hm&waztymsasis, M3$MSiiiijmmmtriaKt3JXiiis$ii xA-TM'.ld-. THE "ISfVW AU-E. FORTTjATED, OREGON. -aads OjhivT CluBi BlMtluw tf Q JDSB3 BfrSEcv tlnllBZi'IIB SEiHKr'.iAidHMBHMBIBfMiiIOilW BTi" mWsJssFBWBP HOTEL PORTLAND. tnwr 01,000,000. The Portland H. O. aOWCHS, MMlfw. American Plan, S3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOH TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAl TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon. -. Tremont Hotel RED BLUFF, CALIFORNIA. Flrat Class In Every Particular. Everything entirely now throughout tlio building. Headquarters for Commercial Men. Commodious Sainplo Kooraa. S. E. AlURPHY, Proprietor -. Beet furnished houso in Sou thorn Oregon New Depot Hotel A. H. FKAOIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON A FRIENDLY TIP When In Itosoburg, Oro- gon, go to HOSIER'S Horseshoe Lunch Counter Near tho 8. P. Dopot Telephone BO-B r. o. Doxtsi The Grand Pacific Hotel CHA8. A. 8CHRA0E, Proprietor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and Hlggins Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. Hotel Crellin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated in the most conveni ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. Convenient to All Cars and Trains Cor 10th and Washington Sts. OAKLAND, CAL. SEATTLE'S NEW HOTEL 5 & MWaaaaaaaaaWSaffamWamk hi 3 Tt r7vaaaaaaamBSTi3n . W k O SJ m9imtaaaamammaamm tC PFWaammmawamHamaaaaaaaaaaaaawt -a cu? r 2 WtfflT fa liRfLwMwMiMr sS m o " iIuRiii Im iIsLIHiILHij fi TJ p k - HeImI " I--IiHBHiHI Q.L7- o aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9' THE LINCOUSf The Blackwell Hotel Company Most beautifully and desirably located, a section free from nolso and dust moit convenient to all points of the city and commanding a magulflcent view of Pnget sound. Mount Rainier and the Olympic range. The Lincoln is easily accessible from all steamboat landings, depots and theaters. All cars transfer to thehotol door. It is a new, modern, exquisitely CayMdtnicta.cofltalnmgromB-100with private bathi-iarranged to give its patrons every eomfort, The drawing rooms, lobby. dinin rooma .tut getsUesaea'a eafe are most luxunons, and wul be found especially attractve to ftmrkta and commercial travelers, while the service and cuisine will wtisfir the steutljuraleiM. . . r THETHORNTON V. D. THORNTON, Manlier. BUTTE, MONTANA European Plan, $1.50 Per Day Up The belt appointed hotel in the Northwest. Thoroughly equipped with all tho modern con renlencei. Two-thirds ot the rooms connected with private bath. Two bathi on each floor (or tine ol guests without charge. All roomi well lighted and ventilated. Pollened hardwood Hours with ruea thrntmhnnt. Finest cafe and aervlco In tho city, at modorato prices. Euro. nsan pinn. ai.ou por nay ana up. nocnarg or aample roomi. European Dan. Roomi 60c. to 12.00. Roomi tingle or en lulte, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL 11. C. IIALLIDAY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam .Heat. Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc Cor. Howard St. and Slain Ave. Tol. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. Golden Eagle Hotel T. W. WILSON, Proprietor. Sacramento, California When in Spokane, go t DAVENPORT'S RESTAURANT First Class in Every Respect. The Finest Service that can be had. SPOKANE, WASH Rates J2.60 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, ORLUON HOTEL FLORENCE H. E. CHANEY. Proprietor. Headquarters for Commercial Men MISSOULA, MONTANA. on Madiaon street at Fourth avenue- mKaWik mWHEpm WIS tf& silllui&rM Warn SisMlWghrtrriTBtWv WSfM wKw iNADDLK HOCK" ItEBTAUJt ANT. BUCKMAN & OARRAQIlAR, Proprloton. Flrat Claaa In every reapect. Oysters a specialty 1019 Second Street, Sacramento, Cal. tS$A jrjt. - - i a an i -vr. f (?" The Tacoma W. B. BLACKWELL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. The Colonial Hotel Strictly I'lrat Class. New and Mont Ktegantly 1'urnlshcd Apurtmenla lu the City, Single or En Suite. Steam Heat. Large Walt Closets, Private and Public Batha. Katea by the Day, Week or Mouth. One Block South of 1'oatolBce. A. M. Cadlsn, Propr. V. II. Curtlaa, Mgr. Telephone Main 013 1119 Plrat Ave. cor. Seneca Sit, WASH, Delmonico Restaurant Under Same Management The Alturas House Well Purnlahed and Itverythlng New Dcda jo