.KW-WM TUB 20BW AKE, POBTIiAND. OREGON. Distress After Eating Nausea between tnculi, bolching, vom iting, flatulonco, fits of nervous head ache, pain in tho stomach, are all symptoms of dyspepsia, and the longer it Is neglected the harder it is to cure it. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Radically and permanently euro it strengthen and tone- tho stomach and other digestive organs for tho natural performance of their functions. Accept no substitute for Ilood's. I "I had dyspepsia twenty-flve years and took different medicines bnt got no help until I began taking Ilood's Sarsaparllla. Have taken four bottles of this medicine and can now cat almost anything, sleep well, hare no cramps In taj stomach, no burning and no dlstross.T Mas. Wiiliam G. mnnrrr, 14 Olney St., Providence, It. I. Hood's Saraaparllla promises to ours and keoos tho promlso. Preotons Stones In Amerloa. "It ! a little strange," said Irving. L. Russell, "that tho United States, so far nhead in national resources of every other part of the globe in all essential things, should bo so deficient as a producer of precious atones. I am of the opinion that there will bs a big discovery some day of tho most valued gems, probably in some out of the way corner of the land. "I do not mean to intimate that ws are exactly destitute of fine stones, but that those found arc mostly of inferior quality as compared with the output of tho old mines. In North Carolina a good many emeralds and rubles and sapphires nre to be had, but they aro not of sufficient valuo to warrant cut ting. Some very fine pearls have been taken out of tho shells picked up in the streams of Arkansas, and at one tltno the search for them down llicro amounted to n craze. Pearls, by tho way, havo gone up in price from 200 to 800 per cent in recent years. "A great many scml-prcclous stones arc mined in California, tho turquoise found out there being especially beau tiful, but lacking In hardness. Tour malines also cotno from California in abundance. Washington Post. OLD HYMNS. There's a lot of music In 'cm tho hymns of long ago And when some gray-haired brother sings the ones I used to know, I sorter want to tako a hand! I think of days gone by, "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand and cast a wistful eye!" There's a lot of music in 'em those dear, sweet hymns of old With visions bright of land of light, and shining streets of gold; And I hear 'cm singing singing where mcm'ry dreaming stands, "From Greenland's ley mountains to India's coral strands." An' so I love the old hymns, and when my time shall come, Ueforo tho light has left me, and my singing lips nre dumb, If I can hear 'em singing them then I'll pass without a sigh To "Canaan's fair and happy land, where my possessions lie." The Cooking Club. V TTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTI THE PALE BLUE CASHMERE GOWN XjlAiltitr.lffiili.f..t..ti f'T 1 I ITTTTTTI 'TTTT'r X-H-l-1 1 H.i.H-H-H-H H-t-4. Ills Vonrn. Poor Fcoblo (nboiit to bo operated on for appendicitis) Doctor, boforo you begin, I wish you would send and have our pastor, tho Itcv. Mr. Harps, coino over. Dr. Cutter- Certainly, If you wish it, but ah "I'd Ilk to be opened with prayor." Life. How to Keep Mouse. With all tho luxuries and pleasures of this llfo, ita big enjoyments and its smaller comforts, thoro is nn offset or antithesis which wo havo to contond with in tho form of aches and pains. In some wny and by some means ovory ' Mothers will And Mrs. WInslows'a Soothing one has a touch of thorn In some form fitf'"0 may be, tho risk is that thoy will grow to something greater and rack tho sys tem with constant torture. There is nothing, thoroioro, of this kind that wo hae a right to trillo with. Taken in time, tho worst forms of aches and pains aro easily subdued and curod by tho froo nso of St. Jacobs Oil. No well regulated household ought to bo without a bottlo o( this great remedy for pain. It is tho specific vlrtuo of penetration in St. Jacobs Oil that car ries it right to tho pain spot and effects a prompt euro oven In tho most painful cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciat ica, Lumbago. You want it also in tho house at all times for hurts, cuts and wounds, and the houso that always has It keeps up a sort of iusuranco against pain. Can Von Conjugnto tho Word Kiss. Richard