MtfEtMWMMIfMMiWMW ."r IT T. "" V &ijKBBWivirHiw9ewigw ' 1 I J : BANKS OF NORTH DAKOTA : $ FIRST NATIONAL BANK BISMARK, NORTH DAKOTA Emtabllhmd In 1B7B. Onpltml, $100,000. Intmraml Paid on Tlmm Dmpoaltm C. II. I.ITTI.K, President. P. D. KENDRICk", Vice President. 8. M. PYK, Cashier. J. 1 . 1IKI.I,, Asst. Cashior. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Red River Valley National Bank PARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. R. S. LEWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vice Pres'dent. J. W. VON MEIJA, Cashier PRUU A IKISH, Assistant Cashier. Gapltnl nnd Surplus THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House In Central North Dakota Collections made on all points In North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. J : BILLINGS, MONTANA, ADVERTISING : North Real Estate Loan & Title Company Established January 1, 1892. Flnnnclnl Agont8 for I2utcrn and Local Investors Interest nnd Principal Collected and Remitted Without Charge. Polo audits (or tho mIc of llurllngton and Northwest Town Mt, the best lnrestraent In the city o( Illlllngs. I'orsnto on tasy ayiiiouis. OfflcuH OppuHltu tho BIU.L.INQS WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY HffWSgSi Tho OldoBt Roal Estato Company In tho Stato. Emtnbltmhod 1B7B. Capital Surplum, 012B,OOO. Choice Itral IMalo Loans on Personally Examined Farms mi hand at all times for sale. Imprnrcd nnd wild lands In the famous James Hirer Vallojr District, the bread basket ol tie woild, fur sale on i'y terms. Ask fur our Slate Map and Dcsrrlptlvo Booklet. References' American Exchange National Hank, New York; Northwestern National D n Minneapolis, Minn.; James Hirer National Bank, Jaiiiealuwii, N. I). BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. .1. JAMESTOWN, IN. Oj Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota State License. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA r !. MISSOULA, MONT. A. M. STEVENS S CO. Fruits, Confectionery, Produce & Groceries OUR SPECIALTY, BUTTER AND EGGS Fresh Fruits In Season 222 I Ilgglns Avenue. Telephone J 14. MISSOULA MONTANA GEO. PRINGLE Manufacturer ol and dealer In Italian and American Marbles, Scotch, Swedish and American Granites.. MONUMENTS. TABLETS AND HEADSTONES A large assortment of the auore always on band or manufactured to order. Deigns sent on application. My taellltlos fur producing and furnishing the litest work la tho state am uuuxculled. MISSOULA, MONT. Murphy -Greenough Co. Successors to MURPHY & WORDEN Wholesale and retail dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Missoula Montana Henry Green hood Wholesale Wines, Liquors and (Cigars 25-327HlggIns Avcnuo MISSOULA MONTANA $150,000 Now Court Hour MONTANA Minnesota Bakery OTTO ANDERSON, Prop. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERY DAY Strictly Home Baking NO ALUM OR AMONIA USED 2904 Minnesota Ave., Billings, Mont. FARGO, N. D. MARSH & BALL Livery Solo nnd Boarding Heavy Draft and Fino Driving Horses for Salo. Hearses, Hacks and Carrlatii'H Opp. Postofllco. Tolephono Call 137. FARUO, N. D. THOMAS ERDEL lAH'OKllik AM) VIIOI.I!SAI.I! OI COFPnES, TUAS AND SPICES Fargo, - North Dakota JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER Sample Trunks ami Canes linulo to or der. ItopairiiiK ilono proiiiillv. Old Trunka Tukun In lCxcliauyu. Buy your triuikH whoro thoy make (hum and wivo your inonoy. Telephone 77-4, 614 I'iuiU Street. FARGO, N. 0. T. E. YERXA PARCIO, N. I). Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. OppoMlto N. P. Depot Lidgerwood-Fargo Creamery M. HKNDKY, Mgr. MunufnoturorB of nnd Dealers in Fancy Butter, Ice Cream, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. - Wholesale and Retail Telephone ia8. 