...K(. " Jk t,Hi.-rt-,ww, f-.-.1?L !.. . AujTPiBrfS33I?55I!!S TOT aOTW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON ,. P"W nvHSnffilUHaiifll ff" IEsmMsI TUMI tfwlliH IflllM lA MVbVSmSS9b nHXLjkESKjRaHflffSllllj V MftD 1 IJAC&SBSbI CUH3vi s saxssVlBSSSiBBBnaL' noB'HflnStHHIslwT' It nHnjUVlB rMJsP1 ns It 1 !-ft&?gl -flfl esT sjr .MMiMBililiMJ aasl iTT iff 7' -VStry-SlsrSsl HOTEL PORTLAND. VO&T $t,ooo,oao. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmitrnwr. American Plan,, $3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon . Tremont Hotel RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. First Class in Evory Particular. Everything entirely new throughout tlio building. Headquarters for Commercial Men. Commodious Bamplo Itooins. S. E. MURPHY, Proprietor Best furniahed houso in Southern: Oregon New Depot Hotel A. II. PltACIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. x - - ASHLAND; OREGON A FRIENDLY TIP When in Roseburg, Ore gon, go to IVIQSIER'S ' Horseshoe Lunch Counter Near the 8. P. Depot Telephone 90-B P. 0. Box 631 The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IA8. A. SCHHAQE, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggtns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. Hotel Crellin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated in the most conveni ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. Convenient to All Cars and Trains Cor '10th and Washington Sts. OAKLAND, CAL. $EATTLE'S NEW HOTEL oj Vj laBPWsPUfcB". THE LINCOLN The Dlackwell Hotel Company Most beautifully and desirably located, on Madison street at Fourth avenue- section free from noise and dust most convenient to all points of the city and commanding a magnificent .view of Puget sound, Mount Rainier and tlio Olympic range. The Lincoln is easily accessible from all steamboat landings, denotj and theaters. All cars transfer to the hotel door. It s a new, modern, exquisitely furnished structure, containing 225 rooms-100 with private baths-Vramied to give its patrons every comfort. The drawing rooms, lobby, dining rooms and gentlemen's cafo are most luxurious, and wUl be found especially attractve to tourists and commercial travelers, while the Mrylca and cuisine will iatiafiy tht most exaction aolcuro, THETHORNTON W. D. THORNTON, Manager. BUTTE, MONTANA European Plan, $1.50 Per Day Up The brat Appointed hotel In the Northwest. Thoroughly equipped with all the modorn con veniences. Two-thirds of the rooms connected with private bath. Two hatha on each lloor or una ol Riiesta without charge. All roomi well lighted and ventilated, Polished hardwood floors with ruga throughout. Finest cafe and aervlco In the city, at moderate prlcea. Euro pean plan, $1.60 per day and up. Mo chare lor sample rooms. European Flan. Rooms 60c. to 12.00. Rooms single or en suite, with or without hath, GRAND HOTEL It. C. HALLIDAY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc. Cor. Howard St. and Main Aye. Tel. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. Golden Eagle Hotel I. W. WILSON, Proprietor. Sacramento, California When in Spokane, go to DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can he had. SPOKANE, WASH Rates f2.G0 Per Day and Up. THEGEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprlotor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, ORLdUN HOTEL FLORENCE H. E. CHANEY, rroprittor. Headquarters for Commercial Men . MISSOULA, MONTANA. CJADDI.K ROCK-RESTAC. ANT. DUCKMAN & CAilltAailAn, rroprtetors. First Class In everr respect. Oysters a specialty 1019 Second Btroet, Sacramento, Cal. s&Sa&feSiateSSSi The Tacoma W. B. BLAOKWELL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan. $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. The Colonial Hotel Strictly Pint Clam. New and Mot Itltgantty Furnished Apartmeuls In the City. Single or lSn Suite, Btesm Heat, taree Watt Closet, rrlvate and Public Bnlln. Katea by the Day, Week or Month. One Dlock South of PostolBce. A. M. Cadltu, rropr. P. II. Curtis, Mgr. Telephone Main 9j 1119 First Ave. cor. Seneca 8UATTI.U, WASH. Delmonico Restaurant Under Same Management The Alturas House Well Furnished and Itvcrytblug New Beds jo Cents and Up. Ind, Phone J7J 511 Main St. Boise, Idaho HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAFFNEY, Manager One of the Best Hotels' in the Northwest. Large Sample Rooms for Coni hiercial Men. EUROPEAN PLAN Furnished Room at anytime at reaaonahtc price. 