Grant White, tho eminent philologist, was asked onco upon a tltno to conjugoto tho verb "kiss." lis believed nnd maintained that English is a grammnrless tongue, henco ho felt no compunction when ho gave this: "Buss, to kiss; re-bus, to kiss again; plurlbus, to kiss without regard to number; nyllybus, to kiss the hand in stead of tho lips; blunderbuss, to kiss tho wrong person; omnibus, to kiss every ono In the room; crcbus, to kits in the dark." Undo Sam's Coffee mil. It Is estimated that tho people of tho United States drink 1,000,000,000 gal lons of coffco in the courso of a year, at a cost of about 10 cents per gallon. Tito Importing cost of tho rcqulslto quantity of coffee borrios for this sup ply at 7 cents a pound, Is about $7G, 000,000. From this it appears that preparation, package, distribution nnd dealers' profits nmko tho prices to tho consumer about doublo tho Importing cost H..1.,H"H.H,H' H M1i.H.-H--H"tii1i.ti Tholr Vary Dest, Real Eatato Agent Vou really ought to buy tho house. Now, If you and your wife will only discuss tho matter thoroughly Pcckham Oh, that's out of tho question. Wo never discuss things. Tho most wo can over do is dlsputo about thorn. Philadelphia Press. $23.00 Reward. V.. H. .Tnrl.nn nllnn fl. R. Mnrirnn. nto., taking subscriptions for Munsoy'a j and Seattle star Is a faker. Subscrlbo thiough authorized Star agent. Above reward for causing his arrest. No Mora Orphans. Rlshop Potter admitted at a dinner tho otlier night that ho had fallen Into tho habit of asking his wlfo what ho should speak about if called upon at any public function. "My wlfo told me Oils evening," ho said, "that sho would llko to havo mo correct a rumor that lias boon going around to the effect that sho Intended to glvo up her houso to an orpuun asylum. "'Tell tho guests at dinner, If you say anything,' sho bade mo, 'that It is not so. I havo already taken In ono orphan, and I do not propono to admit any mors into my houso, if I can help II his study table, leaning on his elbow, his usually busy pen held idly between his lingers. lie gaeed far over tho plains, a tranceMko cxprcs slon In his thoughtful eyes; ho bcllovcd that the tlmo was coming when tlioso plains would be peopled, and, with tho hopefulness which made his mission ary llfo beautiful, ho seemed to see tho church leading, inspiring and min istering to these people. Already he had visions of a school wherein his own wlfo should bo tho ruling spirit; visions of a hospital, a guild-house and club-rooms, whore these savages might grow loss savage. Kvcn tho fact that thus far only one poor llttlo wooden church building was to bo found in many miles did not in tho least inter fere with his dreams. How long ho might have dreamed, no one knows, but ho was recalled by a delicious voice calling In to him: "I am twenty-two inches around tho waist, John, nnd my skirt length is forty-three. Vou know you asked mo yesterday." "Sure enough," he answered, with a llttlo Btart, taking up tho tnpellnu which lay conspicuously on his desk. "I must get that letter off to-day; but I'd hotter moasuro you myself. You probably measured with a string. That's the femlnlno way, I believe." Ills wife camo in, feather duster in baud, nnd ns ho drew tho line about her waist, ho dropped a kiss upon her forehead. "I hope they will send something pretty." Mrs. Lawrence burst Into laughter. "Tho idea of anything pretty in n missionary box, John! Who over heard moved nnd had her being in black things and brown things, and nil things that wouldn't show dirt Oh, dcarl but blessed afterthought! wouldn't sho rather lie the wife of John Lawrence, In black brllllantlncs and brown surges, than anybody elso In tho world? For bronchial trouMes try Tito's Curs for Consumption, It Is a good cough medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents. A Russian lieutenant gets about $200 a year, a captain about $300 and a major $450. Deafness Cannot Ho Cured br local applications m ther cannot reach tho dlwMed portion o( ttio oar. 1 liote li only ono , way lo cure cloaltun, and that N br conatttu tlonal remedies. Doafiivii la cauit a br an In- iianu-ticonuiiiunol mo mucous lining of the Kuilachtan Tut. hen this tubo la inllamod you havo a rutnlillng sound or lmnorfect hear ing;, and when It la outlrolr oloaeU, Deafnost la the rosult, and union the fnllammatiou can ha taken out and tlila tube ro.totod to Ita normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; ulnoiaaesoutof ten aro cauaod by Catarrh, which la nothing but au I nil awed condition of luo-nuiroua aunacoa. Wo will give One llundrod Pollars for any iiiki nan. Koua tor eat of I)f allien (oRiued hy catarrh) that can. noi t curon ujr nairi uaiarrn taint, circular!. free. V. J. OHKNKr A CO., Toledo, O. Bold br nrugglMi, 76c. Hall's Fatuity lllla are the best. It the wlfo isn't boss during tho honeymoon she doesn't amount to much as a ruler. