oMtlfcASHUItl THE NEW AGJE. POKTLJLlfP, OILMGOH. -ri, x xvrtnyn-t fcwr'iA4-UW'-fi-vAl- XXZ tf TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE 8ELECTION OF INTER. E8TINQ ITEM8. Comments and Crltlclama Based Upon the Happenings of the Day Histori cal and New Notes. Politeness occasionally bonta tho Al mighty dollar under tho wire. The Tlbctnns also nro beginning to feci ,tlio prossuro of tho dark man's burden. Enslnnd hns begun to rIvo Tibet tho traditional color and In tho tradi tional way. Tho evolution of tho needless npplo will placo even tho orchards ut tho mercy of tho grafters. Somo ono ought to bo kind enough to send a full report of the Mormon In Tcstlgatlon to tho Sultan of Hulu. Merely to emphasize their Intention to keep tho pence, tho powers nro Iny lng In additional supplies of ammuni tion. Tho Amcrlcnn Indian enn offer In telligent sympathy to tho South Afri can native. lie also hns had poms ex perience) with traders. An Italian marquis who was un married has committed sulcldo. Ameri can heiresses will bo sorry to hear that a splondld tltlo has thus gono to waste Copper King Ilclnzc hns been fined $20,000 for contempt of court. Hut ho needn't enre. A mnn who Is ns rich n he ought to bo nblo to llnd a techni cality without much bother. rresldent Joseph Smith has been In dorsed by n conference of tho Mormon Chutch for his testimony nt Washing ton. Tho Mormons could not tako n surer way to condemn themselves. Tho Russian minister of flnanco hns offered a prize of f2R,7RO to tho person or persons who will Invent somo wny of making alcohol uudrlukablo. Hero Is a chanco for n cold water chemist Tho doctors simplify many things for us. Bomotlmes wo Imnglno wo have an nttnek of "tho blues," when in reality wo aro only experiencing n form of nourasthcnln duo to Intra abdominal venous congestion. Statisticians assort that tho lobster will soon bo as extinct ns tho dodo. Species of lobster not stated. Tho dry land or evening variety (Homo rldlcu lens) will nover dlo out whllo chorus girls contlnuo to mnko goo-goo eyes ut tho easy ones In tho forward rows. A well-known actor, who hns mns tcrod German, French and Italian In Lis odd moments, and Is now studying Spanish, romarked, as ho cxplnlutd his system, "They sny charity begins nt home. I think tho tamo la truo of edu cation." Ho learns n lnnguago by em ploying a valet who speaks It, nnd nl lows tho servant to talk nothing but his natlvo tongue. Thoso furmers who em ploy Gorman or Italian valets for their cnttlo might follow this man's exam ple Tho feo of "u cool million" which Wall street guesses that William Nel son Cromwell will got for his sorvlcot as counsel for tho I'auninn Canal Com pany mny not bo reganlod ns exor bitant. Tho $100,000 received by John 10. Parsons for organizing tho sugar trust, deemed excessive nt Uio time, but Justified by tho luw-dofylng sub stantiality of tho work, would not to day oxclto comment, Crime no longer holds out such legnl rewards as aro offered by commerce. It Is n pleasure to record nn Interna tional Incident so ugroenblo and so credltablo to both parties ns tho ro ccnt sending of n memorial to Adinlrul Cervera nt Madrid. When Lieutenant llobson nnd his men escaped from tho sinking Merrlmac and fell Into tho bauds of tho Spaniards, Admiral Cer vorn not only sent, under n (lag of truco, tho news of their snfoty, but treated them with great kindness and consideration. Tho memorial was n sot of resolutions thanking him for theso acts. It was signed by forty Oovernors of States, and Inclosed In a specially designed gold frame. How llttlo mere man enn know of tho capabilities of woman Is shown by an Incident described by Kdwnrd Ever ett Hnlo In n recent magazine. "I was at a dlnnor party In HulTulo 11 vo nnd twouty yenrs ngo," ho says, "where