MMta SAMtfflSMftnaMegjtvassk, Kawnnv lrr.iVY.iiir. THE- "NXW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGON VMM&4&KWMmmiJihimBimw rv "s. f "7 ",-. A . it A -'- . .. ( ry HOTEL coar 0000,000, The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmnagmr. American Plan, S3 Pot Day and Up war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon .-- Tremont Hotel RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. First Class In ICvory Particular. Everything entirely now throughout tlio building. Hcadminrtcra for Commercial Men. Commodious Sample ltooms. S. E. MURPHY, proprietor Best furnished Iioubo in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. H. PRAOIIT, Propriotor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON A FRIENDLY TIP When in Rosoburtr, Ore gon, go to E IVIOSIER'S Horseshoe Lunch Counter Near the S. P. Dopot Telephone 9G-B P. O. Box 31 'The Grand Pacific Hotel CIIAB. A. SCHUAOE, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlgglns Avo. MISSOULA, MONT. Hotel Creljin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated In the most conveni ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. ' Convenient to All Cars and Trains Cor 10th and Washington Sts. OAKLAND, CAL. SEATTLE'S NEW HOTEL u tz tSaStTEQu ItifBBIflH ? Q v4 T hBBBBtrBBSBnffBEHBBM BLssBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsaBBBBBBBBBBB $ tH J J mWAmmmmAmwSkiamwamwmm'mJ THE UNCOUNf The Blackwell Hotel Company Most beautifully and desirably located, on Madison street at Fourth avenue-, a section free from noise and dust moat convenient to all points of the city und commanding a magnificent view of Puget sound, Mount Rainier and the Olympic range. The Lincoln is easily accessible from all steamboat landings, depot) and theaters. All cars transfer to the hotel door. It is a new, modern, exquisitely furnished structure, containing 226 rooms 100 with private baths arranged to give its patrons every comfort. The drawing rooms, lobby, dining rooms and gentlemen's cafe are jnost luxurious, and will be found especially attractve to tourists and commercial travelers, while the service and cuisine will aatisliy the sett exacting nieur. PORTLAND. THETHORNTON W. D. THORNTON, Manager. . BUTTE, MONTANA European Plan, $1.50 Per Day Up The brat appointed hotel In the Northwest. Thoroughly equipped with atl the modern con venience!. Two-third! ol the roomi connected with private bath. Two bathi on each lloor (or imeoiRUeata without charge. All rooma well lighted and ventilated. TolUhed hardwood Hoots with ruga throughout. Flneit cafe and lerrloo In the city, at moderate prlcei. Euro, pcan plan, $1.(0 per day audup. No charge for aamplo rooma. European Plan. Roomi 60c. to 13.00. ltooms ilnglo or en suite, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL II. C. IIALMDAY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam .Heat, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc Cor. Howard St. and Main Ave. Tel. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASII. Golden Eagle Hotel I. W. WILSON, Proprietor. Sacramento, California When in Spokane, go to DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Qass in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had. SPOKANErWASH Rates 2.60, Per Day und Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKUICAN) A. GEISER, Propriotor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, ORLUUN HOTEL FLORENCE H. E. CHANEY, Proprlttor. Headquarters for Commercial Hen mbsoulaTmontana. SADDLE UOCK BEBTAUJIANT. BUCKMAN & CAnitAQUAR, Proprietors. First Class In everv respect. Oysters a specialty 1019 Becond Street, Sacramento, Cat g&ljrs T.2fll ISJiV fTTTTJOm- ?