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY No Case Exists It WW Not Car Tho Wrong Girl. Miss Passay (with affected Indig nation) Mr. Iluggard caught mo in tho dark hall last uvonlug and kissed inc. Miss Pepprcy Oh, I wouldn't blamo him. Miss Passay Why shouldn't I blamo him? Miss Pepprey You say the hall was dark; it was undoubtedly an accident. Philadelphia Press. nconmlag Constitutional. "Is It true tint Uncle 'Ila&tus has got do lung trouble, like I heard?" asked Mrs. Jackson, anxiously, for Uncle 'Rastus was a valued member of tho neighborhood society. "True! I reckon It's true," said Aunt 'Stasia, with a sort of sorrowful pride, "Do troublo's been chasing back and fo'th among two or threo ob his lungs for dose two Ins' mouths, and dls mo'ii lug do doctor said It 'peared like anoth er ono was gwluo to bo affected 'Josh he could Unci ttoiiio more pow'ful remedy." 'ma WIVE OAMK IN, KKATUEIl DU8TEU lit HANU." FA a.wAsSl Xt,-m-Xm-WXmn 4iinJ.'fcsi & ik ms Ba J JJLJL0JLUJfairS9V sW III RTM 5 lfe"y-g-r-X ii n LAMM tfcarsJj 'ZK&in& rVM?z.ei m kv.W''' EEffl :mV-v!5a swV.' 'r-vfjm 1Mi m SS9& !?. r M3! LIKE A SPONGE,, Somo of tho most stubborn diseases enter into the system through the pores of tho fkin. Like a sponge, it absorbs polEons of various kinds, which aro taken up by tho little blood vessels uuiicuui wiu minute ui mo uuuv, UI1U w5j5,'-K'iJ iftii. ' emptied into the crcat current of the blood. tff3tta&s Tho juices of poison oak and other noxious wild plants nercolato through the skin like water through a sponge, are token into tho circulation, breaking out, afresh each season, nnd linger ing on for years unless antidoted and driven out of the system. Dy Poisoning among tiio otnployes'of dyo houses, and from wear ing colored under-clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence and dangerous to health, causing boils and sores and roiBOtf oat AND ITS BMBOTS. ntVior nt-imtinna Ovsr flftesn rears asro Z was poisoned with Pol- Otner eruptions. aon Oak. I tried, remedy after remedy without Workers In lead, brass jattlng- relief. Horea broke out over my body and and other metals ars often on my tonsue, afXeotlng-the Untns of mysnouth. ana otner meiais urs ouch Viufiy mbav m y(lr wy doot0r told me to poisoned by the chemicals try 8. a, s.. whlob. I did. After taking thres and arida used in nolish- bottles all tba sores disappeared, aud I havs not ftna aCIUS usea in po'J bsen bothered slnea, andTfeelmuoh IndebUd to tng, and the dutt and til- your valuable medlolna for ao prompt and oom- intra anttlincr unon the akin Plete curs. X am oortaln that 8. B. B. will do au ings settling upon tno sain, j u cUlB,d for tt ta ni00d dlaeases. and which find their way Danville, Ky. OOM. o'BKYAir. through tho pores into tho blood, followed by inflammation, swelling and the most obstinate sores. Blood Poison, tho vilest of all human diseases, is often con tracted through shaking the hand or handling the clothing or other arti cles used by ono infected with this dangerous poison. Tho deadly virus .. finding its way through the pores of tho skin, contumitintest lie blooit ana prouuecs fearful ulcers, eruptions and blotches. The diseases that enter the system by absorption or through the pores are as dccp-scatcd and dangerous as any brought on bv internal causes, and cannot be .....1...1 t.l. a.lv. mans or other external remedies. The blood and then sho smiled at tho absurdity must bo purified and a healthy circulation established before getting of siucU rcjuest from n missionary's ?..? . ". 55" r Vu- ...- 3 R R. R art. unon tho blood, rlddintr it wlf- "Imagine tho cousteruatlon that of tho original poison and restoring it to a healthy, normal condition.