1'iue Italian and French Keataurant lu Connection. Phone lud. X 1699. COLUMBUS HOUSE AND SALOON Liquors and Cigars Open Day and Night J67 WASHINGTON STREET SEATTLE, WASH. Reduced Freight Rates on HOUSEHOLD GOODS to all Eastern Cities. Saving of 25 to 50 per cent. We transfer Freight, Passengers and Baggage. Pool shipments given prompt and careful attention. We invite correspond ence. ' The Seattle Transfer Co. SEATTLE,. U. S. A. Messengers on All Trains Glaussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SEATTLE, U. S. A. THR Quaker Drug Co. SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. FROM DEATH TO LIFE. Charles E. Norrla Cures Conaumptloa by Wnlklntf 11,000 Mile. Three years ago Charles E. Norrls of Son Francisco was told by physi cians that ho could not llvo over three months. One lung, they satd, was en tirely gone from the ravages of con sumption, and the most he could do would bo to take to his bed and dlo as comfortably as possible. Hut Nor rls wns game. De termined to light to cilahleb e. noitms tlio last, tho In trepid invalid, who could scarcely crawl, took to tho rond, nml along tho 11,340 miles he has tramped Rince then found increasing health, until to-day I he is a halo and hearty man. Ills case, which has been tho sub ject of Inquiry by physlclnns all over j the country, says the New York Her- nld, is further evidence of the efficacy of the "open air" cure, which they are now recommending. He says that it is better, bec'auso It combines with the excrcUo of n rugged llfo the cares of striving for existence. Norrls is 03 years old. He had trav eled extenslvoly beforo he started on bis consumption tramp. He hnd worked in many cities. Ho knew life and men and tho knowledge gave him the courage it required to leave San Francisco with but $1.00 in hi pocket and face the fight for llfo. His wife and daughter were dend, his brothers and sisters scattered, and no one de pended upon him. His money had bts-'n frittered away on doctors' bills and medicines. Norrls is no ordinary tramp. His clothes arc neat. Hli manners are good. Ho does not drink or use tobac co. He reads Bhakeipoaro and knows tho works of tho great poet by heart. In January ho colled upon President Roosevelt and chatted with him some time about his wanderings, and the president expressed admiration of his grit. "This was my condition when I started out from 'Frisco August S, 1601," says Norrls. "I weighed M pounds, ono lung was gone. I had suf fered thrco hemorrhages, tho doctors said a fourth would finish mo. They gave me thrco montlir, inoro of llfo. I had $1.C0 in my pocket. I was well I dressed and I determined to llvo or die in tbo open. j "Tho first night I slept under a fence, being too weak to reach a form houso a llttlo ways off. For tho first tlireo weeks I didn't know what day would bo my last. Hut I did not grow any worse. My cough continued, and tho pains between my shoulders did not leave me. If I hnd stopped, If I had given up, I would liavo died com fortably in n few weeks. But I sot my teeth and went on. At tho end of the third week I noticed a slight improvement It continued, and be fore two mouths had passed I lost my pains and my cough hod dwindled to a memory. I was growing well."' I Norrls' mode of llfo is very simple. He wanders from place to place as fancy dictates. His long Journey in search of health has takon him all over the United States. Ho was in New York recently, and is now on his way to Buffalo. Ills cleaullncss, straight forward manner and n fund of anec dotes have endeared him to rallioad men everywhere. News of Ills arrival and departuro arty tolcgraphcd in ad vance, and lie Is a