PI'S- W.r, -, --- ,.-.., . -VXStoujfl THE NEW AGE. POUTL.AND. OEEGON.. - -I TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETH, Pres. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Writs for copy of handsomo illustrated booklet on Tacoma, Just Issued. SUNRISE BAKERY. D. McrilEItSON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE RED ISM. J 107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. THE JUNCTION ' ERICH BlliUItCl, Proprietor. 1MI, IMS. IMS Pacific Aycnue, Tacoma, ffuh, One-halt Mock from N. P. Depot. Stop ping point (or all street ears. Telephono mack 1(73. All tho Leading Brands of Imported Liquors, iucs anil Cigars Carried In Stock. Fresh beer AN ways on Tap. One of tho Finest Places In the City. THOMAS B. nUIU.KY, Manager, lies. Tel. John Ml. ROBERT McCULLOUOH, Secretary. Res. Tel. John Ml. TAGOMI TOG AND BARGE GO. T008 FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. Oeneral Towing. Coal, Ballaat and Water furnished. Scows and Uargea for Rent. The "Ft'arles" ! titled with powerful fire and wrecking pump. All business communica tion! to be addr, used Tacoma Tug and llarge . Co. Olllce: I'acine Cold Storage building, Northern Paclile Dock. Telephone Main 9. lacoma, noimngiuu, Wm. B. Gcffee Plumbing Go. Inc. Guarantoo Everything They Do. Headquarters for Bathroom Trimmings Established 1883. 1015 A Stroot Phone, Main 670 TACOMA WASH C. C. MELLINGER. Funeral Director Embalming a Specinlty by Moi ling Bros. Office Phone Main 231. Resldonce Phone John 2541. 910 Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash. Cle B. Lien. narry B. Belvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Ccutral Drug Store. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone James 141. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAP, CAKES, ETC. 043 Tacoma Avenuo, Tacoma - - Washington Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Heating, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. OCCIDENTAL MARKET JAMES LONGMIKE, Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP FRESH AND, SALT MEATS. POUL TRY AND GAME IN SEASON. 1702 Jefferwa Ave. Telepbeaa Jaswa 62JB TACOMA, WASH. FULTON MARKET Dealers in Butter, Eggs and Cheese, Presh and Salted Smoked Meats. All Kinds ot Ponltry and Game In Season Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of . Poultry, Veal, Etc, IMS Jefferson Ave. Telephone Main 3U RAINIER MARKET raetfoAve, Telephone 2T: TACOMA VASH. yUNCKEIl BOTTL1NO CO. Mannfacturers and Dealers in SODA AND MINERAL WATERS Earsaparllla and Iron, GIngar Ale. Phone, Red 1688 2823 Jeirerion Ave. TACOMA, WABIt NT ONTY'S THIRST STORK Berlin Building-. US South 11th St. Telephone, Main 194. TACOMA, WAsnmoTOM s AYRE DRUG CO. The moat reliable place to buy drugs and patent medicine, etc. This store it noted for In carefulness In filling prescription! and for fair prices. 1100 Pacific Avenue Tacdma, Waih. mllE PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINK IIOU8K. N. REUTUR, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquor! and Cigar. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Red 1731. ItoS Pacific At. 1604 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington Hopkins Bros. DRUGGISTS. Prescriptions are our specialty. Order by telephono promptly delivered. Cars to all parts of tho city pass our doors. B. W. cor. K and Eleventh Bts. Telephone Main ML A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholcsalo and retail dealers In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glut, Wall Paper o carry a full line of Room Moulding, Doors, Windows, Etc. Estimate! given on Papering and Glazing, Tel. John 2041. 1309 Pacific Avenue, TACOMA, WABII. Telephone Main 93. Opposite Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM. N6. 