'lliiiilji.fn'n wjt" TSiBiBI -i -w,'Mti:.j.J?S3SJ"5"! .ll TECE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. -': ,if i THE NEW AGE Established IBM A, D. Qtlflln Manager Tclophone, Main 707 Offloe, 8 Second St., cor. Ash, Rooms land 2 Portland, Oregon. , AOKNTB J.W.Duncan... Butte, Mont Geo. A. Hayes Seattle, Wash To Insure publication, all loral nun must nxti in n m fiTir than Thursday uornlng ( wott week. BuUcrJptlon price, ent yr, pftjftfeU U t4 TMM , fi.w. M((3XIM9 PORTLAND LOCALS ! CSXJMiMKtilllH Mr. J. Jackson Is in tbo city. It Is reported Mrs, proving. D. Seals Is 1m Wo would llko to seo more of our peoplo out to' church. Mrs. Lajcuno Is qulto Blck at her homcon Fifth etrcot. Mrs. H. Miller Is thinking of re turning to Dutto, Mont. Mrs, Pitts Is stopping at Mrs. Plrvy's on Main street. n. Mrs. W. L. D. Plummor, who haa licon sick-Hated, Is Improving. Mrs. Robinson has been suffering from a sovoro attack of nournlijla. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Clark were hero this week from St. Paul stopping at tbo Keobler. Mr. W. Duncan, Sr., has boon con fined to his room with an attack of rheumatism this week. Mrs. H. E. Wells has rcturnol to the city from Vnncouver, B. C. Sho 1b tbo guest of The Dutlcr. Tho young peoplo gavo a nurrrlto party In honor of Miss Taylor of Se ultlo on Friday ovenlng. Mrs. T. Hall tcccIvoiI tho ntl nowo of tho death of hor sister, Mrs. Ida M. Clalro of Cedor Rapids, Iowa. Mrs. Miller, who undorwent a ser ious operation at tho St. Vincent's hospital, Is rapidly Improving. Tho Odd Follows' sermon will bo preached at tho A. M. 13. Zlon church by Rev. C. D. F. Mooro, Sunday over ing, Moy 8. Sister Smith, who received tho gold ring nt tho cake cutting, presented Is jib a prcsont to Georgia Edward, which sho very highly appreciated. Dy tho pastor, C. C. X. Laws. Thoro will bo a. quotation hunt at Mt. Olivet Baptist, Friday, May 13, 1904. A prizo will bo awarded to tho person finding tho greatest number of quotations. A short progrnm will bo rendered. Admission, 10 cents. Mrs. O. O. Lynthccum Is making Etrenuous efforts to build up tho Bap tist church. Thoroforo It Is hoped that tho members and congregation will en courage her in every movement that uho makes to advanco tho causo. Mt. Ollvot Baptist church, Sunday, nt 10:30, ono accord In prayer. At 11 n. xn., subjoct, "But Paul Thought It Not Good to Tako Him With Thorn." Sunday school at 12:30 p. m.; B. Y. P. IT. at 7, Sister Bird leader. At 8 p. m., subject, "Bohold tho Lord Com eth." Mrs, Snrah A. Bcsscllon, one of Ore gon's pioneers, departed this llfo Fri day at 3 a. m. after a long illness at her home at Sunnyoldc, Clackamas country, and was burled Sun lay, May 1st, at Lono Fir coraetery. Mrs. Bos aellon wns GO yenrs of ago and for tho last 30 years had mado her homo in Oregon, residing upon their beautiful form In Sunnysido. Sho was a slfltor of tho Into Mrs. Ellon Thompson. Sho leaves a husband, two sons, James N. nnd Honry BcsBollen, n brother. Mr. I'nnlss, nnd nolces, Mrs. Laura LnpF ley, Misses Ruby nnd Lottlo Famine, nnd grand children, also other rela ttves In Halifax, Novla Scotia, to mourn hor loss. By tho targe assem blage of both whlto and colored who nttendcl tho funoral and tho beautiful floral offerings, spoko for the high es teem In which Bho was held by neigh bors and friends. Our Relation to the Perlahlng Heathen World Thoro nro In India ono hundred and twenty-four millions of women, unwol como nt their birth, untaught In their childhood, onslaved in their marriage, accursed as widows, and unlnmented In death. Tho heathetiB nro going to the grave hopolcss nnd sad, destltuto of tho light of llfo. It appertains to our mission to cheor their lonely march to tho tomb, to put holy music into tho solemn tread. It Is for us in strumontally to light up tho charmed liouao of heathendom, to tell thorn of lcsurrectlon life, of Immortality be yond tho