rrr n i m? TELE NJSW A(E, .PORTLAND, OREGON. J : BANKS OF NORTH DAKOTA f FIRST NATIONAL BANK B ISM ARK, NORTH DAKOTA Emtmbllmhmd In 1B70. OmpHml, 0100,000. Intmrmmt Pmtd on Tlmm Ompomltm C. ll.LITTLK. ('resident. V. 1). KKNIlllICK, lc President. 8. M. I'YK, l ashler, J. 1 . 1IKI.L. As.t. fashler, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSAOTED. Red River Valley National Bank PARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. R. S. LBWIS, President. JOHN S. WATON Vice President. J. V. VON MliDA, Cashier MUli A IRISH, Assistant Cashier. Capital and Surplus 1S0,000 THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collections made on all points In North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and told. Telegraph transfers to all parti of America. : BILLINGS, MONTANA, ADVERTISING : a) North Real Estate Loan & Title Company Ustabllshcd January 1, 1892. Financial Ajiont for I2utor-n and Local Invoatora Interest and Principal Collected and Remitted Without Charge. Pole atrnt for tho imIii of lliirllnijton and Northwest Town Lote, the best lnrestment In the city o( Hillings. For mile on easy ayinoiiU. OflluuM OppoMltu tho Now Court Hours BILLINGS MONTANA e WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY itffWSR Tho OldoBt Uoal Estato Company In tho Stato. Emlmbllmhod 1B7B. OmpHml 4 Surplua, S12B,000. Choice Itr-al Estato Loanann Personally Examined Farms on hand at all timet for sale. Imprired ami wild landt In the Famout James Rlror Valloy District, the bread basket ol bo woild, for tale on easy tonus. Ask for nur Slate Map and Pescrlptlvo Iloolclet. References: American Exchange Natlonnl Hank, New York; Northwestern National B n Minneapolis, Minn.; Jamus Hirer National Hank, Jamestown, N. I). BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings. Mont. H 1 iAMreTfiAM M n jwrntoiiffii, ii. v. x Adams Furniture Co. UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota State License. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA MISSOULA, MONT. A. M. STEVENS & CO. Fruits, Confectionery, Produce & Groceries OUR SPECIALTY, BUTTER AND EGGS Fruh Frultt In Season 222 Wcclni Avenue, Telephone 114. MISSOULA MONTANA GEO. PRINGLE Manufacturer ol and dealer In Italian and American Marbles, Scotch, Swedish and American Granites.! MONUMENTS. TABLETS AND HEADSTONES A large assortment of the above alwaya on hand or manufactured to order. Poalciu tent on application. My tacllltlet for producing and furnishing tho lit. i.ost work tu the state are uuexculled. MISSOULA, MONT. Murphy -Greenough Co. Successors to MURPHY & W0RDEN Wholesale and retail dealers la Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Missoula Montana Henry Greenhood Wholesale Wines, Liquors and (Cigars J25-327tllgghu Avenue Minnesota Bakery OTTO ANDERSON, Prop. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERY DAY Strictly Home Baking NO ALUM OR AMONIA USED 2904 Minnesota Ave., Billings, Mont. FARGO. N. D. MARSH & BALL'AMFRir.AN RRFUINfi Livery Sale and Hoarding I Heavy Draft and Fine Driving Horses for Haiti, lleitrses, Harks and Carriages Opp. PoHtolllco, Tolephuno Cull 137. PARGO, N. D. THOMAS ERDEL IMI'OKTUK AMI WHOLUSAI.HK OP COPFEES, TEAS AND SPICES Fargo, - North Dakota JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUPACTURIiR Satnpln Trunks and Canes miulo to or tier. KtipniriiiK ltno promptlv. OM TruiikH Taken In KxcIiiiiiko. lluv your trunks wlioro they nmko litem anil savo your money. Trlephone 77, 614 I'ronl Street. FARGO, N. 0. T. E. YERXA PARQO, N. D. Staple & Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Opposilto IS. r. Depot Lidgerwood-Fargo Creamery M. 1IKNDRY, Mgr. Munufiioturers of and Dealers is Fancy Butter, Ice Cream, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. Wholisili tod Ritill Telephone u8. 