912 A Street. Tacoma, Wash Telephone 62 93S O Btreet dm L. Roberts & Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs, M. J, Finn, Assistant Tacoma, Wash Home Made Pastry Fine Co (To Oysters and Game In Beason VIENNA. CAFE ROBERT BICKEIt, Prop. 1311 Pacific Avenue, Everything First Class - and Cp-tc-Date e TACOMA, WASH. THE LOUVRE. WILLIAM 8IBURO, Prop. Best brands of imported and domestlo Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Sole agents for Parker Rye. Fine Free Lunch, Telephone James 2131. 1300 Pacifio Avenue, 1303 Commerce Street. Tacoma, Washington. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRQES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Ave. UNION MARKET B. U. McKEE, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN S17. 1101 South K St. TACOMA, Wash THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phone, Main 139. 1134.30-38 O St. TAOOMA, WASH. CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANUFACTURIM OF Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. H. A. DURR, Proprietor ot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries in the Northwest. 1209-11 C Btreet 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephone Main KM Tacoma, Waahlngtaei Walla Walla Advs. TVEPOT LUNCH COUNTER. , FRANK M. CUMMINQB Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Public. WALL A WALLA, WASH. LEWIS W. BEATON Man aiter I MeaoaT Unrtmktnm Pmmlt Graduate Embalmer and DIslnfector. Licensed by Illinois Btate Board of Health. Member National Association o( Embalmer I'. O. Box 782' Phone, Main 149. WALLA WALLA WA8U. J. W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Bpeclaltjr. Babcoek'a Brick Block, 7Ji Flrat fit. Telephone Black 89L WALLA WALLA, WABII. pALL AT 120 AND 123 MAIN BT. SCHWARZ'S SALOON Lunch Counter and Club Rooms open at all hours. 120 and 122 Main Street WALLA WALLA, WASH A. SCHWAHZ, Prop V; CITY BREWERY MRS. J. H. STAHL, Prop. Dealer In FINE EXPORT LAGER BEER. Beer In bulk or bottles. All orderi promptly filled. ..CHIGAGO STORE.. Pmmtmfflem Bloek. We are sole agents for tho GoraTen Hat, Walk-Ovar Shorn, Hart Shaffnar Marx Oothbig. Wo would appreciate a sharo of your patronage. Walla Walla, Washington. McKeans DRY GOODS STORE Clothing:, Shoes, Hats, and Mens Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street VALLA VALLA - WASH Walla Walla Bottling Works. ALL KINDS OF Soda Water and Bottled Beer. CHAS. VON THRON, Prop. Telephone White 171. 209 Bast Alder Street. Walla Walla, Wash. TJAILROAD EXC1IANOE. TONY BILVA, Manager. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Private entrance on Third btreet. Otn day and night. Capital Phone 212. Sunset blue vwt. Corner Third and K Streets, Bacramento, Cat, plONEER BAKERY. II. BCKNETZ, Proprietor. Fine Dread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls, Doughnuts, Etc., Etc, of All Kinds. Phones: Sunset, Mack KBj Capital, 397. 121 J Btreet, BACRAMENTO KIRK, GEARY & CO. Photographic Supplies Sacramento and San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. SEND FOR CATALOG. ENNIS-BROWN COMPANY. WHOLESALE FRUIT S PRODUCE Commission Merchants. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Potatoes, Onions and Beans In Car Lots a Specialty. Ortgoi and Nmdi Products i Specialty 100 to 110 J Street and 1001 to J 123 Front Street, SACRAMENTO, CAL Billings advertising. E. ERICKBON. W. J. BCOTT, BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY. Work turned out on short notice. We make a specialty of Traveling Men's work. Billings, Montana Paul McCorrotck, Jl.Q.Bhorey, Chas. Spear, President. Vice President. Cashier BILLINGS STATE BANK DILLINOB, MONTANA. CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. -DIRECTORS H.C. IIOHTWICK, Cashier Boutb Omaha National Rank. A, C. JOHNSON, Vice Pres. American National Rank, Helens, PAULM'CORMICK, Merchant and Stockman. C. O. OROWEI.L. Real Estate and Stockman. D. O. BHOItKV, stockman. A. U. DAUTH. Stockman. CllAfl. ui'EAR, Cashier 8VVEET HERBS. Don't Forget to riant Catnip for De HlfUt of runny. In any garden, save one of very lim ited dimensions, Indeed, a small spaco may well be devoted to tho cultivation of sweet and medicinal herbs. They are easily grown, and once well establish ed require little