saaBjRMK-ja; , 5"t " jv Viifir,'.,.J,i. v -A.jjhAr3AKfKi ftji-wat&ttK-j-A, tw a TEOk TTEW AGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. RADDLE ROCK IlESTAUJUNT. BUCKMAN & CARRAQIIAR, Proprlotorf. First Clan In every respect. Oysters a specialty 1019 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal, -H"H'-H'H"K"t"H' '1-HrH Missoula advertising. X-ieLdLixig Hotels 3 OLD rpIIK OAItDEN CITY BAKEKY. HENRY KOSENDOrtF, Proprietor. Dread, cukes and pics of superior quality freah every day. 1 FAVORITES ''5 110 Weat Main Street, MUaoula, Montana &?.: HOTEL PORTLAND. eotr 9UOOO.OOO. The Portland! H. O. BOWERS, Mmnmgmr. American Plan, $3 Por Day and Up war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon -. Tremont Hotel & RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. First Glnas in Evory Particular. Everything entirely new throughout Uio building. Headquarters for Comniorclal Mon. Commodious Sample Rooms. S. E. MURPHY, Proprietor -- Boat furnished houso in Sou thorn Oregon New Depot Hotel A. H. PRAGI1T, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes Por Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON A FRIENDLY TIP When in Roscburg, Ore gon, go to HOSIER'S Horseshoe Lunch Counter Near tho 8. P. Depot Telephone M-B P. 0. Box Ml The Grand Pacific Hotel CHAB. A. SOIIRAOE, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class in Every Particular. Coraer Railroad St. and Hlgglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. Hotel Crellin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated In the most conveni ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. Convenient to All Cars and Trains Cor 10th and Washington Sts. OAKLAND, CAL. SEATTLE'S NEW HOTEL 0WafmaamSaaaaaaa!!Wmr&WmiT KaaaaaaamaWtaWaaaaaaaaaaaaamu S oj! mnntrmTnTWizTiiiiWaanawnaaaamavi : w & amfTtrmmrWmaWamaamaatf n2ffl IllnlrlRif lit I nUsSiiHiHu s p 2 FSSJHTfBavEnMLhallHaHapHBiaapHBiaajaaaaaaH . l slBWnMBBaHUflfiHeLlLlLlHiLlLtttlY 2 I -t L pB&waapEawtjtiEaRamaaaakap&aaam cu S cL, 1 o 6 S3 u s 6 THE LINCOLN The Blackwell Hotel Company Moat beautifully and desirably located, on Madison street at Fourth avenue- a section freo from noise and dust most convenient to all pointa of tho city and commanding a magnificent view of Puget sound, Mount Rainier and the Olympic range. The Lincoln is easily accessible from all steamboat landings. depots and theaters. All cars transfer to the hotel door. It is a new, modern, exquisitely tarnished structure, containing 225 rooms 100 with private baths arraVed to give iU patrons every comfort The drawing rooms, lobby, dining rooms and gentlemen's cafe are most luxurious, and will be found especially attractve to tourists and commercial travelers, while tho service and cuisine will aatisfiy the SBOst exacting aolcur. THETHORNTON W. D. THORNTON, Manager. BUTTE, MONTANA European Plan, $1.50 Per Day Up The beat appointed hotel In tho Northweat. Thoroughly oqiilmxHl with atl tho modorn con venience. Two-tmrda o( tho room a connected with private bath. Two hatha on each lloor (or use of sueata without charge. All rooms well lighted and ventilated. Tollshed hardwood floors with rugs throughout. Finest cafo and aervlce In tho city, at inbdorate prlcea. Euro pean plan, 11.60 por day and up. Iio charge (or aample rooma. European Plan. Rooma 60c. to $200. Roomi alngle or en auttc, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL R. C. II ALU DAY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc Cor. Howard St. and Slain Ave. Tel. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. Golden Eagle Hotel J. W. WILSON, Proprietor. Sacramento, California aVVay When in Spokane, go t DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had. SPOKANE, WASH Rates 12.50 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, ORLU0N HOTEL FLORENCE H. E. CHANEY, Proprietor. Headquarters for Commercial Men MISSOULA, MONTANA. mam r? srTlFX'fBBp fti LVfi tHt1 mz&wns $mr- ffagTrv' .8Sk Mlciic&i- tSJT9timm The Tacoma W. B. BLAOKWELL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. The Colonial Hotel Strictly rlrat Clau, New and Most Rlegantly I'urnlahcd Apartments In the City, Single or Itn Suite. N btram Heat. Large Wall Cloaeta, Frlvate and Public natha Kates by the Dot, Week or Month. One Block South of PostofTJce. A. M. Cadlen, Propr. P. II. Curtlaa, Mgr. Telephone Main 015 1119 l'lrat Ave. cor. Seneca SSATTLK, WASH. Delmonico Restaurant Under Same Management The Alturas House Welt Purnlahed and Itverytblng New Beda jo Ceuta and Up. lnd. Phone 373 51 1 Main St. Boise, Idaho HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAFFNEY, Manager One of the 'Best Hotels in the Northwest. Large Sample Rooms for Com mercial Men. EUROPEAN PLAN Purnlahed Rooms at anytime at reasonable prices. 