718 Front St. PARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. Luger Furniture Co. Largest House Furn ishers in the West UNDERTAKERS ft EMBALM E AS Ttl. 14! L 12-14 Brotitfay FARGO, N. 0. t r-sn- r-..,o l GREAT FALLS . tiiain imos. Largest House In Northern Montana. Carry a Full Linn of Everything In iiur nooi)S,(:u)Tliiso, biioks, (IKOChltlKH, CROCKERY and TIN WAKE. Bend us your Mall Orders, t'allsfactlon Uuaranteed. Or cat Falls, Hon tan t Wll.OEORClK, , (Successor to Geo, Rerthold) UNDERTAKER 4 EMBALMER. Open day and night. Telephone &. (Iraduate of Champion School of Embalming; Mcrnscd from Colorado and Montana. ' 4 H Central Avenue, Great Falls, Montana W. II. LUAItli, I'res. II. noiHI'.nl, 1st Vice t'rre. and Bee. W I.. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice l'rcs. and Treat CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W, II, Lcard, Manarer. Telephone 74. 11? First Are. North Short order work a specialty. Great Falls, Montana Cloths Mun, Woman, Boy In Molcrn Up-to-l)nto Iwisliionnblo Clothing ut Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men an J Women. Q rent Falls, Montana. JOHN D. IIYAN, President. D, J. IIKNNKRSY, Vice President, JOHN (I. MOKONY, Cashier. E. J. 1IOW.MAN, Ass't Cashier. MARK 3K1NNKU, An't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, 1200,000. Deposits, 11,200,000 ASSOCIATE nANKfl! Daly Hank A Trust Co., llutte. Daly Hunk a Trust Co., Anaconda. B.M. MOOItE, (Kofereno! Conrad Hanking Co.) LEWIS ROALHWICK, County Commissioner Cascade Co MOORE & ROALSWICK REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS. Agents for The Nelson Coal Co., of Baud Conic. Ortlco: Ilaseuieut o( Conrad Bank. Orrat Falls, Montana K.A.RKI('III:L. President. V. F. bKNdllUKCII. Vlro President. 11. W. OKUN WALUT, Bee. & Treat TUC & MALTING COMPANY Ilrowers nnd Ilottlers of extra ntiullty lager beer. "Amerlcun 1'uinUy" buttled beer a specialty. Odlco: 109 Control Avenue. P. O. llox 80. Qrent Falls, - - Montana. THE BEE HIVE STORE. HIGH CLASS Grooorlos, Crockery, Dry Goods, Tin warm, House Furnishings, Ladles Tailor Made Suits, FOSTER, JARDINC & CO. a rest Falls, Montana CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, Paid tin Capital Individual ltusponslblllty., .1 lrm.ooo . 3,tM),0U0 O. CONUAD, President. JAMKHT.HrANFOrtD. Vice Pros, and Manager. P. KliLLY, Cashier T B E MONTANA EWING CO. Ilrowers and Bottlers of Kxtra Palo, Bohemian aud Export Beer' Bottled Beer a Specialty. Great Falls, - - - Montana. Model Bakery CHAS. SCHUMACHER, Prop Fancy Bakery and Confectionery .', Bakery Lunch 133 N. Main St., Opp. Post Office Helena, Montana Blazier's... No. 248 Burnside Street, Bet. Second and Third, POUTLAND, OREGON Th4 Beat of Wines, Liquors and Chjara t3lpl$ The velocity of tho wind nt the height of one mile above the earth la four times as great as at the surface. A man worth $5,000,000 to-day Is no richer, as related to the aggregate wealth of the United States, than a man worth 1370,000 In 1850. It Is not generally known that tho fur seal was once a land animal. The baby seals are actually nfrald of tho water, they would drown, If thrown Into It, and have to learn to swim by repeated efforts. When ouco they bavo been taught to swim, however, tlicy soon forget to walk. The largest room In the world, un- . dcr one roof and unbroken by pillars. Is at St Petersburg. It Is 020 feet long and 150 feet In breadth. By day light It Is used for military displays, nnd a whole battalion can completely maneuver In It By night twenty thou sand wax tapers give It a beautiful appearance. The roof Is a single arch of Iron. There have been thirty-three Speak ers of the nntionnl House of Uoprcsont atlves. Eleven of them beenmo Unit ed States Senators nnd one of them, James K. Polk, of Tennessee, Presi dent of tho United States. Tho posi tion has been llllcd by only one mer chant, ono physician, ono preacher, three editors, while