tomb. Tho No-church Is tho largest on earth, that lc. what somo peoplo llko to bo In all churches and mombers of no church, by saying ono church is as good as another. It numbers three fourths of all tho human raco. It Is marching on, while I write, a thousand million strong. A thousand million, Imagination staggers under each figures. Suppose this unspeak nblo army wero to file before you at the rate of ono a minute, it would bo 5,884 A. D. when the last man drew up, walking twelve hours a day, in a year a quarter of a million, and In for ty years ten millions would have pass ed you. leaving nine hundred and nine ty millions to come. You would havo to stand on that spot three thousand, nine hundred and sixty years to see tho rear of that prodigious host. AH theBe are now living and in a few years will bo dead, never having heard so much as that there was a This, after eighteen centuries of tho cross. Each of tbeso 1b a human be ing, I suppose; yes. According to your creed, damned at doath; yes. Are you a Christian, yes; and not glv lug oven a passing thought to these poor-fate crushed pilgrims, Chrlstless and weary, trudging out Into the great night. What, grudge the coin to your mission collector. Spend all on your dear, precious, darling self. God help you, my brother. You shall awake yet, llko Jonah, nnd go down to God's school in the belly of hell, to learn by misery what mercy means. Oh, sleek, comfortable, well bolstered, Christians, go and howl. Your gold and silver are rusted and tho rust of It shall eat your flesh as Are. Yo soft cushioned self-loving, select souls, your purgatory comes. In heaven's name fling off this lethargy, and hear tho cry of tho per-Jibing. S)? SPOKANE NEWS SX9 Died. Miss Lulu Duncan, daughter of Mrs. Alma Love, ago 16. Miss A. L. Craven has gono for a two weeks' vacation to tho coast. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stokes left Mon dny noon for a lengthy visit to Chi cago. Mr. S. A, Hnlns, who has boon so ill with rhoumatlsm, is improving very slowly. Messrs. W. A. Ryan, Reynolds Rob inson, and Baker, havo opened a new saloon. Mr. A. D. Grlffln nnd Mr. C. A. Lucas were visitors In tho city during tho past week. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Al len, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cook, a son. Mr. Walter Scott had a severe acci dent, resulting in a broken leg. Ho Is Improving slowly. Mr. W. M. Williams loft tho city n few duys ago to visit her son, Mr. J. A. Williams In Seattle. Mr. John H. Stafford, accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. C. J. Flowers, left for a short vacation in Scattlo Satur day. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Payno loft Wed nesday morning for tho General Con ference In Chicago. They will Co gono for four weeks. Prof. Heir, of St. Paul, was In Spokane for a few dnys. Wo hopo como day tho gentleman will bo ablo to spend .more tlmo with us. Tho Ladles Guild of St. Thomas' Musslon gavo a dinner for tho benefit of tho Mission Friday, nt tho Ondowa Inn. A sum of flfty-nlno dollars was , . ' cleared Mrs. WnltCT Lawson, wlfo of Officer LawBon, had an operation porformed upon her foot at tho Sacred Heart hos pital Wednesday. Sho Is getting along very nicely. Tho ladles of tho Calvary Baptist church gavo a country dinner Thurs day, for tho benefit of their pnstor, Rev. J, B. Beckham. Quite a neat sum was realized. A Jubllco concert was given at tho First M. E. church for tho benefit of Rev. J. S. Payno, pastor of tho A. M. E. church. Tho concert was qulto a hucccss musically and financially. Tho Intermediate class of tho A. M. E. sabbath school gavo a Mother Gooso cantata Tuesday ovenlng at tho church for tho benefit of tho pastor, Rov. J. S. Payno. Tho cantata wns n credit to tho llttlo ones, nnd their piomptor, Miss Condnco Parker. A neat llttlo sum was realized. Mrs. B. Wright Is on tho sick list this week. Tho May fair will begin next Mon day night a week. Mr. C. H. Thompson was tho guest of Miss F. Turner Sunday. Tho Odd Fellows will havo their an nual sermon preached next Sunday night at 8 p. m. Don't forget tho question box and the spoiling match Friday night at tho literary society. Miss Turner entertained two sailors of tho Cruiser Tacoma Wednesday ovenlng, which wero friends of tho family from Now York. Tho evening was pleasantly spent. Remembor, ladles and gentlemen, to night. Ono of tho grandest concorts over given will bo given In tho Gor mnnta hall tonight. Tonight. 