wo had tho presonco of n dozen of tho first gentlemen In tho world. Wo woro talking of social adjustment, and ono of these leaders said, 'There must bo division of labor. Wo cannot oxpect,' said he, 'that tho person who mndo for us this delicious soup shall Interpret Ileothovcii for us. Kuch must do his part Then wo wont on with tho din ner, nnd after three or four hours of most entortutnlug convolution our host roso from the tablo and said, 'Wo will como Into tho drawing-room, and tho lady who mado tho soup shall in. torpret lleethoven for us.' " If nny one Is a master of all trndes and n bungler at nono It Is tho modern American woman, "Tho nnvy will always bo very cost ly for us by comparison with tho na tions of Kuropo, and particularly thoso on tho continent," remarked Secretary Moody to u friend nut long ngo, Somo of tho reasons for this plain fact do lervo attention, To get its soldiers and tullortt tho United States goes Into tho labor market, offering wages nnd con ditions which nro expected to compete with thoso of farm and factory, Kvery great European power, except tho liritlsh Empire, makes service In either nrmy or navy for a certain number of years compulsory upon Its subjects. Not to consider tho value of tho dis cipline thus acquired, tho time Is so much subtracted from their Individual lives. Tho continental power, besides gottlng its men for wages which muy be qulto accurately described as "plu money," Is ablo to prcscribo more fru gal rations than would ba attractive here. Tho American service, In short, costs more because It Is entered Into voluntarily by persons who expect to Uve la something Ilka ordinary Amer ican conditions. Similarly, tho conti nental power usually gota its ofllcers "at n bargain," but upon n system which would not accord with American theories. It makes high positions In tho military and naval service nn honor which tho young men of rich families greatly covet, nnd In many cases makes tho official salary so small that only persons of prlvnte menus could afford to nccept commissions. Our nrmy nnd nnvy nro olllcercd by men drawn from all classes of society. Most Congressmen throw tho West Point and Annapolis cndotshlps open to competitive cxnmlnntlon, in which family lnlluenco cannot count. When poor boys rise to be majors and com manders, they can look only to tho gov eminent for compensation sultnblo to their rank and station, nnu tno govern ment grnnts it. The greater cost Is thus distributed over tho whole tax-paying public. A fow weeks ago dispatches from Now Zealand brought reports of tho return of the Uritlsh steamship Discov ery from tho prolonged cxptorntlon of the Antarctic continent, on which so much of tho attention of geographers has been centered In recent years. Tills Interest Is very slightly shared by tho world at largo. Antarctic exploration nover has nppeoled to tho popular im agination as hnvo tho search for tho Northwest Passago and tho attempts to reach tho North Polo. Theoretically, tho location of tho South Polo should bo ns interesting ns that of tho other hypothetical extremity of tho enrth's axis, but tho whole mutter Is one of ab stract science merely. In tho north wo have always before us the original con ception that some daring voyager may llnd a wny ncross from ocenn to ocean, but an Antarctic expedition would lead nowhlther. This barren, frozen conti nent lies In nobody's way. You must salt far out of nil beaten paths to reach It, and nil thnt can be dono when you get thcro is to make a few addi tions to the map as drawn by thoso who wero thoro before. Nevertheless, tho present Interest of scientific men In Antarctic exploration Is very genu ine, nnd Captain Scott appears to hnvo nddod not u llttlo to what In known of tile geology of tho region. Ho has