care beyond the keep ing free from wefds. Any thrifty housewife who has once stuffed her Thanksgiving turkey, her Christmas goose, her every-day ducks and chick ens with a fresh blend of aromatic sage, summer savory and sweet mar joram grown In her own kitchen Bur den will be loath ever after to employ tho dust of herbs sold In paper pack ages of uncertain date and doubtful origin. Borne of these herbs make a novel bouquet or give an added sweetness to a bunch of roses or sweet peas. Ex cellent for such a purpose are the palo pink blossoms of tho thyme and of the French marjolaine, the fragrant stalks of ambrosia and lemon balm, the bright yellow umbels of the sweet fennel, the finely cut-steel blue loaves of tho rue and tho long, glossy oval of the bergamot Again, to those who arc Interested In tho brewing of refreshing plck-m-tips and who, In tho "good old sum mer time" is not? hcibs llko tho spearmint of old-fashioned gardens, that readily parts with .Its essential oil, the blue flowered, hairy-leaved borage, which Is cool ns any cucum ber, and the bitter wormwood, all ap peal In a subtle manner. After a little experimenting tho "herb habit" Is formed, nnd a very healthy ono It Is, No 'tender-hearted lover of cats can fall to plant In some old corner tho catnip, that very common weed which (Ills pussy with such delirious oy. No owner of a welMHIod linen chest but will wish to ' rfume her shining treasures with th sweet lavender, cherished by all worthy dames, be they colonial or of more rccont growth! If to these herbs of varied uses we ndd lovage, whoso strongly aromatic root, when candied, makes a delicious sweetmeat, coriander caraway, whose sugared seeds from the heart of tho pink and whlto "comfits" dear to all children, and tarragon, greatly prized by tho French as n flavoring In vino gar and salads, our list of somo twenty herbs out of a poslblo 200 and more will include perhaps tho most desir able herbs for domestic use. Country Life In America.' WEIGHT O.F HUMAN BRAINS Intelligent Men llnvo the Heaviest and Moat Delicate. It has been for a long time asserted that the weight of tho bruin of edu cated persous Is greater thnn thnt of tho common crowd. Somo results hav ing appeared to slmUo this belief, It had begun to.be assumed that tho qual ity of the brain, and not its quantity, has Its share of Importance in this re spect It certainly appears rations'! to take quality Into account in certain special cases, but. generally speaking, tho first named statement appears to bo correct. In other words, the creator Intelli gence of the tnsn corresponds with the weight of his brain. M. Mathlcga, an anthropologist of Prague, has just set tled the matter beyond all doubt Having first ascertained that the male brain wolghs on an averugo 1,-tOO grammes and the fomalo brain 1,200 grammes, botween the ages of 20 and HO, he has gatheredvthe following sta tistics, based on the study of tho brain of 233 persons, differing widely In their occupation and Intellectual culture: v Grammes. Day laborers 1,400 Workmen ami unskilled laborers.. .1,4.13 Porters, guardinns and wotciers. ..1,430 Mechanics 1,400 Business men and photographers' assistants 1,400 Physicians and professors I,fi00 From tills table It wjll bo seen that tho weight of the brain Increases in gradual progression. It appears, moreover, from M. Mat hlega's researches thnt the manufac turing or salo of alcoholic drinks Is not favorable to cerebral development, judging by tho light weight of the brain of brewers, beer shop keepers and waiters In cafes. The averugo weight among this class is only 1,410 grammes, whereas It rises to 1.411! among cablnot makers, 1,440 nninug shoemakers, and 1,447 among black smiths, locksmiths and other workers In Iron and steel. New York Herald. RELIC OF BEN FRANKLIN. Toledo Wotntin Ifua Silver Cup Once Owned Uy Him. One of tho most Interesting relics owned In Toledo Is a silver cup belong Ing to Mrs. J. Kutwlstle of No. fiiii) Hush street and once tho property of Benjamin