IPPPP'P w-v t; 2J.,.r3.. """ ."-"" """ "l"' MMI '"' - figjeaBjud TBCR NBTT AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. : 6- i J : BANKS OF NORTH DAKOTA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BISMARK, NORTH DAKOTA EmlabllmhaU In 1870. Ompllml, $100,000. Inlmramt Paid on Tim Dmpoaltm C. II. LITTLE, President. K. D. KENRRICK, VIco President. B. M. I'VE, Cashier, GENERAL BANKING Red River Valley National Bank PAROO, NORTH DAKOTA. . R. S. LUWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vice Pres'dent. J. V. VON NII2DA, Cashier FRED A IKISH, Assistant Cashier. Capital' and Surplus THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collections nude on all points in North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and told. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. J : BILLINGS, MONTANA, ADVERTISING ! ? North Real Estate Loan & Title Company Established January I, 1892. Financial Agents for Eutcrn unci Local Investors Interest and Principal Collected and Remitted Without Charge. Bolo a irrnt" (or tho mIo of Hurllngton and Northwest Town Lots, the best Inyestment In the elty of Hillings. For sale on easy pajrmonts. OIIIcum OppoMlto ttio BILLINQS WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY i&?eoTSSS Tho Oldost Roal Estato Company In tho State Emtmbllmhmd 1B7B. Onpltml Surpluu, $130,000. Choice Real Estato Loans on Personally Examined Farms on hand at all times for sale. Improved and wild lands In tho Famous Jamos Hirer Valloy District, the bread basket ol ho world, for sale on casjr torms. Ask fur onr Slate Map and Drscrlptlvo Rooklct. References: American Exchange National Hank, New York; Northwestern National B n Minneapolis, Minn.; James Hirer National Hank, Jamestown, N. I). BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT ' Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. V IF lAMroTnuM M n ! I JAIVILOIUVTIl, 11, U. Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS , Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota State License. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA I MISSOULA, MONT. : $ A. Nl. STEVENS & CO. 1 Fruits, Confectionery, Produce & Groceries OUR SPECIALTY, BUTTER AND EGGS Fresh Fruits In Season 222 Hlggins Avenue. Telephone J 14. MISSOULA MONTANA GEO. PRINGLE Manufacturer of and dealer lu Italian and American Marbles, Scotch, Swedish and American Granites.. MONUMENTS. TABLETS AND HEADSTONES A largo assortment of the above always on band or manufactured to order. Designs sent ou application. My facilities for producing and furnishing the limit work In tbo state are uuexoolled. MISSOULA, MONT. Murphy -Greenough Co. Successors to MURPflY&WORDEN. Wholesale and retail dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Missoula Montana Henry Greenhood Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars 29-327..nlggM Aveauo MISSOULA MONTANA J. I . jiki.i,, assi. casnier BUSINESB TRANSACTED. 0180,000 Now Court Houhi MONTANA Minnesota Bakery OTTO ANDERSON, Prop. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERY DAY Strictly Home Baking NO ALUM OR AMONIA USED 2904 Minnesota Ave., Billings, Mont. FARGO, N. D. MARSH & BALL, Livery Snlo and Boarding Heavy Draft and Ft no Driving Horses for Sale, lloarses, Hacks and Carringes Onp. Pontolllco. Telephone Call 137. FARUO, N. D. THOMAS ERDEL IA1POKTI3K AND VIOLUSAI.I!R OP COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES Fargo, - North Dakota JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURER Fampto Trunks and CaROH iniulo to or der. Repairing douo promptly. Old Trunks Tukon in Exchange lt'uv your trunks wlioro they make them anil uuvo your monoy. Telephone 774, 614 I'ront Street. FARGO, N. D. T. E. YERXA PAROO, N. I). Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Oppoalto PS. P. Depot Lidgerwood-Fargo Creamery M. HKNDltY. Mgr. Manufacturers of nnd Dealers in Fancy Butter, Ice Cream, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. Wholisili and Retail Telephono ia8. 