&$sfsi3 The Tacoma W. B. BLACKWELL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. The Colonial Hotel Strictly First Claas. New and Moat Itlegantly I'urmsiicu Apartments in meiiy. eiugie or Hn Suite. Blenm Heat. I.aree Wall Closets, Trlvate and Public Daths. Kates or the I)sv. Week or Mouth. One Block South of Postomce. A. M. Cadlen, Propr. P. II. Curtlas, Mgr. Telephone Main 913 1119 1'lrat Ave. cor. Seneca 8KATTMI, WASU. Delmonico Restaurant Cndcr Same Management The Alturas House Well Purnlshed and ltverythlng New Beda jo Centa aud Up. lud. Phone J7J 511; Main St. Boise, Idaho HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAFFNEY, Manager One of the Best Hotels in the Northwest. Lnrge Sample Rooms 'for Com mercial Men. EUROPEAN PLAN Furnished Rooms at any time at reasonable prices. Fine Italian and I'reiich Restaurant lu Connection, l'hone Ind. X 1699. COLUMBUS HOUSE AND SALOON Liquors and Cigars Open Day and Night 167 WASHINGTON STREET SEATTLE, WASH. Reduced Freight Rates on HOUSEHOLD GOODS to all Eastern Cities. Saving of 25 to 50 per cent. We transfer Freight, Passengers and Baggage. Pool shipments given prompt and careful attention. We invite correspond ence. Tine Seattle Transfer Co. SEATTLE, U. S. A. Messengers on All Trains Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SBATTI.K, U. 3. A. vnn Quaker Drug Go. SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut ilates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. itW- "Z K&JKiVmmE 'T'-'-.'vG 80ME ODD RAILROAD RULE& Curious Karl? Experience In Trans portation In Pennsylvania. Borne of the regulations In force on the earliest railroads built In Pennsyl vania read very queerly in these days of "llmlteds" nud "flyers," says the Boston Transcript A number of them are quoUfd in a brief pnper read before the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania on enrly experiences In transportnUon by Antes Snyder, and abstracted in part in tho Scientific American supplement. Snys this pnper: "When tlio commonwealth opened tho Philadelphia mid Columbia ltnll way the theory was tlint the State fur nish tho rondwriy and Hint any ono who plcnscd could furnish his own ve hicle nud motive power and ubo the railway whenever he wlhcd by paying tho State tolls for Its use, Just as tho turnpikes of the day were used. But it was soon discovered that a certain character of vehicles was needed and that rules and regulations as to times and manner of using the railways wcro absolutely necessary to effect their suc cessful operation. The ordinary ship pers found It too expensive to fit them selves with the necessary plant and that they could got tlili transportation dono by largo and woll-equlppcd ship pers much inoro cheaply than they could do It tucmseivcs, so that in prac tice the business drifted Into tho hands of a few individuals and companies, who did this service for the many. The railway as constructed was Intend ed for the horso as motlvo power, though the locomotive was being intro duced as an experiment shortly after tho railway was completed. Tho fol lowing among tho rules and regula tions adopted by the canal commlHslon for the regulation of the railway may bo of interest " 'Sec. 22. No car slmll carry a great er load Uian three tons on tho Colum bia and Philadelphia Hallway, nor more than tbrco and a half tons on tho Portage Hallway, nor shall any burden car travel at a greater speed than llvo miles per hour, unless tho car body and load shall be supported on good steel springs.' '"Bee. 108. It shall he tho duty of tho conductors of cars moving with less speed upon tho railways, upon no tice by ringing a bell, blowing n horn or otherwise, of tho npproach of a loco motive cnglno or other cars moving In the same direction at a greater speed, to proceed with nit possible dispatch to tho first switch In tho courso of their passage, and pass off said trade until said locomotive engine or other cars moving at greater speed can pasB by. The conductors of tho slower cars nio directed to open nnd close tho switches so ns to Icavo them In proper order. Any person who shnll refuse or neglect to comply with tho provisions of this regulation shnll, for every offense, for feit nnd pay tho sum of $10.' "It must liavn been a very Interest ing and novel sight, Indeed, when the horso nnd tho locomotlvo wecr used In discriminately on tho samo track and wero struggling for supremacy ns the futuro moUvo power of our railroads, nnd tho npproach of a locomotlvo was heralded by tho tooting pf n horn. Kven nt tlint tlmo tho right of way was giv en to tho fast horse." WAY8 OF QEORQE GOULD. lie Keeps Himself In Good Health liy Athletic KxorcUc. George J. Gould, physically, Is In striking contrast to not u few of tliu directors of tho Gould companion vtho wero so actively Identified with tliu