25 cents; ono-qunrter. Don't forgot your tickets. Children, 15 cents. f)I)C)Ci SEATTLE ITEMS f $30ec4 w HEN IN 8KATTI.E DON'T I'OItOET THE Afro-Am. Boclal Club, 110 Seneca itreet, rear bldg, le t. First and Second. II. T. Halley, pre. A. Duncanson, ieo. and m'g'r. l'hoiie Main SW8. Mr. Rudd and Hill, of Tacoma, aro spending a fow days In tho city. Mr. C. Bailey arrived from tho Green River Hot Springs Monday, May 2. Mr. J. Stafford and Mrs. Flowers left for Spokano on Monday, May 2. Mr. Frank Klncnd Is ablo to bo out after soveral weeks of sovoro illness. Tho Ladles' Golden Gato Club held n meeting at tho resldenco of Mrs. J. T, Gayton Wednesday, May 4, 4 p. m. A lawn party at tho resldenco of Mrs. B, Taylor, May 3, under tho aus pices of tho A. M. E. church, wlioro wero a largo attendanco and a very pleasant evening was spent. Furnished rooms from 110.00 up, at Mrs. M. Keoble, 388 Everett Btreet. Telephone Main 2651. f.e7beach & co., Tho Pioneer Paint Company, make a specialty of selling tho best things made in paints. House Paint, Floor Paint, Barn Paint, Fence Paint and Roof Paint ; Enamels, Varnishes, Colore, Stnlnn, Cementico Kultomino and general build ing material. 135 First St., N. W. cor Alder, Portland, Oregon. CHEAP SUNDAY RATES. Between Portland and Willamette Valley points. Low round-trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Wlllametto Valley points in either direction. Tlckcta will be sold Saturdays and Sundays and limited to return on or before the following Monday, Call on Southern Pacific Company's agent for partic ulars. GOD'S ART GALLERY OF THB ROCKIES. Edyth Tozler Weatherred says, in a recent number of "The Exposi tion": "My first trip has recently been made over the world renowned Den ver & Rio Grande Railroad. Any at tempt at a pen picture would be a sacrilege. To appreciate it is to seo it and bo held spellbound while you gaze on the grand, glorious, beautiful and sublime. 'God's Art Gallery of tho Rockies" is unsurpassed and fills one's soul with more love for tho Cre ator, and you are also Impressed with the wonderful achievements of man who made It possible for the traveler to enjoy the plcturesques of Amer ica." If you contemplate a trip East, write W. C. McBride, 124 Third street, Portland, Ore., for booklets picturing Colorado's famous scenery, and what ever information you may desire. I TAC0MA NOTES & Call at Buchanan & Derrick, confec tionary and cigars, homo-rtnndo can dles a local specialty. 2GG Third St. Tho Applteon Cafe. First-claw in every respect. Southwent corner Sixth and Everett Btroots, Portland Oreogn. F. Germain, dealer In fish, gamo, poultry, etc. Canned goods a special ty. Phono Clny CI. 40G Gllsan street, Portland, Oregon. Tho Condon saloon, G. J. Lcmanskl, nronrletor. corner Bumsldo and Eighth streets, Portland, Oregon. Phono Hood COG. Neatly furnished rooms in connection. French Dyeing and Cleaning Worit. All work dono at very modrcate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. De leau, proprietor, 455 Oliaan street. Tho best ever mado is tho Eaglo Brand Boneless Chicken Hot Tamales and husks. Wholesalo and Retail. Ofllco and factory, 45 Union avenue, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, East, 400. It has been said thnt "Harmon's", on tho corner of Third nnd Couch, is among tho undeslrnblo resorts of tho