- 8, S. S. is guaranteed entirely vegetable, an unrivaled blood puri- -. .a !,- .f of 11 tonics. With all impurities removed from tho Wood, the sores and eruptions disappear from the skin. Write us should tnlnfiaT Aml wouId 8ha over have you desire medical advice or any information about your case; this will any BKaluT nor trousseau was long ostyou nothing JNC 9WKT 2PCmC CO; ATUUtTAt GA K exhausted, and now she lived and of It? It's agnlust the naturo of things. Perhaps it's wicked, but I havo sometimes thought that they made them ns ugly ns possible. Do you remember tho snuff-colored dress lug Juckut with the black fringe?" "Wasn't that pretty?" he queried. "I always thought It was very elegant, ex capt when tho fringe dipped in tho cof fee." "Vou dear dreamer! You don't know what Is pretty. You don't nee anything but your beloved Suudny school and night classes and sick nrople. A rlieu- matlc old Indian woiuuu is beautiful to you if " "If hIio Is a Christian! Yes, I admit It," ho suld, gently; "till of God's crea tures are beautiful to me, and one of them most beautiful," and ugnln he gave tier a loving caress und resumed his work, "Sheets, pillow cases, strcot suit for my wife, clerical suit for self, over coat I hate to ask for that, but It is such a necessity hi this bleak liuul." Ho road oneo again the friendly let tor, iu which lie had boon urged to make known all his munis, assuring him that thoy would bo supplied, so far as possible by a branch of the Woman's Auxiliary. These boxes, which had so irked the prldo of mniiy n missionary, never of fended John InwrtMico. Ho gnvu llttlo thought to self. Ills Dlvluo Muster had lived on nlms, and his own horizon wus too rich, too broad, for any petty sgollsm to croato even a speck upon It; but ho sometimes reflected with re gret. Ills wlfo keenly disliked this phnso of missionary life, lie could not forget nt times, that ho hnd taken her from a luxurious home; but hnd ho not given her a greator opportunity to do Ood's work? and was she not do ing It sweetly and uncomplainingly. Ho would try to bellovo that she did not care. In the meantime, Mrs. Inwrcnco was dusting tho sitting room, and she hnd como to a standstill before a little ivory miniature of herself, tho price of which would almost have paid for everything In tholr modest homo. It was made ten years before, when she had Just tlnlshcd school and was arch ly charming in that dainty gown. How becoming It was, and how much ho had a dm I ret I her in ttl "Alice, is there anything elso you want? Wo are to mention everything wo need, ami they will supply us as far ns po&slblo." "Yes," she called, a little sarens tlenlly, "pleaso tell them I need very much a palo bluo cashmore gown:" would create," sho thougfht, "if he really would nsk for mich a thing." Sho replace! tho mlnlaturo with a sigh. Was it a crimo to love pretty Tho president of St Mary's Auxil iary was rapping loudly for order. She was reading a letter saying that tho Rev. John Lnwrenco would bo deeply grateful for a suit, an overcoat, etc. It was when she camo to tho overcoat that tho confusion nroso; for one lady had a practically new ovorcoat which her present coachman, being stout, could not wear. It was exactly the Rev. Mr. Lawrence's size, but, bolng a surtout, she questioned whetbor It would bo tho correct thing for clerical wear. The cntlro auxiliary sot Itsolf to argue this point, when the president stopped them. "Ladles, wo can discuss this matter later. Let me. finish reading this let ter. "Where was I? 'Sheets, pillow cases, tnblo linen, and' what is this a palo bluo cashmere gownl' " A palo blue cashmere gown! Ilnd sho asked for an automobile coat tho request could not havo produced more surprise. There was a deep silence, liven tho president found nothing to say for some time. "A llttlo unusual," she finally said. "Well, I never hnd a pale blue cash mere gown In my life," gasped somo one. 