Franklin, says tho Now York Herald. It was inado under his supervision In Kurope about 140 years ago, tho date, as near as can bo nscor talned, being tho year 1703. Mrs. Entwlstle Is the wjdow of Two Stlckncy, son of Major Stlckney, one of tho first settlers, In whoso family the name of Toledo was first sug gested, Tho cup Is about six Inches high and of solid silver. On it this Inscription: "Legacy by the will of Benjamin Franklin to Anthony 8. Stlcknoy." Anthony S, Htlckney was the father of Major Stlckney. Ths cup has descend ed from father to son and Is now the property of Mrs. Entwlstle, who has the precious relic In n safety deposit tault In one of our local bau'.cs. The workmanship of tho cup Is very fine and tho wear of two centuries seems to have made no perceptible dif ference in Its appearance. A fact concerning the naming ot To ledo was brought to light whon the history of the old cup was looked np. Many historians say tho city was named Toledo by a man named Dan iels. Ilccords in the Entwlstle home show that Toledo was named by tho Htlckneys. The history of Spain was being studied, and when the name of Toledo In Hpaln was reached Two Stlckney suggested that tho settle ments then called Vistula and Port l.awrenco be named Toledo, as tlioro was no other Toledo In tho United States. From this, It Is Bald, the uamo of Toledo came. COLFAX ADVERTISING it' ODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry called for and delivered free ot charge. Traveling men's laundry delivered tho same day without extra charge. We make a specialty of fine silks and woolens. 'Phone Red 91. North Mam Bt. Colfax, Washington. IRA MOORE, Mgr. J. N. BCOTT, Pros.. Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE Ac CO, Managers. General Warehouse System Both 0. R. & N. and N. P. roads, AH Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A M. SCOTT, General Agent. Coif ax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Railroad I.and Agency in cenuectlon, REAL ESTATE. FARM' LOINS Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. Colfax, - Washington. IF YOU FEED STOCK of any fcmd, & will pay you to buy one of Car ley's Roller Feed Mills THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oils. Wheat or Barley so Ihey will tnoroughlydigctt when eaten by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured in Five Sizes, by CaxUy Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you are ex tremely liberal. National Laundry 1 13-1 15 Second Street South Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON & CASRY, Proprietors Work Done on Short Notice. The Only Tint Class Steam Laundry fa Great Falls. Telephone 99. Hygiene Kola Co.,J- T- wiiiiamson U ABSTRACTOR. Manufacturers of Pure KOLA TONIC WINE Made from Kola, Celery and Pepsin Beware of Worthless Imitatious n. P. CLAKK, Sole Fropr. 282 Second St. Portland, Or. Phone Main 285 P. Johnson & Co. Peerless Pure Foods Co. Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Feed and Grain Manufacturers Pure Foods. Mill and Office Fourth and Hoyt Sts. PORTLAND, OR. OREGON FUEL COMPANY 344 MorriRon Street, Bo tween Seventh and Eighth. Coal, Coke and Charcoal. Fir, Oak, Ash and Kindling Wood. TELEPHONE 65 PORTLAND LAUNDRY CO. II. A. CIIAI'MAN, Manager, Gents' Work a Specialty Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. OUEOON PHONE MAIN 410. 40-42 North Ninth Street. PORTLAND, ORB S. M, MKARS. Pres. MAHION WILCOX, Eeo. THEUNITED BARRIAGEGOMPANV Rutbtr Tired Carriages, Coupes, Tally-Ho Rigs and Carry-All. BOARDING AND CARE OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Phone. Main 222. 153 Eleventh Street, Cor. Morrison PORTLAND OREGON LoewenbergS Going Co. ilanalacturersof and dealers la Stoves, Ranges, Mollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all first-Class Dealer. Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market. m to 23S Tnjrlor Street. 