North End, but tho plain facts nro that "Harmon's" is ono of tho clean est places In Portland. Thcro nro no lcdles' entrances nor any wlno rooms; In fact It Is only a plnco for men, and men only. IT HAS NO EQUAL. Wo claim that Smith's U-ro-ka Met al Polish Is tho best In tho world. It will do more toward ranking house work light than any other polish. It has been adopted by all tho leading noi0. C1U8' jTvnr. vwuirn "' government servlco EVERYWHERL. Remember, at laBt you havo a polish that has a pleasant odor, that Is per fectly harmless and loaves all bright work with a clear scratchlcss finish and brilliancy. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. If you are going EaBt u careful selection of your routo Is essential to tho enjoyment of your trip. If It Is n business trip, tlmo Is tho main consideration; If a plensuro trip, sconory nnd tho conveniences and comforts of a modern railroad. Why not comblno all by using tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL, tho up-to-dnto road, running two trains dally from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and from Omaha to Chicago. Frco reclining chair cars, tho famous Buffet-Library smoking cars, nil trains vcstlbulod. In short, thoroughly modern through out. All tlcketB reading via tho Illi nois Central will bo honored on theso trains and no extra faro charged. Our rates aro tho samo as thoso of Inferior roads why not get your money's worth 7 Whlto for full particulars. B. H. TRUMBALL, Commercial Agent, Portland, Oro. J. C. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., Portland, Oro. PAUL B. THOMPSON. F. & P. A.. Scattlo, Wash. LEGAL ADVERTISING. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato Of Oregon for Multnomah County. M. Bardo and D. J. Gregory, part ners doing business as Bardo & Greg ory, plaintiffs, vs. Great Western Marblo and Onyx Co., n corporation, nnd Holman Transfer Co., a corpora tion, defentants. To Groat Western Mnrblo & Onyx Co., a corporation, dofendant: In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon: You nro hereby rcqulrod to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you in tho nbovo entitled causo on or boforo tho 9th day of May, A. D. 1904, nnd If you fall so to appear plaintiffs will apply to tho Court for tho relief domanded In tho complaint, to-wlt: for a judgment and decrco against you for tho sum of $400.00, together with Interest on tho sum of $200 from October 28, 1903, and Intorcst on the sum of 200 thereof from November 28, 1902, until paid, said interest be ing at rato of 6 per cent, per annum; also for sura of $75.00 bb attorneys fees nnd for costs and disbursements of this suit and action; that said, sums of monoy bo decreed a first Hen upon all of tho personal property, consist ing of certain tools and machinery, tho samo being moro particularly sot forth and described In tho complaint filed herein, and reforenco to which Is hereby mado and samo bolng mado a part of this summons, said tools and machinery now being contained aud stored In tho American Exchange Warehouso, at No. 182 Madison street, In tho City of Portland, Multnomah County, aud Stato of Oregon; also decreolng that said Hen bo foreclosed and that said property bo sold as by law provided and tho proceeds there of applied to tho payment of tho said sums of money as by law provided; that tho defendant and all porsons claiming by, through or undor it be barred and foreclosed of all rights nnd equity therein and that purchaser tako such title as was had by said de fendant at tlmo of making said chat tel mortgage, together with all title which it has sinco acquired and all title acquired and bold by Its suc cessors, and assigns In Interest and that tho purchaser bo delivered the possession of said personal property and that plaintiff havo such other and further relief as to equity shall appertain. This summons Is published by or der