'Tale blue! So perishablo!" another said, feebly. "And cashmere! So out of stylo!" a third added. "Sho must be somo poor llttlo coun try soul," tho secretary said. "Well, whoover she is, she ought to ho reprimanded. Tho idea of such worldllncss in n missionary's wlfol" "Ho should have known bettor than to havo asked for it!" "The idea of our money going for n paio blue caslimoro gown!" So tho comments wont around, till everybody had had hor say; somo of tliom Had had two or three "says," and they wero seemingly gasping for breath to say something even more se vere, when a bombshell fell in their midst: "Why shouldn't she have a pnle bluo enshmero gown? Sho Is probably a young woman, and maybo has not a slnglo pretty thing! Oh, gracious!" and tho speaker grow so cnergotlc that sho nroso and stood facing them, her faco rosy with excitement "I havo helped with box aftor box In this so ciety, and never hnve I seen a really pretty thing go into ono of thorn! Thoy are so deadly practical. How it will wear, how It will wash, whother it will show dirt I sympathize with this woman away out there among those Indians, dependent on us hard-hearted things for tho little sho wants. God knows," Bhe added, oven more earn estly, "where they get tho grace to sus tain them In their work! As for this gown" hor voice trcmblo a llttlo "lot us glvo It to her. Cashmore is cheap, nnd Just Imnglno hor pleasure; and do you know, 1 think a pretty gown would have a cheerful effect on both herself mid her husband. Perhaps it might even convert a fow more Indians!" Sho sat down, a little embarrassed by tho feeling sho hnd shown. "Wo might mako her n mother hub hard, If jou aro so bent on it," somo ono said, doubtfully. "Made up plain ly it would not cost much." "Hut it mustn't be a mother hub hard. I wouldn't doom oven n woman living among tho Indians to that! If wo send it nt all, let it bo pretty. Let us put our hearts Into It and mako it a beautiful surprlsj for her. Sho will probably expect something ugly, If sho expects It at nil." "I don't know why wo should dis criminate this wny in favor of Mrs. John Itwrencc, We havo never doue tt before." A sovero volco threw a damper on tho proceedings. "Mrs, John Lawrenco," echoed nn other; "pray let me see that letter. Mrs. John Lawreuco wns nn honor student In my class at college In 1800, and I belIoo I am safe in saying that there is no one hero who could surpass her in either Intellect or beauty. I remem bor tiow that she married a missionary enthusiast and went out to those wilds chserfullv" The speaker crossed the room rapidly mnl approached the advo cate of the bluo gown. "I will gladly help you with the gown, nnd no will make it beautiful as a dream." How quickly the idea became infec tious! Kverjbody offered to do some thing or to ghe Hometblng! It was al most as delightful as dress ng a dqll! St Mary's Auxiliary had turned out many a box, but never bad anything aroused such interest as this now bit of work. It became a fad; with Its silken linings, Its dainty frills of laco, its "fagoting" and exqulslto accessor ies, tho beautiful Empire gown lay complete. The Auxiliary women who wore packing tho box stopped frequent ly to admire and almost to caress It "I bate to see it go," said tho secre tary, "It has done us more good than any thing we ever did. What a lovely Idea It was!" the treasurer sold. "I don't begrudge tho money at ail." "Let me fasten this In." Some ono bent over the gown and tacked in a little sachet of violet "And I must slip this handkerchief Into its bosom;" another deftly tucked an embroidered kerchief into Its folds. "I have written this note to my dear old friend, and have told her what a pleasnre this has been;" snd the note, too, was pinned to the blue gown. And ao, with little final adjustment and pats of admiration, the blue gown, soft and rustling and enveloped in whits tissue paper, wns put into its individ ual box, and shipped away, with more practical things, to the land of the Indians and the plains. Mrs. Lawrence camb home some what discouraged from her sewing school ono afternoon, to find her house In great disorder. Everything was covered with clothes it seemed. The box had come, and her husband had lost no time in opening it The street suit for which she had asked confront ed her from the bookcase; dark, neat and serviceable. Sho examined it with enthusiasm. "They were so good, weren't thoy, John?" "Good! My dear, the Auxiliary Is al ways good. Now, don't say anything about your brown sack with the black fringe! The Auxiliary well, you know what I think of it! Sco! They havo sent us everything, even to tho last Udng on tho list your blue cashmere gownl" He handed her tho box. "My pale blue cashmere gown! John Lflwrencel You didn't really wrlto that did you? Oh, what must they havo thought?" Sho sank Into a chair, pale and