materially enlarged tho sum of knowl edge upon Its zoology and botany. Ills meteorological observations promlso much of value. Thcro Is much of tho earth's history to bo learned from this most forlorn spot upon Its surfaco that mny not so well bo learned In n moro hospltnblo clime. Ycnr by year spaces left blank upon our maps tho "unex plored regions" of tho earlier geogra phers grow less and less. They hnvo almost disappeared from the tropics, and remain only in tho frozen zones. Hut oven horo the outlines of conti nents and Islands, tho distinction of mountains and of glaciers, nro ench year moro precisely marked, and till there shnll reinnln no smallest spot ob scure oxploratlon will go on, and bravo men will cheerfully enduro long exile, privations nnd suffering for tho causo of human knowledge REAL LOVE-8ICKNE8B THI8. The Acttint Case of Dlaeaae la a Thing to Ho Urcutly Dreaded. "Did you ovor see a fellow actually lovesick?" asked the commercial trav eler. "Yes, I know I used to think thnt such a thing was only tho result of an overworked Imagination on the part of our fiction mid love-story wrltors, but I saw ono last summer. "Tho fellow was handsome and sen sible, but it went hard with blm. He was madly Infatuated with a young girl, and alio was equally daffy over him. I'aroutal consent could not Ihj secured, but all tho arrangements wuro mado for an e)opement. Tho hour came, but tho brldo-to-be en mo not. Boon n note enmo from tho girl. Hho loved the fellow, and nil that, would surely marry him, but could not elope. Bho could not so disobey and abuso her parents, who hud always been so good to her. "Well, tho fellow grow pale, stag gored across tho room, nnd fell. A doctor was called In, and tho dagnosls was 'lovo-slckuess In Its most malig nant form.' Tho man had a lino posi tion, but for two weeks ho could not go to tho olllce. IIo had dizzy spells; ho was unablo to sleep; he ntu nothing; Just sat around and moped, and looked well well, ho looked fierce. IIo hod a doctor regularly, and may still hnvo one, for all 1 know, as It got so bad I decided to get out of tho town for fear it might become contagious. " 'A mighty weak fellow, no force of character or power,' you say. Tho doctor doesn't agreo with you. Ho says such cases happen frequently u susceptible constitution or somothtug of that sort. Hut, at any rate, don't get lovo-slck. If you have your cholco, tuko tho smallpox." Washington Tost. A Good Cat. A good cat tho kind you want to hnvo In tho house, If any will liuvo a round, stubby pug noso, full, fat cheeks and upper Up, and a well de voloped bump on tho top of tho heod, between tho ears, betokening good na ture, A sleepy cat that purrs a good deal is apt to bo playful and good-utt-tured, lly all means to bo avoided Is a cat with thin, sharp noso and twitching ears. It must bo remembered, also, that a good mouser Is not necessarily a gentle or desirable pet, although any good eat will catch mlco If sho la not overfed; quick, full, expressive eyes generally betoken n good mouser, Tho greatest mistake and probably tho most common one In tho cam ot domestic cats U overfoedlng; particu larly, too much meat. In wild life the cat has exercise which enables her to digest her food. In tho lazy house life tho samo full feeding leads to stomach troubles and to tits. Horry Ife Btke. "At least," said tho young man who was getting ready to spring a proposal, "I'm sure your heart U lu tho right place." "I'm so glad you aro sure," replied tho fair bunch of feminine sweetness, "for I gave it to your cousin Fred lust night." It Is tho business of seven men out of ten to "fool" tho people. Look out; tho book agent Is not tho only inuu who makes u living by fooling people. t SPOKANE J. D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embalming and shipping a specialty 810 ltlrerildo Ave. Tel. Main Gl Hl'OKANK WASH Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Called for and Deliv ered to Any Part of the City Phone Main 286. 