718 Front St. FARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. Luger Furniture Co. Largest HouseFum ishirs in thi Wist UNDERTUEIS I EMIALMERS Til. 14! L IM4 Inadway FARGO, N. D. Of t -,..,. ,-... : GREAT FALLS STRAIN 11K08. Largest Houso In Northern Montana. Carry a Full Line of Everything In DRY OOOIW, CLOTHING, SHOES, (illOCKRIKS, CROCKERY and TIN- WAKE. Henri in vour Mall Orders. batlsfaetlon Uuaratitoed. Great Falls, Montana Wit. oi:ouok, . (successor to Goo. Rcrthold) UNDERTAKER A EMBALMER. Open day and night. Telephone M. Graduate of Champion School of Embalming) Licensed from Colorado and Montana. 4V Central Arenuo, Great Falls, Montana W. It. LKAHD, Pres. II. DOIHKIII, 1st VIco Pres. and Bee. W L, JOHNSON, 2nd Vice Pres. and Treu CASCADE STEAAI LAUNDRY, W. II. Leard. Manarcr. Telcphcno 71. 117 First Ato. North Hiiort nrocr worn a specially. Great Falls, Montana Cloths Mnn, Woman, Boy In Modern Up-to-Dato Fashionnblo Clothing at Popular 1'rlcos. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men, anil Women. Q rent Falls, - - Montana. JOHN I). ItYAN, President. I). J. IIENNKSHY, VIco President, JOHN (I. MO HON Y, Cashier. K. J. IIOWMAN, Ain't Cashier. MAHK SKINNER, Ass't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, 1200,000. Deposits, 11,200,000 ASSOCIATE HANKS: Duly Hank it Trust Co., Ilutto. Daly Hunk it Trust Co.. Anaconda. 8. M. MOORE, (Ituforcnco Conrad Hanking Co.) LEWIS ROALHWI0K, Couutjr Commissioner Cascado Co MOORE & R0ALSWICK REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS. Aronts for The Nelson Coal Co., of Band Coule. Onico: Iluumcut of Conrad Bank. Qrcat Falls, Montana E.A.REICHI-.L, Prcsldont. I W. F. URNOIIIIHCH. VIco Prostdent. II. W. URUN WALDT, Sec. it Treaa iTHE AMERICAN BREWING a MHLimu buifirHni Urowers nnd Uottlers of extra quality lager beor. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Ofllco: 109 Control Avonuo. 1'. O. Box 80. Qrent Falls, - Montana. THE BEE HIVE STORE. HIGH CLASS GrocoHos, Crockery, Dry Goods, Tlowaro, Houso Furnishings, Latllos Tailor Mado Suits. FOSTER, JARDINE & CO. Great Falls, Montana CONRAD BANKING COAPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid up Capital Individual Responsibility.. t 100,000 ... 2,000,000 O. CONRAD, President. JAM1.ST.HTANFORD, VIco Pros, and Manager. I'. KELLY, Cashier T B HE MONTANA EWING GO. Brewers and Bottlers of Extra Palo, Bohemian and Export Beer Bottled Boer a Specialty. Great Falls, - - - Montana. Model Bakery CHAS. SCHUMACHER, Prop Fancy Bakery and Confectionery... Bakery Lunch 133 N. Main St, Opp. Post Offlc Helena Montana Blazier's,,. No. 248 Burnside Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREQON Tho Batt ol Wlnw, Liqaori and Cm -,;-'--Hue $ i TWO YEARS IN SOLITUDE. Off tho const of Newfoundland lies a email island known as the Isle of Demons, which holds within Its rocky shores a romance as thrilling and a tragedy as real as any told In fiction. About 1540 Marguerite do Roberval. niece of the French viceroy, fell In lore with a young cavalier and promised him her heart and hand. Her uncle, tho viceroy, considered tho youth un. worthy of his niece's proud position, and angered by her refusal to gtvo up her lover, ho pariscd a sentence of exilo upon both of them. A vessel car ried tho couple to tho Islo of Demons, leaving them there nlone, with an old nurso who had attended the lady Mar gucrlto from her childhood, and who wished to share her exile. At first the banishment did h6t seem so dreadful a thing; tho young man's atrongth stood between his wife and suffering, nnd for two years nil went well. A child wns born, nnd the pa rent began to plan for Uio establish ment of n colony which might thrive in this island home. Then came trou ble, swift and terrible. i Uiscaso smoto tho little family, and tho young wife nnd mother saw her husband, child and faithful nurso