distressed. "I think the dress tells what they thought" He lifted tho delicate gar ment as if it were a baby. "Silk! Lace! Perfume! A train! John, I can't bcllevo it Is mine! And I can't help crying! I didn't mean It. I said it in a half-Joking, half-cynical way, nover thinking you would ask for it I wouldn't have dared to ask for it and see how they have repaid me for my unfaith! Everything is so beautiful, so dainty! There's so much lovo in it, John I That's what touches mo. It means the love of women who saw In mo only a servant of God. When you write, tell them this means more to mo than anything thnt ever hnppened." Lnto thnt night she sat wltli her old friend's note. She hud written a long, hcnrt-full letter. Sho turned to her husband with moist eyes: "I don't believe I over told yon be fore, John; but It Is very sweet to bo a missionary's wife." Living Church, I HELPING CLARA. VERTICAL HANDWRITING. Condemned by Many Bankers am an Aid to ForKery. "Docs tho vertical system of hand writing, as taught in the public schools of Ualtlmorc, make forgery easy?" The abovo question Is being discuss ed by a largo number of financiers nnd citizens generally since the statement wns made by John W. Marshall at this week's meeting of tho Old Town Merchants and Manufacturers' Asso ciation, that a member of the school board hnd snld thnt, in his opinion, the teaching of vertical handwriting was breeding a raco of forgers. Interviews with a dumber of presi dents of prominent national banks and trust compaules showed thnt the opin ion among llnnuclers and men who have to do with the cashing of checks is that tho teaching of an exactly uni form system of writing to tho pupils of the public schools, to say tho least of it docs mako forgery an easy mat ter. "The principal safeguard that finan cial Institutions tiow have in cashing checks presumably drawn by custom ers," said one of these gentlemen, "Is tho individuality in tho handwriting. Every man has certain peculiarities in the style and manner in which he signs bin name or writes on n check which enables the payee of the check who is fnmlllnr with tho hnndwrltlng to tell nt a glanco If the writing Is that of tho person it purports to be. Of course, there aro expert forgers who can du plicate any hnndwrltlng, but it is an extremely difficult urt, nnd very fow aro suftlclcutly expert to avoid detec tion iu somo discrepancies by a care ful paying teller, "Let n generation bo taught, how ever, to wrlto in a style thnt Is exact in its every line, and every pupil of tho public schools becomes able to re produce with exactness tho handwrit ing of any other pupil. If any one wll take tho trouble to compare the writing of two or more pupils In tho snmo clnss In any of tho public schools of Baltimore, it will bo found thnt tho writing Is Identical In character, nnd that there aro nhsolutoly no distin guishing marks." Raltlmnro Suu. ltubma. When the May baby and tho June baby got well acquainted they ex changed confidences. "My milk conies from a certified cow," said tho May baby. "So does mine," said the June baby. "It Is milked by a man in a white suit.with sterilized hands, through ab sorbent cotton, and kept at a temper ature of forty-five degrees." "So is mine." "It is brought to me In a prophy lactic wagon, drawn by a modified horse." "So is mine." "Then how in thunder do you man age to be so fat and well?" ' The June baby winked slyly. "I chew old paper and the corners of the rugs and anything I can find that is dirty, and in that way I manage to maintain the bacterial balance which is essential to health," he said, chuckling. Tho May baby laughed long and loud. "So do I," sold he. The mommas heard the goo-goolng, but they assigned to it only the usuul fantastic significance, Jt was Just as well. Life. Arithmetic is not Clara's forte. But this does not trouble her greatly. If she cannot solve the problems In her dally lesson her mother can, and Clara believes that parents who make chil dren study arithmetic against their will should bs responsible for their examples. Mrs. Hamilton usually gives up her evenings to Clara's arith metic; but not long ago, the Chicago News says, sho came short one prob lem because Mr. Bond, tho president of the baking-powder company with whlcu Mr. Hamilton was connected, was visiting them and had to bo enter tained. After dinner