718 Front St. FARUO, NORTH DAKOTA. Luger Furniture Co. Largest House Furn ishers in the West UNDERTAKERS ft EMBALMERS Tel. 142 L 12-14 Broadway FARGO, N. I. t : GREAT FALLS : oTRAIN BR08. Largest House In Northern Montana. Carry n Full Line n( Kvorythltig In DRY (IfHlDH, CI.OTIIINO, SHOES, MltOGEIHEP, CROCKERY and TIN WARE. Send ns your Mall Orders, fc'allslactlon Guaranteed. Croat Kalis, Moutana Wll. OEOR0E, , (Successor to Geo. Berthold) UNDERTAKER 4 EMBALMER. Open ilajr and night. Telephone 59. Cradunteof Chain tlon School of Kmbalrnlnr: Licensed from Colorado and Montana. 4i9 Central Avonue, Ore at Falls, Montana W. II. LKAItt), Pres. 11. norm: Mi, ut vicei'r W.I,. JOHNSON, 2nd V res. and See. Ice Pres. and Tress CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. II. Leard. Manarer. Telcphono 74. 117 First Ate. North Short order work a specialty. Or cat Tails, Montana Cloths Man, Woman, Boy in Molern Up-to-Dato Fashionablo Clothing at Popular Trices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Q rent Falls, - - Montana. JOHN I). HYAN. President. I). J. HIINNKSSY, Vlco President, JOHN (i. MOItONY, Cashier. K. J. BOWMAN, Ass't Cashier. MARK SKINNER, Ass't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, f200,000. Deposits, 11,200,000 ASSOCIATE IlANKBi Daly Tlnnlc A Trust Co,, Initio. Daly Hunk A Trust Co., Auacunda B. U. MOORE, (Reference Conrad Ranking Co.) LEWIS ROAI-HW1CK, County Commissioner Cascade Co MOORE & R0ALSWICK REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS. Agents for The Nolsou Coal Co., of Band Coule. Office: llasement of Conrad Bank. Qrcat Falls, Montana E. A. KKICIIEt.. President. W. F.HKNOIIUHCII, Vice Prastdont. 11. W. ORUNWALDT, Suo. Si Tnaa THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Urotvcra and Hottlerfl of extra quality lagur beer. "Amorican Family" bottled bcur a specialty. Odlco: 109 Central Avonue. P. O. Uox 80. Qrcnt Falls, Montana. THE BEE HIVE STORE. HIGH CLASS Grocorlos, Crookory, Dry Goods, TInwaro, Houso Furnishings, Ladlos Tailor Mado Suits. POSTER, JARDINE & CO. Great Falls, .... Moutana CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, raid it) Capital Individual Responsibility,, . 100,000 , 2,000,000 0. CONRAD. President. JAMltHT.KrANKOHD, Vice Pros, aud Manager, P. K3LLY, Cashier THE MONTANA BREWING GO. Hrowcrs nnd Hottlera of Kxtra Palo, Iloliomian and KxportUcor Bottled Beer a Specialty. Qrcat Falls, - - - Montana. Model Bakery CHAS. SCHUMACHER, Prop Fancy Bakery and Confectionery Bakery Lunch 133 N. Main St, Opp. Pott Office Helena, Montana Blazier's... No, 248 Burnside Streot, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREOON The Best of Wines, Liquors and Oigan hsshh THE 1HBW AE, .PORTLAND, MODERN SEA BATTLES. None) of the Foap nnd rnsjeaiitry oi Nelson's Day. The pomp and pageantry of sea war fare in- Nelson's day, with Its stripped crowds of men swarming about the incumbered decks and streaming flags from every mast, have gone with the towering ranges of sails and nimble tailors who leaped about aloft handling them even drirlng the height of battle. Tho new man-of-war goes Into the fight grim, unadorned and apparently proceeding by her own volition, like some unthinkable marine monster. Far more terrible, but mercifully far more swift, will be the conflict between hostile fleets In the future. There will be scarcely any such thing as the lin gering agony, Idng-drnwn out, of the old days of sea fighting. For one tiling, modern ironclads and cruisers going Into action will choose the tester of two evils confronting them. Because of the deadly peril of splinters and of Ore everything of wood in their fittings, oven to the boats.twlll be cast away at the beginning of the fight. Then, when the battle Is Joined, the senmnn must needs have a heart of brass Incased in triple steel, a mind that refuses to meditate upon the im mediate possibility of one of those ter rible twelve-Inch