Centa and Up. Ind. Phone 37 5II Main St. Boise, Idaho HOTEL CECIL SEATTLE, U. S. A. E. P. GAFFNEY, Manager One of the Best Hotels in the Northwest. Large Sample Rooms for Com mercial Men. EUROPEAN PLAN Purnlilied Roomi at anytime at rrainnalite prices. Pine Italian and I'rcncli Keitauraut In Connection, l'hone Ind. X 169). COLUMBUS HOUSE AND ' SALOON Liquors and Cigars Open Day and Night 67 WASHINGTON STREET SEATTLE, WASH. Reduced Freight Rates on HOUSEHOLD GOODS to all Eastern Cities, Saving of 25 to 50 per cent. We transfer Freight, Passengers and Baggage. Pool shipments given prompt and careful attention. We invite correspond ence. The Seattle Transfer Co. SEATTLE, U. S. A. Messengers on All Trains Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER SEATTLE, V. S. A. TUB Quaker Drug Co, SEATTLE, WASH. Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred milefl of Seattle. ( "ring" r.s"si& TV 4 1' I ! M"-H"I" GOOD Short g' tories i .4..t..H I I -K -m At Waterloo, Lord Anglesey wa standing close to the Duko of Welling ton when ho received his wound. Lord Anglesey turned to tho Duke, and said: "By a , I have lost my leg!" "Havo you? By G 1" said the Duke, still gazing at Uie bnttlo. "Farming? I know wlint It Is," de clares Representative Fred Landls, of IndlfUin; "father nnd five of us hoys used to work all tho yenr round to rnlso stuff to feed live horses. Finally two of the horses died, and that en ablcd Charley and myself to got away from tho farm and come to Congress." "Eternity," said tho country ex hortcr, who wanted to mako things clear, "Is forever and forever, and llvo or six everlastings on top of that. Why, hrothors and sisters, after mil lions and billions of centuries had roll ed nwoy In eternity, It would still be a hundred thousand years to breakfast tlmo." The all-night and next-day habits of tho lato Phil May, tho artist, havo fur nished material for many a story. Joo Taplcy, the singer, tells that ho came across May one night, and heard that the latter had not been to bed for four nights and days. Ho remonstrated, nnd May said: "Never mind, Joo, we'll mako a bargain; don't you loso any sleep on my account, and I promlso that as soon as I feel tired Til go to bed!" Rudolph Elckomeycr, Jr., was out In a field, near a hay-stack, with his cam era, when John Kendrlck Bangs hap pened along and asked him, In sur prise, what there was thero worth photographing. "Just you como over hero and look at tho reflection on my ground glass and you will seel" re sponded Elckomeycr, with such artis tic fervor that Bangs ventured over nnd put his head under tho cloth. "Ah, now I seel" sold Mr. Bangs, gravely; "tho hay-stuck Is standing upside down I" Major Lacey, of Iowa, and Senator Alger, of Michigan, are very much allko In appcurunce, and are often mistaken for each other. So striking Is tho resemblance that Speaker Reed made It the subject for ono of his witticisms. It was at tho time that Alger's conduct ns Secretary of War wiiB being Investigated, that Reed, stepping up to tho member from Iowa, and putting his arm over his shoul der, said: "Lucey, you look so much like Secretary Alger that I always think, when I see you, that you ought to bo whitewashed." Professor Phelps, who disliked math ematics, was on co walking with Pro fessor Newton, who began discussing n pr.iblcm so deep that his companion could not follow It He fell Into a brown study, from which ho was aroused by Newton's emphatic asser tion, "and that, you see, gives us xl" "Does It?" asked Mr. Phelps, politely. "Why, doesn't It?" exclaimed the Pro fessor, excitedly, alarmed at tho possi bility of a (law lu his calculations. Quickly his mind ran back nnd detect ed n mistake. "You are right, Mr. Phelps. You arc right!" shouted tho Professor. "It doesn't give us x; It gives us y." And from that tlmo Pro fessor Phelps was looked upon ns a mathematical prodigy, tho 11 rut man who over tripped Newton. FISH ARE SHIPPED ALIVE. Bent to .Market In ua Lively a Con Ultloii as When I'lrat Cuuirht. Fresh llsh from nearly every part of tho world nro obtainable in any of tho lurgcr murkets. In fact, tho demand for dead llsh Is rapidly decreasing, epi cures dcmnndlni; that they bo In the enjoyment, of kooiI health and spirits' almost up to tho niomont they aro dropped into tho frying pan. A novel apparatus