, for tho lobbyist had not said a word to Indl cato that he meant to havo tho legis lator take tho money, and, of course, n innn lias a right to use a $1,000 bill as a bookmark If he wants to. Brook lyn Eagle. MOURNING IN JAPAN. Japan has two religions Shlntolsm, U10 national religion, of which the Mikado is "Pope, King, and a Deity rolled Into one:" and Buddhism, fos tered by tho usurping Shoguns, or Tycoon Emperors. A Buddhist funeral and cremation are mndo the occasion of ctabornto ceremonial. Tho body, borno on a kngo, or palanquin hearse, is carried to a tcmplo aud there laid upon tlio steps, whllo tho mourners enter to pray a ceremony followed by the distribution of sweets wrapped In tissue paper. This Is In turn succeeded by tho cremation, which takes placo In a small room some ten feet square, with a cowl or chimney. The less ornamental part of the kogo Is burned with tho body, but the templo-llko roof is usually removed before the crema tion, so that it may serve again. After remaining for as long ns possible In side the crematorium, tho mourners Join the relations of tho deceased in a "wnko" already begun by them. WE HAVE THE TRADE ON FINE CIGARS. WHY ? LA INTEQRIDAD "HENRY THE FOURTH " EL SIDELO "Good Reason? ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portland, Oregon I.STAIII.I-1IKI) 1831. INCOItl'Olt 1KI) IHtfT. ' ALL.EN & LEWIS. Shipping: & Commission Merchants WHOLESALG GROCERS. To savo tlmo address all communications 10 tho cnmpstij'. Nos. 46 to 54 Prom St. North, PORTLAND, ORGC10N. JAPAN'S FIGHTING ADMIRAL. Ilclhnclilro Toko, NhvdI Hero Who la Culled the Dcwcy of the Orient. A general or on admiral Is judged by rosults. Measured by this Btand- ard Togo Is entitled to bo classed among the great captains. He Is tlid kind of man who says llttlo and docs much. There Is nothing of tho spec tacular about him. Uo goes through no preliminaries and gives few orders. Hut he strikes. After ttint tho other fellow does tho talking, provided ho is nblc. That was a choice bit that Togo got off when ho made his modest report of agm5gMBrJbaW BknulJBaaVlJLHIaW kuB0RuPaaaaaaH Mmim mKmea T VVHlWIIaH1 u' S&SHsBkaUaDaHBSaflUBuaiSHJ Is held in Japan to consult with tho emperor nnd tho cabinet, tho actlvo command lu tho present war fell on Toga Ilclhnchlro Togo was born on Oct 14, 1S57. He comes from the famous Sntsuma clan that has furnished all the naval heroes of tho kingdom. Uo was educated In a war college nt home, thou went to England, whero ho Bpent two years, 1873 and 1874, In the Incorporated Thames Nautical Train ing College, which was conducted on bonrd the Worcester. Ho ulso spent soino time at tho Greenwich Naval Academy nnd served for ono voyngo on an English warship. Returning home, he gradually worked his way up until ho precipitated the war with China by 'sinking the If owshlng. In appenrnnco ho Is very much of a Jap, with a rather sparse mustacho and beard and very llttlo of tho pro verbial Oriental slant of the eye. Ho Is short, almost stout, rather reserved and is cool, keen, alert and deter mined. Admiral Togo has ono wife, which Is a limitation to which every Jap doe not subject himself. Prom this union there arc four children, three sons nnd ono daughter. Tho two older sons aro already being trained to enter the navy. 1 mij&?&? ; "'-immm mwmEBMMxM VtHWIa alHtA"- aaPC aBBafll' aM. aaVT 'W'A'sr taatavWf alfCT m H . 1 y-i jy rt-'i i-T 2" .ynUL, ximumz&m m ,sxa!i:j..-' .-'v ar .-m? c 'j j-jfci ,--'. 