projectiles plunging down upon his vessel's deck, and out, nmld the disintegration of nil her gang lions of energy, through the bottom, rendering hor an easy target to an un injured foe and her sinking a matter of minutes. The modern man-of-war will not, at any rate, prolong the agonies of her crow when she Is scuttled. Sho will go down quick Into the pit In a hnlo of steam, a whirling vortex of waves, and in five minutes from the commence ment of her downward plunge there will be no sign that alio has ever been, nnd only If other vessels be very near will there be any possible chance of saving the handful of stalwart swim mers whose superhuman struggles have wrenched them clear of the de vouring, down-dragging eddies. Lou don Mall. AWAITED THE EXPLOSION. UlMOurl Pioneer Telia of First TJae Kerosene OH. of When the electric light was turned on here this week It recalled to C. M. Shackelford, a pioneer resident of the county, an event of 1855 thnt created far more excitement, says the Kansas City Star correspondent at Clarence, Mo. "I was running a drug store at Shol byvllle, the county seat," said Mr. Shackelford, "and on one of my trips to St Louis I purchased a couple of lamps and two gallons of coal oil. When my fellow citizens learned -of the proposed Illumination something like a hundred of them nssomblcd at the storo to watch the anticipated ex plosion. I didn't feel -o safe myself, but as It was my show I had to face the music. I loaded the lamp nnd turned up the wick. Then I got a long pole, and tied a piece of paper to the end. The paper whs lighted, and tho crowd ran out and looked In at the window. I reached the fuse over and touched off the wick, without casualty. The boys filed In and watched the lamp glow, with contradictory opin ions. I bought several more gallons of oil. and I tried to Induce the farm ers to use It, but sold only ono gallon the year following. "Oil then cost $3 a gallon, and tho home-raado candle was regarded as beter and cheaper. The manufacture of candles was turned over to the housewife and one of the children. There were molds that would bold from four to a dozen, and every farmer hod plenty of fat and grease to maho the candles. Usually It took about two days to make enough candles to last the family a year, nnd they were laid evenly away In boxe-. They furul-hcd a satisfactory light, and I never heard of young people In those days baring trouble with their eyes. And there was no swearing by tho head of tho houso about gas and electric light bills." A Law to I'rott-ot Hunters. Michigan recently passed n stntuto which mnkei It a criminal offenso for ono hunting In tho woods to kill or In jure another accidentally. The law Is tho result of tho many accidents In which human beings wero mistaken for anlmnls anil wore shot. Tho pen nlty Is ten years' Imprisonment or u thousand dollars' II tin, A chnnco to test the new law ennio at onco during tho Inst open season. A man shot and killed another sports mnn. whom he mistook tor n deer. The caso was Interesting In Its out come. TI10 nffnnillnc linntnr wna ncmilttod 'because tho lctlm, clad In garments somewhat resembling n doers hide, wns unconsclosly Imitating tho move ments of n lleelng deer ns he leaped from log to log In the cedar swamp. Moreover, such Is the grim humor of events, it proved that tho victim was stalking the mnn who shot ItTm, undnr the same delusion; thus It was merely n question which should happen to shoot first. A similar statute was enacted In Maine In 1001. It Is almost Impossible to convict any ono under a law which makes a special erlme of an accident. Tho principle at bottom of the law seems to be tho old principle of crim inal negligence. Her Opportunity. Nell Miss Spelts has been talking nbout you again. Belle Yes, I was delighted to meet her at n bargain salo this