for tho carrlngo of live Huh has Just been lnvontod by Dr. N. Von Lorcnz, of Murlenbrun, Aus tria, which Is called the hydroblon. Tho device Is based upon tho Injection of oxygen Into the water, contained lu tanks, during tho transportation. Tho oxygen injector Is placed at tho bot tom of tho transportation tauk, which Is tilled with water and fish. This oxy gen injector Is composed of u steel cylinder containing comprensed oxygon gas. When tho cock, which Is a hori zontal disk provided with apertures, in opened, the oxygen is allowed to escapo through a reduction valve. Tho oxy gen then paHscs through a regulating vulvo attached to tho reduction valve, and thence through a rubber tubo into tho oxygen distributor. This latter U composed of a diaphragm of inorganic mntorlal Btretchcd across a porous cyl Indrlcal tubo, The gas, after coming Into this tubo or distributor, 1h Immediately diffused and bubbles up through tho water con taining tho llsh. Thcso bubbled ascend very slowly toward tho surface and become dissolved therein to an extent thut depends largely upon their ascen sional velocity and the degree of gas eous snturntlon in the water. Tho non utilized excess escapes ut tho surface This solution of oxjkcii in the water, which 1h obtained with a minimum comiumptlon of gas, Is what keeps tho fish alive, und is constantly being re newed as It is consumed by tho latter. The pructlcal manipulation of tho hydroblon Is so sltnplo that It can be Intrusted to any porson of ordlnury In telligence. All that hits to be done by the person In charge Is to turn on the cock and tuko tho apparatus by Its two handles and place It at tho bottom ot the tank containing the fish. It Is, of course, necessary to regulato the device according to the amount of wa ter in the tank and the number of llsh contained therein, and according to the amount of oxygen consumed by the various kinds of fish. Finally, it is necessary also to regulate tho capacity of oxygen according to the time to bo consumed in tho transportation. The Inventor has calculated all such data for most varieties of flsh, which in all likelihood may be transported, so that the person employing the apparatus has only to follow once fo? iall the indications determined by the Inventor. Missoula advertising. mnK QARDENCITY BAKF.RY. HENRY KOSENDOKK, Proprietor. Bread, cakes and pica ot luperlor quality fresh every day. IIS Weit Main street, Missoula, Montana S' COTTY.B PLACE. Fine Wines, Liquors and Clears. Everything First Class. J, A. SCOTT, Proprietor. Missoula, Mont. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. No. 2100) Capital, $150,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 A. I). Hammond, President ....A. O. England, Vlco-Presldcnt .:f J. M. Keith, Cashier -Its A. Eddy T. L. Greonouitn C. II. Mcl.cod DIRECTORS a ....O.O.England t. A. WALKER OEO. W. ALBEK WALKER & ALBEE Livery, Feed and Sale Stables j Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. Caba, bussea and wagons to and from all trains and hotels. Finest cushion tiro turnouts In the city. Hlggins Ave, opp. Kennedy Hotel. MISSOULA, MONTANA THIS HAPPY MAN Ii Ne'er Without a Smile, He Uses Only Our Oarden City Beer, And Lira Beemi Worth the While WAHOEM OITY BREWING DO., Mlmmeulm, Montmnm MISSOULA MERCANTILE COMPANY Missoula Montana. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Wa sell ev erything and everything the very best. Our lino of men's clothing, furnishings, shoes, etc.. embraces such reliable brands as thesot Man hattan Bhtrts, E. & W, Collars, Steln-Bloch and U. S. & M. Suits and Overcoats, Knox Hats, llanan & Bon's and Torrey's Fine Shoes. "We're There With the Goods" Allasjioulu, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minutes. Opp. N. P. Depot. The Cascade Livery BOARDING AND SALE STABLES Special Attention Giveu to Com mercial Men. MARK W. DOTCHim, Propr, Second Avenue So. bet. Fourth and Fifth Sta. Great Falls, Mont. Ceo. It. Drew Kallspell J, D. McDonald Great Falls Drew & McDonald Great Falls, Montana Great Falls Boots ind Shoes Kallspell Genl, Merchandise P. J. Brophy & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND IMPORTERS Largest Stock, Largest Business, Finest Goods, Lowest Prices 28 Main St. BUTTE, MONT. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co. 