nil sicken and dlo. With her own bands sho dug their graves and burled all that was dear to her; and then began a life nlone, a life In which tho mere question of existence beenmo a prob lem hard indeed for a frail womnn to solve lly means of tho gun that had been her husbnnd's, bIio kept herself provided with food nnd with Hklns for her clothing. For two years she lived a Robinson Crusoo life, this gently nurtured, high ly bred girl. Onco n boat filled with Indians came near tho slioro, but tho painted fnocs and flcrco nspect of tho savages frightened her, so thnt sho hid Instead of hailing them. Sho spent weeks of inbor in making n emtio en noo, but her lmnds wcro unskilled, nnd when sho Inunclicd her craft It would only tip over. At last slio was rescued by somo fishermen who ventured on tlio Island, hnlf.frightencd at first by what they thought was an evil appnritlon. Mnrguerlto was sent to France, hut her undo discovered her whereabouts and continued to pcrsccuto her. Sho Hnally found n refuge In n small Fronch village, where sho hid until tho viceroy's death. After thnt sho came Into tho world onco nioro and lived to a good old age. DIVORCE MILL IN CANADA. Publicity of tho 1'rocccdliiKH Ian Ounr- 11 11 tec Aifiilnat Any I'm ml. Tho dlvorco mill does not Rrlnd Its prist bo rapidly or so easily In Canada as It docs In tho United Stntes. There nro no star chamber proceedings wherein tho dotnlls may bo smothered; on tho contrary, from tho first to the last thcro Is absolute publicity of nil tho matters which lead to tho applica tion for divorce. Tho notlco of tho ap plicant must bo published for six months In two newspapers lu tho ter ritory wherein tho defendant resides, which notlco must give tho nnino of tho applicant nnd tho defendant nnd tho ground upon which tho application Is based, and a liko notice must bo printed In tho Canadian olllcial news paper. The matter does not then go to n court, for no Canadian court has tho power to annul a mnrrnlKo tie. It goes to tho Dominion Parliament. Tho Parliament bus a committee known ns tho dlvorco committee, and to this commlttco tho matter Is re ferred, and before Its nine members all the facts In relation to tho case aro brought. This commlttco has no set rules and tho matter of precedent doos not control Its actions. It may admit such ovldeni'e us It sees lit, nnd mny exclude such as, In Its Judgment, ought not to bo admitted. Before tho matter Is referred to tills committee, however, it must undergo a first reading lu the Senate, where tho aliont facts In the en so are set forth. Thou It goes to the comnilttco, nnd from tho commit ten It Is retumsd to tho Sennto. Tho Sennto revlows tho action of the committee., and thnt body passes ou It In committee of tho whole. If tho action of tho committee bo con firmed by tho Senate, tho bill Is then roferred to tho lower houso of Parlia ment, which reviews both notion of tho Senate and tho dlvorco committee. New Orleans Tlmes-Domocrnt. Mlaa liU'liotli'a Apple. ITomoly nnd pretty Is a sketch from tho Washington Post. It will take many peoplo back to tho days of big red apples and little red schoolhouses, A tidy little silver-haired lady lu black was riding toward Georgetown In tho front seat of an open car. A handsome, blooming matron of 35 or so, carrying a basket stuffed with good thtngs from tho market, boarded the car and took a seat directly behind her. The handsome matron studied the back of tho little whlto-halrod lady's head for somo time, and then moved along to get side view of her face, This apparently satisfied her, for she began to fumblo In her basket smiling In n rcmtnlsccutlal way, and finally brought out a fine big red apple, which sho polUhed for half a minute with her silk gloves. Then she leaned for ward and danced tho red apple In front of tho little old lady's eyes. "An apple for you, Miss' 'Lls'botU!" she said, laughingly, The little old white-haired lady turned about with a smile, looked for an Instant at tho features of tho hand somo matron, and then held up her hands and exclaimed; "Well, well, If It Isn't my little Vir ginia!" "Little Virginia" nodded her head up and down delightfully, "And the last time I gave you an apple, Miss 'Lli'beth, was In school in 1877." "So it was!" The old school teacher and little Vir ginia smiled at each other, and three prosperous grluled men who were watching them smiled, too, nnd then fell to talking about tho way time does slip away. Nothing worries some men like the expected troubles that uever bappeu. 