of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Multnomah County, duly mado and entered tho 26th day of March, 1904, in and by which order it is prescribed that this summons eball be published for a period of six weeks. Tho date of tho first publica tion of this notice is March 26, 1904. GILTNER & 8EWALL. First publication March 26, 1904. Last Publication May 7, 1904. Hotel Northern MM SIMPSON, Pro. N. 12th antl Marshall Sis. AMERICAN PLAN $1,00 aV Day and Up, EUROPEAN PLAN Rates on Application Special Rate by the Week or Month. STRICTLY MODERN Phone Main 1459 Electric Lights PORTLAND OREGON E. CONN, FANCY GROCERIES TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES Quality and I'rico Guaranteed, liellvory to all 1'arts of the lty. Phone. Union 8111. 0O William Avo., Cor. Hancock St., I'OHTLAND, OUKOON. BUl.UVANT'8 nltOCEIlY , Uulltvant Jr., 1'rop. STAPLE1 & FANCY GROCERIES TEA, COFFEE, n UTTER AND EUU3 A SPECIALTY Telephone, Main 213. 4C1-4S3 JcfTerton St., N.W. Cor. Thirteenth rOUTLANIJ OUEOON TyjANNlNO A I.EE STAPLE a FANCY GROCERIES Delivery ia all parti of tho city 319 K. Weldler St. Phone, East CCS roilTLANI) OHEGON JNOB HIUL. MARKET SCHOLZ & KAKRITZ Dealers In all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard and Sausage of All Kinds FRESH POULTRY Telephone, Main 818 21st and Irving Bts. POHTI.ANI), OUEOON OAKLAND MARKET CMAS. MILLBR, Prop, Dealer In All Kinds of Fresh, Salted and Cured Meats Fish, Poultry and dame Frco Dol Ivory to All Parts of tho City Phono, East 1&C8 3-42 Union Avo. PORTLAND, OR. Enierprias Brewing Co. Of San Francisco, Cat. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS IIENItY ME1STEII, den. Agt. for Portlan Extra Palo Hofbrau Bohemian and Export llcers. Ited Heal Porter. Free Delivery In all Parts nf tho City. Deer Depot aiidColdHtorago at Portland, Oregon, 13th and Johnson Bts. PHONE MAIN 1933 W, I.. McCadi, Seattle. E. 8. Hamilton, Tacoma. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H, I. Head Of float Taooma, Wamh. Cable Address) McCAIIK GRACE, BEAZLEY 8c CO., Agents J4 Water Street, Liverpool riARRIAGE DIVORCE Mass Meeting of Men at Llcbig Hall Tonight and Every Night Dr. Stoddard Speaks Subject Man" Th life we aro now living, no other. No collection. Who should marry, who nut, and why. Moving Pictures, grand views, anatomy of man and woman. Free, all freo. NOTICE-Ktrlrturo, Varicocele, (licet, loss of vitality, unfitness for in arris ve or work, speedily cured by now methods X-I.lght and X.Violet and Ited Hay, new way at half the price and half the time. Homo treatment guaranteed by THE lilt. MKillUHTArT.onlv real specialists for men. FACTS KOIl MEN. Attend the lecture tonlrht. Learn of the new exerpt methods of curing (Untaxes of men witnnutti equalled i without iIoiiIuk, drugging or mercury. Un- equalled iKiiranuoxiierienceomyears. Home who run pages of fake advertising, whoso aim seems to bo to make false promise, rarulycure, Tho new methods aro the latest from htiropo and only used by tho Dr. I.leblg Hlatr, Hear freo Illustrated lecturo tonight by Dr.Htoddard litmsolf, l-earn and know thyself and be con vinced: not for 5 oursclf alone but for our posterity. It's your duty. Call or write. THE DR. LIEBIG STAFF 7t Sixth 8t., cor, Oak Bt., near rostoltlco PORTLAND OREQON FROM HEAD TO FOOT (3$4& EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard About STEINBLOCK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and P4RAG0N TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. JJ20-22 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. R v... UFKENBE BUFFET SIS Howard Btrcct. 1'hono Main 89. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON u N1TED STATES LAUNDKY W, It. Itazzard, Manager, llleh-irrade hand work a specialty. Corner Grand avenue and East Salmon street. A request by mall or phone East C3 Is all that Is necessary. PORTLAND, OUEOON. OltDEUB PHOMPTI.Y FIM.ED. FAMILY TKAIIE MY 8PECIALTY. FUEE DEUVEKY. A. MERGER'S FULL MEASURE HOUSE 108 SIXTH STREET Flno Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars PORTLAND, OREGON. W. A. MILLEP BAKER All Kinds of Bread at Wholesalo and Retail Prices. Free Delivery. PHONE SCOTT 3802 315 Hollldny Ave. Portland, Ore. C. O. PICK, Prop. All Work Guaranteed C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Go. Bates, Pianos and Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Flro.proot brick warehouse, Front and Clay, Express and baggago hauled. Ws Off lorn, Both Phonmm MBB, Blmek 1B72. Portland, Oregon Portland Club, anil OalOm.m ' 130 Fifth Street OUR SPECIALTIES: II Monogram and III Cyrua JNoblo Whiakiea. A Retort for Qontlemen. 'Phono OreaonMttin 008; Columbia 407 WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE 131 FOURTH STREET Bmt. Alder mntl Wauhlnatmn Sim. Commissions Received on all Eastern and California Races. D,rect w,ro on ' Sporting Events Phono Main 141 w w "ww www ytTff rr Tull A Gihbm Muaommmorm H. O. BREDEHA OQ. Second & Morrison Streets Furnlturo Carpmta Drmpmrlmm We Have What You Need I Do You ! Know the News ? You can have It all for Per CA7 Per. 50c Month Month In The Krenln Telegram, ol Portland, Oregon. It Is tlio largest erenlnic news paper iitibllslied lu Oregon: It contains all the neHsol the slate and ol the na tion. Try It (or a mouth, A sample coprwlllbe mailed to you free. Ad. dress THE TELEGRAM, Portlands Oregon. D pjOTEL ALDEUT John 8. (limbic, Proprietor. 237 Illvcrslclo Ave. Furnished rooms, bar nnd billiard room In connection. Hotel phono .Main 1121, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 'J'HE BUULINOTON, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. It. E. Mlsncr, proprietor. 253 Alder street, between 2nd and 3rd. Phono Main 2850, Prl vato rooms. I'OinXAND, OUEOON. The Old Corner J. A. COLPULT, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Phone, Hood 855 Cor. Fourteenth and Ollian St. PORTLAND OBGQON SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, urn ii'nvi; i iiriinnii. low oi vtasmngion hi., Sunday, Tuesday and Ihurtday evening nt 5 o'clock, for t-auvlc Island, Ht. Helens, Cnnles, I'eur isiHiiii, laruns, tsninmn, rtecr Lilly, Italilnr. Mf . fnnit, fut .,. u.nlta nL. t,..l... Krt'ctiians. Mmiianlllii.lMntilfunlu mul nil u. landing. WE HAVE THE TRADE " LA INTEORIDAD " EL SIDELO " (lood S5APwyL lH aT ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, hMTAIIMttllKI) 18S1. ALIJEIN & LEWIS. Shipping Sc Commission Merchants WHOLESALE GROCERS. To save time addrosa all communications to tho company. Nos. 46 to 84 Front St. North, PORTLAND, ORBQON. mmmwammamAjiAi Mvr:'i v L'jjbyiL?!?feKi!ih? ijfSaataafmmaammmm saHffjllMM St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Wholesale Hardware, Ship Chandlery, and General Supply Store for Contractors. Agents for Roebling's Wire Cable and Judson Dynamite & rowdcr Co. St. Paul S Tacoma Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash. mWanmaTmwLmmmmnmBm? flHnV H BJj a3r 7" SL sflRBlHo IkD Mat THEZJWi SAYS 5SHSfl THAT YOU CAK DRINK lOfjSfl "" I B PJ-.I rtrrrr f'sll Bmt 2FOZrGBT SAZD 1 I I Gtxfmw' VSEATTLEBREWlNGl I I fwrTt 2 MALTING CO. I yhf BEERt SEATTLE t WASH. U.SJK. I ELECTRICITY Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co Star Brewery Company lirawcrs and Bottlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Buraslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. IMPERIAL DRUG CO. 64 North Sixth St. Between Davis and Everett PORTLAND OREGON FREE PHONE Main 1997 f i -- - - THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING COMPANY Funeral Elrectors & Embalmers Modern Ambulances Lady Assistant Telephone 607 220-22-2 Third Bt cor. Balmon PORTLAND OREGON ON FINE CIGARS. WHY? "HENRY THE FOURTH " Reason? Portland, Oregon INUOIU'OKATKD 1807. IN YOUR HOME m . ' . 1 'JZ&?Svti&''!i-Yj'' i. ,-BU)Afcft&&U.ftcVtfAv " -ri.fcftffk?'iafcr.