twenty-four of them have been lawyers. Koreans wear full mourning for their fathers. The dress Is of hemp cloth, with hempen girdle. A faco shield Is used to show that tho wenrcr is a sinner nnd must not speak to any ono unless addressed. Tho costume Is retained for three ycurn, the shield for three months. This Is worn for a father only; secondary mourning Is worn for a mother, nnd no mourning at all for a wife. Tho hat Is of wicker. Most animals nrc nfrald of Are and will fly from It In terror. To others thcro Is a fascination about n flame, and they will walk Into It even though tortured by the heat. A horse in a burning stable goes mad with fear, but a dog Is as cool in a flro ns nt any tlmo. Ho keeps his noso down to tllo floor, where the air Is purest, nnd sets himself calmly to finding his way out Cats In Arcs howl plteously. They hide their faces from tho light nnd crouch In corners. When their rescuer lifts thorn they nrc, as a rule, qulto docile nnd subdued, nover biting or scratching. Dlrds seem to be hypno- j tlzed by Are and keep perfectly still; even me loquncious parrot in a flro has nothing to sny. Cows, like dogs, do not show alarm. They are easy to lead forth, and often ilnd their way out themselves. FOREST FIRE8. WnriiltiB laaueil liy the General I.nnd The PALMER HOUSE Office nt Wiiahliiictoti. I Every summer nnd autumn largo1 Formerly the SPALDUMG areas of public nnd prlvnto forests nro ' devastated by lire. This destruction Is Tne mo con,p,etB compartment House In a universal Injury. It not only dc the Northwest, lwicuiar attention to Tour ntrnvB n viilmililn n.anf In Mm lla nf 1st and 'I riuirletit Citatum. Steam Heat, Ou Stroys a UIliaUlo asset in tile list Of Lights, Porcelain Hatha. One Mock from Ho. the country's resources, but Is pro t" Portland, Uregonlan Uullillng, Marnuam j.,.ii. ,i.,i0 mii ., 1- ,1,. tiranrt and Cordray'a Theater. Telonhone auctlve of IIOOUS. Iho forest Is tho Main im. Itooms by Day. Week or Month en most effective- menns of preventing feulteurBlnglo. Mrs. A. Larson, Proprietor. floods and producing a more regular flow of water for Irrigation aud other useful purposes. To prevent tho mischievous forest fires Congress has enacted n law which forbids setting tire to the woods, aud forbids leaving tires (camp tires and others) without llrst extinguishing tho Butne. The law provides a maximum fine of $5,000, or Imprisonment for two years, or both, If the tire Is sot mali ciously, and a flue of f 1,000, or Impris onment fur ono year, If the lire Is duo to carelessness. It also provides that tho money from these tines goes to tho school funds of tho county In which tho oITeiiHO is committed. Commlbsloner W. A. Ktchnrds of the general land olllce has Issued circu lars, warning tho public against curo lesmiesH, Inasmuch as many tires start from neglected camp tires, and makes tho following requests: , 1. Do not build a larger Are than you need. 2. Do not build your tires In dense mnsses of pine leaves, duff nnd other combustlhlo material, where tho flro Is sure to pprcad. 3. Do not build your flro ngnlnst Inrgo logs, especially rotten logs, whero It requires much nioro work nnd tlmo to put the flro out thnu you are willing to expend, nud where you aro rarely qulto certain that tho flro Is really and completely extinguished. I 4. In windy weather nnd In danger ous places dig a Are hole nnd clear off a place to secure your flro, Rave wood aud trouble. You win 0. Kvcry camp Are should be com pletely put out before leaving tho camp. 0. Do not build tires to clear off land nnd for other similar purposes without Informing the nearest ranger or tho supervisor, so that bo may assist you. As hunters. Ushers aud campers will soon hnunt the woods nnd streams, It Is hoped that newspapers everywhere will circulate this warning and Infor mation. No Sentiment, About It. Borne one beard that