911 Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON D. K. McDonald Real Estate and Mortgage, Loans "rf rlto (or prlca Hit of far mi. Rooms S, 7 and I Wolrarton Block, cor. RlTerilde ana Mill. SPOKANE, - - WASH. THE WARWICK TURF EXCHANQE. Telephone Main M4. 620 Rlrenlde Ave. .Spo kane, I'ooli told on all Chicago and New York races, aa well ai all big erenu. Special wire on all sporting (Tents. Out o( town oommla lions (rum reipomlblo parties recelrod by tele phone or telegraph and placed Immediately. Tho Warwick Bar aid Grill Alwayi In the lead In the matter ot lunoh com, short orders and wet goods. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug Home in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice an. Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 AtadlMn Street, SPOKANE, WASH. ITUUuU and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENQFELOEM'S Salesroom and Office S. il Howard Street Factory S. 307 to 213 Waihlnjloa Street Phone Mala 306 We ihip everywhere and anywhere Spmkanm Mmkmry Oo. B. L. GORDON COMPANY WHOLESALE OROCERS SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNER MILL AND R. R. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. s4AAAaalBAAAaiasAaAAAAAaAAAaA I IDAHO ADVERTISING I Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage rhonee?) 903 Main St. 101SK, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAII, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, I,nce Curtains, Forticrs, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. Telephone 821. I. O. O. F. Building, E. Main St. LEWISTON, IDAHO The Raymond Lewiston, Idaho Is beta; improved in every way possible. The leading hotel in the -ltS fmmafaf ! t atria Ae a V7 WVAVVaej - VWi W clalty. auaDioc hoi. rrepristsm IDAHO ADVERTISING $ TUB CASH OKOCKIIY, T. Koland, Proprietor Ptstilo and Fancy Orncsrlcs, Wines and Liquors tor family Use. MO North Twelfth St., cor. Kearney Phono Hood 214 I'ohtlawd, Ob OTATE BANK OP IDAHO, Walter, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward Bhalnwald, l'rtUlunt. Chaa. J. Bclwyn, Cashier, Alio hai a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. The I'copls'i Hank. Sollciti your builneia. DUUNZKLL'fl EXCHANGE J. M. UnUNZELL & CO., Trope. Choicest quantise et Virus, Liquors and CJfaav A First Class Besert NAMPA JDAHC X. X. SMITH J. 0. BM1TU COSMOPOLITAN BAR Smith Hues , Props. Ilpe Wines, Liquors and Cleats. Opp. New Depot. HAMPA, IDAHO C. W. Wooro, Pros. Geo. F.Rodwey, Cashier Peter Bouna, V-I'res, It. V. McAfee, Asst. " FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO CAPITAL HTOCK 1100,000 OORFLUB AKU PltOrlTU $10,00 DIRECTORS Pstsb Soxka C. W. Moors CMASLIS HlMSOO LEONARD LOIMN M. X. MCCARTY DOISB, IDAHO BANK OF NAMPA, Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.0t statolith Vm. Dower Palace Hotel Bid's. FRED a. MOCK, PreetSent r. J. CON no Y, Vlce-Preetdeat C. K. HICKKY, Cashier HUNK JKMKINBOH, Aaa't Cashier NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer I Storige Co. B. M. Dell Phono A-10 last. Phoaa Light aa! Juary foalta Coo JfccTuats of frtlfit left ha crnr charge will receive prsaspt sttea i Uoa JfsfAi,at rcatesuhU wis. Sec that you givs your lggag to Boise Transfer S Storage Co. South Tenth Street, J.ROSKNIIURO AHUUURA.COI1N Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drluk Old Foil Hall Whisker Smoke Bene tor Shoup Cigars J. A, Murray, I'rciiJent. p. W. Standrotl, Vice President Wen. A. Antbee, Cashier I.N. Aathcs, Asst. Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol Pooiitullot lUcttto. POCATELLO, - IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Wotelics, Diamonds. Silvorwnro nnd Novelties. Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watch Inspector O. B. L. It. It,. Toca tello, Idaho. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. yva Tested Free. POCATELLO, IDAHO Mallory & Lydon Livery, Feed and Sale Stable C and Fourth Stt, Lewiston, Idaho Calls Answered Day or Night Phone J7I White Front Livery AND CAB STABLES Btnnsrd, fountain & Randall, Fropra, LBWISTON, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 2041 C. H. Schroeder, Manager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work returned same day when ordered. : ,... ws.,.:.. : nj k M YAK IMA 1 J N 0RT1I YAKIMA FURNITURE CO. Rugs, Carpets, Draperies, Iron Beds, Wall I'apcr, Etc. Funeral Directing and Embalming. 1'hone 481; Night Phone 601. 223 Yakima Avenue. North Yaklms, Wash Yakima Stable H. L. TUCKER, Prop. Fine Turnouts at Short Notlco Tot. Sal. Cor. Front nnd A Sim. NORTH YAKIMA, 4 WASH. MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY H. Q. TfEINHTEIN COMrANY. Manufacturers ot Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK if North Yakima, Wash. (No. 8365.) Capfttl Stock. $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $51,569.17 Statements! Close ot Business, Bept. 14, 1903 W.U.LADD, President. CUAB. CAlU'ENTKIt, Vice Pres. W. L. HTEINWEO, Cashier. A. D. CLINK, Asst Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned same day. Domestic finish or ploss. No saw cdci'S on collars or cuffs. Get scqsiuted witlt our motiiods, lir Undr) Work is tha Biif.rtalilBFIUbKWiarlDeKlBi. LAUNDRY AND OPFICD PIRSTAND A STRGETS, Pkene St. North Yakima, Wash U Booth Beeens St. nesldence 704 N. 4th It E. L. SESSIONS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Cenplete line of burial cases, caskets, robes, suits, wrappers and shoes. Embalming and shipping ol bodies a special- tr. Thonc 523. North Yakima, Wash. : niFMQRiiRn : ELLENSBURG 9 W C. WENTWORTH. N. P. LUNCH ROOM. Bllensburf, Washlngtou. All Trains Stay 10 Minutes for Lunch pLLBNaBUnO 8TEA11 LAVNDHY. 8IIATOWEIX A UAVKN. Patrenlse a Home Industry. Goods Called (or and Dellrered TELEPHONIC RED UL J. U. IMITIIBON, Tresldent. C. II. STEWAltT, Vice President. C. W. J011NHONK, Cashier WASHINBTDN STATE BANK. ELLENSIUI6, WASH. DinECTORS. Jacob Purth. C. J. Lord. J. II. bmtthson. C. H. Stewart, Jos. 8terensen. C.W.Johnsons Oakland advertising ."lANC ANN BAKERY, Telephone 1 IIUOII HAMILTON. Birthday and Wedding Cakes artistically ornamented. 669 to 677 Twelfth Street. Set. Jefferson and Clay fits. Oakland, Cal, PEOPLES EXPRESS CO. 412-418 Ninth Street. Oakland. Cat Phone Main 325. No extra charge for checking baggage at hotels and residences. Our agents are on the trains, also an agent at Sixteenth St. Station. All baggage delivered promptly, Mesmer Smith Co. 1118.26 Washlngtoa St., Oaklaad. Headquarters tor Men's Underwear, Hats, Overshlrts, Neckwear, Etc. Footwear for All. dOOD TREATMENT AND ONE PRICE ONLY. HV It A It AMI WATKIt, OREGON Shot Line and union Pacific THREE TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through rullmnn Standard ana Tourist slcoplngcarsdalljrtoOmahn,Chlcago,8poVanei Tourist ilrcplug cars dally to Kansas Cltyi Through Pullman Tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted! wcokly to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Memphis; reclining chair cars (seats tree) te the East dally. DirAKT TIME SCHEDULES Portland. Or. ASS1TB Chicago Portland Special :20 a, m. Tla Huntington, ealt Lake. DenTer, Ft. Worth,Omalia, Kansas City, St. Louls,Chlcagoaud East. 4:30 p.m. Atlantlo Express lU p.m. Tla Huntlngtoa. fit. 1'aul Fast Mall. 10:801 et. rasi Fast Mall COO p. m. rla Spokane Atlantlo Express. 7tUa. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE VUOM l'OKTLAND, IMp.SS. All ,11 sailing aatei subject to change 6:00 p. B. far San Franclaeo lalletery 6 days Dally Ex. Sunday e :00 p.m. Saturday 1U:WI p. sn. Cslumbls Rlrer flsemers. T Astoria and Way Landings. 8 oo p. m. Ex. Sunday (itAa.ra. Mon.,Wed, andFrl. Wltlsmette Rler. 8:30 p.m. Tucs.,Thu., Bat. Salem, Indepen. ifiAetfiA fVwveailtla and way landings. 7:00 a. n. Tots.. Thar. and Bat. Yamhill Hirer. 4:80 p.m. Won., Wed. and FrU Oregon City, Dayton auawayianuiugs. Lt. Klparla 4:CAa.u. Sally except Saturday Saeke Slier. LT.Lewliton 8:00 a. m. Dally except Friday. Illparla t. Lewiston A. L. CRAIG, Ceneral reasenger Agent,Portland, Or C. W. BTINOEIt, City Ticket Agent, Third and Washington titreets. THE SIGH OF THE BEST OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 3 3 The North Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In fnct nn up-to-dnto train, nnd tho benuty of it all Is tho fnct that it does not cost you nny moro to tinvel on this train ihnn it does on nny other. Try it and your verdict will be, it is tho Crack Train of Them All A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent, 353 Morrison St., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST Tito shortest lino is not always tho quickest-nor is tho quickest line always the shortest. The Burlington Route to the Southeast is both. It is shortor AND quicker than any other lino from the Northwest to Omaha Kan sas City, St. Louis, and EVERYWHERE beyond. Another good thing about it Is this: You don't chanco cars Tho St. Louis Special runs through to Kansas City without change! Only ono chango to Omaha, Denver and St. Louis. Tickets, berths, and information, at offices ot counect lng lines, or trom ""cv.v R. too Third 1IY ItAIIi ANIMVATKH. ASHUOn A RIVER RAILROAD CO. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS 1IETWICKK Portland. Astoria g Seaside Leaves UNION IlKfOT Arrives. ror MnyKcrs, Itnln icr.fJlntskiwilo Hcstport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren. ton, Flarcl, (Icnr. lmrtl'nrlc nnd Bcft tldc. Astoria & Beashore Kxprcss Dally. AstorlA Express Dally. Dally 8:co a.m. Dally. 11:10 n. iik 7:00 p. m. 9:40 p. m C. A. BTEWAKT, J,,?'r,P,A Corara'l Agt.. 218 Alder Ht O. . A I'. A. Telephone Main 900. D KLIGHTFUL ROUTE AYL10HT HIDE 17AY CHAGS EEi CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Sco Nature, in nil her glorious beauty, and then tho acnio of man's handiwork. Tho ilrst is found nlotiK tho linu of tho Denver & Kio Grando Railroad, tho latter at tho St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will bo ono of pleasure mnko the most of it. For information and illustrated literature write W. C. McBRIDE, Oeneral Agent PORTLAND, OREQON "As the Crow Flies" The shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. Paul and Chicago is Y.aU J.I aT.l.lil - hi a aisas tho route of tho fnmouB North western Limited Tho Train for Comfort" Every night in tho ycnr lleforo starting on a trip no matter whero wrlto lor Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. II. L.8IBI.KR. flen'l Agent, 131 Third Htreet, Portland, Oregon. T. W. TKA8DAI.K, Oeneral l'cimer Agent, Ht. l'aul, Minn. Ask the Agent for TICKETS VIA To Spokane, St. Pau , Minneapolis, Duluth, Ch cago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY f Tile Flyer and the Fast Mall jLf Splendid Servico Up-to-dnto Equipment. Courteou Employes Daylight trip ncross tho Cnscndo and. Itocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, folders and full infor mation can on or address H. DICKSON, C. T. A. m Third Strstt. PORTLAND S. Q. YI3RKES. Q. W. F. A- oiz Hrst Avenue, SEATTLE, WASH. W. FOSTER, TICKET Aa&NT. stro.t, PORTLAND bbbbV Ls I I L3aVBBBBBBBBlml bbbbbb . I i Jew nt. -in.i .miwww..,. iwiMMMnM..r..,..lrf)Wr1