1'lne Italian and French Kcetauraut lu Connection. Phone lnd. X 1699. COLUMBUS HOUSE AND SALOON Liquors and Cigars Open Da and Night 167 WASHINGTON STREET SEATTLE, WASH. Reduced Freight Rates on HOUSEHOLD GOQDS to all Eastern Cities. Saving of 25 to 50 per cent. We transfer Freight, Passengers and Baggage. Pool shipments given prompt and careful attention. We invite correspond ence. The Seattle Transfer Co. SEATTLE, U. S. A. Messengers on All Trains Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SEATTLE, U. 3. A. ran Quaker Drug Co. SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. 3.....l..l.l...I.t"l1H4 How Can I l.cnvc Tltcf IIow cnu 1 leave thco? How enn I from thco part? Thou only hast my licnrt, dear one, bo- llcvo Thou hast tills soul of mine So closely bound to thlno No oilier can I lore, save thco alone! Blue Is n flow'ret Called the forget-me-not, Wear it upon thy henrt, nud think of mo! Flow'ret and hope inny die, , Yet love with us shall stny, (That cannot pass away, dear one, be Hove. Would I a bird were, Boon nt thy aide to be, Falcon nor hawk would fear, speeding t thee, When by the fowler slain, I nt thy feet should He. SChou sadly should'st complain Joyful I'd die. Tuoatrfi Loot to Bight, to Mem'ry Denr. Sweetheart, good-byl The fluttering anil Is spread to waft mo far from thoo, And soon before the fnv'ring gnki My ship shall bound upon the sea. Perchance, nil desolate and forlorn, These eyes shall miss thee many s year, Bnt nnforgottcn every charm Though lost to sight, to mem'ry dear. Sweetheart, good-byl ono Inst embrace! O cruel Fate, true souls to sever! Xst In this heart's most sacred plnce Thou, thou nlona shnlt dwell forevorl And still shall recollection trace, In Pnney'a mirror, ever near, Bach smile, each tear, that form, that lost to sight, to mem'ry dear. Those Evening Holla. Thoio evening bolls! those evening bells! IIow many n tnle their music tells. Of youth, and. home, nnd that sweet time When last I heard their soothing chime. Thoso Joyous hours nro passed awny; And mnny a henrt that then was gny Within tho tomb now dnrkly dwells, And hears no mora thoso evening bells. And no 'twill be when I nm gone; That tuneful peal will still ring on, While other bards shall walk theso dolls, And sing your praise, sweet evening bells. ThomnH Moore, EXPENSE8 OF A PRINCE. What It Costa llrltnln's Koynl Heir to Live. The populnr idea about a royal prince Is that ho 1b an oxnltcd person age, with a magnificent income, says Hour Glass. Tbcro Is, however, nn other aspect of tho case, concerning which many pcoplo nro In ignorance, namely, tho enormous cxpcndlturo In variably connected with a prlncoly es tablishment. Tho following Authentic details as to what It costs the Prlnc of Wales to llvo may, therefore, prove) Instructive to tho general ronder. It Is not generally known that there are about eighty servants employed In the prince's household, nnd tho wages of theso peoplo aggregate not less than 40 a week. Out of this sum tho royal chef receives 200 a yenr, tho butler n slmllnr amount, nnd two of tho stewards 150 npleco, in nddltloa to special perquisites. Then there Is the cost of provisions, electric HghfV Ing nnd other domestic oxpenses, which lnvolvo n further outlay of nt least 800 n year. It Is nlso essential that his roynl highness should keep n good stable, and tho malntcnnnco of thirty horses, cnrrlngcs, grooms, conchmen and other attendants will readily ac count for nnothor .100 of his Income. During tho London season, also, th king's eldest son Is nnturally expoctcd to give a certain