183 to 11M Second Htreut, Portland, Oregon : LA GRANDE 1 $ CEDAR VALLEY BALOON. Ilolverson & Christofferson, Props, FINE WINEB, LIQUORS A CIOARS. La Qrande, Oregon. TLUK FRONT SALOON. E. TH0R60N, Proprieta. One of the Best Places in La Grande to Get a Nice Drink. LA GRANDE, OREtiON Palace Saloon 0HA. AHDEHSOU, Prop. All kinds of Fino Liquors' and Cigars. La Orando Oregon KERR&VERNAN All Kinds of Case doods, The Finest Key West Ci gars In the City. OIVE US A TRIAL, La Qrande Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MOJ.QUIMT, Aes, BERT RRANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC C10ARa.. Corner Derot Street and Jefierson Avenue, IA BltAMDC, Oil. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY U Grinds, Onjon. Work rotnrncd samo day as received If so requested without extra charge. G. S. & L F. DUNN, PrODrletOrS 1 r ABSTRACTOR. Prompt Attention Given to All Business Before U. 8. Land Oillce. Plats and Abstracts ot Itccords a Specialty. Office in Lewis Building, Opposlto Sommor House. Grande Oregon The EAGLE Saloon ULRICH LOTTES Prop. Fino Wines, Liquors and Cigars Lunch at All Hours All Kinds of Case Goods on Hand Jefferson Avi. LA GRANDE, OREGON Roseburg advertising T"E UM,'UA BAKK"Y FRESH BREAD DAILY. fles. Cakes, rookies. Doughnuts, Puns, Molls Cream Tun's. Cacs Isr Socials, I'arllei and llaiifjuet. Made to Order, K. JKNNINOSand U118. FltKKMA.N, I'rops. Fhone 41S, Honours, Oregon Entertainers: CHAS. OILVIN. BILL PROTZUAN The Monogram FRANK KUNNtiUY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can find the BEST QUALITY OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. F. B. RISLEY & CO. Dealers la Flour, Feed and Groceries Country Produce Bought and Sold Cash or Jn Trade, Sheridan St- Opp. Depot, ROSEBURG, ORE Butte City Advertising CVATE BAVINOH BANK Under state supervision and Jurisdiction, In terest paid on dtpu.tts. B-1 ' exchange avail al lo In all tt.e principal cities of tl.e Uulud Mates and Europe. Cellecllous promply at tended to. BUTTS, MONTANA. Always Opsn. We Never B1ep. Telephone and tcloKraph orders promptly answered Secretary Mi unt Morlah Cemt tery As sociation. Notary Public. JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB DLTTB UNDERTAKER: Practical Em balm era and Funeral Directors. 140 West Park Bt. Telophono i7. Kesldenee 409 South Montana Btreet, Telephone 70S-M. DUTTE, MONTANA. SMOKERS ARTICLES, CIOARS TELEPHONE 491 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes ana Tobaccos 93 East Broadway BUTTE, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. TIIOS. LAVELUC, Proprietor. Baggage d Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Time Free of Charge. Phone No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT MONTANA DRUG CO. Exclusive Jobbers of Drugs Stationery and Cigars. State Agents "BEN HUR" and "LA SINCKRIDAD" Cigars. Only oxclasiv wholesale house in Montana. 902 to 9M E. Front Street, Telephone 515. BUTTE. MONTANA Dm J. Hennessy Mercantile Com D2PARTW ENTS Groceries , Carpets Dress Goods Draperies Domestics Furniture Notions Bedding: Men's Clothing: Crockery Furnlshing-s Cloaks ( Hats Millinery Shoes Bays' Clothing: Tailoring; Stationery Butto Montam WORLD Package Express Messenger Henrlo. Tele phone 2u0. BUTTE, MONTANA. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that laun dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry. Telephono 3. 33a South Main Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. SEATTLE ADVERTISING Schwabacher Bros. I Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents (or Hernan Cortez, White Knight aad Fontclla Cigars. Troprletore ot Happy Home and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. TUIBI) AND COLBMSU TU0H Main U BONNY & WATSON CO ( SUCCESSORS TO ) BONNY & STEWART rOMSSlL DIRICTORS AMD SMBALMSSS Lady Assistant AN C-ifffa 'Tlic.h ways In Attendance. CatUC,, W dSUt Railroad Are. toot ol Conn St Phone Main SIS NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill and Mints Machinery, Aseni-MleU A Weiss Kerosene Bnglncs. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON m ,n.i.-,,4i 4'Jk!)!fiLVJiK if it'.