Into Jny Gould. Gcorgo Gould's fond ness for sports and athletic games keeps him In oxccllent physical condi tion, says tho New York Mull, IIu ill most iuvnrluhly arrives at his otllco In tho Western Union building, 1H5 Ilroadway, u llttlo lie tore 10 a. in. Ills pnee is awlft und only a good walker can keep up with him. Often In tho coldest weather ho comes with his overcoat on his arm. Immediately upon reaching his desk be throws off not only hU undercoat, but his waistcoat as well, nnd pitches Into a vast amount of work. Frequent ly during tho day Mr. Gould mny be seen passing rapidly through tho corri dors of the Western Union building lu this snmo negllgoo attiro. 1 Not long ago a midday meeting of tho directors of tho Texns and PnclMo Hllroud was called, and Itussell Sage, John T. Terry and Sum Sloan, all ac tive associates of tho late Jay Gould, came down Jho corridor from Georgo Gould's ofllce, all wearing winter over coats, although the weather was abominably mild. Mr. Gould appeared a few minutes later minus his under coat and waistcoat, and in this nttl.-e presided at tho meotlng, while his aged confreres, In conventional dress nnd holding high silk hats with a great deal of dignity, unanimously ratified his propositions. I Mr. Gould rarely gets further down- 1 town than tho Ilarrlmau offices, at 120 Broadway. Ho could easily pan through Wall street without being gen erally recognized. Kven some of the Wall street reporters do not know him by sight Might Have Itoen Worae. Bourke Cock run was condemning a certain popular novel. "This novel," he satd, "Is as poor and barren as Elmo County laud." "Is Elmo County lund very poor and barren?" asked 0110 of Mr. Cockran's Interlocutors, "Is It?" ho said. "Well. I should say it is. Onco two strangers rode on horseback through Klmo County, nnd the barrenness of the land amazed them, Nothing but weeds and rocks everywhere As they passed a farm house they saw an old man sitting In tho garden, and they said: " 'Poor chap! Poor, poverty-stricken old fellow I' "The old man overheard them, and called out In a shrill voice; " 'Gents, I hain't bo poor an' poverty-stricken as yo think, I don't own none o' this land.' " Origin or Illankctsi. Blankets were first made by Blanket Brothers, at Bristol, England, about tho middle of tho thirteenth ceutury. Don't gossip, don't spread poison with your tongue; don't bo a weluer wurst. Some men lose tholr hair by butting la at tho wrong tune. Missoula advertising;. mllE OAUDEN CITY BAKERY. ' 1IENHY ROSKNDOnK, Proprietor. Bread, cakea and plea ot superior quality fresh every day. lit West Main Street, Missoula, Montana QCOTTY.8 rt,ACE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Everything First Cliis. J. A. BCOTT, Proprietor. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. (No. 2100 Capital, $150,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 ...... ..A. I). Hammond, President ,.A. O. England, Vlco'l'realdent J. M.'Kclth. Cashier DIRECTORS .11. A. Kddy .1. u. ureennugn , C. 11. Mel. cod O. O. England t. A. WALKER GEO. W. AI.DKE WALKER & ALBEE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables a j llorrei Iloardt-d by the Day, Week er Month. Caba, buasea and nagona to and from all trains and hotela. Finest cuahlon tiro turnout! In the city, lltgglna Arc, opp. Kennedy Hotel. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS HAPPY MAM Is Ne'er Without a Smile, He Uaea Only Our Garden City Reer, And Life Beems Worth the While. mAltDCM OITY BREWtNa CO., Mlmmoulm, Montmnm MISSOULA MERCANTILE COM PAIN V Missoula. Montana. Wholeaale and Retail Dealers. We sell ev erything and ererytblng tho very beat. Our lino ol men's clothing, furnlahlnga, shoes, etc., embraces such rcllablo brands as these! Man hattan Shirts, K. A W. Collars, Bteln-Uloch and II, 8. it M. ltesdy-to-Wear Bulta and Orercoats, Knox Hata, Italian it Bon's and Torrey's l'lns Shoes. "Wo're Thero With the Goods" AUsmouIu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fins, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. The Cascade Livery BOARDING AND SALE STABLES Spedal Attention Given to Com mercial Men. MARK W. DOTCUKN, Propr. Second Avenue 60. bet. Fourth sud PIRh Sts. Great Falls, Mont. Ceo. K. Drew Ksllapell J. D. McDonald Ureal Palls Drew & McDonald Great Palls, Montana Oreat Palis Boots and Shoes Ksllapell Gent, Merchandlss P. J. Brophy & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND UirORTKRS Itrgest Stock, Largest Business, Finest Goods, Lowest Prices 28 Main St, BUTTE, MONT. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals V Mrs2f lSBSBSSSSSlYSs.M.1 ft. Leading f-rjalBii TUSifef pSaJMBaBiaHBB?il rttJfc'IssffOlM IsaMaBrwHlislHBMrflE- t L jiyf 5BnUiipffi BVsKLSSHlHsBaarv W tKH. I !2."i?.fiaHWE QUHtwapJLr!rvB9fr Pw- .l' V-'-aa,-j Ty 'WsEHPfffll'ffPiffifl Tlxe JONES BLOCK, COR. NINTH AND C STS., TACOMA, WASH. Elegantly; Furnished Apartments with Bath. Elevator. Steam Heat. Electric Light. Central Location. COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED HOTEL RIDPATH EUKOPUAN PLAN 100 Daylight Rooms $ J to $3 Pr Day Private Baths Single and In Suites REMODELED AND REFURNISHED First and Stovens Sts. SPOKANG WASH. Hotel Westminster K. O. JOIINfiON, Proprietor. American and European Plan.' Corner Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANGELK8, OAL. MURPHY & BINE The Lunch Counter. Home Cooking. The Beit Meals in the City for the Price. LA GRANDE, OREGON. HOTEL FOLEY T. B. FISHER, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lights and Steam Heat LA GRANDE, OREGON ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Kllit-C1M Arrnmmndntlona and Prompt aorr Ice. I.Hrfe Kmnptu (noma lor Coinmcrclal J ruvvlvra. Phone 7 Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. The Spokane (Kuronvan Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Samole Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. THI3 WASHINQTONaEATILE !P5T' KvXr '-" - -,-," THE SCENIC HO I EL OP IHE WORLD. This mafMiiflcunt tourint hotel is Hoattlu'u most prominent architectural feature belnu situated upon tho highest point of laud In tlio down-town district 300 fcot above he.i lovel. It is, however, easy of acccHa by private tramway, by regular hotel convoyauco, by streut car or by carriage, Tho tcenory from Tliu Washington Is tho most superb to Ixi found on tho Pacific coast. Tho appoint ments and furnishings of Tho Washington aro entirely modern and high-cluB ; tho cuiulnu and service aro most tatlnfuctory. Tho rates aro exceedingly reaaon ablo for a fahionablo Tourist Hotel, Tlio Washington is situated in tho midst of sir acres of lieaittlful grounds, which with tlio broad driveways, green lawns, and a profusion of rosea and tar nations, mako tho location an ideal ono. Tho scenery from Tho Washington aud groundB Is unsurpassed In tho West no other point in Uoittlo giving such a mag nificent view as can be had from this hotel. President Koosovolt was charmod with tho sceno that met tlio eye, from tho verandas and grounds of tho hotel, aud so expressed hlmsolf. ThoUfnndB of others, In public nnd privato lifo, havo coma and gono sinco tho opening of this grand hostlury. who havo added tholr tribute to tho many oxprtWous of pleasure and satisfaction dorived from ugllmpsooftho I'uget Sound country from tills vantage ground, including as it docs u view ol mouutaius, lakes, Sound, harbor aud all Seattle Wrlto lor illustrated booklet. "i. AT5T VIEW pOIUM IIOTKU TIIOS. COltm, Proprietor. Hates tl.M and 11.00 per day. Knllrcljr New and Modern Centrally Located, Two Mocks Irom 8. P. depot UKDDINO, CAMKOHNIA. 'fiitPiV Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL SOMMER A. L. MORRIS, Manager. The Only First-Class Hotel in the City. LA GRANDE OREGON HOTEL PEDIOORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. j J j EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 7.1c nnd $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bus and I-'rco Siunplu ltooms. 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Mosier's Lunch Counter All Trains Stop 30 MINUTES For Meals. Headquarters for travelers and railroad men. A. MO.SIKU, Proprietor. ROSEHURO, Oregon THE O.T. DINING ROOM i: II.OIIIV, Proprlutur. All Trains Stop 30 Minutes FOR MEALS. One of tliu fluent nliKTH nt tlio depot for meals. Wo uIw.ivh liavo chicken Hiippur. IIcadiiiarterH for tlio traveling public. OvHturs in any Htylo. Roseburgf, Oregon ( ..i.ig....i-.: -Ai , ip'.ia.iiij'sisissi Mi n!cip8RHksxS J. & fl"j.-fl.'VfJ