wolcomo guest with all. His usual bed Is on a newspaper in the waiting room of somo depot, In the winter, or on tho platform or bag gage truck when warm weather pre vails. He says he was novcr refused food but once, and that was by a min ister In Oregon. Mr. Norrls thinks consumption sani tariums are not giving tbo proper treatment to obtain the best results. He soys that In the so-called open air cures he has visited tho people are given little or no exercise, but kept quiet, fed on milk and eggs and made fat. Ho holds Unit fatness Is not healthy; that it Is tho power of ro Muting fatiguo, of sustafnlug exertion for on extended period and of being vigorous that constitutes truo health. Austria' Ntronuous Old Kmporor. The veuoiablo Kniporor Fruncis Jo seph of Austria sets an oxauiplo to IiIh subjocts In streuuostty of llfo qultu equal to that of our youthful I'rosl dont, says Leslie's Weokly. Winter and summer tho Fhnporor is up at 0 In the morning. At 0 his olds-de-camp have to bo ready in cojo they aro wanted, and state business of all kinds is conducted before breakfast. The Emperor scorns to bo lltorally devoured, it is said, by a senso of duty. Every thing else gives way to It. Ills majes ty at the most trying and even tragic moments of his llfo has always attend ed Just as usual to 'the business of tho state, and those about him wcro startled on tho day of the funeral of his only son to find the Emperor ready to sign the orders for tho day exactly as usual. Discreet Slleuca. When Bismarck was a boy his fa ther desired blm to become a clergy roan, says Hon. undrew D. White In tbo Century Magazine, In bis later years the lron Chancellor" found hu mor in tho'suggestion. "You probaulythlnk that If I had become a clergyman I should be a bet ter man," he said Jocosely, to bis wlfo one evening. "I will not reply to that," she said, quietly, "for my answer would not bo polite." Tlio Lover. Tess Well, their engagement is off. Jess The ideal It was only an nounced yesterday. What did they quarrel about? Tess As to which wai tbe raoro un worthy of tbe other. Philadelphia Press. He IUd Twenty-seven Wives. In the course of a murder trial at Cape Town recently tho defendant, an aged Malay trader, admitted that hs bad twenty-seven wives. Our Idea of a mean man is one who spends two-thirds of his time In get ting money and tbe other third in keep ing it t Missoula advertising rpHK OAllDKN CITY 11AKEUY. HENRY KOSENDORF, Proprietor. Dread, cakes and pie of superior quality fresh every day. 110 West Main Street, Missoula, Montana s C0TTY,8 TLACE. Fine Winet, Liquors and Clean. Everything First Class. J. A, SCOTT, Proprietor. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. (N0.210C) Capital, $150,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 , A. n. Itammond, President ,.A. Q. England, Vtcc-Pretldrnt J. M. Keith, Canhlor .It. A. Eddy , i.T. L. OreenouRh C. 11. Mcl.cod ,.. O. O. England DIRCCTORS J. A. WALKER OEO. W. AL1IEB WALKER & ALBEE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables a j Horses Roarded by the Pay, Week or Month. Cabs, busses and wagons to and from all tralnr and hotels. Finest cushion tiro turnouta in tho city, lltgglna Ave., opp. Kennedy Hotel. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS HAPPY MAN la Ne'er Without a Smllo, He Usca Only Our darden City Peer, And Life Seems Worth the While. mAROEM CITY BREWING CO., Mlmmoulm, Montmnm MISSOULA MERCANTILE COMPANY Missoula, Montana. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. We sell ev erything and everything tho vory best. Our lino of moil's dothlng, furnishings, shoes, etc, mbracea auch rellablo brands aa these: Man hattan Hhlrts, K. & W. Collars, Stelu-IIIoch and II. 8. it M. Itesdy-to.Wear Hulls and Orercoats, Knox Hats, ilanati A Bou's and Terror's Fluo Shoe. "Wo're There With the Goods" Mlttflouln, Montana Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. The Cascade Livery BOARDING AND SALE STABLES Sicial Attention Given to Com mercial Men. MARK W. DOTCIIUN, Propr. Second Avenue 60. bet. Fourth and Fifth Sta. Great Falls, Mont. Ceo. I!. Drew Kalispcll J. I). McDonald Great l'ulla Drew & McDonald Great Falls, Montana Ortat I'all Boots and Shoes Katlspell Genl. Merchandise P. J. Brophy & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IMPORTERS Largest Stock, Largest Business, Finest Goods, Lowest Prices 28 Main St. BUTTE, MONT. , Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals BHHHwCBjffaiVT9'BSH Hjeadixig Hotels. Tlie B-A.Y VIB"vV JONES BLOCK, COR. NINTH AND C STS., TACOMA, WASH. Elegantly Furnished Apartments with Bath. Elevator. Steam Heat. Electric Light. Central Location. COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED HOTEL RIDPATH EUROPEAN PLAN J00 Daylight Rooms $J to $3 Per Day Private Baths Single and in Suites REMODELED AND REFURNISHED First and Stevens Sts. SPOKANE WASH. Hotel Westminster F. 0. JOHNSON, l'oprlotor. American and European Plan. Comer Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANGELES, GAL. MURPHY & BINE The Lunch Counter. Home Cooking;. The Best Meals in the City for the Price. LA GRANDE, OREGON. HOTEL FOLEY T. B. FISHER, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lights and Steam Heat LA GRANDE, OREGON ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN G1BLIN, Prop. Flrst'ClsM ArroinmndMInn and I'rnmpt sorv Ice. Ijtrk'o riainiilo ()xima lor Counuerclul I ruvulcr. Phone 7 Cor. Flnt and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. The Spokane (Kuropcuu l'ltin.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Sample Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms, SPOKANE, WASH. TMI3 WASHINGTON SEATTLE ml 77 ' ' " - r-TaYmTa-T-Khlmi W-'WimmmammaaW-Walmaui'"' THE SCENIC IIOl EL OP THE WORLD. Tills inauuillceut touriut hotel is Senttlo's most prominent architectural feature being situated upon tho highest point of land in tlio down-town district 300 feet ubovo sea level. It is, however, easy of access by privato tramwuy, by regular hotel convoyanco, by street car or by carriage. Tho scenery from Tlio Washington is tho most superb to bo found on tho Pacific ceast. The appoint menta and furnishings of Tlio Washington aro entirely modorn and high-class s tho cuisine and service aro most satisfactory, Tlio rates aro exceedingly reason abln font (aslilouablo Tourist Hotel. The Washington Is situated in tho midst of six ncrosof beautiful grounds, which with tho broad driveways, green lawns, and a profusion of roses and car nations, make tho location an ideal ono. Tho sceuerv front Tho Washington and groundB is unsurpassed lu tho West no other point in Hotttlo giving such a mag nificent view us can bo had from this hotel, President ltoosovolt was charmed with tlio sceno that mot tho eye, from tho verandas and grounds of tho hotel, ami so ex pressed himself. Thousands of others, in public and privato llfo, havo coma and gono since tlio opening of this grand hostlory, who iiavo added their tributo to tlio many expressions' of pleasure and satisfaction dorlved from ugllmnsooftho Puget Sound country from this vantage ground, including as it does a view of mountains, lakes, Souud, harbor and all Beattlo. Write tor Illustrated booklet. pOUDl 110TEU TIIOS. CORDI, Proprlotor. Kates $1.80 and 1.00 por day. Kntlrely New and Modern Centrally located, Two Dlock s from 8. P. depot Iti:i)I)lNU CALIFORNIA. Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOP HOTEL SGMMER A. L. MORRIS, Manager. The Only First-Class Hotel in the City. LA GRANDE OREGON HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. j j j EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bub and Freo Samplu Rooms. 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Mosier's Lunch Counter All Trains Stop 30 MINUTES Por Meals. IIciuI(imrtcrH (or travelers and railroad mon. A. MOSIKIt, Proprietor. ROSEBURG, Oregon THE O.T. DINING ROOM I!. II. OTKY, Proprietor. All Trains Stop 30 Minutes FOR MEALS. Olio of tho llnoRt places nt tlio ilnpot for inculri. Wo always liavo chicken supper, !I('tulimrturri for tlio traveling public. Oysters in any stylo. Roseburg, Oregon