that evening Clara's eyes were so red that her father asked her if sho had got something in them. "No," said Clara, beginning to cry again. "Mama couldn't get ono of those old examples, and now I'll have to stay In at recess to-morrowl" "Don't cry!" exclaimed her father. "I'll get it for you. Excuso me a min ute, Bond." Then be followed Clara from the room, and went Into a close session with tho problem. Mm. Hamilton and Mr. Bond dis cussed every subject under tho suu whllo they waited for Mr. Hamilton to return. At last they heard him in tho adjoining room throw down tho book and declare that tho answer in tho back was wrong. The man who wroto the book did not know what ho was about that was nil. "No, pnpn," piped Clnrn. "Teacher said tho answer was right" Now Mr. Bond had more than onco in his district school-days been pro nounced a "born mathematician. He promptly offered to work tho problem for Clara, and the dog-eared arithme tic was turned over to him. After a quarter of an hour, during which only his hard breathing disturbed the quiet of the room, he announced that the problem was solved. So Clara went to bed happy. The next evening, as soon as dinner was over, Mr. Bond complacently of fered to help Clara with her arithme tic, giving Mr. Hamilton at the samo tlmo a sly dig about bis inefficiency. But Clara hung back, nnd sold sho wanted her mamma to help her. "Ob, do let Mr. Bond help yon! no can do them so qulcklyl" exclaimed Clara's mother. Still Clara shook her head, and when they continued to urgo her, sho blurted out that Mr. Bond had not worked the problem right the night before. "Why, he had tho right answer," said Clara's mother, in confusion. "Yes, but he didn't do it right" ex plained Clara. "Teacher says wo shouldn't Just work for tho answer, but should know tho logical steps by which it is worked. Ho worked It backward." All eyes sought Mr. Bond, who meekly confessed the Justice of the blunt accusation. Auers Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Small doses, for a' few days. Sarsaparilla The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. "Whan It yaara old, for nunr months no on Ihouiht t could lire bcauio of thin blood. Hat. In a fair waeka, At ar'f Hanaparllla com platalr roitorfd mo to health " Mns. E. IIUOKMIMSTlR,Vln(land,N.J. II 00 a bottlo. AIMrnr1t for' t. O. AVIlt CO., I.nwtll, Mati The Children Biliousness, constipation provontro covory. cure theso with Ayor'a Pills. GLUT OF ENGLI8H QHOST& Many Bpooka Arc Appearing- La Eng land Jaat Now. A strange epidemic of ghosts Is creeping over the country, says the ixnuon express. During tho last day or two reputed spooks havo been discerned at Tweed mouth and Coed-Kernew, near Now- porl, Wales, and are still unlaid. Tho Twcedmontb npparltlon takes tho shape of a woman In white, with plqunutly contrasting red hair. It fre quents the churchyard and chases wo men and children. Tho Coed-Kernew ghost turns pic tures faco to tho wall, Jams lumps of beef Into pint Jugs and causes beds to walk downstairs. The real explanation of tho present glut of phantoms was given to an Ex press representative yesterday by ono who has made a long and patient study of the habits of spooks. "The year Just over," said he, "was singularly Jejune of properly authenti cated ghosts. Hardly a single new apparition of any Importance mani fested Itself. "Of course the old ghosts are Just as good as ever, but they are destitute of novelty. "Tho Elizabethan phantom is still to bo Fcen at Greenwich and, generally speaking, a good ghost may still bo looked for wherever a Tudor palaco uas been known to oxlst "Nowadays tho Houso of Commons housemaids have becomo so familiar with the riouse of Commons spook that they hardly trouble to apeak to it vhen it posses them on tho stairs. "Tho Brighton boarding-bouse ghost too, still comes to sit upon the bed in the room where he was murdered, and the unimpeachable ghost of Lincoln's Inn opens, as of yore, closed doors and marks of webbed feet upon powdered chalk strewn over tho floor, "Hut all these are old and stale, and ti.e human mind demands fresh ghosts always. Hence the present boom in the ghost market "It is Just a matter of supply and demand." Not Wasteful. "I suppose," said the physician, after be bad sounded the new patient "that you exercise Judgment In the matter of smoking? You