morning. Nell I wouldn't think you'd be pleased to meet hor at any time. BelleI was this time. During the crush .1 found a chance to glvo her a fow good poke on my own account. Phlladelphln Public Ledger. Horrible) Ilruto "Wbatl" demanded her mother, "you haveu't left your husband?" "Yes," sobbed the wretched young wife, "he Insulted mo Insulted mo hor ribly." "How? What?" "We were Just having a little spat, and all of n sudden he said: 'Oh, you wotuenl You're all alike.' " Phllndel phla Press. When you hear one woman refer to another woman of 30 ns a gtrl, It's a pretty snfo bet that she la also car rying weight for age. OKEGOW. HE V'doitlA. A. W. Glutich. Chas. Clemens. N. K. Corner Seventh and Ollsan 8trcet. Newly Furnished Rooms. BU am Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. Flist class Bar Itooin In connection. POItTLANI), OREOON. N ORQARD A I'ETTKIISON MERCHANT TAILORS. Phone Black 29S3. hlllmrccts. N. W. Cor. 8rd and Yam- ENTRANCE JG3 YAMHILU C Rock Springs O Lump or Range A Is the Very Best " L, H o u s e F u e VULGAN GOAL GO. 829 Ilurnslde bt. Phono Malu 276 SMITH'S U-RE-KA METAL POLISH Cleans everything silver, brass, copper, nickel or nny other metal, wood work, win dows, etc. Used by evorybody, sold every where. Phone Main MX Manufactured only by CD. SMITHS COMPANY- 803 Water Street. PORTLAND, OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7J0, Oregon Red ISM Proscription - Druggists 67 North Third Streot PORTLAND - - OREGON THU COURT lOlStntoKt BALEM ORE TUB HAMILTON 05 Sixth 8t PORTLAND ORE MEL,. HAMILTON Leading Brands LIQUORS AND CIQARS Phono, Main 3090 PORTLAND OREOON The PALMER HOUSE Formerly the SPALDING The most complote Compartment House in tho Northwest. Particular attention to Tour ist and 'Iraurlont Custom. Steam Heat, Gat Lights, Porcelain Baths. Ono block, from Ho tel Portland, Oregonlan Building, Marnuam tirnud and Cnrdray's Theater. Telopnoue Main lHKt. Rooms by Day, Week or Month en Suite or Single. Mrs. A, Larson, Proprietor. 350jAldcrSt.S.E.Cor.Prk. If you want to be sure your Cream is rich and your Butter the best there is ' j Order it from j HAZELWOOD Rush orders for train time a specialty. We can deliver on 10 or 15 minutes notice PORTLAND Phone 154 SPOKANE Phone Exchange 12 Something New Calvert's Delicatessen 405 Washington Street HOME COOKIISa Lunches put up for travelers and picnic , parties EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE aive US A. CALL PORTLAND OREOON M. S. COPELAND Milliner and Suit House Fine and Medium Millinery and Suits at Very Reasonable Prices We Aim to Build Up a Busi ness In Portland and Vicinity by Treating People Right and by Selling at Close Figures Come and Look at Least, Whether You Buy or Not J J j J. 382 Washington St PORTLAND OR Mvras O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAK1N0MWDER, FIJIVOWNO EXTRACTS ftMfehftrihr. FiMsrFUvor. OriUtSiTh,tasUkrTrCei CLOSSET&DEVERS PORTLAND, OMMON.' TTtJItNIPIlED ROOMS For rent. 1lath, and 9th streets. 888 Everett, between rrk MIIS. M. KKKKLK. FURNISHED llOOMB-87 N. Fifth Street. First .Ins In all of its drnirtnients. Home cook In it. Mm. 1.0 Jcuuo Frop. CHOICE WINES AND I.TqtIORS. TIIK CASTLE , . Ous. Wahlurcn, Proprietor. , Pool and Bil liards. Phone North U6. 2M Washington St. Portland, Oregon. For a good social time call and see 1 JOHN WOIDA. fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay 03. 