'JIIK VICTORIA. A. W, Glutsch. Chas. Clemens. N. E. Corner Pcvonth and Ollsan Streets. Newly Furnished Rooms. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. First class Uar Room In connection. PORTLAND, OREGON, N OROARD A PETTERSON MERCHANT TAILORS. Phono niack 2953. hill Streets. N. W. Cor. 3rd and Yam- ENTRANCE JC3 YAMHILL. O Rock Springs O Lump or Range A Is the Very Best L, House F u e VULGAN GOAL GO. 329 Hurnsldo St. Phono Main 2770 SMITH'S U-RE-KA METAL POLISH Cleans cvorrthlnir iillver. lirn. rnnnrr. nlcLolor nny other metal, wood work, win dows, etc. Used bv cvorvbodv. sold cverv- TOHN GIBBON where Phono Main WX Manufactured only by C. D. SMITH & COMPANY S03 Vator8treot. PORTLAND, OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 760, Oregon Rod ISO! Proscription - Druggists 67 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - - OREGON TIIU COUKT 101 Htulo bt H.VI.KM ORi: TIIH HAMILTON UJ Sixth Ht PORTLAND ORi: MEL.. HAMILTOIN, Leading Brands LIQUORS AND CIGARS Phone, Main 3090 PORTLAND . OREGON The PALMER HOUSE . Formerly the SPALDING Tho most coinploto t'ompnrtmont House In tliuNorthot. Particular attention to 'tour ist and 'Iranclent Custom. Steam Heat, Gas l.luhts, Porcelain llaths. One Mock from Ho tel Porllnml. Oreconlan llulldlnir. Marnuam tlraiul nnd Cordray's Theater. Telophono Main IM.t. Rooms br Day, Week or Month ou bulla or blnglo. mi: a. Larson, rropriclor. 350J6 Alder St. S. L Cor. Park. If you want to be sure your Cream is rich and your Butter the best there is o Order it from o HAZELWOOD Rush orders for train time a specialty. We can deliver on 10 or i5 minutes notice PORTLAND Phone 154 SPOKANE Phone Exchange 12 Something New Calvert's Delicatessen 405 Washington Street HOME COOKIINa Lunches put up for travelers and picnia parties nVGRYTHING UP-TO-DATG aive US A. CALL PORTLAND OREQON M. S. COPELAND Millinery and Suit House Fine and Medium Millinery and Suits at Very Reasonable Prices We Aim to Build Up a Busi ness in Portland and Vicinity by Treating People Right and by Selling at Close Figures Come and Look at Least, Whether You Buy or Not J J 0 J 382 Waahington St PORTLAND OR O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER, FUVORiNG EXTRACTS AtHelureKrtfy, Finesrflavor, Crearast StrtwH,0&5otb!frkei CLQSSET&DEVERS PORTLANO, OMCtiCN. 1 TjURNIflltED ROOMS For rent. Hath, and 9th streets. 388 Everett, between Park MRS. M. KKERLE. FURNISHED RGOMH-87 N. Fifth Btrecl. First class in all of Its departments. Home cooking. Mrs. LoJeune Prop. CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS. Till: CASTLE . , . ,, Ous. Wahlgren, Proprietor. .Pool and Bil liards. Phono North 446. 2Jt Washington St. Portland, Oregon. For a good social time call and see JOHN WOIDA. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay C3. 480 Ollsan St., Portland. Of NEIL O'HARE. Oceanle Exchange, rjliolce Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch. . Cor Russell and Hrcndla 8ts Portland, Or. TOtlN KKI.T.Y General Isuranee Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London: Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. tajf Third St., Columbian llldg. Established In 18M. Thone White II Still Under Same (Management THE COGNISE PHOTO STUDIO. THE TROVERS, Props. Bend In your order for n Group of the Twenty- nerond lllentilal Seralon. Klilreclgo iiiock, cor. Commercial and Chemekcta His., Salom, Ore. G A. WATSON DRUGGIST tS North Third Htrcot FORTLAND OREO ON THE APPLET0N CAFE Bouthwest coruerSlxth and Everett 8ts. PORTLAND OREGON 'HE STEIN 430 WashlnRton street. Mcdlashan, proprietors, own stein. IT. Orlmm and C. II. Come and get your PORTLAND, OREGON. pj IGH GRADF. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SALE On easj payments. Pianos tuned and repaired H. BINBHBIMKR 72 Third Strict Portland Oregon R OY QUACKENDUSH Dumbing and gas fitting. Jobbing Prompt ly attended to. Shop phono Hood 887. Res Fhoneflcott 1CMZ 370 Oak st. bet. 3rd and 4th streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. 'OHRIST SALOON James Trareri, Prop. Best wines, liquors and cigars, l'houo Clay 1912. llM N. Blxth St. TORTLAND, OREGON. "RE8CKNT CAFK Fine wine's, liquors and cigars, ter, proprietor. 220 Crosby street. B. M. Rich Phone Un- PORTLAND, OREGON. RAND CENTRAL BAR I. IIRRNBTEIN FINE WINKS, LIQUORS & CIOARB Everything first-class Telephone, Main I5JS BIN. Third St. PORTLAND OUEQON A LL GARMENTS Intrusted n 1th us are thoroughly Inspected by usbeforo and after washlug. All repairs dona FREE OF CHARGE Buttons Sewed on and Socks Darned OREGON LAUNDRY CO. 30I-S86-S68 East Oak St. Phono East IS PORTLAND OREGON LE ROY HADLEY Successor to MARTIN L. DEALER IN .STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oregon Phone Main 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! I F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger in town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY GO. 106 SIXTH ST. Off. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM Livingston advertising. jjUEt.LK.l'.llOMn BAJBr.lto fmM Whlto and O'her Breads, Pies. Cakes, etc. Also a nice line of confectionery. Bread shipped to all points In the state. Jvlngstou, Montana. ONE OE TUB DEBT BALOONfl IN LIVINO BTON. VM. GRAB0W, Fine brands of all kinds Of loj- . ,J,, Wholesnlo dealer In Jos. BchlUs Brewing- Co Milwaukee Lager Beer, LlTlngston, Montana. UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH AKD SALT MEATS Game and Fish In Season. Livingston, Montana. Employment Agency MALB AND I'UMALB. Osn furnlnh employment to all class of labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loan and Collections. C, 0. KROHNE A rront I 0501111 Office Opposite Postofllce LUIngston, Montana F. B. TOLNURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park views furnished for Tourists durlnp; season. Kodklc Work, Developing, Printing and Mounting. Livingston, Montana. COLD STORAGE MARKET (SXiXf) WM. HRUZA, PROPRIETOR Wholosalo and Kctall Dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATS Private Car Supply a Specially. Lower Main Street. LIVINOSTON, MONTANA. LOWE & ANDERSQH. DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Flno Teas, Coffees and Spices. Complete line of Canned (foods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pottoffice Bleek, Corner Calender and Second Streets. 'Phone 15-B Livingston, Montana. Bozcnian advertising. O0HART4YATE9, Dealer In Fresh and Salt Meat And Poultry. Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and game In season. Boieman, Montana Statement of the Condition of the COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, of Boieman, Montana, At tho Close of Business, Sept. 13, 190a (No. 4K3.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $83,941.56. OFFICERS JOSEPH KOUNTZ, President. E. BROOX MARTIN, Vice Prea. GEORGE crfx. Cashier. L. REESE WELLS, Asst. Caahiat BOH ART 41 YATES. Dealer in I AMD IT MEiTS and Poultry Manufacturere of eansage and Uxd, tux and game in season. Bcxernan, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES J Mala St West, Bowman, Mont. O. m JAOQUEMM. OO. JEWELERS faTerwaro.Bucli iWhff ml& jwturjd to onljK and nsj watjj & Wf. wateh eiaalaan for n.p. tfTT m M BsUa ll-,llittra.iiSllilMl " J l . . . . . - - jAjjjMMMMMMMajM,MMitjjMsJssssj JkUi fc