do not Indulge to fool ish excess in it?" "No, Indeed," replied the Inveterate Individual, "I never smoke more than one cigar at a time." Cincinnati Times-Star, Hor nig Foot. A respectablo old gentleman, somo what tight, on entering nn omnibus, got his feet entangled in a lady's dress and fell headlong. Ho staggered to his feet, and looking round, indignant ly demanded who struck him. A gentleman present remarked sotto voce: "l'ou fell over that lady's feet; nobody struck you." Tho Indignant citizen turned round and surveyed tho causo of the accident a moment, and then, as If by no means satisfied with the causo of his mishap, said: "Madame, you havo got the biggest feet I ever saw I" "Sir!" responded the lady, flushing with anger. "Pray, don't apologize; it ain't your fault, but tako my advice, sit sideways in tho future, and glvs them the full range of tho bus." Rheumatism In Utah. Frisco, Utah, May 2nd. Thoro is a great deal of rheumatism in this and neighboring states and this painful dls- enso lias crippled many a strong man and woman nmonganothorwiso healthy peoplo, Itccontly, however, thoro has been in troduced into Utah n remedy for Kliou- mntism which bids fair to stamp out this awfully painful complaint. Tho namo of this now romody is Dodd'n Kidney Pills, nnd it lias already wrought somo wonderful cures, llight horo in Frisco thoro is a en bo of a Mr. Graco who had Rheumatism so bnd In his feet that ho could hardly walk. Ho tried many remedies in vain but Dodd'a Kidney rills curod him. Ills wlfo says: "Wo both had Kid noy Trouble and my husband had tho Rheumatism so bad that he could hard ly walk. Wo used Dodd's Kidnoy rills with much benefit. Wo havo tried many remedies, but nono havo dono ub bo much good as Dodd'a Kidnoy rills." Similar reports como from all over tho atnto and it would scorn ob if Rheu matism hnd at last been conquorod. A Ohanoo to Display Thom. Toss Miss Schalp tolls mo sho la going to learn to play tho harp. Jens What nousenso! Sho hasn't any talent for music. Jess Oh, sho knows thnt, but sho tins loo!y arms. Philadelphia Press. FITQ r-ermantnuruurra. Konuorntrrouioeat f 10 aftcrnratdar'autourDr.Kllne'aUraatNam &"??' 5f.n(1 fr Kraa trial bottlo and treallaa. Vx. It. II. Kline, Ltd.. W Ard 81.. l'bUadtlpbia. Va, Rip Van Wlnklo Mboleil. Rip Van Wlnklo hnd Just been tak ing a nap. Placing a hand upon his beard, ho murmured drowsily, "How this grows on mol" After which he fell into a second doze, that he might sleep out tho remaining ten years. Ynlo Record. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PUls. Must Moar Signature of Se Fac-SlalU Wrappor Below. The Latest Wrinkle. "My son celebrates to-night; bis 'freedom party,' you know." "Why, I thought be was 21 some time ago," "Ob, so he was long ago. I mean he celebrates bis divorce to-night" Philadelphia Ledger. Tasrr aaaaU ea aa aaar tauiuassagsok CARTERS if UcSj FOI IEAIACNE. FIR IIIZINESS. FOR RIUIUSRESS. FOR T0RP1R LIVER. FOR CORITIPATIOI. FIR .ALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLUIU ""ran tiuatatvtatoiuni.i. sastrTatjaUMvfeg; CURE SICK HEADACHE. W. L. DOUCLAS S4.00. S3.50, 93.00, S2.50 V.N.ION MADS sunee best in wsiws&o THa world. Force of Habit. Gunner That man must bo used to trading horses. Ouycr Why so? Gunner When he asked how old the automobile was be looked Inside for Us teeth. A woman tells her children fairy stories to quiet them, and her husband tells fairy stories to her with the same purpcas. Not la Evidenoc). Belle Miss Passay has been quit ill. Is she likely to recover? Gladys She thinks so. She says she has youth on her side. Belle Huhl If she has it must bo on the inside. Philadelphia Press, Ills Favorite Drand, nobo Charles Say, Willie, wof s yer fav'rite bre'kfust food? Winded Willie I prefer de kin' youse kin git without wurkla' fer It Baltimore American. W.L Douglas shoes aro worn by moro men than any other mako. Tho reason is, thoy hold their Bhape,fitbettor,'wear luutjer, ana nave greater intrlnsio vaiuo tnan any uiner snoes. Soli Cvtnwlnn. S Look for nana aa.in!i7!f! Douelaa utee Corona Coltakln. whlek la T.rwl,0roconced.dtob,JhVflnVatKunt "f!2?H1 R"-1- ftt Color Cy"l,Uutti v i,S.n,'AF,.r- WrtU tor Citalofc Vf. lm UOVQLAS, Brockton, Mass. BvatsBCr, issa Iryf 'Sy fa BBBb&fasSlkai Jg Intlma. toldbydrnMUuT H f titmi 'Nmmi 4&fftUr'a.ijii W4auAi tt -