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals I V STUsUsr sLsssssLliiiitsm. l aaamaaaaaaaaaEf9 T ' ESjBBmb.. a m aaTataMm.' J4am yaaaavawi BsKansSNHsBM&flsrslsVflSjiV WSHSaaauaWm &ttxa&l-,anaaavawE2D3?Ai.i JONES BLOCK, COR. NINTH AND C STS., TACOMA, WASH. Elegantly Furnished Apartments with Bath. Elevator. Steam Heat. Electric Light. Central Location. COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED HOTEL RIDPATH EUROPEAN PLAN JOO Daylight Rooms $J to $3 Per Day Private Balhs Single and In Suites REMODELED AND REFURNISHED First and Stevens Sta. SPOKANE WASH. Hotel Westminster K. O. JOHNSON, Proprietor. American and European Plan. Cornor Main and Fourth Streets, LOS ANGELES, OAL. MURPHY St, BINE The Lunch Counter. Home Cooking. The Beit Meals In the City for the Price. LA GRANDE, OREGON. HOTEL FOLEY I. B. FISHER, Prop. Headquarters for Commercial Men Electric Lights and Steam Heat LA GRANDE, OREGON ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. First-Clara Arrnmnindntlnna nnd l'rompt scrr ice. I.nri;o Sniniilo tjooms lor Commercial Trawlers. Phone 7 Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. The Spokane (European l'lun.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Sam cle Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. THE WASHINQTON-SEAITLE !-! ". "1 TlMflT v 'r' " . yZVVP' """" ' - , Jf veatr,. ,jr . . ' rt8,.f . aS ' ' u : ff S i . Wmjf ' Htifc' (". s-to " JJAiJi. . i - MmmMKmamt ''rimYf'Tr',rMVl'SnFTaWWr '''gBmLl&BafsiiiSEnimanaaaTiWKt !y$MKjUm0tmyrWKwaMer'a rxammmalBmBBRmP'ijXSmTeaWmiem l lrfr i'i 5iEl - - - tl iMmamraWK;!SaMamamaam 3 ;fflw tLlLr4" i maamkam " 'lrl iMfi wXf'1 MTllll JsssssssWtsM aaSmMWEamtaaL KwvjBBHB9KXJlli4f-'7 v y'yxzSZmEaaaaDaaai aXSL aaaKaBTamaDdrw'fmfaawSaafBFaaaaaTaaaaalaTaaaai mmmmawaaamas if KaamaamayBamWaaaaaMmaam THE SCENIC HOTEL OP THE WORLD. This magnificent tourist hotel is Soattlo's most prominent architectural feature boing situated upon tho highest point of land in the down-town district 300 feet above sea level. It is, howovor, easy of access by privato tramway, by regular hotel conveyance, by street car or by carriage. Tito sccnory from Tho Washington is tho most superb to bo found on tho Pacific ceast. Tho appoint ments and furnishings of Tho Washington oro entirely modern and high-cluss; tho culsino and service aro most satisfactory. Tho rates uro exceedingly reasou. ablo for a fashionable Tourist Hotel. Tho Washington is situated in tho midst of six acres of beautiful grounds, which with tho broad drlyoways, green lawns, and a profusion of rosea und car nations, mako tho location an ideal one. Tho sconory from Tho Washington and grounds Is unsurpassed In tho West no othor point in Saattlo giving such a mag nificent view as can bo had from this hotel. President ltoosovelt was charmed with tho econa that mot tho eyo, from tho verandas and grounds of tho hotel, and so expressed himsolf, Thousands of others, in publlo and privato life, havo coma iuiu gonu siiico me opuimiK o tins grunu nosuory. wno nave auueu tlieir tributo to tho many expressions of pleasure and satisfaction dorlved from a glimpse of tl' Putrot Sound country from this vuntaco trround. includlno? na It iIoah lnw 1 mountains, lakes, Souud, harbor and all 1 1 1 nOUDI HOTEL. TH09. CORDI, Proprietor. Itatcs 11.60 and 11.00 por day. Entirely New and Modern Centrally Located, Two Blocks from S. P. depot RKDDINO, CALIFOllNIA. GIF Hotel Green Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL SOMMER A. L. MORRIS, Manager. The Only First-Class Hotel In the City. LA GRANDE OREQON HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Light, in every Room. J1 J J EUREPEAN PLAN, Rooms SOc, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bus and Frco Sainplo Rooms. 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Mosier's Lunch Counter All Trains Stop 30 MINUTES For Meals. Headquarters for trnvolora und railroad men. A. MOSlEIt, Proprietor. ROSEUURO, Oregon THE 0. T. DINING ROOM i:. II. OIKV, Proprietor. All Trains Stop 30 Minutes FOR MEALS. One of tho llneHt place at tho de)xt for meals, Wo always havo chicken supper. Headquarters for the traveling puhllc. Oysters in any stylo. Roseburg, Oregon .: 'urM T,-:o 'w- t riY Seattlo. yrlto for illustrated booktt. rh SiwfWsttn iWWrfssi Is ""rT'salatT" aTsr i 1L1 tm'ii'tssm -sgrfw BMF J m& M