'ii DtKrtrutiir, 1,'Dasmi tun. nisrnnu' nva - - . -.. ?mSSsaSssB. j.5 5ess Great Falls Iron Works Engineers, Machinists and Founders Special ntipllanees made in Steel, IIiiirh and rpcc!al Mtxturtsof Cast Iron. Heavy nnd Llulit Foruli-us Hindu to order. Workmanship guariintccd. Aro Manufacturers' Agns for iMnchinory, lloihrs, Kngmes and Wcter Wheels. Make a specialty of Stamp Shoes, Dies 111 d H II Sholls, which iiru"pupcr or in point of strength uud resistance to abrasion. Ore Treating Devices Given Special Attention Main Office and Works, 8th Ave. N., 13tlt to Mth Sts. AUUIIIAL TOGO. the attack that so nearly put the Rus sian Tort Arthur licet out of business. Ho said he thought "the moral effect" on the Russians would bo good. It was good; so was tho remark. This Is Togo's second war. It was also his privilege to strike tho first blow against China. Ho was captain of only ono little ship then, not even an armored vessel In the modern senso of the term. It was a second. class cruiser of 3,727 tons carrying two ten inch guns, six rive-Inch, ton Maxims and two nlno-pounders. This was the Nanlwa, of which Togo remained cap tain throughout tho year. It'snw the most lighting of any ship of tho line. It wns on July 25, 1804, boforo tho actual declaration of war, that the Nnnlwn ran afoul of the British steam er Koshwlng loaded with Chinese troops nnd military stores bound for Korea. A gun boomed on tlio Nanlwn as a signal to stop. Tho Kowshlng stopped. Togo signaled, "Itemnln whero you nro or take tho couse quencos." Tlio Kowshlng romnlned. Shortly afterward camo another slg nnl to follow the Nanlwn. Tho Brit ish captain started to obey, but here Fair May. During the reform riots in Hydo Park, London, in 18(10, tho mob, on a well-remembered night, begnn tearing down the fences of Hyde Turk for tires and barricades. Colonel Thomas Went worth Ulggiuson tells lu tho Atlantic Monthly of an English otllccr who wns dining with a friend, nil unconscious of tho Impending danger. Presently ho received a summons from tho War Department, telling him that his regi ment wns ordered out to deal with the mob. IIo hastened back to his own house, hut when ho called for his horse he found that his servant hnd received permission to go out for tho evening, and had tho key of tho stable lu tils pocket. The olllcer hastily donned his uniform, nnd then had to proceed on foot to tho Guards' Armory, which Iny on the other sldo of Hyde Park. Walk ing hastily In that direction, ho came out unexpectedly at tho very headquar ters of the mob, wliero thoy wcro al ready piling up the fences. Ills uniform wns recognized, nnd an gry shouts arose. It must havo seemed for the moment to the mob that tho Lord had dell voted their worst enemy Into their hands. There was but ono thing to be dono. IIo made his way straight toward thu center of action, nnd called to a man who was mounted on the pile, and was evidently thu leader of the tumult: "I Bay, my good man, my regiment has bcon called out by her Majesty's orders. Will you give me a hand over this pllo?" The man hesitated a minute, nnd then said with decision, "Hoys, the gentleman Is right Ho Is doing his duty, and wo havo no quarrel with him. fond a hand and help him over." This wns promptly done with entire respect, and the olllcer In his brilliant uniform went hastily on his way amid three cheers from the mob. Then tho mob returned to Its work, to complete It If possible before he whom they had tho Chinese balked, oven threatening ORIGIN OF THE BAGPIPE. GREAT FALLS MONTANA (3 foi iWmm TOQO'8 WIFE AM) CH1LDBKN. aided should come back at the head of tils regiment, nnd perhaps order thein to bo shot down, Cause for OUcusc, Smith had not spoken to his wife nil tho way homo from the dinner party. "What's tho matter, dear " said Mrs. Smith, as sho removed her wraps. "Have I offended you?" "I should say you had! That ama teur poetess that sat next to me so cited spring poetry all during dinner, aud she never would havo had the ghost of an opening If you hadn't men tinned seeing those two roblus this morning." Detroit Free Press, Land tor Opium. Tlio Indian government now has about 000,000 acres of land devoted to opium raising. Most of tho product ! shipped to China. to kill the captain. Togo hesitated not au lustant. Warning the Europeans to leave the Kowshlng, be turned loose a torpedo aud several guns. In the language of one of the European oUl cers of tho Kowshlng, ''the day be came night; pieces of coal, ipllutera and water tilled the air, Then I be lieve all of us leaped overboard and warn." Togo made no attompt tu rescue those in the water. He was the son of a Satsuma samurai, and that was not his idea of war. But