number of house par ties, and It need scarcely bo said that theso entertainments must bo In every way consistent with tho rogal position of tho distinguished host In addition to these pnrtlos, the present prince, like bis father, gives bo vera I royal balls every year, tho total cost of which means a further serious lnrond In his income. Again, It is only reason able to expect that his roynl highness will bo ono of tho host dressed gen tlemen In the kingdom, nnd this de sirable qualification is only attained by Judicious expenditure. Kor exam ple, It may bo stated thnt tho I'rlnco of Wales generally dons a now suit of clothes twice a month and a new silk bat nbout the samo period. He never wears a pair of boots mora than half a dozen times, and theso are of superflno quality, at 2 guineas the pair. Ho rarely uses a pair of gloves for mora than ono occasion, and his hosiery and other clothing are sufficiently ver satile and multitudinous In character to start a man In business. In all prob ability 1,000 a year would barely cover the princely expenses for cloth ing. But even this estlmato docs not meet the cost of those naval and mili tary uniforms which the prince has to purchase In order to appear in his va rious official capacities in connection with the British army and navy, and for these splendid garments, somo of which cost 100 each, nt least another 500 a year must bo added to the ex penditure. Another Important Item of expendi ture is thnt represented by gratuities to servants when tho prince nnd prln cess become tb temporary guests of other royal families, either at home or abroad. Take, for example, a visit to tho Czar of till the Itussias, which, apart from traveling expenses, would mean at least 100 lu royal tips among the countless servants of tho Musco vite mounrch. It Is not a matter of general knowledge that when the Prlnco of Wales was receiving his ed ucation at Cambridge he was allowed an Income of 3,000 a yenr. Ho was of a frugal disposition, and managed to maintain the dignity of his position without running Into dobtj on the con trary, It Is stated that ho actually saved money out of Ills allowance. A correspondent asks: "lu writing to my pastor how should I address him: Dear Dr. Smith, or the Rev. Dr. Smith, or Dear Sir?" We havo not a chaperon department, but If wo had we would Instruct tho department to say: "My dear woman, do not write to your pastor." C0TTY.8 1'LACE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Everything First Class. J. A. SCOTT, Proprietor. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. (No. 2100 Capital, $160,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 , A. n. Hammon-I.PreBldent .A. O. England, Vlce-?rceldent J. M. Keith, Cashier .11. A. Eddy , T. L. Oreenough , C. II. Mcf.eod .... O. O. England DIRECTORS S. A. WALKER GEO. W. ALBEE WALKER Si ALBEE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables j Hones Doardt-d by tho Day, Week or Month. Caba, buanea and wagons to and from all trains and hotela. Klneat cushion tiro turnouts In the city. Hlgglns Avo., opp. Kennedy Hotol. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS HAPPY MAM U Ne'or Without a Bmllo, He Uaea Only Our Oardcu City Heer, And Life Boo ma Worth the While. mAitDEN oirr brewho oo Mlmmoulm, Montmnm MISSOULA MERCANTILE COMPANY Missoula, Montana. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. We sell ev erything and everything the very beat. Our Una of men's elothlng, furnishings, shoes, etc., embraces such reliable brands as theset Man hattan Bblrts, E. A W. Collars, Btcin-llloch and H. 8. A M. Iteady-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats, Knox Hats, Hanan A Son's and Torrey's Fins Shoes. "Wo're There With the Goods" MIsmouIq, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. ' All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. The Cascade Livery BOARDING AND SALE STABLES Spctfial Attention Givcu to Com mercial Men. MARK W. DOTCHIW, Tropr, Second Avenue So. bet. fourth and Fifth fit. Great Falls, Mont. Ceo. K. Drew Kallapell J, D. McDonald Great falls Drew & McDonald Great Falls, Montana Great falls Boots md Shoes Kallspell Gent. Merchandise P. J. Brophy & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IlirORTHRS Largest Stock, Largest Business, Finest Goods, Lowest Prices 28 Main St. BUTTE, MONT. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Srattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals S1 mm a&mAjLy mmaaaaaaaaaaaammm t .SsssssV IBlsGB ILfe RO 5rtBssHBPssfflsissssssssssssfstfl Jmaaaaaammm BBtaMMEsiBsnflHIBr ijiflfll V ' trWaaaaaama -HaHi sKfliHUaRaE'fKiiTMV frTy--jlWBnBBLrsiiiW ff ' i i'i il'i ff wrHBiirTslssssssssrsss!sBr7isr'frr VTi'i T JtoimmW f ' ' lelawlsiitWsP'iissssslsMaissssssssslfcs JONES BLOCK, COR. NINTH AND C STS., TACOMA, 'WASH. Elegantly Furnished Apartments with Bath. Elevator. Steam Heat. Electric Light. Central Location. v COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED HOTEL RIDPATH EUROPI3AN PLAN 100 Daylight Rooms $1 to $3 Ptr Day Private Baths Single and In Suites REMODELED AND REFURNISHED First and Stevens Sts. SPOKANE WASH. Hotel Westminster V. 0. JOHNSON, I'roprlotor. American and European Plan. Corner Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANQELK8, OAL. MURPHY & BINE The Lunch Counter. Home Cooking. The Beit Meals in the City for the Price. LA GRANDE, OREGON. HOTEL FOLEY T. B. FISHER, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lights and Steam Heat LA GRANDE, OREGON ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. First-Clara Accommodations and I'rnmpt sorv Ice. I.nruo Hnmplu (wuna for Commercial 1 ravvlers. Phone 7 Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. The Spokane (Europenn Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Sample Rooma with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. THE WASHINOTON-aEATTLE iSMMmmVaar'mmT,fiaaVnkaaaam nmmmmWaaa JL !BpaisJiBsisissisisissisisisisitsMslsiBM ff? THE SCENIC HOTEL OP THE WORLD. Tliis iiuiKtiillct'iit tourist hotol is Seattlo's most prominent architectural feature being situated upon tho highest point of luud in the down-town district 300 feet above sen level. It is, howovor, easy of access by private tramway, by regular hotel tonvoynnco, by street car or by carriage The sceuory from Tho Washington is the most superb to bo found on tho l'aclflo ccast. Tho appoint ments and furnishings of Tho Washington aro cntiroly modern nnd high-class; tho cuisine and servico are most satisfactory. Tho rates are exceedingly reason ablo for a fuHhloimblo Tourist Hotel. Tho Washington is situated in tho midst of oix aerosol beautiful grounds, which with the broad drivoways, green lawns, and a profusion of roses and car nations, mako the location un ideul ono. The sconorv from Tho Washington and grounds is unsurpassed in tho West no other point in goittlo giving such a mag nificent viow ns can be had from this hotel. Presidont Itoosevolt was charmed with tho scene that met tho eye, from tho voraudas and grounds of tho hotol, and bo expressed himself. ThoUHands of others, in public and private lifo, havo come and gone since tho opening of this grand hostlory. who havo added their trlbuto to tho many expressions of pleasure and satisfaction derived from a glimpse of tho l'uget Bound country from this vantage ground, including as it does a view o! mountains, lakes, Sound, harbor and all Seattle. Write for illustrated booklet. nonm hotel. THOS. COHDI, Proprietor. Itatcs Sl.fiO and 11.00 por day. Entirely Now and Modern Centrally Located, Tiro Mocks from B. I. depot ItEDDINO, CALIFORNIA. Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL SOMMER A. L. MORRIS, Manager. The Only First-Class Hotel in the City. LA GRANDE OREGON HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. j j j EUREPEAN PLAN, Rooms SOc, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bus and I'rco Snniplo Rooms. 205M3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hosier's Lunch Counter AH Trains Stop 30 MINUTES For Meals. Headquarters for travolors nnd railroad mon. A. MOSIKU, Proprietor. ROSGBURQ, Oregon THE 0. T. DINING ROOM U. H.OrKV, I'roprlotor. All Trains Stop 30 Minutes FOR MEALS. Ono of tliu ilm-Rt nlnces nt tho donot for meulH. Wo always lmvo chicken supper. llcndqunrtorH for tho traveling public. Oysters in any utyle, Roseburg, Oregon