Do Wolf Hop per sported a balr ring. From being a dainty gold circlet with a tluy lock, It grew to a wide band with large twisted strands. There was consider ablo excitement about It. Finally a friend said to him: "Sny, haven't lost any of your im mediate family?" polutlng to a ring on tho actor'a band. ".Not that I know of. Why?" "Well, lt'a whispered on tho lllalto that you wear hair In your ring, nnd I thought you might carry a curl around with you for sentiment." "Oh, no," Hopper looked sadly at his friend's head, covered with baso ball hnlr. "The hair in that ring catno from the front side of my own head years and years ago, and I keep It so that I may have boiuo to stand ou .nd during first nights, aa of old." German Soldier, aa Swimmers, All German soldiers must learn to swim. Some of them are bo expert that, with their clothlug on their head and carrying guns aud ammunition, they can awlm streams soycral hun dred yards wide. IIE VrfttORIA. A. W. Glutsch. Chat. Clement. N, E. Corner Seventh and Qllsan Street. Newly Furnished Koomi. Utcfcm Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. Kltst cltit liar Koom In connection. PORTLAND, OREGON. N OROARD & PETTERSON MERCHANT TAILORS. Phone HIack2M3. N. W. Cor. 3rd and Yam hill Streets. ENTItANCK 263 YAM II ILL. C KOCk SorinffS O Lump or Ranee A Is the Very Best I House Fuel VULOAN OOAL GO. HOT Durnsldo bt. Phuno Main 2776 SMITH'S U-RE-KA . METAL POLISH Clcant everything .sliver, brass, copper, nlclol or nuy other metal, wood work, win dows, etc. Uccd by everybody, sold every where. Phone Main W3. Manufactured only by G. D. SMITH & COMPANY 003 Water Street. POIITLANI), OltKGON ..IKE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescription Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 750, Oregon Rod 1M4 Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - m OREGON TUB COURT lUlKtnteSt BALKM OltK TUB HAMILTON M Bixth Bt PORTLAND OltE MEL. HAMILTON Leading Brands LIQUORS AND CIQARS Phone, Main SOW PORTLAND OREGON 350) Alder St. S. L Cor. Firt If you want to be sure your Cream is rich and your Butter the best there is j Order it from j HAZELWOOD Rush orders for train time a specialty. We can deliver on 10 or 15 minutes notice PORTLAND Phone 154 SPOKANE Phone Exchange 12 Something New Calvert's Delicatessen 405 Washington Street HOME COOKING Lunches put up for travolors and picnic parties EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE aive US A CALL PORTLAND OREGON M. S. COPELAND Millinery and Suit House Fine and Medium Millinery and Suits at Very Reasonable Prices We Aim to Build Up a Busi ness in Portland and .Vicinity by Treating People Right and by Selling at Close Figures Come and Look at Least, Whether You Buy or Not J J JA 382 Washington St PORTLAND OR HEVF O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, FUNOMNGEXTftMtf ttMtatority. FiMJrFlsWor. OitftitSrih,lferoiUefriei CLQSSET&DEVERS PORTLANO, OMON. tJUItNlSIIED ItOOMS For rent. Hath, and Dthstroets. E8S Everett, between Park MltS. M. KKERLK. T7URN1SIIKP ROOMB-87 N. Filth Streel. Flrtt a rlu In all or Its UcrMrinieius. numo cooking. Mrs. LeJcune Prop. CHOICE WINKS AND LtQUORS. THK CASTLE . .. Gut. Wahlgren, Proprietor. Pool and Bil liards. Phono North Ut. M Washington St. Portland, Oregon; For a good social time call and sea ' JOHN WOIDA. fine Wines, Llquori and Cigars. Telephone Clay 63. 