be did send a boat and saved the life of the half drowned British captain, who had been a schoolmate in England. After the war Togo was promoted to rear admiral and placed third in com mand in the Japanese fleet. Later he was made commander in chief of the dockyard at Matzuru and still later vice admiral. As tho admiral "Jlttle Ito" not the marquis, by tna way Musical Instrument Bald to Have Come OrlRlnatty from Unulund. Tho conference of tho Incorporated Society of Musicians wns held recently In tho Athenaeum Hall, Glasgow, says tho London Telegraph. Dr. Daniel Ferguson Wilson, of Glnsgow, tho chairman for the day, In an nddrcsi on "Folk Music of Scotland," said it was on record thnt In the twelfth cen tury the people Bang songs nnd used for their delight tho harp, tho tabor and tho choro. Thcro was somo differ ence of opinion regaidlng the identity of the choro. Somo thought It was tho bagpipe, while others arguod that It could not be, for they maintained that this Instrument was not Imported from England till nt least a century after this date. Judging by nppenranco, hn vtas disposed to think that tho choro wns tho bagpipe, for it would havo been a sorry sight for a historian to witness a htghlaudor wandering In his nntlvo straths nnd glens with a harp In bis hand. Even although It was conceded that tho English Introduced tho bagpipes to these isles, It must oo ndmltted that whenever the highland, crs gained tho acquaintance of tho In strument they mado tho inort of it. Dealing with the question why Scot land had not tnken her place among tho muslcnl nations of tho world, a ro cent writer hnd given It ns his opinion thnt tho bagpipe was the cause of her undoing, but It was more probnblo that tho cattso lay in the lack of en vironment. Scottish music, however, had at length obtained nn entree to the best society, chiefly (icrmnn, and great hopes were entertained for It. Dr. dimming, of London, said ho was sorry to hear that tho Scots Had got tho bagptpo In Its present stato of perfection from England. For tho sake of tlio sins for which tney would tie punished hereafter, ho hoped that tho English did not invent 1110 ungpipe. Tli 11 Uses of I'.ilm Trees The various kinds of palm trees on tho Island of Ceylon nre lu themselves of great interest, aud wheu their dif ferent uses nre explained a person can well appreciate how essential Uiey aro to tho natives In tho low country Sin galeso districts. The. kernel of tho co toanut Is a necessary element In his dally curry; the "milk" Is the bever age offered to every visitor to his do main; his only lamp Is fed from the oil; his nets for ushlng are manufactured from Its fibre, as is also the rope which keeps his goat or cow from going astray; while the rafters of his houso, the rttch of the roof and the window blinds aro made from Its leaf and wood. There Is, perhaps, no product In the world that Is put to so many and such profitable uses as the coeou nut palm, for, even before It Is grown, Ita leaf ribs are tied together to make brooms for sweeping and cages for birds. Easily Fonnd In the Dark. He I think I ought to take a hot foot-bath. Whero Is tho mustard? She Out In the pantry. He Psbawl It's dark out there and I haven't got a match. She You don't need a match to lo cate it It'a right alongside of the Llmburger . cheese. Philadelphia Preaa. Hack-writer How would you like an article on Solomon? Magazine Editor First rate, if you can furnish a complete set of portraits of hut wives. Somcrvllle Journal. St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Wholesale Hardware, Ship Chandlery, and General Supply Store for Contractors. Agents for Roebling's Wire Cable and Judson Dynamite & Powder Co. Sf. Paul S Tacoma Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash. THAT YOU CAK DRINK IHm '"" ' 14 J DEER I SEATTU,WASH.U.SJV. ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Willie Pa, if a warship ia called "he," why isn't it a woman-of-war? Father It's your bedtime, WUU. Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co. fcW w J BHMfc-T-y- UnassslslsasiSssasl