4C0 Ullsan Bt, Portland. Or NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigar. Fiee Lunch. Cor Russell and llrvudle fits., Portland, Or. rotiN uri.T.T rJeneral Isuranre Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. Kli Third St., Columbian illilg. Established in 18M. Phone White IV Still Under SamoManagement THE GRONISE PHOTO STUDIO. THE TROVKRS, Props. Bend in your order for a Ornup of the Twenty second Biennial Session. Kldmlgo Block, cor. Commercial and, Chemekcta Sts., Balotn, Ore. c. A. WATBON DRUGGIST 88 North Third Street PORTLAND OREGON rOHN GIBSON THE APPLET0N CAFE Southwest comer Sixth and Everett Sts. PORTLAND OREGON -IIV. BTEIN 480 Washington street. IT. Grimm and C. II. McOlashan, proprietors. Come and get your own stein. PORTLAND, OREGON. TJIGH GRADE FIAN03 FOR RENT AND SALE On easy payments. Pianos tuned and repaired II, SIN8HEIMER 72 Third Street ' Portland Oregon TDOY QUACKENBUBII Tlumblng and gas fitting. Jobbing Trompt ly attended to. Shop phono Hood 8H7. Ilcs rhone Scott 1012. 770 Oak st. bet. 3rd and 4th streets. PORTLAND, OREOON. - "OURIST SALOON James Travcrs, Prop. Best wines, liquors aud cigars. Phouo Clay 1012. 120 N. Sixth St. TORTLAND, OREOON. C? RE8CENT CAFE Fine wines, liquors and cigars, ter, proprietor. iKO Crosby streot. B. M. Rich Phoua Un- PORTLAND, OREQ0N. iRAND CENTRAL BAR I. BERNSTEIN KINE WINES, LIQUOR8 & CIOAR3 Everything first-class Telephone, Main MS 91 N, Third Bt. PORTLAND OREGON A LL OARMENTS Intrusted with us are thoroughly inspected by usbeforo and after washing. All repairs done FREE OK CHARGE Buttons Sewed on and Socks Darned OREOON LAUNDRY CO. aei.S6C.3ca Katt Oak St. Phoue East 13 TORI LAND OREOON LE. ROY HADLEY Successor to MARTIN DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oregon Phone Main 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! I F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger in town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY GO. 106 SIXTH ST. Oap. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM '.iviiifston advertising. ELLER-S IIOMB BAKERY proprUtof White and O'her Breads, rtei. Cakes, etc. Also a nice line of confectionery. Dread shipped to all points in the state. irlngstou, . . Montana. INK OR THE BEST SALOONS IN LIVING ) BTON. WM. GRAB0W. sine brands of all kinds' gf liquors. Wholesale- dealer in Jos. Bchllls Brewing Co s Milwaukee Lager Beer. LlTlngston. Montana UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST x FRESH AND MLT MEATS Game and Fish In Season. Livingston, Montana. Employment Agency MALB AND PBMALB. Osti furnish employment to all Claasea of labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0. KROHNE, Agent. Office Opposlto Postofllce, LlTlngston, Montane F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park vlcwi furnished for Tourists during; season. Kodak Work, Dovcloplng, Printing and Mounting. Livingston, Montana. COLD STORAGE MARKET WM. HRUZA, PROPRIETOR Vhole8alo and Itetall Dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATS Private Car Bupply a Bpeclalty. Lower Main Street. UIVINOSTON. MONTANA. & DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas, Coffees and Spices. Complete line of Canned Goods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Postofflce BIccIc, Corner Calender and Second Streets. 'Phone J5-B Livingston, Montana Bozeman advertising. OOITART A YATES, Dealer In Fresh and Salt Meata And Poultry. Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Klsb and game in season. Bojctuan, Montana Statement of the Condition of tha COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. of Bozeman, Montana, At the Close of Business, Sept. 15, 190a (No. 4968.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $83,941.14, -OFFICER8-JOSEPH KOUNTZ, President, E. BROOX MARTIN, Vice Pres. OEOROE COX. Cashier. L. REESE WELL8, Asst. Cubist BOH ART YATES, Dealer in AMD SILT MEATS and Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and gam in season. Bozeman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES a Main St, West, Bozeman, Mont. O. a. MOQUEMtMM, OO. JEWELERS Slamonds Watches, Cocks. Jewelry. 1!r.flPeU'la. Jswelrymanu: factured to order aud fine watch repair tog, Watch examlssrs for N. P, Rci v m. aaaassireas v'j,f