4C0 Gllsau Bt Portland. Or NEIL O'HARE. Oceania Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clear. Free Lunch. . , Cor Rutaell and Ilrcndle Sts., Portland, Or. roiir, KEI.LT nn ral iiiiraner Aitnt. Fire and Marine. BcottUh Union A National Ins. Co., Kdlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. lli Tblru at., Columbian nidg. Established In 18W. Phone White IV HUH Under Same 'Management THE CRONISE PH3T0 STUDIO. THE THOVEKS, Prop. Bend In your order for a Orou un of tne Twenty- aecond lllcnnlal Session KM red CO Mock. cor. Commercial and Cheuieketa Sts., Salem, Ore. c. A. WATBON DRUGGIST M North Third Street PORTLAND OKEQON fOHN G1USON THE APPLET0N CAFE Bouthwest corner Sixth and Everett Ott. PORTLAND OKKQON 'IIF. BTKIN 430 Washington atrret. n. Orlmm and C. II. Mcdlashan, proprietors. Como and got your own tteln. POR'TT.AND, OREGON. TJIOII CJRAI)F. TIANOS FOR RENT AND SALE On etsy payments. Pianos tuned and repaired It. 81NSI1KIHKK 72 Third Gtrtet Portland Oregon T30Y QUACKF.NnUfln numbing and era fitting. Jobbing Prompt ly attended to. Hhop phono Hood 887. lies Fhont Scott 1912. 370 Oalc st. bet. 3rd and 4th stmts. PORTLAND. OltKOON. "OUKIST SALOON Jsmet Trsrer?, Prop. Peat wines, liquors andilgart. Phone Clay 191i. lai ti. Klxth St. PORTLAND, OrtKQON. "IIEBCKNT CAFK Fine wines, liquors and elgan. I). M. Rich- ter, proprietor, au crutbjr street. 1'hone un ton PORTLAND, OltKGON. 'RAND CENTIIAI, HAK I. DKKNtfrF.IM PINK WINKd, LIQU0US & CIGARS Everything first-class ' Telephone, Main 1&2S PORTLAND 1)1 N, Third St. OREGON ALL GARMENTS Intrusted with us are thoroughly Inspected by ui before and after washing. All repairs done FREE OF CIIAltOE nuttons Sewed on and Socks Parned 0KKG0.V LAUNDRY CO. 8M.SM-3CS East Oak Bt, Phone East II PORT LAND OREGON LE ROY HADLEY Successor to MARTIN L. DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oregon Phone Main 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! I F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger In town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY CO. 106 SIXTH ST. 0f. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM "JviniEston advertising. ii' UKLLEIVS IIOMB BAKERY. ..ta. A. MUBiier, iwjt..- Whit and O'her Breads, Met, Caket, lso a nice line of confectionery. Bread shipped to all polntt In tha ttata. .lyings tou, Montana. . ... ta u ffVIMO. 0NK OK TUB BEST BAIAiuno m . -BTON. WM. GRAB0W. Fine brands of all klndt of 'l.'l0nr,llnr wf Wholcsalo dealer In Jot. BchUU Brewing uo- Milwaukee Uger Beer. Livingston, Montana UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Proa. CHOICEST FRESH D IT HIS Came and Fish In Season. Livingston, Montana. Employment Agency MALH AND FBMALB. Can furnish employment to all closet of labor. Tonus reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0. KROHNE, Agent, omce Opposite Fostolllce, Livingston, Montana F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park views furnished for Tourists during; season. Kodk Work, Developing, Printing and Mounting. Livingston, Montana. COLD STORAGE MARKET WM. HRU7.A, PROPRIETOR Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATS Trlrate Car Supply a Specialty. Lower Main Street. UVINQSTON, MONTANA. & DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas, Coffees and Spices. Complete line of Canned Goods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Postoffice Block, Corner Calender and Second Streets. 'Phone J5-B Livingston, Montana Iiozeman advertising. IIOIIARTAYATES, Dealer la Fresh and Sait Memtm And Poultry. Manufacturers of sausage and lard, Fish and Kama In aeuon. Botenian, .... Montana Statement of the Condition of the COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. of BoHfflin, Montana, At the Close of Business, Sept. 15, 100a (N0.49M.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $82,041.36 -OFFICERfl-JOSEni KOUNTZ, President. E. I1UOOX MARTIN, Vice Pret. OEOROE COX, Cashier. L. REESE WELLS, Aaat. CathlM BOHART YATES, Dealt r la IHD SUT HUTS and Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and game In season. Bowman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES 3 Main St. West, Bozeman, Mont O. m. JAOOUEMNi A OO. JEWELERS f.amouat watches, CJockt. Jewelry. amonat Watches. Cocks. in. u ...1. ' "' . Qn5 "Ka r tnj Match examiners for N P U !S v m. aaata aut MMMmer'